Chapter 4: Like an Animal Titan: Arena by JohnnyScribe

Sam sat in his little travelling box, staring blankly out the clear glass wall. He was numb. He’d lost his match for the night, but that didn’t really matter to him anymore. The promise of minor improvements to his living space no longer was enough to compel him to fight.

Because it was all an illusion. There wasn’t going to be an end to this torment, not until he came up against the one opponent he could neither defeat nor survive.

And then that would be it.

At this point, Sam couldn’t muster the energy to care.

The door ahead of them opened and they walked into the laboratory of Dr. Rylne. The young scientist was bent over a metal table, making some adjustments on a piece of lab equipment and taking notes on her datapad. She only looked up when Yvenna let Sam’s cage make an audible thunk on the table.

“Oh.” The doctor sneered. “It’s just you. Come to have the little one patched up, again? Well, set him over there, I’ll see to him in a moment.”

“I don’t have time to wait for your little experiments to finish, Doctor.” Yvenna responded coldly. “I have other matters to attend to.”

Dr. Rylne didn’t respond for a moment, but then set her notes to the side with an exasperated sigh.

“Give him here.”

The roof to Sam’s cage was snapped open. Yvenna’s hand was thrust inside and gathered Sam roughly into her palm. It was all Sam could do not to cry out as his injuries were aggravated by the rough treatment.

Unfortunately, he was used to it.

Yvenna paid the little man in her hand no mind as she thrust him into Rylne’s grip. The doctor turned around, rolling her eyes contemptuously.

“Well, my little friend…” Dr. Rylne muttered as she looked Sam over. “I daresay luck was not on your side, was it?”

Sam elected not to respond, which only seemed to amuse the veterinarian even more. Tutting to herself, Dr. Rylne began to ready the machinery and devices that would work their magic on Sam and heal his injuries.

“Not to worry. We’ll have you fixed up again in no time, ready to fight once more.”

Sam could hardly wait.


Renna wiped her brow and looked around the room she’d just finished cleaning with a sense of satisfaction. Over the course of the week she’d been working as a maid on the hotel end of things, she’d become much happier and more satisfied with her job.

She wasn’t quite sure what the difference was, the job was often just as disgusting as waiting tables had been (and frequently more so) but still, she found she enjoyed the job significantly more.

“Hey Renna, nice job in here.”

That was the difference.

She turned and smiled at her supervisor, a young man who was almost the exact opposite of Jex. He was polite and respectful to those who worked under him, and he was always ready to offer advice that wasn’t laced with disturbing innuendo.

“Thanks.” She replied.

“You’ve done an awesome job this week, any thoughts on whether you’d like to stay on permanently?”

That brought Renna up short. “Oh, well…” she muttered. “I hadn’t really thought about it. I like this job and all, but my work at the restaurant…”

“Well,” Her supervisor shrugged. “Give it some thought. We’d love to have you.”


Renna swiped her access key through the lock on Ms. Fand’s office door and, after pushing the door open, pulled the cart in after her.

She stepped into the familiar office and flicked on the lights.

Sam awoke with a start. He’d been dumped back in his cage right after the Doctor had healed his injuries, and left alone in the dark. He blinked his eyes and tried to rub the sleep out of them.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

Sam turned around to see a smiling face looking in him. Despite his earlier concerns that Syon Fand might have punished Renna, the young woman’s daily visits to clean the office had been a welcome diversion.

It was tempting to inform Renna about just what he’d been forced to do, but his cage was locked and he had a suspicion that Fand had had her own office bugged to record every conversation she had in there, just in case someone let something slip that she could use later.

So telling Renna would only get her and himself in trouble. He held out hope that someday he might figure out a way to get her a coded message. He felt certain the young woman would be willing to help him.

If she only knew.

“So how’s my little friend been today? Renna asked with a smile.

