Chapter Fifty Two: Nothing but the Rain Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Ted Martinez’s head ached.


He had been focusing hard on flying his ship for over six hours now. And it had paid off, mostly. They had managed to hold up the invading Insectoids long enough for reinforcements to arrive and pushed the main battle back into orbit. It was an enormous achievement for the small Avalonian and Earth force. It would likely go down in history as one of the greatest achievements in battle by any Human. That was if there was anyone left to record it in a few years.


Ted pulled the ship into a steep climb under yet another wing of three incoming Insectoid fighters and Acolyte One’s guns opened up. The lead ship exploded and debris clipped the second one causing it to spin off course.  Ted hit the accelerator and ran after the escaping ship.




The message appeared on the HUD as it had several times over the last hour as Gama Fleet had fought tooth and nail to close the gap with the retreating Hive ship. Ted flipped the ship over, growing weary of the retreat back to the fleet. It was beginning to feel like one step forward and two steps back.


“All ships return to Gama Fleet.” Ted said to his remaining ships. There were a few responses. Fatigue and casualties had put an end to the optimistic chatter.
Gama Fleet quickly grew in his canopy as the ship raced back towards the fleet. Their distress was obvious. The Gorrk’s starboard engine support was ablaze, the Omicron was venting gases and the Troji and Gyfjon both had visible breaches in their forward armour.


Ted dared glance at the countdown timer. Twenty six minutes until the Hive ship was in a position to jump to warp. If they could pick the pace up again they just might make it.




As he got closer it was obvious the Insectoids were focusing on the gleaming, winged ship. The heavy plasma cannons under the ships wings were the most dangerous weapons in Gama Fleet’s arsenal.


“All ships – cover the Troji.” Ted said and pointed his ship towards the swarm that surrounded the enormous Titan warship.


“Lorna, take your pick.” He said.


“On it boss.” Lorna said and started to designate targets by course and proximity. Ted picked one and shot full speed towards it. CMLT McIntosh opened up with the guns and lanced two ships at the top rear where the reactor glowed visible green. She was getting good at that now. The pair exploded and the third veered off.


Acolyte One shot under the Troji’s wings, pursuing its next target. It was firing into the underbelly of the battleship while weaving back and forth.


“This buggers good!” Lorna grumbled as she tried to get a target lock.


Ted focused hard, trying to anticipate each course correction and make it to get his ship into position to take a shot. A miss here could hit the Troji and that was not a risk he was willing to take.


“Nearly there…” Lorna spoke, unblinking as she watched her scopes. “Nearly…”


The Insectoid fighter jolted to one side, fire erupting underneath it repeatedly until it exploded.


“Thievin’ bastard!” Lorna shouted.


“Sorry!” Ryan called from over the comm. “He flew right in front of me.”


“Aye, well plenty more coming in…” McIntosh said as her scopes lit up in a wall of red.”


“Sweet Jesus.”  Ted said as he was saw it. The swarm was heading straight for the Troji. “We need to take out as many of them as we can.”


“Right with you.” Ryan spoke over the comm and brought his ship up along the wing of Acolyte One.


Ted looked out across over his wing to see Ryan looking back at him. He raised his hand and gave a thumbs up. Ryan mirrored it and nodded and the two ships accelerated together towards the oncoming swarm.


They flew as fast as they could, trying to cover as much distance as possible. At the very edge of their weapon’s range the two ships opened up, not aiming at any ship in particular. The wall of ships was so thick that it was nearly impossible to miss.


Insectoid fighters started to wobble and explode but they didn’t try to evade. The loss of individual ships didn’t matter to them, so long as the bulk of the swarm arrived. The two Acolytes managed to destroy at least a dozen before the swarm flew by them.  Both immediately flipped over and double backed in formation and chased the Insectoids from behind.


This time they were more careful. Lorna started designating tarets and aiming each shot trying to take out reactors of engines rather than praying and spraying.


“How many ships do they have!?” Ryan yelled as they ducked under the debris of an exploding ship.


Ted shook his head and hit the throttle once more. “More than us I’d guess.”


Ryan laughed despite himself and Acolyte three opened up once more hitting an Insectoid fighter in the engines. The ship immediately lost power and started to drift.


The two pilots spotted the incoming ship and Ted veered to starboard and Ryan to port.


