Titan, Chapter Nine

The rising sun was just barely peeking over the mountains visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Pryvani’s spacious office. Of course, as she currently had her back to the view, she was completely oblivious to the sight.

Instead, she was busy catching up on messages and the other company business that had accumulated during her sojourn to the Titan Station. It had been almost a month since her return, and she was still trying to get back on top of things.

It had turned out to have been a wise decision to send the whales immediately, because an unexpected solar storm had waylaid her return journey almost half a week. The whales, however, had made it on time and had been safely installed in one of the larger inland seas in the southern hemisphere. But not before being tagged so she could keep tabs on them.

Pryvani paged through her unread messages aimlessly. She paused momentarily on a message from Rixie, and then passed it by with a satisfied smile. She already knew what it said. Rixie had accepted her offer, as Pryvani knew she would. What other choice could she possibly have made?

In fact, Pryvani had already made travel arrangements for the other woman, in anticipation of her impending acceptance. She’d sent the flight plan to the other woman while Pryvani was still en route back to her moon.

Knowing what she did about the likely date of Rixie’s military discharge, the former soldier would probably be arriving at the orbital station above her moon within the next couple days. She made a mental note to begin having preparations completed for Rixie’s arrival.

She scrolled down a few more pages until she stopped on another interesting message. This one was from the Imperial Scientific Council with some background information on the members of the team conducting that new study. She’d had a hunch about one of the names that had come up in her preliminary research on the lead researcher, Zara Mavoy. So much so that she’d even suggested that Mavoy include this person on her research team. If her hunch had proved correct, then she would prove very useful to Pryvani’s goals.

She was just about to open the message to see if she’d been correct… but then she closed her inbox with a shrug. In this case, she decided; it was much more satisfying to leave the question in the air. If she was right, then she would still be right. Her knowing the answer wouldn’t change that.

Besides, she had an appointment to keep anyway.


As she entered the nightclub at the base of her true employer’s headquarters, Trell tried not to let the thumping base of the dance music irritate her already pounding headache too much. It would be a bad idea to appear as anything less than perfectly in control. Her employer would already be on the lookout for any weaknesses to exploit, it was best not to give her too many opportunities.

She cut through the milling throng of patrons as quickly as she could, until she reached a back door by the bar. She quirked a brow at the woman behind the counter, who answered the unspoken question with a barely perceptible nod. The Lady of the Manor was in residence. Not only that, but she was also expecting Trell immediately.

Trell wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about that.

Regardless, it was bad form to keep The Boss waiting any longer than she had to. With a resolute nod, she squared her shoulders and pushed her way through the door.

On the other side of that door was a long dimly lit hallway, that led to a single elevator guarded by one of the biggest Titans Trell had ever seen. The bouncer took one look at Trell, (a rather lascivious one if Trell was any judge) and then wordlessly pressed the button on the wall behind him. The elevator doors opened and she entered the car in complete silence.

When she reached the penthouse floor, she exited the elevator and found herself standing before the door to her boss’s office. There was no need to knock, her employer had likely been aware of her arrival the moment she’d entered the star system.

Trell thumbed the containment unit in her hand nervously as she shifted outside the office door, waiting for her employer to permit her entrance.

She’d received a message during their stay on Titan Station from her true patron, informing her that she had, unbeknownst to Trell, included a “special order” along with Trell’s bulk order of smuggled humans; and that, since Trell’s incompetent lackeys had lost the shipment, she herself would need to procure the little man with the unusual tattoo.

Which had meant buying him, legally. That probably grated worst of all.

She gazed down at the frozen human curiously. Other than the tattoo, which appeared to be an image of two Earth animals fighting and was located prominently in the center of his back; the man seemed unremarkable. He seemed particularly fit, she could see the outline of hardened muscles underneath his tan skin; but other than that he was just like any other human.

Still… It wasn’t her place to question her employer. She was paid to keep her mouth shut and do as she was ordered, nothing more.

Trell’s thoughts were interrupted by a clicking sound that indicated the door in front of her had been unlocked, a wordless command to enter.

She pushed the door open and entered the large, spacious office that the woman who paid her to spy on Pryvani Tarsuss occupied. The room was painted in muted shade of grey, with thin dark blue carpeting covering the floors. The window at the back looked out into the skyline of the city full of steel-grey skyscrapers and imposing towers. The Lady herself was seated behind a massive utilitarian desk made out of wood so dark it was almost black. The massive black leather office chair that she sat in was the only comfortable looking thing in the entire room, which just served to understate the austerity of the rest of the office brilliantly.

