Chapter 8: Ghosts of the Past Tales of Avalon: Training Day by Dann

Kymie listened to the young Avalonian talk in detail about his cabal. He spoke with such passion and excitement, it was hard to find fault in the near-obsessive attention they paid to Zhan and his adventures, or the almost juvenile way they seemed to romanticize it. Zhan had been through the hells and back, he had seen things no one should ever have to see.

Kymie only knew Zhan from a few brief encounters, but what she had heard was far from the exciting myth Zhen was weaving for her. Zhan was abused, starved, abandoned, disillusioned, abducted, humiliated, devoured, and nearly killed. He had come out a hero, but there was most definitely a cost.

Kymie knew other humans like Zhan Illios, and the one thing they all had in common was how little they liked to brag about their adventures.

Dr. Freeman never spoke about Kiri Miropi or Dorok Melaskah, Darren Xanthopolous shut down whenever anyone brought up the Rutger massacre, and Zhan didn’t exactly boast about becoming intimate with the inner workings of a titan’s digestive tract. It was a lot darker, and a lot less romantic, than Zhen and his cabal were willing to admit.

Still, their hearts were in the right place, and that made Kymie smile. In the end, the collection of like-minded young men simply admired Zhan Illios, the Hero of Avalon, and dedicated themselves to living by the five tenets they said he had set before them.

What tenets? Kymie was sure Zhan himself would have a hard time answering that question, but as she listened to Zhen go on, she picked them up somewhere along the line, and believed them to be: respect the Goddess and Her authority, be true to justice and defend the weak, live with dignity, never back down from a challenge, and finally if you should be called to put yourself on the line for a damsel in distress, shoot true and act with bravery.

Kymie giggled, as she wondered how Senator Tarssus would take to being referred to as a damsel.

Kymie signed. As interested as she was in this secret cult and the fascinating complexities of Avalonian culture, listening to Zhen ramble on didn’t get her any closer to finding Dhan. She worried about him. He was prone to panic attacks, and didn’t deal with stress very well. He was intelligent, articulate and civil, but his social skills were lacking, even more so than Dr. Freeman’s! She didn’t blame him, of course; he’d lived a sheltered life, and seemed to shy away from social interaction more than gravitate towards it.

She felt guilty for how concerned she was. Working with Naskia and Niall taught her never to underestimate her human companions. But she thought her concern was legitimate, not simply a titan doing what a titan did best.

“So, this is said to be the very place the great Destroyer was fell by the great alliance between Zhan the Hero, and the Goddess.” Zhen motioned forward, to an archway that lea to a cobblestone path, which circled a beautiful city park. “There is a memorial for the lives lost, and a statue. We call it the Independence <emorial, to commemorate the moment Avalon began its road to independence.

“Trell.”. Kymie spoke softly.

“Pardon?” Zhen asked, confused.

“She wasn’t great, she wasn’t a Destroyer, she wasn’t a supernatural being. Her name was Trell Pria, she was a criminal, she was sick, and she was just a mortal being. A mortal being, with very real mental issues.” Kymie looked down, she spoke with hesitation She was never good at confrontation, but she couldn’t be quiet about this. Trell didn’t deserve to be remembered as anything more than a person, a sick, disgusting, mortal person.

Even that, was giving her more credit than she was worth.

Zhen was quiet, he looked down, and then to Kymie with a sympathetic eye.

“And…she was nothing like the the vast majority of us.” Kymie shuffled her feet.

“Sorry.” Zhen half smiled.

Kymie looked up, she had a worried look on her face, as if she’d offended Zhen. She hadn’t meant to, she just hated hearing such a monster remembered as anything better than what she was. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lecture….”

“No…I get it. I didn’t mean to suggest she was great. I can see how you wouldn’t want to be compared to somebody like her.” Zhen placed his hand on Kymie’s holographic shoulder, he was surprised that it didn’t go right through her. “I know you’re not that kind of titan.”

