Chapter 12: Shaar’s out of the bag Titan: Sovereign by JohnnyScribe

“Fara have you seen the case file for the klipkaer that Dyl brought in? The one with the broken foreleg?”

The sound of the voice woke Fara from the light doze she had fallen into, face down in her textbook. She peeled her face away from the diagram on jexer anatomy, and looked up into the amused but slightly disapproving gaze of her training supervisor.

“Up all night studying again, were we?” Dr. Qyl Fekgras asked, crossing her arms of her chest and shaking her head resignedly. “I’ve told you before that studying until the late hours of the night won’t do you any good if you pass out during the middle of the exam.”

Fara groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and tried to hide the stain where she’d drooled onto the pages in her sleep. “I know, I’m sorry doctor, it’s just… this is a big test coming up.”

“And you know the information perfectly well, Fara.” The young veterinarian assured her. “You just have to trust yourself.”

Fara nodded.

“Now, as I was saying… have you seen the case file for the klipkaer that-” A sudden crashing noise interrupted her and both women suddenly turned to look towards the source of the noise, which was coming from the examination room at the back of the clinic.

“What was that?” Dr. Fekgras muttered, even as the two of them rushed towards the source of the noise.

“I hope one of the animals didn’t get loose…” Fara gasped. They ran down the hall and into the examination room.

The first thing they saw was a small pile of shattered glass on the floor, intermixed in a puddle of clear liquid that left the room with a chemical, antiseptic smell.

“I thought that’d bring you all running!” A small voice called out from above them. The two women looked up towards the source of the sound and found a dark haired female human sitting on top of one of the cabinets, next to a row of jars similar to the one she’d obviously sent crashing to the floor.

Dr. Fekgras sighed exasperatedly. “All right, now how did you get up there?”

“I climbed up here, obviously!” The human spat back, before pushing another jar from the cabinet. After a moment of freefall it smashed to the tiled floor below, releasing another wave of chemical scent into the air. “You didn’t think that stupid cage would actually hold me, did you?”

The young veterinarian sighed and turned towards her student assistant. “Fara, meet… well, she doesn’t really have a name yet. I mostly think of her as being a pain in my-”

Another smashed jar interrupted Dr. Fekgras before she could finish the sentence.

“I told you they called me Shaar!”

Fekgras pinched the bridge of her nose. “All right, that’s enough nonsense for one day. Let’s get you down from there.”

The veterinarian dragged over a small step stool and clambered on top of it. She smiled at “Shaar’s” expression as her head rose above the cabinet that the human had been standing on. It took a moment for the little creature to realize she’d trapped herself up there. The human gave a valiant effort to avoid Dr. Fekgras’ grasping hands, but after a few seconds, she felt her fingers close gently over the small form.

The veterinarian lowered Shaar into a small glass enclosure and closed the hatch in the lid with a snap. Then, for good measure, she placed a heavy reference book on top of it.

“There.” She muttered in satisfaction. “That ought to hold you until we can figure out a more permanent solution. First we have to clean up this mess that you made.”

Brushing her hands on her lab coat, Dr. Fekgras turned and walked from the exam room.

Fara watched Shaar slump against the back wall of the cage and chewed her lip in thought. After a moment of hesitation, she turned and followed her mentor.

“Doctor…” Fara asked when she’d caught up. “What’s her story anyway?”

Fekgras sighed and shook her head. “I’m not really sure… She just sort of appeared in the clinic one day and started causing havoc. I’m not sure if she’s just stray or someone abandoned her here. She obviously has issues with socialization and temperament. I’ve tried to do what I can for her but she doesn’t listen terribly well…”

“I see…” Fara brushed a lock of hair from her eyes contemplatively. “Um… how about if I give it a try?”

“You?” Dr. Fekgras asked. “I don’t really see why not… if you’re sure you really want to…”

“I’m sure.” Fara nodded. “I think I have an idea that might work.”

“Hmm. Okay. If you say so. She’s already been chipped, it’s just a matter of transferring ownership.”

Several hours passed before Fara had the chance to leave the clinic. On her way out she ducked into the examination room where Shaar was being sequestered and lifted the cage from where it sat on the countertop, jolting the occupant awake, despite her best efforts.

