Chapter Ten: Confession Titan: Physics by Open High Hat

Naskia sat on a bench in a quiet street holding a case in her hands trying not to look stupid as she talked to its tiny occupant.

“Seriously Nas, let me out of here. I’m freezing cold and it’s humiliating.” Niall said getting angry. He was rubbing his sides trying to warm up. The temperature was barely above freezing despite it being a sunny day.

“You know I can’t! If I could I would.” She pleaded.

“I’m either your equal or I’m your pet. You can’t have it both ways.” Niall said exaggerating his shivering for effect.

“Fine! You can be such a pain the ass!” She opened the lid of the cage and scooped him up. He really did feel cold. She’d forgotten how much faster Humans lost heat due to their small size.

Niall embraced Naskia’s warm hand as soon as he could to warm himself up. He curled up trying to generate as much heat as possible. He felt Naskia cup both hands together and raise them to her face. Her warm breath washed over him as she tried to help warm him up. It smelt sweet from her fruity breakfast and also contained not an inconsiderable amount of saliva. This wasn’t even the most embarrassing thing he had to endure today.

Riding in a cage like an animal to the vets was the first humiliation. Naskia even refused to talk to him in the waiting room despite having his cage set on her knees. The second was when the male vet appeared and asked to examine him. He had managed to cajole Naskia in to waiting around for another hour so he could be seen by a female vet instead. He hated being poked and prodded and handled like a thing. Naskia could see he hated every second of it.

He wasn’t the only one feeling humiliated. Naskia had felt people staring at her in the waiting room as her human shouted at her without her chastising him, having to politely say to the vet that her pet wouldn’t be handled by him. The female vet had laughed at her when she saw that Niall was wearing a robe she’d made herself. Naskia tried to explain that Niall was smarter than your average human but the vet carried on as normal. The worst part was when the vet offered to sterilise Niall and Niall completely freaked out at her. The vet went to tell Niall off but Naskia quickly interrupted and made off with Niall.

“So how are you going to make this up to me?” Niall asked starting to warm up.

Naskia was a bit annoyed by his direct question. She thought given the show he’d put on that they were pretty much even but she knew that was an argument she couldn’t win. “I’m going to go shopping for some material to make you some clothes with. A few proper things rather than one rubbish robe.

“Oh great, thanks.” Niall smiled. “Are you taking me home first?”

“The shops only round the corner so I was just going to put you back in your cage if you can wait a while longer.” Naskia said hopefully. She realised it wasn’t going to be that easy.

“Stop calling it YOUR cage, it’s not my cage and not a chance, it’s freezing cold and humiliating. Can I not go in your pocket or something?” Niall asked.

Naskia checked her options. She had a dress on with no pockets and a coat over it which had 2 pockets in it, the pockets had vertical openings and she didn’t want to risk losing Niall. “Sorry, they’re not really suitable. It’s either the cage or my bag and it’s full of junk.”

“Can you not just carry me home and then go shopping?” Niall asked still not willing to budge.

“Argh!” Naskia huffed “What about here?”

Naskia looked around her to make sure no one was around then pulled the front of her dress down and deposited Niall in what was to him a 2 foot gap between her massive chest. He sunk in as the warm, soft flesh moulded around him. Naskia was craning her neck down to see him?

“Humiliating yes, but warm, safe and out of sight. Will it do?” She asked exasperated.

“Meh, I suppose I can put up with it for a little bit.” Niall said quite enjoying his new bed.

The light disappeared as Naskia pulled her dress back up and went about her business. Niall was battered about a bit as the soft flesh bounced as Naskia walked but soon sank in further where the motion was less noticeable. The warmth of the skin around him combined with the rhythmic pounding of Naskia’s heart beat and the darkness soon had Niall straight to sleep.

Naskia handled fabrics in the shop nearby looking for the most suitable. She wasn’t really experienced at this but she was going to have to learn. She noticed that there was no movement at all coming from Niall, not even the occasional fidget. She smiled to herself as she realised that the once fearsome Dr Freeman had been tamed by nothing but her boobs.