Kymie smiled, then frowned. “How? I mean, thanks, but you just met me. How do you know I’m not?” Kymie asked, genuinely curious.

Zhen shrugged, and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know. You seem nice. You’re so worried about your friend, I can see it in your eyes, somebody like the des…like Trell…they wouldn’t be concerned about somebody else’s well-being. And…wouldn’t be here trying to help make Avalonean lives better…so…I guess that’s why?” Zhen grinned. “Besides, you’re far too beautiful to be a monster.”

Kymie blushed, she was starting to understand how a human had captured the heart of Naskia Bass so thoroughly now.

“Speaking of my friend…” Kymie said at last.

“Right, let’s see if he’s in the park?” Zhen suggested.

“Actually, I have a way to locate him. But it’s a little complicated.”

Zhen looked interested, and let Kymie go on.

“I have to shut down my holographic interface, and locate him via his tracking chip. I could do that remotely with my pad, but Dhan has that. So I need to use the stationary terminal on Tayas Mons.” Kymie explained, her hands animated as she spoke.

“Tracking chip?” Zhen asked, confused.

Kymie winced. “It’s a long story, can I explain it later?”

“Ok, but I’ll hold you to that. Maybe…face to face?” Zhen asked, hopefully. He’d never met a titan, face to face before. He couldn’t let a chance like this pass him by.

Kymie giggled. “I won’t object to that.” Kymie looked around, then took her new friend by the hand and lead him down the park path, to a more secluded area. “But not here. Not a good idea if anyone sees me up and vanish. That might draw unwanted attention, you know?”

Zhen went along, stopping once Kymie did, once they reached an area with no prying eyes. “So, what happens next?”

Kymie was already fiddling with the wrist watch like device that transmitted her image in human form. She removed it, but kept it clasped in her hand. “Hold this…and whatever you do…don’t let it out of your sight…m’kay?”

“Ok, sure. But what do I do with it once I have it?” Zhen said, as Kymie handed him the device. But to his surprise, as soon as she let go, the titan was gone.


Alex couldn’t help but respect the adventurous blonde, and not only because she was quite the looker. Not that he would ever stray from his Rixie, but there was no harm in browsing once in a while; heck, Rixie would almost be offended if he didn’t.

But it was far more than Nonah’s uncanny good looks that drew Alex’s attention. He was no stranger to the game these two were playing, so he could almost sympathize with the disgruntled-looking titan, whose arms were folded across her chest, as the buxom blond swept in like a thief in the night, side-tracking the interview, and demanding his attention with her boisterous personality.

“You’re supposed to be with Naskia!” Loona proclaimed, knowing very well her words were falling on deaf ears.

“Alex Carey, I’ve heard so much about you!” Nonah went on, after the two shook hands, deciding to forgo pleasantries.  Such an introduction required no formalities after all.

“I wish I could say the same, but judging by what I’ve seen so far, I’m actually surprised I haven’t!” Alex laughed.

“Does she even know you’re here? Why would she let you do this, gorram Nonah you promised this time!” Loona pouted, she hated being ignored.

“Check your messages?” Was all Nonah said, before turning back to the more interesting of the two. “I’ve so much I want to ask you, and Loony was taking too long getting to the important stuff,” Nonah looked up then leaned in and whispered, “She’s smart, but she does tend to get distracted.”

Loona was in the process of checking her messaged, there were about two dozen panicked messages from Naskia Bass, who was likely just as shocked as Loona was to find Nonah not home with her in Tanhouser. “Hey! I heard that!” Loona barked, then shot Nonah a sour look.

Alex held in a laugh, this had the potential to get ugly, he would have to mediate if things continued to go down this road. “Questions? Well, that is what I’m here for, after all?”

“Well, Loony touched upon this, but I wanted to dig into it more, remember when she asked you how you felt overcoming adversity, in establishing yourself as a person?”

Alex nodded.

“My name is Loona…L-ooooo-nnn-aaa!” The angry reporter huffed. “Not Loony!”

