“Steady men, steady…” Lokagos Numenapolos said to her platoon. “Fire on my order.”
She lowered her radio and looked out from the rooftop down to the street below. There were two columns advancing either side of their building and behind it was hiding an injured Titan. She had hoped not to reveal her platoon’s location until the last minute, but this was now that minute.
“First and third squads target the left hand column. Second and fourth target the right.” She spoke into her radio.
A chorus of affirmatives greeted her.
They were almost there. And there’d only be one shot at this.
Just a dozen or so metres more.
A series of pops emanated from the rooftops of the buildings around her and from the two teams in front of her and the barrels sailed silently through the air and then detonated over their targets.
An ungodly squealing filled the air, like a thousand screaming gales in the night. Liquid fire rained downed the Insectoid soldiers. The rain didn’t extinguish it, just made it flow more. It clung to their exoskeletons, burning at two thousand degrees and kept going long after the Insectoid soldiers had fallen dead to the ground, cooked inside their own exoskeletons.
“Damned if that wasn’t beautiful!” Lokagos Numenapolos said over the radio.
Secretary Xanthopolous had the idea almost a century ago for the Jacks to make use of napalm. Back then it was just rubber and oil mixed together. But a century later it was potent cocktail of specially manufactured chemicals designed to render armoured individuals, whether they happen to be Titan or Insectoid, incapacitated in seconds. And it worked like a charm.
“You’re safe. You can come out now!” the lokagos called to the Titan at the base of her building.
Joseph dared peek out from his hiding spot. All he saw were flaming Insectoid carcasses. He stood and looked up to the Human woman looking down at him.
“Sorry, if I’d known you were having a barbecue I would have brought drinks.” Joseph said.
“You’re welcome.” Numenapolos replied. “Now get out of here. We need to rearm and reposition. And you need to get that shoulder seen to.”
Joseph grimaced and rubbed his shoulder with his good arm. “Yeah, not a bad idea. Thanks for saving my ass.”
“Don’t mention it. Now go!” the Lokagos ordered.
“Aye ma’am.” Joseph said, picked up his club and hobbled off back towards the defensive line.
“Alright men, pack up and move out. We’re going to move half a click east and setup again.”
The team did as they had drilled and re-drilled many times before. In under five minutes the battalion was assembled at the base of the building and ready to move.
“Lokagos, are you seeing that?” an Ilklokagos said and pointed to one of the Insectoids.
Its limbs were almost entirely burned away but at their base was embedded technology. Technology that every Jack was taught within the first week to identify.
“I am seeing that Ilklokagos. I am seeing that indeed.” Numenapolos picked up her radio. “Command this Numenapolos, Insectoid soldiers engaged. We have determined they have embedded anti-grav devices at the base of their limbs. Fire for effect. Rebasing, Numenapolos out.”
It wasn’t enough.
Even with Gama Fleet at full strength it wouldn’t have been enough. Two fleets probably still wouldn’t be enough for what he was about to face.
Navarchos Bass studied the after action reports, logs and sparse video footage of the battle of Sperikos. He’d done this before, as had every officer in the fleet. Sperikos and Insectoid fleet composition and tactics were required courses for all cadets. They would swarm him with thousands of fast moving fighter craft. Each of those ships was unshielded and lightly armed but the sheer numbers would overwhelm even the mightiest of ships.
Like a vashana succumbing to a swarm of hazarflies.
“Lemmer,” Aerti said turning to his second in command on the auxiliary screen. “When we arrive have the fleet form up into a tight sphere, the Xifos and capital ships in the centre. We’ll have to cover each other.”
“Aye sir.” Lemm Tam replied.
“We’ll need to keep our shields as finely tuned and as low spread as possible. We’re not going to be going toe to toe with cap-ships here.”
“Agreed sir. I’ve ordered all pilots to their ships across the fleet.” Lemm replied.
“Let’s hope we don’t need them.” Aerti said and sighed. “I also want every PDC trooper we can fit into our dropships ready to go the second the order is given.”
“Are we authorised to engage sir?” Lemm asked knowing the answer already.
“There’s nothing that prevents us from landing troops on a world claimed by the Empire, Seminavarchos.” Bass responded.
“I concur Navarchos.” Lemm responded with what most would call a stoney face but Aertimus could see the wry smile she hid behind it.
“Very good,” he said. “Time to Tau Ceti?”
“Just under one hour.”
“Any luck establishing contact?” Bass asked.
“No response from Tau Ceti redoubt or from the Dodecahedron?”
“Alright,” Aerti sighed and ran his hand through what felt like ever greying hair. “Keep trying. Report back in ten minutes.”
