Chapter Fifty: Explanations Titan: Nomad by JohnnyScribe

Aisell gaped at the small form that stood on the stoop of her home. She rested her hand on the ground for support as the entire world seemed to flip sideways. For just a moment she couldn’t really hear anything but her own pounding heartbeat as it echoed in her ears.

“Luke…” She repeated, mind still numbed by shock. “You… you’re alive.”

“Yes I am.” Luke nodded, carefully stepping towards her. “And I know that you and I have a lot of unfinished business that we need to sort through, and there will be plenty of time for that later, but in the meantime-”

“I can’t believe this.” Aisell muttered, wiping tears from her eyes, having heard exactly nothing of what Luke had just said. “After all this time. I’ve been so worried… we’ve all been worried about you, and suddenly you appear out of nowhere and… Wife? Did you say wife?”

“Of course, that would be the part that gets through.” Luke muttered with a sigh.

“Lezah!” Aisell suddenly turned towards the inside of the house. “Get in here quick!”

Luke edged closer to Quendra and grasped her hand in his as the floor began to shake from the footsteps of several giants drawing nearer. He felt her stiffen as the subjects of her worst nightmares- Hair Like Fire, Tall as Tree and Seeks the Tribe, drew closer and looked down on them curiously.

Lezah was the closest. As she slowly crept closer, Luke watched as her face went from mild curiousity, to confusion, to surprise and finally into shock.

”Is… Is that… LUKE!” The ground shook again as the eldest Maris sister fell to her knees, hand covering her mouth. “He’s alive!”

“Yes…” Luke repeated, becoming exasperated. “I am but-”

“So this is Luke huh?”

Luke turned and was met with literally the tallest Titan he had ever seen. It became immediately clear why the youngest sister was known as Tall as Tree.

“Er…” Luke put an arm around his wife, as he could tell she was becoming extremely agitated. “Yes. You must be Aezhay…”

“This is amazing. It’s a miracle.” Lezah muttered. “Wait… who’s the girl?”

“Luke’s wife.” Aisell replied, and it was hard for Luke to judge her reaction from those words.

“Wife? But…”

“Okay, hold on a second.” A voice from behind the wall of Maris sisters cut in. “I think you all need to back up and give them some room. Otherwise she might just faint.”

The three sisters looked at each other, a little guiltily, and shuffled back a few paces. This allowed Luke to finally get a close look at the one the others called “Seeks the Tribe.”

“Thank you.” Luke nodded, breathing a sigh of relief.

“All right little man.” Aisell replied with narrowed eyes. “Start talking. Where have you been all this time, and who is she?”

Luke hesitated before glancing at Quendra. The redhead sighed and shook her head. It was obvious that she still had reservations about their actions, but recognized that they were far beyond the point of no return as far as that went.

“All right.” Luke sighed. “It’s something of a long story, but I’ll give you the Cliff’s notes version because we’re pressed for time.”

“The what?” Aezhay wondered.

“The short version.” Luke explained, smiling slightly despite the serious situation.

“Well, all right.” Aisell said, as she laid her hand on the floor in front of the humans. “But if we’re going to do that, squatting on the floor in the entryway is not exactly an ideal place for it.”

Luke knew immediately what Aisell wanted them to do. He glanced apprehensively at Quendra, unsure how his wife was going to react to this- but much to his surprise, and no small delight, he saw her square her shoulders and set her jaw before boldly climbing into the offered palm. After a second spent in admiration, Luke hastened to join her.

He only had a few seconds to situate himself before Aisell, slowly, rose to her feet. In spite of her earlier bravado, Quendra found herself clinging to Luke’s arm for support as the “ground” underneath them suddenly shot into the air. Luke didn’t begrudge her this, as travel by Titan was something that took some getting used to. Indeed, she was reacting far better than he had the first time he rode in a Titan’s hand.

Luke looked about the Maris’s home as they traveled back into the kitchen. He was surprised to see how familiar everything still felt to him, despite how long it had been since he’d left.

