Biographies Titan: Nomad

Aisell Maris




Titan: 20

Earth: 131


Earth Proportionate: 5ft 5

Earth Actual: 130 feet

Titan: 0.94 units


Earth Proportionate: 115lds

Earth Actual: 794 Tonnes


Earth Proportionate:  32/22/32 B

Earth Actual: 64/44/64 (feet)

Hair: Long blonde

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Pale

Personality: Aisell grew up on a rural fruit farm on Archavia. She is the middle child with two sisters. While her older sister was calm and responsible and her younger sister ditsy and oblivious, Aisell was always off somewhere else. Creating worlds in her mind and exploring them with imaginary friends or trekking across the land around the farm. She is kind, caring, loyal and very loving. She kept pets growing up who were happy and well looked after.

While friendly and outgoing Aisell is quite introverted. She had friends but was only especially close with her sisters. While all three were very different the small age gap helped them form a tight bond. She would often annoy both her sisters by making decisions on their behalf believing she knew better. As Aisell got older she started to feel trapped and yearned for some real adventure. As soon as she saved up the money she signed on with the first ship she could find and headed out to explore The Empire.

Despite appearing like a blonde ditz, Aisell is sharp, incisive and confident. Attributes she developed as a teenager when she got addicted to a traditional Titan game called Tol’Bot. Aisell has been on a hiatus due to her travels and her pseudonym has not been active in some time.

Luke Palmer


Age: 20

Height: 5’9

Weight: 155

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Tan

Personality: Before being abducted by aliens and metaphorically set adrift in space, Luke was a typical college sophomore from Boulder, Colorado. He had been majoring in Classical English Literature, which is sure to serve him well as he attempts to survive aboard the space station full of giant aliens.

In spite of his rather soft upbringing, Luke managed to carve out an existence for himself as he hid from the station’s inhabitants. He learned to forage for scraps of food and find shelter for himself in the walls and floors of the strange alien environment.

Perhaps because of the fact that he has had to fight for literally everything he has in this new life, Luke has developed into a fiercely independent person. He is generally mistrusting of the aliens he’s found himself living among. (Not without reason, as several have almost killed him- whether by accident or design.)

Back in his former life he tended to live as a bit of a loner, mostly employing his time in quieter pursuits like reading. He’s also a fairly good chess player. His main goal now is to find a way, any way, back to Earth and the life he left behind.  Of course, at the moment mere survival tends to take precedence.

Lezah Maris


Titan: 25

Earth: 162.5



Earth Proportionate: 5’7

Earth Actual: 134 ft

Titan Units:  0.97



Earth Proportionate: 132 lbs

Earth Actual: 912 Tonnes



Earth Proportionate: 34B/24/34

Earth Actual: 68/48/68 (feet)

Shoe Size 7 (7×19)


Hair: Ginger

Eyes:  Misty Grey

Skin: Caucasian with a farmers tan





Lezah Maris is by no accounts a mean person. In her younger days she was perhaps one of the more fun loving and fancy free of the Maris sisters. However as of late she has found herself quite distracted from life, as she struggles to keep the family farm afloat. Due to Aisell’s wandering nature, and Aezhay’s whimsical carelessness, most of this chore has fallen onto Lezah.


Lezah is quite maternal, but has never been very good at multi-tasking, as a result she often comes across as aloof and impatient as she struggles to cope with so much happening around her.


Lezah is calm under pressure, intelligent and ever mindful of the thoughts of others, she carries other people’s burdens even when she’d much rather not. She loves her sisters, but often finds herself frustrated with their priorities. Lezah has a mind for business and is very quick to pick up on a good thing when it comes her way.


Of the Three sisters Lezah is perhaps least afraid to get her hands dirty, and is perhaps the hardest working of the bunch.