Trell could recognize the use of décor as a subtle attempt to intimidate visitors. She could also tell that it worked because even as she recognized the effect, she could still feel herself hesitating, shrinking back from the powerful aura of control that the other woman presented.

Syon Fand tapped her perfectly manicured fingernails atop her massive desk, wordlessly conveying her annoyance at her subordinate’s hesitation. As Trell walked toward the desk, she fought to control her own expression, but inwardly felt herself withering under the woman’s predatory gaze.

As she strode across the floor of the expansive office, Trell noted that like the room itself, everything about the woman’s appearance was tailored to intimidate those she dealt with and ensure that she maintained the upper hand at all times.

Syon’s expression remained coolly indifferent to the other woman’s entrance. Her iron-grey eyes betrayed absolutely no emotion and her olive skin might as well have been marble for all the expressiveness on that perfectly sculpted face.

“Did you bring me what I asked for Trell?” She asked imperiously, arching one eyebrow and leaning forward to pin the younger woman to the floor with her gaze.

“Y-yes. Of course I did.” Trell inwardly cursed herself for the betraying hitch in her voice. The barest quirk of one wine colored lip was the only indication that her employer had noticed the emotional response.

Syon leaned back in her chair again, tenting her fingers on the desk in front of her. “Good. You’re not entirely incompetent after all.” She paused expectantly. “Well? Let me see him then!”

Jumping to obey her mistress’s orders, Trell produced the cryogenic containment unit and placed it carefully on the desk in front of her boss.

Syon’s smile as she gazed down on the frozen human was an odd mixture of delight and cruelty. Trell felt an uncharacteristic moment of sympathy for the alien being. At least if the human had found himself in her clutches, the worst she would do was eat him. Who could say what was in store for the creature now that he’d found himself Syon’s possession?

Syon’s long dexterous fingers stroked the metal and glass tube possessively with one hand while the other lazily pushed the single lock of white hair- the only imperfection in a head of otherwise ebony curls- behind her ear.

Trell found herself musing on that single white stripe in her employer’s hair. It was deceptive. The only visible sign the woman permitted that she was, in fact, nearly twice Trell’s age. Trell could only surmise that the single imperfection in her patron’s visage was left to lull others into a false sense of security, that she and they were both flawed creatures and therefore on the same level.

It was always better to be underestimated.

Trell’s train of thought was cut short as Syon slipped the cryogenic unit into a drawer of her desk, and once again turned her laser-like focus back on her subordinate.

“Well, you’ve proven to be an effective errand runner, at least, now what news of your actual assignment?”

Trell clamped down on her instinctive desire to look away, to fidget. She absolutely refused to allow any further sign of weakness to be left open to exploitation.

“I am still working on hacking my way through the various security measures that Tarsuss has placed around this particular project of hers. While it has proven difficult, I am confident that I can achieve success soon.”

Syon’s lip curled slightly, a sign of contempt visible only if you knew what to look for. “Another failure then. How… disappointing. It is fortunate for you that I do not have the time necessary to infiltrate another agent into the Tarsuss Corporation, Trell. I suggest you get me the data files I require, otherwise you might find yourself in my bad graces. You don’t want that now, do you?”

Trell said nothing, only bowed her head deferentially. Syon made a dismissive hand gesture, which Trell gratefully took as her cue to leave.

As she made her hasty exit from her employer’s office, Trell once again reflected on the human who now unwittingly found himself in Syon’s clutches.

Trell didn’t envy him for a second.


Her footsteps echoed on the hard floor as Pryvani pushed open the doors in front of her, and was immediately greeted with the earthy scent of slightly decayed plant matter and animal musk.

She entered the stables, perhaps her second favorite place on the entire moon, with a relaxed air. After all she was an accomplished rider; having had lessons since the age of six, and had personally tamed and trained most of the beasts that were housed within. The chances of any of the harming her were miniscule.

She was making her weekly visit to her human population. Her role as their goddess required the occasional appearance and she was in the mood to make one. Of course, if one is to be considered a goddess, one cannot just simply walk somewhere. One needs to make an appearance.

