Chapter 15: Legal Maneuvers Titan: Arena by JohnnyScribe

Zhalem, with Sam sitting next to her on the headrest of the couch, watched apprehensively as Rixie poured over the data in the files stolen from Vasha Zakrov.

The three of them were in a budget hotel room across the city from the Imperial Jewel. The accommodations were not nearly as opulent, which did nothing to improve Zhalem’s mood, even as she understood the necessity of beating a hasty retreat.

Escaping from Vasha’s hotel hadn’t proved to be much of a problem. After all, she might have had reason to suspect ‘Tannith Ley’ to have been involved in the theft of her files, but it would take time for Vasha to have put together an effective plan to nab the so-called fashionista, by that time, Rixie and the others were well away.

Renna hadn’t gotten into any trouble either. She’d elected not to go into work that day and was apparently spending the near future with her parents- off world. Rixie wasn’t too concerned about the girl though, by the time Vasha thought to turn her wrath to the young woman, the noose would already be around her neck.

After a long length of time that was passed mostly in silence, Rixie let out a sigh and set her datapad down on the table in front of her.

“Well?” Sam asked. “Is there anything we can use to incriminate Vasha?”

Rixie shook her head. “Unfortunately, there’s nothing on this pad that incriminates Vasha directly.

“What?!” Sam groaned, holding his head in his heads. “I can’t believe I risked my life for, what? A bunch of selfies or something?”

“Not exactly.” Rixie grinned. “This isn’t the jackpot I was hoping for, but it’s not entirely worthless either. If I can play my cards right, as you humans say, I might just be able to turn this into a way to bring Vasha down, but first I need to call Vanser.”


Zhan watched from atop the bedroom vanity as Pryvani paced furiously across her bedroom carpet. It had been something he had to get used to, watching her move so freely. When she’d been in Atlantis, she’d always moved about the city with great caution, which was not really surprising. Between being weighed down by a force of gravity that her body was definitely not designed for (despite the technological assistance given to her by the dampers she wore) and concern for the hundreds of humans at her feet, Pryvani’s freedom of movement was justifiably limited when she was within the city.

“Pryvani, please sit down, you’re shaking the whole room…” Zhan called out to her.

Pryvani stopped, looked over at Zhan with a frown on her face, and then collapsed into the chair by the vanity with a sigh.

“Sorry…” She muttered.

“Look, I know you’re still upset by what your mother has said…” Zhan began. “But you really need to relax.”

Pryvani laughed mirthlessly. “Relax? I’m not even sure I remember how, Zhan.”

The young man bit his lip in thought. “Look, this will be fine. Even if she does show the pictures… so what? You’ve cultivated a persona that’s a tad eccentric. What difference does one more layer make?”

“That’s not the point.” Pryvani replied.

“Then what is?” Zhan asked. “Are you worried about what will happen to me? I’m a pet, as far as your world is concerned. I can’t be dragged through the mud, and I’m pretty sure they don’t get Archavian tabloids on Avalon, and if they did… hell, there I’d be dating a goddess. It could only improve my reputation.”

“I doubt the people of Avalon see me in quite as positive a light as you’re assuming, Zhan.” Pryvani muttered wryly, but there was a small smile on her face, nonetheless.

“Maybe not.” Zhan shrugged. “But my overall point is… So your mother releases those photos, it won’t be the end of the world. You’re smart enough to overcome whatever fallout occurs. And whatever happens, it can’t possibly be worse than bargaining with your mother.”

Pryvani gently plucked Zhan up and held him gently against her sternum. After several seconds she pulled him away and raised him to her eyes.

“Thank you.” She whispered. “I don’t know how, but you always seem to know the right thing to say.”

Zhan smiled and shrugged. “You better get going, or you’ll be late to the courthouse. I wish I could be there with you, but under the circumstances…”

Pryvani chuckled. “Yeah, probably not a good idea.”


A few hours later, Pryvani found herself in her customary spot, right behind Hurassen. She looked across the aisle at her mother, who was wearing that infernal smirk. She ignored it.

She was sure Syon would tell the Empire about Zhan today. Well, fine. They could tell the Empire. She had dated more than a few people in her day. But he was a man who had climbed a mountain and slain a monster just to be with her. Precious few people alive could measure up to that.

She knew there’d be mockery, knew there’d be whispers. Knew Syon’s dark predictions might yet come true. But she’d put herself between them and Zhan. She could bear it. She’d been born Syon Fand’s daughter. She could handle anything.

