Chapter Forty-Four: The Fate of Darren Titan: Exile by Dann

“I’m not a smart man, least ah never really considered m’self one. Sure ‘m not dumb, but ah’ ain’t no Einstein.” Darren sat in the long grass before the landscape of a woman laying on her stomach with her arms folded neatly. Pryvani’s head sat atop her folded arms as she listened to Darren intently. The glowing gardens at night was one of her favorite places to unwind, and her public persona was just quirky enough that she could lay in the cool grass and relax and nobody would bat an eye.

“But ah know what happens to a mutt after it bites it’s owner. We’re not too much better back home really. Course we have dogs and cats for pets, not other people.” Darren shrugged.

“Ah was ready for it, at least ah thought ah was. So when they came along and started asking me questions, poking me and fixing to see if ah was a risk or not, to say I was surprised is a bit of an understatement.” Darren didn’t mind sitting out in the grass, he was well aware that there were things lurking around that could make an easy late night snack of him. But thankfully the apex predator homo-titanus was likely enough to frighten any would be lesser predators away. Not that he felt too keen on referring to Pryvani as an apex predator…she would never let him live it down.

“So, I guess I can assume by present company that the results of the evaluation were at least somewhat favorable?” Pryvani allowed her eyes to close, the sounds and aroma of the gardens always her at ease.

“Ah suppose you can say that. Though it wasn’t much of an evaluation. All I had’t do was not kill a buncha titans that weren’t try’n to kill me.” Darren stiffed a laugh and rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure you excelled quite well at that! After all we’ve been together most of the evening and you’ve not once attempted to kill me!” Pryvani spoke up, a bit of humor returning to her voice.

“Just biding m’time is all.” Darren shot back, actually managing to smile himself.

“I’ll keep that in mind Sergeant.”

“Anyroad, I had’t play nice wit some other humans, follow a few commands, touch ma nose, smile a lot and look harmless. The tall fat fella was none to bright if ya’ask me. Shit, the way you titan’s talk to humans sure don’t make ya’ll seem like no gat’dang apex predator!”

“Hmm… apex predator, you say?” Pryvani purred. “I think I like the sound of that…”

Before Darren could react, Pryvani had lowered her hand over him. Her fingers formed a loose cage around him and her fingernails scratched lightly at the dirt.

“Now you cut that out woman!” Darren groused, lightly smacking the finger nearest to him.

With a playful giggle, Pryvani lifted her hand away and pulled it back into a comfortable position.

“Yer just as bad as the Twat.” Darren grumbled, although not so much that it suggested he didn’t at least find some humor in Pryvani’s actions.

“I’ll take that as a compliment Sergeant Avery, considering how high your opinion of her seems to be.” Pryvani said as she let her eyes close once more to enjoy the serenity of the night.

“Well, the kids been through the ringer that’s for sure. Ah don’t think many folk could go through what she has’n not gone loony.” Darren spoke a little softer, veering his eyes away from Pryvani once the topic of Eyrn came up.

“Well, you’ve been through a lot as well, it seems the two of you draw your strength from the same source.” Pryvani opened her eyes and glanced to Darren.

“Mmhmm.” Darren mumbled dismissive and re adjusted himself so he was laying on his back looking up at the night sky. The sky looked the same on Archavia as it did on Earth at first glance. The stars were still tiny white flecks amidst an ocean of black, but the constellations were different. It was incredibly calming in the grand scheme of things to know that even the Titan’s were insignificant and tiny.

“Ah passed my evaluation’ with flying colors. Psychologically, mentally and physically at the peek of health. Don’t know what they were expecting t’find, but I think ah surprised em all.” Darren chuckled. “Course this is when it should’a ended, they should’a sent me back home, where this whole mess could’a been buried then and there.” Darren sighed.

“Home?” Pryvani asked with a tilt of her head.

“Back wit twat’n Bedra…where ah live.” Darren responded quickly.

“Right.” Pryvani nodded thoughtfully.

