Chapter 53: Liberation and Acquisition Titan:Exile by Dann

Junior Crewmate Lauryna Gwenn exited the turbo lift and casually jogged down the expansive hallway that lead to her quarters. Jax had informed her of an incoming deep space transmission, one that had been directed straight to her quarters while she was on shift. As she was unable to take personal calls while on duty, that meant she would have to wait a cruel 13 cycles to find out who had called. Lauryna was many things, but patient was not one of them.

“Hey Iz, I’m home!” Gwenn called out as she entered the dimly lit room. The lights came on as soon as the motion sensors caught her movement and the doors slid shut behind her.

There was silence in the room.

“Iz? You here?” Lauryna watched the ground carefully as she walked, and listened intently, but there was no sign of her roommate.

Lauryna was not one to panic, but always felt a pulling sense of worry when Izzy didn’t respond. Crewmate Gwenn kept this to herself of course, as Izzy was neither her pet nor her possession, and free reign of the room, the ship, and the liberty to come and go when she pleased was a right Lauryna was more than willing to accept, even if it was unsettling.

Lauryna crossed the room to her stationary data terminal and glanced around casually at the cluttered desktop. There was a flashing red node on the screen that informed her of an awaiting communication, and a flashing green node that informed her of a reminder notification. Lauryna’s thin red lips stretched into a wide smile at the green flashing light, Izzy often used reminder notifications to communicate with Lauryna when their paths didn’t cross as often as they’d like.

Lauryna sat down, checking the surface of the chair first for sleeping humans, and swiped at the screen to listen to the notification.

“Hey Red, don’t forget I’m with Engine-Fixer today, helping her out with maintenance on the emergency access ducts. Small hands come in handy in small places! I’ll get one of the rookies to drop me off when we’re done, behave while I’m gone!” Izzy’s pre-recorded message played out and ended, the image fading afterwards. Sometimes it was hard to remember Izzy was a human; when Lauryna saw her face up close like that on the vid screen, she looked no different than a Titan.

“Replay message.” Lauryna commanded, when Izzy’s face appeared once more, Lauryna interrupted. “Pause.”As soon as Gwenn spoke, the image froze.

Lauryna smiled bashfully at the image before her, and reached out to touch the holo screen with her fingers. The image blurred a bit when she touched it causing her to pull back. Izzy was stunning, smart, funny, capable and gorgeous. Her chocolate brown eyes, her frizzy main of thick dirty blond hair, a sharp nose and thick full lips, the way her cheek bones made her chin stand out just a little, her angular thin eyebrows, and most of all her bright lively smile. Izzy was so much more to look at up close and it never ceased to amaze Lauryna.

There were times Lauryna found it hard to feel remorse for what she had done. After all, had she not slipped up that day, she’d never of gotten to know Isabelle Ibanez, and her life would most certainly be duller.

“Close notification.” Lauryna commanded, and swiped her hand over the screen to open the transmission window. “Play message.” Lauryna said as she let herself recline a bit in her thick padded leather chair.

Normally messages were left in the general bin, meaning anyone with access to Gwenn’s console could access the message. But this one was classified private and required voice authorization.

“Identity authorization required,” promted the computer.

“Gwenn, Lauryna, Junior Crewmate Second Class, Ishay-Zhe-Ishay-Alpha-One-Niner-Four-Epsilon, Authorize,” Lauryna responded by rote.

The system processed Lauryna’s voiceprint and authorization code, and seconds later it responded with a series of beeps, then the message played.

“Hey, I was wondering if you would call me back, my name is Eyrn, we spoke a while ago. I’m Izzy’s friend from Earth. Also, I was hoping you’d do so alone, it’s confidential. Thanks.” The voice only message ended, and a call back number was left on the screen.

“Hmmm, odd.” Lauryna shrugged and swiped her hand over the number, which began the transmission.

“Waiting on authorization for deep space transmission…transmission authorization accepted…proceeding with long range transmission…waiting on recipient response….”

