Chapter 2: Lost Tales of Avalon: Training Day by Dann

Chapter 2

“I’m sorry Alex, it must have slipped my mind. I can reschedule, Darren will understand.”
Alex braced himself against the doorway of his small en-suite apartment as Rixie continued to pace back and forth. He really was paying attention to what she was saying, even if her scarcely dressed form served as a tremendous distraction. Tight black panties and a bra that only just managed to cover her bosom, leaving very little to the imagination. Her skin was still wet in places from her post workout shower, occasionally a sprinkle would make its way from her tight braided hair down to greet Alex, carrying along with it unmistakable traces of her scent.

“I can reschedule…it’s as simple as that.” Rixie repeated, for possibly the third time, Alex had lost count. “I’ll tell Darren I forgot I had a previous engagement, he will understand. It’s simple, sorted and done. No problem, see?” Rixie looked down long enough to smile faintly before slipping behind Alex’s apartment to grab a shirt to throw on.
Much to Alex’s disappointment.
“Avalon will be there when we get back. Loona has been trying to arrange this interview for months. It’s not fair to her that we reschedule because of me.” Rixie rattled off, out of sight though Alex could still feel her moving about.
“Rixie….” Alex hummed in a sing song tone.
“Besides Darren owes me one…or two…I’ve lost track.”
“Rixie!” Alex shouted, though rare for him to do so, it was more to simply gather her attention rather than anger or frustration.
“Hmm?” Rixie peeked her head over the entirety of the building, showering Alex and the front entry way in the process.
“You’re doing it again Rix.” Alex smiled.
“I am?” Rixie asked, dejectedly.
“Mhm.” Alex nodded, arms crossed as he leaned against the doorway.
‘It’ referred to Rixie’s basic Titan instinct to protect those she loved, those she viewed as helpless. It was something she had to work against, because Alex wasn’t a child, he wasn’t helpless. He was Alex, her Alex!
“I’m sorry.” Rixie sulked.
“There’s no need to change anything you know, we can make this work.” Alex said, wiping water off his face and stepping out onto his front porch.
“We can? How? Your interview with Loona is scheduled at the exact same time I promised I’d help Darren with his training exercises. Unless Loona comes to Avalon, or Darren re-schedules the training?”
Alex shook his head. “I’ll just find somebody else to hitch a ride with. In fact, before you even breathe a word in protest…I’ve already set something up.” Alex proclaimed, rather proudly.
Rixie stopped herself from protesting. Every so often she had to catch herself, and remind herself that this amazing, smart, funny, talented man she had the privilege of loving, was an independent, individual who was not only capable, but incredibly brave and resourceful. She had to remember, she couldn’t keep him in a glass jar to protect him…not all the time anyhow.
“No, really…stop looking at me like that, I really did. You’ll like it. Listen, Taron is heading past Valhalla to Grelau with Zara and Sophia. I’m gonna hitch a ride, then hang out with Loona, answer her twenty questions, and hop back aboard the Elysium in time to go spelunking on a space quest adventure with them, and be back for supper three days from now.” Alex nodded, rather proud of himself.
“Three days off work, your regulars will riot.” Rixie smiled, swallowing her reservation.
“They’ll manage.” Alex rolled his eyes.
Rixie frowned, pouting her lip out just a little, and slumped to the floor in front of Alex’s house. She set both hands beside his porch, waiting for him to carefully hop aboard.
“I’ll have an escort the whole time.”
“What if….”
“They’re only going on a supply mission. Boring and routine stuff!”
“I can just….”
“I’ll be back before you even notice I’m gone.”
