Chapter 21: Betrothal Titan: Sovereign by Johnny Scribe

Rhionne stood on the edge of the palace courtyard. Behind her, her friends had lined up and beside her were her parents and younger sister. Each member of her family were just as eager to greet her older brother as Rhionne herself was.

She shielded her eyes against the morning sunlight, searching for some sign of her brother’s shuttle. Eventually, after what seemed like an interminable wait, a small speck appeared in the sky over the horizon. Rhionne took a deep breath as she watched as the speck grew larger and larger. Eventually, it was close enough that she began to be able to pick out the details of the incoming ship, like the distinctive grey and black paneling that her brother had custom made, but she thought looked rather odd.

Next, she was able hear the sound of the engine. A moment later, the shuttle was flying overhead. Her brother, because of course he was piloting, flew a lazy loop around the palace and then brought it in for a perfectly smooth landing at the gates to the courtyard.

The engine hissed as the shuttle’s gravity repulsors slowly lowered it to the ground. After another second, the hatches slid open and a young man in a crisp military uniform bounded out of the shuttle, a with wide grin on his face. Rhionne’s brother Antero.

A moment after Antero appeared, a second figure slid out of the passenger side of the vehicle.

She was tall, though not nearly as tall as Antero himself was. Her long, golden hair was done up in four braids that fell down past her shoulders. Her dark skin made her bright green eyes all the more noticeable.

She waited for Antero to make his way around the shuttle, and the two of them linked arms and made their way across the courtyard to where the rest of the Royal family, and guests were waiting.

“Who is she?” Pierce whispered to Tylum.

“She is Jarlkon Gunvjer Oestara.” Rhionne spoke up, stepping back to stand next to Tylum. “She is my brother’s wife.”

Antero and Gunvjer had reached the group and were suddenly lost in a sea of family members issuing greetings. Rhionne disappeared from her previous spot next to Tylum, and vanished into the crowd of Royals welcoming the return of a family member.

Finally, once the commotion died down, Antero was able to look over his father’s shoulder and see Tylum and the rest of Rhionne’s friends.

“I see we have guests!” He said, as a wide grin split his face, and he moved to greet them properly. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you beforehand.”

“Oh… th-that’s okay.” Tylum mumbled as the prince took her hand. Pierce was able to notice the slight blush on her cheeks, but only because he was sitting on her shoulder.

“Antero, Gunvjer, these are my roommates from school.” Rhionne informed him, her syes sparkling with amusement. She introduced him to each of them, and he greeted them all in the same way as he did Tylum. “And this is Pierce and Shaar, they are humans who live with us as well.”

“I wasn’t aware they allowed pets in your dorm houses.” Antero’s eyebrow raised in confusion.

“Shaar and Pierce are not pets.” Rhionne informed him pointedly.

“Then what-?”

“Antero, dear, you and Gunvjer have had a long trip. I’m sure the two of you would like to have a chance to rest. You can ask your sister all about school afterwards.” Empress Rajenlif placed her hands on her son’s shoulders and deftly steered him towards the doorway leading into the palace.

“You are right, as always, your majesty.” Gunvjer said softly. “The journey from Jutuneim seems to get longer every time I take it.”

“As does the one from Sininentavas.” Antero agreed, chuckling.

Despite the irritation she felt, Rhionne couldn’t help but admire how skillfully her mother had managed to redirect the conversation. But, perhaps her mother had a point. Now was not the proper time to harangue her brother over an ignorant comment. It wasn’t that long ago that Rhionne herself had shared similar beliefs about humans, after all.

Her brother and her parents were smart. She was certain that she’d be able to convince them, given time. Rhionne turned back around and faced out towards the courtyard as her friends and family disappeared into the entryway of the palace.

“Rhionne?” Her mother called out, startling the princess who had thought her mother had followed her brother into the palace.

Rhionne turned around and found herself facing not just her mother but her father as well.

“Yes Mother?” Rhionne asked politely.

