Chapter Eight: In High Esteem Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Aertimus Bass hated wearing his dress uniform. It was tight in all the places it shouldn’t be and loose in the places where it should be tight. Though on this occasion he was more than willing to put up with it. He took a deep breath, patted himself down once more and strode forward through the parting hanger bay doors of the Gyfjon.

There was a shout of “Navarchos on deck!” before the rumble of one hundred pairs of feet snapping to attention. Aertimus strode down the hanger deck between a corridor of Titans, four people deep on either side of him. He did his best to keep his stern, formal demeanour but found himself smiling to faces in the crowd that he did not see often enough. His eyes met those of Lauryna Gwenn who was standing at the end column.

“Navarchos…” She nodded.

“Captain Gwenn.” He replied before taking his place beside her.

He waited a just a few seconds, watching the crew stand to attention staring straight ahead of them.

“Crew of the Gyfjon! Stand at ease!” He instructed in a genial yet commanding tone.

He waited another couple of seconds, allowing the men and women standing in front of him to loosen their joints a little and get comfortable.

“It has come to my attention…” Aertimus began “That there has been a rather grave violation of regulations on this ship over the last few days. I know we like to play things fast and loose in Gama Fleet, probably even more so the Gyfjon…actually definitely on the Gyfjon.”

The crew laughed.

“But this is one violation of regulations I could not ignore. I felt it so severe, that I personally had to come aboard to correct it.” Aertimus gestured to a crewman standing by the door. “Crewmate, can you show her in please?”

The crewmate tapped the panel and the hanger bay doors opened once more. The crew of the Gyfjon immediately snapped back to attention.

Aertimus did his best to keep a straight face as he watched Isabel Ibanez, clad in a red uniform, fight off the Crewmate who offered her a lift.

“Go on! Shoo! I may be old but I ain’t dead yet!” She scolded waving an arm towards the approaching hand.

Izzy slowly but surely walked down the centre of the column of Titans who each stood perfectly to attention. A Century ago she would have hurried down the corridor as quickly as she could, covering the distance in a series of bounds three times her height. But she was a bit older and bit wiser now. Some moments called for a little bit of ceremony. Besides, she’d waited a long time for this day. It was her day. She could make them stand at attention for a little while. She put one foot in front of the other, head held high, as the Titans stood perfectly still as she strode.

“Will you accept a lift from me?” Lauryna said as she bent over as Izzy arrived at the base of her feet.

Izzy stepped on and was lifted up to face level. “I suppose it’s easier than you all lying down.”

“Izzy…” Bass nodded.

“Sir…” Izzy replied back with a worrying lack of sarcasm.

“Company, stand at ease.” Gwenn ordered and waited for her crew to settle.

“I’m sure all of you here today are aware that Isabel Ibanez has been on this ship longer than anyone present here, save for her Captain. She’s lived among you, befriended almost every person who’s been assigned to this ship in the last twenty or so years, offered advice, guidance and a ready ear when needed. And the occasional boot up the behind when it’s been needed as well, even if it wasn’t asked for.” Bass spoke.

The crew laughed and Lauryna smiled. Only Izzy and Aertimus remained placid.

“I know of many junior officers in my time, your Captain included, who have told me about how much help and support Izzy has offered them when they’ve needed it. Hell, I’m not ashamed to say I’ve gone to her a few times myself.”

“There are few people on this ship who know it as well as Isabel Ibanez does. She knows every corridor, every access tunnel, system, every console, every nut and bolt. She knows how she flies, how she fights and when she’s hurting. Izzy has single handedly saved this ship and her crew on two occasions, I know without her my kids would not have a father and a lot of you wouldn’t be here today either.”

Aertimus took a deep breath and steadied his tone.

“Which is why it pains me that it has taken so very long to get to this day…”

“Crew of the Gyfjon! Stand to attention!” Rovlan Tam called from the head of a column.

