Chapter 16: Roadblock Titan: Sovereign by Johnny Scribe

“So what’s this?”

Shaar peered intently at the small component that Myona was holding up for her. “That… that’s the oscillation belt.”

“Excellent!” The redhead chirped. “And this?”

“Easy. That’s the lens.”

“Yup. Okay here’s a tough one!” Myona grinned and held up a small notched piece of metal.

Shaar bit her lip and scratched the back of her head as she tried to recall the name of the piece being held in front of her. After a few seconds, her eyes lit up with recognition.

“The flux capacitor!”

“Correct!” Myona cheered, setting the piece on the top of the pile of components. “You’re really picking this up fast, Shaar.”

“Thank you.” Shaar replied, in the way that Fara had told her was polite. She looked down at her lap and fingered the material of the dark grey jumpsuit she was wearing.

“Soon I think you’ll be ready to learn how to put one of these projectors together.”

Shaar rose to her feet and dusted off her clothing. “Good. I want to learn how to make the pictures soon.”

“You will.” Myona assured her. “You’re picking up on this very fast.”


As Pierce sat on Rhionne’s shoulder, he found himself lost in a bit of a daydream. He imagined what things would be like if he and she had been born the same size. He imagined Rhionne gazing up at him adoringly- because of course, she’d be shorter than he was- and then standing up on her toes, lips puckered expectantly. He’d lean down, closing the gap between them, pressing their lips together and-

“Uh… Pierce?”

Pierce’s eyes opened to find his lips pressed tightly against her cheek. He quickly recoiled and looked forward, seeing her bemused expression in the reflection of her computer monitor.

“I… uh…” Pierce muttered, burning red with embarrassment.

Rhionne sighed and plucked the human from her shoulder, before depositing him on her desk top. “Look…” she muttered, refusing to look down at him. “I think we should… we should talk about what happened yesterday.”

“You kissed me.”

Rhionne bit her lip. “Yes… I did… and it was a mistake.”

Pierce sighed and nodded. “Is this the ‘I only see you as a friend’ speech or perhaps the ‘I think you’d make a really cute pet’ speech?”

Despite herself, Rhionne grinned. “Well if those are the only two options… No, Pierce, while I do think you are very cute, I realize now that you are nobody’s pet. That’s… that’s not what this is about. The truth is… I’m, sort of, engaged.”

Pierce’s eyes widened and he found himself unable to talk for several seconds. “You’re engaged?!” He finally spluttered when he’d regained his voice. “Like, as in going to be married?”

“Well… Not exactly. But… Sort of?” Rhionne said with a shrug. “Engaged probably isn’t the right word. It’s more accurate to say I’m betrothed to someone.”

“To who?!”

Rhionne shook her head. “I don’t know yet. Someone politically advantageous, I’m sure. That’s how it always works. After all, my parents were married to help seal the rift between Archavia and the Jotunn.”

“But… this isn’t right. I mean, how can you marry someone you don’t love?” Pierce was absolutely flabbergasted.

Rhionne shrugged. “It is what it is. My parents were lucky, they fell in love with each other anyway, and they’ve been very happy. Relations between Archavia and the Jotnarherath have been improved immensely by having my mother on an Archavian throne… though they aren’t perfect.”

Pierce scratched the back of his head. “So… so you’re really okay with this?”

Rhionne sighed and shrugged. “It wouldn’t be my first choice, probably, but there are worse things.”

“Oh.” Pierce sat down on the desktop. “Okay.”

Rhionne sighed. “It’s like this, Pierce… I’ve been blessed with a number of advantages and privileges. There are things that I can do that almost no one else in the Empire can do. So… well, it seems logical that there would be a tradeoff for that somewhere. Maybe I have to deal with the press hounding me where ever I go, or maybe it’s that I have to have a bodyguard trailing after me. Or… maybe it’s that I’m not in complete control of my destiny. It is what it is, and I’ve accepted that. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and wherever I’m tied to will be someone I’ll come to care for deeply, like my mother and father.