Aezhay Maris


Titan:  19

Earth: 123.5



Earth Proportionate:  6’0.5

Earth Actual: 145 Feet

Titan Units:  1:05



Earth Proportionate: 174

Earth Actual: 1224 tones



Earth Proportionate: 36C/26/25

Earth Actual: 72/52/70 feet

Shoe Size 12 (8×22)



Hair: Blonde

Eye:  Green

Skin: Caucasian- farmers tan




Aezhay is a plain spoken farm girl. As the youngest sister, she can be a bit of a brat, but she’s usually a hard working country girl. Aezhay was little bit resentful when Aisell left on her strange adventure, but it’s tempered by the fact she does lover her sister. She has a tendency to make fun of Aisell’s new “funny way of talking.”


Aezhay is the most scatter brained of the three Maris sisters. She enjoys having a good time, and is never one to take life very seriously. Aezhay is bit of a procrastinator, and not always one to take notice of other people’s feelings. It is not so much that she doesn’t care as much as she is just not very insightful.


She sometimes feels a bit awkward being so much bigger than both her older sisters.



Currently a student at University majoring in agricultural science, although she’s on break at the moment so she can help Lezah with the harvest.



Bedra Tae




Earth: 24

Titan: 169



Earth Proportionate: 5’8

Earth Actual: 138 feet

Titan Units: 1.00



Earth Proportionate: 138

Earth Actual: 866 tons



Earth Proportionate: 36B/26/36

Earth Actual: 72/52/72

Shoe Size: 8


Hair: Chestnut red wavy hair.

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Brown



Bedra Tae is an upbeat and positive young woman currently studying  Hospitality and Destination tourism at Meridian Colligate Institute in the territory of Rutger in the Provence of Orion situated in the southwestern hemisphere of Archavia.

Bedra works part time as a bar tender at a local night club in the City of Lordale, and lives in communal student housing with a roommate, and her human pet Degu. Bedra grew up on a tropical archipelago known as The Melpomene Reef.

Bedra and Aisell have been friends since they were both quite young. Aisell Maris was the first friend Bedra made when her family re located to Orion Provence. As close as sisters, friends, companions and confidants, the two share a unique relationship.

Bedra is an easy going person with a very mellow personality. Slow to anger, quick to forgive, her motto for live is ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’. She often serves as a ground wire to Aisell’s more tense and high strung personality.  Bedra as a fan of the night life enjoys being where the action is.

Cultural differences on the rearing of human beings as pets unique to citizens of the Melphomene Reef gives her a unique outlook on the role of her pet in her own life. Humans raised in the Melphomene Reef are generational pets. Entire Families dwell with their Titan guardians and can trace their lines back sometimes 6 generations or more. While they enjoy more liberties than their northern kin, Melphomene humans are in general resilient, independent and fiercely loyal to their guardians. While not as submissive and cuddly, they do respect and obey their guardian’s unquestiongly, although sometimes with a mild air of annoyance. It is not uncommon for humans born in the Melphomene reef to wear simple coverings over their genitalia when out in public, as their nudity is often reserved for their guardian, with whom they share a very special bond. Often viewing sexual service to their guardian as the highest form of respect and submission.








Quendra the Huntress

Age: 22

Height: 5’5

Species: Human

Weight: 105

Hair: Strawberry Red

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Caucasian, tan with freckles.







Quendra the huntress quickly earned the title “Screams Like Kipp” due to her unique ability to almost perfectly mimic the cry of the wild Kipp, a small hairless K-9 like animal that inhabits the warm rural farmland near the farm she grew up on. This high pitched yelp like call does wonders for frightening away the Shaar that straggle around the barns and farmland. This scream, along with the clever use of the wild Royal Berry thorn (its scent and poison is a sharp deterrent to predators) has earned Quendra the Huntress a fair bit of respect among her fellow tribesmen and women.


Quendra is a member of “The Tribe” a nameless band of humans living a hand to mouth, hunter gatherer existence in the lush farmlands of the Maris estate. Secretive, discrete and rarely seen, these wild humans are more myth than fact.