As the two small craft swept by the two hundred metre long fighter a flash of green and yellow fire erupted from it.


“Shit!” Ted’s mind screamed and the huge fighter craft exploded metres from his ship. He stuck his Acolyte into a steep drive, fighting to keep the ship level as it rid the shockwave, temperature alarms ringing around him.


He breathed a sigh of relief as the ship steadied and the alarms calmed.


“That was close…” He said.


There was no reply. Ted looked over his wing to see Acolyte Three aflame and spinning out of control.


“Ryan!” Ted screamed.



“How many are there?”


“Impossible to know, sir. Given how much of the city they hold…tens of thousands. At least.”


Centurium Antero ColVanos looked at the holopad, which was currently showing the best tactical information the ground troops had. They had made progress. To the west, the Insectoid line was bowing noticeably. Another few hours and they might drive them out of the city entirely.


By which point it wouldn’t matter.


“Lokagos, how long do they think they will have before the ship is loaded?”


Lokagos Oresi Riab looked at her pad. There was one Palemst who’d kept his head when the Insectoids grabbed him. He had gotten out of the bag when it was loaded onto the Insectoid dropship for transport, and was forwarding as much intel as he possibly could. His reporting was grim. Dozens of humans per bag, dozens of bags per shelf, dozens of shelves with bags upon them.


“The ship is three-quarters full. At the rate they’re moving…twenty minutes. Tops.”


“Sir, permission to lead a strike force to liberate the humans.”


Antero looked up at the young officer. “Opito, you’re a pilot. I respect your bravery, but….”


Tig swallowed hard. She didn’t have to be here. When the gravitics had failed on her dropship, she could have stayed with it. That would have been an honourable decision. She didn’t have to put on the battle armor she’d packed, didn’t have to head out onto the battlefield. She didn’t have to fight her way through uncountable warriors alongside the troops from the dropship, losing half their number along the way, and now that they’d fought her way to a forward position, she didn’t have to stay here, and certainly didn’t have to go on the offensive. She’d done more fighting than a pilot is ever supposed to do.


But she didn’t have a choice. She loved her husband, and her son, and she didn’t want to die. But she couldn’t stand by while a hundred thousand people were turned into food. Ted would understand. He’d make the same sacrifice. It was why she loved him, and why he loved her. And if her son had to lose a mother…he would know she’d died on her feet, standing between defenseless people and a nightmare.


“Sir, I may be a pilot, but I can shoulder a weapon. We don’t have time to get a group of gold-sashes into position. We have to go now.”


Antero looked down at the tactical. “Opito Belfsec, you serve on Titan Station, don’t you?”


“Yes, sir. I have the honour of serving as CAG there.”


“You were there at First Contact?”


“Yes, sir.”


Antero smiled. “And if I recall, you’re married to Admiral Martínez, is that right?”


Tig blinked. “Sir, I’m very proud to be. I didn’t think….”


“…that I’d know about one of the finest young officers in the sector? Give me some credit, Opito. I understand why you want to lead this. But I’m not going to let you.”


“But sir….”


“I’m taking lead, Opito. But I could damn sure use your gun.”


Tig straightened, and saluted. “I’d be honoured, sir.”


“Good. Decanus Klwrrkgh, call in an artillery strike for section two, mark seven. Logagos, I want to bring a few of your soldiers along if you can spare them.”


“At this point, Centurium, you can grab all six of us.”


“Excellent. Klwrrkgh, let me know when artillery is ready. Princeps Computer-Fixer, Princeps Malor, Decanus Amisag, you’re going to be on point with Opito Belfsec, who will be carrying Logagos Riab’s soldiers. Decanus Klwrrkgh, Decanus Tralus, you’re going to be with me on rearguard. Decanus Acror and the rest of you, hold your position here. We’re going to have artillery make a hole, and we’re going to go at full speed through the gap. Warriors should start to backfill almost immediately; Ms. Acror, you will need to fire at will, buy us as much time as you can.”


As Tig bent down to pick up the half-dozen soldiers, Yorek Malor looked over the holopad. “Sir,” the young Dunnermac said, “the odds of us making it through alive….”


“We aren’t all going to make it through alive, Decanus,” Antero said. “And there’s a good chance none of us will. But if we don’t move…we can’t call in an air strike without killing the humans they’ve loaded. And there’s a ticking clock here. We’re in position. If we go now, there’s a chance. If not….”