“There was two conditions of this reprieve they gave me. First, ah had to under go what they called high risk training.” Darren spoke hardly able to contain the venomous scoffing laughter in his voice.

Pryvani frowned, she was both disgusted at the notion such a thing existed, and resourceful for Darren, but kept her self from interrupting with a knowing nod.

“And the second condition…” Darren snuffed a laugh and set his dead gaze off to the side. “Eyrn’s ‘right’ to keep class two sentient’s was revoked.” Darren chuckled, it was a cold bitter and cynical laugh, but a laugh none the less. “She almost would have taken it as a medal of honor, given her stance on the matter, but the ramifications left the both’a us in a rather uncomfortable limbo.”


Everyone in the judiciary chamber stood as Resair entered and made his way to the tall throne like chair. He was carrying with him a portable data pad, and was dressed in his traditional Judicator’s uniform. The peace keepers guarding entry from the public area to Resair’s chair saluted and turned to face the public.

Resair touched the bottom of the small imperial statuette on his chair respectfully before taking a seat. He sat heavy and worn, a custom he had developed over the years. The task of an imperial Judicator was said to half the life of any strong man or woman. It was stressful, and was not for the faint of heart.

After a tedious and long pause, a uniformed woman with clothes resembling Resair’s spoke up, addressing Judicator Resair directly.

“Is his grace, Judicator and regent of Orion Province ready to proceed?” The woman asked in a loud and projected voice.

“We will proceed.” Resair spoke, with every bit of rumbling clarity as he was known for, like a deep billowing mountain.

“Has his grace, Judicator and regent of Orion Province read the Magistrates report, the reports of the HOS, and the statement from the Lefan family?” The woman who sat lower than Resair spoke once more.

“I have.” Resair exclaimed.

“Does his grace wish to address the public at this time?” The woman asked.

“Yes.” Resair took a deep breath, he looked around the room to those present. The Judicator-diakonos, Lyroo Prenn and her ‘expert’, Eyrn Fitzgerald who stood beside her chosen advocate Aisell Maris, and behind the divider where members of the public and press stood there was Loona Armac. After his long and contemplative pause he looked directly at Lyroo “Ms. Prenn, step forward.”

Lyroo stepped down from the boxed in area she was standing and stood before Resair’s large ominous chair.

“The HOS has completed a full psychological and behavioral assessment of Ms. Fitzgerald’s human?” Resair spoke as he looked over the information on the data pad.

“We have your grace.” Lyroo said dutifully.

Resair looked back at Lyroo impatiently, he made a tired motion with his eyes and spoke up. “And what were the results?”

“I…um, well I believe we submitted our findings in a full report your grace.” Lyroo spoke respectfully, but confused.

“I am aware of that Ms. Prenn.” Resair spoke, he was not a man known for his patience. “Would you be so kind as to summarize your findings for the benefit of those not privileged to the data pad in my hand?”

Lyroo nodded and turned to face the rest of the court room. “After an extensive behavioral evaluation, psychological assessment, and an aggression escalation test, we have come to the conclusion that Ms. Fitzgerald’s human is of no threat to the general public.” Lyroo looked to the man who was standing beside her, then back to Resair.

Loona could hardly contain her smile, it was really happening! As messed up and hopeless as the system was, it finally looked like a little bit of justice would be allowed to take place.

“However.” Lyroo spoke up abruptly.

Loona frowned and looked directly to Lyroo. However? Why was there a however? There was no however! However was not in the plan!

Resair stiffened up a little and rest his chin on his hand. “Go on….”

“Ms. Fitzgerald came up a number of times when the subject was questioned. We believe the human Darren, and his Master Eyrn Fitzgerald are locked in an unhealthy inverted relationship. Eyrn doesn’t possess the skills to rear and control a human, let alone one of Darren’s difficulty. As a result they have an unhealthy dynamic. Darren does not receive the discipline and structure a human being requires to thrive.” Lyroo spoke, looking directly at Eyrn for a second, then she looked back to Resair.

Loona had to coax herself back, least she leap over the devider and strangle Lyroo where she stood. “You clever little sag…” Loona muttered to herself, actually impressed at the slick double crossing.