Lauryna drummed her fingers on the desk as the computer ran through its standard protocol. Gwenn’s attention drifted until she heard a connection confirmation chime and the screen showed the image of a brown haired titan she recognized to be Eyrn Fitzgerald.

“Hello?” Eyrn said as she peered into what Lauryna guessed was her hand held data pad.

“Hey, this is Lauryna Gwenn from the Gyfjon, I’m returning your call?” Lauryna said, with a bright, chipper smile.

“Oh, hey,” Eyrn’s expression smoothed out a bit from her initial guarded expression.

“We’re you trying to get a hold of Izzy?” Asked Lauryna before Eyrn could get out another word.

“Actually no, I was hoping to talk to you, are you alone?” Eyrn asked, keeping her words short and to the point.

Lauryna looked around automatically then back to the image of Eyrn on the screen. Eyrn looked frazzled; her face was flush, and she was sweating a bit. “I am, everything okay?”

“Hmmm, oh, yea I was just out for a jog, didn’t think you’d call be back so early.” Eyrn took another moment to catch her breath and half smiled.

“Sorry, I didn’t think of what time it was on Archavia, it’s actually the end of my shift here, we run on standard galactic cycles, not Archavian time.” Lauryna winced. “How can I help you? Everything ok?”

“Um…no, but that’s hardly your fault. What I wanted to talk to you about was Izzy…how is she doing?” Eyrn took a while to fumble her words out, but when she did her tone was deep and concerned.

Lauryna was taken aback slightly and looked around the room before looking back to Eyrn. “Izzy? Well, she’s doing well…she’s not around at the moment though…are…you sure you don’t want to talk to her?” Lauryna said with a hint of amusement.

“Maybe another time, I need to talk to you okay?” Eyrn insisted, running her arm over her forehead to mop up the sweat a bit. “How is she…I mean how is she adjusting to everything, is she all right?” Eyrn looked back to Lauryna.

Lauryna smiled sweetly and shook her head. “Are you worried about her? You know, she can answer these questions better than I can…why don’t you ask her?”

“Because I know what she’ll tell me…look I’ve been through a lot and I’m to the point where I’m finished walking on egg shells, I need to know how you’re treating her. I have to know she’s okay,” Eyrn said, bluntly.

Lauryna opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t find the words, she blinked a few times at Eyrn and shook her head. “How I’m treating her? What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. Is Izzy alright? Is she happy, are you treating her well?” Eyrn asked again.

“I…well yeah…I think she’s happy…she seems happy I guess. She has her moments like the rest of us but…wait…did she tell you she was unhappy?” Lauryna asked, her expression dropping to a concerned frown.

There were times Lauryna felt no remorse about the events that brought Izzy into her life. And there were times when the remorse felt like it might swallow her whole.

Eyrn shook her head. “No, she’d never tell me that, you know Izzy.”

“I do indeed.” Lauryna smiled knowingly.

“What is she…to you?” Eyrn asked next, with stone cold resolve.

“What…is she?” Lauryna asked confused.

“That’s what I said.” Eyrn replied.

“A friend? My roommate? A pain in the ass? I’m not sure exactly what you want me to say here Eyrn…what is this all about?” Lauryna had lost her perky disposition and was now a great deal more solemn.

Eyrn sighed. “Izzy means a lot to me, and it’s mostly my fault she is out here in the first place. I failed Darren, and because of me he’s being humiliated and forced to live as somebody’s pet…I won’t let that happen to Izzy. So I have to know, what is she to you…because if you think….” Eyrn was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

“So, what you’re really asking me, is if Izzy is my pet?” Lauryna spoke dryly.

“Is she?” Eyrn asked, showing no hint of remorse for her striking question.

Lauryna sighed and gave her head a shake. “Remember I told you she wasn’t here?” Lauryna asked simply.

“I did, what does that have to do with anything?” Eyrn responded shortly.

“Would you care to know where she is?” Lauryna asked with an amused smirk.

“Just answer my question….”