“I understand,” Malor said, picking up her weapon. “I just wanted to be sure I did.”


She hated it, like most Dunnermac did; if it was just her life at stake, she would let the insects take her. But there were innocents who would die if she did not kill. None of them had a choice.


“Three minutes to artillery!” Klwrrkgh reported.


“Everyone, on the bounce.”


Tig looked at the prince carefully. “Sir…um…are you sure….”


“In the early history of our people, a king or queen led soldiers into battle. They did so because they would not ask their subjects to die for a cause that they themselves would not,” Antero said.


“Even so, sir….”


“My sister, Rhionne…she is married to Lady Zakrov, you know.”


“Yes, sir,” Tig said.


“They have another partner in their marriage,” he said, quietly. “A husband. The same size as yours.”


Tig blinked. “Why haven’t…no, I know why they haven’t said so. So their children….”


“Those people are connected to my brother-in-law, Pierce, by blood. And Pierce is connected to me by blood. If it takes my blood to save them….”


Tig nodded. “I understand, sir. And if it takes mine to save my husband’s brothers and sisters…then it does.”


Antero smiled. “Opito,” he said, “take the point.”


“Yes, sir!” Tig said, saluting with a flourish. “Amisag, left, Computer-Fixer, right, Malor, you’re behind me. Lokagos Riab, I doubt that pack is comfortable, but I’ll do my best to keep it steady.”


“Get us through, Opito. We’ll worry about the bruises later.”


“All right. Everyone, weapons hot, and stand ready.”


“Good hunting, everyone,” Antero said.




Sorcha emerged once more into the lashing rain, conscious she was vulnerable until she was firmly on the roof with both feet. No attack came though. Once she was standing on the rooftop the reason was obvious. Myrell was there, her back to Sorcha as she looked down over the burning city. Her white dress was stained with blood and soaked through to being near transparent from the rain.


Sorcha pointed the rifle at her and cocked it.


“You wouldn’t shoot your own big sister in the back would?” Myrell said.


“Where’s Alesia!?” Sorcha shouted ignoring Myrell’s baited words.


The pink haired woman extended a hand. A hand with two long, sharp blades strapped to it and the recognisable form of a Human woman held in it.


“Let her go!” Sorcha shouted.


Myrell turned around, slowly, and extended her hand over the edge of the compound.


“Do you really want me to do that?” Myrell asked sweetly. “Throw away that rifle or I drop your little pet here off the roof.”


Sorcha didn’t argue. She’d already seen what Myrell was capable of. She tossed the rifle as hard as she could and it flew over the roof and down to the ground below. Sorcha didn’t need it anyway. Blades or not she could pound a petite Titan woman into oblivion in seconds.


Myrell smiled victoriously and pulled her hand back from over the edge.


“Give me Alesia!” Sorcha shouted.


The pink haired woman laughed and wagged a finger at the taller woman. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now weren’t you taught that it was rude not to share? Let your big sister play with your dolly.”


Sorcha took an angry step forward.


“Nuh uh uh.” Myrell said and grasped her captive tightly.


Sorcha stopped, frustrated, angry and terrified as she heard Alesia’s muffled screams from inside Myrell’s fist.


“What do you want, Myrell?” Sorcha spat.


“Myrell…” Myrell replied. “I am getting attached to that name. I think I might keep it. What about a title? Should I be Queen? Princess? Lord maybe?”


“How about psychopathic thundering cunt?” Sorcha added.


Myrell shrugged. “Maybe, it’s a bit of a mouthful though…”


Sorcha risked another step forward.


“Now, now little sister…”


“I’m not your sister!” Sorcha snapped, her temper finally giving in and taking the bait. “And from where I’m standing you’re definitely not big.”


Myrell shrugged. “Well, we’re sort of sisters. And I am older than you. Fine! Younger sister if you really want to be pedantic about it.”


“What is the hell are you rambling about?” Sorcha asked.


“Eugh…” Myrell sighed and shook her head, water cascading from her pink hair as she did. “I thought you were supposed to be smart?”


“How about you let Alesia go and then you see if you can actually take on someone who’s bigger and stronger than you?” Sorcha growled, impatient.