“I’m confused Ms. Prenn, did you perform an evaluation on Ms. Fitzgerald or on her pet?” Resair spoke up with a displeased tone.

“On her pet your grace, but our expert noticed several telling signs of Ms. Fitzgerald’s neglect when interviewing and examining Darren.” Lyroo was cut off quickly by Resair, who looked straight to the man who had been standing beside Lyroo.

“Mr. Skintler I presume?” Resair spoke to the heavy set dark skinned man.

“Evelon Skintler, yes.” Evelon had a thick voice to match his burly frame.

“What are your findings in regard to the relationship between Ms. Fitzgerald and her human?” Resair asked.

“Ms. Fitzgerald lacks the skills required to care for a human as difficult and untrained as Darren.” Evelon spoke, simple and quick.

“Didn’t you decide Darren was of no danger?” Resair’s bushy eye brow arose.

“Ms. Fitzgerald’s human, while not particularly violent or dangerous, does requite an owner who is better able to handle his unique personality. As a wild human, he does not possess the training required for a happy and safe life.” Evelon’s eyed remained fixed on Resair.

Eyrn stood, blank and hollow. She had heard what was being said, but hadn’t the energy to even so much as react.

“Ms. Fitzgerald, have you or your advocate anything to say in regards to the results of the assessment?” Resair looked to Aisell and Eyrn.

Aisell was about to speak up, she had a few clever retorts planned that might have been able to sway Resair away from the ridiculous tripe Evelon and Lyroo was saying, might that is, had Eyrn not spoken up first.

“You want to know what I think?” Eyrn whispered, balling her fists.

“Eyrn….” Aisell whispered harshly.

“I think, you, the ‘human owners society’, this court room and in fact every last god damn one of you are a great big bunch of fucking monsters!” Eyrn’s voice grew steadily louder the more she spoke.

Aisell rested her head in her hand and sighed.

Lyroo and Evelon kept quiet, and Judicator Resair simply watched Eyrn with a stoic look on his face.

“Am I an unfit ‘owner’? Of course I am god damn it! Because I’m not an owner of anyone! Darren is a person, humans are people! You can’t own people!” Eyrn shouted.

“Ms. Fitzgerald I would caution you against raising your voice in my court room.” Resair spoke, calmly.

“Eyrn will you please let me….” Aisell spoke up but Eyrn wasn’t listening, she locked eyed with the Judicator and narrowed hers to half open slits.

“You asked me what I thought didn’t you?!” Eyrn snapped.

“Ms. Fitzgerald, you will show me respect when you are in my court room.” Resair spoke up, his voice louder now.

“Respect? Respect!? Oh that’s rich! Tell you what, I will start showing you bunch of jerks respect the moment you stop en slaving and torturing human beings!”

“Ms.Fitzgerald! If you can not control yourself in this court room I will have you removed!” Resair shouted as he stood, glaring down at Eyrn.

“Eyrn please listen, please I know your trying to help, but your really not.” Aisell whispered into Eyrn’s ear.

Eyrn was still red with rage, but simply crossed her arms and silenced herself.

Judicator Resair fixed his robed and sat down heavily, he had a thoughtful look on his face as he read over the information on his data pad.

“Ms. Prenn, what do you recommend happen to this human?” Resair spoke quickly and harshly.

“Your grace, I believe with proper training and the right care Darren could be adaptable in a matter of weeks.” Lyroo looked to Eyrn. “To somebody better able to care for him.”

“Pending approval of the Magistrate, it is my ruling that the human Darren be surrendered to the possession of the Human Owners Society, further more….”

“This is bull shit!” Eyrn snapped.

“Furthermore I am revoking Ms. Fitzgerald’s right to own class 2 sentient creatures and strongly suggesting you take a lesson in manners young lady!” Resair stood and slammed his fist down on the wooden arm of the chair.

“Judicator is this your final ruling?” The woman who sat lower than Resair spoke up.

“It is.” Resair spoke loudly, and exited the room.

