Chapter 5 A City Broken by Openhighhat

The wind flew through Lysis’ long brown hair as she rode as fast as her horse would carry her along the road east out of the city, a column of riders behind her. Despite her huge size Zara had long since disappeared from view. Her long, Titan legs allowed her to outrun even the fastest of horses many times over.


Her heart was pounding in her chest. Fires did happen from time to time but the timing of this one was ominous. It had started with just a thin plume of smoke but was now one large column of thick, black smoke. It made Lysis very uneasy. Something was definitely wrong and they had enough to deal with as it was.


They charged on, up the same road they had travelled earlier in the day, along the river, past the forest and towards the village of Akrotiri. The smoke seemed to grow darker and thicker and the thicker the closer they got to the village. Lysis knew the village was on fire but tried to tell herself it wasn’t. It was just a house. Nothing could set a whole village on fire, nothing accidental.


She rounded the last bend before the village to see something totally unexpected. Zara lying in a heap in a field. Lysis pulled the reigns tighter and yelled at the horse, pushing the creature to its limits, desperate to find out what was happening. As she got closer she was relieved to find the Titaness was alive, but also unnerved to find her weeping uncontrollably. Beside her appeared to be the biggest pile of vomit that Lysis had ever seen. The smell made Lysis want to wretch.


“Zara what’s happening!?” She called.


Zara didn’t respond. She just continued to weep.


“Zara! Answer me!”


Lysis was greeted by more gales of grief from Zara. Either she couldn’t hear her or was choosing not to respond.


She growled frustrated and cracked the reigns and rushed towards the burning village.


“Get to the village! Find anyone who needs help and assist them!” Lysis ordered the dozen men behind her.


Every building was in flames. The roar was near deafening. Lysis dodged bits of flames in the street and rode to the centre of the village. Something was wrong. There should be people, bells ringing, attempts to put out the fire. But there wasn’t. Just the roar of the immense fire.


“Captain!” A watchman on horseback rushed towards her. “You have to see this.”


Lysis followed the watchman through rows of burning buildings before emerging into a field with a large barn at the end. It appeared to be the only building in the village that wasn’t on fire. The men stood around, faces as pale as if the blood had been drained from them. Lysis dismounted her horse and approached the entrance to the barn.


“Goddess have mercy…” she said, unable to stop herself from using an old phrase.


In the barn was every man, woman and child from Akrotiri. Each was hanging from the rafters of the barn with a noose around their neck.


Lysis could feel the blood draining from her face and a sickness rising in her stomach. What kind of monsters were capable of doing this? To do this to innocent people? To do this to children? She could feel the sickness in her stomach being replaced by rage.


Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.


“There’s more Captain…”


Lysis followed her junior to the side of the barn. Written large on the side of the barn in what appeared to be blood was a message.


“This is what will happen if the giant does not leave us alone.”


Lysis studied the message for a minute and turned to her men.


“Take a group of men and search the village for survivors.” She ordered “Get the fires under control if you can. Bring in more men if you need to.”


“Aye Captain.” The watchman replied.


“Once the fire is under control, cut those people down. Bring Leyta from the temple. Give these people a proper burial.” Lysis said as she mounted her horse.


She rode around the burning village back to the field at the front where Zara was. The Titan was now sitting up, staring at the flames that consumed Akrotiri.


“This is my fault…” Zara said as Lysis dismounted her horse.


“I will not hear words of self-pity. Not now.” Lysis snapped.




“But nothing! You did not string up those people and you did not burn their village! You tried to help us, help them!” Lysis yelled.


“They did this because of me!” Zara bawled, tears streaming down her face.


“Stop crying! You dishonour these people by claiming responsibility for their deaths. They were killed by monsters. Monsters who would likely have killed them at some point to send us a message.  You are no more responsible than I.” Lysis hardened her expression and stared down the massive person in front of her.


Zara nodded.


“Pick me up.” Lysis ordered and Zara lay her hand down for the Watch Captain to step on.


Lysis buried the anxiety she felt as Zara stood. She couldn’t afford to be afraid of heights. She couldn’t afford to be afraid of anything anymore. She was Captain of the Watch and it now looked like they were in an all-out war with the bandits.


“We need a plan.” She said.


“I…I…I don’t know what to do…”  Zara said quietly.