And since the traditional methods such as appearing in a ball of fire or a pillar of light were, for all intents and purposes, practically impossible; Pryvani had therefore elected to go with the “divine mount” option.

And her mounts of choice were pretty impressive. They were called “Vashanas” -a species of quadrupeds commonly used as beasts-of-burden on the colony world where she had been raised. They were rather large, Pryvani only stood as tall as their shoulders.

Their long slender necks were topped with an equine head, surrounded by a mane of downy soft fur. Perched atop and jutting out and to the sides of their skulls was a pair of golden colored antlers which were contrasted to a stubby horn the length of Pryvani’s littlest finger on the tip of their snouts.

Their limbs were long and powerful, made for hauling cargo over long distances, and ended in large cloven hooves that could crack a Titan’s skull if he got on the wrong side of the beast. The creature’s vital areas were protected by hard armor-like scales, while the rest of its body was covered by soft fur.

She walked towards her favorite member of her little herd, a big brawny male with snow white fur from his shoulders down to the tip of his whip-like tail. She approached the creature slowly from the front, cooing softly and speaking gently. Carefully, she reached out one hand and pressed it to the blue-green scales on the beast’s underbelly, while digging her other hand into the rust colored mane to scratch gently at the sensitive flesh underneath.

“Hello Dawnstar.” She giggled as the animal bent his neck to sniff at her hair and lick her ear with his long rough tongue. She transferred her hand from its scale plate to the top of his head, rubbing the spot where his antlers jutted out from his forehead. She smiled as Dawnstar let loose a low purring noise and blinked his jewel-like compound eyes sleepily.

“Ready to go for a ride?” The animal snorted hot air, which she took to be an assent.

Of course, she had to get dressed first. She patted the animal on the haunch affectionately, walked over to a closet that was situated off to the side and away from the animal enclosures. She flung open the door and clicked on the light to reveal her array of “goddess costumes.”

Stripping off her work clothes, she stepped into the closet. Of course, before she could pick out the clothes, first she had to accessorize. The “jewelry” she began to pick out wasn’t just a collection of baubles however; it had a very important purpose.

The gravity on her moon had been calibrated to be as close to Earthlike as possible in order to accommodate her civilization and as well as the various Earth creatures she’d obtained. There were, of course, several areas on the moon where gravity had been artificially lessened to Titan norms, places where she and her associates lived and worked, but for the most part the g-forces were Earth-normal.

That meant that for a Titan to venture outside of those zones safely, they would need specialized equipment to be able to survive the crushing gravity.

Therefore each of the metal bands she now strapped onto her body concealed beneath their artistic appearance a gravity dampener that would allow her skeleton to support her own body weight.

She selected a long flowing shirt of sky blue, with a metal belt of gold interlocking discs. The dampeners worked better with good airflow and the light material of the skirt helped to accommodate that need.

Plus it made her legs look fantastic

In addition to the belt, she donned a brass colored armor-like breast plate that would help support her torso, as well as a set of silver bracers for her forearms and bands that clamped around her biceps. She strapped another pair of dampeners to her shins and a bronze torc and tiara supported her neck and head.

She finished the outfit with a matching shawl over her shoulders, and then went to make Dawnstar’s saddle kit ready. Being a creature even larger than she was, he too would need specialized equipment to stave off the forces of gravity.

Fortunately this was not the first time she had taken this ride with him, so the animal stood quiet and docile as she strapped a saddle to his back and metal rings around his legs, tail, and neck.

After applying all the equipment, Pryvani swiftly mounted the animal and, with a decisive flick of the reins, urged the animal out of the stable and into the morning sunshine.

It always disoriented her, for just a moment, to step from the Titan-strength gravity zones and into the denser Earth gravity. When wearing the gravity dampeners, her home gravity felt extremely light, like she could almost float away; but when she crossed into the Earth gravity suddenly she felt- well, not exactly normal. More like she had small weights strapped to her limbs. Not unbearable, but not natural either.

A creature Dawnstar’s size could potentially wreak havoc on the landscape, but fortunately there was already a well-worn trail that kept him away from the rest of the environment. With a snap of the reins in her hand Pryvani urged her mount forward, out of the stable and onto the pathway that led to the village.


“So, this is the infamous Titan Station, huh?” Zara asked, as her eyes wandered around the bustling walkway as she and her two companions, Brinn and Taron, wandered along the civilian portion of the station.

