The morning of the rally dawned grey and windy, though it was comfortably cool, and no drizzle was forecast. Aranta and Jako had been pleased with this; mediocre weather usually drew the best numbers for rallies. If the weather was too bad, people stayed away; if the weather was too good, they found other things …
Author: OpenHighHat
Chapter Twenty: Turning up the Heat Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
Five hours later Sorcha finally terminated the connection to the remote meeting with the Deputy Floor Leader and the Interior Committee. It had been a farce but since the Interior Committee approved her budget, but it was a farce she had to take part in and smile through. She had done her best to stay …
Chapter Nineteen: And so it begins Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
There was the familiar distant rumbling that anyone who grew up in a type one civilisation would recognise of a large ship attempting to slow itself for landing. “Still can’t see it…” Manka said sweeping back a lock of soaking wet red hair. Sorcha kept her eyes trained on the sky as the rumbling intensified. …
Chapter Eighteen: Flying at the Hard Deck Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
“For goodness sake Captain can ye’ hold her still for jus’ a second!” CMLT Lorna McIntosh shouted from the weapons seat of Acolyte Two. Ted, for his part was doing his best to ignore his weapons officer. This was no simulation. This was the real thing. They were just under one million miles from Tau …
Chapter Seventeen: There’s work to be done Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
Pesabro sat by the bed of his friend, while his other friend dozed lightly in the chair beside them. He worried. Of course he worried. He shouldn’t have to worry anymore. Neither should Enti. They were citizens, damn it, and even if they hadn’t successfully passed their tests, they were Class One Sentient Beings. That …
Chapter Sixteen: All Change Titan Hybrid by Openhighhat
“Woooooo weeee!” Streaks of red plasma flew past the cockpit of Acolyte Two as Ted put his ship into a barrel roll and made a sharp downwards course change. “Would ye mind no doin’ that while am tryin’ tae get a lock on them ya melter!?” CMLT Lorna McIntosh shouted from the gunner’s position. “What?” …
Chapter Fifteen: Words and Deeds Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
Everyone has regrets. No matter how freely you try to live your life by the time we reach our forties we have accrued a long list of regrets in virtually every aspect of our lives. Whether it be not making a move with the rather attractive person giving us the eye across the room at …
Chapter Fourteen: Recruitment Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
Manka Shirrel sat watching the door of the waiting room patiently. Occasionally her gaze was drawn to the rather fidgety young woman with pink hair and fairly stoic looking young man who also sat in the waiting room. Manka had passed the aptitude tests and the safety exam easily. Now all that was left was …
Chapter Thirteen: Whispers Among Friends Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
“I am quite surprised that you are accepting of this plan, Rep. Smit.” Ammer laughed bitterly. “Accepting is not the word for it, Minister Zimm. I think that this colony idea has about a one-in-four chance of working. Maybe.” “Then why not say so! Why not tell the body that this is a vile and …
Chapter Twelve: The Damage Done Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat
Alesia Nonahsdottir bit on her white knuckle as she watched on helplessly at what was happening to her friend. Alesia was secure in her section of the holosuite, able to watch but not move into the simulation Sorcha was experiencing. Alesia had tried to end it hours ago. Sorcha had been in there for more …