Lysis nodded. “I know what to do.”


“What? Tell me!”


“We need to defeat the bandits. We need more men and more weapons. We need to sweep across these lands, hunt and kill EVERY single last one of these murderers.”


Zara nodded.


“You can’t help us do that. This is our fight. You will lock the gates of Atlantis. No one enters, no one leaves unless they are a soldier of the Watch. Keep us supplied with food and keep up the rebuilding. The war is my responsibility.” Lysis said.


“Ok. I can do that.” Zara still sounded quite upset.


“I’m going to ask for volunteers. I’ll need to pay them.” Lysis breathed deeply. In and out controlling her fear as Zara walked.


“I’ll get you the silver.”


“If I can’t find enough volunteers then I’ll have to start rounding up able bodied men.” Lysis spoke sternly.


Zara stopped and carefully turned her said to look at Lysis. “I don’t think that’s right Lysis.”


“There is no right here Zara.” Lysis glared “Only what is less wrong. Leave military matters to me. You have Atlantis to worry about.”


Zara started to walk back towards the city. “Ok…I trust you.”




Zarius Meller was not your stereotypical armourer. Where most people would picture a large, brutish looking mad covered in grime, Zarius was the opposite. He was quiet, well-spoken and small of frame with a thin nose and small, pin point eyes. He viewed being an armourer as an art form and far more than just hitting red hot iron with a hammer as hard as you could. It took an eye for detail and soft strike to forge the best blades. He also believed he should look the part. Outside of the armoury he wore only the finest silks, he walked tall with his head held high and his nose even higher.


He was an artist, not a labourer. He wanted people to recognise this. He wanted the men who worked for him, who learned from him to respect him and to respect the art. He expected them to carry themselves with dignity and to ensure their work was the best of any trade practiced in Atlantis.


Which was why when he heard shouting coming from the workshop below his well decorated office he knew something very out of the ordinary was occurring. He raised a brow and listened to the heavy booted feet now climbing the stairs to his office. He shimmied from side to side in his chair nervously and placed two clasped hands on the desk in front of him. Whatever came through that door he would meet with a dignified composure.


“Zarius, we need to talk.” Lysis said as burst through the door, stomping over to the desk.


Zarius extended his arm in a cordial manner towards the guest chair “Sit, please”.


Lysis shook her head. Zarius noted the hardened expression on the captain’s face. She looked rattled.


“There’s no time for sitting.” She said. “I need you to start on productions of armour and weapons for new guards.”


Zarius nodded calmly. “And how many men are you looking to equip?”


“I don’t know yet.” Lysis was pacing back and forth. “Just start making the equipment. I’ll tell you when to stop.”


There was a sharp intake of breath from Zarius. “That is going to be….difficult.”


“Why?” The response was quick.


“We simply lack the resources to have production run constantly. Not with most of the mines shut.”


“Make up a list of all the materials you need. I will pass it to Zara and she will provide them.” Lysis explained.


Zarius shook his head. “I’m afraid that presents me with another difficulty Captain. The guilds have agreed we will not accept any materials from the Titan. All our products are to be produced for Humans, by Humans.”


Lysis stopped pacing and stared straight into Zarius’ eyes.  “I will give you one chance to reconsider.”


The rather annoyed man stood and returned Lysis’ stare. “As I have said, I cannot accept Titan goods. I also do not appreciate your tone Captain.”


Zarius wasn’t quite sure how it happened. All he had seen was a blur as Lysis bound over his desk, smashed her fist into his face and pinned him to his dark wooden cabinets by his neck.


“Let me make this clear. We are facing a dire threat. One which I will not allow to overcome this city. You will make the armour and weapons, you will take all the materials you require from Zara and you will do so without protest. If you do, you will find yourself locked up in Atlantis’ smallest cell and your business and its employees seized by the Watch.”


Lysis stepped back and released Zarius who was now white as a sheet.


“Now, dear Zarius, will you please arm my men?” Lysis asked calmly.


Zarius didn’t answer. He just rubbed his aching jaw and nodded.


“Good.” Lysis smiled. “I will be back in a few days to check on your progress. Do not disappoint me.”


