Chapter 30: The Definition of Family Titan: Sovereign by Johnny Scribe

Reevah Tam frowned in annoyance as her pad began to beep incessantly, interrupting her while she was trying to finish up a report.

With a sigh, she retrieved it from the drawer of her desk and peered at the screen. The ID wasn’t one she immediately recognized, but the call’s origin was interesting. Whoever was trying to call her was doing so from Vasha Zakrov’s flagship hotel.

Which wasn’t enough to cure her annoyance at being interrupted, but her interest was sufficiently piqued that she couldn’t ignore the call.

“Reevah here.” She answered automatically.

“Hello cousin.” The face on the other end greeted. “I’m wondering if you could help me with something.”

Reevah blinked in surprise. She didn’t immediately recognize the woman on the screen of her data pad. The fact that she referred to Reevah as “cousin” meant that she was a fellow Hoplite, and likely a Tam at that. The woman’s voice carried an electronic undertone, which meant that she likely had an artificial larynx. That, combined with the startling number of braids the woman’s hair was woven into, pointed to her likely being a Jotunn.

Which narrowed the list of likely candidates down considerably. Reevah recalled a woman who was a few years ahead of herself in the academy and was adamantly attached to her Jotunn heritage. Unfortunately she couldn’t seem to remember her name.

“What can I do for you?” Reevah asked plainly.

“I’m sure you don’t remember me.” The woman said. “My name is Rixie.”

Reevah nodded. Magister-Imperator Rixie, retired. She recalled the woman clearly now. Rixie had been very talented, if a little short on proper military discipline. Reevah was not surprised she’d been switched into the Imperator Corps. They tended to be a little more fast and loose than the rest of the military.

“I remember you, Magister-Imperator.” Reevah answered. “What can I do for you?”

Rixie bit her lip, seeming to consider her next words carefully. “I’m aware that one of the roommates for Princess Rhionne is Daz Zakrov, who was recently betrothed to the Princess and the younger sister of Vasha Zakrov.

Reevah’s eyes narrowed. “The betrothal is not supposed to be common knowledge.”

Rixie shrugged. “You know how it is, Reevah. I have my sources.”

Reevah frowned, but didn’t belabor the point. “Very well. I will confirm that yes Rhionne is currently living with Daz Zakrov. What business is that of yours?”

Rixie smiled. “None, really. I don’t have any particular interest in Daz. It’s Vasha I’m concerned with.”

Reevah’s head cocked interestedly.

“I have reason to believe that Lady Zakrov is currently engaged in a host of illegal activities.” Rixie explained. “Possibly in conjunction with Lady Fand.”

“What sort of crimes?” Reevah asked.

Rixie sighed. “Cruelty to class two sentients, trafficking of illegal goods, larceny, murder and quite likely high treason.”

Reevah frowned. “That’s a pretty hefty accusation, Rixie, especially against two sitting heads of the seventy nine families. Do you have any evidence?”

“Hard evidence? No. All I have is a little more than a hunch. Circumstantial.”

Reevah nodded. “You’re hoping you can turn Daz.”

No.” Rixie shook her head. “I’m hoping you can turn Daz.”

Reevah sighed in annoyance. “Do you have anything other than a hunch that Daz’s sister is doing anything illegal?”

Rixie winced. “Well, it’s not much but…” Reevah’s pad beeped, indicating a file download was waiting for her. Curiously, she opened the file and watched the video clip of two men fighting in a pit of sand. She was dispassionate, at first, as she watched the two men strike mercilessly at one another, until a stray thought entered her brain that she wasn’t looking at a hologram, or even a pair of Titans… she was watching a couple of humans beating each other near to death.

And then the implications of that hit home.

Still, she had to be sure. “What am I looking at?”

“Vasha claims it’s a holographic recreation. An act. I know for a fact this isn’t the case. You are looking at two humans being forced to fight one another for the amusement of Vasha and her cronies.

“How do you know?”

“I spoke to the human himself.”

Reevah’s eyes widened slightly. “You have a witness?”

Rixie’s eyebrow quirked. “You think anybody would believe a human?”

“There are some who would.” Reevah answered.

Rixie was silent for a moment as she digested that information. “Unfortunately no. I… the human in that video elected to remain behind, rather than accept my assistance. Don’t bother asking why he would do that.” Rixie continued to forestall the question she could see Reevah about to ask. “I don’t really understand it myself.”