“As we sit here and discuss her behind her back -which if I am to understand is frowned upon in Earth culture- Izzy is off galavanting around the ship on her own misadventures…helping a crew member run maintenance on the emerg-access ducts I think. The cycle before that she was pestering the ships firsr officer in the mess hall – you remember Commander Tam, right?” Lauryna sat back and rested her arms behind her head.

“I…she is?” Eyrn asked, in surprise. “I…remember her…yes.”

“If Izzy was my pet, I’d be one irresponsible owner hmm?” Lauryna said.

“I…well….” Eyrn back peddled.

Lauryna gave Eyrn just a hint of a smile. “Eyrn, it’s okay. You’ve every right to be concerned, I understand.” Lauryna smiled, her voice returning to its soft, reassuring norm.

“You do?” Eyrn relented and sighed.

“I do.” Lauryna nodded. “Izzy is your friend, light years away in the care of strangers, it’s okay to be concerned.”

“I guess I just needed to hear it, sorry to come across as blunt and aggressive.” Eyrn grimaced.

“Well, at least you didn’t break my nose, right?” Lauryna teased.

“…” Eyrn sighed.

Lauryna gave Eyrn a grin. She couldn’t fault Eyrn for this. If Lauryna had been the type of person to keep Izzy in a cage…well, she wouldn’t deserve to have Izzy around.

“Eyrn, all jokes aside, Izzy is my friend, not my pet. Humans are not pets, she helped me see that, you helped me see that. I can’t speak for everyone aboard, but you have to know I’ll do everything in my power to protect and help her. Okay?”

“You’ll look out for her then? Keep her out of a cage?” Eyrn asked softly.

“I’ll do my best, she is sometimes hard to track…but I’ll do my best.” Lauryna nodded.

“Thanks.” Eyrn gave a sigh of relief.

“Don’t mention it.” Lauryna laughed.

“Lauryna…do me another favor?” Eyrn asked sheepishly.

“What’s what?” Lauryna leaned forward closer to the screen.

“Don’t tell Izzy I did this? She’d never let me live it down.” Eyrn cringed.

Lauryna broke out in laughter and shook her head. “We’ll see!”

“Thanks….keep her safe ok? Please….”

“Always…as best I can.” Lauryna nodded.


“Call again soon, Izzy would love to hear from you.” Lauryna nodded.

“Will do.” Eyrn nodded as she hung up. She smiled modestly, it was reassuring to know that Izzy was in good hands.

Eyrn slid her portable data pad into the small holster she had strapped to her arm and stepped back onto the walking path to continue her jog. No sooner did she build up her pace once again when suddenly she felt the familiar vibrations of data pad.

“Damn it all.” Eyrn grumbled and veered off path onto the grass once more. She quickly pulled out her pad and swiped her thumb over the screen, Aisell Maris’ picture greeted her under the ‘incoming transmission’ label. Eyrn pressed answer and held the pad before her face.

“Hey, what’s up?” Answered Eyrn, trying not to sound annoyed.

“I need you to come to Medzina, now.” Aisell responded abruptly.

“I’m well, and you?” Eyrn teased as she smiled ear to ear.

“I mean it, this is important. Drop whatever you’re doing and get here now, I forwarded you the shuttle number and departure time, hurry.” Aisell had her game face on and her tone was snappy and solemn.

“What’s this about?” Eyrn furrowed her brow as she rubbed the back of her leg with her free hand to alleviate a cramp.

“In about two hours I’ll have Darren. Meet me at the farm, okay?” Aisell spoke hurriedly, and appeared to look at something off in the distance.

“What, what?” Eyrn narrowed her eyes, nearly dropping her data pad.

“You heard me, just get to the farm, I’m going to go there as soon as I have him, if you leave now we should get there about the same time. I gotta go, bye.”

Before Eyrn could mount a further inquiry Aisell hung up, leaving Eyrn both speechless and quite baffled.