“Oh that’ll happen but I want to talk first!” Myrell said excitedly. “I’ve waited for this for so long!”


“Ok, I’ll bite, waited for what?”


“For my adopted family to do what it has to! To clear this universe of the weak creatures that inhabit it! To make way for the fittest! For the strongest! For the smartest! And to share this moment with my real family!” Myrell said earnestly.


Sorcha looked confused. “What are you talking about!?”


“You think you’re the first! But you’re not!” Myrell shouted.


“The first? The first…hybrid!?” Sorcha shouted back.


Myrell screamed an excited, high pitched scream and bounced about the soaked rooftop.


“YES! Finally!” she shouted.


“What…how? I was the first! My parents bred with the help of Kharee Selil! It was impossible before her research!” Sorcha shouted.


“Kharee Selil came to my adopted family to study their metamorphic abilities. They realised she was attempting to find a way to merge the DNA of Titans and Humans. For what ends they asked themselves?” Myrell said.


“For science, to cure diseases, to advance lifespans and to bridge the gap between two species.” Sorcha said.


“Yes…yes…but think like an Insectoid!”  Myrell said. “To them it looked like an attempt to mix the best of the two. A Titan with the strength of a Human would be a formidable warrior. So they decided to do it as well. To beat them at their own game. They mixed their DNA with Humans obtained from the Empire but that proved…icky. It wouldn’t work. So then they decided to mix Titans and Humans to see what the outcome was. But not just any Humans. They needed strong Humans! And smart Humans!”


Sorcha’s eyes widened.


“They sent an expedition to Earth, using their pawns in The Empire to target and collect specially selected Humans. Humans known for their strength or their intelligence. And a few others to hide their intentions.” Myrell said.


“Oh gods…” Sorcha muttered. The penny had dropped.


“You’re starting to see it now! The Titans intercepted most of those Humans! They thought the Insectoids were trying to eat them but they weren’t! Why steal a dozen Humans from Earth when it’s easier to buy your own?” Myrell grinned. “But one good little pawn managed to get her hands on one of the Humans. The strong one. She managed to retrieve him from a pet shop of all places! She gave my family his DNA, and unwittingly her own. And I was born from them. Along with my brothers and sisters! Hundreds of us!”


Sorcha stared at Myrell. The gravity of what she had just heard sinking in.


“But they were all weak! All of them but me! They would rather cry than kill their food, and wept when they got hurt. They were too attached to their nurses and cried if I hurt them! So in the end I killed them, all of them. Most didn’t even fight back. They just ran and screamed and died. ‘WAH WAH WAH!’” She mocked “They didn’t realise they were a superior species! Smarter and stronger than anything else that had come before. They acted like frightened little maggots. Not me! I exceeded every expectation the Hive had of me. And that’s why they chose me! That’s why I’m special”


Sorcha rolled her eyes starting to wonder if this was what she sounded like. “A villainous monologue on a rooftop is a bit cliché isn’t it?”


“I made my first kill when I was four…pulled the legs off one of my nurses. The footage is adorable. It screaming, me laughing.  So cute.” Myrell said ignoring Sorcha’s growing anger. “Instead of punishing me, my adopted family encouraged me. To make me the strongest, smartest and deadliest I could be. I practiced hunting until every single one of my pathetic brothers and sisters were dead. They wouldn’t fight me even to save themselves.”


“Fine! I get it! You have mommy and daddy issues! Now let Alesia go and you can try to kill another of your own kind.” Sorcha screamed.


Myrell shrugged. “I do owe Alesia…if it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have gotten the job and I wouldn’t be here. But I have really wanted to kill her, I’ve never met anyone as insufferably pleased with herself in my life. Plus…it’d really annoy you. “She sighed a long, slow sigh. “But I won’t. Not yet anyway. I want a fight! A good fight! I want someone as strong as I am, with the anger of a Ler and the cunning of a Titan! I want to hunt and kill proper sport. Starting with you, and then that beast you like to rut with so much.”


Sorcha laughed. “You might be able to beat me. But Joseph would pull your legs off like the bug you are.”


Myrell smiled back and dropped to a knee, stashing her captive in a bag. She stood and flexed, stretching her blade armed hands out high.


