Chapter 13: Explorations Titan: Sovereign by JohnnyScribe

“…So, you’re telling me that on Earth there are distinct and separate human nations and that each one has separate cultures?” Rhionne asked with interest as she watched the sketch Pierce was making appear on the screen in front of her.

Talks with the young human had become a frequent and welcome pastime for the Princess. She had discovered that Pierce was good company and more than willing to answer any question about Earth that she might have. Most of her questions were about Earth culture- or cultures, as she was beginning to discover, but Pierce had also told her as much about Earth artistic styles as he was able.

“That’s right. Sometimes many cultures even within the same country.” Pierce told her, carefully shading in the area he was working on.

“It sounds similar to what our people were like before the Archavian dominion was formed.” Rhionne said, settling herself into the desk chair behind Pierce. “When we were also many nations.”

“Huh.” Pierce muttered. “On TV all the aliens only ever have one culture.”

“Oh, not at all.” Rhionne replied. “Each province of Archavia has its own cultural traditions, as do many of the colonies. My mother is of the Jotunn, while my father is descended from a line in the Tannhauser nobility. Daz is Aementi, and so is Tylum, Aezhay is Korafian and Fara is from one of the colonies. Even the Hoplites have their own culture, in a way.”

Pierce looked up. “What about Myona?”

Rhionne hesitated, and then frowned, her brow creased in thought. “I’m… not really sure where Myona is from.”

Pierce grinned and shook his head. “I don’t think anybody is.” He finished the last couple lines of his sketch. “There. What do you think?”

Rhionne’s eyes narrowed as she peered at the picture in front of her. “What is it?”

“It’s the old pickup truck I used to drive around in back on earth. I was in it when they abducted me.”

“Oh.” Rhionne nodded. “So it’s a vehicle of some kind.”

“Well… it’s just a sketch…” Pierce muttered.

“No, it’s very good…” Rhionne bit her lip to hide her amusement. “It’s just hard for me to judge, never having seen a ‘truck’ before.”

Pierce snorted in amusement. “I suppose that’s fair. I’ll show you a picture later, then you’ll see how awesome this sketch is.”

Rhionne grinned and ruffled his hair fondly with a finger. “I’m sure I will, but in the meantime I have to get to class.”

She bent down and hefted her book bag onto one shoulder. “Do you want help getting somewhere?”

Pierce shook his head. “Nah. I’ll be able to get down on my own.”

The titan shrugged. “Suit yourself, but don’t say I didn’t offer.”

“Right.” Pierce stood up and stretched the crick in his neck. “I guess I’ll see you later then.”

Rhionne bade him good bye and stepped out of the room, leaving Pierce sitting on her desk. Fortunately, Pierce had gotten plenty of practice climbing the giant furniture. Although, as he began his descent, it occurred to Pierce that asking for a lift to the ground, at least, wouldn’t have been a bad idea.

Eventually, he made it to the floor, stepping out of Rhionne’s room and into the hallway where he immediately made a beeline for his “lane.” The one area of the hallway all the titans had promised not to step.

Fortunately, he was becoming adept at navigating the immense house, and quickly made it down the stairs and to the living room. He wandered into the kitchen and noticed the two doors near the back. He knew that one led to the garage, but he was unsure what lay beyond the other door.

With a shrug Pierce decided there was no better time than the present to discover. He approached the monolithic portal and was surprised to discover there was a light coming from inside.

Peeking around the door, he saw a staircase leading downwards. A basement.

If it hadn’t been for the light, Pierce would have been satisfied with his discovery thus far, but a light meant there might be something below other than a subterranean storage space. So, squaring his shoulders, he set off.

Climbing down this set of stairs was similar enough to the set that led to the upstairs that it didn’t take long until Pierce was at the bottom. When he reached the floor, he became aware of an odd humming sound and a rhythmic thumping that was felt more than heard.

Pierce cautiously walked towards the source of the sound, which also lay in the direction of the light source.

The closer he got, the louder the sound and heavier the vibrations became. Eventually he rounded a corner and discovered the source.