“Sorry.” Fara whispered as Shaar grumbled at the rude awakening.

Fara informed the Doctor that she was leaving for the night, and taking Shaar home with her.

“Good luck!” Fekgras responded with a wry smile.

Soon, Fara was outside and walking towards home, which was fortunately within alking distance to the clinic, since she didn’t have a form of transportation handy. When she’d gotten a fair distance from the clinic, she stopped and sat on a nearby bench, before lifting the cage to her face and peering in at the human trapped inside.

“Hello Shaar.” Fara spoke softly, and smiled warmly. “My name is Fara.”

Shaar pulled her knees to her chest and crossed her arms over them, refusing to look at the Titan in front of her. Fortunately, Fara had expected that sort of reaction and wasn’t fazed by it.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk, but I have a deal for you.”

Again there was only silence in response, but Fara got the impression she was at least being listened to, so she pressed onward.

“As long as you decide to act like a person, I will treat you as one.” Fara told her. She couldn’t help but smile when Shaar suddenly turned to look at her in surprise.

“That means no cage, and clothes, if you want them.” She continued. “But the other side to that is, if you act like a savage little animal, then that’s how you get treated, so that means no breaking things and no being rude to people.”

Fara bit her lip as something occurred to her.

“Or at least no ruder than Daz is, anyway.”

Shaar was silent, seemingly lost in thought. After several seconds of no response, Fara was just about to give up when…

“No more cage?”

Fara smiled. “We can leave it right here, if you want.”

Shaar nodded and stood up. “Okay.”

“So no more breaking things.” Fara reminded her, even as she set the cage on the ground. “Symponas?

Shaar rolled her eyes but nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

Fara gently reached into the glass cage and wrapped her fingers around Shaar’s body, then carefully lifted her out before depositing the human on her shoulder.

“Come on then, let’s go home and introduce you to everybody.”


Shaar tugged experimentally on the fabric that Fara had wrapped around her body. The “clothing” the titan had provided was little more than a wrap, but it was all she could do under short notice.

Still, Shaar had never worn clothing before, other than the occasional rag or bit of detritus used to keep warm and stave off the weather, and she found the feel of the material quite nice.

“Later on I’ll be able to get you something a bit more suitable, like what Pierce wears, but this should do for now.”

“Who are you talking to, Fara?” Myona asked as she walked into the room.

“Oh…” Fara stood up suddenly. “Um, Myona this is Shaar. She found her way to the clinic and now she’ll be staying with us for a little while.”

Myona’s eyes widened and a grin split her face as she spied the little woman on the table.

“Oh wow!” She whispered excitedly, pulling Fara away so she could whisper conspiratorially in her ear. “This is awesome! Fara, do you know what this means?!”

“Um… that we have a second human in the house now?” Fara whispered back, confused.

“No! Well… yes. But more than that, maybe she and Pierce will fall in love! Oh and then maybe they’ll have a ton of babies! How awesome would that be?! They’ll be all cute and little! And we can play with them! It’ll be great!”

“Oh uh… Myona… I don’t think…”

“We have to get the two of them together!” Myona gushed happily.

“But they might not like each oth-”

“That’s possible.” Myona shrugged. “But there’s no harm in introducing them, is there?”

“Well… no.” Fara admitted. “But I really don’t think…”

“Great. I have to go, there’s work to do!” Myona bounced excitedly out of the room and up the stairs.

“Who was that?” Shaar asked when Fara had walked back over to the table where the human still stood, adjusting the cloth wrapped around her body.

“Oh… that was Myona. She um, had to go take care of something. I can introduce you to her later.”

Shaar turned towards the doorway that Myona had disappeared through.

“She seems weird.”


The door to Daz’s room opened and she looked up from her data pad. She caught a brief glance of someone standing in the doorway before her backpack was thrown onto the middle of her floor, where it landed with a thud.

“Hey!” She cried, leaping up from her bed. “That’s my stuff! What are you doing throwing it around?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t leave it in the middle of the floor where people, like me, might trip over it.” Rhionne responded with a shrug.