“Oh I’ve… been fine.” Sam lied. “But I’m sad that today is going to be your last day here, Renna.” Sam hated playing the goofy pet, but it was the easiest way to keep from saying something he shouldn’t.

“Oh well, then I have good news for you.” Renna chuckled as she wiped down the bookshelves with her dust cloth. “The supervisor offered me a permanent position.”

“So you’re staying?” Sam was genuinely excited. Renna was the first person he’d encountered in this place who didn’t see him as a tool to be used. She treated him like a pet, true, and that was grating at times; but she did seem to genuinely care about him. And she was his best hope of maybe getting out of there some day.

“Well, I haven’t decided yet.” Renna shrugged. “I like this job better than my normal one, but it doesn’t pay as well. And I have… obligations… that have to be met.”

Sam noticed the way she bit her lip when she’d said that, and wondered just what sort of “obligations” she meant.

“Oh, but, Renna, if you got the job here… I would see you more, right?” Sam asked, keeping up the pet act.

“True.” Renna giggled. “And that’s definitely a perk.”

“Maybe… maybe you could do both jobs?”

Renna paused as she wiped down the top of Fand’s desk. “I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe that’s a possibility. Two jobs would suck a lot of my free time… but I’d be able to pay back my… obligations faster.”

“So you’ll do it?” Sam asked, pressing his hands against the glass.

“We’ll see.” Renna smiled softly. “But it’s not a bad idea.”


“I certainly wasn’t expecting to find you in here.”

Alex felt his heart pound in his chest as he gazed up into the gigantic reddish eyes that peered down on him with amusement. His throat went bone dry and he swallowed reflexively, fighting the urge to hyper-ventilate.

Suddenly a hand reached into the confined space of the purse. Alex leaped away from the encroaching appendage in panic, but the digits- each almost as long as his body- curled around the edges of the object he’d been standing on and pulled it out from underneath him.

“Ah, here we are…” The Titaness’s voice mused from outside of Pryvani’s purse. Alex could hear the tapping of her fingers on the device as she tried to access it. The ground underneath him shifted and Pryvani’s purse toppled to its side, sending Alex tumbling out onto the mattress of the bed where Vasha sat.

Alex rolled until he fell against the side of the young woman’s thigh.

Vasha looked down at the little human in amusement. She gripped his chest between her fingers, none-too-gently squeezing until Alex was sure his ribs were going to crack.

“I’ll deal with you in a minute.” Vasha muttered dismissively, dropping Alex back into the purse and zipping it shut.

Several minutes passed before the zipper opened again. Light shot into the space, stabbing into Alex’s eyes and making him wince. Moments later, Alex felt the Titaness’s fingers close around him, sealing him in their iron grip again.

Vertigo over took him for a moment as he was jerked out into the open. He found himself held in front of Vasha’s face and being scrutinized by those dark red eyes.

“Now… what am I to do with you, hmm?” She purred. Her warm breath washed over Alex and carried with it the scent of the alcohol she’d consumed earlier at the party. It was clear she wasn’t intoxicated, however. Her eyes were completely focused on the tiny form she held in her hand.

“Well, you could-” Alex began before he was silenced by Vasha placing her thumb firmly over his mouth.

“You’ve presented me with a bit of a problem, my little friend.” She continued, as if she’d never been interrupted. “You see, I can’t have you telling Pryvani what you’ve seen here. While no law enforcement would take the word of a human seriously, Pryvani just might. I’m afraid the poor dear is completely ignorant of my own involvement in the little game between her and her mother and I’d rather keep it that way.”

So…” Vasha’s grip tightened a little more. Just enough so Alex found it hard to breathe. “Since I can’t have you talking about what’s been done here, perhaps I’ll just keep you to myself.”

Alex’s heart froze. He was well aware that if Vasha wanted to, she could make him disappear. Even the chip in his back likely wouldn’t save him.

Still, he wasn’t quite ready to give up hope just yet.