They entered the kitchen and Aisell lowered her hand to the counter top. Once Luke and Quendra had safely set foot on the solid wood, Aisell and the other Titans clustered at the other end of the counter.
Luke was grateful for this, because this way he and Quendra were not surrounded by them. He liked to think they had done this on purpose.

“Okay.” Luke began after taking a deep breath. “Here goes…”


Lesis Teronidia, Director of Regional Organizing for Titans for the Ethical Treatment of Humans, stared at his own reflection in the bathroom mirror and tried to regain that sense of rightness he’d previously had when doing his job.

The task was proving difficult.

With a sigh he exited the bathroom of the warehouse TETH was renting as they prepped for phase two of their project for the wild human tribe.

“Lesis!” A voice called out to him. “Over here! Come look!”

He turned and saw a young woman with short, spiked, green hair waving to him. Lesis suppressed a sigh and jogged over to the wide open space where Ncaesi and Leny were waiting for him. One the concrete floor they’d marked out a large square space, roughly twenty five units on each side.

“What am I looking at?” He asked the two women, who seemed extremely proud of the empty space in front of them.

“Watch.” Ncaesi said with a grin. She tapped a few commands into the data pad in her hand and a moment later a large holographic projection appeared in the empty space.

“What do you think?” Leny asked him, throwing her arm around his shoulders.

“I…” Lesis frowned and studied the projected image. In the empty space they’d constructed a large glass tank, inside of which was a small village of grass and mud huts that looked like something from a bygone age on Archavia. Just outside the circle of huts were a collection of other ramshackle buildings and lean-tos, presumably for storage and workspace.

Just outside the “village” was a wide open area where a couple of holographic tupps frolicked near an artificial pond.

“What… what exactly is this?” He asked the two women.

“The new habitat we’ll be building for the humans.” Leny gushed excitedly. “Isn’t it amazing?!”

“It is… uh… impressive…” Lesis muttered. “But doesn’t it seem a bit, well, small?”

“What do you mean?” Ncaesi asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“Okay, look, we have over one hundred humans, right? And you have…” Lesis did a quick count. “Sixteen huts for them to live in.”

“Well, obviously this is just a mock-up.” Ncaesi snorted derisively. “They’ll be able to build more huts.”

“With what?” He countered. “I don’t see any building material in there.”

“We’ll give it to them, of course.”

“And food? There’s not near enough space for them to grow enough food to feed a hundred humans.”

“They can grow what they can to show they know how.” Ncaesi countered. “And then we’ll give them more to supplement what they can produce. And we can give them tupps and such to hunt for meat.”

“Oh I see.” Lesis nodded. “And this?” He used the knuckles of one hand to knock on the holographic glass that surrounded the “habitat.”

“That’s there for their protection, obviously. We don’t want them wandering off and getting underfoot, and we don’t want random Titans snatching them and making off with them.” Leny rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Les… what’s your deal suddenly?”

“Well, let me see if I’ve got this straight.” Lesis replied. “We’re going to lock them in a glass box, in a habitat we built for them, where we’ll give them food and everything they need, and make every decision for them, while we let any Titan who wants to gawk at them? Have I got that right?”

“Er…” Leny bit her lip. “I suppose so…”

“Really?” Lesis snorted in wry amusement. “And what does that sound like to you?”

“It’s not the same thing at all!” Ncaesi snarled angrily. “We’re trying to raise awareness of what humans are really like. This ‘tribe’ or whatever can help to show the average public what humans are really capable of!”

“And if they refuse?” Lesis wondered. “If we dump them in this… this thing and they sit there and decide not to play our game, what then? Are we going to discipline them? If so, are we going to use one of the HOS approved methods? I mean, why not? We’re already using their equipment!” He angrily stabbed his finger at the vacuum devices the three of them had used to gather the humans.

“How dare you!” Ncaesi shouted.

“All right!” Leny interposed herself between the two of them. “Let’s just everybody calm down, okay? It’s been a long day and we’re all tired. Let’s pack it in and get some sleep, okay? Things will make more sense after some rest, I’m sure.”

Lesis and Ncaesi glared at each other for another few seconds, before turning and walking towards opposite ends of the warehouse.