Lysis turned and left. Zarius stared at the door for a few minutes, unsure what to think, what to feel or what to do. Eventually his eyes let go of the door and looked around his once pristine office. He bent over and picked up one of his many books, now strewn around his desk. He lifted it and tried to open it but found he could not from the tremble of his hands.


He could do nothing more but cry.





Nick walked the cobbled streets of Atlantis. It was late evening and a few weeks ago he would have been nervous but not these days. Guards patrolled regularly. Lots of them. Lysis had near two thousand men in guard’s armour and a thousand more in training. As a result the city was the safest it had ever been. Zara was keeping it well stocked with food and the gates were sealed shut all but a select few. Most of the city’s poor were happy with this. A full belly and a safe city was worth the lack of freedom. Though there were some very unhappy about the current state of affairs.


He knocked on a door and waited for an answer that didn’t come. He opened the door and walked inside.


“Anyone home?” Nick said as he walked into the formerly abandoned tavern.


“One minute!” Came the call back from upstairs.


Nick looked around the rather dank premises. There was an old bar in the corner of the room, stained and worn from what was likely centuries of service. Behind it was shelves, most missing or broken and old barrel stands. There was also the obvious sign of leaking water running down the walls and a stain of something which had most likely been a pool of blood. It might have been wine. Nick hoped it was wine.


There was the distinct sound of wood on wood and laboured steps as the occupant travelled down the stairs and out of a door behind the bar.


“Here, taste this.” A rather pleased looking Alex hobbled over to Nick and handed him a brown bottle.


“It’s not poison, is it?” Nick asked.


Alex shook his head, smiling all the while and Nick took a big gulp. And then another. He drank half the bottle.


“Holy shit!” He yelled.


“I know!”


“It’s…” Nick stammered.




“…beer!” Nick was agog. He quickly finished off the rest of the bottle.


“I based it off of Northern European ale. Five point five percent. The Avalonians are used to stronger stuff that the commercial American beers.” Alex explained smugly.


Nick just beamed. “Got anymore?”


“I do, a few cases in fact. But I’m not sure I like the thought of my doctor examining me while he’s drunk.”


The doctor shook his head and set the bottle down. He opened his case and took out some bandages. “Sit down then.”


Alex did as he was asked and sat on a rickety chair, leaning his cane against a nearby table.


“How’s the leg been?” Nick asked.


“Sore, stiff but it’s getting better. I can stand for longer.” Alex replied as he watched Nick remove the old bandages and then the wooden splints.


Nick nodded and mumbled as he examined the leg. “It looks fine. How are you doing? Settling in ok? No panic attacks or worries?”


Alex started to look a bit uncomfortable. It was a definite sore point. Not being able to be around his Rixie. Or any Titan for that matter. He’d not been afraid of anything in his life. He’d beaten Trell for Pete’s sake. And fought off a horde of cultists.


“Alex, we’ve been through this. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You know I needed counselling after what happened to me.” Nick reassured him as he started to dress the leg.


Alex sighed and nodded. “I know. I just tell myself to get over it. To man up, they can’t hurt you. But then when I feel the ground start to shake when Zara is near…it sets me on edge. I can feel the panic building and my palms get sweaty.”


Nick was about to open his mouth but was quickly cut off.


“What I really need is tabasco.” Alex said getting up the second Nick had finished wrapping his leg.


“Tabasco?” Nick was slightly concerned.


“They have chickens here! Just think of it!” Alex hurried over to the bar.


Nick raised a brow, unsure whether he should be offering his friend psych meds or not. “I don’t follow.”


“I’ve got beer, all I need now is chicken wings! But I need tabasco to make the buffalo sauce.” Alex pulled a stack of different herbs and spices out from under the bar. “None of these are right…”


“What about jia root extract?” Nick said. “The Avalonians use it to treat colds. It’s so spicy it just blows the mucus right out of your head.”


Alex’s eyes lit up. “That should do it. I’ll get Zara to get me some. I’ll be rich!”


Nick furrowed his brow, getting slightly concerned. “Is that how you’re getting all this? From Zara?”


“She said anything I needed. She promised Rixie. So when I sent her different recipes for beers, she synthesized them and left them at the door. Then I got her to brew me up a big ol’ batch and bring that down. Hey presto, I’m fully stocked for beer!”


“So…you’re getting it for free? Then selling it to the Avalonians? That’s a bit unfair isn’t it?” Nick asked.


