Chapter 13: The Search Begins Titan: Pursuit by JohnnyScribe

“We have a problem.”

Caetyr looked up from her sketchpad as Ourellia burst through the door of her studio, looking very upset about something.

Caetyr calmly set aside the sketch of a royalberry blossom she was working on and sat back in her chair. “What’s the matter?”

Ourellia shrugged. “I was talking to the human and-“

“Oh is she talking again?” Caetyr asked cheerfully.

“Yes, but-“

“I hope that means she’s settling in.” Caetyr reached for her sketchpad again and began drawing.

Ourellia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, Cae, listen… there’s a problem with her. She says she’s from Earth.”


Ourellia’s eyes widened. “So? So? Are you mad? Poaching humans from Earth is illegal. Extremely illegal. As in ‘spend a long time on a penal colony’ illegal.”

Caetyr rolled her eyes exasperatedly. “Really? That’s what you’re worried about? There’s no possible way she’s really from Earth. She heard some stories about Earth, or something, and thought it would be a fun game to pretend to be an Earth human.”

Ourellia bit her lip, still unsure. “But… the red line…”

Ourellia shrugged. “Frankly, I’ve always thought the red line policy was misguided. I mean, we’re worried about ‘contaminating their culture’? What culture? If it were up to me, we’d take humans into our protection where they belong, where they’ll be safe. Not out on some rock right next to the insectoids.”

“Cae… if she’s telling the truth… if she’s really from-”

“Oh come on!” Caetyr chuckled incredulously. “What’s more likely? That someone went to the trouble of poaching humans from Earth, (when humans are readily available throughout the Empire, mind you) or that she’s just trying to play a game with us, that she’s just pretending, because she likes the idea of being from Earth?”

Ourellia shrugged. “I…I guess you’re probably right.”

Caetyr smiled and placed her hands on the taller woman’s arms. “Don’t worry; tomorrow we’ll take her into the vet. If she has a chip already, then we’ll get her back to whoever owns her. If she doesn’t, we’ll get her chipped properly and she’ll have a nice safe home with us. And I’ll bet that once she gets used to being with us, all this talk of Earth will stop, because she won’t need to pretend anymore.”

Ourellia smiled and nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“I know I am. You’ll see.”


Charlotte was impatient. She wanted to start searching for Molly right away, but Vanser had to sleep. The fact that Titans had to sleep for an entire day was something Charlotte hadn’t quite gotten used to. Of course, she supposed that her need to sleep “several times a day” was equally perplexing to Titans.

They were planning on returning to the “scene of the crime.” Charlotte wasn’t really banking on finding anything, but it was worth a look. If nothing else, they could ask to see if the women who had taken Molly were staying at the hotel.

But first Charlotte had to wait for Vanser to get out of the shower. She sat on the windowsill of the hotel room, looking out over the giant city. Skyscrapers the size of mountains surrounded the hotel on every side, and occasionally a sleek metallic shuttle would zip past. In the background, Charlotte could hear the waterfall of the shower going in the bathroom.

Eventually though, the cacophonous downpour ceased and Vanser stepped from the bathroom. He was wearing the lower half of his uniform and toweling off his damp hair.

“Ready to go?” Vanser asked Charlotte as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw on a long jacket.

“Are you kidding?” Charlotte snorted. “I’ve been waiting for you!”

Vanser smiled and lowered a hand to her, which Charlotte carefully climbed into. “Good, let’s get going.”

He raised his hand to his shoulder and Charlotte climbed into the hollow of his clavicle. As Vanser stepped out of the hotel room, Charlotte idly brushed his hair away from her shoulder. Vanser apparently needed a haircut.

Charlotte was surprised at how soft his hair was. It was still damp from his shower and smelled of whatever shampoo he had used. It smelled… really good.

“Charlotte?” Vanser’s voice was tinted with amusement.


“Are you petting me?”

Charlotte jerked her hand away self-consciously. “Um… possibly?” Vanser chuckled, but decided not to say anything. He stepped into the elevator and headed down towards the main floor and the lobby. Charlotte watched from her perch as they passed by the main reception. The woman behind the desk was checking in a what looked like a family of four. The young daughter looked up and made eye contact with Charlotte as she floated past.