There was a rumble as the crew stood to attention. In Lauryna Gwenn’s palm Izzy mirrored their stance.

“Let the record show that on this day, I, Navarchos Aertimus Hussel Bass, commander of Gama Fleet, recognise the extraordinary contribution made to the lives, wellbeing and safety of the crew of the ISS Gyfjon by Isabel Ibanez. She has carried out duties that were not expected of her with wisdom, courage and strength and in keeping with all of the finest tradition this service holds dear.”

Aertimus turned to face Izzy, she looked slightly unsteady as Lauryna’s hand moved up and down as she tried to suppress the swell of emotion rising inside of her.

“Isabel Ibanez, do you swear to serve and protect this Empire and its people?” Aertimus began.

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to obey orders given in the name of the Emperor and under his laws?”

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to give your life for your crew, for your ship and for your Empire when called upon?”

“I swear.”

“Then as a Flag Officer of the Imperial Fleet, I hereby bestow upon you the rank of Commander with all of its privileges and duties. You are to report to Captain Gwenn of the Gyfjon where you act as Operations Officer.”

Aertimus extended a fingertip towards Izzy. On the tip was a tiny silver pin in the shape of a star.

“I’d do it myself…but I’ve never been the most dainty.” Aertimus said.

Izzy picked up the pin and gazed at for a second before she pinned it to the collar of her dress uniform.

“Crew of the Gyfjon, turn and face!” Captain Gwenn ordered.

The crew of the Gyfjon turned to face the senior officers ahead of them.

“Crew of the Gyfjon, salute!” Gwenn ordered.

The crew saluted, stony faced and held it as Izzy, Lauryna and Aertimus returned it.

“Would you like to do the honour, Commander Ibanez?” Laurna whispered.

“Crew of the Gyfjon!” Commander Ibanez called. “Dismissed!”

And a cheer went up.


Dr Lea Andra shook her head as she scrolled through her list of appointments for the day. Usually her days were quite varied. Shaars, kieflers, galwars even the occasional callout to look at a vashana. Now every single appointment in her diary from now until the end of next week was for one animal. Well she couldn’t say animal anymore. They were people now. Or legally they were anyway.

She ran her hands through her long, blonde hair. She’d been a vet since graduating five years ago and she liked humans. Lea was yet to be convinced they were anything as close to intelligent as a Titan. She’d read books by Nonah Armac, seen speeches by Yamanu Neutha and even tried watching lectures by Niall Freeman. They were all convincing but anomalies she had concluded. She’d yet to see even a glimmer of that intelligence in any one of her patients.

She clicked on her next appointment. She recognised the name. Lea had seen this particular Human since she was just a little bit over one year old. She got up and left her examination room and headed into the reception. She smiled and made eye contact with the owner of her next patient. He was roughly the same age as her. Short, thin with a dark, wispy beard.

“Mr Montu.” Lea said.

Jafier stood and gave a nervous smile to Dr Andra. He wasn’t looking forward to the conversation that was coming up. “I…I carried her here. She doesn’t need a cage anymore? Right?”

Lea smiled and shook her head. “That’s fine, she doesn’t need it anymore. Follow me please.”

Jafier followed Dr Andra into the usual room and placed the Human he was carrying on to the examination table and took a step back. Lea looked at him. He looked very nervous. Far more nervous than he really should be. Unless he had something to hide.

Lea looked down to the Human on the table top. The vet was surprised to see her patient dressed in a rather pretty green dress. She usually wore nothing. Nearly all the Humans who came into her surgery still worse nothing. Only the occasional one wore some loose cloth.

“That’s a very pretty dress Derlva.” Lea said.

“Thank you. I do think green suits me quite well.” The Human replied.

Dervla was not wrong. She had pale skin that was covered with freckles and her head was topped with a mass of red curls.

“Can you leave us Jafier?” the Human turned to her former owner. “So we can get this over with?”