“Well, I was particularly interested in how you felt, trying to overcome your friends’ own personal biases against humanity. It’s hard enough when the pressure is put on you from outside sources, but how did you overcome these struggles when the ones who seemed to hinder your progress were the ones closest to you?” Nonah asked, tilting her head just a little. “Loony, can you get this down?” Nonah asked, without looking.

Loona sighed heavily. “You’ve been spending far too much time around Niall, you know that? Part of being a person is having some manners, you know,” Loona grumbled, but oddly enough, took her pad out to make sure it was recording what Alex was about to say…until the penny dropped.

“Just a moment, what do you mean ‘overcome the ones closest too you?!’” Loona protested.

“Shhh, let Alex answer Loona.” Nonah turned to Alex, and smiled sweetly. “Sorry, she can be difficult at times, but she tries.”

“That is a tough one, actually I’m not altogether sure I can answer that. I lucked out with Rixie. I’ve never really ever had to prove to her I was a person. I mean, there was a point at the very start when she made a show about being in charge, and me being a pet, but it lasted about a day, and I don’t think her heart was ever in it. So, no, I didn’t have much to overcome—at least if I’m understanding your question right.”

“Mostly, but haven’t you ever felt yourself…I don’t know…hindered by her limitations?” Nonah asked, with a face as sharp and serious as any reporter he had ever seen.

“Limitations?!” Loona growled.

Nonah rolled her eyes.

“Rixie can be overprotective, and yeah, it can be annoying sometimes, but honestly, no…I can’t say I’ve ever felt held back by Rixie. But…well, I mean, no. She’s been great.” Alex said, with hesitation.

“But what?” Nonah said, reading his face like a book.

“No, it’s not important…really.” Alex shook his head. “It’s just…ok…when I said I don’t feel as if she’s ever held me back, I meant it. But…on occasion, from time to time…I’ve sort of wondered if I was holding her back.” Alex shrugged.

Nonah furrowed her brow, and moistened her lips to speak. “In what way?”

Alex didn’t like talking about this, and wasn’t sure what it had to do with his independence, or his struggle to overcome the social order for that matter. But Nonah was so damn curious, and it was surprisingly hard to say no to her.

“Just…wondered if…having me in her life is holding back her career, or preventing her from finding somebody she can relate to better. I mean, okay If you told me back on Earth I’d end up with someone as strong, as smart, as beautiful as her I’d have told you you’d had enough for the night and cut you off.”

Both Loona and Nonah couldn’t help but smile.

“Actually, it’s because of Rixie I am where I am. She hasn’t held be back, she’s rocketed me forward. No question about it Nonah…I’m lucky to have her.”

Nonah nodded. “T…that answered m…my question.”

“Can I ask why you wanted to know?” Alex asked, unaware his romantic tirade had managed to swoon both women.

“Oh…well, I’m doing research for a book I wanted to write, and when I heard about you, well I figured you would be a good subject to base the main character off.” Nonah said, bashfully.

“Really?” Loona asked, before Alex could ask the same.

Nonah simply nodded.

“I…didn’t know meeting Alex was that important to you Nonah…why didn’t you say something?” Loona asked, he voice softening.

Nonah shrugged. “Would you have listened?” Nonah asked.

“Of course I would have. Nonah, gorram, I know I get exasperated sometimes, but you know you’re my best friend, you’re more than that, you’re like family. If you need something, you know I’d do whatever I can to help.” Loona said, sounding hurt.

“Yeah, I guess…I don’t know…sometimes you’re hard to talk to, ya know?” Nonah said, feeling a little like she had stepped into a time warp, like she was back to the days of standing naked in her owner’s hand, preforming to keep her happy and avoid making anyone upset.

Loona frowned. “I am? I don’t mean to be…”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean you’re not.” Nonah said forcing herself to make eye contact with her friend.

