Chapter 8: Mirages Titan: Arena by Johnny Scribe

The courtroom was surprisingly full for a preliminary hearing in a civil case. This didn’t surprise Hurassen; indeed, he had quite expected it, which is why he’d recommended to Pryvani that she stay away. But Pryvani had ignored her attorney’s advice, and sat in the front row, directly behind him, wearing a smart business suit and a disinterested look. Her expression mirrored that of a woman sitting across the aisle in the same rank, directly behind Yvenna Mirendy.

“All those in attendance, this court is now in session, Judicator Sesa Genapu presiding.”

“You may be seated,” Judicator Genapu said, sliding into his chair. “The case on the docket today is Fand v. Tarsuss, preliminary hearing, part one. Counsel for the plaintiff?”

“Yvenna Mirendy, m’lord, with Lius Matae and Noce Tusonius, representing Syon Fand.”

“Counsel for the defendant?”

Hurassen stood. “Hurassen Bass, m’lord, assisted today by Bertes Cylymb and Usuro Phaisusiada.”

Genapu nodded. “Are you both ready to proceed?”

Mirendy and Hurassen said, “Yes, m’lord,” nearly simultaneously.

“Very good. Now, both of you are brilliant barristers and your reputations precede you, which is why I’m going to remind both of you that this is a preliminary hearing. We’re discussing logistics, not the case today. Please do not waste my time or your clients’ time grandstanding. It is not going to convince me of anything, save that you don’t listen very well. Ms. Mirendy, please proceed.”

“Thank you, m’lord,” Yvenna said. “We move for a summary judgment.”

“And what did I just say?” Genapu said, sighing. “Denied. For the Love of the Emperor.”

“Yes, m’lord. M’lord, we have filed a motion to have the assets of the Tarsuss Corporation completely frozen, not just….”

“Yes, you want to shut the corporation down while this case drags on, rather than just bar Sen.Tarsuss access to it. Denied.”

“M’lord,” Hurassen said, rising, “Can I move that all deleterious motions be summarily dismissed?”

Genapu smiled. “Sustained. That leaves just one, from the defendant, asking for the company’s holdings to be monitored by a Special Master during this hearing, with the exception of the Tarsuss retreat in Sol Tarsuss, which you ask to be allowed to remain in Sen. Tarsuss’s control.”

“We are happy to have the Special Master monitor expenditures related to Avalon, as you can see on page 47, m’lord. However, this is Sen. Tarsuss’s home, her birthplace. We ask that she be allowed to maintain that during this time.”

“Seems reasonable to me. Ms. Mirendy, any objection?”

“M’lord, Avalon is worth trillions of credits, it’s the largest single asset controlled by the Tarsuss Corporation.”

“Mr. Bass, is your client planning to damage Avalon in any way?”

“Certainly not, your honor.”

“Very well. The Special Master will be appointed before our next hearing, and Sen. Tarsuss is allowed to continue to live and operate Avalon, provided she does not materially affect its value at resale. That’s all the motions before me at this time, so we’ll move to logistics; we’ll have our primary hearing a week from today, both of you have waived your right to have a panel of judicators hear the case en banc, so you’re stuck with me. Plaintiff will give her opening statement at the next hearing, Mr. Bass, do you wish to give a full opening, or just a rebuttal?”

“Just a rebuttal, m’lord, and I accept Ms. Mirendy has the right to rebut my statement.”

“Very good. This court stands adjourned,” Genapu said, striking his bell once and departing the bench before his clerk could even tell the assembled group to rise.

Hurassen turned to Pryvani, who gave him a smile; she then turned, and looked across the aisle at her mother. Syon looked back, and the look between the two, for just a second, was hot enough to melt lead.

But it disappeared, and Pryvani turned back to Hurassen, and nodded. “So it went well?” she asked.

Hurrassen nodded. “Yes it did. But it’s early, Sen. Tarsuss. Very early.”


It was only mid-day and already Renna was more than ready to go home. She and an older coworker, a veteran of many years in the hotel industry, were busy cleaning some of the middle-rate rooms when suddenly her radio beeped, indicating an incoming transmission on the hotel staff frequency.