“M’lord,” Yvenna Mirendy said, “I call Asta Dusi to the stand.”

A short, balding man was ushered up and sworn in. Yvenna stood in front of him, her pad out, ready to go through pictures. Syon was wasting no time.

“Mr. Dusi, what is your occupation?”

“I’m a private investigator, ma’am.”

“And have you….”

The doors to the courtroom slid open. “M’lord, I apologize,” a booming voice called from the back. “I come on a matter of some urgency.”

Judicator Genapu looked up, and sized up the man in the Flag Imperator duty uniform. “Please approach, Legatus-Imperator….”

“Nix, m’lord. Vanser Nix,” he said, carrying a pad to the Judicator.

Pryvani followed Vanser up, and then let her eyes drift to the back of the room. Four Imperators and two peacekeepers barred the exit. Standing in front of them was a very tall, very familiar woman who was dressed in the uniform of a civilian who had been temporarily deputized into military service.

Rixie winked at Pryvani, but otherwise betrayed no emotion.

Judicator Genapu scrolled through the pad, appearing to grow more and more shocked as he did so. “Emperor preserve us,” he said. “This is the bill of particulars, Imperator?”

“Yes, m’lord. I apologize for interrupting….”

“Not at all, Legatus-Imperator. You may proceed.”

Vanser executed a precise 215-degree turn, and faced his quarry. “Syon Fand. You are under arrest for murder, cruelty to Class Two Sentient Beings, and High Treason against the Emperor. Please stand, and place your hands against the bench. Imperator Dunem, Imperator Isia,” he said, gesturing to two of the officers standing watch.

Syon Fand blanched. “You…there…you can’t be serious. Do you know who I am? I’m Lady Syon Fand. I’m descended from Jespa Fand, and Simtana Tarsuss, and Emperor Senedj I. Treason? You must be joking.”

“Not joking, ma’am. Turn around.”

“I’m counsel for Lady Fand,” Yvenna said, scurrying over. “Let me see that.”

Vanser handed Yvenna Mirendy the pad. She began to scroll. And scroll. And scroll. At about the seventeenth point, she said, “You’d better do what they say, Syon.”

“That’s Lady Fand,” Syon sniffed.

Yvenna looked up, and stared her down. “Well, Lady Fand…you’d better do what they say.”

Syon gaped at Yvenna. She looked over at her daughter, who was looking at her.

Pryvani wasn’t showing Syon pity, or sorrow, or even anger. She wasn’t even showing joy.

Pryvani was returning a look to Syon that she had received from her a thousand times. A haughty, disdainful look, one that had a clear message – you are not worthy of my time.

Syon nodded. She expected nothing less from her daughter.

She stood, and turned, and placed her hands on the bench. She was frisked roughly, and her arms were pulled behind her, and restraints were fixed on her wrist. And before she could fully process it, she was being whisked from the courtroom, on her way to a cell.

Pryvani was able to hold her composure for approximately thirty seconds past the point of her mother’s departure before she dashed over to where Rixie was standing with her former partner.

“Rixie! What are you doing here?”

Rixie’s brow arched and she smiled in a very self-satisfied way. “Saving your butt, as usual.”

“Yes well.” Pryvani managed to keep her expression a mask of disapproval, despite wanting nothing more than to grin from ear to ear. “I do recall telling you not to get involved and to leave this to me?”

Rixie shrugged. “You were busy and I had nothing better to do.”

“Yes, well, thank you.” Pryvani smiled gratefully.

“Don’t just thank me.” Rixie replied, indicating the young man standing next to her. “Without Vanser being willing to take a chance on me and keep the whole thing official, this never would have gone anywhere.”

“Happy to help.” Vanser shrugged. “I figured I should probably stick close to Grelau in case Rixie’s investigation found a solid lead.”

“So you found proof to arrest Vasha then?” Pryvani’s eyebrows rose in excitement.

Rixie shook her head. “Not yet… although if I can keep Vanser from getting me into trouble for impersonating an officer… I might have an idea on how to do that…”

* * *

Syon Fand stared across the empty room at her own reflection in the mirror on the far wall. She couldn’t believe the indignities that had been heaped on her in the hours since she’d been unceremoniously hauled from the courtroom in handcuffs like some common thief. She bemoaned the loss of her once proud appearance. Her hair had become ragged, and her face had been stripped of all makeup. The harsh lighting of the interrogation room left her looking ten years older than she actually was. And the absolute worst was that she had been stripped of her fine clothing and forced into the prisoner uniform, a fluorescent yellow jumpsuit.

