Rixie mopped the sweat from her brow as she entered the bathroom in her apartment after successfully pulling Alex away from his strange game.
“Must be fun to get paid to throw your boss around for a few hours, huh?” Alex quipped with a grin, as he climbed out from under her shirt and up onto her shoulder.
“It has its moments, yes.” Rixie replied, flashing Alex an amused smile. “However, as I mentioned before, I need a bath.”
“Hmm yeah, you are kind of ripe.” Alex joked.
Rixie frowned at the little man. She jerked her shoulder underneath him and he tumbled down her sternum to land in her cleavage. Again.
“Gosh Alex.” Rixie gasped with feigned innocence. “You slipped! Looks like I really am all sweaty, and now… so are you!”
Alex mumbled something from between her breasts, but Rixie couldn’t hear it and didn’t really care anyway.
One of the advantages to working for one of the richest titans in the Empire was that her sense of what constituted “modest” accommodations was… somewhat out of proportion. So Rixie’s quarters were rather large and luxurious, especially compared to everything she’d had in the Service- even as a high ranking officer.
And as for the bathroom…
Well, suffice it to say, there’s definitely something to be said for a bathtub you can practically dive into. With a satisfied sigh, Rixie began to manipulate controls for the multiple faucets, making sure they were set at the perfect temperature. As her bath started to fill she began to remove her clothes.
Alex, of course, was already naked.
Rixie reached down and carefully plucked Alex from her breasts and gently lowered him into the water, where he fell into the deep pool with a small splash. He resurfaced just in time to see Rixie throw him a saucy wink before standing back to her full height and walking to the other end of the tub.
Alex watched, treading water to stay afloat in a bathtub that was as big as a small lake to him, as Rixie walked to the opposite side of the tub. She stretched her body languidly, fully aware of his unwavering gaze locked on her form, and relishing in it.
After she finished stretching, she raised one foot over the edge of the tub, and then slowly lowered it until her silver painted toenails just broke the surface. She wiggled her toes underneath the water, ostensibly to test the temperature. Alex knew this wasn’t what she was actually doing, because of course the water was exactly as hot as she’d wanted it to be.
Nevertheless, he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the glittering appendage. When Rixie was certain she’d gotten his complete attention, she lowered her leg the rest of the way into the tub, followed by her other leg.
For a moment Alex watched her toenails sparkle at the bottom of the bath like sunken treasure. Of course, a splash redirected his attention back upwards, to the rest of the Titan body that was slowly disappearing beneath the surface of the water.
As Rixie stepped into the tub, she held back a wince as the hot water brushed up against the small scrapes and cuts she’d acquired earlier in the holosuite. They hadn’t really been noticeable before, but the hot water made them sting for a moment as she stepped in.
Alex, too, now noticed a lot of the smaller injuries that had been covered by her clothing. There was a scrape on her knee from when she’d been dog-piled onto the ground, and a bruise forming along her jawline, as well as various nicks and cuts along her arms and torso. He also spotted a few bruises from where Pryvani must have gotten a lucky shot. (Or, as was more likely, Rixie had allowed her to get a hit in.)He was sure there were even more that he could not see.
“People are going to think I beat you.” Alex deadpanned.
Rixie rolled her eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to call animal control on you then, won’t I?” She winked and smiled, and Alex couldn’t help but smile in return.
Suddenly Rixie dropped the rest of the way into the tub, sending a tidal wave of displaced water in his direction. Alex knew there was no way he could outswim it, so he took a deep breath and dove beneath the surface just as the wave passed over him.
As it was, he was sent spinning end over end in the water by the turbulence. When he finally managed to right himself, he could see Rixie sitting on the bottom of the tub at the other end, long legs stretched out in front of her, and the tops of her breasts just breaking the surface like a pair of deserted islands.
Alex rose back to the surface of the water, breaking into the air above with a gasp. Once he shook the water out of his eyes, he glanced up to see her smiling mischievously down at him.
“Oops.” She smiled innocently. “Sorry about that.”
Alex rolled his eyes and quickly swam to her body, pulling himself up onto her breasts and lounging on it like his own private island.
“Hey!” Rixie growled in mock anger. “Who said you could climb all over me?”
“I did.” Alex replied smugly. “After all, I’m just a dumb pet and don’t know any better.” As if to emphasize his point, he reached out and slowly ran his hand over her nipple.
Rixie shuddered in pleasure at the touch. “Well, I suppose I can’t fault your reasoning.”
Alex snorted in amusement but decided not to comment, he was far too busy entertaining himself. He carried on for a few minutes before he suddenly felt a pressure on his back the pressed him face first into her nipple. Rixie’s finger had descended on top of him was gently rubbing his whole body into her nipple.
He knew she was using him to pleasure herself, but it felt far too good for him to care. Her damp flesh slid underneath his body and he felt her aroused nipple pressing up against him. She slid him down the side of her breast, briefly splashed in the water flowing through her cleavage and then up the other breast to forcefully fondle the nipple at the other peak.
