Chapter 60: Where Everybody Knows Your Name Titan:Exile By Dann

Eyrn lingered behind Dr. Freeman and Dr. Bass as they made their way down the cobblestone walkway that lead to their destination. Eyrn of course was wide eyed and eager to take in every single grain of, what she was told, was downtown Belfast , Northern Ireland.

“I can’t believe I’m actually walking down Chichester Street. This is unreal! I’m in Belfast!” Eyrn had an absolutely giddy tone to her voice which drew an adoring smile from Naskia, and a bit of an arrogant, but proud smirk from Niall.

“Well,” Naskia began, her tone challenging and playful, “Niall’s interpretation of Belfast anyway.” Naskia turned to Niall, who had stopped walking in order to cross his arms and shoot Naskia a look.

“I’ll have you know Petal, this is an accurate depiction of Belfast as you’ll get! I missed no detail!” Niall said defensively.

“We will have to take your word for it, unless Eyrn can contest?” Naskia looked to Eyrn, who was busying herself looking with her nose pressed through the window of a clothing store.

“I’ve only seen pictures…small pictures. I’ve never been outside of the United States…and even there I’ve only seen sand, grass and the inside of a train…oh and snow, you don’t have much snow here…not like Alaska!”

“I have an identic memory Nas, trust me, THIS is Belfast!” Niall took a quick look around. “There is where my mate Micky used to work, and over past that bank is my favorite burrito place. There’s a park just down the way a bit with a rusted yellow slide and monkey bars.” Niall huffed and turned his head.

“What was I wearing yesterday dear?” Naskia asked with a ring of charm.

“The white cardigan with the short red skirt, white socks that were far too long, those goofy brown shoes and a red necklace you chew on when your nervous!” Niall said astutely. “Oh, and your hair was braided!” Niall uncrossed his arms and snickered.

“Impressive.” Naskia admitted and nodded, slipping her arms around Niall’s waist and pulling herself close.

“Identic memory!” Nialll repeated and held Naskia close, he never turned down a chance to hold her, it was always a welcomed paradigm shift.

“Ohh! Look, a Newsstand!” Eyrn sprinted from the store window to a small news stand, taking various newspapers, each of which identical to the next, while some were actually blank.

“I haven’t filled the small details in…yet…but check out page three of the Sun!” Niall snickered.

Eyrn took the one labeled ‘The Sun’ and opened to a scantily clad pin-up picture of Naskia. “Classy!” Eyrn winked.

“I told you not to do that!” Naskia grumbled.

“Your lovely Petal…don’t worry about it.” Niall kissed Naskia’s forehead.

“I look goofy!” Naskia pouted.

“I dunknow, I think you look hot.” Eyrn winked and eyed the picture from the side. “I wish I was that well-endowed.” Eyrn said breathless.

Naskia bashfully tore the paper away from Eyrn and laughed nervously. “Somebody is waiting for us at the bar hmmm?”


“Here she is!” Niall exclaimed boastfully. “My own little slice of heaven on Archavia.” Dr. Freeman motioned enthusiastically for Naskia and Eyrn to step foot into the rustic looking Irish pub that sat nestled in with a row of other businesses along the main strip center of the cities night life. The air was alive with the cheerful music played by the local fiddler, there was an accordionist and a bodhran player complimenting the merry jaunt.

“There are so many people!” Eyrn exclaimed. “They all look so real, all these different conversations. How did you make all this Dr. Freeman?” Eyrn asked flabbergasted.

“Some of them are randomly generated using a basic personal generation algorithm, but most of them I made myself.” Niall stated with no shortage of pride in his voice.

“Where do you find the time?” Asked Eyrn.

“When you lot were hibernating all night!” Niall chuckled. “I’ve plenty of time to work; actually I find I get bored often. Never thought I’d ever complain I had ‘too much’ time in a day eh?” Niall chuckled once more as Naskia and Eyrn filed into the pub.

“That’s right you, laugh it up. Not all of us have that much time to laze around and play with our toys!” Naskia lectured as she rolled her eyes past Niall.

“Oie! It’s not my fault your species is slow!” Niall shot back with a cocky grin.

“Watch it Dr. Freeman, you’re in mixed company remember.” Naskia warned with wide eyes. Niall laughed and risked a kiss, which Naskia received coldly.

“Actually, I think I agree with Dr. Freeman.” Eyrn said timidly, shrinking in a little.

“Oh, come on! Don’t encourage him.” Naskia groaned, sending Eyrn a pleading look.

“Aha! I knew there was a reason I liked this girl!” Niall laughed as he boastfully slapped Eyrn approvingly on the back.

“Well, maybe it’s my upbringing, but I had no trouble completing my Equivalency examination, after a few courses on Standard Galactic Archavian, and a survey course in Imperial history.” Eyrn said with a fledgling ounce of pride. Her small accomplishment seemed like nickles and dimes next to Niall and Naskia and their respective PhD’s.

“Is that so? Good on you Eyrn, have you put any thought in what you would like to pursue next?” Naskia asked, praising Eyrn with an upbeat tone.

“No.” Eyrn shrugged.

“So you learn fast eh?” Niall asked, mildly skeptical, but intrigued none the less.

“Well, I don’t know…I just found a lot of it repetitive…I’ve never had trouble with languages, and math is math no matter which world I’m on. But I did find the courses do drag on a bit. There is far too much study time I think…and the lecturers repeat themselves often.” Eyrn shrugged.

“Don’t audit one of Niall’s classes then, he’s had multiple requests to slow down.” Naskia teased.

“If they can’t keep up they’ve no business in advanced particle physics.” Niall grumbled. “You should send in an application to Tanhauser Gate University, I’ve looked over your exam scores. You scored well Eyrn.” Niall said with about as much praise as he was going to give.

“Thanks, but I don’t think physics is for me.” Eyrn shook her head in protest. “I’ve spent far too much time under the microscope to ever imagine a career in the sciences.”

“Under the what?” Naskia asked curiously.

“Living as a freak draws a lot of attention, they never cut me up or did anything unethical…but they were always interested in how I worked, what made me tick. There were always important people visiting me, asking me questions. Freud, Einstein, Tyson…my favorite was Mr. Nye…he was so funny…he always made me laugh.” Eyrn smiled fondly as she stood in remberence.

Niall looked nearly flabbergasted as Eyrn spouted off such names as if they were simply old friends form around the block.