Alex shrugged. “I don’t see anything wrong with it. There’s no supplies at the moment. When everything gets back to normal I’ll use local suppliers. Everyone depends on Zara for everything. Besides, every peasant in this city is walking around with a pocket full of silver and nothing to spend it on! They’ll happily pay a bronze bit for a bottle of beer and another for a bowl off spicy wings. Besides, I’m keeping track of everything I’m given, and when everything blows over I’ll pay Pryvani back. She’ll refuse, I’ll insist, she’ll relent, take the money and probably throw the near-invisible coins in her desk drawer or something. But the point is I’ll have paid her back.”


Nick nodded. “I see your point. There aren’t many poor folks left in the city. But plenty of bored ones. Do the Watch know you’re opening up a bar?”


“They’ll be round later to help get the place scrubbed up in time for opening in exchange for free beer.” Alex smiled, happy that Nick’s attention had been diverted from him and on to other topics.


Nick packed up his gear and got ready to leave. “Looks like you’ve got everything figured out then. I’ll be back in a day or two to check in. Try not to start any riots in the meantime.”


“Scout’s honour.” Alex said saluting.


“See ya.” Nick said heading out the door.


Alex looked around his bar, not seeing what was there but what could be there. He’d have to figure out how to get balls for a pool table. But that was a ways down the road. He had beer, he had chicken wings and he had customers.


“The only thing I really need is a name…”



  1. Carycomic says:

    Jia root, huh? Why not substitute hot chunka nuts? I hear that once ground, mixed with water, and atomized, they make quite an optical irritant. Hence, it’s civilian use, by Archavians, as a theft-deterrent (the same way we use pepper spray).

  2. faeriehunter says:

    First death worshippers, then bandits, now terrorists… There is a lot of scum coming to the surface.

    As for Alex, looks like bringing him to Avalon has prevented his problem from getting any worse, but it’s not getting any better either. Which is what I expected, actually. I’m no therapist, but I think that Alex cannot overcome his phobia of titans (I’m not sure if that is the right way to describe it, but that’s what it looks like to me) merely by letting time pass.

    On the positive side, if Alex’s bar becomes a popular hangout he’ll be in a good position to find out more about what’s brewing in Atlantis. Between Trell’s rampages, the plague, the power struggle between Lysis and Mardell, and now the Akrotiri massacre, Atlantis’s citizens will have more than enough to talk about.

  3. QMajor says:

    Oh man, let’s see…
    Zara’s “donations” causing both inflation and deflation at the same time. Whatever was left of the economy is probably screwed.
    Opposition has radicalized to hell… and military dictatorship is starting in opposition.

    Only way things could get worse is if they get outgunned by the rebels and have to call Zara in for “combat support”. Not that unlikely seeing as the forced conscripts could be pretty useless.

    • Nitestarr says:

      I don’t think thats in Zara’s psychological makeup. You see how she reacted to the massacre..

      The situation is getting out of control quickly. Lysis is a good soldier but a lousy diplomat and in some instances you need diplomacy.


      You know I’m scratching my head how a relatively tranquil and idyllic society gets transformed into savagery, one that resembles the images that we are seeing right now on TV. And so quickly. Yes one could argue about the Trell rampage and the death cultists but I see that as an aberration… over the many centuries of peace. you could even say that the Goddess system ‘worked’ for keeping the peace. I would imagine there would be more restlessness over Pryvani’s renunciation of her deity..

      • OpenHighHat says:

        The way I see it is that morality was quite literally enforced by an ever present goddess. Remove that goddess and the moral structure based around her goes with it. People will clamber to assert their own morality. Most people will generally be nice and get along but there will always be those few who will be utterly brutal.

        I’ve been closely following the Ukrainian and ISIS conflicts and tried to use their mindsets here.

        • KazumaR1 says:

          Well if you’re going to go that route then I’m dropping out of this story. I already felt the political stuff was already weak due to the guild leaders being obnoxious assholes, leaving very little middle ground between them, Lysis, and Zara. Now medieval terrorists casually wiping out a random village just to show how bad things are feels way too heavy handed and extreme. You can’t compare ISIS stuff to what is going on in Avalon. The former is a result of western powers treating the Middle East like a toy for decades, tribal, and religious strife.