Age: 3 (19 human years)

Height 6’1

Species: Human

Weight: 210

Eyes:  Brown

Hair: Black, braided

Skin: Dark Brown

Build: Muscular and toned




Degu is a young human male who was born to parents belonging to Bedra’s family. Degu has spent most of his younger life living with his parents, but was chosen by Bedra to accompany her when she moved away from the family home to attend College. While Degu adores his mistress, he is often difficult to manage due to his brash nature and testosterone fueled antics.

Degu enjoys showing off, and will go to extreme lengths to impress those Titan’s he respects and submits to. While he doesn’t really get along with other humans, he does respect those who display the ability to assert themselves and has even formed a tentative friendship with the unique and abrasive human companion of his mistress’ roommate.

As is often the case with Archavian domestic raised humans, Degu leans more towards the naive side of the spectrum. Easy to manipulate and fool due to his easily trusting nature, tied in with his uncontrollable wander lust, Degu often gets himself into trouble with other humans, Titans and animals.

Generally left to his own devices, rarely scolded by his Mistress unless the line has been crossed in excess, Degu shares a close relationship with Bedra.

While far from her equal, Degu has earned a cherished place in Bedra’s life, and often enjoys privileges most masters deny their humans. One of such being his menu, Degu is used to an Archavian diet, and has never known the humiliation of a caged life.



Thurfrit The Chronicler

Age: 25

Height: 5’11

Species: Human

Weight 200

Hair: Black, bearded.

Skin: Caucasian, tan



Stocky, somewhat chubby, fit.




Thurfrit is the Tribe’s Scribe, or as they call him, Chronicler. Thurfrit is charged with the upkeep of the great archive, which contains the written history of the Tribe since before the great exodus.  As a Chronicler, Thurfrit is also responsible for recording the many adventures and great heroic tales of his people. Thurfrit is an artist, leaving elaborate drawings  along with his scribbles.

Thurfrit not only speaks, but can read and write Standard Galaxtic Archavian. While documenting the events of his people however, Thurfrit writes in a script unique to his people.

The Chronicler’s role keeps him close to home and far from danger, Thurfrit however has always found himself incurably curious, often wandering from the safety of the Tribe’s home, and in the path of danger.

Thurfrit’s dream is to write a tale so great, it will be remembered for all time. His ambition, to be the one who lives this great tale, and also to write it!

The Chronicler is reserved, inquisitive and intellectual by nature, but somewhat shy.


And more!


Gae Neutha

Age: 25 (163 Earth)

Height: 1.0 units/138′ 0″ (equivalent of 5’9″)

Weight: 974.5 tons (equivalent of 141 lbs.)

Bust: 72′ (36″ prop.)

Waist:  50′ (25″ prop.)

Hips: 72′ (36″ prop.)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Tan

Bio: Gae has been friends with Lezah since they were in grade school. Always attracted to activism, Gae was arguing for human rights long before anyone around her thought it made a lick of sense. In high school, she joined Titans for the Ethical Treatment of Humans, and she got more involved in college. After graduating, she took a low-level staff job as an organizer for the group. She’s come back to Medzina to try to organize in the town, though knowing the local populace, she was not initially optimistic.

She is currently in a close but secret relationship with a human, Yamanu.


Age: 4 (28 Earth years)

Height: 5’9½” (4.2 centiunits)

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Tan

Bio: Yamma was bred at the Margrita Lofos Human Farm near Sobrylucicer, Aement, Archavia. He had a fairly typical life up until he was three Titan years old, when the pet store in Aementos that was selling him was raided by Titans for the Ethical Treatment of Humans, which liberated him and other humans being sold there.

In the ensuing days, Yamma ended up being taken in by Gae Neutha, a TETH activist; he trusts her, though he’s unsure about TETH in general. Gae recognized his intelligence, and has helped him to learn over the past Titan year that he’s lived with her; they have also developed a romantic relationship, and he assists her in her work helping to improve the plight of humans.