“Talk bollox, you met Einstein?” Niall asked, unsure if he was jealous, angry, or in awe.

“I did, he visited in Spring of 31′ he spent three years in the United States, he was Hoovers’ personal guest.” Eyrn stated and straightened up a bit, with no shortage of boastfulness.

“Huh, well I’ll be…” Niall took a moment to digest that bit of information. “What was he like?” Niall asked, a bit more humbled than before.

“Oh, I think I see them!” Naskia pulled on Niall’s arm and pointed to a small group of people sitting off in the distance.

“Where?” Eyrn asked, turning her attention from Niall.

“There, at the bar.” Naskia tittered and pulled Niall towards the group.

Eyrn spotted Aisell Maris first, as she was the most recognizable. With her was Loona Armac, who was talking to a bubbly looking blond in a bright red dress with wide doe eyes and thick pursy lips. Beside her was a short haired man with tan skin and a stocky built frame hunched over a glass of amber liquid as the blond rambled off to the group some long story only Loona seemed interested in. Aisell had on a well-practiced friendly social face that Eyrn could read through instantly.

Niall looked more disappointed to spot the group than pleased, which Eyrn read in his face almost instantly as Naskia dragged him off to the crowd. “He was a ladies man who loved to play the violin to swoon the girls, and he was a perv.” Eyrn winked as she followed after the two.

“So, I don’ think he was giving off the wrong signals but you know I can’t really tell because he’s so introverted, I’m going to stop by tomorrow to see him, I have an alibi and you’re going to help me!” The bubbly blond went on, looking wide-eyed to Naskia as she approached. “Nas!” A squeal like shriek escaped the young bombshell as she nearly toppled Loona over to give Naskia a hug.

“Emperor’s teat! You act like you haven’t seen her in an age Nonah!” Loona laughed as Naskia and Nonah hugged, an exchange of giggly girlish clucking went on between them that none of the others could quite understand.

“They get like this whenever I let them play in the holodeck.” Niall rolled his eyes as he pried his arm free of the Nasika and Nonah sandwich.

“Niall, you’ve met Aisell right?” Loona smiled and stepped aside, motioning to Aisell Maris.

“Ms. Maris.” Niall nodded, and reached out to take Aisell’s hand, kissing it gently before letting go. Aisell herself seemed unsure how to respond and found herself slightly flush.

“Dr. Freeman.” Aisell responded.

“Are you enjoying your time here in Belfast?” Niall asked, moving in a little closer to the mousey looking beauty. He was glad to make his first acquaintance like this, as it gave him more of an upper hand. Niall was all to used to working from a handicap so it felt nice to have Aisell a little off her guard for once.

“It’s very nice. I’m amazed at the quality of your projectors resolution here in Tanhouser Gate; and the weather protocol…I can smell the grass and the rain in the air. How did you make this all so lifelike?” Aisell asked, turning in slightly and posturing herself confidently, she spoke clearly and in a commanding tone, something Niall respected.

As Dr. Freeman and Aisell acquainted themselves with one another, Loona approached Eyrn, who was standing to the side a little out of the way, she didn’t appear to know quite where to fit into the seemingly familiar group.

“It’s good to see you again Eyrn, did you find the travel here smooth?” Loona asked as she extended her wrist for Eyrn to grasp.

It took a moment for Eyrn to realize what Loona was doing, but she soon remembered and grasped Loona by the wrist, they shook firmly before letting go. “Short…I still amazed sometimes how easily you all move around the globe as if it’s just a hop next door.” Eyrn smiled wryly.
Loona chuckled and grinned. “Yes, well it does take some getting used to.”

“I like the weather here, it reminds me of home.” Eyrn said fondly.

“Urg, its cold where you’re from then?” Loona said, with obvious disdain directed towards the mention of Tanhauser’s colder climate.

“Alaska, and yes. I have fond memories of the snow. Later they moved me to the middle of BF nowhere, where I build sand castles and sand angels.” Eyrn shrugged.

Loona nodded, then motioned to Nonah, who was talking Naskia’s ear off incessantly. “You remember Nonah right?” Loona cleared her throat, which failed to garnish Nonah’s attention.

“I do…w…wait that’s Nonah?” Eyrn did a double take, the Nonah Armac she remembered was a teeny little thing with rosey cheeks and a squeaky little voice. The woman talking to Naskia was a tall buxom blond with a voluptuous figure, a sweet silvery voice, and the most bewitching eyes. Eyrn found herself near speechless.

“You didn’t recognize her?” Loona chuckled, clearing her throat once more, which still didn’t seem to work.

Eyrn simply shook her head, rather sheepishly.

“Nonah?” Loona said at last, which to her surprise succeeded!

Nonah politely excused herself from Naskia and turned with a slow flick of her dancing blond hair towards Loona. “See Loony, isn’t that easier than hacking and coughing and barking for my attention?” Nonah winked as she took a step towards Eyrn and Loona, once they were face to face, Eyrn found she was now chest height to the little human she once held in the palm of her hand.

“Eyrn, hi!” Nonah greeted gleefully as she embraced the tiny titan woman in a sudden hug.

“O…oh…” Eyrn was taken off guard at first, but eventually hugged Nonah back, awkwardly. “It’s so good to see you again, how are you?” Nonah spoke through her embrace, then let go and held on to Eyrn’s shoulders as she waited for a reply.

“I……good….you?” Eyrn stammered, trying desperately to maintain eye contact, which at such closeness meant she had to crane her neck back quite a bit.

“You look confused, something the matter?” Nonah said, though obviously she was well aware of the process with which Eyrn was slowly adjusting herself to. Titan’s often took a while to comprehend the sudden change, it left them all funny and bumbling and confused, which Nonah absently found hilarious.

“I…no…I’m ok…you’re just boobier…bigger…BIGGER I mean bigger…oh geeze…” Eyrn huffed and bit her lip.
Nonah exploded in a fit of giggles, she even snorted a little which she didn’t at all seem fazed by. When she calmed down she let go of Eyrn and gave the poor woman a little more breathing room. “You’re worse than Naskia her first time.” Nonah rolled her eyes and took Eyrn by the hand.

Eyrn could only stare at the hand, if felt warm, each finger felt real as it grasped her hand. Nonah’s hand was bigger than hers and stronger too. She could feel warmth, everything that made a hand feel real. Looking up slowly she simply shook her head. “How…I mean…this feel’s so real….”