“Aye sir.” Lemm replied and the screen went black.
Aertimus got up, straightened his uniform and walked down from the rear of the bridge into the maelstrom of organised chaos.
“Captain Gwenn,” Bass spoke and the focus mmeditely turned to him. “What is the fighter, dropship and troop compliment on the Gyfjon?”
“Standard compliment is six fighters, three dropships and sixty assault troops.” Captain Gwenn replied. “But right now we’re loaded with a lot of Titan Station personnel so we’re actually double that number.”
“Excellent. Get everything you have prepped for launch.” Bass ordered.
“Sir,” Gwenn responded. “Commander Ibanez, have all ships loaded, armed and prepped for launch.”
“On it.” Izzy replied.
“Sir,” Centurium ColVanos said striding towards Bass. “Request permission to join the Planetary Defense Corps troops and to take command of the ground defense.”
“Denied Centurium.” Bass said bluntly.
“With all due respect sir, I’m the senior PDC officer in this fleet. If you think because I’m heir to the throne that I’m going to hide up here…” Antero said.
“I cannot risk the heir to the throne, Centurium!” Bass replied.
Centurium ColVanos stared his commanding officer in the eye. “Either throw me in the brig or let me on a damned dropship. That’s the only way you’re going to stop me Navarchos.”
Aertimus sighed. He didn’t have time to fight two battles. “Captain Gwenn, please note in the ship’s log that Centurium Colvanos has overruled my order for him to remain aboard. He will be leading the ground defense.”
“Aye sir.”
Antero was visibly relieved. “Thank you Aerti.”
“Just do me a favour and come back in one piece? I’d like to not explain to your father why I let you lead the charge against my better judgement. That being said, if it comes to it, send as many of those bugs as you can to Hadia.”
Centurium ColVanos saluted and Bass returned it and got back to his duties.
Antero rushed to the lift from the bridge. But before he boarded he had one last thing to do.
“Madam Deputy Floor Leader, a moment?” He said.
Loona nervously looked to Niall who nodded and she walked over.
“Centurium ColVanos, what can I do for you?” She asked.
“I’m leading the ground attack on Tau Ceti.” Antero said.
Loona’s brow furrowed. “Are you sure that’s wise?”
“No, but it’s where I should be.” He replied. “If it comes down to it, standing orders are we turn around and wait for reinforcements.”
“I know…”
“I can overrule that. And so can you if you choose.” Antero said.
“I…I think military decisions are best left to those with experience in these matters, Centurium.” Loona replied.
Antero smiled and scratched the back of his neck. “Madam Deputy Floor Leader, I’ve watched you with interest since the moment you were elected to lead the Minority. I know my father has watched you long before that. If you are the woman he thinks you are, if you are the woman that I think you are…lead when you are called upon to lead. And make the right choice.”
Loona nodded and clasped his wrist despite feeling like she wanted to throw up for the fiftieth time today.
“Good hunting Centurium.” She said.
“Be safe Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” He said and turned to leave.
Loona’s mind whirled. It was on her now. The decision to lead this fleet into a fight it couldn’t win and the Empire into a war that could end it.
“Hold still!” Sorcha demanded and gripped Joseph’s good shoulder tightly.
Joseph did his best to stop wriggling but even with pain meds from a first aid kit it hurt when the gauze was applied. He knew it’d be better in a minute or two. This wasn’t his first burn.
“That should do it…” Sorcha said and got up. And not a moment too soon.
All around them the battle raged. Thousands of Humans poured out of the city, now fleeing into the woods in open panic. Ships, Human and Insectoid roared over head and the sounds of explosions, screaming and laser fire echoed through the buildings of the city. They were getting closer. Dozens of Insectoid ships had landed and hundreds of troops roamed the city. They had pushed the defenders back until now they were only a few streets from the crowd of Humans fleeing from the city.
And that crowd was thinning. Some were running in blind panic through the streets, others were hiding in basements. The latter being a safer option for the moment but there was no telling how long that would last.
“Time to get back…”
Both their heads quickly turned to the sound of screaming from nearby.
“Stay here.” Joseph ordered. “Hold the line.”He said and ran as fast as he could down the road.
“Get them off me! Get them off me!” Joran screamed in blind panic.
He was kicking and thrashing wildly, covered in blood and Insectoid soldiers. Joseph grabbed the first one he could and ripped its head off and threw himself at the others. They responded by firing. Joseph jumped at them, landing on top of a squad of soldiers who bit and clawed at him. He grabbed at each one, smashing them into the ground or the buildings around hom until they moved no more. His skin stung, sliced by razor sharp claws and cut by mandibles.