“I guess…” Pierce muttered, but he didn’t sound entirely convinced.

The two of them sat in silence before Pierce’s head shot up to look Rhionne in the eyes again.

“Hey… this isn’t just some way of letting me down easy, is it?”

Rhionne chuckled. “No. Of course not.”

“Good.” Pierce smiled.

“You know… It’s funny. I’ve come to care quite a lot for you over the past few weeks. I mean it seems crazy now but… if you were a titan…”

“Or if you were a human…” Pierce added wryly.

“Yeah.” Rhionne sighed. “It wouldn’t work now though. I mean… there’s just too many things standing in the way. Not the least of which being my betrothal to someone else…”

Pierce chuckled mirthlessly. “That would tend to put a damper on things.”

Rhionne scooped Pierce into her hand and raised him into the air in front of her face. Smiling softly, she leaned forward and pressed his lips to him. Deliberately, she kissed him this time. Only, not a kiss with romantic intent. Still, Pierce enjoyed the sensation all the same, and if she held the kiss for just a second longer than was proper, well, he wasn’t going to say anything.


Tylum watched the loading pattern move about on the screen of her data pad impatiently. This was taking a lot longer than she would have imagined. The protocols she had to work through were ridiculous. Tylum could imagine that security on Pryvani Tarsuss’ private moon was probably pretty tight… but this was pretty ridiculous.

Finally, after what seemed to be an interminable wait, the screen clicked on. Only, it wasn’t Zara who answered. Looking back at her through the screen was a handsome male face with grey eyes and sandy brown hair. Tylum recognized him immediately as her sister’s on-again-off-again boyfriend, Taron.

Tylum was a little surprised to see him; until she remember that he was a frequent member on Zara’s research teams.

She’d never seen him looking so haggard, however.

“Tylum!” His eyes widened, as if he too were surprised to see her. “I suppose you’re looking for your sister?”

“Yeah…” Tylum replied. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Taron’s appearance. “Is… is now a bad time? Should I call back later?”

“Uh…” Taron looked away from her, off screen, for a moment. “No… It-it should be fine. Hang on, I’ll go get her.”

He got up and left Tylum looking at the blank white wall that had been behind him. Tylum bit her lip. Standard etiquette was to put the other person on standby. Just what was going on over there?

She didn’t have to wait too long. Within a few minutes her sister, who was if anything, even more worse for wear than Taron had been, sat down in front of the screen.

“Hi Tylum.” Zara said. She smiled, but it didn’t quite seem to reach her eyes, which had alarming bags under them. “Is there something you need?”

“I… well…” Tylum was completely off-put by her sister’s appearance. “Well… Th-There was something I wanted to talk to you about but… You seem a little busy, so it can wait and- Is everything okay over there?”

Zara sighed and rubbed her eyes. “Yeah… um… everything is fine here we’re just… having some difficulties, is all… nothing to worry about. What did you need to ask me about?”

“Well… uh…” Tylum muttered

“Oh! Before I forget, how is the human I sent you doing?” Zara seemed to perk up and her smile seemed a little less forced.

“That’s… He’s sort of what I want to talk to you about, actually.” Tylum replied. “Zara, why exactly did you send him here?”

“Well… before I answer that. What’s his name?” Zara asked, smiling demurely.

“His name?”

“Yes. He’s from Earth so I assume he has one?” Zara’s eyebrow arched. “Tylum… you have unfrozen him, haven’t you? He’s not still in cryostasis or anything?”

“What? No, of course not. Of course I’ve taken him out of stasis. His name is Pierce, he’s from Canada. He likes art and I think he has an infatuation with at least one of my roommates. Maybe more. So, now that I’ve introduced you to him, in a way, how about telling me why in the Emperor’s name you would send me a human when you know how I feel about us keeping them as pets?!” Tylum sat back and inhaled a large breath after running out of oxygen from her outburst.

Zara snorted in amusement. “That’s why I sent him to you.”