Aezhay was running on an enormous treadmill. Pierce watched in fascination as her long, powerful legs took every step. Her shoes, each the size of small cars, slamming down on the moving belt underneath her. The muscles in her legs and abdomen ripping with every movement, and sweat dripping from her body.

A small part of his brain told him that he probably shouldn’t be here. That the towering blonde titan might be a tad upset if she were to discover him on the floor, watching her; but the part of his brain that was a nineteen year old male told him that if he left he would probably regret it.

However, both parts of his brain were able to compromise on the idea that he might want to at least hide.

So, doing his best not to attract Aezhay’s attention, Pierce ducked into the shadow underneath a shelf, where he still had a good vantage point.

Then he heard another strange noise.


Daz made her way through the house. She was still angry and confused about her earlier conversation with her sister and desperately needed to blow off steam. She thundered down the stairs and breezed through the kitchen, offering only a barely audible grunt in response to any greetings she received.

A moment later she stepped through the door that led to the basement and ascended the staircase into a fairly well lit room. In the basement were a small vidtainment system, and a number of simple exercise machines and a set of free weights.

As soon and she stepped off the staircase, she became aware of a low humming sound and a staccato thumping pattern. Aezhay was on the treadmill.

Daz watched the taller woman jogging, her long legs pumping tirelessly as she ran across the endless conveyor belt. Daz was about to turn and find some other way of venting, when she heard a click and the humming sound abruptly stopped.

“Did you want to use the treadmill?” Aezhay asked, wiping the sweat from her face with a towel. “I was just about done.”

Daz regarded the taller woman with narrowed eyes. “The only time you use that thing is when you’re annoyed at something.” She observed.

Aezhay rubbed the back of her neck and didn’t want to seem to meet Daz’s eyes. “And what makes you say that?” She asked.

“Because that’s the only time I ever use it either, and we tend to run into each other down here a lot…” Daz replied with a smirk, crossing her arms over her chest.

Aezhay snorted in amusement. “Well, then why are you down here?” She countered.

“I asked you first.”

Aezhay shifted on the balls of her feet, before setting the towel down on top of the treadmill. “Sisters are annoying.” She finally responded.

Daz bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud at the irony. “Yes, yes they are. What did yours do this time?”

“They’re trying to keep me in the dark.” Aezhay growled, lowering her considerable frame until she was seated on the treadmill’s belt. “The farm’s going under. Anybody with half a brain can see that we’re in trouble; but Lezah and Aisell won’t tell me a damn thing about it.” Her voice rose into a mocking pitch. “‘Don’t worry about it, Zhay.’ ‘Everything is fine, Zhay.’ ‘You just worry about school, Zhay’ As if I don’t care that our family business is in serious trouble. Like it wouldn’t affect me if we had to sell everything our family has worked for.”

Daz sighed and shook her head, seating herself on the couch. “I’m really sorry to hear about that, Aezhay. Wish there was something I could do to help.”

“There ain’t.” Aezhay tapped her foot pensively. “I’m not even sure there’s really much that I can do at this point, to be honest. But I appreciate the thought.”

A moment of silence passed between them before Aezhay suddenly looked up into Daz’s eyes.

“Don’t think you’re getting off the hook, girl.” She said. “I told you mine, now it’s your turn to spill.”

“Ironically, my sister is being a slag about some stuff too.” Daz sighed. “I don’t really want to get into details about it, though…”

Aezhay peered at the other woman intently, as if trying to see directly into her mind. After several minutes, she looked away with a shrug.

“Fair enough.” Aezhay nodded. “But, unfortunately there’s only the one treadmill, and I’ve decided to hang onto it for a while longer.” There was a glint in the farm girl’s eyes that caused the skin on the back of Daz’s neck to tingle. She licked her lips and pulled herself to her feet with a slight groan.

“Really?” The shorter girl smiled, her eyes narrowing.

“Really.” Aezhay replied, squaring her shoulders.

Daz took a step forward. “Maybe I should try and take it from you.”

Aezhay grinned. “By all means.”