But he was in a better way than Joran. The man lay dead. Most of the skin has been torn from his face and blood filled his eye sockets. The Insectoids clearly weren’t willing to wait until the planet was conquered for a meal.
Joseph heard the now familiar sound of Insectoid feet clattering along the city’s roads. It was coming from everywhere. All around him. He looked down the street, towards the refugees. The only thing between them and the Insectoids was him and some of the local police force. And they weren’t going to offer any protection. They were practically refugees themselves. Human men and women who had shown discipline and courage and had been trained to police their own.
They weren’t meant for this.
He had to protect them.
Joseph waited for the Insectoid troops to pass him. They ran towards the fleeing humans on both sides of road. And then he struck.
The hybrid man of Titan scale and Human strength leapt from behind the building and swung his club with all the force he could summon. The creature it landed upon immediately crumpled and exploded into goo. Before they could react Joseph swung again, sweeping away several more on his left. But now he had his back to the enemy on his right.
They jumped on him and sunk in their mandibles, ripping flesh from his back. Joseph hollered in pain and flung himself into an apartment building, dislodging his attackers and collapsing the building in process. But they kept coming. Each one he would grab and throw away would be replaced in a second with another and another another. He stomped and swung and kicked; lashing out with all the strength he had.
This was his last stand. He’d either win or he would die.
The radar was still almost completely red. Though now it mostly fighter craft. The Insectoid dropships were either burning hulks or successfully on the ground.
“Eight! Bugs in the open, north flank. Don’t let them approach.” Ted ordered and put his ship into a barrel roll and turned hard to the left
“On it!” Came the response.
And then he spotted the chilling sight of a Titan man drowning in a sea of bugs. Only for a second, he weaved left and right as Insectoid cannon fire shot past his ship.
“Four! Titan in trouble half a click from the edge of the city! Help him out!” Ted ordered and went into a steep climb.
There was no response.
“Sir…Acolyte four is gone sir…it was there a moment ago…” CMLT McIntosh said.
“Shit!” Ted yelled and refocused himself. He couldn’t afford to lose ships. And he couldn’t afford to lose focus. He had to focus if Acolyte One was to make it.
He flung the ship round in a tight as circle as he could and Lorna immediately fired catching their pursuer in the cockpit. Ted didn’t wait around to check the kill but instead dived towards the ground.
“Lorna, we’re going to help that Titan.” Ted said.
“On it boss!” she replied.
“Weapons on low power mode. Should give you plenty of kill shots to the troops on the ground.” CMLT Ibori said.
“Ah tell ya Yemi, if you were a straight man…”
“Please Lorna I need to focus!” He pleaded.
“Got ya bastards…” Lorna said focusing on her targets.
And she fired. Making minute adjustments between each shot, she fired and fired again and again.
Joseph was just flailing wildy now. He couldn’t even feel where they were. They were everywhere. He got one and flung it over his shoulder and stomped on it and reached and swung and punched and then there was nothing but air. He carried on grasping, his body hurt so much. There was blood running down his face. He wiped it away and stopped.
The bugs were dead, their torsos covered with burning holes.
Joseph looked up and thanked whichever Human it was had saved his life. He allowed himself a moment to breathe, to try to regain some strength. He was bleeding badly but he’d live for now. But moving, moving was a different story. He was in agony. He slowly took and step forward, cringing as he did. His body telling him that he had to stop. But he ignored it. It wasn’t safe here. He needed help. He needed aid.
He needed Sorcha.
“You heard the lady!” A jack commander said to his troops. “Move out!”
They couldn’t hold much longer. They would be overrun in a matter of minutes if it kept up like this. Joran and Joseph were missing. As were Myrell and Manka. She knew three of her colleagues were dead. Only four remained here with her. She’d ordered the jacks to hold the last line of buildings at all costs. They weren’t going to be able to save everybody. She knew that now. That wasn’t the goal anymore. But she’d save as many as she could.
“Ma’am!” An Avalonian officer called from the nearby rooftop. “Scouts report two Titans down up by kappa post. One moving, one not.”
Sorcha nodded and grabbed her kit and rushed to where she had seen Joseph heading. Her face was the picture of stone but her mind and her heart whirled. She pleaded subconsciously to any force that was listen for Joseph to still be moving. Her heart near jumped into her mouth when he stumbled around the corner.
He collapsed into her arms and she caught him and carefully laid him on the ground.
“Sorcha…Joran’s dead.” He said quietly.
Sorcha nodded and started to scan him, trying to hide her concern. He had a few serious wounds. Tendons and muscles ripped and an artery in his neck was barely holding itself together. She could keep him alive. For now anyway.
