Chapter Eleven: Weak Spot Titan: Pandemic by JohnnyScribe

“That’s the third time you’ve checked your computer in the last hour. Do you expect his condition to fluctuate that much?”

Brinn looked up from the screen where the vitals for the human Pryvani had found were displayed and turned her eyes to the human standing on the shelf in front of her face. She smiled softly and placed her hand next to him palm up in a silent invitation.

“No.” She sighed as Nick carefully climbed into her hand and sat down in the center of her palm. “Pryvani called me earlier and told me he’s getting much stronger… well, physically anyway. Pryvani kind of told him the truth about her being a ‘goddess’ and I guess it sort of sent him into an emotional tailspin.”

“Is he going to be okay?” Nick asked with a concerned look on his face.

“Who can say? Pryvani feels incredibly guilty.” Brinn shrugged.

“But that’s not why you keep checking in on him.” Nick observed.

The young veterinarian sighed and shook her head. “I guess I’m just worried about him. He was… pretty messed up if the sensor readings were anything to go from. And the truth is, well, I guess I feel a little guilty too.”

Nick shook his head and patted the soft flesh underneath him understandingly. “You can’t be responsible for what your sister did, Brinn. She’s made her own choices… and committed her own atrocities.”

Brinn sighed and nodded. “I know.”

“Now come on. Leave the computer alone for a little bit. If there’s an emergency, you’ll get notified of it, but until that happens you need to relax.” Nick looked over the edge of her hand and down the length of her body. “I mean you haven’t even changed out of your work clothes yet.”

Dutifully Brinn turned off her computer and rose from her desk chair, arching her back in an attempt to get some of the knots out of her neck. On reflection, Brinn had to acknowledge that her human had a point and she had to admire the change that had come over her little friend recently.

It had only been a couple of weeks since she’d decided there needed to be some alterations in their relationship, but the differences in him were amazing. While he was still somewhat submissive and deferential towards her (and she suspected that was just part of his personality and unlikely to ever change) he didn’t act like he was merely an extension of her anymore.

Not that he had been the only one who’d had to adjust to their new circumstances. Despite the fact it had been her idea originally, she’d found plenty of aspects of their new life to be challenging. At first she had to keep reminding herself to listen to his opinion or understand his objections. It had been hard to not just pick him up whenever she desired (and she still forgot sometimes) But it was getting easier.

And if she was completely honest with herself, she did like it better this way. Originally she had only taken the steps and made the changes as a ‘drastic measure’ to save Nick’s sanity, but now she couldn’t imagine living any other way. She hadn’t realized it before but Nick as an actual person was really good company.

He was a quick learner too. Brinn had begun his training only a little while ago, but she had already judged him competent enough to handle some of the smaller non-human animals her clinic dealt with on his own.

At least, when her supervisor Dr. Kezwic wasn’t around. Brinn hadn’t really noticed it before, but the older veterinarian was surprisingly obstinate. She’d actually laughed when Brinn had come to her with the proposal to train Nick as a veterinary assistant, and had wondered if maybe a Keiflar should do their accounting as well.

Brinn felt her cheeks burn with humiliation at the memory of that conversation. Things between Brinn and her mentor had been somewhat strained since the young vet had returned to the Capital from Avalon. Of course, partly it was Brinn’s departure and then suddenly returning and begging to have her old job back. Dr. Kezwic had been rather miffed when Brinn had informed her she’d be leaving the clinic originally.

And while she did agree to give Brinn her job back, however reluctantly, it was clear she was no longer particularly happy with Brinn, frequently finding petty excuses to criticize her work.

But, regardless of what Dr. Kezwic thought of the idea, she’d decided to go ahead with her plan to teach Nick about veterinary medicine; and, perhaps even to her own surprise, he’d proven himself to be very capable.

