Chapter 27: Taking a Little Trip Titan: Sovereign by Johnny Scribe

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Shaar asked worriedly as she glanced around the busy spaceport. She was stashed as safely as she could be in Myona’s pocket but, there were a lot of titans milling about in the busy terminal. And, understandably, being around so many beings that were so much larger than Shaar was made her somewhat nervous.

Still, though she’d never admit it out loud, Shaar took comfort from the solid presence of her giant friend behind her.

“Maybe not!” Myona chirped excitedly. “But come on! It’s Pryvani Tarsuss! And she wants us to help her with something on her moon. Her moon Shaar! Do you know how many people get a chance to visit the moon of the Pryvani Tarsuss!? Almost none!”

“Well, okay but…”

“Oh dear Emperor, this is just amazing!” Myona continued, speaking at a rapid pace. “I wonder how Pryvani Tarsuss even found out about us. Oh wait… I bet I know! Tylum’s sister works for Pryvani Tarsuss… or something like that anyway. I bet Tylum mentioned something to her sister, and then her sister said something to Pryvani… And then Pryvani probably said something like ‘wow a human who can make holograms? This I have to see!’ And then she got my pad number, somehow-I haven’t quite figured that out yet- and then she called me and asked me if you and I wanted to take a trip. And I said sure, and you weren’t sure if-”

“Yes, Myona, I was there for that part.”

“Oh. Right.”

Shaar sighed and shook her head slowly. Despite her reservations, she was excited. She’d never been off planet before but had heard about how Titans were able to visit other worlds. The idea used to make her jealous and resentful. It was bad enough they had treated her like a toy, why should they be able to leave their planet on a whim?

But now… Now she was going to do the same thing. Not just that, but someone had needed her specifically. It… well, Shaar didn’t really have a word for the feeling the idea gave her.

“There’s the terminal we need to get to!” Myona cried pointing down the corridor and interrupting Shaar’s train of thought. The young human had only a split second to grab onto the lip of Myona’s pocket before the excitable Titan took off running.

“Gate ishay sigma four.” Myona muttered as they walked up to the terminal. “This is where we’re supposed to be, but I don’t see…?”

“There!” Shaar cried, pointing and leaning halfway out of Myona’s pocket.

Myona turned to where her friend was pointing, and saw a tall Titan man holding a data pad that said “Myona and Shaar” on the screen.

“Oh. Do you think he means us?”

Before Shaar could figure out whether Myona was kidding and form an appropriate retort, Myona was moving again towards the stranger.

“Hi!” Myona chirped cheerfully as she drew closer to the stranger. “I’m Myona and this is Shaar.”

The young man smiled and extended his arm to clasp wrists with the much shorter woman. “Nice to meet you both, my name is Taron. Lady Tarsuss sent me to fetch you back to Avalon.”

“Oh well thank you very much! That was awful nice of her to make sure we had transportation!” Myona said happily as she fell into step beside Taron.

“Well, she did ask for us.” Shaar sighed exasperatedly. “The least she could do would be to arrange for a ride.”

“No, but I mean, she could have just sent us flight tickets. “ Myona responded. “She didn’t have to send a ship to come get us.”

“Oh believe me, it’s no trouble. I had business on the planet anyway.” Taron responded. “But the main reason Pryvani sent me was because of Shaar. She didn’t want Shaar to have to ride in a pet transporter.”

“Really?” Myona suddenly stopped dead, which let Taron get a few steps ahead of her before turning around. “She went to all that trouble… just for Shaar?”


“Why?” Shaar asked quietly.

Taron grinned and nodded towards where Pryvani’s ship was parked out on the landing platform. “Come with me, and I’ll show you.”


“You look bored.” Rhionne observed, looking across the room where Daz was seated on the couch staring off into space. At the moment, it was just the two of them in the house. Myona and Shaar had suddenly needed to jet off to another planet because of some strange errand. Aezhay, Fara and Tylum were still visiting family, Reevah was in her room quietly reading…or something… and Pierce was in the middle of his third sleep of the day.

“I am bored.” Daz agreed, sighing. “I want to go do something.”

“Want to get drunk?” Rhionne asked.

Daz blinked, sure that she’d misheard. “What?”

“Do you want to get drunk?” Rhionne repeated with a grin. “We don’t have class tomorrow, right?”

“We also don’t have any alcohol and I don’t think your bodyguard will let us make an adlela run by ourselves.”

Rhionne’s grin widened.

Daz’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What? What have you got?”

In lieu of answering, Rhionne got up from her chair and disappeared up the stairs. A few minutes later she reappeared carrying a crate, which clinked every time she took a step.

Rhionne set the crate down at Daz’s feet and grinned expectantly. Warily, Daz pulled the top of the box open and peered inside.

“Wow… where’d you get six whole bottles of Royalberry wine?” Daz’s eyes widened as she lifted one of the glass containers and peered through the reddish liquid.

Rhionne grinned. “I have connections.” She reached into the box and pulled out a second bottle. She popped the cork out and took a swig directly from the bottle.