“O…k.” Eyrn slid her phone into her holster looked off into the distance, her eyes then drifted to the bangles she had around her wrists. “I wonder.” She whispered to herself and quickly began to take them both off. Aisell did say she had to hurry after all.


Darren sat in the plastic prison he now called home, looking off into the distance as the sun began to fill the room with light. Over in the adjacent terrarium, Scroof was in the process of completing one of what seemed like endless back flips that seemed to keep the man entertained. Darren couldn’t be bothered, and over the last few months his inactivity mixed with a very poor appetite had not only cost him a few pounds, but a good bit of his built up muscle mass.

There was no reason to look forward to the coming days anymore. Lyroo was the only person he saw, and his disdain for her was debilitating. Her perky voice, her smooth soft feminine hands, the way she sapped the will to fight right out of him by smothering him with sickening kindness and unyielding ignorance. Nothing he said, nothing he did, nothing he tried ever seemed to get through to her, so Darren had given up even trying.

Living among Titans as long as he had gave Darren a good insight into how they thought, but it wasn’t until now that the sergeant realized just how skewed his point of view had been. Eyrn, Bedra, Aisell…none of them were Titans, not in the strictest sense of the word. They were tame, they were broken in, accustomed to living around human beings. Lyroo Prenn had grown up with…whatever Scroof and his lot were. Homo sapiens, maybe, but not human beings. They were not men. The humans on Archavia had no drive, no passion, they aspired to nothing and at the end of the day, at the fading of the light, they amounted to nothing. They were hollow husks of humanity, faint remnants of a great line that had conquered a world, reached for the stars, pulled themselves from the brink of destruction and left their mark in the universe…or so Darren had at one time believed. Humans here were not humans at all, whatever it was that was left of them didn’t resemble a human being at all.

Darren and Scroof both looked towards the office door in unison, as a loud, startling noise broke their focus. It was the unmistakable sound of two loud voices talking. Scroof seemed to ready himself for what he hoped would be a guest or visitor; Scroof enjoyed performing for Lyroo’s friends, and the oodles of attention that came with. Anyone Lyroo let handle him could be assured to be gentle, kind and warm to humans. Of course Scroof had no resentment or fear of Titans, as he had been raised among them all his life. Darren, on the other hand, loathed when Lyroo received company and hated it even more when they showed interest in him.

Most of them left him alone when he showed no interest in them, but some of them patronized him with condescending affection and coddling. They felt they “knew” humans and were assured of their “way with the cute little things.” These were the sorts who felt they could warm up to him, or bring him out of his “shell.” Titans were so arrogant and smug in their ways, it amazed even Darren, who at one point in his life had believed Texans to be the universe’s most stubborn people.

He was wrong.

Scroof’s look of excitement faded when the simple talking began to escalate into raised voices. His smile turned to a concerned frown, and quickly he scurried from the exercise room in his habitat to his bed chamber, where he hid among his bedding. Darren however, stood up and watched the door with a spark of interest. The first voice was Lyroo of course, but the second was familiar too, only he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“He is a person Lyroo, he doesn’t need to be in a cage or a carrier!” The second voice spoke with utter revolt as the door to Lyroo’s study slid open. Aisell Maris was the first to burst through, taking long, purposeful, and vengeful strides.

“I’ve worked with humans all my life Aisell, a terrarium is the safest place for them! There are things crawling around that are harmless to you and me, but deadly to them!” Lyroo followed after, and she put up a sort of an argument, but it was weary. So much of the fight had been drained from her.

“Oh stuff it, you yipping Lomit!” Aisell hissed, turning on her heal and digging her finger into Lyroo’s chest. “You know very well how smart and capable human beings are! I watched you at that university hearing! You know very well he is as smart and capable as you or I!”

Lyroo took a step away from Aisell and held her ground there. “He’s naked? Why is he naked!?” Aisell asked after sneaking a peek at Darren.

“Humans don’t need to wear clothes, it’s a temperate environment, they are much more relaxed and comfortable when….”

“Does he look comfortable and relaxed!? Have you asked him?” Shouted Aisell, her face flush from anger.


