Chapter Twenty-Eight: Consequences Titan: Pandemic by JohnnyScribe

Rixie strode through the corridors of the Gyfjon feeling fairly optimistic. They had a lead, it wasn’t much of a lead, but it was a lead nonetheless and more than they’d had before arriving at Tatendi station. 

Captain Bass hadn’t been terribly thrilled when they’d informed him of where they were going; the outer territories were called “Outer Territories” for a reason after all. 

Still, Bass had a mission to accomplish and he would do so to his utmost. The orders were given and they were underway within moments. 

And, at least until they arrived at their destination, Rixie was once again relegated to passenger status. She was looking forward to a nice long nap in her quarters. 

Of course, first she had a stop to make. 

She turned a corner at a junction and entered into the crew cabin area of the ship. She noted the room numbers as she passed; counting them off in her head until she arrived at the cabin she was looking for. 

She pressed the call button on the side of the doorframe. She didn’t have to wait long before the door slid open revealing a cheerful Lauryna dressed in casual clothing. 

The smile dropped from her face and she instantly snapped to attention, hastily sketching a salute that almost caused her to hit herself in the eye. 

“At ease, crewman.” Rixie smiled and forced back the amused snort that was threatening to escape. “You’re off duty and so am I.” 

“Oh uh, yes sir- Ma’am!” Lauryna stuttered nervously. 

“For now, just Rixie will be fine, as long as we’re both out of uniform.”

“Oh uh… okay… Rixie.” 

They stood there for a moment in silence. 

“Uhm, I’m here for Alex…?” 

“Oh! Right, right. Sorry!” Lauryna muttered, blushing furiously. “He’s over here…” 

She led the taller woman into her quarters and over to the desk, where the two titanesses found the humans engaged in what looked to be some form of combat. The two of them were grappling on the desktop, with Izzy frequently gaining the upper hand. 

“What is…?” Rixie started, alarmed, but cut off her own sentence when they broke apart and stood away from each other, gasping for air. 

“You know Alex, for a civilian, you have some good moves.” Izzy admitted, rather grudgingly. 

“Yeah well, the bar I used to work at was a bit rough, had to be ready to give a rowdy drunk the bum’s rush.” 

“Heh. Still nothing compared to somebody trained up by the Army.” Izzy responded. 

“Well, gee, that’s a fair comparison.” 

“You ready to go again?” 

“Nope, looks like my ride’s here. Hi Rix!” 

Rixie cleared her throat and forced a smile on her face. She’d felt a bit of a flutter in her stomach at the sight of them carrying on like old friends, but fought it down. 

“Hi Alex. You ready to go?” 

“Yeah, okay.” Alex nodded and climbed into Rixie’s upturned palm, where he was quickly raised onto her shoulder. 

“Bye Alex. It was fun!” Lauryna smiled and waved at the small man. 

“Yeah, thanks for everything.” 

Rixie mumbled something to Lauryna that was vaguely polite and quickly left the room in a daze. She traveled the corridors towards the direction of her own cabin, her thoughts churning in her head. 

She had thought she was ready to give him up when the time came, but all she could think was… Not yet. 

Please, not yet… 

“So did you find anything on the station?” 

Rixie’s thoughts snapped back into focus and she looked down on the little person on her shoulder through the corner of her eye. 

“Uhm, yeah, we did.” Rixie cleared her throat. “There were some witnesses on the station that saw our fugitives boarding a transport bound for one of the outer colonies.” 

Alex nodded. “That makes sense. Sounds like it’s sort of the space-age equivalent of running for the border.” 

“I… I guess?” Rixie muttered. “That sounds about right.” 

“Are you okay Rix?” Alex asked, concern coloring his tone. 

Rixie’s eyes widened and she cleared her throat again. “Y-Yeah. Of course I am, just a little distracted thinking about… about the mission.” 

“Oh.” Alex nodded. “Sure. Well, don’t worry. I know you’ll find them Rixie. They don’t stand a chance with you after them.”

Rixie smiled and felt a warm glow at Alex’s confidence in her. 

“Thanks Alex.”


Irin looked on with a sickened feeling in his stomach as the building that had housed those inflicted with the plague burned to the ground. 

“What have we done?” He muttered, watching the people trying to flee the catastrophe that he and Garteh had caused. 