“Yeah well, you still shouldn’t touch my stuff!” Daz snapped irritably rising from her bed and snatching her bag from the ground where Rhionne had dropped it.

The princess blinked, taken aback. “Okay, fine… didn’t realize you’d get so upset about it.” With a shrug, she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Daz tossed the bag onto her bed with an annoyed sigh. Part of her realized she’d overreacted, but the rest of her felt she was completely justified in her anger. Just because Rhionne was a princess didn’t give her the right to fling Daz’s stuff around.

She looked around her room and her gaze settled onto her computer. Daz stared at the screen and a hollow feeling developed in the pit of her stomach. The blank surface seemed to stare back at her, like a disapproving parent. Which, Daz reflected, was somewhat ironic.

With a sigh she flopped into the chair. She was putting what she needed to do off, and she knew it. Daz tapped one of the keys on the console and the screen blinked to life. Daz saw Pierce’s face staring out at her from one of the photos she’d pulled from his phone, which she’d been looking through earlier.

She closed the file and opened up the communications software, dialing in a code that she hadn’t used in months.

The loading pattern swirled on her screen for a moment as the signal connected, across the vast cosmos, to its intended recipient several light years away. The connection established itself and Daz was left to wait for the person on the other end to open the link. A not insignificant part of her was hoping it would be ignored.

All too soon, however, the screen opened again and Daz found herself looking at the curious and amused smirk of her sister, Vasha.

“Well!” Vasha gushed, smiling brightly- an expression that did not reach her eyes. “Daz! I don’t think I expected to be hearing from you today, have you decided to stop this silly nonsense and pursue a life more in keeping with your station?”

“Hardly.” Daz snapped back, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Too bad.” Vasha clucked. “But I still have faith that you’ll see the light someday. Your family needs you, dear, and you’ll do your part… one way or the other.”

Daz frowned but waved the veiled threat with an irritated hiss. “Stop trying to distract me.”

Vasha chuckled and folded her hands on the desk in front of her. “I’m sorry Daz. What did you want to talk about?”

Daz sighed and scratched the back of her head. “Look, Vasha… I…” The young woman bit her lip and stared into the infuriating smirk that graced her elder sister’s face, and tried not to lose control over the anger that rose in her chest at the sight.

Vasha stared back with false politeness, waiting for her sister to begin.

“I’m calling to ask you to stop what you’re doing.”

“And what exactly am I doing, little sister?”

Daz’s eyes narrowed. “You know exactly what I mean. I know what you’re doing to those humans and I’m asking you, because you’re my sister, to stop it before it blows up in your face.”

Vasha’s eyes narrowed. She knew they were on a secure channel and that her sister was not recording the conversation, so she was free to speak candidly.

“I had hoped that some time away from home would show you how foolish you’ve been, Daz. I can see that, regretfully the opposite seems to have happened.”

She leaned forward and stared directly into Daz’s eyes.

“Listen well, little sister. You can say whatever you want, to whomever you want. I’m a respected pillar of the community, and you are my bratty little sister who abandoned her family after a temper tantrum. No one is going to believe you, especially since you don’t have any proof to back up your claim.”

Daz bit her lip, but that infernal smirk did not leave her sister’s face.

“Do you?”

Daz sighed and shook her head. “No. I don’t.”

“And I know you won’t say anything, because you’re just as guilty as I am. After all, Daz, you’re part of this family whether you want to admit it or not.”

“I don’t care what happens to me!” Daz spat back.

“I think you do, Daz.” Vasha responded. “Because I know you. At heart, you’re a coward. A scared little girl.”

Daz let out a growl of frustration. This was why she didn’t talk to her sister very often. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Vasha.” She snapped as she cut the connection.

Daz stared at the black screen in front of her, furiously wiping the angry tears that appeared in the corner of her eye.

She hated talking to her sister.


  1. Kusanagi says:

    I might be one of the few people who isn’t bothered by Myona lol. Either way good to see Sovereign back, and nice to see Shaar finally join the cast.

    • sketch says:

      I’m not either. She’s the comic relief character dishing up a healthy dose of the absurd. Maybe everybody else is getting caught up in the more serious tone of the other stories, but I think Sovereign is meant to be more of a light hearted story.