“This is the front desk to shift managers, just a heads up but we have a Big Leaguer coming in.” The words buzzed from Renna’s earbud communicator as the concierge spoke over the staff comm-line.

“Shaka… Talk about short notice!” The response from the Staff manager in charge sounded only slightly panicked. “Any idea who?”

There was a click on the line. “Yeah… Tannith Ley.”

Renna heard her coworker snort incredulously and shake her head. A moment later the older woman went right back to work. Renna, however, kept listening.

“Shaka…” The manager repeated. “That is both awesome and terrifying news. When is she coming in?”

“Um. Her secretary just called. She’ll be here in a few hours.”

There was a long pause followed by a sigh. “Well, no use complaining about it. Better get her room ready.”

“Got it.”

Renna looked over at her coworker as she pulled the bud out of her ear. “What was that about?”

The middle aged woman chuckled and continued to dust the top of the desk she was working on. “Tannith Ley is some big shot who breezes through here every couple of years. I think she’s a clothing designer or something. I’ve never been here during one of her visits, but if the legends are to be believed she’s a nasty piece of work.”

“Rude?” Renna asked with interest.

“Incredibly.” Her coworker nodded. “But the hotel puts up with her because she’s pretty loose with her money. Fantastic tipper. Almost to the level of Pryvani Tarsuss in that regard.”

Renna’s mind flashed back to the thousand credits that had been hastily pushed into her hand by the young heiress.

“Well, she can’t be that bad, right?” Renna shrugged. “I mean, if she tips well?”

The older woman snorted in amusement. “I think it’s less that she’s being generous and more that she just doesn’t understand how much money she’s actually giving away. Some of these rich idiots are like that, you know.”

Renna chuckled and shook her head.

“I’ve heard that, yeah.”


Pryvani entered the penthouse apartment she kept in New Trantor. It had been months, at least, since she’d stayed there but the building staff made sure it was spotless before she’d arrived. She shrugged out of her jacket and threw it over the back of her chair, not really caring to be particularly neat about it.

She trudged down the hall towards her bedroom. Zhan was there, and Pryvani had a desperate need to be wherever Zhan was just then.

She pushed open the door and stepped inside. The curtains wereclosed, so only the smallest amount of light was allowed to penetrate. Pryvani searched for a moment, before she managed to locate him curled up on one of her pillows.

She smiled and slowly crept into the room, hoping not to wake him.

Then he stirred.

“Pryvani?” He yawned as he sat up. “Is that you?”

“Yeah.” She whispered. “It’s me. I was hoping not to wake you.”

“No problem.” Zhan shrugged. “How did your preliminary hearing go?”

Pryvani sighed and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. In a moment she had pivoted her body until her head was laying right next to where Zhan sat.

“Trial begins properly in a week or so.” She told him. “Hurassen is still working on solidifying our defense. But, the good news is I maintain control over Avalon, for now.”

“I’m not worried.” Zhan said with a smile. “This Hurassen sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, and if you hired him, it must mean he’s competent.”

Zhan paused and seemed to peer at her, as if scrutinizing her appearance.

“In the meantime, it looks as if you could use a nap yourself. You look exhausted. You haven’t slept properly since we arrived in New Trantor, have you?”

Pryvani bit her lip. “…No. Not really.”

“Ah well, that’s what I thought.” Zhan nodded. “The trial doesn’t start for a week, so that means you have more than enough time for a few hours of solid rest.”

Pryvani’s eyes narrowed. “You talk as if I’m just going to be twiddling my thumbs until then.”

“I know you’re not.” Zhan smirked. “I’m not sure you know how. But the fact is despite what you think, the universe won’t implode if you close your eyes for a bit.”

Pryvani rolled her eyes. “It’s a good thing I like you, Zhan Illios.” She muttered. “Otherwise you might aggravate me.”

“Nah, you like me because I aggravate you.”

Pryvani chuckled. Then, despite her best efforts she let out a yawn.

“All right.” She muttered. “I suppose you have a point.”

She was asleep within minutes.