Jafier looked a little queasy and nodded.

“It’s supposed to be me who asks that question.” Lea said confused. “Don’t worry she’ll be fine.”

Jafier gave a smile to Dervla and then left the room closing the door behind him. Lea watched him leave and turned to her pad, pulling up the forms she needed to fill out. “He’s a nervous one…” she said to no one in particular.

“He’s just worried I’ll choose not to go back to him.”

Lea looked down. She hadn’t anticipated any response to the offhand remark. “You know I’m going to ask if you want to continue to stay with him?”

“I do.” Dervla nodded and took a step forward and looked up to the pretty blonde vet. “I read the Zeramblin Act thoroughly. I know what my rights are and I know what you have to do.”

The vet’s brow furrowed. “You…read the Zeramblin Act?”

“I did.”

Lea tapped on her pad and held it up. “What does this say?”

The Human smiled and rolled her eyes. “It says ‘Humans can’t read’, which is wrong. Most of just never had the chance to learn.”

“How long have you been able to read?” Lea asked curiously.

“Jafier taught me when he got me. I was a bit over one when I learned.”

“And you read the act and asked him to give you clothes?”

Dervla grinned and looked down. “No. He always gave me clothes.”

Lea sat on a stool in front of the table. This was quite a shock to her. She’d been treating this particular Human for about four years. She’d always acted like a normal, if a little timid, pet. “You never told me you could read. You never even wore clothes to your appointments!”

Dervla shrugged. “It’s easier to play the fool than have Jafier answer questions. He doesn’t like confrontation.”

The vet smiled. “He is a bit shy…”

“That’s why his mother bought me. He moved to start a new job and he has trouble making friends. She thought he would need someone to keep him company.”

“But he’s nice to you?” Lea asked concerned.

The human smiled warmly. “I have never known a nicer man.”

“Ok good! I was worried about how nervous he was. Usually the nerves are down to the owner being worried about their behaviour.” Lea said relieved.

“Do you want to start the questions?” Dervla asked.

“You are a precocious one.” The vet smirked and brought the forms back up on her pad. “Ok. First question, and I think I know the answer, has your owner ever hurt or abused you?

“No.” Dervla said flatly.

“Second question. Are you now aware that you are now considered a class one sentient being and have the right to determine your own future?”

Dervla nodded. “I have been aware of that for a few years now.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Lea tapped on her pad. “Third question and again the answer should be obvious. How would you define your level of education?”

“Quite advanced. I can read, write, perform mathematics and have a good understanding of science. I have an exceptionally good understanding of chemistry.”


“Jafier is a lab technician. I’ve studied his books and I understand it well. I help out where I can. I can make much more precise measurements than a Titan.” Dervla explained.

Lea gave a small nod. “I’m sure you can. Fourth question. If you were offered the chance to settle on a world made for Humans, would you take it?”


Lea looked at the Human on the table, a look of confusion plastered on her face.

“You’re about to tell me I’m mad aren’t you?” Dervla said.

“Look…I have spent the last week interviewing Humans and most of them have no idea what the questions I’m asking them mean. They just want to go home to their masters. There’s been about three who wanted to leave. You are the only one I’ve spoken to who is educated and fully understands what is happening. If there’s a world full of uneducated people they’re going to need help. You could do very well there.” Lea explained.

“I know. I could.”

“So why don’t you want to go?” Lea asked with no small amount of exasperation in her voice.

“I love Jafier. And he loves me.”

Lea tried to speak but no words came out.

“I’ve the status of national at the moment. I’m studying to take the citizenship test so I can become a full citizen. Then I’m going to ask him to marry me.” Dervla explained.

“But you can’t reproduce! And he’s only in his mid-twenties! You’ll be dead before he’s forty. If you go to a Human world you could meet a Human man and live together. What if Jafier meets a Titan girl?” Lea spoke stunned.