“Men, the same in every species.” She said to herself.

Niall continued to sleep as Naskia shopped and returned home.

Naskia fished him out of her cleavage and he stirred briefly before falling straight back to sleep in her hand. Naskia smiled.

“He may be a pain in the ass but at least he’s a cute pain the ass.” She said to herself gently setting him down in his bed and covering him with a clean sock from her drawer, the blanket was too thin apparently. She let out an “Aww” as Niall curled up in her sock.

Naskia went through to the kitchen and boiled the kettle and poured some tea. Almost on cue Kiri emerged from her room and asked for some tea which Naskia poured. The two girls sat down at the sofa and Naskia sorted out the cloth she had bought for Niall’s clothes.

“So how’s the patient?” Kiri asked.

“Asleep, but yeah, a lot better today.” Naskia replied examining a sewing kit.
“Did you figure out what caused it?” Kiri asked hoping she was right about it just being simple fear.“It was the human equivalent of Hyper Adrenal Phenomenon…..” Naskia hoped Kiri wouldn’t dig any deeper but she knew she would push.

“Ohhhh! Now we’re into my territory here. What triggered it?! Niall doesn’t seem the type to have that.” Kiri said sitting up intrigued.

“He got picked on for being smart when he was a kid. It used to happen to him then. I think the stress of being here triggered it.” Naskia said lying through her teeth.

“There has to be something specific that sets it off. It would have been building for a few minutes. What were you doing?” Kiri was deliberately fishing.

Naskia was turning beetroot red as Kiri skilfully pushed her buttons.

“C’mon Nas! You can tell me.” She said wanting to get her hands on anything that could be useful to her.

“Errrrgh……” Naskia could feel her face getting hot as her skin got redder and redder. There was no way Kiri was letting her out of this. “I was lying on my back and I’d put him on my mouth and was……..playing with him with my tongue……”
Naskia paused not wanting to continue.

“Go on!” Kiri yelled leaning in more.

“I kinda got over excited and must have moved my lip or something cuz his legs fell in and then he slipped in up to his chest. And he was screaming and kicking and trying to get out and when I picked him up he was terrified and shaking……” Naskia said leaving out a key detail.

“And just how long did you wait to rescue him?” Kiri asked noticing that Naskia’s tone had changed from one of embarrassment to mild arousal.

“Ehh….I’m not sure….a lot longer than I really should have…..” Naskia paused and Kiri was about to interrupt but Naskia continued. “I really enjoyed it Kiri, I didn’t think I was one of those cruel people, but I REALLY enjoyed it. I was so tempted to suck him in and just close my mouth with him trapped in it, not swallow him obviously that’s just wrong, but just play with him with my tongue a bit. I was so, so close to doing it and he was so scared…..I’m such a bad person!”

Naskia buried her head in her hands and Kiri laughed at her.

“Relax Nas! That’s normal. Why do you think they had to make it illegal to eat Humans in the first place? People love feeling powerful and in that situation you had all the power. It’s natural, you’re only Titan.”

“Seriously Kiri! I can’t EVER do that again.” Naskia said grabbing Kiri’s hand and holding her gaze. “He only just forgave me for what happened when I first got him and then I do that to him.”

“Why don’t you tell him? Surely trust is the most important thing here….” Kiri said, sitting back and sipping her tea trying to look more relaxed. She sensed an opportunity.

“Tell him I tortured him because I liked it?!” Naskia said standing up getting stressed out. She’d told herself she’d not enjoyed it and tried to ignore it but Kiri’s scalpel sharp questioning had forced her to admit that fact out loud. Naskia hated herself right now.

“You didn’t torture him….frightened him a bit maybe. We probably did worse to each other when we were kids. And he is yours, as long as you didn’t hurt him you can do what you like with him.” Kiri could see Naskia was getting properly upset as she tried to rationalise Naskia’s actions.

“He’s not mine. He’s no one’s!” Naskia said.