“The Judicator had ruled. The case has been settled, the chamber is dismissed.

As the crowd began to die down, Aisell stood quietly next to Eyrn, who didn’t even so much as move. Once the chamber had cleared, Aisell was able to coax Eyrn into leaving. As they walked out of the court house, Eyrn finally spoke up.

“I fucked up…didn’t I?” Eyrn whispered.

Aisell nodded.

“I’m never going to see him again, am I?” Eyrn swallowed a lump in her throat.

Aisell opened her mouth, but couldn’t find the words to say.

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” A new voice broke in. Eyrn and Aisell looked up to the black haired woman before them. Neither of then were familiar with who she was, but hadn’t long to wait to find out who she was. “I’m Loona Armac, and don’t worry…I’ve handled the likes of Lyroo before…she hasn’t won just yet!” Loona smiled and extended her wrist towards the two women.

Eyrn didn’t respond to the greeting, she simply stood there and watched the new comer carefully.

Aisell on the other hand locked wrists and greeted Loona with a cautious but cordial expression. “Loona Armac, I’ve heard of you. You were involved in the Freeman Trial.” Aisell stiffed a laugh and let out an exasperated breath. “It’s a shame we didn’t have someone like you to bat for Darren.”

Loona couldn’t help but smile. “Actually, you did.” Lyroo smiled quaintly.

Aisell shook her head and blinked in bewilderment. “Beg pardon?”

“I’ve been working behind the scenes with Lyroo trying to help Darren, it hasn’t been easy but….”

“Wait a minute, your with her?!” Eyrn glared daggers through Loona.

Loona looked carefully at Eyrn and spoke pointedly. “She can be a useful ally, I didn’t expect her to turn tail on me like this. Look I’m sorry about what just happened, but to be fair if you hadn’t blown your lid like that it might not of gone so sour.” Loona spared Eyrn no harshness, her tone was quite serious.

Before Eyrn could react Aisell stepped in her way. “I’ve known Lyroo for a while myself, she can be frustratingly stubborn when she sets her mind on something.” Aisell said thoughtfully.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get more involved, I had been trying to get a hold of Eyrn but her roommate said she hadn’t been home for a while, and she didn’t answer my calls when I tried to contact her directly.” Loona looked to Eyrn, even though Eyrn didn’t seem to want anything to do with her.

“Sorry, she’s been with me. Look, if you can help, than I’d like to hear more about it.”Aisell jumped right back to the point.

Loona smiled and tapped took out her data pad, I will leave my contact information with you. Don’t let her out of your site for a while ok?” Loona looked back to Eyrn, who was still tuned out. “Work on her, we’re gonna need her to be a lot more co operative.”

Aisell sent Eyrn a concerned look and then nodded to Loona, once their contact information had transferred between pads they shook wrists, exchanged their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Loona promising she would be in touch shortly.

Aisell walked much quicker, so much that Eyrn had trouble keeping up. After not too long Aisell spoke, quickly and irate. “Eyrn, I want to help you I really do. But you really have to stop biting everyone’s head off. People are trying to help you and your burning every bridge.” Aisell took a calming breath.

“I’m sorry.”Eyrn spoke softly, weak and exhausted.

“I know.” Aisell softened her expression and sighed. “I know.”

“You don’t have to help me…if you don’t want to.” Eyrn offered, not knowing what else to say.

“Of course I do. Don’t be silly.” Aisell shot back, half bothered.

“Well, I mean if it’s too much….”

“Don’t worry about it ok? I’m not doing it because I have to, I’m doing it because I want to. It’s what friends do ok?” Aisell’s tone had calmed at this point.

“I’ll try not to make it worse then.” Eyrn said quietly.

“That would be very helpful.” Aisell said hopefully and put her arm on Eyrn’s shoulder.

“So, what now?” Eyrn asked meekly.

“Now I take you to the country and hide you away from the world for a while. I think you need some time to calm down and breath. Deal?”

Eyrn laughed and rolled her eyes. “Heh, yea that I can do. Exile in a remote and secluded area? Don’t think I can screw that one up.”

