Chapter Six: Sleep on It Titan: Exile by Dann

“I don’t know about this…I really should be outside…what if somebody comes by and sees me away from my post?” Reese spoke with an uneasy tone as the giantess leaned her impressive frame against the massive steel double doors. There was no way he was going to get out unless she said so. His eyes glanced over to the walk way, more than 100 feet out of his reach.

Private Jones was on watch this night, it had been two days since his encounter with Eyrn’s molars. Neither of them had spoken a word of it to anyone. After his clothes dried, Eyrn delivered him to the Barracks where he changed and reported for duty on time for his next shift.

“Reese! I just want a little company!” Eyrn spoke in a playful yet demanding tone, she carefully crouched down and extended a palm face up onto the floor. “I’ll vouch for you ok? Anyhow you -are- doing your job! You’re making sure I’m safe and sound and right where I should be…right?” Eyrn grinned and motioned to her palm.

“I…I don’t know…” Reese bit his lip as he watched Eyrn move from a standing position to a crouch. She moved with such fluid grace it was unbelievable. No matter how long he was around her, nothing that large was supposed to move so gently and smooth. She had every bit of grace and precision as any human woman a fraction of her size.

“I get so bored by myself Reese.” Eyrn spoke with a lamenting sigh. She was telling the truth, her face dropped just a little. “I eat, I sleep, every once in a while you guys let me drag a few planes around to show I’m useful…and I run around in the desert and hide in the sand for a while. But how often to I just get to talk to someone?” There was a bit of a frustrated pout to her voice.

“W…well why me?” Reese asked as he cautiously stepped into her hand. Ever since their little adventure a few days back, Reese had grown to trust her much more. He knew if she had wanted to hurt him she would have, and likely gotten away with it. Still, she was positively enormous. He couldn’t help but feel like a small rodent in the presence of an apex predator. The only thing keeping him alive was her ability to control her instincts.

“Because everyone else is so darn serious!” Eyrn raised her voice a little, but she didn’t sound angry, just frustrated. “Everyone is so ‘rules this’ and ‘by the book’ that.” Eyrn sighed. “But you’re just a little nervous…and kind of curious.” She smiled as he stepped onto her hand. She made a point to never reach out and grab people, it made them feel uneasy around her, and it made her feel like a bully.

Once Reese was aboard she stood and carefully made her way to her bed. Reese held onto one of her fingers for dear life as she moved effortlessly about the arena sized room. It didn’t feel natural, the soft velvet skin of her palm, the ripples of her skin, the momentum of her casual stride. The abrupt stop as she sat down. Had he been standing it is likely he would have tumbled.

“Maybe it’s because they’ve all been here so long?” Reese spoke up, he didn’t feel afraid to ask her questions and speak his mind, something else that had changed after their accident.

“You know…even the most amazing wonder can grow stale when you see it every day?”

Eryn giggled and brought her free hand to her chest in a ‘flattered’ gesture. “Reese Jones are you calling me a wonder?” She grinned, playing with him just a little.

“I…but…well I didn’t mean…it’s just…you’re…and it’s not every day…and…well…” Reese blushed and fought to regain his composure.

Eyrn let him sweat just a bit longer before throwing her head back and laughing. “Oh Reese, you’re still so easy!” She looked back, brushing her hair from before her eyes and lazily slumping back against the large wooden headboard.

Reese’s stomach turned in circles as Eyrn moved about so effortlessly. He really didn’t like this roller coaster feeling.

“You need to relax, you’re so tense Reese!” Eyrn smiled and reached over with her forefinger, gently stroking his back. “It’s not good for your blood pressure you know.” She spoke with a well-meaning and casual tone.

Reese didn’t appear to take her encroachment on his personal space well at first, despite trusting her a great deal more than he once had, he still found himself jumpy and uneasy around her.

“Reese Jones you clod!” Eyrn spoke in a coy voice. “If I wanted to hurt you don’t you think I’d have done it by now? Given I’ve had plenty of opportunities?” Eyrn attempted to sound offended, but she was doing a lousy job of it.

“It’s not that.” He sighed and eased up, letting her finger continue to stroke his back. “It’s just not…”

“Oh don’t you say it!” Eyrn grumbled. “I don’t give a hoot if it’s ‘professional’ or not.” She was doing a much better job at sounding offended now, given she actually was. “You all may be hard ass soldiers but -I- am not.” She huffed, pulling her free hand away in the process.

“Aww…I didn’t mean…no…it’s ok…” Reese felt bad and turned to face her, she was looking off at the wall, a sour look on her face. “Eyrn…”

Eyrn looked down slightly then back up. She didn’t look angry, more bothered.

“No really…it’s ok. You just startled me is all…look it just puts me on edge is all.” He crawled forward and pushed off his knee to a standing position, carefully he held his arms at his side to keep his balance, and walked the precarious length of her arm all the way to her shoulder. “It’s not an easy thing to get used to…ya gotta understand.”

Upon reaching her shoulder, Eyrn turned her face away from him slowly, she didn’t do it in a prissy fed up angry form, more a casual and sulking fashion. “I know Reese…I know.” Her voice was long and lazy.