Charlotte waved to her, right before Vanser passed through a door.

The quiet of the main lobby was replaced with the thunderous sounds of dozens of giant conversations all happening at once. Charlotte was very familiar with it, seeing as she’d spent almost an entire Archavian day inside the bar.

“You should probably get off my shoulder.” Vanser muttered out of the corner of his mouth. He reached up and pulled open a small pocket on his chest.

“Right.” Charlotte sighed and carefully slid into the waiting pouch. She leaned up against the lip of the pocket, the air around her smelled heavily of leather. She knelt down in the pocket and tried to remain as hidden as possible.

Once he was satisfied that Charlotte was sufficiently hidden, he slowly approached the bar. As he walked, he instinctively scanned the bar, making note of all the patrons, exits and any potential dangers or hazards.

“What can I get you, handsome?” The lady behind the bar asked him, smiling widely as she wiped the bar down with a clean cloth.

Vanser smirked and placed both of his hands on the bar top. “I was hoping you might be able to help me. I’m looking for someone.”

“Really?” The bar tender crossed her arms over her chest. “And who would that be?”

Vanser gave the bartender the rough description of the two women that Charlotte had managed to come up with.

“They were in here the other day.” He finished.

“Sorry, I can’t really help you with that. I wasn’t here, it was my day off.”

Vanser sighed. This was getting them nowhere.

“What’s this all about anyway?” The woman’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Vanser glanced around secretively before leaning forward. “All right… the truth is we’re looking for a human.”

“A human?”

“Yeah.” He quickly opened his coat to show the woman his Imperator identification.

“You’re an Imperator?”

“I am.”

“What are you doing chasing after a human?”

“You know the Imperial Family is in town for the tribute? Well, Princess Rhionne’s pet human got loose and we think she’s currently in the possession of the two women I described to you. They were seen here earlier, and I thought maybe someone might have some information on how to find them.”

“Royals.” The bartender rolled her eyes.

Vanser grinned. “Yeah. What are you going to do though?”

“Well, I’m sorry I can’t help you, Imperator.” The bartender shrugged. “But feel free to have a look around, and let me know if I can help you with anything else.”

“I’ll do that.” Vanser nodded, before stepping away from the bar.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Charlotte poked her head out of the jacket pocket. “Escaped royal pet?” She said incredulously. “That’s the best you could come up with?”

“Hey, give me a break.” Vanser muttered quietly. “I only had about a second to think.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes. “How about I talk to the next guy?”


Lenya had spent the day prowling around the arena, searching the faces in the crowd for any sign of Molly’s abductors. She was armed only with a description of the two women courtesy of Charlotte.

It wasn’t much, and if she was honest with herself, Lenya wasn’t really expecting anything substantial to happen. But it was a course of action, and it was better than nothing. She was already pretty sure that neither of the women were players. At least, no player she recognized.

Eventually, Lenya found herself in the observation box watching the end of the current match between Daemon and The Puppetmaster. She was dressed in her costume, as were the other players who were observing the match.

Outwardly, her expression was blank. Contemplative, at most. Inwardly, however, a molten whirlpool of anger raged. She had watched as The Puppetmaster had soundly defeated Daemon in the final round. Lenya wasn’t certain yet if the human was the true player or not, as the rumors had suggested, but she wouldn’t be surprised if he was.

That wasn’t what had enraged her, though. What had set her off was at the end, Daemon had snatched away the human “puppet” and, rather loudly, declared that he had been cheated out of a fair competition.

“Sore fragging loser.” She heard someone mutter behind her. Lenya had to agree, but not only that, she could see how Daemon was holding the human man and it was not at all carefully. Even if Lenya hadn’t understood the depth of human intelligence as she now did, she would be angry at Daemon, any decent person would.

She had to get out of there, if she stayed, she might find herself rushing the arena. And if she did that, there was an even chance she might just kill Daemon.

So, she swept from the room, past the changing rooms, not even bothering to remove her costumes. She shoved her way past the onlookers and backstage crew and tramped towards the exit.