Tylum blinked. “…What?”

“I sent him to you because I know how you feel about humans as pets.” Zara grinned and shook her head, sympathetic to her sister’s confusion. “Look… I’d spent enough time with Sophia by that point that I was already starting to wonder about human intelligence. Sophia is obviously as smart as any titan, smarter than most, even. She’s… she’s amazing and…” Zara blinked and cleared her throat. “Anyway… uh… I saw those humans in that shop, frozen in little metal tubes… completely oblivious to what had happened to them.”

“Zara…” Tylum whispered.

Her sister held up her hand and Tylum fell silent. “It was probably the most depressing sight I’d ever seen, kiddo. And, honestly, if I could have afforded to, I’d have bought the lot of them, if only to get them out of stasis. But… well, obviously I couldn’t. I could only afford one. So… I chose Pierce and sent him to you. I knew that you’d just be starting school by the time he got there and… you know… maybe you could use a friend. Emperor knows Pierce would need someone who saw him for what he is… someone like you, Tylum.

Tylum’s mouth worked soundlessly as she tried to form a coherent thought. This was not at all what she’d expected her sister to be saying.


Zara laughed at her sister’s expression. “Not what you were expecting is it? I bet you were all ready to harangue me about human equality, weren’t you?”

Tylum blushed and cleared her throat self-consciously. “Well… um… no…”


“All right maybe a little.” Tylum rolled her eyes. “But I’m pleased you’ve come around, none the less.”

“I was close as it was, I just needed a bit of a push to get there. But… seeing this city they have, Avalon?” Zara shook her head. “Kiddo, you really need to see this to believe it…”

“Well, maybe I will.”

“Yeah… if it’s still there…” Zara muttered under her breath.



“Zara is everything okay with you?” Tylum peered at the screen. The bags under her sister’s eyes seemed to be getting worse.

“Yes, everything is fine.” Zara said in the tone that older siblings use to mean ‘everything is not fine, but I’m convinced you’re not old enough to handle the truth yet, so here’s a complete lie to get you to leave the topic alone.’ “There’s just… a lot of work that needs to be done.”

“Uh huh…” Tylum answered, in the tone that younger siblings use to mean ‘You’re lying, I know you’re lying, but I know better than to try and get the truth out of you, so I’m going to pretend to be mollified and let it slide.’ “Well, in that case I suppose I should let you get back to it, then.”

Zara smiled wearily and cleared her throat again. “It was nice talking to you, Ty. I’ve… you know, I’ve missed you.”

“Yeah.” Tylum agreed, nodding. “I’ve missed you too. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing. Say hi to Sophia for me.”

A haunted look appeared in Zara’s eyes for the briefest moment, but then it was gone and she smiled back at her sister. “I’ll do that…”

“Bye Zara…”

“Bye Tylum.”


  1. AlphaRed says:

    Ok. I’m a little less annoyed by Zara now. One of the things I really like about the series is all the ideas I get While I’m reading – Zara Doesn’t think Sophia is equal ; Humans can eventually fight, Titans, etc. It all gets addressed eventually.

  2. Keltohey says:

    I really enjoy reading these stories, but following them is sometimes difficult, because writers don’t seem to update main page after publishing new chapters?
    This chapter is not on the main page at all and I have noticed that other stories are missing pages too.

    Keep up the good work, but also remember to update the main page also 🙂

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      the index pages for the novels have to be updated manually, so sometimes we forget. generally, I don’t worry about my stories until the post slips off the front page.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    Rhionne is more accepting of having to marry someone arranged for her than I would have expected. Then again, if you’re not in love with someone else and there is the possibility that your chosen spouse is a good match for you then an arranged marriage wouldn’t feel all that onerous.

    • soatari says:

      She might have been more rebellious about it when she was younger, but she’s mature enough and wise enough now to realize the importance of that tradition.

    • D.X. Machina says:

      One thing to remember is that Rhionne is the product of an arranged marriage. One Tiernan and Rajenlif are quite happy with. At the very least, that influences her thinking.