Rixie sighed, narrowed her eyes then at last smiled reluctantly. “I don’t really have a choice in the matter, do I?”
Alex shook his head. “Well I mean, you always have a say but….”
“Well have fun, and don’t try to fly the Elysium!”
“I’m a good pilot I’ll have you know!” Alex protested.
Rixie nodded and let out a sarcastic, “of course you are.” Carefully the Titan stood, then deposited Alex into the center of her cleavage. “You learn to steer these boats, and I’ll let you fly!”
Alex wiggled into place as Rixie went about her morning routine. “Not fair, these airbags are already inflated?” Alex teased, though she couldn’t really hear him anymore, or at least she pretended that was the case.
Maybe, she thought, if she kept him here, he wouldn’t try to run off and get himself into trouble?
“Would you look at the architecture though? Some of these structures look absolutely ancient. I mean, look at the masonry Dhanny, have you ever seen anything like it?” The young brunette dressed in an ankle length skirt, a simple brown blouse and thick rimmed glasses stood a few strides ahead of the pudgy black haired engineer, who for his part made absolutely no attempt to blend in with the locals as Kymie had.
“They’re very pretty rocks glued together with mashed up smaller rocks and water, very classy.” Dhan mumbled with disinterest. “Kymie, how’s your visuals? Are you still having trouble with depth perception?” Dhan asked, his nose deep in a data pad, following a string of numbers, only half paying attention to where he was walking.
Kymie ran her hand along the old stone building that served at one time as town hall, but now stood in the center of the re-purposed market Square as the Merchant Guild’s central office. “This place looks like it’s been passed over by the hands of time. How are you not fascinated by all of this?” Kymie practically ignored Dhan as she darted down the old stone steps and back to the small wooden stands that made up the market, tiny little carts and shacks cluttered the street, with a literal crowd of people busily bartering, trading and shopping for goods.
“It’s hot and they don’t have live feed, I can’t even recharge my pad here you know. I prefer hot running water and climate control.” Dhan huffed as he looked up to locate Kymie’s hologram. “Where did you…”
“They have working plumbing Dhan.” Kymie rolled her Eyes. “Hey, these look good, what are they?” Kymie asked a barrel chested, bearded man who was tending a cart of colorful fruits.
“Apples, haven’t you ever seen an apple?” The merchant laughed, picking a bright red and yellow fruit and shining it on his shirt.
“I’m not from around here.” Kymie smiled, holding her hands clasped together hanging at her waist.
“Please don’t wander off, last thing I need is for you to go offline, stranding me here alone in some alley!” Dhan whined, standing beside Kymie, who was fixated on the bright red fruit as if it were a ruby.
While the city was generally a safe place, it was still not recommended to travel alone. Not unlike any major city, Atlantis was not without crime, there was also a certain level of animosity towards Titans and those who associated with them that still brewed in the hearts of former bandits and sympathizers.
“Dhan, taste this for me? Tell me what it tastes like!” Kymie asked, in a voice just pouty and eager enough to distract the merchant from the fact that she herself wouldn’t try it.
Most locals were aware of Titans using some sort of technology to appear human, it was frowned upon by some, but most were indifferent so long as the Titans didn’t try to enter the city at their normal size.
“Again? I just choked down those bitter green olives, a hunk of dried fish, and something called a tomato…this too?” Dhan protested.
“It’s good!” The merchant insisted.
“Please?” Kymie asked, tugging onto Dhan’s arm and pulling him close.
