Chapter 11: Officer Down Titan: Pursuit by Johnny Scribe

Molly braced herself as the world lurched around her. Her hand pressed against the cloth that surrounded her, and far below her she could hear the incessant tapping of the humongous heels on the pavement as the giant woman who held Molly prisoner and her companion walked.

She could hear the indistinct rumble of their voices, though she could understand nothing of the conversation taking place above her head. Molly herself was in a pocket within the blue haired titan’s purse. The pocket was thankfully empty and, aside from the risk of motion sickness from the constant swaying, was comfortable enough.

However, the knot of fear that sat in her stomach prevented Molly from being truly comfortable. She was on the verge of panicking and was barely holding the emotion at bay. She was worried about Charlotte, left behind at the hotel bar. Had she also been captured? Or killed? Was Charlotte still there, scrambling on the dingy floor for scraps of food?

Of course, Molly wasn’t sure she herself was in a much better position. She didn’t think the Titans intended to harm her. Indeed from what Molly knew of how Titans, most Titans, viewed humans she was pretty sure what their intentions were.

She just wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

A loud grinding noise preceded the shaft of light that suddenly invaded Molly’s prison. Blinking at the sudden illumination, Molly looked up to see a giant thumb and forefinger invading her space. She clamped down on the instinct to try and escape, because she knew it would be futile.

So, Molly passively allowed the digits to curl around her body and lift her into the light of the outside world.

She was greeted by a pair of smiling faces. The blue-haired woman flipped her hand and left Molly sprawling awkwardly in her palm.

“Here we are sweetie.” The giant said cheerfully. “Home safe and sound.”

“Oh please…” Molly drew her knees to her chest. “Please, the other woman, she was my friend. I don’t want her left all alone… Please just take me back.”

“Aw, I don’t think that’d be a good idea.” Her captor cooed. “It was a very dangerous place for humans, but don’t worry we’ll take good care of you.”

“B-But my friend!” Molly sniffed.

“Well, maybe we’ll go back and look for her later.” The blue haired giant shrugged. “We don’t really have time right now, I’m afraid.”

Molly’s stomach sank. She had hoped that maybe she could at least convince them to go back for Charlotte. Then, at least, they would be together, but…

“She needs a bath.” The blonde Titan frowned. “She’s all dirty.”

“Yeah well, if you were crawling around on the floor of a bar, you’d be a mess too. But you have a point.” The pale Titan laughed and looked down on the human in her hand. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Please.” Molly shuddered as the hand underneath rose into the air. “M-My name is Molly… what’s yours?”

The young woman blinked and a slow smile appeared on her face. “Oh my gosh, all this time and we never introduced ourselves to you, did we?”

“Well that was awful rude.” The blonde woman smirked. “My name is Ourellia Ley. And her name is Caetyr Penyua. Now that we’ve finished the introductions, it’s bath time.”

“No, but… wait!” Molly yelped as she was gently covered by Caetyr’s other hand.


“So… Rixie… you against Spirit, huh? “

Charlotte grumbled as her efforts to get the attention of the giants above her were proving ineffective. Vanser and his… date? Friend? …Whatever she was carried on with their conversation, completely oblivious to the human woman at their feet.

She was lucky, she supposed, that they seemed to be more than willing to sit and chat for a while, because it was taking Charlotte that long to try and get their attention. She suspected she’d have a much easier time of it if it weren’t so abominably loud in the bar. Also, the fact they were both wearing thick leather boots wasn’t really helping her either. Even punching at the titans as hard as she could, which she had, she didn’t seem to be able to make any headway.

She kicked at the toe of Vanser’s boot in frustration, but then jumped back with a yelp as the giant’s foot shifted idly.

“Yeah.” The woman responded. “I’m not too worried. I’ve played Spirit enough times- both casually and during actual competition- that I think I know her style pretty well. I’m sure I’ll be able to handle anything she throws out.”

“Hey!! Vanser!!” Charlotte shouted. She reached up and tugged on the lace of the boot nearest to her, not really expecting any real result, more as a way to vent her irritation at her current situation.

Vanser took a drink from his adlela and set it back on the tabletop with a small clink.