Alex was starting to feel a bit like a third wheel, and wished Rixie was here to rescue him now. But part of him was interested in seeing this conversation take place. Rixie had accepted his personhood almost right off the bat, with very few hiccups. He didn’t have much trouble looking past those days. But it wasn’t like that with Nonah, she clearly had a lot more to overcome.

“Loona, how long was Nonah your pet?” Alex asked, breaking the silence between the two women.

Loona hesitated. “She wasn’t my pet for very long. A month or so. But she was three when I…when I bought her.”

“And I was raised to be a pet, you know,” Nonah added. “I mean, we all were.”

Alex did the math in his head, that was over nineteen years. “That’s a long time to see yourself as a pet. How long have you two been friends?” Alex asked, carefully.

“Well, we’ve always been…” Loona stopped herself, she looked down to Nonah, who wasn’t making eye contact and had shut down. “About half a year.” Loona said weakly.

Alex didn’t have to say anything else, Loona Armac was an intelligent woman, she understood what Alex was implying. Three years a pet next to hardly half a year free, it was remarkable enough Nonah wanted anything to do with her at all.

Then again, did she even have a choice? Had she even given Nonah the option?

“Nonah, look…I’m not angry because you’re a human who didn’t do what I asked, I’m upset because you’re my friend, and you barged into an interview while I was trying to work. If you had really wanted to come, you should have asked. I would have been happy to help you schedule some one on one time with Alex, to ask your own questions.” Loona fumbled with her hand in her lap. “You…don’t need my permission to do things…but I do think it’s only respectful to let me know when you plan to stow away in my briefcase. Human or titan, I mean…well, what if I snuck along when you went to visit Niall? You’d be annoyed with me if I was hiding under a table. That’s all I’m upset about.”

Nonah sighed, and looked up to Loona, who now looked just about a uncomfortable as she had moments ago. “I guess I’m still afraid you’ll say no, or that you’ll lecture me about how difficult I can be when I ask for too many things. Alex is right, I guess…it’s hard to just change a lifetime of conditioning.”

Alex decided that it was better not to add anything. These two had to work it out himself, and if he did what he usually did, and just butted in…well, that would make it tougher. So he tried to act as if he was doing something else. Had he a rag and a counter top, this would be the time to clean his counter and pour somebody another beer.

Nonah and Loona however were locked in a silent visual embrace, neither quite sure what to say next, that is until Loona broke, and quickly looked up. Unbeknownst to the tiny humans on the table, she was trying to hide her approaching tears from them.

“Nonah…I…” Loona started, then took a moment to compose herself, clear her throat, and look to Nonah, if she was going to say this, Nonah deserved to be looked in the eyes. “Nonah, I don’t know that I’ve ever actually said this…but…I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? Why what’d you do? Try to cook supper again?” Nonah winced; she had told the joke because she didn’t know how else to reply.

Loona smiled weakly, but went on. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize you are a person, I’m sorry I ruined even a month of your life by forcing you to be my pet, and I’m sorry I expected you to move past all of this, without taking the time to work through the bumps.” Loona took a deep breath, she was holding it together well. “If I’m going to be an ally, I’m going to have to learn to recognize when I am being more of a hindrance than a help.”

Nonah tried to smile, she wanted to show Loona it was okay, that none of it bothered her, that she was past it all, that she had no hard feelings what so ever, and that they could just go back to being best friends without any more awkward moments. But she couldn’t, it bothered Nonah how right Alex was, she’d only known him for a few moments, but he was so right.

She’d been allowed her freedom so recently in the grand scheme of things, they had all been so wrapped up in Niall’s trial, then her learning to read and write, and then the Avery trial, they’d gone from a master and pet relationship to friends so quickly, they hadn’t stopped to work out any of the bumps. Sure, they had a few awkward conversations, but mostly they just brushed it all aside, expecting it to go away.

Nonah never stopped to think that maybe the reason they seemed get on each other’s nerves, maybe the reason she felt the need to establish herself so much lately, was because she hadn’t been fair to herself. Maybe she wasn’t over everything yet. Maybe she was still upset. And maybe – no, definitely – she had a right to be.