“You father and I need to discuss something with you.” Rajenlif’s face was inscrutable, but Rhionne could sense there was some turmoil behind her mother’s eyes.

Rhionne sighed. “If this is about what I almost said to Antero…” Rhionne began but was cut off when her mother shook her head.

“No. This has nothing to do with Pierce or Shaar.” The Empress said evenly. “Please come with us.”

Rhionne fell in behind her parents, who then led her through the palace and towards her father’s office. For once, Rhionne was grateful that his office was on the third floor. The walk up the flights of stairs gave her a chance to collect her thoughts. She wondered what her parents had to talk to her about. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She had an idea.

Her father pushed the ancient wooden door and held it open for his daughter and wife. Rhionne entered the expansive room and faced the floor-to-ceiling windows. She walked across the imperial green-and-black carpeting towards the massive wooden desk her father conducted her business in.

However, today Tiernan eschewed the desk and instead guided his daughter towards the small fireplace and high backed chairs in the corner.

Rhionne seated herself in the one closest to the empty fireplace, her mind briefly recalling the many evenings she’d spent curled up in one of these chairs reading by the fire while her mother and father worked on the other side of the room.

Before she could get lost in childhood reminiscing, her mind was brought back to the present by her mother and father lowering themselves into the chairs opposite her own.

“What did you wish to speak to me about? Rhionne asked softly.


The hallway that led to her sister’s study was long. The ceilings were high and imposing, the walls and carpet were a dark maroon color, and the windows were comparatively small. Despite the height of the ceiling above her, the whole thing felt very oppressive and claustrophobic.

This was by design, of course. Daz’s ancestors, who’d built their family home, had intended the long march into the Master office to be intimidating.

And, despite the fact she was aware of the effect, Daz was feeling somewhat intimidated.

After what seemed like an interminable walk, Daz finally found herself at the large door that led to the office inside. She pushed the door open without knocking; hoping that the small show of defiance would help her regain some sense of control. It did, but not nearly enough.

Vasha was seated at her desk, typing idly on her pad. She looked up when Daz entered, a bland expression on her face, apparently not at all bothered by her sister’s actions.

“Well, I’m here.” Daz muttered by way of greeting. “What did you want?”

“Daz.” Vasha smiled enigmatically and gestured to the seat on the other side of the desk. “Sit.”

The younger sibling bristled at being ordered around like a servant, but sat in the chair anyway. She slouched in the leather upholstery and stretched her legs out in front of her.

“It’s time we discussed your future.” Vasha began, her tone imperious. “As I mentioned before, you won’t be returning to your current program at the university. I’ve contacted the school administrators and arranged a schedule more in keeping with your station, and your future responsibilities.

Daz scowled. “If you think that’s best.” She said, sarcastically.

“That’s not all.” Vasha intoned, as if she hadn’t heard her sister. “I’ve also arranged a politically advantageous pairing for you.”

Daz stared at her sister. The young woman could feel the color draining from her face. Her sister, damn her, wore a proud little smile on her face at having so thoroughly demoralized her sister.

“You’ve done what?” Daz asked, stunned.

“I’ve arranged your marriage.” Vasha said simply, while idly examining the fingernails on one of her hands. “Oh, I know it’s not something we normally do in our family. But, the opportunity presented itself and, well, really it’s a very beneficial match for us.”

“’For us’?” Daz repeated with a snarl. “If it’s so damned ‘advantageous’ why not marry… whoever it is yourself?”

Vasha laughed. “Don’t be silly, darling!” The young woman shook her head. “I’m the head of the family. Do remember that in the ancient times alliance marriages were really the only reason people of our class had more than one child.”

To say that Daz was angry at the news is to engage in an exercise in understatement. She was furious, but she wasn’t surprised. Not really. Not if she was entirely honest with herself. The fact was Vasha thought of her sister as a resource. Daz was a tool to further Vasha’s own agenda, and not much else.

“So,” Daz growled, her voice dripping with venom and her eyes burning with barely contained rage, “Just who did you see fit to shackle me to?”


Rhionne blinked. “You want me to marry Daz?”