“Shaar?” Fara called out as she pushed the door to her room open. “I have something for you to…”

Her sentence tapered off as she beheld the empty room in front of her. She’d left the human woman on her bedside table momentarily while she’d gone to gather some things for Shaar to use while she was staying with her.

In the intervening minutes, Shaar had managed to disappear.

Fara sighed and shook her head. “You’d think I would have learned my lesson with Pierce.” She muttered.

The woman in question was currently making her way down the stairs and into the living room. Shaar didn’t really do well with the command “stay here.” And desired to explore her new surroundings. To that end, she had made her way to the first floor of the house, and out into the living room.

There, she saw the redheaded titan woman. What had Fara called her again? Myona. Myona was sitting at the massive table, idly fiddling with something and humming softly to herself. Shaar’s curiousity was again piqued, and she wanted to see what had the titan woman so interested.

She cast about for a way to climb to the top of the table.

“It’s all right.” A voice floated down to her from above. “You can come over here, if you like. I won’t hurt you.”

Shaar hesitated, and then continued to walk around the table, looking for a way to get to the top.

“I could just give you a lift, you know.” Myona told her idly, as she continued to work on whatever project she had on top of the table.

Shaar ignored her, continuing to make her way around the table, giving the twitching sandal clad feet of the titan woman a wide berth as she did so. Myona shrugged and set a textbook down at her feet.

Shaar continued to prowl the underside of the table, seeking some method of ascension. There was another thump as Myona set another book at her feet.

Shaar tried to shimmy up one of the table legs, but only got about a quarter of the way up before she stopped, realizing there was no way to get to the table top that way.

Another thud as Myona’s stack of books increased by one.

Next she tried to climb one of the chair legs, but found she couldn’t get any good footholds on the polished wooden surface.

Frustrated, she paced around the side of the chair until she ran into Myona’s stack of textbooks. Grinning, Shaar suddenly realized she could climb the binds and covers of the books until she reached the seat of the empty chair next to Myona. From there, it would be a simple matter of climbing the back of the chair and then jumping to the tabletop.

Myona watched placidly as the girl ascended the chair and landed on the table top. She bit her lip to conceal her amusement as Shaar strutted, proud of her own accomplishment.

“Told you I didn’t need any help.” She snarked.

“Nope.” Myona smiled. “I guess you didn’t.”

“What are you working on anyway?” Shaar asked, drawing closer to the pile of electronic parts that Myona was fiddling with.

“There’s something wrong with this emitter. I have to troubleshoot the problem, devise a plan to fix it, and then carry out the plan.”

“Looks like a bunch of junk to me.” Shaar sniffed.

Tylum and Fara appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

“Myona have you seen…” Fara gasped out before spying Shaar on the tabletop. “…Never mind.”

“Hello girls.” Myona chirped as the two of them collapsed into seats across from her. “I was just showing Shaar what I was working on and- Hey!”

The human had disappeared up to her waist inside the device and appeared to be looking around. “I think I found your problem this little red wire in here is loose and- Let go!”

“Shaar…” Myona said as she gently tried to extract Shaar from her project. “I don’t think you should be messing around with that. You might break it.”

“Let go of me!” Shaar spat, struggling in Myona’s grip.

“Shaar calm down, Myona’s not hurting you.” Fara said.

“I. said. Let. GO!” Shaar snarled, leaning down to bite Myona’s finger as hard as she could. With a muffled yelp, Myona’s fingers released their grip and Shaar tumbled to the table.

“You don’t grab me!” The little woman yelled and before anybody could stop her, she tore across the table top and leaped to the floor, before disappearing into the kitchen at a full run.

“Oh no…” Fara muttered sadly. “Shaar wait, come back!” Fara and Tylum both rose to their feet and headed into the kitchen to locate the little human.

Myona, meanwhile, sucked on her injured finger and peered into the emitter. It didn’t take long for her to locate the red wire that Shaar had been referring to. The redheaded Titan’s eyes widened as she realized the thin wire, almost too small for her to see, had indeed been loose.

“She was right.” Myona muttered, incredulously.