They were attempting to stave off boredom until the departure time of the transport ship that would take them (along with all their equipment and the two interns they’d commissioned to look after it all) through the final leg of their journey to the moon where Pryvani Tarsuss kept the subject of Zara’s latest study.

“Yup. This is it.” Brinn chirped. “Not exactly what you were expecting is it?”

“Well… I mean it’s nice, I guess, but it’s… well…” Zara fell silent with a shrug, unable to put her feelings into words.

“’Just like any other station in the Empire’?” Taron finished her thought with a grin.

“Yeah. I guess, being this close to Earth, I was expecting something a little more… special.”

Taron quirked an eyebrow at her, quizzically. “Like what? Roving herds of Earth-sized animals parading up and down the corridors?”

Zara shrugged. “I don’t know…. Just something.”

Brinn laughed and patted her friend on the shoulder. “Come on, we have some time before we have to board the transport ship, I’ll show you the little shop where I bought Nick. Maybe that will cheer you up.”

The three of them made their way through the corridors of the station, until they reached the fourth level of the bazaar. They quickly located the little shop and entered to find the same saleswoman working behind the counter. “Well hello! Back again I see, and how is that little human working out for you?”

“His name is Nick, and he’s been amazing.” Brinn said with a smile. “We’re just here to kill some time before our transport leaves, do you mind if we look around?”

“Of course not!” The saleswoman beamed, “Just let me know if you need anything.”

The three of them wandered the shop for a few minutes examining the displays of the tiny Earth animals. After a while, Zara found herself in front of the displays of frozen humans.

“So, this is how you first found Nick, huh?” She asked Brinn, who had wandered up beside her

“Yup. Just like this. You aren’t thinking of getting one, are you?”

“Not for me. I already have Sophia, after all… but my little sister is going to be attending University soon, and I think it might do her some good to have some company. She’s kind of, well, shy.”

Brinn smiled. “I think that’s a great idea. Which one were you thinking of sending her?”

Zara pointed to one of the glass containers. The human inside was male and a bit on the smaller side, even for a human. He had pale skin and his hair was black, shoulder length and shaggy with the tips dyed green. He was dressed in blue pants and a dark purple shirt.

“I think that’s a good choice. He looks to be just under three years old, if I’m not mistaken.” She smiled at her friend. “I think it’s very generous of you to buy your sister a human, I don’t think I’d do that for my little sister.”

Zara signaled to the shop owner, and then turned back to Brinn. “Why not?”

“She’s just not good with them. When we were kids my pet human bit her on the finger, which was a totally justified reaction- by the way, and a few days later that human ‘mysteriously’ vanished. She says he must have escaped, but I don’t believe that. I think she got rid of him to spite me.”

“What, did she kill him?” Zara’s eyes widened in shock.

Brinn shrugged. “Oh nothing like that, I suspect she just took him far away from our home and let him go and he was never able to find his way back.” Her look turned dark. “It was just another in a long line of ways she antagonized me. Let’s just say my sister and I don’t really get along.”

Zara wanted to ask more about Brinn’s sister, who she had never really heard about (and with good reason, apparently) but they were interrupted by the arrival of the store clerk.

“Is there something I can help you ladies with?” She asked pleasantly.

“Yes, I think I’d like to purchase this one, please.”

“Of course!” The shop girl unlocked the display case and removed the containment unit. Zara paid for her purchase and arranged for the human to be shipped to her sister’s home on the colony world where Zara had grown up.

“I just hope that he gets there before she leaves for school.” Zara muttered. “But, if not I guess my parents can make sure she gets him, eventually.”


The citizens of her human city always knew when she was coming. For one thing, she and Dawnstar were somewhat noticeable, but for another they tended to send runners from the various farms and fishing villages that she passed.

So it was not surprising that the gates to the city had been thrown wide open for her, a considerable crowd had gathered and a rather large supply of vegetation had been piled at the column where she usually kept Dawnstar tethered.

She dismounted and tied her mount to that column, where the beast bent his neck and began happily consuming the pile of grains and grass.

Pryvani walked into the boundary of the city with an air of serenity. As she entered the city she smiled at the crowd of humans that gathered at her feet. A fierce sense of protectiveness welled up inside of her as she, carefully to avoid stepping on any of the braver ones, made her way to the center of the city where her temple dominated the skyline.