“Nas, he’s nothing without you. He is your property. You need to get over yourself.” Kiri pressed.

“Stop saying that! He’s not mine! He’s free! He can do what he wants!” Naskia said near yelling.

“Well if he’s a free man stop looking after him like he’s your pet. Put him out the door and send him on his way then.” Kiri said getting annoyed that Naskia wasn’t capitulating as she usually did.

“It’s not that simple and you know it. He wouldn’t survive but at the same time he’s smarter than both of us. You’re just being plain nasty now.” Naskia said. She was getting really angry. Kiri was deliberately trying to push her buttons and it was working.

“I’m nasty? I’m not the one who tortured the poor man by letting him think he was going to be eaten.” Kiri said in her bitchiest possible tone.

Naskia felt a surge run down her right arm and she resisted the urge to slap her friend in the face. She gathered up the cloth and stormed into her room slamming the door behind her.

Kiri grinned, it had been too easy to push Naskia’s guilt over the edge. She would now confess everything to Niall who would inevitably flip out at her. The lack of trust would drive a wedge between them and sooner or later Niall would ask to leave her altogether. Kiri would make sure of it.

Niall was woken by the sound of the door slamming. He sat up just in time to see a titanic blur rush past him and dive on to the bed. Naskia was face down sobbing into the covers.

“Nas!” He called. She was either ignoring him or couldn’t hear him over the sound of her tears.

“Naskia! What’s wrong?” he tried again. Still nothing. Niall removed himself from the sock and went to his pad and linked it to the screen on the wall.

“Nas, what’s wrong?” he said, his voice amplified through the speakers.
Naskia sat up. Her eyes were red and puffy and her tears had caused her mascara to run down her face.

“Niall…..I’m so sorry.” She said. She slowly got up and moved to the bed side table and set herself down with her face resting on the top of her hands on the table.

Niall stepped out to talk to her face to face. He approached her cheek and lifted a tennis ball sized tear from her cheek and dropped it leaving some salty water on his hand.

“What’s wrong Nas?” he asked.

“I’m so sorry. Please can you forgive me?” Naskia asked still crying.

“I don’t know what I have to forgive you for…..” he said.

“Last night…..when you fell into my mouth.” Naskia raised her hands to her face and covered it unable to look at Niall as she finished.

“Naskia, it’s ok.” Niall said not totally sure it was. Naskia looked up for a second and made eye contact. She wanted him to know she was sincere.

“When you fell in….I enjoyed it. I didn’t help you because I didn’t want to. I wanted to take you all the way in….play with you….” she sniffled and wiped away more tears. Niall was just staring at her. “I want you to know I’m ashamed of myself. I promised to look after you and help you and I did that to you….”

Niall stood totally still not sure what to make of what Naskia had just said. His mind flashed back to the terror he had felt the night before, he felt slightly queasy knowing that she enjoyed it. He didn’t think that she was like that. He didn’t know how to respond.

“Niall, please say something.” Naskia pleaded.

“Give…give me a minute.” He said turning away from her.

Naskia slumped to the floor, quiet. Niall stood still trying to make sense of what he’d been told. He was battling mixed feelings, his mind whirling with different thoughts and feelings. Hate, resentment, fear, she had used him for her own pleasure, treated him as a thing which was something she had sworn she wouldn’t do. At the same time she had been conflicted and did rescue him and look after him when he passed out. And she had confessed the truth to him when she could have just kept it hidden from him. Niall was also very aware he needed her and hating her wasn’t going to change that.

Niall walked to the edge of the table and looked down at Naskia. She was in a crumpled heap on the floor. She looked so weak and pathetic, a total paradox to Niall. She was so powerful in comparison to him but their relationship so far had shown just vulnerable she could be.

“Naskia, get up.” He called.

Naskia slowly looked up at Niall staring down at her. She felt like their roles had been switched. She needed his forgiveness. She hated feeling like this. She lifted herself to her knees and level with Niall.

“If we’re going to get through this I need the truth ok?” he said staring he straight in the eyes.