The ground underneath Pierce’s feet shook as the two titans collided above him. Grunts of exertion filled the air as Daz and Aezhay grappled, each trying to gain the upper hand. Part of Pierce was concerned; there really wasn’t enough room for this sort of thing… but the rest of him could only watch in fascination.

A tremor shook the ground as Daz was forced to one knee under Aezhay’s superior size. The blonde had one arm wrapped around Daz’s torso and the other was pinning her arm behind her back.

“Yield?” Aezhay asked smugly.

“Not even close.” Daz grunted out. Using her free hand Daz tickled the back of Aezhay’s knee. Aezhay snorted in laughter but still managed to keep her hold. However, Daz’s assault wasn’t about to let up either. Unfortunately, Aezhay couldn’t do much about it, because if she moved, she would have to break her hold on Daz.

“Quit it.” Aezhay gasped. “That’s cheating.”

“Is not.” Daz grunted, a grin splitting her face. “It’s called being creative.” Aezhay’s face contorted as she tried to control herself, but after a few more seconds of Daz’s “creativity” she was forced to break her hold with a gasp.

The two of them separated and squared off again.

Pierce watched in fascination from his hiding place, though at the same time conscious of the fact he was watching a literal battle of the titans, neither of whom knew he was there, and could both utterly steamroll him if he wasn’t careful.

And then they were at it again. This time, Daz managed to hook her leg around Aezhay’s and throw the taller girl off balance. Pierce was knocked to the floor as well by the resulting tremor. He regained his feet in time to see Daz pinning Aezhay to the ground.

“Yield?” She panted.

Aezhay smirked. Without warning she craned her neck up towards Daz’s face. At first Pierce thought she was going to try and headbutt her opponent.

Pierce… was wrong.

He felt his eyes widen as Aezhay’s lips locked on Daz’s. At first Daz seemed shocked, but then with a contented sigh, her eyes closed and her body relaxed on top of Aezhay’s.

“Now that was cheating.” Daz muttered when they broke apart a few moments later.

“Nah. I was just being creative.” Aezhay responded. Before Daz could respond, Aezhay pulled her down again into another kiss.

Pierce watched from his hiding spot, unable to look away even if he’d wanted to.

The girls shifted into a more comfortable position, though Daz was still on top. Unfortunately for Pierce the two of them ended up a lot closer to his hiding spot. The next thing he knew, he was looking directly into a bright green eye.

“Uh oh Daz.” Aezhay’s amused voice rumbled around him. “Looks like we have an audience.”

“What?” Daz muttered distractedly, a second before her red eyes descended to peer in at him as well. “Pierce?”

“I um… I…” Pierce was at a loss to explain himself. Before he could, however, Aezhay’s long fingers had wrapped gently around his body and pulled him from his hiding spot.

“Oh don’t worry Pierce.” Aezhay laughed. “We’re not mad at you or anything.” She pulled herself out from under Daz

“Um, Aezhay…?” Daz’s cheeks were flushed. “What are you going to do?”

“Nothing.” The taller woman responded, gently pushing Daz onto her back. “I just figured, we were having a little fun and maybe Pierce would want to have some fun too.”

Daz was about to protest but she noted that Pierce’s expression didn’t seem to be terribly concerned. So, figuring that he was okay with the way things were going, she might as well relax.

“Her- what…?” Pierce muttered as Aezhay’s fingers gently gripped his clothing and carefully removed them until he was completely naked in the giant blonde’s grip.

“Fair’s fair, Pierce.” Aezhay told him with a grin. “We showed you ours, you have to show too.”

Pierce’s first instinct was to feel somewhat embarrassed, but he started to relax when he realized that Aezhay did have a point. And anyway, the feel of her warm fingers around his body was too good for him to be worried about much of anything.

Pierce was lowered onto Daz’s stomach. He could feel her abdominal muscles twitching beneath the warm skin underneath him. Even at nineteen years old, Pierce was hardly inexperienced with women. Nevertheless he understood that this was an entirely different level, and that if he walked away from this he might regret it for the rest of his life.

“See?” Aezhay giggled. “He’s fine.” Without another word, she pulled the hem of Daz’s shirt over her head, exposing her breasts. Then she grabbed the hem of her own shirt and pulled it over her head.