The ziggurat was roughly chest high to the would-be goddess. Her people had cleverly shaped the temple into a throne for her, when she reached the building, she settled herself onto the massive cushion that sat on the roof. It was a good thing, she reflected wryly as she sat that her gravity dampeners were working because having her rear break through the roof of the building seemed a bit unbecoming for a goddess.

As she settled into the throne, she felt the pleasantly ticklish sensation of hundreds on tiny hands pressing against her feet and legs as the citizens of her dollhouse city surged forward to touch their goddess and bask in her divinity. The only downside to the ritual was Pryvani having to keep her feet unnaturally still lest she accidentally harm one of the little humans.

A door on the armrest of her “throne” opened and a man dressed in white cloth appeared at her elbow. Pryvani smiled and wrapped her fingers around Tulak, her “high priest” and the leader of her community.

“All glory unto you, Oh Goddess.” Tulak knelt in the palm of her hand, his head bowed submissively.

Pryvani gently breathed a stream of her warm breath onto the little man. “Rise, my servant, and tell me of my people.”

Her priest raised his eyes to hers and began a long litany of all the issues that faced the city. Pryvani found her mind wandering during the priest’s speech. She heard every word the man said, and filed it away in the back of her mind for later perusal, but her thoughts wandered. She was worried about the mole within her company. Despite the fact she had a pretty good idea who the mole was, there was always a chance she was wrong.

When it came to this particular project falling into the wrong hands, she couldn’t afford to be wrong.

Eventually, her priest finished telling her about the various wants and needs of the city. She raised the human to her lips and gave him a brief kiss. She lowered him back to the entrance of the temple. She made some speech about how well he was taking care of her people. He bowed once again and retreated back into the temple. She sat there for a moment, basking in the adoration of the humans at her feet before she, carefully, stood. When the humans saw her rise they respectfully backed away to give her room.

She smiled benevolently down on them before walking down the main street of the city to where the massive fountain that was the city’s main source of was situated. The fountain was massive, by human standards anyway. The highest tier reached as high as her waist.

As she stepped to the fountain, the humans cleared away. They knew their goddess was about to perform a small miracle. She approached the fountain and knelt at the edge she waved her hand over the pool of water and smiled mischievously when she heard the gasps of astonishment as the water turned fluorescent green.

What the gathered crowd hadn’t seen was Pryvani dropping the fingernail sized capsule into the water as she passed her hand over it. The capsule was a fast acting purifier. She couldn’t completely prevent disease in her city, but she could do as much as she could to keep their water supply clean.

After a few moments the chemical dissipated into the water and it turned clear again.

She a few minutes “blessing” the people of the city, before she rose to her feet again. She left the city and untethered Dawnstar before mounting the animal and riding back up the trail to the mountain where she lived.


In her luxurious cabin aboard the transport ship Empress Klia Rixie found herself in a hazy cloud of contentment the like of which she hadn’t felt in years. It was a strange feeling. She had been discharged with full honors from the Imperial Military, the only life she knew, and was currently en route to a new position with Pryvani Tarsuss, whom she wasn’t entirely sure she trusted.

And yet… Maybe it was the upper-tier accommodations aboard the transport ship that Pryvani had reserved for her as a show of good faith (or possibly a bribe.) Or maybe it was the glow from the hour long full body massage that she was still coming down from, or quite possibly it was the tiny human laying on her pelvis idly playing with her labia… Whatever the reason, or reasons- at that moment, Rixie couldn’t put a negative thought in her head if she’d wanted to.

Her hand snaked its way down her torso until it found the body of little Alex. Her fingers gently stroked the pocket-sized human’s back as she sighed contentedly.

“Rixie, can I ask you something?” Alex asked as he continued to stroke the lips of her vulva softly, sending minor spasms of pleasure through her body.

Rixie moaned, arched her back slightly and adjusted herself on the mattress. “I suppose so, as long as it’s not something that would put me in a bad mood.”

“It might be a bit personal…”

Rixie snorted in amusement. “I just caught you taking a nap in my underwear drawer, we’re both lying here naked – not to mention the fact that you’re currently palming my clitoris… and you’re worried about getting too personal?” She rolled her eyes towards the ceiling. “Ask away.”

Alex shrugged. “Well, okay then. What, exactly, is an ‘Imperator’? I mean, obviously it’s your military rank… but Pryvani acted like you were some kind of… I don’t know… secret agent or something.”