“Well, that’s lady-like.” Daz observed drily, before opening the bottle in her hand and taking a drink of her own.

“Hey go easy on that stuff, it is pretty expensive!” Rhionne said dramatically, before taking another drink from her bottle.

Daz laughed. “Come on, let’s go outside.”

“Yeah, we’ll save the rest of those for when the others get back.” Rhionne nodded, setting the rest of the box to the side.

“Aww… if you say so.” Daz laughed.

The two of them sat on the grass and traded drinks. The women became more and more intoxicated as time passed, and the more intoxicated they got, the more giggly they got as well.

“So… so… Daz.” Rhionne muttered, “Now that, you know, the secret’s out, you know, about you? I gotta… ask. I’m pretty… pretty sure that we’d met be…fore. Wh-where was that?”

Daz snorted in amusement and shook her head. “I don’t remember what it was, exactly. Some fancy… party or whatever…. My mother dragged my sister and me to it, I think I was ten… or nine… maybe. Spose you were too.”

“Oh yeah.” Rhionne muttered and then laughed. “I think… Think I ‘member that, you punched my cousin Xetli in… the nose.”

“Yeah well… he probably, you know, he probably deserved it.” Daz responded defensively.

“He probably did.” Rhionne agreed.

Time passed and their bottles emptied. Before long, Rhionne found herself with her head in Daz’s lap, staring up at the starry sky above them.

“Hey… I got something I need to tell you.” Rhionne muttered blearily.

“Was’ at?” Daz responded.

“I um… I kiss’ Pierce once.” The Princess giggled. “But… but it was before the two of you… you know.. were the two of you.”

“Ah that’s nothin’” Daz laughed. “I had sex with him.”

Rhionne sat up in surprise. “You did!?”

“Well…” Daz shrugged. “Sort of. I was… you know… with Aezhay… and we were…an’ he was just there… so…”

“Was he spying on you?” Rhionne asked with a giggle. “Naughty.”

“Ehh… I think we sorta walked in on him, really. He was hiding. An’ we, you know, we wanted to play… play with him.”

Rhionne laughed. “I wanna play with him.”

“Y’do?” Daz blinked, her fingers were idly running through Rhionne’s dark hair.

The princess nodded. “Yeah… it’d be fun, I think. Was it fun?”

“It was fun.” Daz admitted. “Okay let’s do it.”

Rhionne sat up. “What?”

Daz’s grin threatened to split her face in half as she rose to her feet and reached out a hand to help Rhionne to her feet. “Come on. We’re gonna go get Pierce.”

Rhionne shook her head. “Daz no… It’s late an’ Tylum is probably asleep…”

“Tylum…” Daz said confidently. “Is currently out of the house. She went home to visit…her family. Remember?”

“Oh yeah.” Rhionne nodded. “That’s right.”

“But…” Daz continued with a grin. “The point is, Pierce is alone in her room.”

“He must be very lonely.” Rhionne said sadly. “We should… go keep him company.”

“I agree.” Daz hooked her arm through Rhionne’s and the two of them stumbled toward the house.


“Pierce….Oh Pierce… wake up…”

Pierce came back to consciousness to the sound of giggles. A lot of giggles. Feeling somewhat groggy, he opened his eyes and swept his hair away from his face. He looked up and found a pair of grinning faces looking down on him, much to his shock.

“Hi Pierce!” Rhionne grinned. “Guess what?”

“We wanna play!” Daz laughed. “Come play with us.”

Pierce groaned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Are… are you guys drunk?”

“Probably.” Daz nodded.

Pierce rolled his eyes and sighed. “Go back to bed.” He said, shaking his head before flopping back onto his bed. As a note of finality, he threw the covers back over his head.

“I don’t think so!” Rhionne pinched his blanket between her fingers and yanked it away.

“Come on Pierce, you’re gonna say no to a couple of cute girls?” Daz asked. As if on cue, she and Rhionne both pouted rather adorably.

Pierce rolled his eyes and climbed out of bed. He stepped closer to the edge of the desk, where the two giant faces loomed above him.

“You’re both very drunk.”

“We’re not so drunk that we don’t know what we’re doing.” Rhionne responded with a wink.

“Yeah, we were way more drunk earlier.” Daz agreed.

Pierce turned around, walking away from them and towards his bed. The second his back was exposed, he felt a rush of warm, alcohol scented air, followed shortly by a soft, soaking wet weight sliding up his back.

“Hey!” Pierce gasped and turned around. He found himself faced with a pair of giants, both of whom had angelic looks of innocence plastered on their faces. Pierce stared at the two of them accusingly, but each pointed at the other.

His eyes narrowed and he shook his head exasperatedly. “You two are sure about this?”

Both nodded simultaneously

“Well, gee…” Pierce shrugged. “In that case, how can I say no?”

Daz smiled mischievously and lowered a hand to him. Pierce stared at the open palm for a second before taking a deep breath and climbing into the center of the offered hand. He still wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t still dreaming, but then if he was what was the harm?