“So have you decided what you’re going to do?” Rixie asked quietly.

Vanser shook his head and chuckled ruefully.

“Yeah, I’m going to go to the bathroom. Be right back.”

Fortunately for Charlotte, she had heard Vanser announce his intentions and so was able to press herself against the table leg to avoid being stepped on. She covered her ears and screwed her eyes shut as the incredibly loud grinding noise of Vanser pushing his chair back tore through the air around her.

When it became quiet again, (well, quieter at any rate) Charlotte sat back against the table leg and took stock of her situation.

Behind her, the woman (Rixie? Was that her name?) sat idly, awaiting Vanser’s return. Vibrations shot up her legs as the giant woman tapped her foot. Charlotte tried to ignore it. She attempted to get Rixie’s attention as well, but it hadn’t been any use. Plus, well, Charlotte didn’t know how the giant woman would react to seeing a human on the floor. For all she knew, Rixie was terrified of small creatures and might stomp on her without thinking about it.

No, Charlotte was better off waiting for Vanser to return.


“I appreciate the bath, but trust me I am fully capable of washing myself.” Molly insisted, practically having to yell to be heard over the waterfall coming from the giant spout above her head. “I’ve been doing it for years!”

The water was slowly lapping at her feet and Molly backed up until she was pressed against the curved wall of the sink. The water that nipped at her toes was cold, but slowly getting warmer as the temperature adjusted. She was having a difficult time maintaining both her balance and her modesty as she tried in vain to cover as much of herself with her arms as possible.

The clothes that Vanser had given her to wear, now stained with dirt and grime, lay in a ruined pile by the faucet where Caetyr had casually dropped them after practically ripping them off Molly’s body.

Caetyr giggled and playfully flicked drops of water at the human below her. “Oh just relax, will you? I’ll be perfectly gentle. Besides, once it’s full, the water might be too deep for you, sweetie. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. If it helps, you can think of me as a big lifeguard.”


“And quit worrying about being naked.” Caetyr sighed as she carefully pried Molly’s arms away from her body. “I swear I have never seen a human care so much about modesty before.”

Molly shuddered. The water had risen to cover her thighs and she was struggling to keep her feet planted on something solid. She yelped as her feet were swept out from under her and she fell back into the water.

For a moment her head submerged completely and, disoriented, she struggled to find air. Fortunately, she was only under for a second before something solid appeared underneath her and raised her back to the surface of the water.

Molly inhaled air with a gasp as soon as her face broke the surface and quickly wiped the water away from her eyes. She looked around in confusion and saw that she was now seated in the palm of a giant hand.

“See?” Caetyr smirked. “I told you I’d make sure you stayed safe.”

“Th-thank you.” Molly mumbled. “But, really, I just slipped. I would have been fine.”

The giant above her ignored Molly’s protest and after a moment her other hand appeared, already lathered with soap.

“Now, hold still, okay? We wouldn’t want to get this in your eyes.”

Molly stiffened and bit her lip. Her face burned red with embarrassment and humiliation as the enormous fingers began to deftly scrub at her body. Inside, Molly raged at being treated like a child- at best! But the rational part of her knew that this was not a fight she was going to win, and it was better to save her energy for a time when it would be more useful.

Molly closed her eyes and tried to imagine that she wasn’t the captive of a giant alien being. She tried to imagine that instead she was in a massage parlor like those she frequented when she was home in California. She tried to picture the pressure on her body not as an invasive touch from an alien woman, but as the skillful hands of a talented masseuse.

And it worked, to a degree. Molly’s heart rate slowed and she felt herself relax, if only slightly.

Of course, the illusion was shattered the moment the giant alien in whose hands she laid said anything.

“There we go.” Caetyr murmured softly, pouring water over Molly’s body to rinse away the last of the soap suds. “All clean now. Doesn’t that feel much better?”

Molly didn’t say anything, but she shook the water out of her long red hair and tried to comb the tangles out with her fingers.

Caetyr lifted her hand out of the sink, bringing Molly back to the counter top where a (relatively) small towel was laid out.