“It does eh?” Nonah smiled brightly. “I love it!”

“How?” Eyrn asked again.

Nonah simply shrugged. “Oh I dunknow…wibble wobbly science stuff.” Nonah said dismissively. “Let’s go get a drink!”

“We can do that?” Eyrn asked flabbergasted.

“Not really…but it’ll fool your mind into thinking we are…which really has the same effect…I think.” Nonah shrugged as she pulled Eyrn to the bar where a scraggly hared 30 yr old looking man was polishing a glass. He almost looked like he could be Niall’s brother.

“Hey Nicky!” Nonah greeted with a smile, leaning over the bar she kissed the holographic tender, who grinned with a twinkle in his eye.

“Cheers Lass, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you? What’s the crac?” The bar tender asked without skipping a beat.

“Just here with my friends. Nickky, Eyrn. Eyrn, meet Nickky Malloy.”

“Where are you from and what’s your poison Lass?” Nick said as he leaned over facing Eyrn.

“I…um…Alaska….and do you have Pepsi?” Eyrn asked hopefully

Nick eyed Eyrn as if she had perhaps lost a screw and reached down to pull a small spout from the soda machine. “Wouldn’t be no kind of pup if I didn’t have soda, hmm?” Nick grinned as he poured Eyrn her drink, then looked to Nonah. “The Usual?”

“Please.” Nonah took a seat, letting the barstool spin a little, which seemed to amuse her.

“Might wanna put something in that.” The man beside Eyrn said in a deep tone, his voice was reminiscent of the deep south, with a special sort of twang Eyrn had indeed heard before.

Eyrn turned to face the man, who was still looking down at his amber colored drink. “Oh, like what?” Eyrn asked, still unsure who was real and who was holographic..

The man turned on his stool to face Eyrn, he had been quietly listening to the group as they made their introductions, but for some reason had not spoken up, which had Eyrn believing he was just part of the holographic scenery, until that is he faced her.

It took a moment for Eyrn’s mind to catch up, but once it did she knew instantly who she was looking at. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes narrowed just a little.

His skin was tan and leathery, his face course and rough with black stubble, he had a strong jaw with think, tight lips. His eyebrows were bushy and his nose was large and prominent, he had deep brown chocolate eyes and gave off an immediate air of authority and control. He was burly to say the least, thick with arms like a python, but his voice was what stood out the most. It was deep and masculine, the sort of man who could silence a room without a microphone. Even when he whispered, Eyrn bet his voice could carry through the room, it was deep bass and bellowing.

“Darren?” Eyrn whispered, barely audible.

“Well I ain’t the gat’dang pope.” Darren snuffed as he drank the rest of his beverage.

Darren couldn’t find the bravado to look Eyrn in the eyes, he had thought it might be easier like this, but in fact it was much harder. She didn’t lord over him like a mythological goddess, she was human, in every sense of the word now. What he had said to her stung that much more now, because of how vulnerable and open she looked when she was scaled down to his size.

“Look, Eyrn….” Darren began, only to have the wind knocked out of him as 90lb of Eyrn Fitzgerald hit him like a bull. The tiny woman tackled him, nearly knocking him off his stool. “Woah….” Darren’s eyes went wide, he felt Eyrn’s small thin arms wrap around his neck, her face buried in his chest.

Darren was floored, metaphorically speaking, that is. The grizzled Sergeant fumbled over what to say as the tiny woman clung onto him as tightly as her small arms could. Rather than speak, Darren found himself entranced by the reality of what was taking place, Eyrn was hugging him, it was defiantly not something he ever thought he would experience.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Darren I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!” Eyrn spouted off quickly, while she was not crying she did sound quite upset.

“Eyrn, there’s something I need to tell you.” Darren began, but Eyrn would not allow him to go on.

“I didn’t mean for you to be there when I was taken, I would have done anything to return you to earth…it should have just been me, because if it had you and Izzy would still have a life, a family, a future!” Eyrn went on, as quickly as she could talk.

“Eyrn, please stop.” Darren whispered.

“I know you probably hate me. I’ll stop calling. I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I’m so concerned. I did this to you and it’s not fair. I know you don’t want to talk to me, so I’ll leave you alone. I just had to know you were ok.” Eyrn had planned on letting go, but her arms wouldn’t budge, nor could she find the strength to look up.

“Eyrn,” Darren groaned, this was going to be a lot harder now that she had said all that, “It ain’t your fault.”

“Darren, I know what happened, it was my fault you and Izzy were taken. That makes all of this my fault, everything.” Eyrn insisted.

Darren took a deep breath. “You remember Private Jones?” Darren asked carefully.

“Yea?” Eyrn said as she sat up, finally letting go of Darren.

“It wasn’t just me and Izzy you had with you…Jones was there too.”

“Reece is here! On Archavia? WHERE?!” Eyrn nearly shouted, a mix of absolute horror at the realization of another life she had destroyed.

“No, he’s not here. He’s….”

“Is he with Izzy on the Gyfjon?” Eyrn asked, almost hopeful, the Gyfjon was a better alternative to here.

“Eyrn, Aerti sent Reece home.” Darren said at last.

“Home? Like earth?” Eyrn whispered, confused.

Darren nodded.

“Well that doesn’t make any sense, why would he send Reese home and not you? Eyrn asked, her brow furrowed.

Nonah quickly felt a tug at her shoulder as Loona whispered something to her then tugged her off her stool.

“Hey I wanna hear what they’re talking about!” Nonah protested as her, Niall, Naskia, Loona and Aisell retreated to a booth to give Darren and Eyrn some privacy.

Darren looked down, away from Eyrn. “He did…he offered…I turned him down.” Darren whispered, he almost sounded ashamed.

Eyrn was quiet for a moment, Darren was ready for almost anything, a scream, tears, a right hook to the face, but not for silence.


“Why did you do that?” Eyrn said finally.

Darren looked up slowly, Eyrn looked back at him, she didn’t look angry, she didn’t look frustrated, and she actually looked quite calm, if not confused.
Darren shrugged.

“No, none of this, you have to tell me. You’ve had me believing all this time that this was all my fault, I’ve been tormenting myself wishing I could take back what I apparently didn’t even do. You owe me this Darren Avery.” Eyrn spoke with strange calmness, though she was visibly holding back.

“I dun know ok? I thought you needed me. I was afraid to just let you go on your own. You’ve never been on your own before alright!? When Aerti told me you were freaking out I felt bad.” Darren looked away from Eyrn.

