Chapter Twenty-Two: A Banquet, a Meal, Two Drinks, and a Game of Cards Titan: Birthright by D.X. Machina and Johnnyscribe

“I’m sorry,” Thyllia said, yawning. “We aren’t being the best hosts.” Vwokhu smiled as she set down the main course. “Nonsense, dear, you are a new mother. Namø did not sleep for…how long was it, Akwe?” “Sixteen years,” Akwe said, dryly. “Parenthood is wonderful, but do not expect to get a full night of sleep …

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Chapter Twenty: Somewhere Down the Line Titan: Birthright by D.X. Machina and Johnnyscribe

“We have too many friends,” Alex said, thumbing through his pad on the armrest of the sofa. “Why do you say that?” Rixie asked, as she lounged on the couch, frowning as she read through her fifth attempt at Iron Maiden’s speech for the upcoming Tol-Bot banquet. “Really, it’s just the Archer-Dande-Kramer-Mavoy-Prias. Another wedding invitation …

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