“Urg, fine.” Dhan mumbled and took the apple as offered by the merchant. He looked purposefully to Kymie before taking a big bite from the crisp red fruit.
Kymie looked eagerly on as Dhan’s face remained contemplative and stoic.
“Actually, this one’s quite good!” Dhan said at last.
“What does it taste like?” Kymie asked.
“It’s crisp, and juicy, a little tart but then sweet. It almost taste like Hubble-fruit, without the seeds…it’s quite pleasant.” Dhan took another bite.
“Outsiders eh?” The merchant asked, idly arranging fruit on his stand. “From the Tarsuss mountain?”
“Actually no, I’m from Urasula but I’m studying High Energy Physics under Dr. Niall Freeman at Tannhauser Gate University. Dhan…well….” Kymie bit her lip and looked back to Dhan.
“Born and bred on Prenn Farms Norwick center Orion, failure to thrive, unsuitable for sale. Official property of Tannhauser biology department, Dr. Kharee Selil.” Dhan bowed dramatically.
The merchant’s eyes narrowed a bit, Kymie shuffled her feet and looked down. While Dhan found humor in that, it made Kymie feel awkward and guilty by association.
“So, you’re one of them pets eh? This your boss?” The merchant asked, though there was more hostility directed towards Kymie now, he didn’t appear the sort to start any trouble.
“I…um…we’re just here…well…um….” Kymie avoided eye contact and wrung her hands together.
“Who her?” Dhan asked and eyed Kymie. “Nah, actually I’m an engineer of sorts. I tinker with machinery, got a knack for computers and programing as well, I specialize in scaling down Titan technology, though I have been known to make a few creative improvements from time to time.” Dhan boasted.
“Interesting, so what business you got here? We don’t got much for you to tinker with.” The merchant remained guarded, though much less hostile now.
“Working on a contract for the military is what my associate is trying to fumble through.” Dhan rolled his eyes and took another bite of his apple.
“The Army eh?” The merchant said, eyebrow raised.
Kymie shuffled back a few steps.
“Yup. Not sure I’m supposed to say much. Testing out a way to accommodate Titan visitors without relying on the old holographic projectors. We’re trying out a mobile system.” Dhan went on explaining things to the merchant, in language the simple shop keep didn’t stand a chance of understanding.
“Uh…right…well…enjoy your stay?” The man smiled awkwardly.
“Mmmhmm.” Dhan took another bite, “Thanks for the apple.”
“Why not take a few for your friend?” The man motioned to a small basket full.
“Heh, this whole cart wouldn’t be a mouthful for her, and I’m not sure I could carry it back with me.” Dhan laughed, looking back to Kymie, who was nowhere to be seen. “Kymie?”
Kymie ran through the crowded market, down one alley and through another street. Back at the Tarsuss compound, her palms were sweating, her face was flush and she felt knots in her stomach, this was accurately portrayed in her holographic avatar down in the city.
Kymie worked hard to come to terms with what she was, a member of the privileged few, the top of the food chain, the top of all food chains, she was a Titan. What The Empire was doing to Humans was terrible, she had no right to be offended by what Dhan had done, he had every right to be angry. He was owned, he was property. During their trip from Archavia to Avalon, he had to travel as a possession, she had to register him and secure him in an HoS approved carrier whenever they passed through customs.
But when he spoke like that when the merchant looked at her with such disgust, it made her ashamed to be what she was. Kymie couldn’t handle the pressure, the looks of disdain and hate. The judging eyes burning through her soul.
So she ran. It wasn’t until she was a good distance away, down the winding twisting streets, that she realized what she had done