  1. Chris says:

    A scene from “Firewater” made me wonder: how do Titans and Humans sleep together?

    I mean, most pre-Zeramblin Humans probably slept in enclosures, or maybe on a nearby nightstand. But what about actually sleeping together?

    There’s the obvious risk of a Titan rolling over in his/her sleep and crushing or smothering their tiny other half.

    That and unless there is some way for a Human to rouse a sleeping Titan, said Human would be more or less helpless and left to their own devices until that Titan awoke.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      Some people don’t move in their sleep and others do.

      If you can reasonably predict how you’ll move then sleeping together is fine.

      Beds are also squishy so it negates some risk.

      Let’s also remember that titans will sleep 30 hours at a time and Humans only 8 so a human is best placed to judge where is best to sleep.

      • Chris says:

        That makes sense I guess. I’d still be nervous for the Human in that situation. That must be a trip.

        • Dann says:

          Any story where I have a tiny and a giant sized person sleeping together, I hand wave as “he sleeps on the other pillow”…thats how I get around that little obstacle anyhow…

          • Chris says:

            That’s probably how it would work in reality. It would make it much easier to share a bed. If I were a human I wouldn’t count on a Titan not rolling over simply because some people don’t. The fear or being crushed or smothered to death is pretty strong lol.

  2. Chris says:

    Sometimes I wonder what Aisell was like when she was younger, when she and Bedra would play with Humans at that pet shop or w/e.

  3. Chris says:

    Oh, I always meant to ask. Does Aisell have what one would call an English (or wherever the Hell Imogen Poots is from) accent or something’s distinctly more Archavian?

    • Dann says:

      Eh, we haven’t all really been able to come to an agreement on that, so mostly we leave it up to the reader to imagine.

      Me personally? I hear the Maris sisters in a mid western American accent.

    • Dann says:

      I mean, I suppose she’d have a regional accent typical to her geography? What that perticular rural accent sounds like, is up to you 🙂

    • OpenHighHat says:

      I honestly can’t believe I didn’t reply to this one. So when I was formulating Aisell as a person I was watching Ironclad which Imogen Poots is in. She fit the Aisell bill really well so I just rolled with her.

      Despite being English the character she played was Scottish so I always hear her with a light Dumfries and Galloway accent.

      The rest of the north American writers all went with southern belle accents but for me that’s too much of a stereotype.

    • JohnnyScribe says:

      We’ve kind of gotten away from using real life pictures anyway. Truthfully I don’t even remember what picture was there

  4. Chris says:

    I still come back and read this sometimes. Aisell and Luke were always my favorite, but we all know how that ended. While some of the outright macrophile stuff kind of took me out of it sometimes, still loved the affection between the two..
    Favorite out of them all.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      Yeah, this started as porn without plot, but they’ve been scaling back on the sexy stuff and treating it more as a sci fi epic.

      • Dann says:

        in my defense, I’ve always tried to write my stories (the long ones, like CSP, as real stories, with elements of Macrophillia, as opposed to the opposite.)

        • Chris says:

          I love seeing it in the stories, not to the extent of the shower scene, but definitely whenever Aisell handled Luke or cuddled him. Even that seems mostly absent from more recent additions. Also, this may sound dumb, but what does CSP stand for? XD
          Love your work Dann.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            Yeah I plead guilty to that.

            The shower and exploration stuff was more to establish her character than for titillation. And to establish she didn’t see him as a threat. The sex bit, looking back on it, wasn’t needed (KR1 did say that at the time.). If I were to edit it I’d cut the whole thing out and just have him wake up with all the nudity and a hangover and flashbacks.

  5. Stephen says:

    I find Gae, AIsell, Quendra and Lezah the most attractive. I think I like Aisell the most physically, but I like Gae’s views of humans the most.

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