Reese felt bad and sat on her shoulder, letting his legs dangle down. He made the mistake of looking down, quickly forcing his eyes upward. Dumbfounded at how high up he was, even when she was sitting down. “Listen, I’m sorry ok?” He spoke in a shameful voice. “I’m not afraid of you ok? Really…I mean that.” He smiled somewhat meekly and looked over to her.

She had diverted her gaze over to him once he started talking. She had a softer look on her face at his understanding. “I suppose it is a little jarring from your perspective.” She tried to meet him half way, feeling a little ashamed herself for having snapped so easily.

“A little.” He admitted.

“I’m just so -exhausted- Reese.” She sighed.

“Not get enough sleep?” He offered, a curious tone.

“No…I sleep well.” She shrugged, nearly dislodging him in the process.

“Then what do you mean?” He narrowed his eyes.

“Oh…never mind…” She gave her head a shake and huffed gently.

“No…go on…really…didn’t you say you felt lonely? Wanted someone to talk to? Well here I am…so go on.” Reese pushed, turning to face her, pulling his legs up onto her shoulder.

“Well Reese, I’m just tired of all this.” She looked to him, her eyes were hurting from the strain of looking at him from such a strange vantage, so she reached out and slid her hand next to him. “Here I can hardly see you.” Eyrn slid him gently onto her palm. She didn’t feel so iffy about such things when the person in question was -on- her to begin with.

“Wah…” Reese was startled by the gentle shove and tumbled off her shoulder onto her palm, landing with a gentle ‘slap’ on the soft peach skin of her hand.

“Anyhow…like I was saying…I’m just getting sick of this. You know…like what happened the other day? People always looking at me like I’m some side show freak…watching where I step…do you know the last time I felt a pair of arms around me Reese?” Eyrn’s voice was low and still.

“I don’t know…” Reese attempted to answer before Eyrn cut him off.

“Neither do I.” She shrugged, looking back down to her companion. “I don’t like this anymore Reese.”

“Like what?” Reese, for as nice as he was, could be awful dense.

“This!” Eyrn motioned to herself with her free hand. “I don’t like being so damn big, I don’t like not fitting in, or living in a one room prison cell.” Her voice increased with passion, but remained soft and calm.

“I guess that would eat away at you after a while.” Reese smiled, trying to show he was sympathetic.

Eyrn began to stroke his back once more, this time he didn’t flinch. She had done so without even noticing. “Thanks.” She felt a little better; even just expressing her frustrations was a rarity. There were few who made the time to sit and talk with her, everyone was so busy rushing around with their lives. What they considered ‘quality’ time was always so quick. In the blink of an eye people would come and go, while she felt slow, lazy and rushed. She didn’t understand how everyone else could live such fast paced lives! Moving from one task to the other like bee’s rushing about, it made her feel dizzy sometimes.

“I just…I feel different Reese.” She sighed. “It’s like I’m frozen still while you all rush about. I try to keep up but I can’t keep my head straight. When you’re not eating you’re sleeping and when you’re not sleeping or eating you’re working. It makes my head spin. But Reese it’s not just that…I feel out of place. Like a duck in the hen house…” Eyrn continued to gently stroke up and down the tiny soldiers back with her finger.

“Well I mean you are…well…a lot bigger than us…” Reese offered, struggling not to say something stupid. The gentle feeling of her finger on his back had begun to lull him into a relaxed state. He allowed himself to ease up. He could almost feel her pulse through the skin of her hand, the gentle rhythmic reminder of her beating heart…which was likely many times larger than him.

“I don’t just feel BIG Reese I feel different.” She strained to find words he would understand.

“Reese, you ever wonder…what I am?” She looked down to him. He had slowly given in to her and was now laying on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows. Looking up at her with a bit of a relaxed expression.

“I always figured…you know…radiation…super human powers…I dunknow…never much thought about it…” Reese sighed.

Eyrn rolled her eyes and fought the urge to slap him aside the head. “I’m not a mutant –REESE-!” Eyrn blew him the biggest raspberry he had ever seen, he had to wipe stray spittle from his face. “I’m serious!” She almost begged him to answer, as if somehow he could offer her up an answer that would settle her desperate curiosity.

Reese sighed; the weight of his body on his arms began to seem almost impossible to hold up. He had never allowed himself to feel this relaxed and vulnerable while on the job. He crossed his arms and rested his head in them, looking over at her casually. “I don’t know Eyrn…I wish I did…I’m sorry.”

Eyrn sighed gently, watching Reese go from tense, anxiety ridden Wolf-Bait, to easy going and laid back in the palm of her hand made her feel good. She liked it when people trusted her, it was a small bit of solace to the very lonely and harsh reality of her existence. “You’ve been working a lot of over time eh?” She changed the subject, her voice lowered to almost a whisper.

“Yea.” Reese spoke, letting the word roll off his tongue without effort or strain.

“How come…I mean don’t they give you soldier boys down time?” She tilted her head a bit, moving her finger in slow circular motions up and down his back, applying just a tiny bit of pressure.