The front desk of the hotel was visibly tense as they waited for Tannith Ley to arrive. Renna, who had decided to take her break, was looking for any excuse to be near the front entrance. She was desperately curious about this strange woman that seemed to invoke so much awe and dread in the staff.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait long before a sleek looking black shuttle pulled up to the front door. A man in a crisp black uniform hopped out and quickly ran around the back to open the passenger door.

The first thing Renna saw of her were a pair of long legs encased in knee-high black leather boots, followed by a hand tipped in silver polished nails. This hand was placed on the forearm of the driver and used to leverage the rest of the person out of the car.

Tannith Ley stood outside the car for a moment, carefully adjusting her ensemble back into the proper fit. She was a tall woman, nearly a head taller than her driver, with pale skin and a tremendous mane of light blonde hair that fell halfway down her back. Most of it was her natural color, but on the right side of her head were a trio of orange and red streaks.

She was dressed in a beautifully cut black skirt that came to just above her knees, a dark blue blouse and an off-white colored jacket. Over her shoulder she carried an expensive looking red leather purse.

From the other side of the car came a much shorter woman, a full head and shoulders shorter than the blonde woman, dressed severe black business attire. She carried a data pad in one hand and was busy tapping away on it with the stylus, barely looking where she was going. Renna surmised this woman was the fashionista’s assistant or secretary. Even so, she still didn’t look like someone Renna wanted to get on the bad side of.

Tannith strode forward towards the doorway, her strides long, purposeful and never wavering for a moment. She looked as if she didn’t realize there was a doorway in front of her, or as if she naturally expected it to open for her.

Which it did, courtesy of two of the hotel staff.

Tannith didn’t even pause for a moment or acknowledge their presence, she just moved right on through into the hotel, with her assistant following behind, and just as dismissive of the hotel staff. A second behind them came a train of half a dozen valets carrying twice that many sturdy looking black bags.

“M-Miss Ley…” The concierge strode forward with as big a smile on his face as he could muster. “We’re very pleased you’ve elected to stay with us once again.”

“Of course you are.” Tannith’s assistant sniffed disdainfully, eyes never leaving the data pad in her hand. “I trust things have been prepared for my client as per my instructions?”

“Of course, Miss.” The Concierge stammered. “Everything is exactly as Miss Ley ordered it.”

“I doubt that.”

Now that she was closer, Renna could make out more of Tannith’s features. She was indeed as pale as Renna had suspected on first sight. Her blonde locks were swept away from her face and down her back like a cascade of pale gold. She had a thin aquiline nose and full plush lips which were painted a dark blue- the same shade as the Archavian sky. However, Renna’s gaze was drawn to her eyes which were a startlingly brilliant orange. The dyed streaks in her hair likely marked her as Aementi.

The assistant, on the other hand, was tanned skinned, with long silvery locks and magenta colored eyes that were more common in the Melpomene region. She wore her shoulder-length hair in a tight knot at the back of her neck. Her whole bearing indicated a no-nonsense demeanor.

“I’m sure you’ve done your best, or whatever,” Tannith’s assistant said, waving her hand dismissively. “But at the moment Miss Ley would like to be shown to her suite so she might freshen up after the journey.”

“Of course.” The concierge clicked his fingers and another bellhop appeared at his side. “Please guide Miss Ley, and her associate, to her room.”

“Right away.”

As the procession made their way further into the hotel, one of the unfortunate valets- struggling under the weight of the massive bag he was carrying- tripped on a crease in the carpet and fell to his knees with a loud thud.

Tannith’s bored expression became one of irritation. “Stupid clod!” Her assistant suddenly screamed. “Watch where you’re walking! The contents of that bag are worth more than your entire existence! Pick it up immediately and show more care towards your guests! Is this was passes for hotel employees these days?!”

“Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am!” The poor valet struggled to his feet and hoisted the bag off the ground again.

Tannith spared a moment to glare at him further, and then turned away with a sniff- as if she had decided she’d wasted enough of her time on him.

“Learn to do your job more carefully.” The assistant spat, before turning to follow.

Soon, they were at the hotel room. Tannith immediately marched inside, but her assistant hung back to tip the porters who had brought the luggage. Any abuse they’d suffered at the hands of the two women paled in comparison to the surprisingly large credit chits they soon carried in their pockets.