  2. faeriehunter says:

    Ah, we finally get to see Shaar where she’s not just a cameo. Looks like she’ll be a good contrast for Pierce.

    I had to shake my head at Myona envisioning Pierce and Shaar as a couple with babies before they’ve even met. Talk about jumping the gun.

    Oh hey, was that Symponas? a reaction to my recent comment that more stuff like that (Empire concepts that Earthlings (including the reader) can only guess the meaning of because they didn’t grow up among titans) would increase verisimilitude? Either way, I like it.

  3. Nitestarr says:

    A nice backstory. We get to know more about Shaar and Daz. I think this takes place right around the beginning of Arena. Its not concurrent. I think Shaar was an abandoned human, her attitude is similar to Tapp’s when we first met her.

    Interesting the effect Pierce has had on the girls. I don’t think Fara would have responded to Shaar in the way she did if she didn’t know Pierce.

    • sketch says:

      A bit earlier than that. We are just starting to see the change in Fara’s attitude that we’ll see when she meets Alex in Pandemic. The story right now is early Pandemic at the latest, and more likely happening during mid to late Titan.

    • Soatari says:

      Yeah, I get the feeling that she was abandoned, and not at the clinic. She had to survive on her own for a little while, before she somehow found her way to the clinic.

  4. KazumaR1 says:

    Yeah kind of a short chapter but a good one nonetheless. My only problem is that I don’t like Myona and every scene she is in makes it worse for me. I know she is supposed to be some kind of dizty cute girl but I just find her annoying.

    • Soatari says:

      I like her half the time, but her bizarre behavior the other half of the time is off-putting, and not charming like I think it’s supposed to be.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Myona is a comic foil for the others. A good balance between the characters. It keeps the lighthearted nature of the story without losing any of the heft.

      • KazumaR1 says:

        I don’t see what is so lighthearted about insinuating Pierce and Shaar have sex and pop out a bunch of babies in light of how human child rearing is treated in TItan society but that is just me. I think there is a fine line between being funny and just being stupid or insensitive. Myona fell toward the latter in this chapter for me.

        • Nitestarr says:

          I see Myona as well-meaning but ignorant. She harbors no malice towards humans. She is simply a product of her culture. (not excusing it btw) I think this takes place in the early part of the verse where most Titans do not have many interaction with earth or earth-influenced humans

          • Soatari says:

            She seems to be mimicking Tylum’s treatment of Pierce in some ways, but not truly understanding the why. With that statement to Fara, she still seems to see humans as pets… or even like toys.

            I think Shaar is going to be the catalyst for her seeing things how they really are.

        • faeriehunter says:

          My opinion is that Myona was being innocently insensitive here. When she was pictured the two humans together her imagination ended up running wild in a fairy tale kind of way. It just didn’t occur to her that the scenario she pictured is uncomfortably close to the fact that humans are getting bred like animals in the Empire.

          • KazumaR1 says:

            I agree but at some point I hope people start calling her out on it if she continues to make insensitive comments. Either way, I still find the character’s brand of comedic relief annoying regardless.

          • Naoru says:

            I believe she actually means no harm, but it do was really annoying and more so that Fara didnt say anything to her.

            Besides that I like Myona. She is sort of a Pinkie Pie to the group if that makes any sense, and based on future storys her point of view has obviously changed. Maybe because of Shaar?we’ll see.

            This brings another interesting since I wonder how Titans handle their “pets” getting pregnant. Or how they even justify taking children away feom their mothers in breeding farms. So far its the most terrifying aspect of titan society to me.

          • synp says:

            @Naoru : It’s been said that human babies cannot grow without their mothers (too lazy to look up the correct reference), so I guess they wait until they’re at least 1-2 titan years old before removing them. By that age, both the mother and the child expect it.

            It’s all about your expectations. I mean, this was going on totally voluntarily until the late 1980s:

  5. gadgetmawombo says:

    No Pierce this chapter kinda made things dull for me since he’s my favorite character in this story but we did get a bit more in-depth of Daz’s character and were also introduced to a new human character…Shaar should spice things up a bit, I’m looking forward to interaction between her and Pierce. Great chapter, it seemed a bit short but it was good progression nonetheless!