It was enough to make even Syon Fand cry.

Nevertheless, she endeavored to hold her head high. They thought they’d managed to beat her, but she would show them. Syon Fand schooled her features into her most intimidating stare, ready for whatever pathetic little do-gooder they sent against her.

At that moment, the door to the room began to creak open. A second later, a tall Jotunn woman dressed in the uniform of an Imperator, and bearing the rank of Magister, stepped into the room. It took Syon Fand a moment before she recognized her daughter’s bodyguard.

Fand took perverse pride in the idea that her arrest was worth pulling a retired Magister back into active duty.

Rixie took a moment to observe the prisoner as she crossed the room Syon was a far cry from the stylishly put together Lady that had graced the courtroom scant hours before. In fact, the only thing this Syon Fand seemed to have in common with that one was that superior smirk and haughty disposition.

“Hello Syon.” Rixie smiled as she took the chair across from Pryvani’s mother.

“That’s Lady Fand.” Syon sneered contemptuously.

“Actually,” Rixie’s grin widened. “It isn’t. We’ve just received official documentation suspending all titles and completely freezing your assets pending trial. So, for the foreseeable future, you are merely Syon Fand: lowly mortal.”

Syon’s sneer deepened, though Rixie would have sworn that was impossible. “Just speak your piece and leave me.” She spat.

The Imperator laughed. “I don’t think you’re in any position to be giving me any orders, Fand. Do recall that you are the one who is on trial for treason, not me.”

“However…” Rixie continued. “I don’t enjoy being in the same room as you, so I will try to keep this brief. Simply put, Fand, I’m here to offer you a deal.”

The former Lady Fand’s eyebrow rose. “And why should I help you with anything?”

Rixie smiled. “Because if you don’t your best option is a penal colony, and your worst is execution.”

Despite herself, Syon Fand’s eyes widened at that news.

“Oh… they didn’t tell you?” Rixie’s voice dripped innocence. “It doesn’t happen very often of course, but the option for execution being a punishment for a treasonous offense such as the one you’re being accused of, is still on the books.”

Fand’s lip twitched, the only betrayal of her unease.

Rixie leaned back and put her boots up on the table between them. “So here’s the deal, Fand, and it’s the only deal you’re going to get.”

“You give us information on Vasha Zakrov’s crimes, and we take execution off the table. You give us enough to convict her, I’ll see to it you end up in the Imperial Dungeon rather than a penal colony out on the Border.”

Syon shook herself and the calm arrogance returned. “And why should I help you? I see no reason to fear being convicted of these charges. Even if they were true, I have the best team of lawyers money can buy!”

Rixie snorted. “Oh, believe me Syon, I’ve seen the evidence. You’re fucked. But more than that… think of all the people you’ve screwed over the years. All the tools you’ve used up and discarded, all the patsies you’ve set up to take the fall for you… think about where they all ended up? Penal colonies. Just the like one you’ll be sent to- in what I might remind you is your best-case scenario.

“And out of all those people, and I’m sure there have been dozens over the years… do you really think that none of them have had a grudge festering… and for how long? Years? Decades? Then suddenly, you drop right in their lap. They’ve had time to develop connections… you haven’t. They understand the system… you don’t. They know how to make things… disappear. You? You’ll be helpless.

Syon Fand rolled her eyes. “Very dramatic, Tam. But I’m still not convinced I should be doing anything to make your life easier.”

Rixie shrugged nonchalantly and rose from the table. “Okay. Have it your way.” The Imperator walked across the room towards the door, knowing the prisoner had her eyes on her the whole way. She opened the door and was just about to walk through it when she suddenly turned around as if something had just occurred to her.

“Oh, by the way…” Rixie spoke with a sly smirk on her face. “I suppose I should tell you that the evidence we have on you… we got it from her.”

And then Rixie left the room, slamming the door behind her.

“Think she’ll bite?” Vanser asked from the other side of the room, as he Pryvani and Rixie all watched through the two-way mirror on the other side of the interrogation room.

“I’m almost certain she will. Not so much to avoid the penal colony, but because she’ll want to take as many people down with her as she can- especially Vasha.” Rixie smirked.