Brinn shook her head and smiled at the tiny man in her hand. She carefully raised her hand up to her shoulder and let Nick climb off and settle into the hollow between her neck and collar bone. At the moment, he was wearing some of the clothes she’d given him. He didn’t always, some days he didn’t see the point in getting dressed, but he always had the option.

“You’re right.” She addressed the figure perched on her shoulder. “There’s no sense in worrying about an emergency that hasn’t occurred yet.”

“Of course I’m right.” Nick responded. She felt him gently stroke her neck just below her ear and a pleasant shiver ran down her spine. That was another curious habit of the “New Nick.” Sometimes, not very often but sometimes, he felt confident enough to initiate contact between the two of them.

“Hmm…” She sighed. “And just what do you think you’re doing, little man?” She made sure to keep her tone playful, because Nick occasionally misjudged her moods and assumed he’d done something wrong when the truth was the exact opposite.

“I’m not sure what you mean Brinn.” The human responded with a laugh. “I’m just sitting here, trying to keep my balance.”

“Uh huh.” Brinn mounted the steps and began climbing them carefully, her destination being her upstairs bedroom. “Don’t be coy with me, Nick. You know exactly what you’re trying to do, and I know that you know it.”

“I see.” Nick responded. “And is there any particular issue with what I’m ‘trying to do’ as you put it?”

“Only that, as you’ve recently reminded me, we’ve been home some time and I’ve not yet changed out of my work clothes. And on top of that, I’m exhausted.”

“Well, perhaps a nap is in order?” Nick asked, with his voice colored with false innocence.

“And if I left you down here while I went upstairs and took that nap? Would you be okay with that?”

“Um, well…”

Brinn laughed. “I didn’t think so. Lucky for you, I’ve decided I need something to cuddle with. Know of anything I can use?”

“Hmm… a pillow or a soft toy maybe?” Nick suggested.

“I gave all my toys away years ago.” Brinn responded. “Except you, of course. And my pillows aren’t very cuddly.”

“Well, that’s too bad.”

“I don’t suppose you’d be willing to help me out?” Brinn asked with a knowing smirk on her lips.

Nick sighed dramatically. “Well, it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.”

Brinn smiled and rolled her eyes. She walked past the upstairs bathroom on her way to her own bedroom. Then she passed the room that had once been Zara’s bedroom. She felt a twinge in her belly. She missed both Zara and Taron. And even Sophia. She hoped they were doing well on Avalon. Perhaps she could arrange to visit them soon.

Brinn pushed open the door to her bedroom and set Nick down on top of her dresser.

She reached up to pull off her shirt, throwing it into the corner. She arched her back, glancing at Nick out of the corner of her eye to make sure he was watching.

Which, of course he was.

She slowly slid her pants down her hips and kicked them away. Then the redheaded giantess turned around and unhooked her bra, pulling it off and letting it fall to the floor.

Next she slowly slid her panties down and stepped out of them.

The now nude Titaness turned around to find her little human similarly disrobed. With a grin, she lowered her hand and allowed him to climb into her palm.

She carried him over to the bed and laid down on top of it, setting him next to her.

Next, she placed her wrists and ankles into a set of four cuffs that were placed on either side of the bed, clasping them shut to immobilize herself.

This had been an idea she’d had a few days ago. At first it had been merely an experiment in letting Nick have a measure of control during their sessions, but Brinn had discovered that she sometimes enjoyed the novelty of not being able to decide where the little man could explore.

So, she was beginning to let him take the lead, at least a little, more and more often during their play.

Brinn snapped the cuffs around her wrists, chaining herself to the bed. There was a small button on the side of the left cuff that would release it. Nick usually had to push it for her, but Brinn had discovered that she could press it if she stretched her middle finger to a painful degree.

Still, she had to actually concentrate on pressing it so there was no way she could slip out in the throes of passion.

“All set?” Nick asked with a grin.

Her wrists and ankles were all bound fairly securely. So Brinn nodded and licked her lips in anticipation.