When they were safely ensconced in their hotel suite, Tannith Ley looked down at her secretary and raised an eyebrow.

“I think you enjoyed that far too much, Zhalem Ro.”

The shorter woman’s face split into a bright smile. “Well, Rixie Tam, I’ll admit it was nice to be the one barking orders rather than the one being barked at, for a change.”

“You tipped them, right?”

“Very well.” Zhalem replied with a grin. “Just like you asked.”

“Gotta make up for the abuse I have to heap on them somehow.”

“Hmm.” Zhalem agreed. “So is there a reason you asked me to help you out on this little caper, Rixie, and not say- Lemmy?”

Tannith Ley, who was really Rixie Tam, snorted in amusement and shrugged out of her jacket, which she then hung on a hook by the door. Stepping further into the apartment, the disguised Imperator stretched her arms and kicked off her very pretty but very uncomfortable shoes.

“Because Lemm is a horrible actress, for one.” She replied. “And for another, I might have to engage in some activities that are… a bit on the clandestine side.”

“All right then.” Zhalem continued, stepping further into the room and plopping on one of the large couches. “Why not that old partner of yours, Vanser?”

Rixie shook her head and sat on one of the chairs adjacent to the one Zhalem occupied. “I’ve got him helping me with something else. Plus, if I’d brought him in… the military protocol would have come with him, and I can’t afford to get bogged down in regs for this one.”

Zhalem Ro shook her head. “How you ended up a Tam with an anti-authoritarian streak as wide as yours, I’ll never know.”

Rixie smirked. “That’s why they chucked me into the Imperator Corps as quickly as possible. Besides, look at me, where else could they possibly put me? The Dals? I’d go through life giving little children nightmares.”

“Yes well, I hope you know I’m using my vacation time on this little adventure of yours.”

Rixie raised an eyebrow. “And you were planning on going somewhere nicer than this?” She asked, indicating the rather expansive, and expensive, luxury suite they now found themselves in.

Ro looked around the room and nodded. “Fair point. But, still, none of that explains why you did ask me.”

“I needed someone to cover for me. I’ve played this identity before, but she didn’t have this voice then.”

“And Tannith Ley is Aementi,” Zhalem nodded. “She would have gotten a genetic replacement larynx, if she had gotten shot in the throat.” Her words were light, but her eyes betrayed the concern she had for her childhood friend.

But then in a blink it was gone. “Never understood the Jotunn proscription against stem-cloning.”

Rixie shrugged. “When two out of every five people in a society is afflicted by an immunological disorder that makes them impossible, it kind of affects the culture itself.”

“Except you were raised in Chirae Ankelos, with the hoplites, same as I was.”

Rixie raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me you feel no connection to Melpomene?”


Rixie snorted in amusement. “Well, that’s fine for you.”

“Yes it is.” Zhalem Ro said, rising to her feet and stretching. “But if you’ll excuse me ‘Tannith,’ I’m going to go take advantage of the ludicrously large shower that comes with this ridiculously priced room. Because, for better or for worse, this is my vacation after all.”


“Can I have a word with you for a moment?”

Renna looked up from the table she was clearing. Jex was standing in the door that led into his office.

The young waitress frowned in confusion but nodded her head. “Sure. Just give me a moment and I’ll be right in.”

Jex nodded and retreated into his office closing the door behind him. Renna quickly finished clearing the table and, after depositing the bus tub at the dishwashing station, made her way back over to Jex’s office. She was let in a moment after she knocked on the door.

“You wanted to talk to me Jex?” The young waitress spoke as the door closed behind her.

“Yes.” Jex’s smile was tight. He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. “Please sit.”

Feeling even more confused, Renna pulled out the chair in front of Jex’s desk and sat down in it, placing her hands in her lap.

It was then that she noticed another man in the office with them. He was a short, stocky fellow with a serious nature. He was standing behind Jex’s desk, studying a datapad that he clutched in his meaty hand. A frown, on that seemed to be perpetual, covered his face, giving him an overall unpleasant appearance.

Renna’s stomach twisted in nervousness, was she about to be fired?