“Grand.” Leny muttered, wearily. “Glad we could get that sorted out.”


“…And then we came here hoping that you could help us.” Luke finished his abbreviated tale and looked up at the faces of the women around him.

“Incredible.” Aisell whispered. “All this time, there’s been a human society living on our land and we never saw a single sign of them.”

“I had.” Aezhay spoke up.

“You had?” her sister responded. “Where?”

“I…” Aezhay shook her head in confusion. “You remember Fray? The human I had when I was younger? I know we all thought she ran away but… I remember, about a year after she disappeared, one night she came back. She told me not to worry about her. That she had gone to a place where people like her lived. She told me… that she loved me very much, but she wouldn’t be able to see me again.”

“Why didn’t you say something before?” Aisell asked, a bit of an edge to her voice.

“Honestly, because I only remembered it just now. I hadn’t thought about it in years. And for the longest time I just figured it was a dream. I was a little girl, after all.”

“I… don’t believe it.” Lezah muttered. “I mean I know what Aunt Niki and Uncle Oresak told us, but I never once thought any humans survived that day. I’d always hoped some had, but…”

“You speak of the Great Disaster.” Quendra spoke up. “The massacre of the Tall Man and the Angry Woman.”

“Massacre…?” Aisell muttered. “I suppose to you it must have seemed… But no, it was an accident. A terrible accident that our aunt and uncle never forgave themselves for.”

Quendra shook her head. “Enough of this. We are wasting time and every second we sit here, the people who took my tribe get further from us!”

“We want to help, Quendra.” Aisell explained. “But I don’t know what we can do. We don’t have any clue who took them or where they may have gone…”

Gae, who had been mostly silent up to that point, let out a sigh. “Um… I might.”

“What?” Lezah blinked. “Why would you…? Oh… oh no, Gae tell me they didn’t. Tell me YOU didn’t.”

“What?” Aisell asked. “Didn’t what?”

“I didn’t… well, I mean I never…” Gae stammered. “But… yes, I sent some evidence of the tribe to TETH. But that was back when I still believed in what they were doing! I just figured they’d make leaflets or something. I never once thought they’d kidnap the entire group!”

“You see?” Quendra snapped to Luke, pointing at Gae accusingly. “This is what they do, Luke! This is why we hide from them!”

“Hey!” Yamanu snapped from his place on Gae’s shoulder. “Don’t you talk to her that way; you don’t know what she’s done to help humans!”

“Do not speak to me, Pet!” Quendra spat. “Because of her, nearly every person I love has been taken from me, and I have had to sit here quietly while you all decide if you’re going to bother doing something about it. I will be silent no longer!”

“Quendra, calm down, please.” Luke whispered to his wife.

“No.” Gae shook her head emphatically. “Please, listen. I messed up, I know that. But I can make this right. I can find where they went.”

“You’d better.” Lezah sighed. “This family can’t afford any more bad luck.”

“All right.” Aisell sighed. “Us blaming each other won’t solve the problem, even though there’s plenty of blame to go around. We need to get moving.”

Quendra continued to glare defiantly up at Gae. “Very well,” She muttered. “But this won’t soon be forgotten, Seeks the Tribe.”

“We can reasonably assume they headed for Town.” Aisell said, standing up from her chair. “It’s really the only place to go from here. I’ll take Luke and Quendra and we’ll start heading in that direction. Gae, you call us with the location when you find it out, then you all come as quick as you can.”

Quendra stiffened at the idea of being anywhere near the Titaness, but after a moment she calmed herself. As much as she hated to admit it. Luke had been right, it seemed that the only hope Quendra had lied with the blonde Titaness.

But, oh, did that chafe.

Aisell laid her hand on the table and the humans climbed into her palm.

“And just how are you planning on getting into town?” Lezah asked.

Aisell only smiled.


The garage door rumbled open on rusty hinges. After a bit of groping, Aisell was able to hit the switch, causing the overhead lights to flicker, reluctantly, to life.

The interior was covered in several years’ worth of dust, which made their eyes water for a moment. In the center was a lumpy object covered by a formerly white sheet turned brown from dirt.