“It’s ok…I can fix this.” She said and started to apply lattice gel to the wound on his neck. That came first.
And then there was another sickening scream. It came from the very edge of the city. Where the refugees were fleeing to. Her eyes locked with Joseph’s
“Go.” He said and took the first aid kit. “I can take care of myself.”
She bit her bottom lip nervously and grabbed her club and hoped that wasn’t the last time she would see him.
Mawley watched in horror as the last Titan between his squad and the giant insect soldiers fell, screaming to the ground. He’d taken multiple laser hits to the chest but was still conscious. The bugs didn’t waste shots on a target that was already weakened. Instead they rushed him. Crawled over him and tore the flesh straight from the wailing man’s bones long after he had ceased to live.
All Mawley could think of was that he shouldn’t be here. He was halfway between three and four. By this point he should have been in the home of a nice Titan family being cared for in safety. He’d always wanted to be sold to a pretty young woman. That’s what he’d wanted. Until he was told he was free. And told what it meant. He’d seized the opportunity he’d be given to start his own life. To choose how he lived and what he did. He’d helped the others around him. The ones that had struggled.
It was one dark night when he’d broken up a fight between some people in his building that he’d been asked if he’d like to help keep people safe. If he would like to be a police officer. And Mawley could not have thought of a better calling. Spending his days making sure the vulnerable were protected and order was maintained filled him with pride. He had never looked back at his old life.
Until now. There was nothing he wanted more to go back to his old life where his biggest worry was who would buy him.
There had been almost one hundred men and women of the city’s police standing at the junction where he stood. They were peeling away now, running for their lives. Mawley knew they wouldn’t get far. There were too many people ahead and the bugs moved too fast.
“Steady! Stand your ground!” He shouted at the top of his lungs.
Some listened.
“It’s just us now! Let’s show these bugs that we are not food! We are not pets! We are free people!” He shouted and unleashed with the rifle he’d been given.
Dozen more fired around him. The first bug charging towards him fell.
The second scrambled over the top of the first and got a little closer before it too fell. But the third, the third made it. The woman to his left was cut clean in two by the jaws of the gigantic insect. She screamed for a moment before being swallowed. He kept firing.
All around him men and women were either swallowed whole, or in two. He roared at the top of his lungs and pulled the trigger even after his rifle ran out of ammo. And then mandables seized him around the torso. He tried to struggle but it was useless. All he could do was scream as he was fed into the attacking bug’s maw. In his last moment he hoped his death would buy time for one or two more people to escape. He hoped he wouldn’t die in vain.
And there I was thinking the humans were basically defenceless. It’s nice to see they can at least hurt their attackers… Even if it is forlorn.
Thanks for an exciting chapter!
Bruh this is the most metal shit I’ve read in a while
Cheers matey. I didn’t want to hold back on just how brutal fighting Insectoids could be.
You have succeeded.
So far the Avalonian soldiers are doing well. Nice idea with the silent napalm bombs.
“I am seeing that Ilklokagos. I am seeing that indeed.” Numenapolos picked up her radio. “Command this Numenapolos, Insectoid soldiers engaged. We have determined they have embedded anti-grav devices at the base of their limbs. Fire for effect. Rebasing, Numenapolos out.”
I suspect the Jacks have a strategy for either disabling or better yet reversing the Bug antigrav. On Avalon, Earth, or Tau Ceti e, that can bring a quick halt to any ground based attack but it may involve some sort of area wide EMP like device that could disable friendlies as well including non-hybrid titans.
I was thinking that they would focus fire on that spot to blow them up. It would avoid the problem you described.
Good move by Aerti to drop soldiers on ground. Who gonna verify who shoot first !?
Still no news from Alesia: it doesn’t look good!
Who gonna verify who shoot first !?
If Star Wars is any indication, we’ll never hear the end of this.
Poor Mawley. It’s these little bits that really stand out for me. Just another story that we got too short a look at before it was ended all too soon.
I thought Mawley was death. But he isn’t yet if he can still think. Only one chance, he can be saved by Sorcha or Jacks. It’s better if he survives so he can tell what happened. But it indeed looks like the end. Wonder how the Insectoid digestive system works. If you can survive long in there, you can shoot and knife at things.
Poor Titans too in this case. They suffered a lot.
Absolutely brutal chapter, well done. Hopefully Gamma fleet gets their soon running out of defenders.
At this point it’s only the hybrids left, down at least one fighter, and now the regular police forces are falling. We are fast running out of people to defend T-Cet. If reinforcements don’t arrive this second, they’re going to start running out of people of T-Cet to be defended.