  4. Nitestarr says:

    Ok so the Titans have invented a time machine…….kewl…

    I need to get one of those myself, I think mine is broken..Probably pick one up at Radioshack after work..

    • Soatari says:

      Mine works fine, but it only has me traveling forward in time, and in a steadily increasing rate the older I get.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      In a yet to be named future Titanverse novel Myona will be the inventor of the flux capacitor. While running to show Shaar her latest invention she will forget that jogging titans easily exceed 88 MPH… 😉

  5. soatari says:

    Something I’ve been wondering for a while now that hasn’t come up in this story since it was briefly mentioned in the beginning: Did Pierce ever see a real vet and get registered? I know Fara said she couldn’t do an official examination, and I know Tylum put it off way back in the beginning because she felt he couldn’t handle that stress at the time, but it never came up again. Having him unregistered will get someone in that house in legal trouble (though I bet the princess or Daz could take the blame as they could most easily get away with it with no repercussions), and the safety net the tracking chip provides has proven invaluable for other humans from Earth so far.

  6. sketch says:

    Tylum didn’t expect that answer? I know I sure didn’t. I always thought at that point, despite her research and intelligence, Zara had just ditzed and sent her sister a human pet on a whim. Well, props to Zara then.

    Well unless the Emperor decides a half human heir is politically advantageous, way too early for that, Peirce’s only hope is that maybe the princess’s future partner doesn’t mind sharing.

      • synp says:

        Or after.

        I mean, she’s royalty. Royalty can have concubines. What’s the point of being royalty if you can’t have concubines?

    • soatari says:

      Honestly, this feels very much like a retcon to me, trying to fix something from the original story that just doesn’t quite mesh with the universe that’s been created since then.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        This tale was grown so much in the telling that I’d be surprised if there isn’t any early installment weirdness in Titan.

  7. Kusanagi says:

    Well…that’s one hell of a roadblock! Though the Daz/Pierce fan in me goes ‘hell yeah’.

    Liked the conversation between Tylum and Zara, and sympathizes Titan era Zara somewhat. Not sure what’s going on in the background though, whether that’s the end of Titan (Trell nabbing the chip, with Sophia/Nick/Alex) or sometime during Pandemic. Leaning toward the former since they just saw Niall’s blog and Titan lines up better with Physics.

    • Kusanagi says:

      I will say I thought it odd that a figurehead would have an arranged marriage though. Why have a marriage for political purposes when you don’t actually have political power?

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I’d say it’s all about their status, and their status is worth enough to improve relations with the Jotunns.

      • riczar says:

        In Titan-Contact, it was the Emperor who put the Imperii under arrest and overrode his orders. So I think the Emperor retains some power, just as the Senate retains some power, though most of the power seems to reside in the Legislature . Besides that, wealth and status. I wouldn’t rule out a future with Rhionne yet. In The Continuing Adventures, it was said that the Imperial family is very familiar with Pierce, as if he were a member of the family, or at least a very close friend. I wouldn’t say that this was my favorite Titan story. Probably because its rather tame compared to other recent stories. But it’s still interesting enough for me to keep reading.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      Personally, I figured it’s near the end of Pandemic, after Sophia was mentioned. However, your guess is possible, based on my fuzzy recollection of Titan.

      • Kusanagi says:

        Yeah the more I think about the reaction regarding whether or not the city will still be there and Zara’s reaction to the mention of Sophia makes me think more Pandemic than the end of TItan , though I guess only JS (and the other authors) know for sure.

  8. Nitestarr says:

    First! (ok I’ll stop that after this 🙂

    Poor Pierce… heartbroken losing his amore to someone even the Princess doesn’t know. Arranged marriages does have a long and somewhat successful track record. So it makes sense that the Titans do that as well. I’m guessing among the upper class and the royals. Many societies on earth have that as well..

    This is taking place during Pandemic so Zara and Taron are looking the way they do.

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