This continued for several minutes, and to Alex it almost felt like he was the one getting massaged. After a while he even began to doze a little.
Which, unfortunately for him, Rixie happened to notice. Grinning mischievously to herself, Rixie flicked her tiny human companion into the water.
Alex awoke as soon as he hit the water. After a disorienting moment where he flailed around trying to find his bearings, he managed to get himself right-side up and kicked back to the surface.
“Rixie!” He yelled as his head broke through the barrier between air and water. “What the heck was that f-” His sentence cut off abruptly as he happened to notice the look in the playful Titaness’ eyes.
“Hmmm…” She moaned playfully. “Look, a little fishy, just for me… Want to play, fishy?”
“Oh um… Gee…” Alex muttered nervously. “That sounds fun and all but…”
“No…” Rixie purred. “I think you do.” She took a deep breath and ducked under the water.
“Uh oh.” Alex muttered. “That doesn’t sound good at all.” He watched nervously as her lithe form passed silently underneath him. Despite his best efforts, the Jaws theme suddenly started playing in his head.
“Damn it brain.” He growled. Then he realized he’d lost track of where Rixie was. One second she’d been swimming below him, and then she seemed to vanish.
“Hello little fishy.”
Alex whirled around to find himself literally face to face with a sopping wet Rixie, who had risen out of the water up to her chin. Water ran in rivulets down her forehead and off of her braids.
“Geez Rixie… How does someone as big as you move that silently?! It’s creepy!”
Rixie ignored the question, and smiled; her big plush lips mere inches from where Alex floated. “You look tasty, little fishy…” Her long tongue snaked out from between her lips and slid along Alex’s torso.
“Hey wait a sec- ack!” Alex grimaced as the sticky wet muscle lapped at his face. He honestly couldn’t decide if it was disgusting or arousing.
The tongue retracted and Rixie smacked her lips, as if considering his flavor. “Hmm. I’m not sure. Maybe I need another taste, just to be certain.”
The massive mouth in front of him split into a grin, and then her jaws opened wide as if to engulf him.
Alex’s eyes opened in shock. “Oh, hell no.” He turned and swam in the opposite direction as fast as he possibly could.
Rixie smirked and stayed where she was, so she could give him a head start. The ending to their game was a foregone conclusion, after all, but there was no reason she couldn’t make it sporting anyway. When she felt she’d been as fair as she could, she let out a slightly evil little chuckle and vanished beneath the surface of the water again.
Alex swam as hard as he could to put as much distance between himself and the playful, if slightly insane, Titaness. He didn’t entirely know what she had in mind, but he could reasonably assume it didn’t involve a lovely nap in her cleavage.
At least not right away.
And again, his stupid brain decided to play the Jaws theme in the back of his mind. He glanced down frantically when he heard her slip underwater. Far, far below he saw her graceful form effortlessly cut through the water, covering the same amount of distance he had in a mere fraction of the time.
Not that he’d had any illusions of escaping her anyway.
He blinked and realized her shadowy form was getting closer; she was starting to rise out of the water. With a groan he redoubled his efforts, fully aware of how futile it was. Another glance down, their eyes met, there was an amused sparkle in those big green orbs. He watched as those plush red lips opened underneath him.
“Well, crap.” Alex sighed and prepared to see that brilliant smile of hers from behind. He closed his eyes tightly.
Suddenly he felt himself rising in the air. Beneath his body he felt a wet, bumpy, mass. He cautiously opened his eyes to find himself sitting on what looked like a pile of black wet ropes. Braided hair. He was on top of her head.
She’d missed.
“Alex?” Rixie called out, looking around her in surprise. Alex quickly gripped one of the braids, to keep himself from flying off. “Where did you go?”
Alex stayed silent. Not so much because he didn’t want to be found, but it was hard to talk when he was too busy concentrating on not flying across the room every time Rixie moved her head.
“Seriously Alex.” Rixie was starting to sound a little concerned. “This isn’t funny! Are you okay?”
The little human was just about to answer when the world underneath him tipped downwards as Rixie bent her head to check the water around her thighs.
Alex slid down the vine-like braid and found himself swinging directly in front of one of Rixie’s pale green eyes. The huge black pupil dilated as she tried to focus in on him.
“Oh, there’s my little toy.” Now that she knew he was okay, the playful tone was back. “Nice try little fishy, but you can’t escape from me forever.” Large fingers gripped the braid above where he was hanging on to it and gently shook it from side to side in an effort to dislodge him.
Between the wetness on his hands and the fact that Rixie’s hair was too soft to grip very well, Alex soon found himself sliding down the braid and towards Rixie’s waiting tongue.
He bounced off her nose and waited to be slurped into her mouth, but at the last second the giggling Titaness retracted her tongue. Alex slid over her lips, off her chin and plummeted onto her waiting bosom.