Rixie raised her head up so she could gaze down at the little man sprawled out on her torso. “Really? You’ve been quietly revving my engine for longer than I care to think about, and that’s what you wanted to ask me? You have a strange idea of bedroom talk.”

Alex scowled and tweaked her clit impudently, causing the Titaness’ hips to buck wildly underneath him.

“Ooh!” Rixie squealed. “Yeah! Okay then! Whatever does it for you, is fine by me… Far be it for me to judge.” She reached down and teasingly poked at Alex until the little human was forced to roll away from her crotch.

“Let me take over here, though. You’ve been teasing me, and I don’t think I can take any more of it. My left foot has an itch that I’m too lazy to reach for myself, go scratch it for me.” She grinned at Alex and winked at him impishly.

Alex shrugged and started the long trek down Rixie’s left leg, while she began working herself into a sexual bliss.

“Mm, anyway… To answer your kinky little question: an Imperator is a member of a Special Forces branch of the military. We’re the ones that get sent on the more… politically delicate missions. We’re also outside the normal military hierarchy, reporting only to High Command itself.

“Much of the time we’re either infiltrating enemy organizations or digging out corruption within the military structure itself. That’s what I was doing on Titan station. We got word of a smuggling operation running out of the station itself. I was sent in to see if any of our military personnel were involved.”

Alex had reached her foot, and she could feel him rubbing against the spaces between her toes, searching for the “itch.” His delicate little hands pawed at the soft flesh of her toes. It was a good thing she wasn’t especially ticklish, otherwise she probably would have catapulted him across the room by now.

“And were there any?” He asked as he rubbed his body against the sole of her foot. She was amused to note that he’d, finally, gotten over his reluctance to enjoy her feet the way he so desperately wanted to.

Good. She actually loved the feeling of his little body pressed into the sole of her foot. She loved the way her foot towered over his diminutive form, roughly four times taller than he was. It made her feel… Divine.

“No.” She finally answered his question. “Actually those responsible were some of the same ones who brought you aboard the station.” It was getting harder for her to focus; her mind was being clouded over by pre-orgasmic sensation.

“How could you possibly have reached a rank like that at your age?” Alex wondered, as he ran his hands along the wrinkles of her sole. He was determined to find a weak spot. One ticklish area that he could use to bring the Titaness to her knees.

“I’ve been training for the military since I was about five, and in service since I was sixteen.” Rixie shuddered as she felt Alex’s hands lightly scratching t the heel of her foot. “I’m an orphan, and like all orphans, I was a ward of the state. I was found to have a particular aptitude for military service, so that’s where I went.”

“But what about…?” Alex began, but Rixie cut him off.

“I think that’s enough questions for now, little one. There are much more important things your mouth should be doing.” She slowly lowered her foot down on top of Alex, and then slid it back until his crotch was just under the ball of her foot. “Kiss my toes Alex. Worship them. Worship at the feet of your Goddess…” Rixie was working herself into a sexual frenzy, pushing herself towards the pinnacle of climax.

She could feel Alex’s tongue against her toe, his sudden enthusiasm for their game was pushing her closer, and closer… but she needed something more, something else to push her over the edge…

“Uhn… say it, Alex.” She moaned. “Say I’m your goddess…”

Alex found himself slightly bewildered. He wasn’t sure where their fun little game had taken this particular turn, but he couldn’t really bring himself to care. He was too caught up riding the wave of Rixie’s enthusiasm, and he didn’t want to fight it. He wanted to submerse himself in it and enjoy the ride. “I worship you, my Goddess!” He cried out before burying his face in the flesh of her toes again.

And that was all it took.

A thunderous and feral roar that seemed to shake the very walls of their cabin ripped from Rixie’s throat as Alex’s words pushed her over the edge and waves of pleasure rocked her body from the tips of her toes all the way to the crown of her skull. Even her braids tingled.

“Wow…” She moaned, as stars swam in front of her eyes. Numbly, she groped around with her hand until she located Alex and gathered him into her palm. She wrapped her fingers around him gently, securely, and held him above her face, grinning at him.

“That…” She panted, “Was amazing!” She lowered him to her lips and ran her tongue along his body.

“Your goddess loves you, little Alex.” She mumbled sleepily, before pressing him to her lips. She then lowered him to her abdomen, where she left her hand covering him like a blanket.

And then she passed out.