Rhionne giggled as Daz suddenly pulled back the collar of her shirt and dropped Pierce down her top.

“Your bed or mine?” The Princess whispered huskily.

“Not Pierce’s?” Daz asked cheekily.

“Very funny. I don’t think we’d fit in his bed. And Tylum would kill us if we used hers.” Rhionne rolled her eyes. “Yours it is.”

The drumbeat of Daz’s heart pulsed in Pierce’s ears as he felt her walk down the hall towards her own room. Pierce could do nothing more than hold on to the edge of her bra and wait for the inevitable.

It didn’t take long before the fabric pinning him to her sternum shifted and he was gently pinched between two of her fingers and slowly dragged from his hiding place. It took only a moment for his eyes to adjust to the low light of Daz’s room.

Pierce’s eyes widened in shock as he beheld the naked form of Princess Rhionne.

“I…uh…” Pierce swallowed nervously, and then cleared his throat. Still, no words seemed forthcoming.

“Oh geez… I think you broke him.” Daz muttered wryly.

“That’s okay. He doesn’t need to say anything.” Rhionne smiled, reaching over to take Pierce into her grasp. “He can let his actions do the talking.”

She sauntered over to Daz’s bed and draped herself along the covers. She held Pierce before her eyes, which were sparkling with mischief as she examined him.

Rhionne’s eyes narrowed and the tip of her tongue poked out of her mouth as she pinched the waistband of the cloth pants he’d worn while sleeping.


“It’s okay Pierce.” Rhionne whispered softly. “I’ll be careful.”

Pierce nodded and relaxed in her grip. Slowly, carefully, Rhionne slid the clothes from his body and deposited them safely on the nightstand by her head.

“Is he ready yet?” Daz asked, flopping on the bed and making the mattress bounce. Rhionne yelped and reflexively clutched Pierce to her chest. He didn’t complain.

“Yes Daz.” Rhionne rolled her eyes and lifted her hand, revealing the human to Daz’s appreciative gaze.

“Good.” Daz purred, scooping Pierce up from Rhionne’s breast with her fingers. She raised Pierce to her face. “You ready?”

Pierce nodded enthusiastically, “Y-yes.”

Daz grinned. “Good.” Her lips opened widely and she lowered Pierce to the tip of her tongue, drawing his body into her mouth and sealing her lips of his torso.

“Does he taste good?” Rhionne giggled, enjoying the blissful look that had appeared on Pierce’s face as Daz’s tongue explored his lower body.

“Uh huh.” Daz growled, closing her eyes.

Rhionne bit her lip as she watched Daz slowly suck on Pierce’s body. Her hand slowly trailed down her body, over her abdomen and towards-

“Uh uh.” Daz warned, speaking around Pierce’s body and grabbing Rhionne’s wrist gently, but firmly enough to stop the Princess. “Not yet.”

Rhionne pouted a little, but laid back on the pillow underneath her body, content to see where Daz was going.

Daz pinched Pierce between her fingers and withdrew him from her mouth with a wet slurp. Pierce was almost completely covered in his saliva. But he was none the worse for wear if the grin on his face was any indication.

“Okay.” Daz smirked, pushing Rhionne’s thighs apart with her other hand. “Let’s see what our boy here can do.”

She slowly lowered Pierce down toward’s Rhionne’s sex. She held him in front of Rhionne for a moment, looking for any sign of apprehension from Pierce.

Of course, then he tried to leap from her hand, which she took to mean he was ready to go.

Chuckling quietly, Daz gently pressed Pierce’s body against Rhionne’s and worked him against her folds. The princess purred and squirmed at the sensation.

“That feels… amazing…” She mumbled.

“Just wait.” Daz replied. Using the fingers of her other hand, she guided Pierce into Rhionne until his lower half was completely submerged into her. Once he was in place, she slid her empty hand up to manipulate Rhionne’s flesh herself, while Pierce’s legs were gently enveloped inside the Princess.

Daz had one hand, supporting Pierce, inside Rhionne while the other roamed across Rhionne’s body to any place she could reach. Needless to say, both of her playmates enjoyed the experience.

After several minutes, Daz carefully withdrew Pierce from Rhionne and raised him to her lips. Her tongue snaked out and slid across his body, gently cleansing his body.

Rhionne was gasping for breath, her face shining with a slight sheen of sweat and her hands gripping the mattress on either side of her.

“Aww.” She sighed after a moment. “Why did you stop?”

Daz lowered Pierce to Rhionne’s abdomen, and then climbed up on top of her until she was straddling the Princess. She grinned. “Now what fun would there be if I just let it end like that?”


  1. sketch says:

    Shaar and Myona are in for a real treat meeting the likes of Pryvani.

    And speaking of treats… 😀

    I like where things are headed for those three.

  2. gman says:

    Nice! We haven’t had a sexy chapter in a while! Honestly though, I’m abit more interested to see where Myona and Shaar’s little adventure will take them! But I can’t complain about anything in this chapter really, it was pure fun with little drama which is good every now and then!

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