Alliance: Intelligence Character List D.X. Machina

Hey, everyone, it’s your friendly neighborhood D.X. Machina here. I know Alliance: Intelligence has loads and loads of characters. Not all of them will be important, but many of them get mentioned, and frankly, it’s not easy keeping the eighteen human Acolyte officers straight. I have this stuff written down to refer back to. You should too! So as a service to you, our paying readers,  I thought I’d give you a quick “cheat sheet” for those of you who are having trouble keeping track of the many, many folks I’ve dropped in your lap.

I’ll break this up into Bass officers, Acolyte officers, Embassy officers, and civilians; there may be more characters mentioned later, but hopefully, not all at once.

Officers on the Aertimus H. Bass

Capt. Lauryna Gwenn, Commanding – You know Lauryna, of course.

Capt. Izzy Ibanez, Commander Joint Operations – And Izzy, too.

Cmdr. Xianara Riases, Executive Officer – A Titan woman who first served with Lauryna on the ISS Tez Magilna, and later as chief of communications on the ISS Gyfjon.

SC1C Enarhu Polia, Operations Officer – A Dunnermac man who hasn’t served with most of the Bass‘s crew before.

SC2C Shagda Olthympo, Chief of Security – A Titan woman who served on the ISS Troji during the Battle of Tau Ceti; she dropped on the planet with other security officers, which is the only reason she survived her ship’s destruction. In addition to losing a number of close friends, she lost her longtime partner in the battle as well.

JC1C Utti Larasin, Security Officer – A Jotnar Titan man who was a gunner on the Gyfjon during the Battle of Tau Ceti.

JC2C Loren Zopaal, Flight Control Officer – A human man and a member of The Tribe, Loren is descended from Luke and Quendra, as well as Degu Rockfist. He moved to Avalon in an attempt to win the heart of a girl (5 DX points to the person who remembers who!), ended up joining the Avalonian Guard, and eventually, ended up in the Imperial Military.

SC3C Glyta Idisoko, Junior Linguist – A Titan woman, Glyta is a capable linguist, though very inexperienced. She is the heir to the House of Idisoko, one of the 79 Families.

Acolyte Officers

Acolyte Nine

COL Ahek Uɉa, Pilot, Commander Acolyte Air Group – A human woman who served under Ted Martinez on the TSS Alcubierre, and later became an Acolyte pilot who fought at Tau Ceti. Ahek is Sentinelese.

MAJ Sachini Ranatunga, Engineer – A human woman who served as engineer on Acolyte Three during the Battle of Tau Ceti, she was knocked unconscious and saved by Ryan Carey. Sachini is Sri Lankan.

LT Aram Akreyi, Gunner – A human man who is seeing his first combat action. Aram is Kurdish.

Acolyte Six

SC3C Emidus Zery, Pilot, Deputy CAAG – An Avalonian human man who piloted the Six during the Battle of Tau Ceti.

JC1C Eudo Ytego, Gunner – An Avalonian human woman, Eudo served as gunner on the Six at Tau Ceti.

JC3C Amon Stopri, Engineer – An Avalonian human man, he was a reserve pilot at Tau Ceti; though he didn’t see combat, he was on the planet for the attack, and helped to launch the fighters and ready the Jacks. He is dating Odsetseg.

Acolyte 22

LT Isra al-Zayadeen, Pilot – A human woman who is flying her first combat missions, Isra is from Libya.

LT Hercule Desroches, Gunner – A French European human man, Hercule is getting his first taste of combat. He is the close friend and occasional lover of Fatou Bâ, and friends with Odsetseg.

SUBLT Fatou Bâ, Engineer – A human woman from Mandé in Africa, Fatou is flying her first combat missions. She is close friends and occasionally friends-with-benefits with Hercule Desroches, and friends with Odsetseg.

Acolyte Twelve

MAJ Lauren Wilson, Pilot – A human woman from Canada, Lauren piloted the Twelve at Tau Ceti.

MAJ Hans-Peter Müller, Gunner – Hans-Peter served as a gunner on the Twelve at Tau Ceti. He is Swiss European.

LT Eufêmia Gaspar, Engineer – Feminha is an East Timorese engineer who is getting her first taste of combat.

Acolyte 24

LT Jerome Nallapati, Pilot – Jerome is Jamaican, serving in his first combat role as an Acolyte pilot.

SUBLT Bazla Muzakhel, Engineer – Bazla is a Pakistani engineer. This is her first combat mission.

SUBLT N. Odtsetseg, Gunner – Odsetseg is a Mongolian woman, currently serving on her first mission as an Acolyte officer. She is good friends with Hercule Desroches and Fatou Bâ, and she is dating Amon Stopri.

Acolyte 24

LT I Young-ja, Pilot – Young-ja is a Korean woman; this is her first deployment.

LT Saga Elsasdottir, Gunner – Saga is an Icelandic European woman, serving on her first combat deployment. She is the daughter of the Undersecretary for Peacekeeping Operations, Elsa Stefánsdottir.

SUBLT Alfredo Sapienti, Engineer – Fredo is an Italian European man, serving on his first combat deployment.

Embassy Officers

Seb.-Imp. Mpola Vidol, Security Director (Special Operations) – Krator-Imperator Vidol is a Titan woman, the wife of Ambassador Joseu Kronu. She has been conducting a significant signals intelligence operation on Hive Prime that has yielded important information that could help the Empire in the war. She voluntarily stayed behind on Hive Prime to make sure that the data was collected for transmission to the Empire.

Decanus Nasti Johkanan, Security – Nasti is a Jotnar Titan woman, who was serving as a security guard for the Embassy, and remained behind to help keep the position secure.

Decanus Embassy-Guard, Security – Embassy-Guard is an Avartle man who stayed behind to help guard the Embassy.


Sibel Abidilidi – A Titan woman and freelance mercenary guard, she was working as a security officer on a cargo ship with her boyfriend, who was killed by the Insectoids in the chaos.

Jolus Regda – A Titan man and the director of the local Imperial School, he managed to get one student to the Embassy after the school was overrun by the Insectoids.

Vif Stauseo – A Titan man and smuggler, Vif has admitted he was running illegal technology into Hive Prime, but says he’d rather got to prison than be eaten by the Insectoids.

Myo Usilu – A Titan girl and the daughter of two Titans who were working on the planet, Myo was the only student to make it out of the Imperial School and to the Embassy.



  1. Storysmith says:

    One of the many reasons I keep coming back to these awesome stories. The authors are so very responsive to the community they have created

  2. Ponczek says:

    Nice list, explains in one place most of new characters, though im not sure if you mentioned all officers which appeared already – for example Luke, Quendra and Degus great(insert proper amount)-grandson, which if i understood well, is in flight control of acolytes… And i guess there will be more characters too, so are you planning on editing this page when you get more characters, or is it just a one time explanation post?

      • Ponczek says:

        Yay, DX points! Yeah, i tend to forget about spoilers, having wiki on favorite list. About Loren – i knew name was familiar, though i couldnt place his surname before.
        Btw i hope you dont mind too much me adding (seemimgly) missing letter (in quote) at house of Carey page?

          • D.X. Machina says:

            The beauty of a wiki is that everyone is welcome to edit. And there are many times I need editing….

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