Tag: Aisell Maris

Chapter Thirty-One: And the Time’s Comin’ Near Titan: Contact by D.X. Machina

“If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I?” –Hillel the Elder It took a good five minutes before any of the people on Titan Station could find their voice. Xú, alone among her crew, was not crying. Not because she did …

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Chapter Thirty: By the Dim and Flaring Lamps Titan: Contact by D.X. Machina

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who …

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Dearly Beloved A Tale of Avalon by D.X. Machina

“It’s lucky the Gyfjon was diverted to the Tarsuss System. I would’ve hated for Izzy to miss this,” Junior Crewmate Gwenn said, as she walked through the halls of the compound, heading for the holosuites; her companion just laughed. “Luck? Sure. Just a lucky coincidence that Pryvani’s communications company just happened to specifically need the …

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Chapter Forty-Nine: Reckoning Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina

Luke the Teacher plowed through the tall grass at the edge of the forest, trying and failing to ignore the very loud noises of the night. Quendra was right; there was no way he was going to make it to Aisell and Lezah, not at this time of night. But what choice did he have? …

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Chapter Forty-Eight: Accounting Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina

Thurfrit shook his head, trying to clear it. “Is everyone okay?” he said, recognizing that he was lying among other humans, a few layers deep. “Define okay,” Kith the Hunter called. Thurfrit shifted as the chatter increased. “Quiet down!” he called, surprising even himself. “Everyone, check around you, see if anyone’s hurt. If they are, …

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Chapter Forty-Seven: Member of the Tribe Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina

Lesis Teronidia shook his head slightly. He was beginning to wonder if it had been a good idea, calling in Ncaesi. Oh, she was good. She’d found the small woods not long after he gave her Gae’s description of them, launched a few small drones for surveillance. She had worked up a rather impressive amount …

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Chapter Forty-Six: Night Like a River Beginning Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina

“I’m home,” Aisell called, dropping her bags in the entryway. It was late in the evening, ten days after she’d left for Medzina. She was a little surprised not to see anyone waiting for her; she knew that things were busy, but still…. She rounded the corner into the kitchen, and gasped in shock. “Surprise!” …

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Chapter Forty-Five: Constellations Titan: Nomad, Chapter by D.X. Machina

Time passed, as time usually does. Luke leaned on the cane, and waited for his group to catch up. He was actually feeling good, despite the fact that his leg was beginning to ache. The climb to High Watch was for once not being done for the purposes of a night hunt. Gradually, seven or …

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Chapter Forty-Four: The Fate of Darren Titan: Exile by Dann

“I’m not a smart man, least ah never really considered m’self one. Sure ‘m not dumb, but ah’ ain’t no Einstein.” Darren sat in the long grass before the landscape of a woman laying on her stomach with her arms folded neatly. Pryvani’s head sat atop her folded arms as she listened to Darren intently. …

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