Aisell sat at the data terminal and bounced her leg with eager anticipation, of all the things she had endeavored to accomplish this was one thing she didn’t feel guilty for taking pleasure in. Single handed she had bested Lyroo and rescued her friend from slavery; she did it using brains not brawns and had …
Category: Titan Novels
Chapter 6: New Arrivals Titan: Sovereign by JohnnyScribe
Daz sat in her room, staring at the computer screen in front of her with a frown on her face. The young Titaness scrolled through the two-dimensional images that she’d recovered from the strange bit of technology that Pierce had kept with him when he was taken from Earth. They were, themselves, nothing special. Pictures …
Chapter 54: An Awkward Reunion Titan:Exile by Dann
Aisell carried the terrarium home in stuned silence; she had taken her jacket off to cover it with in order to preserve Darren the indignity of traveling across the district with his nakedness exposed. There would be time for acclaim and a standing ovation on her job well done another time, for now she had …
Chapter 5: One Person’s Trash… Arena by JohnnyScribe
The heels of their shoes clicked on the tile floors of the hotel hallways with a staccato rhythm. The sound almost seemed to mock Rixie, as if it were a counter ticking away the time that Alex had left. She glanced down at the data pad in her hand, the pet-locator program displayed prominently …
Chapter Forty-Nine: Reckoning Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina
Luke the Teacher plowed through the tall grass at the edge of the forest, trying and failing to ignore the very loud noises of the night. Quendra was right; there was no way he was going to make it to Aisell and Lezah, not at this time of night. But what choice did he have? …
Chapter Forty-Eight: Accounting Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina
Thurfrit shook his head, trying to clear it. “Is everyone okay?” he said, recognizing that he was lying among other humans, a few layers deep. “Define okay,” Kith the Hunter called. Thurfrit shifted as the chatter increased. “Quiet down!” he called, surprising even himself. “Everyone, check around you, see if anyone’s hurt. If they are, …
Chapter 53: Liberation and Acquisition Titan:Exile by Dann
Junior Crewmate Lauryna Gwenn exited the turbo lift and casually jogged down the expansive hallway that lead to her quarters. Jax had informed her of an incoming deep space transmission, one that had been directed straight to her quarters while she was on shift. As she was unable to take personal calls while on duty, …
Chapter 4: Like an Animal Titan: Arena by JohnnyScribe
Sam sat in his little travelling box, staring blankly out the clear glass wall. He was numb. He’d lost his match for the night, but that didn’t really matter to him anymore. The promise of minor improvements to his living space no longer was enough to compel him to fight. Because it was all an …
Chapter Forty-Seven: Member of the Tribe Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina
Lesis Teronidia shook his head slightly. He was beginning to wonder if it had been a good idea, calling in Ncaesi. Oh, she was good. She’d found the small woods not long after he gave her Gae’s description of them, launched a few small drones for surveillance. She had worked up a rather impressive amount …
Chapter 52: What Scares a Titan Titan: Exile By Dann
Eyrn shuffled around in bed, nestling her body into the fluffy array of pillows that surrounded her on all sides. Pillows, custom made for someone her size, stuffed with a synthetic fiber that put anything she had back on base to shame. Of course the best part of sleeping now a days were the comforters. …