“Would you like that, little man?” Vasha murmured. “Would you like to be my pet?” Before Alex knew what was happening, her purple painted lips pressed against him. He felt the tip of Vasha’s tongue slide out from behind her lips and press itself against his body, leaving a thin sticky layer on his face and the top of his torso.

After a few seconds, the Titaness pulled away, chuckling in amusement. Alex, on the other hand, only felt revulsion. Superficially, the kiss hadn’t been any different than what he experienced with Rixie… but the intent was all the difference in this case.

With Rixie there had been love and tenderness, here it was nothing more than a violation.

After she pulled away, Alex felt his stomach convulse.

“There… you see?” Vasha’s lips curved into a smile, as she set him down on the desk she was sitting at. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Alex’s stomach heaved again and he fought to suppress his gagging reflex. He could see, all too clearly, the horrible memory of watching Sam Rodriguez being pummeled by his opponent, and the sickening realization that that opponent was as much a prisoner and a slave as Rodriguez was.

And that the woman in front of him was responsible for it.

“Not so bad?” Alex spat before his better judgment could stop him. “That was disgusting. You’re disgusting.”

Vasha blinked, but her smile remained and only a slight tightening in her cheeks betrayed any change of emotion.

“Disgusting?” She whispered. “If I were you I’d be very careful what you say, human. Do recall which of us is holding the upper hand.”

“No, I meant what I said.” Alex continued angrily. “You’re disgusting. You may have a pretty exterior, but you’re ugly and filthy on the inside. I’ve seen what you force humans to do. You’re the absolute worst kind of titan. Pryvani is a thousand times the person you could ever dream of being.”

The smile finally dropped from her face. Alex looked on in morbid fascination as the enormous woman’s eyes darkened.

“Oh I see.” Vasha spoke slowly and deliberately. “So that’s what this is all about. You object to my little… hobby.”

“Hobby?!” Alex snapped, no longer caring about the danger he was putting himself in. “You force humans to maim each other and you call it a hobby.”

Vasha suddenly leaned in close, forcing Alex onto his back. She loomed over him, her lips oppressively close to his face.


Despite his brave act, Alex couldn’t help but tremble a little when he caught a flash of her white teeth just beyond her lips. A second later her face lifted away. Alex sat up, breathing heavily and trying to calm himself.

“So maybe that’s what I should do.” Vasha’s voice was pleasant, but Alex could sense the undertone of anger. “Maybe I should put you in the pit.”

“Go ahead.” Alex grunted, pulling himself to his feet. “At least I won’t have to look at you anymore.”

“Hmmm… I don’t know.” Vasha rubbed her chin as if she were considering. “You’re pretty scrawny. I’m not sure you’d last long in the Arena.” Suddenly, Alex felt her fingertip press against his back, pushing him inexorably down.

Alex gasped and tried to draw air into his lungs, but the intense pressure was making it hard for him to breathe.

“This is why you humans are nothing but toys for us.” She mocked. “Look at how weak and pathetic you are. Where’s your big talk now?”

Suddenly she lashed out, her fingernail catching Alex in the side of the head. His vision exploded into stars and he skidded across the desk.

“Round one.”

Groggily, Alex climbed back to his feet. He stumbled a bit as he tried to regain his bearings.

Vasha flicked him again, her fingernail scraping across his back and leaving an angry red cut across his shoulders. Alex bit his lip to keep from crying out.

“Hm, so far you’re making a pretty poor showing.” Vasha clicked her tongue in mock disappointment, slamming her hand down on top of Alex again.

Alex shook his head as he tried to climb back to his feet. His head was swimming from the last blow, and a small rational part of his brain wondered if he might have a concussion.

“You think Pryvani cares about you, little rodent?” Her voice snarled, overpowering Alex’s senses. “I’ve never seen her wear the same outfit twice. She’s probably already replaced you. “

Despite his best efforts, Alex felt her words worm their way into his brain. Although it wasn’t Pryvani he was worried about, it was Rixie. What would happen if he died?