Pierce’s heart thumped in his chest and he struggled to retain his footing on the surface of Daz’s abdomen that was damp with sweat. Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to just stand around gawking. Instead, he began to ascend Daz’s torso, aiming for the summit of her left breast.

“See, he’s got the idea.” Aezhay said, even as she lowered her mouth down to Daz’s right breast.

Any protest Daz might have had died in her throat and was replaced by a soft moan of satisfaction. It wasn’t uncommon for her and Aezhay’s sparring matches to end this way, so this was mostly familiar territory for her.

Pierce had finally reached the tip of Daz’s breast. He glanced up at her face and was relieved to see a closed-eyed look of pleasure on the titan woman’s face, instead of a frown of disapproval, which is what he’d been expecting. He reached out with one hand and placed it on Daz’s nipple, eliciting a small moan from the woman underneath him. Encouraged, he began to minister to the small nub as best he could.

He was just getting into it when a shadow fell over him. He looked up just in time to see Aezhay’s slightly parted lips before he was engulfed in a dark wet cavern. He felt her tongue against his back as it brushed him aside to tease the bit of flesh he’d just been playing with. Aezhay’s moans as he rode on her tongue vibrated his entire body.

Aezhay smirked as she pulled Pierce away from Daz’s body and carried him in her mouth up to Daz’s face. The other girl didn’t realize what had happened, but received Aezhay’s kiss enthusiastically when the tall blonde’s hand slipped into her shorts and began to gently tease Daz’s flesh.

Daz did, however, take notice when a small squirming lump was deposited in her mouth and held between their tongues. Mindful of Pierce’s comfort, Daz pulled away every so often to ensure that he was both okay and getting an adequate oxygen supply. Though it was getting harder to think clearly when her nerves seemed to be on fire.

Pierce was surrounded by wet and squirming flesh. The sounds of the two giant women making out were all around him. His skin was soaked, but he was warm, and the flesh that surrounded him gently caressed every inch of his body. He was relatively certain he wasn’t in any danger.

Behind him, Daz’s breaths were coming in quick gasping bursts that seemed to grow more insistent as time went on. He wasn’t sure what Aezhay was doing to her out there, but it seemed to be working.

After a moment, the tongue at his back retreated and he was left alone inside Daz’s mouth. He tongue wrapped around him like a sleeping bag and held him against the roof of her mouth as his entire environment began to shake wildly. The frenetic tremors increased for several more minutes, building to a wild crescendo.

A loud, startling groan of pleasure erupted from the throat behind him and Pierce was ejected from her mouth, tumbling over her chin and onto her breasts, which were heaving from her excited breathing.

Once he’d regained his composure, Pierce looked down the length of Daz’s body to where Aezhay was camped out between her thighs.

“That do the trick?” The farm girl asked smugly.

“Oh yeah.” Daz groaned. “Definitely.”

“Good.” Aezhay’s face split into a grin. “Because it’s my turn now.”


  1. OpenHighHat says:

    Given JS’s redifinement of the rules I’m not sure what happens to the earlier Physics chapters.

    Naskia and Niall’s relationship is based on her lack of regard for him and runs around a mixed power dynamic between the two. Early Naskia owns Niall and wants to do what she wants with him. But early Niall can play Naskia to make sure he gets what he wants from the arrangement.

    If I were to edit it to make it a bit more pg…I wouldn’t know where to start.

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      you dont have to do anything, I wouldn’t think (thouh it’s been a long time since I read those chapters) the idea isn’t that there wont be any titans who are sexual with humans, the idea is that the concept isn’t quite as widely accepted among the general population as it’s currently depicted as being.

      • Soatari says:

        Well if we break it down, who is really ruled out then?

        Brinn, Zara and Taron definitely seem the more deviant type and Nick’s first sexual encounter was consensual.

        Rixie and Alex didn’t start doing anything sexual until after they had gotten to know each other and she saw him as a friend.

        Naskia is definitely pervy, and Niall was definitely willing. In fact, Niall was the one to initiate their first sexual encounter.