“Cover your mouths.” She told the pair of humans sitting on her shoulder, a moment before she carefully removed the sheet. Despite her care, a small cloud of dust was sent into the air. However, the object that the sheet concealed remained pristine.

Luke blinked and looked at it closely. It looked a bit like hybrid between a snowmobile and a motorcycle. Smooth metal painted a dark midnight blue, with a windshield made of tinted purple plexiglass- or something similar. Instead of tires there were small nodules.

“Whoa…” Luke breathed, impressed.

“My baby.” Aisell said proudly. “Haven’t had a chance to ride her in years though.”

She stepped across the garage to a small cabinet behind the machine. Opening the door revealed a black helmet with an opaque faceplate. She slipped it over her head and her face could no longer be seen behind it. Also in the cabinet was a jacket made of a material that at least looked like leather. She set the humans on the saddle of her ride and slipped it on.

“Okay.” Her voice was muffled behind the helmet. “Now where can you two ride? Aha!”

Before either of the humans could say a word, she’d popped open a compartment on the console between her legs. Luke peeked inside. It was cramped but covered in soft foam. It might not be the most comfortable ride ever, but it should be safe enough.

And at least it would be Quendra he’d be pressed up against and not, well, anybody else.

For a moment it looked like Quendra might protest, but her fear for her tribe overrode her sense of pride and she climbed into the compartment without comment, pulling Luke in behind her.

Once she’d made sure they were as secure as she could make them, Aisell started the engine, feeling a sense of pride when the machine roared to life without incident. With a twist of a dial and the click of a button, she engaged the engine and the machine floated gently off the ground.

Carefully she nudged it through the garage door and, once they were clear, she gunned the engine and soared into the sky.


  1. Carycomic says:

    The reunion between Luke and Aisell…at long last! 😀

    It was nowhere near as awkward, as I feared it would be. But, then again, that’s no doubt due to the primary crisis. Getting the Tribe back from those Totally Egotistical Terd Heads!

  2. Prophet says:

    Great chapter, we get to the moment long awaited by many readers and it didn’t disappoint.

    Hopefully we see a situation where Quendra and Aisell share a moment together in the future.

    Can’t wait for more!

  3. Nitestarr says:

    I wonder if these events takes place before or after Darren arrives at the farm? I think after?? I’m confused on the timeline..

    • Kusanagi says:

      It’s after, asked a similar question and TD confirmed the Darren/Aisell bits take place before the tribe is kidnapped.

      • Nitestarr says:

        So where is Darren? If Aisell has him then where did he go? Dude Ranch? Tupp hunting? Sleeping in the other room? 🙂 Or maybe he is trying to apologize to Eyrn back at Rutger?…………………Or maybe he’s with Tapp?……..ooooooh……..oooh……oh…

        • Johnny Scribe says:

          At this point Darren isn’t at the farm anymore, and we’re ahead of where Exile is. You’ll have to read that story to find out what happens to him- both during his time with Aisell and after

  4. faeriehunter says:

    Good to see that the inhabitants of the Maris farm didn’t waste too much time starting a rescue operation. I wonder if Lesis will end up helping them; he seems to realize that TETH (or rather, Lenyalana and Ncaesi) are treating the Tribe like animals.

    Quendra is not one for diplomacy, is she? If you’re asking people who are strangers to you for a desperately needed favor, then the last thing you should do is hurl insults at them, regardless of how upset you are.

    Say, why is Aisell assuming that TETH took the Tribe to “Town” (I assume she meant Medzina)? It’s been mentioned that transportation in the Empire is fast enough that one can reach any destination on Archavia in about an hour or so. Wouldn’t it make more sense to assume that the Tribe was taken to wherever TETH’s main headquarters is?

    • Nitestarr says:

      She is a (elder) huntress and a warrior. Diplomacy is not part of her skill set 🙂 In her world thinking too much about the consequences of actions would get you killed….

      Poor Yamma first Quendra then Darren (maybe later?) hurls insults at him…

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      Remember, Quendra still isnt completely happy with this plan. She’s also in an emotionally tense situation and surrounded by beings she’d grown up hearing horror stories about. It’s completely reasonable that she’s lashing out in order to hide her vulnerability.