Molly was lowered onto the towel. From Molly’s perspective was the size of a large tarp but was likely only a hand towel to the Titan woman. She didn’t have very long to study it, however, before she was suddenly enveloped in the fluffy fabric.

“All done!” Caetyr cooed before lifting the towel and Molly off the counter and carrying the whole bundle back out into the main area of their house.

“What about my clothes?” Molly gasped once she’d managed to dig her way out of the cloth that had been piled on top of her.

“Those nasty things?” Caetyr sniffed disdainfully. “Gross. They’re all dirty and I’ll be throwing them away. Trust me, you won’t need them anymore.”


Before Molly could protest further, Caetyr flipped the towel back over her, covering her completely.

Not enough that Molly couldn’t hear the Titan giggling at her, however.


Charlotte had just about had enough. She was tired, she was hungry and she was angry.

The two titans had been sitting there for hours and absolutely nothing had worked. The young woman had yelled at them, kicked at their boots, jumped up and down, and thrown small objects at them and still the two giants remained oblivious to her presence.

Frankly, it was enough to give someone a complex.

She’d watched as Vanser’s giant boots had invaded the space under the table. At the moment, he was idly tapping his foot on the wooden floor underneath them, his shoelaces dangling low enough that Charlotte could just about reach them.

Which gave her an idea.

Vanser stared at the bottom of his empty glass. The ‘one drink’ that Rixie had invited him out for had turned into… well, a few more than one at any rate. He wasn’t drunk, exactly, but he was having some difficulty focusing on what his friend was saying.

Still, at least now he had an excuse to avoid dealing with Dibilique.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint what the problem was. It wasn’t because he found her attractive. He did, of course, but she would hardly be the first pretty person he’d arrested before. No, it was something else. Something nagged at the back of his mind, telling him that there was something about the situation that he didn’t know about. An Imperator’s intuition, he supposed.

“Van… you still in there?”

Vanser blinked, his mind coming back to the present with a snap. He looked up to see Rixie staring bemusedly across the table at him. She, of course, didn’t look at all inebriated. Vanser supposed it was her Jotunn constitution. Either that or she’d been cheating by drinking water.

The young Imperator shook his head. “Yeah, sorry. I got a little lost in my own head there for a second.”

“I think you’ve had enough.” Rixie chuckled.

“I’m not drunk.” Vanser insisted.

“I didn’t say you were.” Rixie responded, shaking her head. “I said you’d had enough. We’ve been sitting here almost twelve hours.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Vanser sighed. “Okay, let’s go settle up and we can get out of here.”

“Uh uh!” Rixie chided, leaping to her feet and getting out in front of him. “I said I was buying.”

“And I was going to let you.” Vanser replied with a grin. He stood, and started to follow Rixie.

…And then, with a crash, he suddenly found himself sprawled out on the floor.

“Wow, maybe you are drunk.” Rixie chuckled, turning around and staring down at him. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He muttered. “And I’m not drunk!” Vanser looked over his shoulder and at his boots, where he discovered his laces had been tied together.

Turning back to face Rixie, he suddenly found his vision dominated by a small feminine figure.

“Hiya handsome.” Charlotte said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m Charlotte and you and I have something we need to talk about.”


  1. faeriehunter says:

    Pretty typical titan attitude from Caetyr so far. Oh well, at least her intentions are good. But I’m less than impressed at these titans’ reaction to Molly’s concern about the other human. Is humans caring about their fellows really so hard to imagine?

    Neat trick from Charlotte. I hadn’t thought of it myself, but it was an excellent idea after all other ways to get noticed proved to be ineffective (or too dangerous).

    • Soatari says:

      If it wasn’t so loud in the bar, and if people had been listening carefully, they may have heard Charlotte cheerfully yelling that out.

  2. sketch says:

    Lol, well based on the title I figured Vanser would pass out drunk, leaving Charlotte to have to stole away and wait for him to wake up. Props to Charlotte for thinking creatively here.

  3. Kusanagi says:

    poor Molly at the whims of annoying Titans, she’s in no physical danger but I imagine that attitude has got to be infuriating and demoralizing.

    Go Charlotte, Titan down indeed!

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