His vision was blurry. He watched in a detached sort of way as the giant woman gripped his arm between her fingertips. This was the only warning he had before-

He heard the bone snap a split second before electric bolts of pain shot through his arm. A wild scream of anguish ripped from his throat before he could even think to stop it. He fell to his knees, being held up only by the fractured arm in the cruel giantess’s grip.

Vasha smiled savagely.

“Look at how easy that was for me.” Vasha muttered, smiling. “It took zero effort on my part. That’s what you and your kind mean to the universe. You’re completely irrelevant.”

“No…” Alex whispered, his breathing heavy from pain. He felt light-headed, and struggled not to pass out.

“Deny it all you want.” Vasha used the pad of her finger to gently stroke Alex’s chest, feeling the rise and fall of his gasping breaths. “But the truth is, all you are is an accessory to Pryvani.”

“I’m… not hers….” Alex ground out between gritted teeth.

Vasha blinked. “Oh really?”

“Rixie Tam… loves me.”

Vasha burst into harsh mocking laughter.

The Titaness smirked, idly rolling Alex’s body back and forth on the desktop, further aggravating his injuries. “Rixie Tam? The jotnar woman? That enormous body guard that Pryvani totes around with her? You think she loves you, really?”


Suddenly, Vasha lashed out with her hand, bulldozing over Alex and sending him skidding across the desktop until he reached the edge, where he plummeted to the floor.

Alex fell for what seemed like hours, but was likely only a few seconds, before impacting with the hardwood floor of the suite. Another lance of blinding pain shot up from his hip where he’d landed, and he was almost certain he’d just broken another bone.

He gazed up at the towering woman above him, eyes blurred from pain. He watched as she raised her high-heeled shoe above him and slammed it down on the ground next to him, inches from his prone body.

A massive explosion of sound slammed into his ear drums and the impact shook the floor underneath Alex, causing him to curl into a ball for protection, despite the pain the movement caused him.

“Look at you, you’re a miserable little insect. You think for one second a woman like that would have anything to do with you? You’re just a toy to her.”


Vasha’s foot raised into the air and settled on top of Alex’s broken form. Her weight settled onto his body, but only enough to hold him immobilized.

“Look,” She laughed. “All it would take would be the slightest effort on my part, and you’d be wiped from existence. And you think Rixie Tam cares for you. ”

Alex remained silent.

“You’re pathetic.” Vasha continued. “And a fool. You think she won’t toss you aside the second a real man comes around?”

“No.” Alex gasped. “She wouldn’t.”

“Hmmm, are you sure?” She whispered, her words drilling into his brain despite his best efforts. “The fact of the matter is, even if she does love you… a pathetic little animal doesn’t deserve a titan.”

Alex’s heart plummeted. Without realizing it, Vasha had dug deep and unearthed a fear that Alex still held. Rixie might, in fact, love him. But he didn’t deserve it and never would.

It hurt worse than the broken arm.

“You’re starting to bore me.” Vasha muttered matter-of-factly. “It’s clear I won’t be getting anything out of you, so you really don’t have any use to me.”

Before Alex could respond, Vasha had callously gripped him in her fingers, raising him from the floor and standing straight. Alex was left dangling limply from her fingertips as she walked back over to the bed and retrieved Pryvani’s purse.

She held bag open and dropped Alex inside. He landed on the leather bottom of the purse with a dull thud.

Vasha zipped the bag closed and carried it out of the room. She walked through her suite and out into the hallway where a garbage chute was located several units from her door.

“See what I mean, little man?” She snickered to Alex, trapped within the purse. “All you are is trash, and in the end, there’s only one place for trash to go.”

Casually, she pulled open the grate that covered the chute and dropped the purse inside. She watched for a moment as it fell into darkness, then when the bag could no longer be seen she closed the chute and sauntered back to her suite, never giving the bag or its unfortunate contents a second thought.