Reevah decided not to press the issue. “So what do you need from Daz?” She asked instead.

“I need… I need Vasha’s weak point. Her type always has one. They’re careful, but they’re arrogant. She fancies herself a master manipulator, which means she has a treasure trove somewhere. Files, data, recorded conversations, anything she might someday need in order to get one over on a current ally or an enemy. If I can get ahold of that, I’m hoping there will be something in it that I can use to nail her.”


“Never mind.” Rixie waved the question away impatiently. “I need you to get Daz to give me anything that might help me find her sister’s data cache.”

“If she has one.” Reevah replied.

“She has one.” Rixie nodded. “It fits her psych profile. Now, bottom line, will you help me?”

Reevah had a sinking feeling in her gut, but she knew that Rixie Tam was a good, and trusted, officer. She wouldn’t put herself this far out on a limb unless she had a good reason too.

“I will speak with Daz.” Reevah conceded, after a brief pause. “And try to convince her to help you.”

“Thank you, Cousin.” Rixie said with a relieved smile. “That’s the best I can ask of you.”

“Good bye, Rixie.”

“Good luck, Reevah.”


Alex set a glass of purple liquid in front of Shaar and turned towards Myona’s holographic form. “I want to thank you both for everything you’ve done for me here.”

Shaar peered into the glass in front of her suspiciously.

“Aw no problem Alex!” Myona chirped. “I’m glad we could help you and Lady Tarsuss. It was amazing getting a chance to visit Avalon and I’d never turn down a free trip.”

“It’s grape juice Shaar, try it.” Alex said, before turning back to Myona. “So you said you had other ideas for Pryvani’s compound. What did you have in mind?”

“Oh I don’t know.” Myona shrugged. “I’ve just been looking over the specifications of this hard-light development. It’s very exciting stuff! Imagine, a hologram that can actually interact properly with solid three-dimensional objects.”

“Yeah it’s kind of a trip.” Alex admitted.

“So these hard light holograms…” Shaar interjected, wiping purple juice from her mouth. “They can pick things up?”

“Uh huh!” Myona answered. “Just like real, solid things.”

“So what’s to stop a hologram from holding its own projector?”

“Well, that…” Myona’s sentence petered off and she paused, uncertainly. Her brow furrowed and her eyes narrowed as she seemed to ponder the notion.

Then, her eyes grew really large and she let out a startled gasp.

“Ab…absolutely nothing…” Myona muttered, shocked. “Oh sure, there’d be some technical issues to work out… such a program would create a lot of feedback on the processor but… with solid light technology being so new… I can’t believe no one’s ever thought to…”

“You know, eventually she’s going to finish a sentence.” Alex muttered to Shaar wryly as he wiped down the bar top in front of him.

“I’ve never seen her speechless before.” Shaar said, as an amused snort escaped her throat.

“Shaar… you’re absolutely brilliant.” Myona said. “Quick! Alex, hand me a piece of paper and something to write with, I need to make a note!”

“Uh, but…”


“Okay, okay…” Alex grabbed a scrap of paper and a pen from behind his bar and placed it in front of the holographic avatar.

Myona practically bounced from excitement as she reached for the pen… only to have her hand pass right through the object.

Myona blinked, staring at the palm of her own hand.

“…Oh, yeah…”


“We need to have a chat about your sister.”

Reevah watched the expression on Daz’s face. The young woman’s expression went from confusion to a barely concealed terror.

“Wh-what about her?” Daz asked, fidgeting uncomfortably in her chair. “Is she okay?”

“Hardly.” Reevah quipped and raised her pad so that Daz could see the screen. “How much do you know about this?” The hoplite woman asked.

Daz’s eyes narrowed as she watched the video clip playing on Reevah’s data pad. “I-I don’t… what is this?”

“Well, if what a Magister-Imperator told me is accurate, this is footage of two humans being forced to fight each other for your sister’s benefit. So, I repeat, how much do you know about it?”

Daz’s eyes widened and she jumped out of her chair as if it had suddenly burst into flames. “What?! No that… that can’t… Reevah, I know my sister is a terrible person but this…?! This… this is…”

“Sit down Daz.” Reevah commanded calmly. “Take a breath.”

Visibly shaken, Daz lowered back into her seat and tried to compose herself. She wasn’t doing a very good job.

“Daz… here’s what we know.” Reevah continued calmly. “For whatever reason, your sister maintains a stable of humans and forces them to fight each other. It’s likely people bet on the outcome.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Daz asked in a small voice. “Why not just… go arrest her.”