  5. Kusanagi says:

    While I kind of wished to see the Maris sisters’ reactions to parts of the story I understand that it undoubtedly would have slowed the story down. Though I do wonder what details Luke left out. Specifically that the one who kidnapped him was standing right next to him, or that she was the notorious kip. Though given Aisell/Luke/and Quendra will have some time alone I’m sure a few things will come to light.

    Also I have to say I love that there’s pretty much no hesitation in whether they were going to help or not, then again they seemed to be wrapped up in human drama every other week now, either way go team Maris!

    I’m really hoping when the time comes Lesis actually stands up for what is right, Ncaesi’s plan is a joke and a half assed one at that. I thought they would at least try to duplicate the tree, instead they just gave them a glass prison to be displayed like a zoo. The hypocrisy was on full display and I’m damn glad Lesis called them on it.

  6. Nitestarr says:

    And sooo JS takes the baton and sprints towards the finish line…..

    A few places made me grin this one;

    “Wife? Did you say wife?”

    “Of course, that would be the part that gets through.” Luke muttered with a sigh.”


    And this;

    “Do not speak to me, Pet!” Quendra spat. “Because of her, nearly every person I love has been taken from me, and I have had to sit here quietly while you all decide if you’re going to bother doing something about it. I will be silent no longer!”


    I love me some strong willed passionate women…..Although she might have a been a tad mean to Yamma but its understandable..
    Aisell holds a still holds a torch? Whoa……….Luke….duuuude… (j/k)

    Aisell to the rescue! Amazing that she has come full circle and redeemed herself… she never was a bad person to begin with but she like other Titans did not have a full understanding of humans….

    Good stuff..

  7. sketch says:

    Welcome to writing 3 Titan stories at once JS. 🙂 How’s it going?

    I’ve been looking forward to conversation for a while, but due to restrictions of time and space it has to be brief for now. (The characters are in a rush, and as much as I’d like to see it in detail, it wouldn’t do to rehash several chapters of story.) Even so, we touched on most of the important points, the great disaster, Aezhay’s human, “Seeks the Tribe”, and it’s still kind of awesome to get a few reactions. We still need Luke and Aisell to catch up properly, and hopefully there is mention of the sharr(s) attack. Does Luke still show signs of his injuries?

    Finally, I have to say, Aisell is pretty badass. I’m hoping she walks in there, slams either Lenny or Ncaesi to the ground before setting Quendra on the ground before them to have some words. I don’t think they’ll listen otherwise. (On phone, sorry for any typos)

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      lol it’s a bit daunting at times, I’ll admit.

      And a lot of this stuff will be hashed out once the immediate crisis is past, of course. I wanted it to be longer, but I kept hearing Quendra say “every second that passes takes my people further away!”

  8. gadgetmawombo says:

    Im glad things were resolved quickly so we could get back to rescuing the tribe! And the character progression of Aisell really shows, she quickly understood what needed to be done and didnt sulk in the past! Shes come a long way…Cant wait for the next one!

      • Nostory says:

        She’s awesome and now she’ll finally redeem herself. It must be so awkward to have your wife and your old flame that still carries a torch for you in the same ride but things are finally getting back to the root of the issue, saving The Tribe! Damn it still hurts to see she missed out on Luke, maybe Darren.

        Whatever her choice, I’m sure a beautiful and smart titan like her should have no problem getting someone. Thurfrit?

        • NightEye says:

          If at all, I think it more likely that Thurfrit would end up with “Tall as Tree”. He was gawking at her when he went to the house and the fact that he’s “Fray-Fray” ‘s grandson makes it all better :

          “So this is my girlfriend Aezhay.”
          Oh ! That’s nice !
          She used to own my grandmother.
          … … …”

          Awkward…… 😀

          • Nostory says:

            Could be kind of cute if they work on it but Aezhay doesn’t strike me as the type to end up with a human.