“I thought your father was a monster because he took human lives, but you…you’re the worst kind, Lyroo Prenn! you don’t take their lives…you ruin them! You crush them and smother them until there’s nothing left! And you know…you know what they can be.” Aisell’s voice lowered to a disgusted hush. “You’re worse than your father.”

Lyroo’s eyes went wide and she gasped indignantly. “How dare you!”

Aisell felt the rage swell up in her and could hold it back no longer. Without thinking about it, without pausing to plan for the ramifications, Aisell raised her hand and slapped Lyroo Prenn across the cheek.

Lyroo swung back and grasped her cheek, letting out a squeak of a scream. She kept perfectly still as Aisell gathered the Terrarium that held Darren and made for the door.

“Send me the ownership documents by noon, I will sign them. Do that, and I’ll forget what I heard at the farm, Lyroo.” Aisell spoke coldly, trembling from both the raw emotion and the adrenaline.

Lyroo nodded.

As Aisell exited, she spoke once more without turning. “Ask yourself this: Do you do these terrible things because you love humans…or because you want them to love you?” Aisell held the Terrarium close to her body and hugged it tight. “Let’s go Darren…let’s take you home.” Aisell exited the apartment, leaving Lyroo standing alone, and ashamed.


  1. Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

    great chapters, great story

    but i have two questions: where Lyroo live? i mean the Prenn farms is near to Aisell Farms, but i don’t think Lyroo live in Medzina, ist illogic bring Scroof so far when she go to work (if i understand good, Darren and Scroof was in Lyroo’s office at HOS right)?

    the second is: how big is the Preen Farms?

    thanks in advantage

  2. OpenHighHat says:

    Aisell has grown into quite the fiersome woman since the start of nomad. She was once lost and wandering but now very much has a path and a plan. I think a seminal moment for the two women there.

    Will this change lyroo though?

    Awesome stuff mate.

  3. Peggy says:

    You guys are probably right… The time has passed for Luke and Aisell to be an item any more. Yet Luke should be a conduit between the two societies. Aisell must be out of town playing Tolbot, and cannot be on the farm defending the Tribe, and I am guessing she will take Darren and he can help her train, but where will that leave Eyrn? But can Quendra straddle the rift between the two realities? That will be quite a challenge.

    By the way, awesome updating. Thank you for the new chapters… ;-}

    • Nostory says:

      I am thinking Gae and Yamma, this is right up their alley. Eyrn as well could lend a hand here. It is sad Luke and Aisell never worked out but you’re so right in that its past.

  4. Kusanagi says:

    Lots of parts to talk about so breaking it down.

    The moment where Lauyana froze the image was adorable is she developing a crush on Izzy? Kind of funny as Izzy has been one of the few humans who are just baffled at the prospect of Titan/Human relations. Would love to see that continued in ‘Continuing Adventures’ provided DX has the time for it.

    Eryn’s diligence made me smile, though all things considered Izzy’s in one of the better spots to be. Not only with people who like and respect her, but being on a ship without having to worry about fauna, gives her a good degree of mobility. She has more independence than most humans, even amongst the protagonists barring those that live on Avalon.

    Darren’s appraisal of humans on Archavia was a bit harsh but pretty accurate at least in terms of guys like Scroof. Funny enough I believe Pryvani held the exact same view until meeting Noona. It’s less about the spark not being there and more about it being smothered to death which leads us directly to…

    *ahem* Finally I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…GO AISELL! Finally someone says the blunt truth to Lyroo. Aisell’s absolutely right. Unlike most titans we meet Lyroo has met intelligent humans, been exposed to them, knows full well what they can do and she went out of her way to break Darren. At least she felt some degree of shame at the end.

  5. Peggy says:

    Poor Lyroo… Can’t count on the farm, can’t train Darren, her whole life is crumbling; can she learn fast enough to adapt, or will Darwin mow her down? Now Darren can meet the remnants of the tribe and also become a Tolbot trainer… Looking forward to the next developments. Luke needs to get home to Aisell now, and we can feel sorry for poor Quendra, but I expect she might also meet some new man, and expand her gene pool as well…

    I have been wondering about Tapp and Drugar; don’t they seem they might fit well? That would be an interesting meeting.