“What do you mean ‘what have we done’?” Garteh responded, causing Irin to start. He hadn’t realized that anybody had heard him. “We’ve destroyed a den of sin and corruption. We’ve done the Goddess’s work and brought her that much closer to her return and our own salvation.” 

“B-But…” Irin stuttered nervously. 

“Don’t go soft on them!” Garteh growled menacingly, getting uncomfortably close to Irin’s face. “Or you just might find you’re no longer under the Goddess’s protection, understand?” 

Irin could only nod in reply. 

“Now come on, let’s get out of here before the pompous fools at the Temple catch wind of this and come with their Watch guard dogs.” 

Garteh turned and disappeared down a side street. Irin began to follow, but then turned back to the burning building. 

“No…” His gaze hardened and he suddenly felt a clarity of mind that he hadn’t experienced in weeks. This was wrong. Completely unequivocally wrong.

Without giving himself a chance to second guess himself, he ran straight into the burning building. 

The heat of the fire hit him like a hammer between the eyes and Irin wrapped his cloak around his face to keep the smoke and heat away. 

“Anybody in here?!” He yelled, trying not to inhale smoke. 


Irin struggled through the blaze but made his way towards the voice, ignoring the heat and burns that seared across his skin. 

Fortunately, the fire hadn’t had much time to spread yet.

He travelled down a corridor until he came to a room where a young woman huddle away from the blaze. 

“Come on, let’s get out of here!” Irin reached out and took her by the shoulder, dragging her to her feet. 

It was hard going, but Irin managed to drag the young woman from the building and into the street. He paused to take a breath of fresh air before turning around and rushing back into the fray. 


Pryvani snapped out of the doze she’d fallen in when the door chime to her office sounded. 
She quickly ran a hand through her hair in an attempt to straighten it out somewhat, making a mental note to have a week long spa trip the minute this whole ordeal was over with. 
“Come in.” She yawned. 

The door hissed open and Dr. Selil rushed in with Brinn close on her heels. 

“We believe we’ve had a bit of a breakthrough.” The red headed scientist began without preamble. 

Pryvani was instantly awake. “You’ve found a cure?” She asked hopefully. 

“Not quite, but we believe we may have discovered an inoculation that will prevent Titans from spreading the disease.” Brinn told the heiress breathlessly. 

“Fantastic! At last some good news!” Pryvani stood from her desk. “What do you need me to do?” 

“At this point, pray that it works.” Brinn said, shrugging. “We’ve already arranged for preliminary testing.” 

“Excellent. I’ll volunteer as test subject.” 

“Not a chance. We can’t afford to have you incapacitated.” Brinn replied. “Besides, we already have a volunteer all lined up.”

“You have?” Pryvani asked, her brow knit in confusion. “Just who are you testing this on?” 

Brinn and Selil glanced at each other. “Taron. He volunteered because… well…” 

“He feels guilty.” Pryvani sighed and nodded.

“Right.” Brinn shrugged. “I don’t agree, obviously. But, in his mind, since he was the one to spread it to the city…” 

“That’s just preposterous.” 

“Of course it is.” Brinn replied. “And I’ve told him as such but, well, you know how it goes. I can’t talk him out of it.”

Pryvani rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her hair again. “Fine. He’s an adult and so he presumably knows what he’s in for.” 

Brinn nodded. “And frankly, our pool of Titans to test the process on is fairly limited.” She added wryly. 

Pryvani sighed. “Fair point.”


“Are you soft-headed?!” Brother Sulphur roared at the red-headed young man in front of him. Flecks of spit flew from his mouth as he paced in front of the lectern where he delivered his sermons. “How could you be so stupid to think it was a good idea?!” 

“Well, I just thought… being sinful and all…” Garteh muttered, shoulders hunched and all of his earlier bravado drained away. 

“You just thought you were wiser than the Goddess herself, you mean!” Sulphur wrapped one meaty hand around the boy’s neck and resisted the urge to start squeezing. “Thought you could dictate when and where the sick and sinful were to get their just punishment, is that it?!” 

“N…No…” Garteh choked out. 

“There is a proper time for such action, you fool! And now-thanks to you- the whole plan has been chucked into the chamber pot!” 