  1. QMajor says:

    Goddamn, Alex. I know he was in deep shit anyway, but I was sort of disappointed that he got belligerent, plus he just volunteered info to her. It’s not like knowing about Rixie is super useful to Vasha, but you never know. No need to correct her mistakes.

    As to his destination, well I doubt that cleaning ladies deal with trash there. He is probably being thrown into some sort of incinerator or compactor. If he’s lucky, it uses that disintegration tech that doesn’t work on organic matter.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Probably pedantic of me to say this, but the disintegration tech works on organic matter just fine. Way back in Titan: Nomad chapter one it disintegrated a bag of meat that Luke had been trying to get back to his cubbyhole. It wouldn’t be much of a cleaning device if it couldn’t disintegrate food leftovers. Rather than organic-inorganic, the tech seems to distinguish mostly by size (beads and human-size clothes get disintegrated, while floors, tables and titan clothes don’t get holes in them), with an added safety feature for either some or all living beings. I’m actually curious how the device would react to vermin.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        When I conceived it I thought of it having the capability to distinguish between living bio matter and non living bio matter. Maybe detecting a pulse or brainwave pattern.

        • faeriehunter says:

          Doesn’t the Empire have analogs for spiders and mosquitoes and such? Those are living beings too, but I’d imagine that titans would want a cleaning device that gets rid of pests like that too.

  2. Nitestarr says:

    Vasha: Hell hath no fury like harming Rixie’s man. Remember what she did to Dorok when he simple swiped at him?….She may not just kill her..but make her wish she did…

    She is in the same league as Fand. Cold and brutal..

  3. Nostory says:

    Careful Vasha, every blow you deal to Alex is another step closer to your death. Sending him to the Arena would actually give Pryvani and Rixie a bigger reason to intervene and set up a three way fight.

    Sam will probably be rescued by Renna sooner or later. Just want to know what Pryvani and Rixie are doing, the latter’s probably raring to tear off the head of the person who thought of hurting her little cub.

  4. Kusanagi says:

    I really don’t think Vasha’s going to survive this story. If Alex lives long enough to point out who did it to him I don’t think Rixie is going to give a damn about the law.

    Alex, who has been remarkably fortunate the last two stories, finally has his luck run out. Though every word he said was true he really should have held his tongue and hoped for the cavalry, especially sense she gave no thought to his chip.

    An interesting thought, she dumped him in the refuse bin I wonder if the cleaning ladies have to handle that.

  5. faeriehunter says:

    Ugh. Alex, couldn’t you have kept your mouth shut? Not that I was expecting Vasha to just give you back to Pryvani like nothing happened, but it should have been obvious that your defiance could only make a bad situation worse.

    Well, at least Alex’s defiance gave us an interesting insight into Vasha’s character. Apparently she finds humans so pathetic that even the notion that another titan would love one as a person rather than a pet (or even the extent to which many people love their pets) is almost inconceivable to her. Methinks that error in judgement will prove her undoing. I was reminded of the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

    • KazumaR1 says:

      Eh Vasha is just another sociopath like Trell and Syon. I think she would have killed Alex even if he didn’t say anything. It sucks that he let her words get to him in the end. You’d think after all the shit he’s been through with Rixie he wouldn’t have self doubt about their relationship anymore.

      • faeriehunter says:

        Vasha was originally thinking of keeping him as her own pet (or more accurately, living sex toy). It was only after Alex insulted her that she abused him and threw him in the garbage. Keeping him would have given Pryvani and Rixie more time to realise that he’s missing and track him down.

  6. KazumaR1 says:

    In a perfect world TETH would be going after people like Vasha and not doing stupid publicity stunts and throwing pet humans to the wild.

    I’m just glad Vasha didn’t use those atomizer cleaning devices to vaporize the purse and Alex. I’m sure if someone wanted to they could remove the safety feature that protects living organisms.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I doubt that Vasha would have a modified disintegrator at the ready; it’s not as if she has to get rid of humans every day. And Vasha cares too little about Alex to go to the effort of procuring one just for him. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Rylne (or whatever equivalent Vasha employs) has one, and bringing Alex to her was still too much effort for Vasha.