“Have you really got the authority to make a deal with her though?” Pryvani asked. “I mean, you’re wearing the uniform of a Magister, but you haven’t actually been reinstated.”

Rixie and Vanser exchanged glances, after a moment they were both wearing matching grins.

Pryvani’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What?”

“There isn’t a deal.” Vanser chuckled. “Not really. She was never actually going to be sent to a penal colony, or face the death penalty. In cases like hers, the Emperor likes to ‘keep his enemies close’ as it were. We only ‘offered’ her exactly what was going to happen to her anyway. We’re banking on her not realizing it.”

Pryvani chuckled. “Well done.”

“Well, only if it works.” Rixie replied soberly.

Suddenly there was a soft electronic beep and Pryvani dug her datapad out of her purse. She read the message she’d received and then tucked it back into her bag.

“It’s from Hurassen. He says the Judicator wants to see us in his chambers. I’d better go.”

“Good luck!” Rixie called as she watched the young heiress leave the room.


“Well, that was eventful. Ms. Mirendy, I would have thought you’d be with your client.”

“I’ve sent for a member of my team to be with her,” Yvenna said. “M’lord, we would like to proceed….”

“I’m sure you would,” the Judicator said, leaning back. His office was spartan; not much ostentatious detail to distract. He had invited Pryvani in along with counsel; it was clear that he meant to bring the case to a close, and right quick. “Mr. Bass, I’m guessing you’re smart enough to have figured out the motion.”

Hurassen smiled. “M’lord, under the Uniform Imperial Criminal Code, Ms. Fand is stripped of her rights of primogeniture while she’s under charge of treason. Accordingly, even if she won, she would be unable to take over. Seeing as this case is moot, I move it be dismissed without prejudice.”

“Exactly right, Mr. Bass. Sustained.”

“M’lord, Lady Fand has another heir….”

Ms. Fand does have another heir. But Lady Thyllia Fand has not reached the age of majority. She cannot inherit until she is at least 16.” Hurassen interrupted, with only the barest of smiles on his face.

“Correct. Don’t worry, Ms. Mirendy. You’ll get plenty of your legal fees back in the dispersal of Ms. Fand’s assets.”

“M’lord, due respect….”

“Speaking off the record,” The judicator interrupted, leaning forward. “Your client is frakked. You do know that, don’t you?”

Yvenna smiled. “M’lord…you know I would never admit that.”

“Of course not. If the young Lady Fand wants to sue when she’s older, she can, though we’ll see how she feels after a decade with the Hoplites.”

“I’m sorry, m’lord…Hoplites?” Pryvani said.

“Yes,” Judicator Genapu said. “Lady Fand has no family and is under the age of majority. She’ll be sent to live with the Hoplites, and her title passed to the next person on the list, which is…uh…Merced Fand, I believe, her third cousin.”

Pryvani swallowed. “M’lord…begging your pardon…but she does have family.”

“Oh? Who is that?”

“Me, m’lord.”

Genapu smiled gently. “It is my understanding you have not met the girl.”

“I haven’t,” Pryvani said. “Nevertheless, she’s my sister. I can’t in good conscience make her the responsibility of the Hoplites. Though I have great respect for that institution, and the services they provide for our Empire, their resources are better served on those who have no other options. Thyllia does.”

Genapu nodded. “Very well. Ms. Mirendy, do you have any objection on behalf of your client?”

“Huh? No, m’lord. I had asked what she would like done with Thyllia…she was not specific.”

That was not entirely true. Syon had told Mirendy she could dig a ditch, toss Thyllia into it, and cover it back over with dirt for all she cared. But Yvenna was smart enough not to mention that.

“Well. Congratulations, Sen. Tarsuss, it’s a girl. I’ll have family services coordinate transfer of guardianship. I’ll list this as temporary pending adjudication, not so much because I expect Ms. Fand to be free ever again, but in case you change your mind.”

“Thank you, m’lord,” Pryvani said. “I won’t.”

“Well, then,” Genapu said. “I don’t suppose I have to ask if you both want the records sealed? Thought not. I hereby dismiss this case without prejudice; plaintiff may refile if and when she is cleared of the charges against her.” The judicator signed his pad and put his thumb against it, allowing it to verify his identity.

Pryvani was too stunned to react; hours ago, she’d been in terror Zhan would be outed and she would be scorned. Oh, and also that her company might get taken from her. Now…now Hurassen Bass was shaking Yvenna Mirendy’s wrist and clapping Pryvani on the shoulder, and all she could think about were two things. One was her sister. The other was how in the Emperor’s name she was going to break this news to Zhan.