That wasn’t all Loona’s fault. It wasn’t even mostly her fault. But she wasn’t going to get an apology from her breeder or the pet store, and Loona…Loona was a friend. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t also still her owner.

Nonah wiped her eyes and shook her head. “Yeah…um…so I guess…why don’t I let you two finish your interview, then I can ask what I wanted to ask, and we can compare notes later?” Nonah said, he voice low, but trying to get back to some semblance of dignity.

Loona nodded, quickly looking to her data pad, and sifting through a few open applications “Actually, I should message Naskia, maybe you can finish up, and I can after, Alex, what do you think?” Loona said, trying to sound professional.

“Sure, I’m good with whatever.” Alex said, offering up a lopsided smile.


Dhan sat on the uncomfortable bench in his holding cell, as far away from the electric bars as he could. The guard, quite proud of herself, sat at her desk, working away while idly munching on her lunch, one which looked much more appealing than the one that say on the dull looking feed tray in Dhan’s cell.

“I’m not a criminal, I shouldn’t be here.” Dhan said, to the silent guard. His only reply being the clicking away at the keyboard, and the hum of the air purification unit.

“How long are you going to keep me here?” Dhan asked again, though his voice held less venom now.

“You got no ID, you won’t tell us where ya live, and there isn’t anyone to vouch for ya.” The full bodied woman said plainly. “Until the hear back from the courts, you may wanna make yourself at home.”

Dhan felt like surge of panic chewing away at his gut. He wanted to charge the bars again, but this time he wasn’t angry, quite the opposite, he was terrified. “Look, I know I was abrupt before, but I’m telling you the truth. I’m not from around here, I’m here as guest of Pryvani Tarsuss, to help test the new portable holographic interface…I’m an engineer, not a hobo. If you’ll just check my credentials, you’ll see….”

“I’d be happy, if you had credentials to check.” The guard responded predictably.

“They were….”

“Stolen, I remember.” The woman said, with amused doubt.

Dhan sighe and hugged his knees. “How long until you hear from the courts?” Dhan asked softly.

“Well it’s the weekend, and tomorrow is a national no work day…and there is a terribly long backlog, so, anywhere from four days to three weeks?” The guard said with just a hint of satisfaction. She was just a little bit pleased that this one’s rude and vulgar attitude had been taken down a level or two.

“Three weeks!” Dhan shouted, but quickly corrected himself. “Three weeks…what have I done to warrant such a long stay?” Dhan asked in dismay.

“Assaulting a civil servant, resisting arrest, failure to present documentation to an officer, and…am I forgetting anything…maybe…I’ll have to think on it.” The guard peaked over, smiled, than stood.

“W…where you going?” Dhan asked, a the guard gathered in few possessions and headed to the door.

“Away for a bit.” The guard replied.

“C…can you do that? W…what about me?” Dhan looked up, the thought of being here alone didn’t appeal much to him.

“Sure, you’re not going anywhere.” The guard said with a grin, then disappeared through the doors.

Dhan watched her leave, then sighed and hugged his knees. “Now would be a good time to come bail me out Kymie.” Dhan said out loud. He was starting to think titans were not as bad he thought.


  1. Kusanagi says:

    Read this and Hybrid back to back. Fantastic Loona scenes and this one touched on the development of her and Nonah’s relationship makes sense that there would be some bumps in the road.

  2. Realms82 says:

    The whole interaction with Alex, Loona and Nonah…made me smile, well until it got deeper. Then it as just good insight on their dynamic from owner/pet to best friends/family.

  3. sketch says:

    I love getting a closer look at the changing relationship between Nonah and Loona. Alex did draw luckier than most save Peirce for initial set up. I can see others being jealous.

    I wonder how Kymie goes about getting Dhan out of an assult charge, assuming they respect Avalonian leagal sovereignty or that he doesn’t have some sort of diplomatic immunity.