    • TheSilentOne says:

      Shaar is sort of a new character. True, she’s new to this story, but we seen her before, always with Myona near as I can remember. We’ve seen her at least twice recently, installing holographic emitters at Rixie’s Bar, and adjusting the lights at the set where Sam was filming. Still, I been looking forward to a proper introduction of her for quite a while now.

    • synp says:

      Yes, but we need some back-story on Shaar. On the one hand, she “she just sort of appeared in the clinic one day”, and on the other hand she’s already chipped, which means that she got chipped at the clinic.

      So, who is she? How did she happen to get to the clinic? Why wasn’t she chipped before? Inquiring minds want to know…

      Also, that line “Shaar had never worn clothing before … and she found the feel of the material quite nice.” is weird. Clothes and shoes are like coffee or alcohol. They’re very offensive when you first try them. You only get to like them when you get used to them. If you’ve never wore them before, the feel of the material would be uncomfortable, irritating. So I can get curious, but not “nice”. I also don’t understand why Fara (who is probably as much used to clothes on a human as Shaar is) would suggest clothing. It’s already been mentioned in the series that titans are not offended by nudity, so even if she were a human rights activist, she wouldn’t feel that leaving them naked was offensive.

      Other than that, great chapter.

      • KazumaR1 says:

        Well you’re assuming that just because Shaar never wore real clothing before that she is required not to like what Fara gave her when everyone is different. Maybe she was glad not to be bare assed for once. I figured Fara is giving Shaar clothing because she wants to treat her like a person, even if Fara herself isn’t offended by nudity, she now knows humans are not simple minded animals and won’t treat Shaar like one. And if nothing else, since Shaar has run of the house and won’t be confined to a terrarium, running around bare assed all the time isn’t very hygienic since humans don’t have fur or efficient self cleaning mechanisms.

        • synp says:

          You’re equating simple minded animals with lack of clothing. The original Titan novel had nothing of the sort – towards its end, all the humans (Alex, Nick and Sophia) are treated as equals (you don’t send pets on a mission to Avalon), but after that they go right back to being naked. Alex even rejects Rixie’s offer to wear clothes.

          Physics introduced Niall, who insisted on wearing clothes, but he has always been a self-important guy with a stick up his ass, and Exile’s Darren is much the same, so I thought that it was just those peculiar humans. But these Titans seem to be very different from either Brinn or Naskia in that they are much more open to treating humans as equals. That is particularly weird because it’s happening at the same time assuming all of the January 2013 Abductees found homes at roughly the same time.

          I am sensing a world change.

          • Soatari says:

            Can’t really compare the original Titan stories to the current offerings. It started off quite different to what it has become.

          • KazumaR1 says:

            Titan didn’t really take its humans as pets concept seriously until Physics so there is a huge tonal difference between the original Titan and the other stories. Titan started out as just a giantess story and evolved from there.

          • sketch says:

            By the time of Nomad, 4.5 titan months or nearly 2 earth years, all but two women have been adopted. Pierce gets bought by Zara on her way to Avalon as a gift for her sister who is a bit more progressive. The other girls, as we see in this chapter with Fara, are just modeling their behaviors off Tylum’s arrangement with Peirce.

      • faeriehunter says:

        Actually, titans not being offended by nudity isn’t entirely true. Back in Titan: Pandemic chapter 21, when Hurassen Bass tells Pryvani that citations for public acts of disorderly conducts aren’t his area of expertise, Pryvani answers that she didn’t contact him for something as simple as swimming naked in a fountain. Ergo, swimming naked in a public fountain can get you summoned to court.

        Not being an author I can’t say for sure, but it seems to me that titans merely have less of a nudity taboo than humans do rather than a total disregard of nudity. I’m guessing that it’s usually no big deal for titans if they’re seen naked by friends or family, but that they don’t like being naked in front of strangers or casual acquaintances.

        Anyway, I’m pretty sure that Fara offered Shaar clothing in an effort to treat humans as persons rather than animals. Regardless of what titans think of nudity, they generally prefer to wear clothes. Also, in all but the warmest weather, clothes are very helpful for preserving body heat.

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