        Aisell and Luke didn’t do anything together until after she had already gotten to know him, and it was fully consensual (albeit while they were both intoxicated). Though her shame afterwards did imply that she didn’t quite see him as a person, or at least an equal, yet.

        Gaea and Yama were most certainly in a relationship, and there is little doubt that she saw him as a person when they first had sex.

        This just leaves Trell, Dorok, and maybe Kiri. Trell was an obvious sadist. Dorok was a desperate rapist. Kiri was certainly in denial about her feelings on the matter, but she definitely got off on the idea of being in that much control over someone. With her though, I don’t think she really got off on it until she started seeing humans more as people than as pets.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        It sounds like Naskia will just make sure the door is shut, and not tell anyone what she got up to with her human.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        I don’t know who you are. I don’t know why you think you can hide from me. If you are looking for forgiveness, I can tell you I don’t have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired by virtue of being born in Northern Ireland. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my Sorcha go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

    • sketch says:

      How’s it shattered? Aezhay is apparently fine with human/titan sexual encounters. All Thurfrit needs to do is have the courage to ask and not make it awkward with the fact she owned his grandmother.

      • faeriehunter says:

        I’m guessing that Nitestarr is thinking that Thurfrit is out of luck because Aezhey is in a relationship already. But I myself think that Daz and Aezhey are just having casual sex every so often instead of being girlfriends.

        Perhaps it’s good to mention here that Titan: Nomad chapter 31 reveals that Aezhay had a boyfriend when she came to the farm for the harvest, and that she was going to dump him.

        • sketch says:

          She has a boyfriend now, from the freakout chapter:

          “Aezhay reclined in her chair as she watched the dance floor. She had her pad out and was idly messaging her on again off again boyfriend Xego when she felt a weight on her back that quickly climbed up her shoulder. Startled, she glanced over and saw Pierce sitting there.”

          Even better for him, being attached does not preclude her hooking up for some casual sex.

          • Johnny Scribe says:

            Could be she and Xego are in the “off” position at the moment. Could also be that they have rules about “outside” sex. Doesn’t mean she would necessarily demand similar rules in another relationship either. Maybe those rules are his idea and she’s merely taking advantage of them.

            Could be any number of things really. She does mention in Nomad that Xego is acting a bit of a putz too.

        • Nitestarr says:

          Welllll I was just saying that..However Thurfrit and I do have something in common..we both dig tall chicks 🙂 I think that Thurfrit might have some romantic/sexual fantasies about her. A very similar thing is happening with Pierce.

          Weirdly I sort of identify with him. Also helps that hes Luke’s buddy in the Tribe..

  2. Kusanagi says:

    Well that escalated quickly.

    Sovereign has always been the great change of pace series, especially with everything going on over in Contact.

    Great little moment with Shaar and Myona, can start to see why they would become friends.

    Nice reminder by Aezhay that other stories are still going on at this point (Guess this would be fairly early Nomad).

    Pierce is definitely the luckiest abducted human, I swear if he ever swapped stories with the others it might not end well for him.

    • sketch says:

      Seriously, after the last round of debate the last posting brought up, it’s really nice to take a break for some good sexy fun.

      I can see the start of Shaar and Myona’s partnership. I think she just needs to learn Shaar’s boundries.

      And it’s nice to see Aezhey get some more development. She didn’t get a whole lot in Nomad or Exile. I’m finding her a bit different of a character with this insight. Lezah mentions she had a head for numbers, but also kind of dismisses as a scatter brain.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        “Lezah mentions she had a head for numbers, but also kind of dismisses as a scatter brain.” It would be nice to see that elaborated on as the story goes on.

    • Ponczek says:

      Well i think it’s still at least a month before beggining of Nomad (if i would be guessing chronology), becouse Pierce was sent to Tylum at beggining of Titan, and Luke met Aisell after few titan months on station.