Reevah sighed. “We don’t have any concrete proof. This small video is all we have, and it’s not enough to charge your sister with anything, let alone convict her.”

Daz was silent for a long time. She sat with her head in her hands, staring at the floor while Reevah waited patiently.

“You realize what you’re asking me to do, don’t you?” Daz said finally, looking up.

“Yes.” Reevah responded placidly. “I’m asking you to turn your sister in for a crime.”

“How can you just say it like that?!” Daz exploded, jumping to her feet. “You’re asking me to turn on my own sister! My family! That’s something I…I can’t do! You don’t turn on family.”

Something about the way Daz said that last sentence pricked in Reevah’s brain. Daz’s voice took on a different tone. It sounded less like a statement and more like a mantra.

“Is that what they taught you, growing up?”

“Yes!” Daz snapped angrily. “Family is everything. Family is the most important thing in your life.”

“Daz listen to yourself.” Reevah replied. “Something tells me you weren’t told that because your parents thought it was important to be together during the holidays. You were told that to make sure you stayed quiet!”


“Tell me something, Daz.” Reevah asked archly. “Have your family ever repaid the loyalty they’ve instilled in you? You were ostracized for joining the piloting program. Your sister sees nothing wrong in using you as a tool to gain political influence for herself. And unless they can somehow use you, your family seems content to ignore you.”

Daz’s mouth opened and she bit her lip, brow furrowing in confusion.

Reevah shook her head. “If your sister could arrange for you to take the blame for everything illegal she’s ever done, do you think she would?”

Daz swallowed and screwed her eyes shut. A single tear squeezed out from under her eyelid and went rolling down her face, but she nodded.

“Yes. She would.”

“Take it from an orphan, Daz.” Reevah sighed. “Family doesn’t have to mean blood.”

“They’ll hate me.” Daz mumbled.

“Who? Your sister?”

Daz shook her head sorrowfully. “No.” She pointed to her bedside table where Pierce’s small bed sat next to her lamp and her clock. “Them.”

Reevah nodded. “They might. I can’t guarantee they won’t, but now you have to ask yourself if your own happiness, your own security, is worth more than dozens of human lives.”

“You’re right. It isn’t. I’ll tell you what you need to know.” Daz sighed and sat down in her chair again. “Keep in mind that I’m not exactly in my sister’s inner circle of confidants. I’m told exactly what Vasha wants me to know and nothing more. I’m not trusted with anything that could potentially come back on her.

“However… I do know that Vasha has a small data drive that she wears on a chain around her neck.” Daz bit her lip and stared at her shoes. “There might not be anything important on it, or anything you can use to prove what she’s done. But if I had important information that could send me to a penal colony for a very long time, that’s probably where I would keep it.”

Reevah nodded. “Good. Thank you Daz.”

Daz laughed bitterly. “The ironic thing is I actually do feel a bit better.”

Reevah stood and started to leave them room, but she paused and placed a hesitant hand on Daz’s shoulder. “I will say this: having tried to stop your sister from committing the crimes she has will go a lot further with Rhionne than having kept the information to yourself. I don’t know if she, or Pierce, will be angry or not. But you’ve done the right thing.”

“I know.” Daz wiped her face against her shoulder. “I was alone before, so if they decide never to see me again, I won’t be any worse off.”


  1. AlphaRed says:

    I think there might be a timeline issue with this chapter. Did Alex have enough time to set up Rixie’s before Sam could steal the pendant with the data files on it? He had just been injured and Rixie soon met Sam who stayed behind to win some money for the other woman – the maid who’s name escapes me. Not to mention this is the same time as Broken City when Lysis is being a dictator with Zara’s backing. So other than plotarmor, how did Pryvani manage to get Mona and Shaar so freaking soon while she is still dealing with her mother’s legal case? I like the back-fill but it seems a bit too cramped timeline wise.

  2. faeriehunter says:

    If I were Pierce, I’d be more proud than angry. Daz is not responsible for what her sister does, and while perhaps Daz should have reported what she knew earlier, overcoming a lifelong indoctrination is a hard thing to do. That Daz is willing to do the right thing even when it risks alienating her friends is a thing worthy of respect.

    Timeline-wise we must be getting close to the Feast of the Overseer. I hope Sovereign will cover that as well; I’m interested to see how Pierce and the girls will react to that.

    • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

      The girl he cares about knew about torture among his species. He shouldn’t be accepting, she knew about torture and probably has known for a while. To immediately be ok with it would be the insulting part.

      • Johnny Scribe says:

        “What?! No that… that can’t… Reevah, I know my sister is a terrible person but this…?! This… this is…”

        Daz knew her sister was engaging in illegal activities, but she didn’t know about the human torture.

  3. gman says:

    Nice, I loved the chapter, Daz kind of surprised me with that “family” speech, I guess shes more brainwashed than I thought.

  4. mynameisjacobw says:

    bro… so im not trying to start a war here… but when darren refers to himself as being a US Marine. He would not refer to himself as being part of the usa armed services. namely because Marines see themselves higher than soldiers. Jarheads see their own as people who will bleed for what is right regardless of federation laws… hence why a boba-fett challenger has a grundge against titans

      • mynameisjacobw says:

        and that is what tequila does to me… it makes me want to fight giant girls that think they harder than raiders

        • OpenHighHat says:

          Hey Jacob,

          How’s the head? I am an Irishman who is supposed to drink whiskey but I do adore tequila, so I applaud your choice of drink. Though it makes me more amorous than fighty.

          Can you quote where Darren refers to himself as a Marine? That should definitely be army and I suspect it may be my fault!



          • TheSilentOne says:

            According to the biography page, Darren *is* a Marine:
            I believe Jacob’s point is Darren refers to himself as being in the armed forces (in chapters 9, 14, 36, and 49 of Exile), and that would be out of character for a Marine. OTOH, this is a fictional universe, and many characters and events are at least partially atypical to our world.

            I can’t find any instance of him refering to himself specifically as being in the Marine Core, (and additionally not sure how it has anything to do with this chapter or you OHH)

          • faeriehunter says:

            There are no mentions of Darren having been a member of the Marine Corps other than the biography page TheSilentOne already pointed out.

            Google has an advanced search option that restricts the results of a word search to those of a particular website; very useful for a question such as this one. Either click the Options button after a regular search or add the site to your search like this: “marine”.

  5. Soatari says:

    It’s nice to see the self-contained hologram idea showing up finally in this story. And, like I predicted, it was Shaar that proposed the idea.

    We saw its use in the post-Contact stories, but only in “Titan to Human” application. I realize that “Human to Titan” size application comes dangerously close to breaking one of your primary rules about this series (no growing humans to titan size), so I’m just gonna with the theory that there’s just some technical issues with doing it that way that prevents it.

    • Arbon says:

      There’s still absolutely nothing to prevent a prosthetic mech. About as expensive for commercial use as getting a space-ship would be, but if you have robotic limbs for a titan you can make a titan sized robot and put a human inside with a controller.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        “but if you have robotic limbs for a titan you can make a titan sized robot and put a human inside with a controller”

        Saw that one coming.

        When you power that self contained human-carrying projection with a Freeman-Bass reactor you have a game-changer. Combine those two with an Acolyte and the tactics Captain Gwenn used to save the Tez and some bad guys could get a heck of a surprise.

        In the long term that technology has a far great potential to successfully integrate humans into empire society. Essentially, it’s a mechanical work-around to the no-resizing the humans rule.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      I believe Niall used some sort of device to mingle in his home, as well as at his hearing, and Darren in Tol-bot. Those were all non-portable applications though. There was also the case of the human guide on Avalon, forget his name. Hard to say whether that was a portable application or not. I think in general, it’s a lot easier for a Human to cohabitate in a Titan environment than the other way around, so there’s not really a need for the holographic tech. In any case, I don’t remember a rule about size changing, perhaps it’s been mentioned in the comments, but regardless this series involves no actual shrinking or growing of any character.

      • faeriehunter says:

        I don’t know anymore if this came from an author comment or from the chatroom, but the no-resizing Locutus of Boar refers to is one of the rules JohnnyScribe asked his fellow authors to follow. As I recall, the rules were as follows:

        – No shrinking/growing.
        – Titans are the largest species, humans the smallest. (Intelligent ones, that is.)
        – No magic.
        – No killing off his characters without his consent.

  6. sketch says:

    And there we are, caught up to the last time we saw Daz in another story. This is undiscovered territory from here on out. But I suspect Reevah is right on this one.

  7. Kusanagi says:

    So now we’re all caught up with her appearance in Arena. So what happens next is the question. I think she’ll be fine so long as she’s honest about it…hopefully.

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