“I’m a grown woman; I am capable of taking care of myself Darren.” Eyrn said, baffled.

“It ain’t about that Eyrn. I know you can, you’re a smart woman. But….”

“But what?” Eyrn asked impatiently.

“I didn’t want to leave you behind ok?” Darren looked to her again, choking back tears. “I didn’t think you’d wanna face whatever the hell was coming all by yourself.”

Eyrn’s expression melted when she saw Darren look to her, his sincere tone of voice, the mighty Master Sergeant humbling himself in tears before her. He looks more vulnerable than he ever had when she towered over him.

“I know you didn’t NEED help…but I thought you might need….”

“Need what?” Eyrn whispered.

“Never mind.” Darren turned.

“No, need what? What? What were you going to say?” Eyrn turned Darren’s face with her hand so they were looking at one another once more.

“A friend…a familiar face…” Darren said finally, squirming in his seat.

Eyrn shook her head slowly and slipped down off her bar stool.

“Silly, I know.” Darren sighed.

“Shut up.” Eyrn grumbled as she shoved him off his stool.

Darren fumbled to catch his balance, but not before Eyrn nearly knocked him over with another hug.

“You’re a god damn fucking idiot Darren Avery.” Eyrn said as she buried her head in his chest.


“A god damn fucking idiot!” Eyrn said once more, as she began to tremble in his arms.

“Eyrn…I’m sorry.”

“Shut up! I hate you…how could you do this….how could you do this to yourself!” Eyrn said, as she began to struggle for breath.

“I’m sorry.”

“You were going to make First Sergeant, hell Darren you could have made Command Sergeant Major!” Eyrn huffed as she began to cry deeper.

“I don’t care about that.” Darren said, holding her tightly.

“Fuck off! You could have had a wife, children….a family!” Eyrn screamed, her emotions besting her.

“Heh, had to meet a girl first, that wasn’t gonna happen.

“Fuck off! You were a citizen of the United States of America…you were a free man with a life, a career…a future! God damn it Darren what the hell were you thinking!” Eyrn bawled, her words were harder and harder to understand. “You were a person….” Eyrn whispered.

“Dangit Eyrn I couldn’t do it ok? I couldn’t be like all them other care takers. I couldn’t just leave you. All yer life people have been leaving…’n you’ve had to watch, time after time…well I couldn’t alright, not wit’out knowing you were gonna be alright.” Darren said, clearing his eyes with his palm.

“I fucking hate you!” Eyrn cursed, as she slammed her fist weakly into his chest.

“I’m sorry.” Darren whispered, ashamed.

Eyrn didn’t respond, but she did cry, deep heavy sobbing howling tears.

“I’m sorry Eyrn.” Darren said, shaking a little.

“Thank you.” Eyrn whispered.

“What?” Darren asked, baffled.

“Thank you so much.” Eyrn squeezed Darren tightly, her face pressed against his chest. “Thank you.”

Darren remained speechless, at first he didn’t move, then after enough time had passed, he hugged Eyrn back and rubbed her back. “You don’t have to thank me.” Darren said softly.

Eyrn straightened up after a while and whipped her eyes quickly trying to salvage some of her dignity. “So, are you coming with me tonight…or….”

“Naw.” Darren said offhandedly. “Aisell and I are working on something back at the farm, gonna stick with her for a while.”

Eyrn nodded, then half smiled as she shoved Darren nearly off his stool. “Ok, but call me once in a while ok? Don’t keep me in the dark!”

Darren nodded, stifling a laugh. “I will, sorry.”

“What…are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?” Eyrn enquired eagerly.

Darren was quiet; he finished the amber liquid in his glass and slammed it down, then looked back to Eyrn. “She’s teaching me something,” Darren looked back down to his glass. “Something useful.”

Eyrn and Darren

Niall and Naskia walked hand in hand along the cobblestone sidewalk that lead from the outside of Niall’s favorite bar to the lively commercial district of Belfast Ireland, or at least the fairly accurate recreation he had crafted.

“So Doc, you did this up all yerself?” Darren asked trailing behind the two love birds. Eyrn was walking just a little behind Darren; wrapped up in the sights, sounds and the smells the holodeck fooled her senses into experiencing. Nonah kept beside Eyrn, the two walking closely as Nonah talked Eyrn’s ear off nearly nonstop.

“The code was the hard part, but once I had that down really the rest is just simple matter of crafting an algorithm to randomly generate people and personalities.” Niall went on, giving Naskia’s hand a squeeze.

“He had a little help!” Naskia gloated as she tugged Niall down for a kiss. Naskia adored being the cute small one for a change, well second smallest anyhow. Somehow Eyrn looked even tinnier next to the towering Niall and Sergeant Avery.

“He had a lot of help, don’t be bashful Nas!” Nonah rung in brashly.

“Oie, they helped a little.” Niall admitted begrudgingly.

“Heh.” Darren made a clicking sound with his mouth then whistled as he looked around the starry night sky.

“Even the stars are in the right place! You didn’t memorize them all!? No way!” Eyrn had finished pestering a confused holo-couple and jogged back to the group, catching up to Nonah once more.

“I do have an identic memory you know,” Niall boasted.

“He used a star chart!” Naskia deflated Niall, however patched the wound with a peck on the cheek.

“The people are so real and lifelike, it’s hard to imagine there not actual people!” Eyrn spoke so loudly it garnished a few awkward looks from the passersby.

“Reality engine, everyone here will react as close to realistic as humanly possible. I have to give the Dunnermaac credit for that one, they have some of the most sophisticated AI I’ve ever seen.” Niall looked back to Eyrn, who was pestering Darren with a hand full of clovers.

“Danget Eyrn, ya ain’t never seen weeds before?” Darren grumbled as he attempted to wave Eyrn out of his way, then turned to Niall. “I’ve never been to Belfast, gonna have to take your word this is what it looks like.” Darren said. “But…it’s…it’s nice.” Darren half smiled, trying his best to keep a strong front up.

“Well, I made a few creative changes…but most of its fresh from my memory.” Niall said as he pulled a hand from Naskia’s and jogged over to a store front with a yellow sign.

“What’s that?” Eyrn asked with interest.

“My favorite burrito joint.” Niall smiled wistfully.

“Ohhh, I’ve never had a burrito!” Eyrn mentioned thoughtfully.

