Chapter 9: Freak Out Titan: Sovereign By Johnny Scribe

Pierce eyed the strange bubbling liquid that filled the bucket-sized shot glass he’d been drinking from all night. He looked up at Myona who smiled down on him encouragingly.

Finally, Pierce shrugged and dipped a hand into the liquid, bringing it to his mouth with a slurp.

It was sweet, almost cloyingly so at first. But after a second, the underlying flavor of what he assumed was the mossaberry appeared and cut through the sweetness with a tangy sour that was similar to a green apple.

He swallowed.

“Good?” Myona asked.

“Actually…” Pierce considered for a moment. “Yeah. It’s really not bad at all.” He scooped up another handful and brought it to his mouth and then swallowed it.

He laughed.

Myona smiled and took a sip of it herself. “Good. I’m glad you like it.”

Pierce nodded and took another drink. His leg twitched. He caught some movement out of the corner of his eye, and his head whipped around to watch a Titan woman in brightly colored clothing pass by his table. He grinned.

“Hey Myona!” Pierce suddenly yelled, leaping to his feet. “Watch this!” As the Titaness looked on, Pierce suddenly took a running leap across the expanse of the aisle between their table and the next one over. He sailed through the air and landed on the other side, skidding to a stop.

“Wow, that was pretty far Pierce!” Myona cheered.

“I’m going to do it again!” The human shouted, running across the table.

“Wait what?!” Myona leaped to her feet but wasn’t fast enough. She watched with a mix of trepidation and fascination, as Pierce repeated the maneuver, landing on the next table over down the line.

And he kept going from there.

“Come back Pierce!” Myona cried, but he didn’t seem to hear her, or chose to ignore her if he had.

“…Oh… This isn’t good…”

Pierce, meanwhile, was enjoying the freedom of movement afforded him by Archavia’s significantly lower gravity in a way he’d never tried before. He felt like he was a little kid on a playground again. Every worry and fear completely vanished from his mind. All that was left was fun. The sounds, the giant people that surrounded him, the lights and the bright colors, everything felt amazing.

He reached the edge of the table and leaped into space again, laughing out loud at the sudden feeling of weightlessness.

He landed on the next table, and rolled across the surface for a moment before coming to a stop and jumping back to his feet.

“What the…?” He turned and saw a pair of Titans- a male with curly blonde hair and a female with silver hair and a number of piercings looking down on him.

“Where’d you come from?” The man asked curiously, while the woman made a disgusted face.

“Oh gross, who let a human in here?!” She shrieked. She made to swat Pierce away, but he jumped over her wrist before she could connect. He stayed still long enough to flash them a grin before bounding away, running full tilt down the length of the table top.

Seconds before Myona flopped on top of the table in a failed attempt to catch him.

“Pierce, wait!” The redhead called out before climbing up on the table and running down its length. “Come back!”

The young man looked on with mild interest before taking a sip on his drink and looking over at his companion, who now had her overturned glass in her lap.

“And you said this place was going to be dull.”

Pierce blithely ignored the looks he was getting from the Titans around him- which ranged from concerned to amused to outraged- as he bounced from table to table leaving chaos (and a pursuing Titaness) in his wake.

“He flies through the air-”


“With the greatest of ease-”


“A daring young man on the- Hi Tylum! Bye Tylum!”

“Pierce?” Tylum blinked in confusion. “Where..?” She didn’t have a chance to finish the sentence before a redheaded blur collided into her and sent them both sprawling to the ground.

“Myona? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know! I gave him some of my drink and he just went all… That!” Myona gasped as she climbed back to her feet.

“Some of your…” Tylum’s eyes narrowed. “Myona, did you give him soda?”

“Yeah, why?”

Tylum sighed. “I don’t have time to explain now, go get everybody else, I’ll see if I can catch him.”

As Myona nodded and ran off to go enlist the help of the other girls, Tylum strained to see if she could spot a glimpse of where the hyperactive little human might have gone off to.