“He might. But I love him. And he loves me. And he’s made me very, very happy. I couldn’t ask for a better man.”

Lea sighed and leaned forward placing her chin on the table top so she could look Dervla in the eye. “You don’t owe him anything, you know?”

“I know. He’s said as much. He only wants the best for me. I choose to do this.” Dervla smiled.

Lea nodded unsure. “Ok, ok. If this is what you want.”

“It is.”

“If you ever change your mind, just tell me ok?”

Dervla could hear the concern in Lea’s voice. “You are very kind. I appreciate the offer.”

“Ok. Guess we should get Jafier back in here.” Lea looked at the door.

“It’d be cruel to keep him waiting any longer than needed.”

Lea stood and went to the door and called Jafier back in. He was clearly very nervous and clasped his hands in front of his stomach to prevent them from wandering off somewhere. Dervla could see his chest rising and falling and he controlled his breathing as he tried to hide his nerves.

“Oh relax you dummy!” Dervla shouted jokingly at him.

Lea laughed and Jafier looked at her half terrified.

“Dervla tells me she is very lucky to have met you. You seem like a very kind man, Jafier.” Lea said.

Jafier shrugged. “I just let her be the person she is.”

“I didn’t realise Humans could be more than little cuties before I spoke to Dervla here. I’ve worked with Humans for a decade and I didn’t see what you saw.” Lea said.

“Aener Foundation has information on it. Humans pretend to be stupid to survive. I didn’t want Dervla to pretend. I couldn’t do that to her.”

“And I love you for it.” Dervla said and sat in his hand.

Lea smiled. “Would…would you mind if I visited? I’d like to get to know you better. Maybe you could give me advice on helping Humans who are having difficulty with the transition.”


“We’d love for you to visit.” Dervla cut over her former owner.

“Yeah, it’d be nice.” Jafier added.

Lea smiled. “Ok, I have your details on file so I’ll call. Take care both of you. You’re a lucky woman Dervla.”

“Not half as lucky as I am.” Jafier smiled at the woman in his hand.

“Awww…you two are going to make me sick.” Lea joked.


“Goodbye Doctor. It was nice to talk to you.” Dervla spoke.

“You too. Nice to meet the real you.” Lea added.

“Bye Dr Andra.” Jafier said and left the office.

Lea sat down at her table and finished the form and submitted it. She realised she had forgotten the last question. ‘Would you like to leave your former owner and live with other Humans?’ She decided to mark that as ‘no’. She didn’t think Dervla would object. One more appointment down, a few hundred left to go. She had a feeling the rest were going to go a lot differently from now on.


Loona leaned back in her chair and turfed her pad to her desk. It was late. Very late. She’d have to go to bed shortly if she hoped to get more than eight hours sleep. She leaned forward and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands causing the light that had lodged itself in there to shimmer and swirl behind her closed eyelids.

She sighed and looked over the now very short list of candidates for the running the colony. Over the last week almost every one of her potentials had ruled themselves out. Either they were happy in their current posts, terrified of the prospect of what they were being offered or just flat out unwilling to work with Humans as a couple of candidates had told her.

What made matters worse is that Qorni had upheld her side of the deal. She had passed funding for resettlement. Pryvani was also making progress. She had found a world that was held with the Zangetti Corportation’s mining division that was suitable and was currently working with several other donors to try to shake it loose and into private hands. Pryvani was playing her cards close. This was a multi trillion credit transaction and all Pryvani could tell her was “be ready”.

Loona kept being drawn back to one proposal she had on her pad. It was the rough proposal she had asked Sorcha to put together. She had to admit, it was far better than rough. Sorcha and Alesia had worked together and out together a complete proposal for building a colony, literally from the ground up that took care of the physical and mental requirements of the liberated Human settlers.