      • KazumaR1 says:

        Yeah I was just speculating. What Vasha did is bad enough. I don’t know how Alex is going to survive this one.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          I see two ways 1) Rixie uses his chip to track him down. 2) The garbage passes by Renna, who notices the nice purse, takes a closer look, and sees the human inside, who tells him that this purse belongs to Pryvani Tarsuss…

          • soatari says:

            Option 2 is where I see it going. It introduces her to Pryvani, and gives them an in to Fand’s office.

  7. gadgetmawombo says:

    I think this speaks well to my point of so called “coexistence”. Look how little effort it took that bitch to make mincemeat outta Alex? Seriously! When you have to coexist with being so much more powerful than you on a daily basis, even if they care for your well-being there are bound to be accidents…Now imagine a Titan wanted a human dead, like here? A human wouldn’t even stand a chance! I think you guys have your work cut out for you if you wanna realistically convince us that co-existence between Titans and humans is gonna work.

    Great chapter, by the way, and very well written! It’s just that these past couple of chapters of all the Titan stories haven’t been doing your guys’s case for coexistence any favors!

    • faeriehunter says:

      “there are bound to be accidents…” Of course there are going to be accidents. Accidents are a fact of life. The question is, how many accidents will there be due to coexistence with the titans as compared to the amount of accidents we’d have if we explored the galaxy on our own? Impossible to say, but in my opinion the benefits of coexistence will ultimately outweigh the risks, even if bad things will occasionally happen to one human or another. I’d also like to add that if a human with a gun wants another human dead that second human wouldn’t stand much chance either.

      • NightEye says:

        “in my opinion the benefits of coexistence will ultimately outweigh the risks, even if bad things will occasionally happen to one human or another.”

        That’s a very optimistic if not naive point of view, especially given what we know of Titans as a species so far. And it’s not one human or another : ALL humans are at risk being in the presence of ANY Titan, for a number of reasons. But we talked about that to death on the old site, not gonna do it again here.
        My point is : I disagree with you on this but I’m sure the series will go to that coexistence theme in the end. I simply don’t think it will be credible to me.

        I’d also like to add that if a human with a gun wants another human dead that second human wouldn’t stand much chance either.

        We talked about that too on the old site and again, I maintain it’s differente : Titans are NOT just giant Humans. They are a different species, one vastly stronger to us, physically and technologically, are currently enslaving a good part of humanity and have a disastrous track record in their relationships with other sentient species.
        As for the gun metaphor, let’s go to the bottom of it : a gun is also a great equalizer; a physically weak person could defeat/kill a much stronger opponent with the proper weapon. Which means a realistic way (if ill fated) way for Humans to coexist equally with Titans would be for Humans to be armed to the teeth with weapons capable of talking down people 25 times their size.

        Somehow I don’t imagine that happening in the titanverse.

        But yeah, the story is probably going to that coexistence thing even though everything we know so far makes it both highly unprobable and not desirable.

        • KazumaR1 says:

          Technically the Humans and Titans are coexisting right now, it’s just that one species is enslaved to the other. I think the question is what kind of coexistence do we expect the two races to have in the future. And I’ll admit, considering how extremely far ahead the Titans are in everything and how pathetic we are compared to every other race in the galaxy, it’s hard to see any kind of equal coexistence happening. I mean the TSS Stanisław Lem, one of the most advanced human ships in Contact, can be destroyed by a single Titan in space suit wielding a hand held rifle. A Titan doesn’t even need a ship to destroy ours in Contact, that’s how pathetic our race is.