Suddenly she heard a surprised yell. Across the room, she could see a young woman swatting at her hair, trying to dislodge the human figure clinging to her long brown locks. “Get off of me! Someone help!”

With a frustrated groan, Tylum ran over to help.

“Here, hold still.” She spoke calmly to the frantic young woman. “I’ll help you get him out…”

“I don’t think so!!” Pierce yelled before leaping away from the woman, falling to the top of another table and dashing away again, laughing like a little kid as he did so. “Can’t catch me, Tylum!”

“Damn it Pierce…” Tylum sighed. “How does one little human get that much energy?”


Fara and Rhionne were by the bar, wondering what all the commotion was when a very out of breath Myona dashed up to them.

“I… need…” The petite redhead gasped.

“Whoa, easy there.” Rhionne said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Take a deep breath.”

Myona took a huge exaggerated breath. “I gave Pierce some of my soda and now he’s bouncing all over the bar, and we have to catch him before he gets hurt or something.”

“You gave Pierce soda!?” Fara gasped. “Don’t you know what that does to humans?”

“Well, I do now…” Myona sighed. “But that’s not important, come on!” And with that the excitable little woman disappeared back into the crowd.

Fara and Rhionne looked at each other before dashing off after her.

Reevah Tam, meanwhile, sat at the bar and sipped her glass of ice water. She was in no hurry to intervene in the situation unless it warranted her presence.


Daz was out on the edge of the dance floor when she suddenly felt something drop onto the top of her head.

“What the…?” She wondered, running a hand through her hair, grabbing the foreign object lightly in her fingers and bringing it around to the front of her face.

“Hi Daz!” Pierce waved up at her from her palm.

“Pierce?” Daz blinked. “What are you…?”

“Or should I say Grumpy Face?” Pierce laughed. Before Daz could react, Pierce had dashed up the length of her arm and was swinging from one of her earrings.

“Grumpy Face! Grumpy Face!” Pierce chanted happily.

“What is wrong with you?” Daz growled. “Get off!” Daz moved to grab ahold of him, only to find he was already gone. Then he was on top of her head again.

“Geronimo!” He yelled before leaping away.

“Wait, Daz stop him!” Tylum yelled as she ran up to her; followed by Myona, Rhionne and Fara.

“What is going on?” Daz snapped irritably.

“Pierce is having a soda fit.” Fara explained.

“And who thought it was a good idea to… Wait, never mind…” Daz sighed.

“Sorry…” Myona shrugged.

“All right, everybody fan out.” Daz muttered, rolling her eyes in exasperation. “I really hope us chasing Pierce around everywhere doesn’t become a habit or anything…”


Aezhay reclined in her chair as she watched the dance floor. She had her pad out and was idly messaging her on again off again boyfriend Xego when she felt a weight on her back that quickly climbed up her shoulder. Startled, she glanced over and saw Pierce sitting there.

“Uh… hi?” The blonde titaness resisted the urge to jump at his sudden appearance.

“Hey, what are you drinking?” Pierce asked, eying the amber colored liquid in the tall glass at Aezhay’s elbow.


“Smells like beer. Can I have some?”

“I don’t see…”

“Great! Thanks!” And before Aezhay knew what was happening, Pierce had leaped from her shoulder and directly into her glass.

Aezhay watched in stunned fascination as Pierce rose to the top of her glass.

“It is beer!” Pierce exulted. “This place isn’t quite as bad anymore.”

“I um… Thanks?” Aezhay muttered in confusion.

“Aezhay! Quick grab him!” Daz yelled as she charged towards where Daz was sitting.

“Uh oh.” Pierce climbed out of the glass and fell to the tabletop in a soaking we heap. “I better go! Catch me if you can!” And with a slightly maniacal laugh, he was gone.

“What… What just happened?” Aezhay muttered in confusion.


“There he is!”

Fara turned and looked where Rhionne was pointing. Pierce was standing in the middle of a table looking at the brightly colored lights of the dance floor.

“Okay…” Fara whispered. “You go left, I’ll go right.”


Quietly as they could, the two women snuck over to their respective sides of the table, being careful not to be seen by him.