“Good! I want a challenge! Only the strongest can survive! A trial is coming! The hive has grown too big to think clearly anymore. Too big to even feed itself. It needs someone with the intelligence, with the strength and the sheer will to control it. And that’s going to be me!” The smiley girl was gone. A creature that showed nothing but bloodlust and determination was all that remained. She started to circle, staring down her fellow Hybrid.


“So tough that you need weapons to win?” Sorcha mocked.


Myrell picked up a bag and tossed it to her opponent. It landed with heavy, metallic clunk. It was filled with all manner of blades.


“Go ahead, take what you like.” She said relaxing a little.


Sorcha bent down, one eye on Myrell and one on the bag. She scanned it quickly, trying to think what was her best option. It was quite scary just how many different weapons Myrell had managed to smuggle onto this world. She picked up a long, double edged straight blade. It was the length of her forearm, reasonably light and would help her reach.


“Oh! It’s funny you should pick that one!” Myrell bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet. “I used that to stab a bunch of Aenur activists to death on Atzalia. They all blamed The Federation. It’s stupid how the Titans think they are so clever but actually have no clue what happens around them. That’s why they’re finished.”


“And it’s funny how you don’t think I actually might kill you.”


Myrell grinned more. “Good! I want someone to actually try to for a change!”


“Usually I just beat people unconscious. Though I think in your case I’ll definitely make an exception.” Sorcha said.


They stood and stared at each other, waiting on the other to make the first move.


“Well come on then, come and have a go if you think you’re tough enough.” Sorcha goaded.


Myrell set her face and stared daggers at the taller the woman, she raised her arms and she charged.





Author’s note: Thanks to DX for his contribution


  1. mynameisjacobw says:

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Prince guy is dying soon. “Hey guys, I’m the prince, I’ve never fought in a battle, I’ve never been shot at, and I’ve only achieved rank through that my daddy is the emperor.”

    For real all this bitch is, is a ribbon chaser… hes just trying to get his Combat Action Ribbon (CAR) to Impress Daddy, He doesn’t understand the real life vulgarity and sadistic nature it takes to be a grunt. This is the kind of guy that gets his own men killed because of his conscience.

    This is one of the things I laugh at the Empire for… they seem to think that being born into power(royal family), (Pryvani Tarsuss) (Syon Fran) (Vasha Zakrov) etc. makes you better… aka monarchy and succession is just as dumb as putting your dick into a cyst filled vagina,( Pardon the language, but I dont care, grow some thick skin and dont be a offended *weak human being*”

      • Ancient Relic says:

        Prince Antero is approaching his duty the same way Prince Harry does – look up his service in Afghanistan.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            I hope the hangover wasn’t too bad.

            Antero has definitely earned his stripes. He’s not a lead from the back kind of fellow and he does his share of the graft.

            As for other royals. You only need to look to my country. Prince Harry forced the Army to allow him to deploy with his unit in Afghanistan. He would have done a full tour had it not been for the press leaking his deployment details.

            Harry’s uncle Andrew served in the Falklands war despite the government trying to force him to take a desk job.

            And then there’s his grandfather, Prince Philip. He’s credited with saving his ship from air attack when he was the second in command of a destroyer during World War Two and carrying wounded crewmen from the burning bridge after a shell strike.

            Some of the royals are useless. But some are goddamn heroes.

    • Barrowman says:

      You don’t want to have system like in my Netherlands, fake democracy, fake freedom. I rather have an Avalonian system where there is one leader who actually cares more about the people and has a fun and adventures side to her.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        What do you mean Barrowman? I’ve a few a dutch friends who are reasonably pleased with how the Netherlands is run.

  2. Chris says:

    And then a shot rings out wounding her, and then a second only a moment later takes a chunk of her head off. Grab Alesia. Thanks random jack. The end.

  3. Arbon says:

    The most impressive act I’ve seen this story, is the fact a Dunmer was both in the Titan military AND willing to kill for a cause. Given what little I’ve actually seen of them that takes a lot of determination and grit. On the other hand we also get to see the entire purpose of the story’s origin, and yet again how incomprehensibly stupid it was to put the kidnapped earthlings on a pet store shelf.

    • Kusanagi says:

      I rather liked that myself, I’d always wondered the ‘why not just buy them’ thing myself, it may not have been the original intention but it’s a fantastic retcon.