  1. Carycomic says:

    I know I’m over-using this word. But, it’s the only one that best expresses my reactions to this and all the other brilliant new installments.


  2. Nitestarr says:

    I’m glad Thyllia is going to live with people who will care and love her. She is escaping the life Pryvani had to lead…

    Soo Pryvani is going to be big sister/mother and her partner (Zahn) will be (little) daddy…Hmmm ok a bit unconventional but what the hey.. Her life is going to be far better now than it was before

  3. Soatari says:

    I wonder if any of this is going to come back and bite Daz in the ass. Vasha has got to be wondering how they knew exactly what to steal.

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      With as many enemies as Vasha likely has, and as low opinion she has of her sister (which will become more apparent in upcoming Sovereign chapters) Daz is likely not going to be Vasha’s first suspect.

  4. faeriehunter says:

    Two chapters in a row! Nice!

    I have to admit, when I read the title “Legal Maneuvers” I pictured something completely different from a high-profile arrest that’s certain to make the 8 o’clock (well, probably more like 70 o’clock) news. This is a major victory for the good guys. So far at least. As mentioned by others, Yvenna doesn’t appear worried at all. I doubt that even she can get Syon free from everything Vasha had gathered on her business associate, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Yvenna had already decided that Fand was a sinking ship and taken measures accordingly.

    And Zhan just essentially became a daddy. Congratulations, Zhan! Must be weird when your five-year-old is both bigger and older than you are.

  5. Gadgetmawombo says:

    I’m expecting things are not over with Syon…The bitch still draws breath, hopefully where she ends up is more escape-proof than where Trellis ended up. Also I guess I’d like to know exactly what evidence Rixie was able to get on Fand…Didn’t she say the memory stick Sam got didn’t have any jackpots?

    • faeriehunter says:

      I’m not so much worried about Syon escaping as her getting assassinated. The insectoids were getting impatient with her anyway, and now she’s no longer realistically able to fulfill her end of the bargain. More importantly, they’ll probably want to prevent her from telling the authorities all that she knows about them in exchange for a reduced sentence.

      • Kusanagi says:

        That’s my thoughts as well, with this any chance of Syon fulfilling her end of the deal are completely gone and they were already far fetched to begin with. It’s doubtful the Insectoids would just let that pass given what we’ve seen.

    • Soatari says:

      There was nothing on the drive directly implicating Vasha. The beginning of the story (when she accidentally steals Alex) shows that she likes to collect secrets on other people, almost like it’s a hobby.

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      It didn’t have any jackpots wrt incriminating Vasha, what it had was hours of recorded conversations and files taken from Syon Fand’s office.

  6. smoki1020 says:

    Yvenna is relaxed because she knows her client is not done… Yet, Great to see Thylla entering into the scene.

  7. NightEye says:

    Finally, the witch is dead ! Or close enough. 😀

    I particularly liked Rixie’s threat about all the patsies Fand sent to jail in her stead. That’s the thing when you use and betray people on a daily basis : they tend to remember. Karma’s a bitch. 😛

    • NightEye says:

      I forgot to mention : Yvenna seems WAY too relaxed about all this. Her boss just got caught and she’s just chilling out, smiling with the Judge ? Not only did she know about Syon criminal activies, she voluntarily participated in them many times (she brought the disease to Avalon, she brought Sam to the mad doctor, she knew what Sam was subjected to, etc, etc).

      Does she think Syon won’t betray her in a heartbeat for a slightly lighter sentence ? I’d be halfway across the Empire if I were in her shoes.

      • Johnny Scribe says:

        Dashing for the imperial equivalent of “the border” at this point would be tantamount to admitting guilt.

  8. TheSilentOne says:

    Hmm, are we nearing the end already? We’re only 15 chapters into what has been slated as a full novel, but it doesn’t seem like there’s too many loose ends to tie up. Considering the somewhat abruptness most of these stories end, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was just an epilogue with Vasha, and that be it. Then again, I’m not a storyteller in the least, so maybe some new conflict will come along for another 45 chapeters or so.

    • Soatari says:

      I imagine something is going to happen to Syon before she can divulge any information. She’s a rather dangerous person for a certain chitinous race to keep alive.

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      Arena was never meant to be that long of a book. In all actuality, I consider Titan, Pandemic and Arena to be one overarching story.

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