“Well…” Reese’s tone picked up for a quick instance as he felt his back crack and a few knots gentle work themselves out at Eyrn’s gentle yet firm pressure. He sounded as if he was in ecstasy for a second; tranquil and carefree. He even allowed his eyes to close. “…we do…but we have the option to take extra duty…” His voice was void of stress, anxiety and worry.

Eyrn listened to him speak, she could not help but feel envious. Reese had options; he could make choices for himself. “Well you look bushed Reese…that’s why you’re always so stressed and shaky.” Her voice was amused, but she kept it low.

The constant rhythmic massage was taking its toll on Reese, his eyes felt too heavy to open and talking became a chore. “Maybe.” He offered little resistance. “So…you…you really don’t have any…any memories? He spoke lazily. “Nothing from before you were here?” He tried to open his eyes to look at her, but he couldn’t manage.

“Only one.” She sighed.

“Oh?” he mumbled sleepily.

“A song…more the tune of one…I don’t remember the words…” She half smiled. “I just remember a vague silhouette…she was bigger than me…and had a soft gentle voice. I remember she would sing me this song at night…when I was afraid…or couldn’t sleep.”

“Hmm…” Reese mumbled.

“It went like this.” Eyrn closed her lips and began to gently hum a quiet and haunting melody. It was calm and tranquil and sounded very much like a lullaby.

“Sleep on…” Reese mumbled.

“Hmmm?” Eyrn paused and questioned him.

“It’s called Sleep on.” He spoke without a care in the world. “Don’t know how your mom could have sun it to you…it was just written a few years back…” Reese could hardly form coherent words and thoughts.

“Do you know the words?” Eyrn lifted her hand closer to her face.

“The world out there…the heavens all to sleep and I am here………” Reese paused, starting to fall asleep.

“Hey…wake up….” Eyrn whispered eagerly.

“A watch with you to keep…” Reese mumbled…his breathing began to grow deeper.

“Sleep on…sleep on…sleep deep and sleep strong…sleep on…sleep on…the road of life is long…I whisper a prayer, may your path be clear…sleep…o…n.” Reese fished the verse, drifting off near the end into a gentle mumble. Eyrn’s warm skin was soft like a mattress, and her gentle humming along to his singing was very relaxing.

Eyrn could not remember the words her mother had sung to her, but they were likely very different than the ones Reese Jones had just taught her. Still as Reese mumbled out those soft words, it felt as if she had just only heard her mother’s version just yesterday. Her eyes welled up at the memory of the velveteen voice whispering the song to her as she drifted off to sleep. She had long forgotten those words; time had stolen them from her.

“Reese…” she looked down, she could hear the slow gentle snoring of Private Jones, who was now curled up in her palm. “You’re such a ham Reese.” Eyrn set her hand onto her stomach and gave her head a shake, watching the tiny soldier as he peacefully slept.

ISS Gyfjon
High Mars Orbit

Captain Bass slammed his fist into the side of the console and rubbed his temples with his free hand, looking off into the distance. “I sent the requisition to Grand Navarchos Zyn over 12 hours ago!” He attempted to keep his voice down as the timid Junior Officer handed him the pad which relayed the unchanging news form Central Command.

“Sorry sir…still no word…” Lauryna Gwen wrung her hands together and took a step back. Captain Bass had earned a reputation among crew as a laid back and casual man, it was highly uncommon to see him worked up in such a state.

Aertimus took the pad and looked the information over before setting it down. He looked up to the anxious Junior Officer. “This is your first deep space mission eh?” His tone was a little more casual.

“Aye sir.” Lauryna spoke quickly with firm respect.

Captain Bass chuckled as he stood. “What’s your name crewman?” He smiled, warmly.

“Jr. Crewmate third Class Lauryna Gwen!” The eager young woman spoke in as respectful and soldierly tone as she could muster. “Linguistics and Xenobiology, Sir!” Jr.Crewmate was the first rank instilled by a cadet upon graduation from the academy. The Gyfjon was Lauryna’s first commission, and this was her first deep space flight.

Captain Bass let out a deep laugh at the eagerness the crewmate displayed. “Easy there…there’s no need to shout.” He rubbed his temples. “Lesson of the day Jr. Crewmate Gwen…any dealings with High Navarchos Zyn…will take the better part of an Archavian month to resolve!” He was half sarcastic, and a little serious.

Lauryna Gwen remained at attention, not sure if she was supposed to laugh.

Aertimus grinned. “Lesson two…when your Captain makes a joke it’s best you laugh.”

Lauryna cracked a smile.

“No need for hourly updates…let me know when we have the clearance from Zyn.” Captain Bass nodded.

“Right…SIR!” Lauryna saluted, slapping her heels together.

“And please…ease up a little…you’re in deep space Crewmate…we run things a little different out here.” When she didn’t respond for a whole minute? Aertimus grinned. “Dismissed!” His voice raised and he sent the Jr. Crewmate a stern look. Watching her scurry out of his ready room brightened his mood.

“Fresh out of the academy…gotta love it.”