      Poor Rixie’s already beaten herself up over the pet store thing, so I won’t pile on.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I have no doubt that this wasn’t the original intention. Almost nothing we take for granted had been conceived that early on. What’s been happening is the writers have been doing a great job of making use of porn without plot (which is what the first few chapters of Titan were) and using it to make this. Case in point: I thought Charlie’s appearance served no purpose whatsoever and just took up space, until they used him in the video, to great effect.

  4. Kusanagi says:

    Wait wait wait, Myrell is technically the daughter of Sam and Trell?! Jesus nobody tell the poor bastard…though that does explain her psychotic tendencies…shit no one tell Brinn either.

    Ryan isn’t quite dead yet, ship didn’t explode, but I’m struggling to see how he gets out of that one alive.

    The Prince and Tig on a heroic charge…this could end very badly.

  5. Fly in the Ointment says:

    I think I stumbled upon a theme here……

    You know whilst Myrell was rambling on and on about her fantastic upbringing, Sorcha could have jumped her – its just a thought..

    Sho…….Myrell aspires to be the Nazi Bug Queen…….Hmmnmnmn thats somewhat ..different…


    However we DO have consider their POV..In order to co-exist peacefully it may be necessary to give up a couple of; freedoms, liberties, rights, wrongs, 95 – 98% of the population..Its the RIGHT thing to do – NOW

    • synp says:

      Do you think the bugs consider her part of their “family”? Or are they just telling her that because she’s useful? Could they be just using her? Oh wait. That’s how they treat their own as well.

      • Fly in the Ointment says:

        Uhhh maybe?

        She could use some sophisticated pheromones to angle herself into the queenship of the buggies..Or she might been angling for the Throne of Games…I mean the throne of Los Titanos, after she overthrows the current occupant..maybe she wants to be the head of a new super race of titan-human-bug hybrids…Or maybe she is just nutz…Or maybe…….

        • synp says:

          I’m imagining a scene where she goes to the bugs and says, “here, I’ve delivered this planet to you” and they’re like “Yeah, OK, we still hate you like we hate all other titans and humans”

          • Fly in the Ointment says:

            Don’t think hate is in their wheelhouse…More like; “Hmm you are smelling rather tasty today” As noted earlier (by others) they don’t really understand humans and titans (but we definitely should understand and empathize with them as our very existence is offensive and we ……….I digress) Their basic MO is; kill, eat, reproduce, expand…rinse, repeat

        • Barrowman says:

          I thought about that too. It is possible. Maybe it is thanks to her they attack now in this way. I choose expendable nutjob for now. She has to be killed now, so that we can concentrate on those space battles.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Do you think the bugs consider her part of their “family”?

        Debate postscript: Experimental Construct 626 had yielded a great deal of data to consider, but even with its cooperation and its union with the hive, it was still a cipher.

        Survival of the fittest. They let her kill the rest of the hybrids then recover her DNA for use in version 2.0 while sending her on a very Bub like suicide mission.

      • Chris says:

        Chenaces are that once she completes her job of ‘opening the door’ she’s no longer useful to the Hive, and ‘further life (is) a waste of resources’. They’ll either eat her when they see her or expect her to commit suicide. That’d be fantastic, cuz let’s be honest, Sorcha’s not just going to win this.

    • Naoru says:

      “But one good little pawn managed to get her hands on one of the Humans. The strong one. She managed to retrieve him from a pet shop of all places! She gave my family his DNA, and unwittingly her own”
      That alone rules Niall out since he went directly to Naskia. Most likely Syon Fand when she retrieved Sam, probably giving her own DNA in the process.

      Also, as a bonus, I cant stop but to think of Myrell killing hundreds of children and cant help but shiver. She may just be my favorite villain so far.

      • Barrowman says:

        Funny how those pawns always thought they were manipulating Insectoids. The writers gave much clues about that in the other stories. In Arena it was almost sickeningly dumb what some titans were giving Insectoids.

        • Soatari says:

          Because they obviously didn’t understand them. Additionally, the individual groups probably didn’t think they were giving the bugs enough to do anything real with, but couldn’t see the full cumulative effect of all of the schemers together.

          And the worst thing of all; These Titans taught the bugs how to lie.