“Good! And if you do I might just let Lezah lecture you…believe me you don’t want that!” Aisell chuckled as the two of them kept walking.

“As long as I can still eat real food and you don’t make me lug fighter jets around I’ll be ok!” Eyrn mumbled.

Aisell shook her head. “Kid, you say the strangest things sometimes.”


Darren sat hunched over in his small plastic terrarium his back pressed against the side wall. In front of him a place to sleep, separated by a divider was a place to defecate. He had food, and he had ‘toys’.

The few faces he had interacted with over the past days, weeks, how ever long it had been were etched in his skull, he was sick of them. They were his captors and he their prisoner. Nothing more, nothing less.

He had spent so long trying to guess what the game was, and to act accordingly. It wasn’t just a matter of dancing when they told him to dance, he had to figure out what dance they wanted to see. Nothing was secure, his survival, his future. He was a pawn in their world, and it was wearing on him.

The familiar sounds of distant Titan foot falls woke him from his half sleep state. He had mostly recovered from the effects of the poison, the lingering effect of the toxin on his nervous system left him a little slower and less alert than he once had been. The vet wasn’t sure if that would ever change, but all Darren needed was space to move and something productive to set his mind too. Of course nobody bothered to listen when he tried to explain that.

The foot falls got more defined, and soon Darren could hear voices. With a groan he stood and stretched, cracking his neck and shaking the sleep off himself. He was naked, and somewhat chilly. He never did figure out how titan’s came to figure tiny naked hairless primates didn’t require clothes for warmth, but figured seeing humans fully clothed made them feel uncomfortable. After all, the more he looked like them, the more awkward their atrocity likely felt.

Darren set eyes on a new face, one he had only until this point seen from a distance. He could vaguely remember seeing her when he w as recovering, but that whole time frame was a blurry mess and he could hardly recall most of it.

She had long blond hair tied into a neat up do, a strong jaw line and intense piercing grey eyes. She was dressed in what looked to be a ladies suite, with black heels and little to no makeup. She looked to be the sort of woman who could easily be your boss, or your bosses boss.

She made a bee line straight for him, in his secluded enclosure in the sterile looking white and silver room it was in.

Darren actually felt a little bit intimidated by the way she watched him silently before making any sort of movement or attempt to speak. At last she unmatched the cage and reached in, wrapping her long slender finders around him. She had red painted nails that were kept professionally short. Her grip was secure but not uncomfortable. She lifted him slowly to face level and kept one hand underneath her closed fist.

Her lips spread into a warm smile, an unsettling and off putting smile that Darren could almost recall giving himself to a dog or a cat.

“Hello Darren.” She spoke at last, a soft and soothing voice that didn’t much fit her appearance, the sort of voice one might choose to use on a pet, not a college, prisoner or even a small child.

“He….” Darren was cut off abruptly by a gigantic finger that began to stroke him on the head.

“My name is Lyroo, you and I are going to be spending some time together hon, over the next few weeks.” Lyroo smiled and took Darren from the familiar relative safety of his cage, off into the distance with only her palm to support him.

“What’er you talking’bout…where are we….”

“I know you have a lot of questions Darren, and I will do my best to address some of them. Things will be quite different than you are used to, but I think with time you will come to accept and enjoy a more structured and secure way.” Lyroo spoke as she continued to stroke Darren, his arms pinned to his side.

Darren opened his mouth to speak, but something else caught his attention. A small cylinder like tube that Lyroo had sitting next to her purse.

“This is carrier, it’s designed for safe travel.” Lyroo explained as she slowly lowered Darren into the padded prison. It was dark with no windows and a small screen like device for air exchange.

“Now jus’ wait a dang….”

Darren was cut off as Lyroo hovered the lid over the top. “I’m going to put the lid on now, and when we get home I will explain more about what will be happening over the next few weeks.”

Darren watched the light fade, like the moon eclipsing the sun, Lyroo’s face was botched out by the lid, leaving him in darkness.

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