Biographies Titan: Sovereign by JohnnyScribe


Tylum Mavoy

Titan: 19
Earth: 120
Earth Proportionate: 5’1
Earth Actual: 122
Titan: .88 Units

Earth Proportionate 100 lbs
Earth Actual 691.5 tons

Hair Black
Eyes Purple
Skin Dusky

Extremely studious and a little serious, quiet and bookish. Can be reasonably friendly. Believes that humans are equally intelligent to Titans, and will defend that belief. Undecided major, too many options.

Princess Rhionne ColVanos


Titan: 18
Earth: 117
Earth Proportionate: 5’6
Earth Actual: 132
Titan: .96 Units

Earth Proportionate 120 lbs
Earth Actual 829 tons

Hair long, dark brown, reddish undertones
Eyes Pale green
Skin light brown


The second born daughter of the current reigning Emperor and Empress. Rhionne can be headstrong and stubborn, but she also knows when to step back. She doesn’t like getting special treatment as a princess, and would rather earn her own way than trade on her familial connections.
Fara Shied

Titan: 20
Earth: 129
Earth Proportionate: 5’7
Earth Actual: 134
Titan: .97 Units

Earth Proportionate 125 lbs
Earth Actual 860 tons

Hair dark brown, almost black
Eyes blue
Skin tanned


Quiet and shy, she’s very soft spoken and easily embarrassed. She loves animals and aspires to be a veterinarian. Extremely kind and always willing to help out a friend. Currently majoring in Veterinary Medicine

Myona Barreda

Titan: 18
Earth: 115
Earth Proportionate: 4’11
Earth Actual: 118
Titan: .87 Units

Earth Proportionate 90 lbs
Earth Actual 622 tons

Hair long, red and curly
Eyes golden
Skin Pale

Fun loving outgoing and friendly, has a hard time taking things seriously. She can also be extremely hyperactive. Currently dual majoring in Holographic Engineering and Culinary Arts.

Daz Zakrov

Titan: 19
Earth: 121
Earth Proportionate: 5’5
Earth Actual: 130
Titan: .94 Units

Earth Proportionate 130 lbs
Earth Actual 904 tons

Hair Tan
Eyes Brownish Red
Skin Tan


Athletic and competitve, can be a bit rough around the edges. Tends to communicate largely through sarcasm. Often lazy when not involved in something she’s passionate about.

Currently majoring in Astro-Navigation

Aezhay Maris

Titan: 19
Earth: 123.5
Earth Proportionate: 6’0.5
Earth Actual: 145
Titan: 1.05 Units

Earth Proportionate 174 lbs
Earth Actual 1224 tons

Hair Blonde
Eyes Green
Skin Pale, slight farmer’s tan


Aezhay is a plain spoken farm girl. She can usually be a hard working country girl, but at the same time knows when not to take life too seriously. Can often feel awkward due to how much taller she is than most people.

Currently a student at University majoring in Agricultural Science.

Centurium Reevah Tam


Titan: 21
Earth: 137
Earth Proportionate: 5’2
Earth Actual: 124
Titan: .90 Units

Earth Proportionate 110 lbs
Earth Actual 840 tons

Hair long, black
Eyes brown
Skin pale pink


Drafted into being Princess Rhionne’s bodyguard shortly after graduating from the Hoplite military program. Reevah has the rank of Centurium, though she only served in the traditional military a relatively short time. Despite this, she has earned the rank- and the respect it comes with it.


Pierce Lafontaine


Age 19
Height 5’9
Weight 155
Hair Short shaggy, dyed green
Eyes Pale blue
Skin Pale, somewhat pasty.











A bit wreckless and something of a daredevil. Pierce has his quite contemplative side as well. Enjoys art, and always had a sketchbook and pencil on him wherever he went. Can be a bit of a slacker, but as the oldest child also felt responsible for his younger sisters.


  1. Austin says:

    I just started reading some of your stories and I love them. I love the way you write your stories. They are very enjoyable to read. Thank you.

  2. Stephen says:

    I actually find Tylum, Fara, Reevah and Myona to be the most attractive, but I tend to like pale skinned women more anyway.

  3. Nitestarr says:

    BTw nice legs – thought I would just mention it. Left an ‘official’ review back on the verboten website….

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