“Renna, this is Wijo. He’s one of the accountants for the corporation. He’s here to talk to you about the outstanding debt that you owe to the… company.”

Wijo stepped forward and glanced at his pad before beginning.

“Ms. Tolemtra…” His voice was nasally and grated on the ears. “I’m here to inform you that the corporation’s accounting departments have become… frustrated, let’s say, with the rate at which you are currently repaying the debt you’ve accrued.”

“But… You garnish my pay every day that I work here,” Renna cried. “I don’t know what else I can do.”

“Hmm yes.” Wijo glanced at his pad again.

“I can sympathize with your circumstances, Ms. Tolemtra-” Wijo intoned. “-But that sympathy can’t affect our bottom line. I’m merely here to inform you that we are going to be increasing your interest rate as a way to… encourage… repayment.”

“But…!” Renna’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Good day, Ms. Tolemtra…” Completely ignoring her protests, the stocky little man vanished from the office.

“I’m sorry about that Renna.” Jex sighed with faux sympathy. “I wish there was some way I could help…”

For a moment Renna glared at him, before pushing herself to her feet. “I guess I’d better get back to work then.”


  1. Ancient Relic says:

    Good way to add some variety. In Pandemic we saw Rixie operating as herself, now we see her operating undercover.

  2. Nitestarr says:

    Fand’s true gangster side is now becoming more visible. In addition to human fighting we also have forced indebted servitude bordering on slavery.. Who knows how many other areas of criminality she is involved in…

    But we all know what happens in the end to gangsters… Thats unless she decides to go into politics, then its ok 🙂

  3. Stephen says:

    I’m curious, what are the natural hair and eye colors for Titans? I’ve read every series and I’m intrigued that some titans have purple eyes or orange eyes. Or are they just using contacts?

    • Dann says:

      I believe all natural hair colors that humans have, only with out the standard combinations we are use to. So somebody with darker skin might be a natural blond with thin hair, or like Bedra a natural redhead.

      As for the eyes, I believe outlandish colors are prosthetic and contacts, but don’t quote me on that.

      • JohnnyScribe says:

        Not quite, you’re right about the hair. Any color that a human could have, a titan can have- same with skin color (although as you say, the combination doesn’t have to be the same we see here) With the exception of grey/white/silver. A titan can be naturally born with those hair colors, it’s not neccessarily due to age. However, eye color can be almost anything. So purple, orange, red etc are just as natural as green, blue, brown.

          • JohnnyScribe says:

            Eh, mostly because, why not? It made the titans seem a little bit more alien-but-not-too-alien. And the original biopic I made of Zara looked, at least on the monitor I had at the time, like she had purple eyes. So I went with it.

  4. sketch says:

    As soon as she placed a hand of the drivers arm for leverage I thought, this new is really tall, almost as tall as Rixie. Would you make another tall character like Rixie? And then bam, it was Rixie. You got me good.

    Looks like things are getting worst for Renna. I’m curious about the nature of her troubles and what part she’s eventually going to play.

    Pryvani and Zhan are cute together. And good thing she’s managed to maintain control Avalon for now. I can see good reason for covering up how Trell actually died now. Don’t want any complicated investigations interfering with this case.

  5. Kusanagi says:

    Clever Rixie. It’s easy to forget, with all the ass kickings she delivers, that this used to be her job. Girl is looking for some serious payback and I’m cheering her on.

    Poor Renna the system is designed to get her further in debt which is only going to increase her desire to gamble. Hopefully she bets on a certain human.

  6. gadgetmawombo says:

    Dang. Reena’s got it bad…The BS she just went through really goes a long way towards humanizing the Titans as a whole, and not in a good way.

  7. NightEye says:

    Having only one judge on the case is a liability : I’m sure Fand isn’t above threatening the judge or his family…

    Nice bait and switch with Rixie there, didn’t see that coming. So was she always Tannith Ley, is that an imaginary person only Rixie uses ? I forget sometimes she’s more like a 007 spy than a military cop.
    Where did she get the money for this operation though ?

    Things are getting tougher for Renna. Me thinks that young lady is gonna go gambling again… Maybe with a finger sized informant on her side this time ? 😉

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