    I noticed the conversation about how dangerous Eyrn’s hair was for Tapp, and how that shows the danger of cohabitation… Just as the results of Tapp running off in a nightclub were shaken off and not laid at her feet, I think you readers need to recognize that Tapp brought that on herself… She did not need to climb that mountain and endanger herself. If she needs to be able to wake Eyrn, she can arrange some signal, now that Eyrn is aware there might be a need for her companionship. (Maybe a stick to poke her with?)

    • KazumaR1 says:

      Luke suddenly getting back with Aisell in a romantic relationship would be the most sleaziest thing that could happen in Nomad. Luke had multiple chapters to bond with Quendra that happened over a course of months. Luke only had a week with Aisell, a drunken one night stand, and stressful co-existence on the farm.

      • Nitestarr says:

        According to the Wiki Luke still holds a torch for Aisell……Hmmmm……sorry I’m not buying it… An infatuation perhaps…..even with that, with all that has transpired and he was ready to marry (or the Tribe’s version of official pairing up) Quendra

        • faeriehunter says:

          I’m going to have to agree with KazumaR1 and Nitestarr that at this point something extreme would have to happen to make Luke quit his relationship with Quendra. Luke and Quendra were going to trade necklaces, which is the Tribe’s equivalent of getting married, in a few days if not that very night. I doubt anything less than Quendra’s death could make Luke and Aisell a couple again at this point. That bit about Luke still holding a torch for Aisell was from around the time of Luke and Quendra’s first kiss, about ten chapters ago. Since then quite a bit of time has passed, enough that Luke’s injuries are now almost fully healed (so I’m guessing about half an Earth year).

          My opinion is that while Luke will always have a special place for Aisell in his heart, they’ll never again be a couple. I expect Aisell to have difficulty accepting that, but in truth that’s the price she has to pay for forcibly taking Luke from Titan station and subsequently keeping him in a terrarium for several weeks (titan reckoning). Had Quendra not seen Luke caged and unhappy, there is a good chance that the Tribe would have decided against “saving” him, or at least have held off on the decision until Aizhey returned, after which Drugar would have deemed a rescue attempt too dangerous.

          • Nostory says:

            Looking at what the Tribe is dealing with now, Quendra dying might be a possibility so that torch could be relit.

  6. KazumaR1 says:

    Aisell, Eyrn, and Lauryna were all awesome this chapter. And I think Lauryna likes Izzy more than a friend and I keep getting that vibe.

    I’m going to let Darren’s comments on pet humans and Titans slide because it’s clear the man is broken right now and he’s not thinking straight. Honestly I don’t know if Scroof can become like Nonah, Yamma, or Tapp. It would probably take a lot of work to break down the conditioning Lyroo instilled in him. I would love to see it happen, though.

    If this is Darren at his lowest point, I’m curious what makes him change by the time we get to the beginning of Exile with the waitress.

    • soatari says:

      Nonah and Tapp are exceptions to the rule. Just watching the behavior of the majority of the pet humans can show you that. Nonah was young, and Loona had just bought her, so she hadn’t been fully brainwashed into total dependency yet.

  7. Nitestarr says:

    Interesting on the divergent fortunes of the two human abductees in this installment….. Darren being nearly being killed and tortured (with ignorant kindness) and Izzy having the time of her life aboard the Gyfjon, becoming essentially a de facto crew member…I really like the interplay between Izzy and Laurnya

    Note to self; Don’t get Aisell mad at me…wow….

    Looks like Darren and Eyrn will have a reunion but I guess it won’t be a happy one, given what is transpiring in Nomad (assuming that the events in both stories are running concurrently)

    btw Texans by far are not the most stubborn people in the world……

  8. faeriehunter says:

    Excellent parting shot from Aisell. Lyroo should really take it to heart.