Sorcha had impressively outlined how to use a small amount of Titan labour combined with prefab Avalonian modules to build a small city that included everything from sanitation, power ,water and transport that could be supported by Avalonians from within and a small group of Titans stationed in an outpost just outside the city. Every single aspect had been costed down to the centicredit and was so far under budget, even including an overspend contingency.

Alesia had complemented this with a comprehensive, intensive, managed rehabilitation program for large groups of Humans. It would require fifteen thousand mentors to be provided by Avalon but that was something that could be negotiated. Ammer had already said Avalon was willing to help, especially if it meant the government weren’t breathing down their necks over resettlement. The plan called for resettlement in waves. One hundred thousand at first. A further million four months later and ten million a year later. It wasn’t fast but it was achievable and flexible. What’s more it was the only workable plan that anyone had presented her.

“Loona…” a small voice said.

The Deputy Floor Leader bolted upright from her unintentional slumber on her desk. She looked down to find the source of the disturbance to see the concerned face of Nonah looking up at her. Loona relaxed a little and slumped back in her chair. “Nonah…sorry…I dunno what happened.”

“You’re overworking yourself is what happened. This is the third night this week you’ve slept at your desk.” Nonah chided with a distinctly motherly tone.

“I know, I know.” Loona nodded wearily. “But I’ve no choice. Lives are hanging in the balance here. I need to get a team together to start the ball rolling on this but everyone I approach runs away.”

“Well you being a shell of yourself isn’t going to help anyone, is it? You need to be at your best. You’re sharp and have your ways of getting people to come around. But not if you’re falling asleep at your desk.”

Loona let out a long, slow sigh and slumped forward across the desk in front of her old friend. Nonah didn’t move an inch, trusting Loona to come to a stop just in front of her. She reached out and stroked her friend’s cheek.

“I’ve been given two proposals for this colony. One from a former administrator of a small mining moon with no atmosphere…” Loona started.

“And the other?”

“Alesia and Sorcha…”

Nonah smiled. “Having a tough time choosing between them?”

“Yes…no…sort of…”

“You need to do better than that Madam Deputy Floor Leader.”

“Lursa Jurney’s proposal is good. It’s sound. Start with farming settlers, build a small community that can sustain itself and then look to exploit natural resources and take advantage of local trade routes. It’d be perfect if it weren’t for the fact that…”

“That these a pets who don’t know how to do any of these things and will likely be very distressed if you dump them on a world they know nothing about and expect them to thrive.” Nonah finished.

“Exactly. I mean he’s giving Humans credit which is great…he’s offering some support and guidance. But with the numbers we’re talking there’d be almost certain death for a lot of them. It’s like one of those old TETH stunts!” Loona explained.

“That doesn’t sound like the best idea.” Nonah agreed. “And the other plan?”

Loona sighed again and sat back up. “It’s brilliant. A full, detailed plan on infrastructure designed to support a fledgling civilisation that is filled with individuals finding their feet. And Lessy’s proposal on how to go about gradually rehabilitating and teaching these people how to fend for themselves is nothing short of remarkable. I keep forgetting that she’s actually Alesia Nonahsdottir, Phd in education and developmental studies.”

“Well she does prefer to be called Lessy.” Nonah smiled.

“Either way, you raised one hell of a woman.”

“We raised one hell of a woman. They may have pulled her out of me but she’s as much yours as she is mine.” Nonah said.

“I was hardly there…”

“That’s just it. You’ve treated us as equals. I wrote my books and Dhanny invented. Hector followed me and Uylee goes back and forth between here and Tannhauser now. But we never truly took advantage of our freedom. We were happy being safe and comfortable. But Lessy saw you leave the house every single day. Gone for days at a time sometimes. She knew you were away making a difference and helping people. Trying to do the right thing. She watched you do that and she wanted to do it.” Nonah paused. “I had to learn and strive to be equal. I had to learn to believe it myself. Not Lessy. She was born the equal of every being in the universe and she never doubted it for a second. And she won’t stop until every being in the universe knows that as much as she does. And she gets that from you.”