Before he could ask her what she was doing, Rixie fell backwards into the tub and left him floating in the water again.
He broke the surface of the water and shook his head to clear it, completely disoriented by the sudden fall.
When he was able to see properly, he turned around and found himself looking directly down Rixie’s throat.

“…Oh shit.” He tried swimming away, but a massive slurping sound informed him that there wasn’t much hope of that. Even as he tried to move forward, the relentless pull of Rixie’s maw forced him further and back until he felt himself sliding between her lips and being deposited in a small pool of water atop her tongue.
His entire world tilted back and a shaft of light illuminated his surroundings. Rixie had opened her jaws so that he could get a good look at his surroundings.
A perfect semicircle of brilliant white teeth, each roughly the size of his head surrounded him and a second rested above where he sat. He was surrounded by pink flesh on all sides and his toes just barely grazed the pulsating pink tongue underneath him as he floated in the little pool of water Rixie had left in her mouth.
Hesitatingly, Alex turned around to face the entrance to her throat. It was a black abyss that led further into her body, guarded by a tonsil on both sides, and a uvula hanging above him like the Sword of Damocles. It was more than capable of swallowing him whole. (Alex knew this from experience that was thankfully second hand.)
He shivered, more from awe than fear. He didn’t have much of a chance to contemplate it further, because in a blink he found himself incased in darkness once more.
Then all Hell broke loose. He found himself trapped in a whirlpool of agitated water as Rixie swished the mouthful of liquid (and one human) around in her mouth. He knew she was being gentle though, because he wasn’t being brained against her teeth.
After about thirty seconds, everything became calm and her mouth opened again. “Rixie…!” He yelled, but was cut off again as the lights went out and everything became a chaotic maelstrom again.
Another half a minute or so and the agitation stopped again. This time, when Rixie opened her mouth, Alex did waste any time. “Damn it, Rixie!”
A pair of fingers appeared and plucked him from Rixie’s maw and he found himself looking at her face, the mouth that had once entrapped him twisted into a frown of concern.
She spat the mouthful of water back into the tub, then turned back to address him.
“Are you okay Alex?” She asked with genuine concern in her voice. “I didn’t mean to upset you or anything.”
Alex shook his head and smiled. “No, I’m fine. Just needed a breather, I guess.”
Rixie smiled, obviously relieved. “Good.”
Then she popped him back into her mouth with a slurp of her lips.
Alex found himself sprawled across her soft tongue, slightly disoriented again from suddenly being sucked into her maw.
A massive sucking force gripped him and gallons of water suddenly poured through a small gap in her lips. Rixie was slurping up another mouth full of water. Suddenly her tongue reared up and he found himself lying face down along its length. The moist muscle undulated slightly underneath him and Alex was forced to admit, at least to himself, that it felt pretty good.
“This is by far the weirdest blowjob I’ve ever gotten.” He muttered to himself. “But I’m not complaining.”
Her tongue rose again and pressed him tightly against the roof of her mouth. He could hear her mouthful of water sloshing below him, but he was being held above it.
A thunderous giggle echoed around him and a sudden change in pressure gripped him. He felt his ears pop and the only thing he heard was a series of massive gulps.
When he was able to open his eyes again, he saw that the mouthful of water had disappeared down her throat, but he’d been spared a similar fate by being pressed between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.
He laughed, slightly giddy at the casual display of her power, and waited for her to release him from where she kept him pinned.
Only… she didn’t. He remained pinned between her palate and her playful tongue.
“Um, Rixie?” He called out. “Any time now.” The only response was another giggle bubbling up from the throat behind him.
“Oh really? That’s how we’re playing it?” Alex’s eyes narrowed, although it was too dark to see much anyway. He managed to squirm enough to get his hands free. He pressed the tips of his fingers against the roof of her mouth and began to very gently stroke the hard, saliva coated flesh.
Outside, Rixie’s eyes widened at the ticklish sensation from inside her mouth. Her lips twitched as she fought to hold back the reflex. There was no possible way she was letting Alex win.
He was relentless and the strange sensation built along her gums. She cleared her throat instinctively and swallowed the buildup of saliva. Still, the little human kept at it. It was maddening and her fingers twitched as she forced herself not to reach in and remove the source of the irritation.
Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure built to the point where her eye was twitching and she was practically vibrating. With a frustrated growl she spat Alex into the palm of her hand.
“You jerk! Do you realize how maddeningly annoying that was?!” she swiped the drool on her chin away with the back of her hand
“Yes.” Alex smirked and wiped saliva from his face. “That is precisely why I did it.”
“Yeah well…” Rixie pouted. “It was cheating.”
“Cheating?” Alex rolled his eyes. “Look at me; I’m covered in your saliva.”
“Oh, well.” Rixie smiled. “That’s easy to take care of.”
She dunked him under the water.