Rhionne looked over at Fara who silently counted down with her fingers: 3…2…1.

They both jumped forward to try and trap him with their hands, Pierce was too fast for them and sprinted back. Their hands slammed onto the table. Pierce flashed them both a grin, blew a kiss to Rhionne and jumped down onto the floor.

“Pierce wait a minute!” Rhionne said, diving under the table. Her hand reached out to grab him but barely missed him. Her fingers just grazed his shirt.

With frustrated sigh, she rose back to her feet and looked around for the runaway human.

“Where’d he go now?” Fara wondered.

“He went in that direction, come on. He’s on the floor, so we need to be very careful.”

“Right.” Fara sighed.

As they headed after Pierce, Fara caught a bit of whispered conversation as she passed by.

“Did that look like Princess Rhionne to you?”


“How exactly did he get up there?” Aezhay wondered watching in morbid fascination as Pierce swung happily from one of the wall hangings above their heads.

“I don’t know but we need to get him down before someone calls the police!” Daz growled angrily. “I swear if he gets us banned from here…”

“We can’t worry about that now!” Aehay snapped irritably. “I’ll take one side, you take the other, that way no matter which way he goes, he’s trapped. One of us is going to catch him, got it?”

“Right.” Daz grunted sullenly, before moving into position.

“Wheee!!!” Pierce yelled as he swayed back and forth. Without warning, he lost his grip on the decoration and went flying up into the air above them.

“Oh shaka…” Daz muttered as she watched the little human soar above her. “You better hope I can catch you, Pierce…” She quickly moved herself into position below him. A split second later she felt the tiny weight land in her palms. She brought her hands closer to her body to absorb the impact, and then Pierce slipped out of her hands… and down her top.

Daz felt her face go hot with embarrassment as she felt Pierce’s small form slip further between her breasts.

“Hey!” She snapped, suddenly angry. “Get out of there!” Without really thinking about how it would look, she thrust her hand into her shirt and carefully fished the hyperactive little human out, clamping him between her palms.

“Did you get him?” Aezhay asked after running over, having seen none of the preceding events, for which Daz was very thankful.

“Yeah, I got him right here. Give me your bag before he gets- OW! Quit biting me you little-”

“Here.” Aezhay held her open purse up and Daz quickly dropped Pierce inside, zipping the bag closed before he could escape again. “Thank goodness that’s over with.”

Rhionne ran up, out of breath and with Fara close on her heels.

“Where are Tylum and Myona?” She gasped. “We need to leave, now.”

“What’s the rush Princess?” Daz asked, rolling her eyes. “We have Pierce under control for now. Everything should be fine.”

“Not Pierce!” Rhionne gasped. “Worse, Cameras!”

“There she is!”

Suddenly there were flashing lights all around them, people yelling, pressing in on them.

“Shaka.” Daz yelled. “What is going on now?!”

“People trying to get my picture.”

The press of bodies closed in tighter around them. The four of them couldn’t figure a way out. Suddenly, someone pushed through the crowd, grabbed Rhionne’s arm and began to make a path back through the crowd again, allowing the rest of them to follow behind.

Rhionne stifled the scream long enough to realize it was Reevah who had ahold of her. Once they were through the press of bodies, they quickly met up with Tylum and Myona who had all their things.

“I think it’s time to go!” Tylum said. “Have you got Pierce?!”

“Yeah.” Aezhay nodded. “He’s right here.”

The group made their way through the ever expanding crowd towards the door. Fortunately, the bar’s security finally noticed what was going on and helped to push the crowd back long enough for them to get out.

As they stepped out into the cool air, Rhionne breathed a sigh of relief.

“I hate it when that happens.” She muttered.

“Yeah. Me too.” Daz agreed.



“Well…” Tylum groaned. “That was fun.”

“It sure was!” Myona giggled. “We need to do that again!”

She turned to find the rest of the group glaring at her exasperatedly.



  1. QMajor says:

    LOL. I know humans are faster in low gravity, but to actually be chased and get away? I wonder how much of the soda’s effect is hyper energy vs. just having no fear.