Loona gently picked up her friend and hugged her to her cheek and did her best to blink back the tears.

“That’s the problem. When I put forward a proposal to the committee that’s written by my best friend’s daughter and a woman I raised…it’s going to look like I’m playing favourites.” Loona sniffed.

“So put forward both. Let the committee decide.”

“And what if they decide wrong!?”

Nonah grinned devilishly. “They won’t. Our daughter won’t let them.”


  1. Genguidanos says:

    Okay real question this time. Is the life extension treatment still not widely known about or available yet? I mean, at this point the problems of having children and growing old together shouldn’t be an issue for human/Titan couples anymore. I would imagine that Dervla would be well aware of it if she plans on having a life together with Jafier.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Life extension is a complicated subject as per the wiki entry: Human Age Extension is a series of different medical techniques designed to extend the lives of humans. Techniques range from basic rejuvenation techniques to full-blown retroviral treatment. While humans do not yet live as long as Titans, scientists believe such a goal is possible over the next forty Archavian years.

        Doubtless many human pets were getting some of the basic levels of rejuvenation at emancipation and it should be relatively easy to role that out on a large scale pushing basic human lifespan in the empire up from less than a century for “wild” humans and untreated pets to 150-200 years in just a short period, effectively jumping the average earth born lifespan at contact. Then there is the level of retroviral treatment circa MA 2105 or so when Niall and Nonah first got it and were extened to 350+ years.

        Assuming the timeline in the wiki is still reasonable by 25 TY years later (current) maximum life should be somewhere between 400-500 earth years best case for the most aggressively treated from birth with 600 earth years possible somewhere before 2150 MA when humans will likely level off close to human-titan hybrids around 90% of average titan expectancy. Izzy makes a good test case since she is likely to be the oldest human ever to undergo full blown retroviral treatment late in life.

  2. Soatari says:

    That’s a big deal. The second in command of the empire’s flagship is now a human, and it didn’t happen years and years after their emancipation, it happened only weeks after. I wonder if that will make headlines, on either Archavia or Earth.

    • faeriehunter says:

      The Gyfjon is not the Empire’s flagship. It’s not even the flagship of the fleet it belongs to, Gama fleet. The Xifos (seen in Titan: Contact) is Gama fleet’s flagship, and ships just like it are the flagships of the other four fleets. Aside from those there is a sixth Aspis II class vessel, the Aspis, which is the flagship of the Imperial Navy as a whole.

      Still, a human gaining the rank of Commander is nothing to sneeze at. I don’t think it’ll make headlines, but it should make the news.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Can see where the authors might be taking this. With the rising threat of war with the Hive and potentially a civil war with the Feds at the same time it figures the Emperor is soon going to put the coolest under pressure flag officer he has in as Navarchos Imperii with Lauryna getting command over Gama fleet in Xifos and Tam getting Gryjon and Izzy being bumped to Exec and suddenly faced with the realities of being “official” and the responsibilities of command during war separating her and Lauryna.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      If they’re smart, they’ll make sure the Earth news reports it. “Human becomes high ranking naval officer” will show that progress is being made.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      We need for OHH to clarify the Gyfjon’s new chain of command. Lauryna is captain and Rovlan Tam exec. My assumption is Ops would be third in line although if there are other commander grade officers aboard Izzy might be after these by date of commission.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        She’s the second officer after Tam. I believe second officers are in charge of crew duty assignments, morale and discipline.

        • synp says:

          Normally, sure. But does she take command if both captain and XO are unavailable? Sojourner suggests so, because Drrntr the Ops officer took command briefly after the captain and XO died.

          • synp says:

            Hey, it’s your story and it’s in the space exploration corps that you made up. Up to you to decide what the order of command is.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            It is, but we try to stick to as close to real world as possible and I’m happy to make tweaks based on expert advice.