Joseph beast mode activated, holy hell.
By the way, this action is really great and really horrifying. I’m not an insect guy and I hated that scene from that godawful Kong movie and this is reminding me of that. Very effective, makes it hard to read lol!
I can’t imagine 11 Acolytes can hold out for nearly an hour more. Maybe the people in the caves can but not the Acolytes.
Grab dampners…? Sooo get the Titans out of the city( sans the psycho) and emp the fuckers!
EMPs are actually not as effective as movies and games make them out to be. Fries unshielded stuff, but most military tech is plenty shielded these days. So I imagine advanced alien species have that covered as well.
Didn’t the archavians talk about having emps specifically designed to damage grav dampeners?
Napalm – Raid … close enough
Lots of carnage and death in the chapter. I hope Joseph’s valor will be recognized… Still waiting for the soon-to-be epic ‘famous final scene’ between Myrell and Sorcha..Actually I would like to see Myrell captured and put on trial for her crimes..See who is cooperating with her..Then fry her…literally…..(Frak Rura Penthe waste of space putting her there)
There will be plenty of blame to go around for this..I predict humble pie will be served in mass quantities to the architects of this situation..But right now ya gotta deal with the bugs
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning”
5$ says the prince dude is gonna die, and I bet Myrell is going to use Lessy to draw out Sorcha.
Bruh for real just get some portable hardlight tech and go Boba Fett from SW Battle Front on these goons and the day is won homie, he has a fraking (yes I used it) flame-thrower, jet-pack with a missile launcher, blasters, and badass armor… problem solved.
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning”
It was the Bugs who had their own NAPALM in Starship Troopers. Those scenes come to mind here.
Considering hardlight tech is literally just the Green Lantern’s ring in terms of combat capabilities, especially if you make one portable, the fact it hasn’t been weaponized by anyone thus far is a little odd. The cheap(ish?) methods of earth built plasma weapons was incredibly nice to see, likewise the fact that ordinary rifles can take down a bug.
Considering hardlight tech is literally just the Green Lantern’s ring in terms of combat capabilities, especially if you make one portable, the fact it hasn’t been weaponized by anyone thus far is a little odd.
Not every surprise is originating with the Humans. Remember: Gwenn directed her engineering crew to rig up a holographic representation of the Tez that could be projected around the ship’s lone shuttle, the Drennon. Alyias and Senior Crewmate Bres Gdioro launched the Drennon, and fooled the Sovrits into taking it aboard. Once on board, Alyias and Gdioro detonated explosives carried on board, destroying both the Sovrits and the Telamarg. In the ensuing chaos, the Tez launched, and vectored toward Drazar Limit Star 6.
Tremarla Lumodynamics is building something for somebody. One of those somethings is probably a logical extension of the tactics Lauryna’s crew applied against the Drazari without the suicide run and with a lot more bite.
5$ says the prince dude is gonna die.
Even now the Imperial Band is feverishly learning Ô Canada!
Choice of beverage at the coronation will be either Labatt Blue or Canada Dry…
I hope not. Alexander Keith’s is the good mass market beer. Or better yet, Fort Garry Dark.
Or Tequila
He had never looked back at his old life.
Until now. There was nothing he wanted more to go back to his old life where his biggest worry was who would buy him.
I’ll bet…
The dead are a terrible loss. But I’m thinking about the survivors : many were already depressed, if not downright suicidal. But after this ? That generation of people is mentally fucked for life.
Lol if mental problems percess apply a liberal amount of Tequila.
How many bugs and ships have been destroyed? Must be an enormous number by now.
Sorcha, Lessy and Joseph and the other young titans and humans never been exposed to this kind of carnage. Everyone did their best. This is al because of Jar Jar, I mean Loona.
Lol jar jar
I wonder if she takes what Colvanos said the complete opposite direction and orders the fleet to leave? Despite my previous comments about it being a betrayal it is arguable that it is the wiser decision, just don’t expect her to have any statues built to her.
They should leave after they picked up the survivors. Sorcha, Lessy and Joseph and the surviving humans can tell Loona, Eyrn and Aerti what happened. Maybe it’s good that Tau Ceti is lost. If Loona had her way, that city would be cramped with 100 million humans and the loss of human lives would be higher than 2 million in a few months. Long before the Insectoids arrive to kill off al 100 million humans+titans.
“This is al [sic] because of Jar Jar, I mean Loona.”
Poor Qorni.
Not even remembered for her fuckups.
This is great action indeed. This bodycount is on Loona, Forna and the Federation.
This is going to be the worst tour there ever was.
Great action. Well done.