Her parents glanced at each other. After a moment during which Rhionne was certain a silent argument was ensuing, her mother cleared her throat.

“Suffice to say, despite the union between your father and myself, there is still a lot of tension between Jotunn and the Aesir. Your brother was wedded to Gunvjer as a balm to Jutunheim and so you too shall be for those of Archavia.

“I…I see.” That her parents had arranged a marriage for political purposes was not a shock to Rhionne. Indeed, she’d been aware of the possibility since she’d been very small. Still, she hadn’t expected…

“This was why you were placed in the dorm house, along with Daz.” Her father’s voice was low and soft. “It was our hope that if you had the chance to get to know Daz beforehand, it would make this easier on both of you.”

“I… I understand the logic, but I’m afraid that all that’s happened is that I’m confused.” Rhionne felt a well of emotions in her chest. On the one hand, she felt relief. She wasn’t marrying some stranger. Though her parents’ marriage had become one of love in the end, Rhionne had grown up being all-too aware that many politically motivated unions did not end that way. Rhionne would be lying if she said that the fear of being shackled to some person she hated hadn’t crossed her mind more than once growing up.

On the other hand… she couldn’t really deny feeling some apprehension. Up until this point, the idea of a marriage, political or otherwise, was an abstract concept. A something that lie in the far-flung future that she didn’t really need to worry about. Her spouse was some nameless, faceless entity, and as such didn’t really exist in any concrete sense.

And now, well she did. It was a scary thought.

“Rhionne, dear;” Her mother reached out to put a hand on Rhionne’s knee. “We understand that this will take some time for you to get used to it. We want you to know that you can talk to us about it, no matter what.”

“I… uh…” Rhionne muttered. “Thank you. Could you excuse me please?” Without really waiting for an answer, Rhionne rose to her feet and silently exited her father’s office.


“Slag off!” Daz shouted, rising to her feet suddenly. “You have no right to make decisions like that without even telling me first.”

“Don’t you get along with the girl?” Vasha asked calmly.

“Yeah sure, Rhionne’s all right.” Daz waved away the question like an annoying insect. “But that’s irrelevant. I like Rhionne, but I don’t want to marry her. Especially not at your behest!”

Vasha smiled demurely. Her expression at her sister’s outburst was mostly amusement. “Daz, such theatrics are hardly necessary. Do you not understand? I am giving you the opportunity to be royalty, my dear.”

Daz snorted and rolled her eyes. “Vasha ‘my dear’ if you understood anything about me at all, you would realize that being royalty is the absolute last thing I’d ever want!”

Vasha arched an eyebrow, but otherwise didn’t react to Daz’s display of anger. “Daz, I’m afraid at this juncture what you desire is of little consequence. Now, I need you to go pack your things. We’ll be leaving for the palace in a little while to certify the arrangement.”

Daz’s stared at her sister, her mind filled with nothing but confusion. Anger welled in her chest, but she gave it no outlet. She was completely powerless in the face of her sister’s calm exterior. Daz’s mouth worked wordlessly as she tried to think of some retort to deliver. But she couldn’t. Finally her mind gave the order to retreat and she left her sister’s office.

As the door closed, signaling her sister’s exit, Vasha let out a small chuckle.


Daz thundered through the halls of her home. Or rather, her family’s home as Daz was quickly starting to realize the place wasn’t at all a ‘home’ to her anymore. Frustrated tears welled in her eyes and she swiped them away angrily. She would be damned if she gave Vasha the satisfaction of reducing her to tears. And she was certain that, somehow, her sister would know.

Daz kicked the door to her bedroom open and stormed inside, slamming the door behind her before flopping onto her bed.

She lay there, facedown, for a moment. The room was silent except for the sound of her own breathing. Finally, she sat up and reached for her pad. She quickly dialed in a number and waited, staring at the loading pattern on her screen as the signal connected.

Daz set the pad on the bed in front of her and pressed a stud on the side, projecting the image on the screen into the air in front of her.