  9. Soatari says:

    I have to honestly wonder how these TETH workers can be so damned blind to what they are doing. Kidnapped them from their home to set them up in a zoo. There’s really no other way of looking at it. Almost nothing they’ve done in this story can be considered ethical. It’s to the point that I’m pretty sure there are ulterior motives from the leaders there.

  10. Stephen says:

    Gae really screwed up. Why is it that every time a Titan tries to be “helpful”, it ends up being bad for humans? Titans can be so arrogant. Though, I suppose this could be seen as social commentary on how humans treat other species.

    • NightEye says:

      Gae and Bedra did something they thought harmless at the time or even positive but without taking into account the fact that if their actions end up wrong, what is a mild annoyance to a Titan is a deadly threat to a human.

      I find very funny (in a way…) that Titans are constantly described as a slow-acting, cautious species, one that carefully considers the long-term implications of their actions – in comparison to the “rashness” of Humans – while the actual Titans we meet are often empty headed, carefree if not careless people, at least when it comes to Humans.

      • KazumaR1 says:

        It’s good everyone realizes the tribe is more important than being petty or holding grudges for now. Lesis is finally coming to his senses but I think this will TETH’s reputation in the end.

        Excellent chapter all around.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        “I find very funny (in a way…) that Titans are constantly described as a slow-acting, cautious species, one that carefully considers the long-term implications of their actions – in comparison to the “rashness” of Humans – while the actual Titans we meet are often empty headed, carefree if not careless people, at least when it comes to Humans.” That’s very good, in that it makes for diverse species, instead of the one personality species that populate Star Trek and Star Wars.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          Considering nearly the entire cast across the Titan Series is in their 20’s, this doesn’t come as much of a suprise to me. Of course it varies of course based on the individual. Pryvani is careful most of the time, whether by nature or necessity, and you don’t get to be on the Gyfjon without being focused on what you do. (Except maybe if you’re Izzy) OTOH, Nomad and Exile seem to bring out some of the worst. Organizations like HOS and TETH may or may not care about human society, but they don’t seem to care about any particular human. And then you get the main cast, who to me are somewhere in the middle. They genuinely care about the humans, many having humans as family. Sure they make mistakes, it seems only natural with someone who’s only as tall as the width of your hand. I wouldn’t say any of them really have carefree personalities, perhaps just lapses of judgement from time to time.

        • KazumaR1 says:

          “That’s very good, in that it makes for diverse species, instead of the one personality species that populate Star Trek and Star Wars.”

          I can’t say that is the same case for the non-Titan/Human alien races. I want to see a Ler that isn’t a meat head or a Dunnermac that isn’t a bleeding pacifist.

          • D.X. Machina says:

            The Dunnermac tend toward pacifism — it’s what happens when you’re filter feeders. That said, there are exceptions, and you will meet them. As for non-meathead Ler…just wait… 😀

      • faeriehunter says:

        Titans are definitely slow-acting; I lost track of the amount of time that passed between Gae informing TETH of her findings (which happened at the time of the Rutger Massacre) and TETH’s acting upon it, but it was at least several months human time, and maybe even several months titan time. But being slow to act does not guarantee that one takes the right action in the end. Lenyalana appears to decide TETH’s course of action mostly by herself, only consulting others when necessary; apparently even Lesis was kept out of the loop about the Tribe’s kidnapping until after the fact. This has left her blind to any errors in judgement on her part. She hasn’t realized it, but her plan for the Tribe is not only unethical, it’s doomed to failure. If she has her way, the Tribe will essentially become a combination of zoo exhibit and circus act. Everyone looking at it would recognize it for the artificial environment that it’d be, and instead of showing onlookers how intelligent and adaptable humans are it’d only convince them that humans are excellent animals to teach tricks to.

  11. NightEye says:

    Looks like the long explanations and sorting out feelings will have to wait. I still hope it does happen after the Tribe is saved.

    Quendra has guts and it shows here. I like her even more for that.

    “But, oh, did that chafe.”
    I laughed at that ! 😀

  12. Soatari says:

    I’m genuinely happy that there is no Darren involvement, because quite frankly I believe Exile and Nomad need a greater degree of separation. They were practically becoming a single story.

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