          • faeriehunter says:

            “I mean the TSS Stanisław Lem, one of the most advanced human ships in Contact, can be destroyed by a single Titan in space suit wielding a hand held rifle.” While it’s moving? At near relativistic speed that titan would near pure luck to hit their target. And if the TSS Stanislaw Lem is not moving then destroying it would be much like destroying a fighter jet with an assault rifle while it’s on the ground. I know the Empire is far ahead of Earth in most technological areas (and one of the authors recently commented that in a few areas humanity is nearly their equal) but let’s not exaggerate here.

          • KazumaR1 says:

            I’ll admit I was exaggerating but I still think a Titan could inflict a lot of damage to the Lem should it be grounded. They are taller than our fighter jets and I think their standard assault rifle would be a bit more powerful than ours. The Lem also isn’t that protected, the bridge is extremely vulnerable for example.

            As for humans having technology close to Titans, that remains to be seen.

          • D.X. Machina says:

            The Lem has some tricks up her sleeve, but yeah, she’s a ship of exploration. She wouldn’t last long in a serious battle with the Titans, because she wasn’t designed to.

            (So looking forward to publishing Contact. So very very much….)

  8. NightEye says:

    Just a word before going to work, more later : I think it was you KazumaR1 who said the Titan Universe was borderline dystopian for humans. I think these last few chapters (here + the Tribe) make the Titanverse not borderline anymore, just dystopian.
    So depressing…

    • Nostory says:

      It has been dystopian since it started, its only in the more recent stories we see how terrible it is to be human in the Archavian Empire. Seen as a pet incapable of intelligent thought, used for food and sex if needed, it is truly awful. The series has gotten darker as we moved further and further inside.

      • NightEye says:

        Yeah. This trend keeps up and I’m gonna have to take a break from the series for a while, it’s too dark for me now.
        And we know there won’t be any big win for humanity until at least Contact.

        This being said, as horrible as that scene was, Alex’s outrageous luck had to run out at some point and, boy ! did it just do that !
        I notice Vasha is just as arrogant as Syon : just throwing Alex away without frying his chip ? Even if he dies, his chip will still work, right ? Or doesn’t she care that she could have Pryvani as an enemy ?

        • KazumaR1 says:

          That is why JS has sovereign running at the same time to offset how dark this one is. That said I appreciate the darkness in the Titanverse because it makes it more legitimate. And it’s not like humans are going to be screwed forever.

          • soatari says:

            I just hope Sovereign stays light. Be nice to have at least one of the stories be “feel good”.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          “Or doesn’t she care that she could have Pryvani as an enemy ?“

          “I’ve never seen her wear the same outfit twice. She’s probably already replaced you. “

          The way I’m reading it, Vasha sincerely believes that Pryvani and Rixie don’t care about Alex as an individual, and will just get a new human without a second thought, and that Vasha’s in for a rude awakening later in the story.

          • soatari says:

            Vasha believes that Pryvani is every bit the diva that the media portrays her as.

          • Nitestarr says:

            Vasha believes that Pryvani is just like her or very close..Amazing since she was her roomate in college…I think its a hallmark of the series where the antagonists are unbelievable arrogantly ignorant…

  9. soatari says:

    Holy shit… That’s by far the most brutal I’ve seen a titan be in this series so far, and was by far not what I was expecting out of that woman.

  10. Angel Agent says:

    Am really getting tired of all this, I think all of you find ways to torment humans and add to the list of bad titans. Stupid woman, yeah humans are weak to you, you are 20 something times bigger than a human. This titan universe is so unfair in so many ways it drives me craze at times when reading these stories.

    I have nothing more to say right now, just getting tired of the titans and the stories drive me crazy.

    • Nostory says:

      I feel you, sometimes I want to give up on it all, only the hope of a better future keeps me going.

  11. KazumaR1 says:

    God damn I think this is the most brutal we’ve seen a Titan with a human. Alex stood no chance, but I’m not pronouncing him dead yet until I see the body. Also Vasha doesn’t realize Rixie has already killed for Alex once so god help her should she find out what happened.

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