Suddenly, the pattern clicked off and was replaced with the curious face of a young blonde titan.

“Daz?” Aezhay blinked as she realized who was calling her. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you.”

The blonde woman grinned. “I figured you’d be Lezah calling to find out where I’ve been.”

Daz snorted, but that was all the amusement she could manage to muster.

“Sugar, is everything okay,?” Aezhay’s eyes narrowed and she peered at the screen.

“I um…” Daz was suddenly at a loss for words. “I don’t know. My sister… she’s being… my sister, I guess.”

Aezhay nodded.

“Wait a second.” Daz turned back to the image of her friend. “You thought I was going to be Lezah? Aren’t you at home?”

Aezhay grinned sheepishly. “Yeah well, I decided to postpone the trip home for a day or two, how often will I get to see the Palace?”

Daz sighed. “Great, that means everybody else is still there.” Including Pierce. She thought wryly.

“Yeah… we are… so?”

“Well… I suppose I’ll see you soon then.” Daz shook her head. “My sister has ‘business’ there and we’re going there soon.”

“Well!” Aezhay grinned. “That’ll be fun!”

“Yeah… fun.”


  1. NightEye says:

    I did call that Vasha wanted Daz to marry some important guy to gain more power but I did not see that coming.
    Now, that’s a love triangle ! Is it wrong of me for wishing an awesome threesome for Pierce ? I mean a tripletus, of course ! 😛

    And since we know what happens to Vasha, I assume Daz becomes the new head of her family. An even more beneficial alliance then.

  2. Kusanagi says:

    hahahaha oh man let the Daz-Rhione-Pierce ship set sail I dub thee s.s. Dierce-One.

    I could see it building as the chapter went on, but before this I didn’t see it coming well done. Going to be interesting how this plays out knowing what we know about Vasha’s fate. Head of the company doesn’t need arranged marriages and all that.

  3. sketch says:

    As this chapter built up, I could so see this coming. It’ll certainly make things more interesting. Though I imagine it’ll get a lot messier before everything settles. Wonder what opportunities this’ll present for Pierce?

      • sketch says:

        Ever since things started shifting from Rhione to Daz, and the vague mention of “Pierce’s family” in Contact, I’ve been hoping things might eventually lead this way. I’m certainly excited to read things might be. Admittedly, they are far from all on board with this, but atleast there is now a way around the arrangement requirement that could make it work.

  4. Genguidanos says:

    I am going to assume that, based on their level of technological advancement, same sex Titan couples are capable of producing biological offspring.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      I doubt it. This is a marriage strictly for political reasons. Antero would be the one to continue the family line, especially being the only son. However, we don’t know what the rules of primogeniture are in the royal family, so that’s just an assumption. At any rate, we haven’t seen any evidence yet in any of the stories that they might be able to have kids on their own.

      Then there’s the story’s abstract which makes me think (other than the fact that man, this story started way back when the Titan stories were hosted on giantessworld) that Pierce is definitely going to hook up with somebody by the end of it:

      “The age old story. Boy meets girl. Girl is a giant alien. Boy falls in love with Giant Alien Girl. Giant Alien Girl thinks Boy is just a pet. Boy has to convince Giant Alien Girl that he’s a real person.”

      • Genguidanos says:

        I get that Daz and Rhionne probably won’t want to have kids with each other. I also get that as the second in line to the throne, it is not necessarily as important that Rhionne produce heirs as her older brother. Although she still might be expected to have kids since there is always the possibility that she might be called upon to assume the throne, in the event of her brother’s death or if he ever abdicates. What I was postulating was, in general, since the titans have the technology to let humans and titans reproduce biological offspring, the technology to let same sex titan couples reproduce biological offspring would incredibly easy to develop by comparison. (And yes I understand that the “life extenuation” treatments that let humans and titans conceive hasn’t yet been developed at this point in the story.)

        • TheSilentOne says:

          Not really. What the wiki gives is an ordering based on generic primogenitore rules. The ColVanos rules are a closely gaurded secret, and may or may not follow that ordering.

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