    Much as I like Darren, there is one thing about him that just rubs me the wrong way, namely when he calls Scroof not human and Eyrn, Bedra and Aisell not titan. The way he phrases it implies Scroof and others like him are no longer human, and can never be anything else. The real truth however is that while Scroof and those like him have been smothered to the point that their inner flame is reduced to a faint ember, they are still human. That ember can still be a flame, all it needs is the right effort. Yamanu and Nonah are living proof of that. And that is why the Empire’s smothering of humanity is such a cruelty.
    Similarly, calling Bedra, Aisell and Eyrn not true titans because they regard humans differently from the average titan, well, it’s an insult to the titan species. They are representative of what titans can be, and are proof that coexistence without devaluing either party is possible. Right now there are far too few titans who follow their example, but that can be changed. Again, all it needs is the right effort.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Hey FH, considering what Darren’s been through recently I can understand his thinking. I would be rather sour myself…..

      • faeriehunter says:

        I can see why he’d be bitter, but letting your emotions cloud your judgement is never a good thing.

        • Nitestarr says:

          Thats true. However Darren has not been exposed to many intelligent empire bred humans. We have Degu, Tapp and now Scroof. Tapp is quite intelligent and he spent most of his time with her being annoyed. Taken into consideration his ‘retraining’ with Lyroo (and being forced to be naked all the time) I can understand why he believes the way he does – at this time.

  9. NightEye says:

    The Lauryna / Eyrn moment was sweet. It’s true it’s time Eyrn asked how her friend is treated on that military ship.

    Darren’s view of pet humans is harsh but sadly true for most of them.
    I’m not that happy that Aisell slapped Lyroo. Not that she didn’t deserve it but I’m not sure the “why” she did it will come across. The last line says Lyroo is left “ashamed” but ashamed of what ? Nothing has happened that would change her point of view. Not really.

    So either she doesn’t change or she does and that would mean Aisell is right : Lyroo knows what Humans are really like when free, she just pretends not to. Which makes her a bad person, as Aisell stated.

    ps : what’s a “Lomit” ?

    • faeriehunter says:

      A change of view is rarely a sudden thing. Most of the time it’s a gradual process. When Lyroo first acquired Darren she was convinced that his behaviour was caused by a misguided owner (Eyrn) and that with a little training he’d be happy in no time. Instead she got to see Darren getting worse and worse. Faced with a reality that’s in stark contrast to her expectations, I imagine that deep down Lyroo would have started to doubt herself. And just now Aisell zeroed in on the heart of the matter and pointed out to Lyroo exactly why what she was doing is wrong.

      By the way, I’m not sure if Lyroo realizes this, but the underlying reason for acquiring Darren was in all likelihood her failure with Niall. I imagine that with both of them being born on Earth, Darren was at least subconsciously intended to be a vindication of her opinion (back then at least) that humans are happier with titans as their loving, protective masters than they’d be as independents.

      • Kusanagi says:

        I’ll second this line of reasoning. Aside from the comparisons to her father Lyroo has to deal with that by her own standards she utterly failed Darren. His health has declined, he’s become more hostile to both Titans and pet humans, he wasn’t remotely happy instead he’s become morose and withdrawing into his shell. All that and he still doesn’t take orders. She accomplished nothing she sought out to do and only made a human suffer for weeks (titan) on end.

        If that doesn’t give her pause and cause her to examine herself I dare say nothing will.

  10. CoalWhite says:

    Oh my god. I read this at work and my coworkers kept staring at my obvious and loud reactions. I barely kept from yelling “BOOM, bitch!” (In front of a bunch of preschoolers mind you) when Aisell slapped Lyroo. Maybe this will finally get it through the titanium skull she seems to possess. “Humans are people!!”

  11. Nostory says:

    Aisell is awesome, a small slap for mankind!

    Oh Lyroo, hope you think about those last words from Aisell long and hard because you just got your ass handed to you twice!

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