“O…ok” she muttered back wiping away the last of her tears.

Niall tried not to but he stared at her massive mouth as she replied. It sent a shiver up his spine.

“Why did you like it?” he asked.

Naskia didn’t want to answer but she knew she had to. “I dunno….it turned me on. I felt powerful and I liked it….a lot.”

“Ok…..Do you want to do it again?” Niall asked directly.

“Not now, I feel so bad about it but I dunno I suppose I might want to feel like that again.” She said trying to be fully honest.

“The way I see it is we really only have 2 options…..” Niall said knowing full well there was a third, much more disturbing option he didn’t want to mention “We stop any kind of sexual contact or we both talk this stuff out together and try to make progress.”

“What do you mean?” Naskia asked.

“Well I like what we’ve be doing and I want to explore it more. I think I need to try to get over this fear. I hate fear and I hate feeling weak. At the same time I think you need to make sure that me being ok is your number one priority.”

“Does this mean you forgive me?”

“Yeah…I suppose it does.” Niall said not sure if he 100% meant it.

“If I think about it you really could do whatever you wanted and I couldn’t stop you….last night kind of brought it home just how much smaller than you I really am. On Earth I was a strong, good looking man and could easily manipulate women….I know the feeling you’re talking about and it’s a hard one to resist. So yeah I really do forgive you. Just if I ever ask for help again don’t leave me hanging.” In the process of talking to Naskia, Niall managed to convince himself that he really did forgive her. It really was hard to look into those massive, blue eyes and still feel angry.

“Nas, also, seriously, thank you for everything. You make me feel like I have a say in what happens to me when I really don’t and I appreciate it.” Niall said dropping eye contact and shifting on his feet.

Naskia lowered her face to Niall, placing her nose beside Niall and keeping her mouth deliberately below the table top. Niall hugged in to her cheek and Naskia gently stroked his back with the back of her finger. Naskia was breathing deeply, relieved to have Niall’s forgiveness. She still felt guilty.

“I want to make it up to you, what can I do?” She asked.

Niall thought about anything he could want. He could only really think of one thing he really wanted.

“I miss my mother, Nas. She was all I had really and we had no other family. She thinks I’m dead. Is there any way we could get a message to her?”

Naskia gave him a sad look that said she was about to say no.

“Please Nas, we don’t need to tell her what happened. Just that I’m alive and working on a secret government project or something…..” Niall pleaded.

“I’ll look into it but I really can’t promise anything.” She said not able to say no him. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“I’d like to start doing some work when you’re away. Can you get me a reusable board of some sort and things to write with and I wouldn’t mind a guitar as well? I promise I’ll make it worth your while…..”

“Hmmm…..and how would you do that?” she asked.

“Open your mouth…..and put your chin on the table…..” Niall said.

Naskia opened her mouth as requested wondering what Niall was up to. Niall approached it with some trepidation. Naskia was providing for him and he wanted to ensure he could give as much back to her as she gave to him. He was already helping her with her course, the only other thing he could do at this point was to fulfil any other wants she had and there was obviously a want here.
He stood in front of her mouth; the car sized cavern was level with his head. Her tongue rested in her mouth and was easily the size of his bed. He felt his hair being ruffled as Naskia switched to breathing through her nose.

“1……2…….3……” he said before placing his hands on two sharp front teeth, pulling himself up and placing his head inside her mouth. He closed his eyes initially but forced himself to open them, he now had a better of view of the back of Naskia’s throat. He could see her 2 foot long uvula hanging at the back of her mouth, the air was warm and humid and bits of saliva dripped from the roof of her mouth as she held it open and the cool air interacted with it. His heartbeat was up a bit but he felt in control with his toes resting on the table. After a few seconds he pulled his head out of her mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.

“What was all that about?” Naskia asked.

“Well you clearly have impulses to do some things. If we’re going to do them I want to get over my fear first.”

“Oh” Naskia said.

“Ohhhhhhh.” She said again realising what he actually meant. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Besides; it could be fun….” Niall said.