In her shame, she had managed to separate herself from him.

Unlike her, Dhan couldn’t flick his avatar off and return to the safety of the Tarsuss compound.

Dhan wasn’t used to large crowds, Dhanyalle wasn’t comfortable in new places. He was only just starting to adjust to the idea of freedom, independence and not being a pet. Now he was alone, in a busy urban area he knew nothing about.

As was she.
“Oh shaka….” Kymie grimaced. ‎

(thanks to OHH for the edit and render)


  1. Genguidanos says:

    Unfit for sale as a pet … given to the biology department … are humans used for medical testing in the empire? It would actually make a lot of sense seeing how similar human and titan physiology is. Ugh, now I’m having visions of glow in the dark humans and humans with huge ears growing out of their backs … “Don’t give them names, it will only make it harder.”

    • TheSilentOne says:

      According to his bio on the wiki, he came into the possession of Kharee, who works at that lab. I’m totally just guessing from this point…but it seems likely once she started letting him work as an assistant, and he got life extension, ownership was transfered to the lab in case anything happened to her.

      In any case, causing harm to a human is a crime so it’s unlikely they would be used for medical experiments in a place like Tannhauser. Some backwater place that doesn’t really care about laws? Maybe.

    • Soatari says:

      We don’t really know the exact specifics of his past, but it’s something I hope to see at some point.

      We do know she’s a xenobiologist and that she has something of a specialization in humans. Intrigued by the extreme genetic similarity between humans and titans, perhaps she felt she needed a subject for her studies, and got him at a discount or he was donated or something. Intellectually, she knew humans were capable beings, but once she started interacting with Dhan, it became real to her. And for Dhan, this would be his first interaction with a titan that didn’t treat him as just an animal.

  2. TheSilentOne says:

    *Starts reading story*..I can’t possibly imagine why this would be named “Lost” *gets to the last line* Oh…hmm, well that’s a slight problem. Granted, Dhan is the only one who physically has to leave the city, and I can’t imagine it’d be too hard to find the tram. Or hasn’t that been built yet? I’m getting confused where in the timeline this sits. Is it before Dhan gets married to Nonah or whatever you call it for humans in the empire…

    • sketch says:

      The tram was already there for Alex’s Odyssey, which is before the tournament which is before this.

      I think this might also be before Dhan and Nonah. I remember TD said something about another possible pairing for Dhan if Nonah hadn’t come along first. Was that Kymie?

      • Dann says:

        This is long before Dhan and Nonah are together. If you remember by OHH’s Physics Epilogue, Dhan and Nonah don’t become an item until Niall and Naskia’s wedding.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          That is indeed what I was sourcing my info from. According to that chapter. Nonah was 5 months pregnant at the time Kharee gave her announcement about making Titan-Human DNA compatible, and it seemed like they had been together for a time then. I realize “long before” is a relative thing, but pretty much all of these stories except Contact take place in the 1.5-2 Titan years after the abductions, right?

          Oh, also Dhan and Nonah’s wedding date seems wrong on the wiki (on Dahn’s page). There’s only a number, but as MA it would be 10 years before Dhan’s birth, and as AD it seems too far in the future. My guess is it should be something like 2105 MA?

          • Dann says:

            Put this into perspective. Nonah and Dhan become a couple officially, that is approx the later end of 2106.

            This story takes place shortly after the bandit campaigns, so 2104, the early side of that year.

            So, that puts about 13 and a half human years between now, and then. Even longer between when Dhan gets early beta life extension treatments (remember he had the treatment before it was even announced to Niall, and Niall didn’t receive the treatments for sometime after).

            Kymie and Dhan meet when Kymie acts as a liaison between Dr. Selil and Dr. Freeman, and also assits Niall in getting to and from his treatments DURING the process.

            This means, between that longer than 13 human year time, Dhan has an on again, off again fling with Nonah, and may or may not have a fling with Kymie.

            That isn’t outside of realistic. Remember, one titan year gives the human cast a LONG time to get stuff done.

        • Genguidanos says:

          They don’t officially become an item until after the wedding but there was something there for a long time. In Exile Noonah mentioned that Dhan was giving her all the right signs that he was interested but that he was too shy to come right out and make a move. Noonah also seemed to imply that when next they met, she was going to start making moves on him since she was getting tired of waiting.

          • Dann says:

            Who says she doesn’t have any competition for his affection? Or that through their dating they don’t ever break up and see new people?

  3. Kusanagi says:

    Some definite good stuff here. It’s funny, but will this be the first time Alex and Loona have interacted in a story? The only time I can remember them in the same room was Darren’s wedding. I’m sure they’ve spoken off screen, but it’s weird that you get used to everyone knowing everyone and then realize two of the most important characters in the series have never said a word to each other in print.

    Also great to see Kymie and Dhan get some screen time, I’m pretty sure these are the most words we’ve ever heard him say. Kymie is as adorable as always, making Dhan her taste tester was hilarious, hope she calms down some.

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