“You should! There so good!” Nonah exclaimed. “I know, Niall makes them all the time! He cooks way better than Loona!” Nonah looked around suddenly. “Speaking of Loony, anyone seen her?”

“Wasn’t she following you?” Eyrn looked behind them, sure enough neither Loona or Aisell were anywhere in sight.

“Relax, it ain’t real…can’t get lost in a computer.” Darren grumbled, then rubbed the back of his neck. “Can ya?” He looked to Niall.

Niall shook his head, “Naw, soon as we end program they’l l show up.” Niall’s eyes were fixated on the small Burrito stand when he spoke, there was a mistiness in his voice.

Naskia picking up on Niall’s que put her hand on his shoulder and rubbed.

“Heh, ok.” Nonah shrugged cheerfully.

“Think if I gave you some specs you could recreate a lil’ place I used to know in Austin?” Darren asked quietly, changing the subject abruptly.

“Of course,” Niall smiled to Naskia and turned to Darren, “don’t see why not?”

“Hey, maybe he could recreate the base Eyrn?” Darren asked, as close to eagerly as he could muster.

Eyrn was only half listening now; something else had attracted her attention. First of all, there was a dull roar of people in panic a few miles away, second she heard a consistent but distant rumble, and third there was large terrifying impact tremors accompling every rumble. “Heh, yea.” Eyrn mumbled quickly, “Hey, do you guys hear that?” Eyrn looked around with reservation.

“Guy I knew on base had the best Cuban cigars…couldn’t get them anywhere in Texas…when I tell you these cigars were authentic Doc I dang well mean it.” Darren went on, seemingly unconcerned.

“I don’t hear anything.” Nonah shrugged.

“Guys listen, I hear something coming?” Eyrn spoke louder, then suddenly looked startled, grabbing hold of Nonah’s arm suddenly. “I feel it too!”

Naskia took a quick look around and then looked off into the distance. “Oh, that’s right you’ve never experienced this from their point of view have you?” There was a distinct and almost playful grin on young Bass’ face.

Niall almost didn’t even seem to notice, and kept talking to Darren as if what he was feeling was as normal as breathing.

“Experience what? What are you talking about? What is that?!” Eyrn seemed to panic as the rumbles got louder and the tremors more violent.

“Ooooh, that!” Nonah giggled.

“You’ll see…any second now.” Naskia giggled and with school age excitement hooked her arm in Eyrn’s and supported the frightened woman.

“Dr. Bass? Dr. Freeman? Are you guys in here?” The second loudest voice Eyrn had ever heard broke the eerie mist of confusion, it was a female voice, but it thundered from the heavens and echoed off the building.

“What the hell!?” Eyrn looked squirrelly and ready to dart if not for Nonah holding her in place.

“What’s got her spooked?” Darren said with a furrowed brow.

“Kymie.” Niall groaned

“Sweet young thing like her? Whacha afraid of her for Twat?” Darren shook his head dismissive.

As if to confirm Niall’s speculation, the looming and imposing image of Kymie Abaforad weaved and stumbled clumsily through the tight buildings and narrow streets, her footfalls making contact with many of the buildings, leaving a trail of rubble and destruction in her wake.

“Holy shit…” Eyrn muttered, jaw agape at the sight her eyes beheld. “She’s…she’s….she’s….” Eyrn trembled and held on to Nonah’s arm even tighter now.

“A giant?” Naskia giggled.

Eyrn nodded.

“Damn it Kymie! You’re busting up the place!” Niall grumbled as a mob of frightened holo people ran from the terror before them.

“Hey, why is everyone running? I thought I heard an explosion!” Loona said suddenly as she jogged up to the group. Her hair was a bit messy and her top shirt button was undone. Aisell was not far behind her, she also looked a little disheveled and disordered, but she kept quiet and avoided eye contact with the group.

“It’s just Kymie,” Nonah remarked dismissively. “Hi Kymie!” Nonah waved, while attempting to pry Eyrn off her other arm.

“Why are they running Niall?” Naskia asked with a frown.

“Because they’ve never seen a Titan before?” Niall stated simply.

“Why would they run! What did you tell them about us!” Naskia scolded.

“Reality engine petal, there just doing what comes natural.” Niall said calmly.

“Well there is nothing scary about us! No reason to run!” Naskia huffed.

“Not what Twat here thinks.” Darren mentioned as he pointed out the trembling Eyrn.

“Really? How are you afraid of your own kind?” Niall asked smugly.

“Niall Freeman you be sensitive!” Naskia scolded as she slapped Niall’s shoulder.

“Gaoww!” Niall chuckled.

Darren snickered only to earn a shoulder slap himself from Naskia. “You too!”

“There you are!” Kymie smiled and lumbered over to the group, taking out a clock tower and a few restaurants as she went.

“Kymie! Stop stomping on my city!” Niall fumed.

“Sorry!” All 125 ft of Kymie Abaforad winced and knelt down before the group, an apologetic grimace on her face.

“Don’t yell at her Niall, you know it will all be fixed when you reload the program!” Naskia defended as she approached the whimpering Kymie.

“I know…just hurts seeing it all get stomped and crushed. I worked hard on this.” Niall pouted.

“S…s…s…she’s so big. Why is she so big!?” Eyrn stammered and found she was leaching onto Darren’s arm for all she had, and using him as a human shield between her and Kymie.

“Oh will you calm down ya big suck.” Darren rolled his eyes. “It’s just a holo-ma-jigger…it can’t hurt ya.”

“That clock tower stood for hundreds of years…taken down by one clumsy intern.” Niall shook his head.

“Sorry.”Kymie winced once more.

“Its fine hon, isn’t it Niall!” Naskia hissed.

“Yea yea, just try to remember which door to enter next time hmm?” Niall mumbled.

“I will, I’m sorry…I always get the wrong one.” Kymie said meekly.

“It’s not hard woman, it’s the one marked Titan…”Niall snickered.” One leads to city wide destruction…the other doesn’t.”

“One more word out of you and you’ll have two titan’s two contend with Niall Freeman!” Naskia warned.

“Is that really how big we look Darren?” Eyrn asked, gathering enough gall to sneak out from behind Nonah, only to run over to Darren and leach on to him.

“Naw, yer a lil smaller, some are bigger. But that’s the jist of it yea.” Darren shrugged it off with ease.

“I can’t believe it, it’s unreal, it’s impossible, it’s….”