    • Stephen says:

      I’d like to think so, but I’m not so sure. I mean, I’ve never had any kind of sex personally, but is the point of a sex act with multiple partners supposed to be that everyone is appreciated, treated equally, and loved equally? Pierce is still just an animal to them. I don’t know, maybe its just the left over effects of my depression setting in, but I’m wary of anyone being a third wheel.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        The scene was hot, all right, but that’s a good point. Based on what’s been well established about Titans, it was probably two women going at it with a warm sex toy.

      • sketch says:

        I don’t know about Aezhay, but Daz seems very mindful of Pierce’s needs, checking he is okay and devoting attention to his comfort and safety.

        • Soatari says:

          Yeah. Aezhay wasn’t being forceful or disrespectful of Pierce’s wishes, but it just seemed like she wasn’t being nearly as mindful as Daz. She insisted that Pierce was good to go before he had even started actively participating, and if Daz hadn’t been paying attention during the kissing, he probably would have been a lot more uncomfortable.

          Aezhay was more treating him like a sexual aid, and Daz was treating him like an active participant.

      • synp says:

        It can’t be that everyone is treated equally. This isn’t a quid pro quo. Definitely not with “partners” that are so mis-matched.

        It’s enough that everyone feels good about what’s happened. And I think in this case, they do.

      • faeriehunter says:

        The notion of titans having sex with or involving humans they consider pets is one that makes me very uncomfortable, because pet humans are so dependent on titans that it can make consent questionable even in the best of cases. Still, in this case I’m willing to give it a pass. Daz and Aizhey checked that Pierre was willingly going along with it, and they seem to be endeauvouring to ensure that the experience is a pleasure for all three of them.

        • Johnny Scribe says:

          to be honest, the whole “titans use humans as sex toys” is a bit of a relic of when this series had an entirely different tone to it. If/when I rewrite, the idea of sex between humans and titans will be a lot more taboo. And our characters will only ever contemplate it after the realization that humans are just as intelligent (and therefore just as capable of consenting) as any other class one species is. That won’t *entirely* eliminate the power discrepancy, but it will mitigate it quite a bit, I think.

          • synp says:

            Frankly I don’t think you should do that. Sexual availability of those dominated is an integral part of domination. Think of all the bastard children Thomas Jefferson had by his black slaves, and of course sexual availability of those dominated is the basis of all power-play fantasies, not just the giantess fantasies that were in the early parts of this series.

            To remove that aspect, the whole enslaving thing becomes less convincing. What is a titan to do with a pet human? They’re not going to talk about science and philosophy. And watching them climb poles and do back-flips gets old pretty fast unless you’re Lyroo Pren and are on a mission to care for humans. So the relationship has to be more physical. Not necessarily sexual, but that would (I think) happen more often than not.

          • Johnny Scribe says:


            Well, it’s not that the sex will be entirely eliminated, exactly (I mean, where would the fun in that be?) it’d just not be quite as endorsed by society. It’d probably be more like homosexuality back in the day. It happens, people know it happens, but it happens behind closed doors, and society just doesn’t really discuss it much. Some of the characters will still be open to the idea- Brinn, for example- others like probably Pryvani won’t really have considered it until they begin to actually get to know humans on a more personal level (in this case, Zhan)

            Others will still dominate the humans because they don’t give a damn- like Trell or Vasha

            So really it’ll be a slight tweak to the attitudes of a few characters to start with. They’ll still end up where they are- I dont want a complete rewrite after all. If nothing else, this will be just one more thing our heroes will ahve to fight for- the right for a titan to love a human openly.

          • synp says:

            So Uyli’s attitude becomes more prevalent?

            “You mean that guy you like?” Asked the third, a slender girl of medium height with dark brown skin and silver hair. “Why would that… Oh, eww! You’re sick Lita!” her grey eyes closed in disgust.

            And Lita’s attitude less so?

            “Everybody knows that’s what people do with humans. It’s sort of the unspoken rule.”

          • Ancient Relic says:


            Sounds sort of like that.

            It would also probably have this element of ancient Greek sexuality: there’s always a dominant partner of higher social status and a submissive partner of lower social status. Titans do care about the wellbeing of humans, and would give a thought to their feelings, but they also regard themselves as superior to humans and the masters of their humans, so each relationship would mix domination with caring, with one or the other coming to the fore at any given moment (Vasha and Trell aside).