Nick knelt down and squeezed himself between her breasts. She could feel him planting kisses on the skin of her sternum and shuddered. That was definitely something no Titan man could ever do. Not in the way Nick did that gave her such a fluttery feeling.

He continued moving down her body, lightly stroking the insides of her breasts as he went. He spent several minutes between her breasts before finally forcing his way out from their warm embrace.

Nick found himself on the flat plain of her stomach. Her skin felt warm beneath his feet. He looked up and met her eyes. Her face was flushed and her eyes seemed a little glazed over. Her wrists were still locked to the headboard behind her.

The obvious course of action would be to continue heading ‘southward’ down her body, but Nick decided to change things a bit.

Instead, he grasped the flesh of her right breast and began slowly ascending the soft mountain, his movements tickling the redheaded goddess whose body he was using as a playground.

“Nick… you’re teasing me…” Brinn panted.

“Just a little.” Nick grinned and ran a hand lightly over the engorged nipple he was standing near. He wasn’t planning on staying there, however. He jumped down off her breast and landed lightly on her stomach, rolling down the smooth plain until he stopped next to her bellybutton.

Brinn tilted her head forward so she could try to see what Nick was up to.

“Where are you going, little man?” She asked playfully. “Heading right to the finish line already?”

“Nope.” Nick grinned, as he walked along her left thigh and over her knee. “I spoke to Zara and Sophia earlier, they told me an interesting secret about you.”

Brinn stiffened and her eyes went wide. “Wh-What did they tell you?”

Nick chuckled evilly. “That you have a weak spot.”

“Oh I do?” Brinn tried to keep her tone light and casual. It didn’t work.

“Yes you do.” Nick told her as he climb over her ankle and up to her toes. “An Achilles heel, if you will…”

He gently scratched at the tip of her big toe, which twitched away from him in response.

“Nick…” Brinn’s voice carried a note of warning. “Don’t you dare…!”

“Don’t do what?” Nick asked with feigned innocence as he climbed over her foot and landed in front of her sole on the other side. He began to slowly run his hand down the side of her foot. “This you mean?”

Her foot twitched again and Brinn squealed. “Nick STOP!”

“I don’t think I really want to.” Nick grinned. “And you can’t stop me.”

He began to tickle her feet in earnest. Brinn writhed on the bed, legs straining against the ankle cuff, but they weren’t long enough for her to get away from her tiny tormentor.

“I swear Nick!” Brinn screeched. “When I get out of this I am shoving you in my panties for a week straight. Do you understand me?!”

But Nick wasn’t listening; instead he jumped over to her other foot and continued the onslaught there.

Brinn tried to undo the cuffs around her wrist, but she couldn’t seem to control her ticklish reactions long enough to press the button to open them.

Nick continued to tickle and prod at the sole of her other foot, relishing the chance to put her off her guard for once.

Brinn tried to trap him under her foot, but the little human proved too fast for her, jumping out of the way of her falling arch.

“Nice try Brinn.” Nick cackled, sticking his tongue out at her.

“Nick… please stop…” Brinn whimpered pitifully Nick smiled and stroked her foot again.

“Okay Brinn.” He smiled. “I’m done.”

Then her foot pressed down on him, trapping him against the mattress.

“Aha!” The Titaness cheered triumphantly. “I got you!” she scrunched her toes around him, not hard enough to hurt him, of course; but to remind him that while she may be tied to the bed… she was still in charge.

“Bet you thought you were pretty clever!” She mused. “‘Oh I talked to Sophia and Zara… They told me you have a weak spot!’” Brinn mocked in a high pitched version of his voice.

“Believe me; they’ll be getting theirs too!” She growled mockingly.

Nick couldn’t help but smile in amusement, listening to her little tirade. “Okay you’ve got me.” He admitted. “Now what are you going to do with me?”

“Hmm…” Brinn gently rolled his body from side to side underneath her foot as she pondered the possibilities. “I think that since you have abused my feet, you should make it up to them.”