“Terrifying?” Darren offered.

“Paralyzing?” Niall suggested.

“Unsettling?” Nonah crossed her arms and shifted her weight to her other foot.

“Scary beyond all belief?” Naskia said lastly, remembering her own ordeal in the holodeck with Niall and Nonah.

Eyrn nodded.

“Come to think of it, there is something very unnerving about it.” Aisell spoke up at last, this had been her first experience from a human point of view as well, however she had internalized her response, and was more curious than frightened.

“Did I do something wrong? Is she ok?” Kymie asked cautiously.

“She’s never seen it from this end before is all Kymie, maybe you should head out and come back right?” Naskia offered sympathetically.

“Oh. Ok! I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean to frighten anyone!” Kymie was about to stand when Eyrn spoke up.

“No, stay…please?” Eyrn asked as she stepped forward, finally letting go of Darren.

“Um, ok.” Kymie settled back down and set both of her hands on her knees.

“I didn’t mean to freak out…I’ve just never, I mean I knew we were big but…it never seemed like we were -that- big.” Eyrn stopped directly in front of Kymie, she knew it was a hologram, she knew she really wasn’t this small, but all her senses believed what she was seeing, and it was horrifying.

“I won’t hurt you, can’t really. Dr. Freeman has the safety protocol on, your perfectly safe.

“And it’s only a hologram.” Naskia added.

“And she’s super nice! She’d never hut you!” Nonah said, hoping to help calm Eyrn down.

“For us maybe.” Eyrn looked to Niall, Nonah and Darren; suddenly she had a whole new respect for them, for all humans.

“I should go…sorry to burst in here…let me go change this and I will come back.” Kymie went to stand, but again was stopped.

“Kymie…can you do me a favor?” Eyrn asked sheepishly.

“Hmmm?” Kymie looked down curiously.

“Pick me up?” Eyrn asked seriously.

“Why?” Kymie asked cautiously.

“I just want to see what it’s like.” Eyrn responded sheepishly.

“Oh…um…ok?” Confused, Kymie obliged and gently plucked Eyrn up using her thumb and forefinger and set the tiny titan on her open palm. “There we go.”

Eyrn was speechless, the speed of movement, the incredible point of view, and now the immense landscape of Kymie’s hand. It was all a little much for her to process. “Amazing.” Eyrn whispered as the uneven ground caused her to fall onto her rear.

“Opp, easy there, it’s a long way down.” Kymie giggled.

Eyrn nodded, she felt helpless, vulnerable, terrified and awestruck.

“You don’t have to be afraid, even if it wasn’t a simulation, I wouldn’t hurt you.” Kymie said with a cute smile.

“I know, god….I can’t believe I reacted like that…you must all think I’m such a hypocrite.” Eyrn winced.

“It’s ok, it’s perfectly understandable.” Kymie giggled, then slowly and carefully stood up.

Eyrn let out a quick and indignant scream, and fell onto her back. The tiny titan woman leached on to Kymie’s ring finger and closed her eyes tightly. “Too high, too high!”

Everyone on the ground save Aisell broke out laughing; Aisell herself was too busy studying the full sized Kymie, walking about her trying to get a good look at her from a human perspective. “Hells, no wonder Luke was terrified.” Aisell whispered silently to herself.

“It’s ok, I won’t drop you.” Kymie insisted gently.

“Shut up, this is high! How do you know you’ve never been this small before!” Eyrn screeched as she trembled fiercely.

“Actually yes, I have.” Kymie stated brightly and looked to Niall and Naskia.

“Niall insisted, it helps put things in perspective.” Naskia stated simply.

“We all had to do it.” Loona said, rolling her eyes.

“Oh you had fun Loony!” Nonah teased.

“Says you.” Loona stuck her tongue out quickly to Nonah.

“When you make it sound like that it looks like I forced the girl.” Niall groaned.

“You did!” Naskia mumbled.

“I was quite thankful for the experience.” Kymie said with a diplomatic smile on her face.

“I wager a lot of folk would change their outlook if they say things from the other side once in a while.” Darren added.

“Agreed, which is why I -suggested- Kymie, Loona and Nas give it a go.” Niall said attempting to redeem himself.

Naskia rolled her eyes and made a face behind Niall’s back, then shouted back up to Eyrn. “You’re lucky, my first time was not nearly as calm or respectful.” Naskia said with a phantom hint of resentment. “My giant was not nearly as friendly!”

“Hey!” Nonah howled indignantly.

“Oh, it was good clean fun for all involved.” Niall said with a laugh.

“I wanna go down now…down please…I’d really really like down!” Eyrn screamed, eyes closed tightly.

“Can you create anyone here Dr. Freeman?” Aisell asked, still gawking up at Kymie.

“If you’ve been in the program I can duplicate you…at which size is just a matter of doing some basic math.” Niall responded quickly.

“So, you can create copies of us?” Aisell asked, with interest.

“Yea, the system has all your measurements as soon as the simulation initializes, we can create as many holo duplicates as you want. Now programing them with your AI routine to make them believably you…that takes time…” Niall scratched the side of his neck.

“Who have you been trying to re-create Dr. Freeman?” Naskia asked with a baited voice.

“Never you mind petal.” Niall diverted and looked back to Aisell. “What’s on your mind then?”

“Well, I was wondering if I could…see myself from this point of view…is all?” Aisell asked, quite seriously at that.

“I’m just curious is all, wouldn’t you be? I mean, to see how people see me…I mean seeing Kymie is one thing but wouldn’t you be even a little curious Nas? Loona?” Aisell asked looking back to Niall.

“Oh Shaka no. I don’t wanna know how fat and bloated I look from Niall’s point of view!” Naskia said shaking her head.

“Oh get off it, you’re lovely petal!” Niall insisted. Without skipping a beat Niall looked up to Kymie. “Can you take me over to the command prompt? I’ll make the changes from there.” Niall asked and looked back to Naskia, who was smiling admiringly at him after his recent compliment.

“Sure thing Dr. Freeman.” Kymie nodded and slowly bent down to aquire Dr.Freeman and the others. Once they were all aboard she arose once more to a standing position. “All set?” Kymie asked as she brought Niall and the others to join Eyrn.

“Bah! Not up again…why am I still up!” Eyrn whined.

“Ready. Let’s go.” Niall said.

Naskia and Loona nodded in unison while Nonah crouched next to Eyrn and began to rub her back. “It’s ok, you get used to it after a while.”