          • Njord says:

            I’d like to stress, once again, how much it would be appreciated if you a) posted the revised product as separate from the original, or b) put the originals in their own little archive. Nobody wants to lose the material that first got us invested in your universe, no matter how you’d like to retroactively alter it (honestly, I’d say work with what you have; they’re aliens, let them have weird cultural norms).

  3. D.X. Machina says:

    I’m going on record that Pierce has had it the best of all the abductees. I don’t think it’s even particularly close.

    • synp says:

      True, but still, c’mon. If the women take their clothes off, you do the same. That way you don’t end up with “his clothes were soaked”.

      That’s so basic, how could he not know? No wonder humans are class 2.

      • Ponczek says:

        He was in right place at right time. Though i guess he might have to replace clothes (but here i’m sharing your point, that wasn’t only stupid, it was like lack of self-preservation instinct).

    • Ancient Relic says:

      Oh, living with six women and no men, and now this. He’s living such a blatant male sexual fantasy.

      Note: I should make it clear that I am not displeased with the events of this story.

      • Johnny Scribe says:

        I make no apologies that ~60% of Sovereign is based around my own fantasy 😛 also, counting Shaar, he’s now living with eight women.

      • Nitestarr says:

        That lucky bastard, how dare he??? (and what virgin do I have to sacrifice to get me one of these – fantasies…)

        Plz send all the hate mail to:

        123 Altamont Blvd
        Beverly Hills, CA….

        My personal butler (cat) will know what to do..

    • Soatari says:

      It’s not just the all female environment or the casual sex. It’s also the house full of very open-minded titans that are willing to treat him as a person and not just a pet.

      Started off with Tylum, who already viewed humans as more than animals. She was able to see that from her interactions with Sofia, even when her sister, someone whose career and education revolves around the study of humans, failed to see it.

      Daz, who didn’t want anything to do with him at first, is turning out to be one of his best friends there. It didn’t take her long at all to realize that humans are more than just simple animals. She practically came to that conclusion before she even had any direct interaction with Pierce.

      Fara’s compassionate nature made her very receptive to Pierce’s arguments and suggestions. She almost immediately took them to heart, and her interaction with Shaar and Alex (in Pandemic) prove that it stuck with her.

      Much like Fara, Rhionne’s gentle nature made her receptive to it as well. When she found out Pierce was from Earth, her curiosity pushed aside all preconceptions or misconceptions she may have had about humans. She just started conversing with him like she would any titan.

      Myona… is… hard to read. It seems to me that she sees humans as adorable little people. She treats them in much the same way someone would treat a young child. Playful and doing her best to make them happy.

      There’s been too little of Reevah to make any kind of judgment on her character.

      • D.X. Machina says:

        To be fair, Myona treats Titans like they’re adorable little people. I think Myona’s basically about eight degrees left of center as a general rule.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          Myona: Resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood; especially : marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness. Myona’s and Shaar’s worldviews are such polar opposites that they should be constantly irritating each other. Mostly though they are usually seen interacting with others not so much one on one. Maybe that’s how they make it work.

  4. Soatari says:

    Poor Shaar. She obviously came from an abusive situation before this.

    I liked Myona in this chapter. She’s a lot calmer when she’s got something to focus on (her work). Her book stacking was cute and a lot more deliberate than her usual random behavior. She saw how fiercely independent Shaar is, and played her. It amused me that Shaar missed the obvious, but then maybe she wasn’t paying attention.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Shaar getting played without noticing amused me too. She seemed so focused on finding a way up that she wasn’t paying attention to what Myona was doing. Although it’s also possible that Shaar has no experience with a titan being considerate of her wants. A regular titan would have probably snatched her up and put her on the table as soon as they saw what Shaar was trying to do.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Its a good pairing. Opposite personalities that bring out the best in each one..Its quite amusing. By the time of late late Pandemic/Exile/Arena they were working together. I would assume that her current residence is Avalon (I define current as late Exile)

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