        • Arbon says:

          In the entire vast collection of these stories from it’s very inception to the current day, the is only one quality that has remained true of all Titans thus shown: Incomprehensibly oblivious to the world around them. Only two Titans to my knowledge have expressed any ability to understand the universe via introspection and the acquisition of new knowledge, Rixie and the Emperor. And even in those cases it took them a full day to grasp what a reasonable human would have gleamed in less than a conversation.

          The insects here are a bit more interesting, in that they apparently know they don’t understand their opponents, actively try to understand them, and most amusingly had assumed that humans and Titans were the same species (because duh, hard to assume they aren’t) until genetic testing had proven otherwise. They apparently think slowly, even slower than Titans do, but the advantage to this is that when these insectoids make a plan its actually a good plan with a high degree of success accounting for known variables. And almost all knowledge we have of them comes from their attempting to trade and deal …

          Heh, now we know why all deals started with: “I offer you the earth” and why earth meant so much to their colonies, without earth they can’t jump-start a full invasion into Titan held territories. And suddenly a sense of Solidarity and empathy are the only reason Titans have managed to hold there own, in protecting earth they actively defended themselves.

          • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

            There’ s a sort of lack of evil with insectoids, just pure calculation and expansion without considerations about morality. Terrifying but easily understood and that can be dealt with.

            With Titans they actually have a sense of right and wrong, they care about doing the right thing for the most part. Therefore their treatment of humanity is all the worse because they proclaim to have the moral high ground, but are actually committing great injustice. It’s evil done out of a desire to do good.

            In truth I think that’s worse than insectoids, not worse in outcome of the fate of humans, but worse in terms of morality. Insectoids goals and motivations are clear and amoral, Titans consider themselves good but do evil achieving their goals.

          • Barrowman says:

            @OpenHighHat. That’s a difficult choice. 😉 Instant death or mentally tortured until you break and turn into a zombie like Darren with Lyroo. I choose the titan in your scenario.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            I’m definitely sticking with titan. Especially if that titan is Naskia, Aisell or Brinn.

        • Barrowman says:

          Good points, all of you.
          @Ad Augusta per Angusta. You describe perfectly why I dislike most titans more than Insectoids. They remind me of many very dumb human beings in my country. People who totally turned of their brain. The titans who I hate most are those side characters in Exile like those nurses and that imperator. These people who rather act stupid for the sake of their idiotic system, than trying to think for themselves. The old boss of Brinn or that old teacher of Myona. Their dumb believes winning over their common sense. These people are a waste of space.

          • Barrowman says:

            “blieves = beliefs”. Sorry, English is not my first language and its sometimes hard to put my precise opinion or feelings with all the necessary nuances into words, but Ad Augusta per Angusta did that perfectly.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            The question I have. Who’d you rather be stuck in a room with,a typical titan or a typical insectoid?

          • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

            Hence my statement not better in terms of outcome, but better in terms of morality. The argument will always exist on whether to be a slave or die. With titans there’s a chance of changing their minds, of ending slavery, therefore some hope. No hope with the insects. But I could see a lot of situations with titans where I’d prefer the swift death of the insectoids.

  6. sketch says:

    Well fuck, I guess this is why she reminds so much of Trell. We’ve come full circle. The insectoids, by force of numbers, bred another psychopath in that blood line.

    So much for the insectoid hybrid theories, I was expecting her to unhinge jaws to reveal an insect mandible, and to unfrul skin like the wings of a mimic bug to show hybrid exoskeleton armor. Ah well, now for the fight. I secretly want her to slip and fall off the the roof. Anticlimactic, but she’s been getting her way this whole time, I’d enjoy seeing her denied.

    Also, Ryan! Nooooooo!

    • Barrowman says:

      Yes, that is too bad. I hoped for an ugly transformation like in that movie The Fly 1986. A fall of the roof would be funny.
      Ryan is in deep trouble.

  7. Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

    Whaddya hear Starbuck?

    Also if the “strong one” is Charlie I’m gonna laugh hysterically.

    • sketch says:

      Well I was thinking Sam, but since they never specified….

      Also, begin the debates of which of the known abducties are strong, smart, or statistical noise.

    • Naoru says:

      I forgot the name but the strong one wouldnt be the action actor, and the “mother” syon fand?lord have mercy on pryvani and thyllia if it is. They dont need that shakka.and if she killed all her siblings which is the real family she wants to share the moment with?

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