“Try not to destroy anything else on the way hmmm?” Niall asked with a bothered tone.

Kymie winced and carefully tried to weave in and out of the small buildings and narrow streets, still managing to take out a few buildings and street lights in the process.

“Now, ya see why I never let you go to Vegas Twat?” Darren said as he surveys the trail of destruction Kymie left in her wake.

Eyrn, who had finally decided to sit up, nodded, though she held on to Nonah for dear life.

Kymie pivoted to avoid stepping on a fleeing man running from her imposing form, she almost stumbled but caught herself, unfortunately colliding with a small restaurant that was in her path.

“Awwwww…not my burrito joint!” Niall groaned and looked down to the destroyed burrito joint he’d so lovingly created by memory.

“Sorry!” Kymie winced and closed her eyes tight.

“No no, Kymie hun keep your eyes open when you walk!” Naskia stated nervously.

“Sorry, sorry!” Kymie apologized again and again.

“It’s ok, it’s ok…it’s only a simulation! It can be reprogrammed!” Naskia said soothingly.

“It’s survived riots, Nazi bombings and drunken nights, but couldn’t weather one Kymie Abaforad.” Niall groaned, running his hand over his face.


  1. Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

    i want thank you for repload the image of this chapter.

    when i discovered the saga, is was already disappear, i presume was the image of the hug between Eyrn and Darren, and that it was cute and sweet, well i was not disappointed

    thank you again

  2. Stephen says:

    I suppose Kymie may not have married a Titan, but in my own head canon she would marry a human, and humans could marry and be loved by even the insectoids.

  3. Carycomic says:

    Burritos give me the runs. So, I have to say:

    “Way to go, Kymie, way to go!” [Stomp-stomp!] “Way to go, Kymie, way to go!” 🙂

    P.S.—the word is “eidetic.” NOT identic!

  4. QMajor says:

    Awww. Eyrn is even more adorable at human size.

    Awesome chapter. Way to prove me wrong after I suggested that only OHH got to really use the holosuite. LOL. The same sized “first meetings” were very well done, although I sort of expected Darren to be almost as surprised as Eyrn was when they met.

    And Darren finally spills the beans. Apparently him choosing to stay was entirely based on concern for Eyrn which I am a little surprised by. I would think curiosity would play a part too. I mean, some huge aliens abduct you, you find out that they are running the galaxy and then you just go home? Hard to just go back to business as usual after that. It would seem difficult to give that up especially since I think at first he didn’t fully appreciate how poor the humans’ legal status actually is.

  5. Nitestarr says:

    Jest a few more things………

    we have

    “The white cardigan with the short red skirt, white socks that were far too long, those goofy brown shoes and a red necklace you chew on when your nervous!” Niall said astutely. “Oh, and your hair was braided!” Niall uncrossed his arms and snickered. ”


    Someone likes catholic school girls….. ..(outfits) 🙂 Brown shoes?

    and we have….

    “Niall, you’ve met Aisell right?” Loona smiled and stepped aside, motioning to Aisell Maris.

    “Ms. Maris.” Niall nodded, and reached out to take Aisell’s hand, kissing it gently before letting go. Aisell herself seemed unsure how to respond and found herself slightly flush.


    Really? In my hood’ Aisell’s bf/gf would subsequently deliver a knuckle sandwich to Dr. Freeman (sans mayo)…….

    Aaaaaand we have….

    Under the what?” Naskia asked curiously.

    “Living as a freak draws a lot of attention, they never cut me up or did anything unethical…but they were always interested in how I worked, what made me tick. There were always important people visiting me, asking me questions. Freud, Einstein, Tyson…


    Mike Tyson? I would have thought George Forman would be more into that….Buuuuut I’m surprised (and a bit shocked) that the US government would let ANYONE near Eyrn w/o the highest level clearance just to gawk at her??? thats not right….

  6. NightEye says:

    “We all had to do it.” Loona said, rolling her eyes.
    “Oh you had fun Loony!” Nonah teased.
    “Says you.” Loona stuck her tongue out quickly to Nonah.

    We most definitely need a “Loona’s favorite game” now. Just saying. 😛

  7. Ancient Relic says:

    Some thoughts: 1) This was a funny chapter. 2) Kymie is so adorable when she’s destroying a city. 3) I did not expect to see Darren and Eyrn (roughly) the same size, but it was a great way for them to talk. 4) Naskia and Niall are so much fun when they talk. 5) It’s interesting that Eyrn, who is used to humans and perfect with them, is terrified of someone Titan sized.

    • Soatari says:

      Remember how terrified Eyrn was when she was first abducted? She was scared of people her own scale because she had never experienced it before. Then being as small as a Human and seeing a Titan from their perspective… yeah it’s understandable she’d be afraid.

  8. KazumaR1 says:

    The only issue I have with this chapter was that there was no Tapp, Bedra,or Degu.It gives off the vibe that they’re even lesser characters than Kymie is if they couldn’t be there.

  9. smoki1020 says:

    Nice interesing Chapter. A very emotional part with Darren & Eyrn. Eyrn got a different point of view with Kymie. even scared, she’s brave to interact with a giant Kymie. Niall too funny deploring Burrioto place destroyed by her assistant. lol

  10. faeriehunter says:

    Yet another really powerful chapter, with heartwarming, poignant and funny moments in rapid succession. I found the part where Niall stops by his favorite burrito store especially moving. It’s obvious that the knowledge that he’s never going to see the real thing again was hitting him hard. Another part that I liked was the nonchalant attitude most of the group had toward Kymie-zilla. “We’re in a scene straight from a kaiju movie right now? Eh, whatever. Titans are always this size, you know.”

    “The second loudest voice Eyrn had ever heard broke the eerie mist of confusion, it was a female voice, but it thundered from the heavens and echoed off the building.”
    Wait, second loudest? The holosuite magnified Kymie’s voice by who knows how much, and someone still managed to beat that? Whoa. I think I’m gonna file that tidbit away as a potential Chekhov’s gun, next to the ‘Sleep on’ song.

  11. Nitestarr says:

    What?? wha – you call this a plot twist?

    Its complete drivel, utter nonsense, sappy, soapy, syrupy sugar coated jelly belly sweetness……





    Had you going there didn’t I? No?