  4. Nitestarr says:

    Well it seems that the bandits have graduated from your garden variety free lance thieves to full blown terror organization. Parallels to what is currently happening in the world…

    Lysis could have handled Zarius better, say with a bit more diplomacy…. It might come back to bite her later. I’ll give her a pass considering what has happened.


    I like the interaction between Alex and Nick. I think Alex is in process of recovering…But in a bit of denial too. Wonder what type of beer he brewed? Over here we have craft beer that can contain 22% alcohol…It’ll make your head spin….

  5. Kusanagi says:

    Starting to see some real cracks in the dictatorship. This can’t last forever. While I understand the situation Lysis definitely lost points with me.

    Alex seems to be bouncing back, well somewhat at least, I suppose naming the bar Alex’s would probably be a little too cliche.

  6. Soatari says:

    Alex needs a therapist. Him opening a bar is hiding from his problem. He’ll never be comfortable around Titans again if he doesn’t get some help.

    Also, his opening a bar with free unlimited resources behind it is going to come back and bite him in the ass… hard! He’s going to get some serious backlash from the guild, and other locals.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I agree that Alex needs a therapist. Unfortunately therapists for humans are thin on the ground in the Empire. Even if you did manage to find a human whisperer or somesuch, in Alex’s case their size would make their work all but impossible.

      • Soatari says:

        Nothing to stop video conference or holo communication. That’s well established so far. Just give Alex a holo communicator (like the one used in the first chapter of this story) or a data pad.

  7. KazumaR1 says:

    I…really didn’t expect the bandits to suddenly turn into bloodthirsty monsters all because of Zara. This feels like an Incredibly ham-fisted way to justify Lysis turning Atlantis into a military dictatorship. I really don’t like the way this story is going. Everything feels so forced.

    • Soatari says:

      Feels forced to me, but not from a writing standpoint. I feel like there’s someone pushing and driving these bandits to act out like this.

      • KazumaR1 says:

        If there was a villain in the shadows using the bandits for some sinister purpose that would just sour me even more.

        • OpenHighHat says:

          The “bandits” as they have been referred to have really been unknown up until this point. They had no established morality.

          We’re a pretty barbaric species when it comes down to it. The US attacks ISIS from the skies in a way that the extremists cannot retaliate directly from. Their only response is an act of gross and highly public barbarism.

          The “bandits” here have no means of attacking Zara. The only thing they can do is attack her will to fight them.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Frankly I have my doubts about this being bandit work. Looting caravans is not exactly on par with slaughtering a village full of innocents. And even if the bandits have no moral qualms with it, it’s still something that’ll likely turn you into public enemy #1. Also, the timing of the slaughter makes it look like the mastermind knew that Zara and the Guard were going to be far away capturing bandits, and used the opportunity to execute his or her plan.

  8. nergal says:

    I’m surprised Lysis hasn’t explained what they found to the Guild leaders. At least it sounds like she didn’t. If she didn’t then she made a major mistake…and that is going to cost the city a lot.

  9. riczar says:

    Do I see the beginnings of a military dictatorship? Having gotten past the initial hunger crisis, they should have been trying to transition the Avalonians to self sufficiency. But now with them switching to a war footing, that’s probably not going to happen. Zara needs some help from someone who is not a scientist, but an economist/business expert and an expert in law and government. Much of what the guilds are saying is correct. Zara’s direct aid should have been temporary, but the Atlantean citizenry is growing dependent on her. Next will be inflation when Zara dumps more silver into the economy. Its becoming a welfare state.

    • riczar says:

      Also I’m guessing you were in a rush to get this out to us (not that I’m complaining), but there are a number of glaring spelling errors. You probably should give this another proofread. After all don’t we all want this series to be perfect?

      • OpenHighHat says:

        Usually every gets a good going over however as I was just about to start that I got an emergency call to go help out a friend. I decided just to hit post and hope for the best!

  10. gadgetmawombo says:

    Alex is starting to get used to this life huh? And poor Zara, having to see humans at their most despicable like that! She may be the most powerful being in Atlantis right now, but she is just an average, kind-hearted gal at heart, not a hardened warrior like Lysis.

  11. Soatari says:

    The part with **** I assume was to be a name, but you just forgot to input it.

    Alex getting really comfortable in Atlantis. Not sure I like that…

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