    • Dann says:

      part of the reason human’s never seem to “get away” when we do those “shaar and tupp” games is because the authors are biases 😛

  2. Soatari says:

    That definitely acts as more than just a stimulant to humans. It seriously lowered his inhibitions and was giving him a sense of euphoria as well. It’s like he took some crazy combination of speed and ecstasy.

  3. Stephen says:

    Very cool chapter! I liked that pierce blew Rhionne a kiss, and went down Daz’s shirt xD I must admit I’m not that attracted to Rhionne, all the other Titanesses are more interesting and physically attractive IMO (maybe its because I’m part irish and prefer pale skinned women) .Forgive my forgetfulness, but is Archavian soda to humans just a super stimulant, or can it give hangovers like alcohol?

    • Soatari says:

      Even stimulants can give you a hangover. Hangovers aren’t necessarily caused by just alcohol.

      I imagine Pierce is going to have one hell of a headache when he comes down from this. He’ll probably sleep for the better part of 24 hours, too.

  4. Nitestarr says:

    Well that sure as heck beats Red Bull….

    Very funny and lighthearted chapter. Ms Grumpy face got a human down her shirt…….Hmmm I guess there are worse things in life eh Daz? 🙂

    Pierce is gonna have one heck of a hangover later tho’. I hope Myona saved those drawings

  5. shrinkpet says:

    As expected, an extreme, giddy reaction to the soda which, for some reason, really makes me want to try some just to experience what it feels like.

    Most amusing part of the chapter was Pierce blowing Rhionne a kiss, If only she knew… 😉

    Not going to waste time over Daz speculations: Is she the Iron Maiden? A spy? IDK and wont know until it’s (hopefully) revealed to us. All I can say is well done to the writers for putting in these little tidbits which cause mass hysteria (at least, that’s what happens in my head)

  6. Kusanagi says:

    So Soda is like the original 4loko on steroids (for those that don’t remember 4loko was like redbull and strong alcohol pre-mixed and sold in cans. It was banned as it resulted in…well insanity.)

    I wonder if them chasing Pierce is going to be a running Gag.

    Also a running gag Daz dropping hints that she’s someone famous. Apparently her disguise is way superior because no one’s called her on it yet.

  7. KazumaR1 says:

    While Pierce’s mania was funny as hell, I am caught wondering who Daz might really be if she can relate to Rhionne being hounded by the press.

  8. faeriehunter says:

    Wow, that Empire soda is some really fast-acting stuff! I don’t know exactly how much time passed between Pierce’s first sip and him bounding off, but from the looks of it it was less than half a minute.

    One also has to admire his evasion skills. Even if the girls and the other club patrons were not at their best due to alcohol, it’s still no mean feat to avoid getting grabbed by beings the size of Lady Liberty, with jumps that’d look like they’re in slow motion due to low gravity. Of course he got caught in the end, but it still took long enough to attract a lot of attention.

    • Dann says:

      Well, he isn’t wearing 100 lbs of space suit to slow him down, obstruct his vision and all that, so his maneuverability is remarkably improved to what we imagine it would be.

  9. Nostory says:

    Hmmm…well I’m not surprised. Each species does react differently to foods and chemicals and stuff. We’re fine with chocolate but a dog can’t take it, snails and slugs would perish if they came into contact with salt. Now I wonder what has no effect on a human but would have a similar effect on Titans?

    • faeriehunter says:

      I imagine it’d be something that in humans would be immediately broken down by stomach acid, whereas in titans it’d pass into the bloodstream.

    • Chuck says:

      Pierce reaction is extreme, he seems to be oblivious to danger and in a state of ergotropy. Also, I guess its safe to say that is perception is affected (looking at the pretty dance floorlights) and his awareness rised. Sounds like a combination of Amphetamine and LSD. I assume that soda is pretty dangerous for your cardiac cycle if you´re human…

      Heisenberg would make millions with this stuff on earth ;-).

      – Love the chapter, I hope for a nice hangover-chapter next. 😀 But

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