    In reality I couldn’t crying…It was soooooo sad and something, something that I can’t remember at the moment…

    Ok wasn’t crying either ((I did tear up a bit tho’ ..) the re-union was cool and I really like the render. You should have thrown in Tapp for good measure, it would have made the party really go….

    And now we have Aisoloonia? Loonell? Bet ya that was OHH’s idea…

  12. sketch says:

    But, but what of Tol-Bot?

    I remember Eryn met Loona, but did she meet the rest of the Physics crew off screen?

    The reunion was the best. I was expecting Eryn to either hug or hit Darren, was not disappointed with how it went.

    I was hoping the Earthlings could also relate more on home, but since neither has been to Ireland, it was kind of limited. Nice bit of fun at the end there. At first I expected Aisell and Lonna had decided to play a prank on the group. (Not sure what those two were up to.) Kymie is one of my favorites, and I loved seeing her be the giant. I hope she didn’t crush any holographic humans. Being clumsy in a city not built for your size is one thing, (Titan walking tours of historic cities on on Earth will likely never be a thing outside of a holosuite), but stepping on humans has got to be unsettling fake or not.

    • Dann says:

      Eyrn met Loona, Loona introduced them. Niall and Naskia wanted to meet Darren, and of course we had to reunite Eyrn and Darren…so this was the venue.

  13. KazumaR1 says:

    Well it didn’t make me tear up but it was a fun and heartwarming chapter. I’ll start with the amusing bits first.

    While I doubt Bill Nye the Science Guy would have been allowed to see Eryn in real life it’s awesome that he did as I really enjoyed that show when I was younger; also Niall’s reaction to Eyrn meeting Einstein and other famous scientists.

    Eyrn’s reaction to Nonah, I still remember Naskia comparing Nonah to a goddess the first time the roles were reversed and speaking of that, Niall saying that their ordeal in Nonah’s Favorite Game” was all “in good clean fun” made me laugh out loud.

    Eyrn’s reaction to being picked up by Kymie. It’s always interesting to see how various Titans react to seeing how big they really are from a human perspective. I think this might be the most destruction we’ll see out of a Titan on Earth lol.

    I know others pointed out Aisell and Loona’s potentially drunken escapade in the bar but I can believe it due to Titans being bisexual.


    As for the emotional bits…

    Darren and Eyrn’s interaction was ace and I enjoyed seeing the render. Eyrn really looks like a young teenager due to how much her growth was stunted living on Earth.

    I really wish I could go inside Aisell’s head right now and see what she is thinking. Maybe seeing herself from a human perspective will be brought up in Nomad when she and Luke finally have their talk.

    While I think the holosuite makes things a little too easy sometimes when it used like this it is really nice and will no doubt go a long way to help Titans emphasize with Humans.

  14. Kusanagi says:

    Fantastic chapter and a well deserved break for the characters involved. Darren and Eryn’s moment together was especially sweet and a long time coming. Eryn is just adorable, especially her reactions to Kymie-zilla.

    That said

    Her hair was a bit messy and her top shirt button was undone. Aisell was not far behind her, she also looked a little disheveled and disordered, but she kept quiet and avoided eye contact with the group.

    Did Aisell and Loona just hook up at the bar? That’s hilarious. Bad Aisell, you know Eryn’s your true love. :p

  15. NightEye says:

    Good (long) chapter with a lot of cast.
    And the render was well worth the extra wait 😉 Eyrn looks a lot better in this than in the other render (and her expression is adorable) and Darren looks great.

    The reunion was well done, not too emotional, just sweet and honest. I loved it.
    It’s a good idea that the characters get to see what it’s like from the other side. The holothingie IS useful for that. Now that it’s in the story anyway, might as well use it to its full potential and you did.
    I like a lot that you did the fleeing AI people at the sight of Kymie; rolled my eyes a bit at Naskia outraged reaction at it.

    wibbly wobbly science stuff : well said Nonah ! It’s the Titanverse equivalent of “It’s sci-fi magic, shut up !” 😛

    “Scary beyond all belief?” Naskia said lastly, remembering her own ordeal in the holodeck with Niall and Nonah : ah ah ! You did it ! NOW Favourite’s game is canon, it’s referenced in the main story ! 😀

    Her hair was a bit messy and her top shirt button was undone. Aisell was not far behind her, she also looked a little disheveled and disordered : are you serious ? Did you just switch the long awaited Twatell with a Loonell ? O_O

    ps : a few spelling mistakes but I’ll just mention the one (I think) as it appears several times : did you mean Eidetic memory ?

    • Kusanagi says:

      The funny thing is we’ve seen hints of this from Loona before (especially when she’s drunk) but this is definitely a first for Aisell. Might have been a quick hook up, who knows it might be the first step toward Twattell, or it might just be TD having a bit of fun with the Twattell fans.

    • NightEye says:

      I’m a bit surprised at Loona / Nonah back and forth in this chapter.

      It feels like they’re already best friends, almost sisters, like they are in Campaign (which is 85 years in the future) but really what is happening here takes place, what ? A few months, maybe one Earth year after the events of Physics ? And the two of them are already at that level ?

      A bit fast, no ? (I get Nonah getting more confident pretty fast, we had hints of that in Physics but Loona…)

    • TheKnowing says:

      Hell, it wouldn’t even have to be the reversal angle. Since there was the huge data dump from Earth, they could have titans experience a culture that’s blocked off due to the blockade. It would be difficult to hold onto the pet paradigm after seeing a family having a picnic in a park on a spring day; even more difficult if you’re not sure the person you’re talking to its human, titan, or AI.

  16. Soatari says:

    I loved these kinds of scenes in Physics and the two short stories. Putting things into perspective for them. Aisell really seems to be taking it to heart here. Had to remind myself that this takes place before she and Luke reunited, which explains the serious and melancholy attitude she’s got during this scene.

  17. Stephen says:

    I love Kymie, I wish I could be her boyfriend and that she hadn’t married a titan 🙁 I also love the image. As a visual artist myself I think it would be cool to see some renders more often, just to switch it up a bit.

        • NightEye says:

          There it is, Campaign chapter 5 : “Kymie! Where’s your husband? Well you give him my best, and when he gets some shore leave, you’d better bring him around to visit.”

          I know you said you didn’t all read all of each others stories but you might wanna start 😛

          • riczar says:

            or perhaps Izzy proved a human’s worth in the armed forces? On occasion the military is ahead of cultural revolutions. So it might be possible many years after the present story that humans would be serving in the military.

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