  4. Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

    Hmm, didn’t know the Avalonians owned Dhan, or that Titans ever gave him even a semblance of due process. Pretty sure they are as bad as he thought.

      • Rapscallion says:

        Wasn’t he bred? So he probably did at some point. I don’t know much about Dhan’s history but it seems like at some point it was traumatic if he is so afraid of Titans. Additionally he was a pet before he was owned by Dr. Selil, so he likely spent time in a cage, but I don’t think their concern was no security card or ID.

    • Dann says:

      Well, as I tried to show in this story, that is all about the luck of the draw really.

      Alex, he got off easy, but not as well as Pierce.

      Niall had a rough go of it at first, but ended up turning out ok for him, and others, not so good.

      But Dhan? Well he didn’t have it too bad, at least not as far as my head cannon goes. I wish I had gotten around to the second novel I had wanted to write, it was planned out to center around Dhan and Nonah, and the events that get them to their Wedding, sort of a “Pet to Person” sort of story. In the end, allied with many arguments with OHH about existing cannon, and my own time restraints, I never got around to it, but the long and short of it is, Dhan didn’t have it too bad.

      His fear of Titan’s is likely just a Phobia he is born with, after all is it unreasonable to be terrified of giant beings? I don’t think so. Actually thats the spin I had planned, he didn’t have anything terrible done to him as a child, just had a born fear of the gigantic beings that lorded over him, which imho, is a very logical fear to have. He even argues it’s not a phobia, because phobia’s are illogical, and this is perfectly reasonable.

      But I digress, I think Dhan’s had a much rougher time on Avalon, than he ever had having free run and Izzy like freedom’s over the Tanhauser Engineering and Bio Chemistry department 😉

      • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

        But potentially 3 weeks in an Avalonian holding cell vs born and bred as a pet who didn’t get close to freedom and free run for at least what, 20 Earth years seems like an easy choice on which is worse. A kid born and raised as a slave but then “freed” and becomes successful is much rougher than sitting in prison for 3 weeks with the guarantee of a hearing.

        • Dann says:

          Maybe, but look where you’re coming from? A free human, with privilege, living a relatively normal life(i am making lots of assumptions, but you have Internet access so that right away puts you ahead of most).

          The way he see’s it, he has a good life, comfortable, access to resources, he is even needed and wanted, as is the reason he is on Avalon helping Myona and Shaar with their project.

          Suddenly he visits a foreign land, gets lost, robbed, accosted by a bit fat greasy security guard, and thrown in jail.

          You have to admit, he has reason to be irate. Definitely in comparison to his nice, laid back life at Tanhauser, where he in my minds canon, gets basically left alone to his own devices to tinker with what ever he will, like some sort of Engineering department gnome.

          • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

            No I get that, his current situation is kinda bad and he has a better life than in a prison back home. He wasn’t born into that nice life though. He was bred a pet, bought and owned and I’m guessing didn’t immediately have his value known or appreciated. Betting he lived in a tank for a while, somewhat like Niall did but probably longer than he had to. Now he is being inconvenienced and being in the slammer sucks for a night let alone 3 weeks. But when he was younger his prospects for a good life probably were not good. Hell, here he has the same basics as being owned by a Titan, but with a basic promise that he’ll be released back to his good life in 3 weeks or less. Its hardly worse than “Could be owned and given nothing but food, shelter, and obedience lessons for the rest of my life.” That was what he was before however he learned from watching Selil and became “needed and wanted” beyond a cute distraction and entertainment.

  5. Genguidanos says:

    Oh to be back in happier days … Well not for Dhan, but it is nice to be back in less complicated days … Well not for Loona and Noonah but … Well you know what I mean ….

  6. Dann says:

    Ok sorry it took so long to get this up! Had some uploading issues.

    Again, keep in mind this takes place immediately following the Avalonean civil war, and is not very close to Hybrid Era.

    Thanks to DX for the edit

    • Genguidanos says:

      For a second there I though we had hit the jackpot and you guys had uploaded three chapters in a row.

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