Sulphur was seething, but he was also afraid. He had hoped, one day, that his power base would be strong enough to challenge the Temple itself. Indeed, he’d been well on his way to accomplishing that goal. But now, thanks to the actions an idiot boy, everything he’d worked for, planned for… it was all about to go to shit.

Suddenly, as if the Universe had read his mind, there was a pounding on the door.

“SULPHUR!” A deep baritone voice roared from outside the building, followed by a bang on the door that seemed to shake the entire wall. Curious members of Sulphur’s flock began wandering into the room to see what all the noise was about. 

“Damn.” The preacher swore and threw Garteh down onto the floor in a heap. 

Before he could react further, the door seemed to explode inward off its hinges. When the dust cleared, a large bear-like man was framed in the doorway. His green eyes blazed behind a mane of shaggy black hair, and he practically had to duck to enter the room. 

The man’s face radiated fury as he hefted the large hammer he carried in his hands, around his neck hung a sword shaped medallion. 

The giant of a man turned his rage filled eyes towards the preacher. He raised his massive hammer and swung it behind him, slamming into the wall and knocking a chunk of the door frame loose. 

“You!” The man roared, pointing at Sulphur with his hammer. “We were willing to tolerate your vile presence when your bile was confined to mere words, Preacher. But those were good people you slaughtered today. They were our brothers in the guild of tradesmen.” 

“N-Now just a moment…” Sulphur stuttered, but his pleas went unheard. 

“Their deaths are on your head, and may Taron, Master of Craftsmen, have mercy on your evil twisted soul.” 

The enraged blacksmith raised his hammer and with a savage war cry, swung it towards Sulphur’s head. 

The elderly preacher ducked instinctively, feeling a torrent of splintered wood rain down on his head from the lectern he’d been standing in front of, which was now obliterated. 

Screams echoed around him as people fled for safety and the rest of the guildsmen attacked. Suddenly, Sulphur felt a tug on his collar. He was forcefully dragged to his feet by the surly giant. 

Before he could offer a protest, Sulphur was dragged from the room and thrown into the dust of the road outside. 

The Preacher gulped nervously as he tried to drag himself to his feet. He found himself surrounded on all sides by very angry looking people. 

“Now, just a moment-”


Everybody turned in the direction of the voice that had broken through the din. Sulphur found himself actually glad to see the uniform of the Watch as the young lieutenant broke through the crowd around him. 

The lieutenant’s eyes fell on Sulphur and his brow creased. “Oh. I see.” He put his fingers to his lips and gave a sharp whistle, soon an entire squad of Watch officers had circled the crowd. 

The lieutenant grabbed Sulphur by the shoulder and hefted him to his feet. “I’m placing you under arrest for murder, arson and acts of terrorism.” 

“What?! It wasn’t me! It was him!” Sulphur’s finger shot out and pointed straight at Garteh. 

“Arrest him too then.” The lieutenant shrugged indifferently, roughly shoving Sulphur ahead of him. 

Garteh struggled but was soon immobilized as well. 

“But, they tried to kill me!” Sulphur exclaimed. 

“They were acting within the bounds of their station.” The lieutenant said in a bored voice. 

“What station?” 

“Deputy. I’m deputizing them, effective an hour ago.” 

Sulphur could only splutter in protest as he and Garteh were hauled away. 


“You see Khalin? I found her!” Hadrin led his leader into the clearing in the canyon where Trell sat up against the wall of rock, waiting for them. The rest of the cultists who had followed with him stayed back at a respectful distance, kneeling on the ground with their heads bowed in reverent silence. 

Hadrin had come running into their captured village a few days prior, ranting about how he’d discovered the Goddess herself. Khalin, naturally, was very skeptical but had agreed to come see the truth of the claim. He’d left his Beloved in charge and had taken a number of their party with him, including several he wanted to keep a close eye on. 

Perhaps, even if Hadrin had proved as delusional as Khalin suspected, some of that group might meet with an unfortunate… “Accident.” 

However, when they’d reached the end of their journey, Khalin was shocked to discover the enormous woman. Of course Khalin recognized her immediately. How could he possibly forget those cruel brown eyes?

Despite himself, Khalin’s mouth fell open at the sight of her. It had to be her, it could be no other, he’d never forget that face in a million years. 

“My lady…” he breathed reverently. “It really is you.” 