“Oh? And how should I do that?”

Brinn smirked. “By kissing them of course.”

Nick blinked, confused. “Won’t that tickle your feet even more?”

“Probably.” Brinn giggled. “But it will be worth it.”

With a shrug, Nick lifted his face as much as he could and pressed his lips against her toes. Just as he predicted, Brinn gasped and squirmed a bit, and her toes clenched in front of his face.

Of course, Nick couldn’t resist getting back at her, just a little. He kissed her toes several times in rapid succession causing her foot to spasm uncontrollably before the Titaness decided she couldn’t take it anymore and lifted her foot away from his body.

“Okay, okay!” She gasped. “That’s… that’s good enough. You can stop.”

Nick pulled himself back to his feet, a rather proud grin on his face.

“Okay.” He called up to her as he dusted himself off. “Would you like me to make it up to you for real now?”

“Yes.” Brinn sighed.

He walked between her legs and made his way to the center of Brinn’s womanhood. Despite her protestations, Nick could clearly see that, at least on some level, she’d enjoyed his little “torture session.”

He reached out and ran a hand along the out edge of her labia. The giantess moaned softly and squirmed again, but this time it was from pleasure.

“Nick you’re teasing me again…” Brinn panted. Nick couldn’t see her face but he could imagine her flushed cheeks and lidded eyes. Nick climbed up the inside of her thigh. Normally, this would be the point where Brinn would take him in hand and gently insert his body into hers. However, her hands were obviously unavailable for the task and neither of them were willing to risk his getting hurt if he ventured in alone.

However, there were other ways to do the job.

One of the advantages to having sex with a woman over a hundred feet tall… the clitoris was very easy to manipulate. Nick sat on the edge of the abdomen and reached down until he could gently rub the small button of flesh with his hands.

Behind him, Brinn let out a small moan of pleasure.

Of course, Nick was just getting started. He leaned over the edge of her crotch, her fluids soaking his front and marking him with her scent. Carefully, he pulled himself towards her and slowly licked her clit, eventually taking it into his mouth and sucking on it gently.

He felt a muscle spasm underneath him and he knew she was using all her willpower to resist the urge to buck her hips and send him flying across the room.

Not that that was going to stop him. He continued to play with the little nub of sensitive flesh, teasing it with his tongue and fingers. Below him he could see vast quantities of lubricating fluids leaking out from between her legs and pooling on the bed sheets below.

No doubt if she had her hands free, she’d be working herself into a frenzy by now. Of course, she didn’t. Which meant he’d have to do it for her. He went back to his task with renewed determination. He rode out her twitching muscles and the slight bucking of her hips, enjoying it far better than any carnival ride he’d ever seen. His efforts were punctuated by the moans and gasps of pleasure he could hear from behind him.

He relentlessly stimulated every bit of her that he could reach, toying with her labia and clitoris simultaneously. He could tell she was getting close because it was beginning to feel like he was riding out an earthquake.

Finally, her hips bucked what was likely a ten-point-oh on the Richter scale. He flew through the air and landed on her belly button, rolling back along her body until he came to rest against the underside of her breasts.

The Titaness let out an amazing scream that Nick seemed to feel as well as hear. Her muscles twitched and all Nick could do was hold on as best he could until the ride came to a full and complete stop.

Eventually Brinn managed to calm down enough so that the only sign of her recent experience was a bought of heavy breathing. With a satisfied smirk on his face, Nick pushed through her cleavage and climbed to the top of her right breast so he could look her in the eye.

“So…” He asked with a grin. “Did that make it up to you?”

Brinn couldn’t answer properly at first, but eventually she managed to get herself under control enough to answer.

“Well…” She mused. “I guess it’s a start.”

One comment

  1. Aura The Key Of The Twilight says:

    wait, beetween the end of TItan and begin of Pandemic, have passed only two weeks? how Trell can learn how escape and hyde object in only two weeks of jail?

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