            My logic is Izzy is an experienced and well regarded crew member who has demonstrated she can come through in a crisis (headcanon ATM). As the second officer on the ship she’d regularly be the most senior officer on the bridge and in command then. In the event the Captain and XO are incapacitated she would take charge.

  3. Genguidanos says:

    You know, Loona’s parents can now legally adopt Nonah. Not as a pet of course, but as their daughter. Loona and Nonah can now officially be sisters.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      That would be weird I think. Not sure we’ve ever met Loona’s parents. Loona has always filled the parent role to Nonah, so if anything it would be Loona adopting Nonah as a daughter. Still, at this point I think it would just be semantics. There’s always been the family bond between them, and with Nonah and family being self-suficient already, I don’t see any real reason to make it official. Then again, I don’t claim to know anything about Titan culture or benefits.

      • Soatari says:

        I never saw a mother/daughter relationship there. It was owner/pet (which was only for a very brief time in their relationship), friends, best friends, sisters. Hell, with the way Nonah scolds Loona, she acts more motherly, like she’s the older sister taking care of her kid sister.

    • Soatari says:

      There’s no real point in that. They’ve already been sisters. She’s class one now, and she’ll no doubt pass the test to make her a citizen.

  4. Coal White says:

    I never quite thought of Nonah’s and Dhan’s kids being “Loona’s” as well. It makes sense, though. Great chapter!

    • Soatari says:

      Loona’s been a part of those children’s lives since they were born. They all always shared a home. Even when Loona first took office and moved to the capitol, her family moved with her. Nonah obviously thought of Loona as the third parent the whole time.

  5. Kusanagi says:

    Fantastic moment with Izzy, long long overdo.

    Nice middle scene that was Background chatter esq. Always great to see how non main characters get along in the world.

    Beautiful moment between Loona and Nonah the pride they both have in Lessy is palpable.

    • sketch says:

      It seems like just about every story Lessy shows up in she’s making her family proud. Poor… hang on, let me check if TD is around… Poor Sorcha has this more guarded optimism about her untapped potential. I think half the praise worthy things we’ve seen Lessy do is keep her friend out of trouble.

  6. Ancient Relic says:

    Izzy becoming a proper member of the crew was a beautiful thing, and long overdue. There’s a short story to be had in there.

    Scenes like the middle scene, that provide a look at the wider world, flesh out the story considerably. I agree with the vet, an educated human like Dervla is absolutely essential to making the transition to citizenship work.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      I don’t really think there’s any story about why Izzy became a proper member. She simply is legally able to now. However more stories in the TCA miniseries would always be welcome.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I was thinking about stories after Izzy becomes a Commander. Especially stories where Izzy is running the ship.

    • Soatari says:

      I feel like there’s another adventure in there with one of Aerti’s comments. “My children wouldn’t have a father”, implying Izzy saved his life after he got married to Eyrn and had kids, which would be after the time skip of the last TCA.

      • TheSilentOne says:

        Oops, i read that totally wrong. In my mind I was thinking that without Izzy, Eyrn wouldn’t be around and he wouldn’t have the kids he had. While that may be the case too, this is definitely different. Did Izzy have a hand at all with the rescue at First Contact? Been so long ago that I don’t remember anymore.

        • AlphaRed says:

          I was wondering about that. There is a line of txt…Izzy saved the crew and ship two times. Lemm also mentioned she saved her in the prologue of another story. I remember the issue with the insect oil smuglars where Izzy offered herself and by extension bought the away team time. I thought that might haves saved Lemm but I never figured out when Izzy would have saved the ship. An unwritten story perhaps?

      • OpenHighHat says:

        I actually spent a good bit of time today editing the next few chapters and consolidating some of the later stuff. It’s just insane the amount of threads running through this story.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          It won’t take any disaster. Izzy is Ops. Anytime the Captain and Exec are off the ship she’s senior officer in command. This should be interesting.

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