Trell blinked and looked down at the collection of humans gathered at her feet. “And who do we have here, Hadrin?” She smiled deviously. 

“Goddess of Death.” Hadrin bowed deeply. “This is Khalin, your humble priest.” 

“Hmm…” Trell’s hand snaked down and snatched the little human up by his waist. “And who decided you were my Priest then?” She asked, licking her lips menacingly. 

“Y-You did, my goddess…” Khalin suddenly felt his throat go dry and all his bravado fled from his body as he found himself being scrutinized by those large brown eyes.

“I did, did I?” 

“Yes…” Khalin took a breath and continued. “The night you came to Atlantis. I was an archer on the walls. You knocked me from my place. I fell, far, down to the ground.” Khalin’s hand subconsciously touched the long thin scar that marred his features. “At first I was knocked unconscious, but when I came to your holy visage was the first thing I beheld. It was then that I knew: Here was the one true goddess. Death Herself. The one who ruled over us all.” 

Trell blinked, and then smirked. “So all of this is because you got a bump on the head?” She bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud. She’d always known humans were incredibly stupid, but even she had apparently underestimated just how moronic they actually were. 

“You blessed me that day, did you not? You chose me to bring the worshippers of that false goddess to their knees.” 

Trell cleared her throat and nodded, forcing a smile on her face. “Of course I did.” She intoned. “And you have done well at your task, my servant.” 

After all, the little insect and his pathetic band of bootlickers might prove to be of use to her. If nothing else they could cause any number of distractions for Pryvani while Trell went about her actual work, so she would keep them around. At least until they were no longer amusing to her. 

Of course… nothing said she couldn’t have a little fun first. 

“Perhaps it is time you made a sacrifice to your Goddess, Khalin.” She sneered down at the little man at her feet. 

Khalin smiled. “Of course my lady, whatever you require.” He turned and gazed out at the number of his followers who had followed him here. He decided that now would be a good time to kill two birds with one stone. 


The crowd parted and revealed the startled young man who had been a thorn in Khalin’s side. “Me?” 

Khalin grinned nastily. “Yes of course you.” 

The rest of the group backed away quickly, leaving the young man alone and exposed. 

“I have chosen you for a great honor, my friend.” Khalin smiled as he stepped towards the other man. “You shall be the first to sate our Lady’s hunger.” 

Jonus’ eyes grew wide with fear. Suddenly this was all just a little too real. “Of course… I-I’m honored.” 

Above them all Trell grinned and licked her lips. It was just as she suspected. Khalin was more than willing to throw others into her grasp, but he’d never give himself up. Not willingly, at any rate. 

Still, this provided its own type of amusement so she decided to let it play out. She lowered her hand as Khalin led Jonus towards her. The other man was only giving a token form of resistance, though Trell could quite clearly see the emotions written on his face. 

“My Lady,” Khalin bowed deeply as he neared. “We sacrifice one of our own to Your glory.” Without any further ceremony, Khalin shoved Jonus into her palm, where she wrapped her long fingers around her prey and lifted him to her mouth. 

Without any delay, Trell quickly thrust him into her mouth and closed her lips, sealing him in. She leaned back and closed her eyes as her playful tongue batted her little “sacrifice” around in her mouth, coating him in her saliva. 

She noted that he didn’t struggle too much, which was somewhat disappointing. The Titaness had discovered that this sort of game wasn’t nearly as much fun if her prey didn’t attempt to fight back, at least a little. 

Still, there was no sense in letting him go to waste. She threw back her head and swallowed, completely aware that every eye in that canyon was following the thump in her throat as it passed her collarbone. 

She lowered her gaze down to her little “worshippers” and smiled. 


Zhan watched in horror from his nearby hiding spot as the scene played out in front of him. He wasn’t at all surprised that she’d done that, of course. After all she’d threatened the same for him as well… but, seeing it play out in front of him like that had been terrifying. He suddenly wished he’d gone back to Lysis himself instead of staying behind to keep an eye on the situation. 

Zhan took a series of deep breaths to try and regain control over his emotions. Now was not the time to panic and lose control over himself, that might get him killed. 

Nevertheless, right then and there he vowed that he would live to see Trell pay for the sick and disgusting crimes she’d committed, no matter what it took.