Pushing the door open, the tol-bot player pushed out into the bright mid-day sun.

“Dibilique!” She heard the shouts from the hoarde of reporters waiting outside to try and scavenge an interview from someone noteworthy about the incident that had just occurred. She didn’t bother wondering how they had found out, because of course they had.

“Dibilique! Dibilique over here!” She heard one female voice yell. “Care to comment on the end of the Puppetmaster/Daemon match?”

“No comment.” Dibilique muttered tersely.

“What about on the rumors that Puppetmaster’s human is actually the real player?”

“No comment!”

“Do you think that Daemon was justified in lodging his complaints?”

That last one caused Dibilique to stop. She whipped around to face the reporter. It was a shame Lenya didn’t have a mirror because the look on her face must have been something to cause the young woman to take a step back when faced with Dibilique’s apparent fury.

“Justified?” Lenya repeated. “Justified?! Let me tell you, even if there wasn’t a human involved, you don’t cry foul on the last round unless it was because of the last round. Daemon has proved, once again, what we all knew: That he is an immature low-level sub-par player. He has demonstrated that he doesn’t even deserve to line up in a junior league beginner’s exhibition match, let alone the frakking Tribute.

“So no,” Dibilique continued. “He is not even slightly ‘justified’ in his challenge. Besides the flagrant disregard of sportsmanship and proper conduct that Tol-bot tradition requires- you don’t lodge a complaint about your opponent after losing. You just don’t. Besides that, there was the revolting demonstration of his lack of decency in physically handling, and possibly harming, a living creature. No matter what one feels about humans or their level of sentience, even the basest creature doesn’t deserve what Daemon did to that human.

“But, on the subject of the rumors that have been surrounding this tournament since the Puppetmaster won her first match, I will say this: I don’t know whether the human ‘marionette’ is the real player or not, and frankly, I don’t care. Part of me hopes that he is. A part of me hopes that he manages to go all the way and rubs the victory in the faces of all the smug complacent slags that look down their noses at his kind. There’s a part of me that would gladly take the loss just to see the status quo upended even just a tiny little bit, just to see some of the dust get shaken loose from society. Because I see the cracks forming, little by little. A human writing novels, a human teaching in our schools, or a human acting in movies. A human winning tol-bot. Each little nudge will eventually start an avalanche and by the gods I only hope I’m still alive to see it.

“But in the meantime, I swear that if the Diatiti find in favor of Daemon and his ridiculous little temper tantrum, I say right now and you can damn well quote me on this- that I will be resigning from this tournament in protest of the sham it will have shown itself to be. Dibilique will leave this tournament and perhaps may never set foot in an arena again. And I suspect that I will not be the only one.

Dibilique breathed heavily, suddenly exhausted after her diatribe. The poor reporter looked shell-shocked and flabbergasted. She had her stylus poised over her data pad to make a notation, but it seemed she had suddenly forgotten how to use it.

“Uhm…” The young woman muttered confusedly. “Shall I just say that you would have no problem facing Puppetmaster in a match, even if the human turns out to be the real player?”

“Yeah.” Dibilique sneered, turning to walk away. “Go with that.”


  1. Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

    “you don’t cry foul on the last round unless it was because of the last round”

    perhpas is because i’m not American/English, i’m an Italian, but i’m not sure to understand what Leny meant with this phrase

    somebody can explain me plz?

    • johnnyscribe says:

      basically she was saying that if Daemon had really had a problem with his opponent, he should have said so before the contest was over. The fact he didn’t showed he was just looking for an excuse to complain about losing.

      • Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

        Is the use of the word “unless” that i dont gather, seem that exist an exception for cry after lose the final round.

        • JohnnyScribe says:

          Ah. Basically that’s saying that the only reason to say something was wrong after the match is if it was something that happened in just the final round. She’s saying that if Daemon had really had a problem with the opponent he was facing he would have said so much earlier. Since he didn’t it shows he’s just making excuses for why he lost.

          • Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

            ah he don’t complain about something strange happened in the round, but only the fact the player was a human, and this he could made in every moment if really was a problem for him, but strangely, he challenge this fact only after he has lost, with this he admit that he is been defeated by a inferior race (is sadly as how the humanity is considered) this augment his humiliation.

            now i gathered, thank you johhny, really thank you

  2. Ghost in the Machine says:

    Ya know I wonder of de La Titanos have a version of fantasy football…Call it fantasy Tol-bot!…bet ya some enterprising young entrepreneur is feverishly working on the concept now…They would make a mint *baby*

    Another question is why am I up at this *&$# forsaking hour?…..

  3. Kusanagi says:

    You know, I’m honestly surprised Molly just hasn’t asked to be returned to either Vanser or Lenya. Sure I imagine it would be degrading as hell to do so, but it beats the alternative. A simple ‘My owner is Vanser Nix, he’s an imperator and he’s in town and we got separated.’

    • Coal White says:

      That’s what I was thinking. And why I thought that Ourellia was the one calling Lenya in the previous chapter. It would be the smartest and easiest course of action.

  4. Kusanagi says:

    Lenya’s rant at the end was awesome and makes me want to see what she’s up to in the future.

    I want to be mad at Caetyr but the average Titan is so ignorant about the subject that it’s not worth it anymore. So long as they don’t just shut down what Molly is saying.

  5. sketch says:

    I hope that isn’t the end of the “from Earth” line, and Caetyr doesn’t just shut Molly down.

    The last line from Dibilique is what we heard in Exile, or mentioned at least. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was all of her speech the reporter passed along.

    Also Charlotte petting Vanser now. heh

  6. faeriehunter says:

    “Escaped royal pet?” She said incredulously. “That’s the best you could come up with?”

    Funny, I was thinking more or less the same. Why not just say that he needs to talk to those titans he described for an investigation? That wouldn’t even be a lie: he’s investigating Molly’s whereabouts. Maybe I’m just thinking about it too much, but can it be that Charlotte’s presence is throwing Vanser off his game? In the previous chapter his face turned red when Charlotte started to undress.


    Hm, I wonder what would happen if that bartender spots Caetyr and/or Ourellia and tells them that an Imperator is looking for them because of the human they have. They could easily conclude that they’re believed to be poachers and panic.

    • synp says:

      Escaped royal pet is actually not a bad story. It creates sympathy for the poor imperator stuck with a frivolous mission and encourages the bartender to help him.

  7. Coal White says:

    Well, my conjecture on Lenya’s caller was disproved. And Caetyr… Darling, you’re a freakin’ idgit. But I suppose it can’t be helped if the military is withholding updated information on Earth from the general public. But if the case is that one simply needs to look to realize the status of humanity’s advancement, then Caetyr is one of the ignorant fools that fuel people like Qorni.

    And go Dibilique! Let ’em have it! No holds barred. I am really liking Lenya more and more each chapter. Or should I say Dibilique and/or Lenya to maintain kayfab. Now then, let’s see how long it takes to find our human friend.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I’m not sure if the military is actually withholding information on Earth; the impression I get is that the military merely doesn’t call for anyone to pay attention to what’s going on there. Lenya had heard about the failed insectoid smuggling operation; that’s why she went to Titan Station at the start of this story. And when Aisell researched the Imperial blockade of Earth back when she and Luke were on Titan Station she found quite a lot of information, including cases of destroyed smugglers’ ships. It seems to me that the failed smuggling attempt ended up as a minor news item that Caetyr and Ourellia simply missed.

      • synp says:

        “I’m not sure if the military is actually withholding information on Earth”

        To quote from Exile chapter 67:
        “What my counterpart is trying to say, is that the military generally keeps information about ‘Baby Blue’ to itself, what we do know about Earth wouldn’t fill a few pages, let alone a lecture hall.”

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          The military doesn’t really care about Earth except that it does attract smugglers and its defense provides the emotional motivation for the legislature to keep appropriating funds for Titan Station and keep a carrier task force in the system. What the military cares about is Titan Station which is essential to the forward defense of the empire and denying the Hive access to the entire system. That is why the treaty boundary was set up to have dual sovereignty beyond Jupiter.

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