Chapter Five: A look in elsewhere Titan: Hybrid by Dann and DX Machina

(Author’s note: Thanks to my colleagues for writing up a brief aside of events elsewhere)

The celebration was likely to last through the night, of course that simply could have meant it was nothing more than a Tuesday in the Xanthopolous estate.

Though it was becoming rarer and rarer, for all to find the time to get together under one roof. George, Ike, Teddy, Harry, Abe and Amelia, each accompanied by a spouse or partner, and twelve little grandchildren; Eleanor, Fabian, Lemuel, Erin, Saul, Terrance, Magenta, Korea Ann, Cid, Tera, Celeste and baby Hayden. Though as far as grandpa Darren was concerned, the lot of them were collectively referred to as, the Xanthopolous private militia!

This was in part because Darren couldn’t always keep all twelve names straight, and with Eleanor six months pregnant, things were about to get a lot more interesting!

“Daddy!” Amelia hummed as she sat with a ‘thwump’ into her father’s lap.

“Ooff!” Darren groaned, though he couldn’t help but smile. “Easy soldier, yer ol dad’s getting a bit old for this!” Darren of course was always happy to see Amelia. His little princess, she could do no wrong. Secretly, he feared the day she stopped greeting him like this, he didn’t want the day to come, where Amelia thought herself too old to sit in her Daddy’s lap.

“Thomas is here!” Amelia wrapped her arms around Darren’s neck and hugged him. “Be nice!” The youngest Xanthopolous ordered.

“You still dating him?” Darren groaned. If he thought remembering the names of all his lot was hard, tracing the parentage of the Dande-Kramer-Archer-Mavoy-Pria conglomerate was even harder! Though in reality, Darren couldn’t have been prouder with his daughter’s choice in a suitor, it wasn’t his prerogative to give the lad an easy run of it!

“Daddy!” Amelia slapped her father on the chest and shot him a serious look.

“I’m just saying the Munsters are a big family, confusing…yer likely to get lost in the mix. You sure you want to be Amelia Archer-Dandilion-Primivera?”


Darren chuckled and raised his arms in surrender. “Alright! No need to call in the cavalry!”

The ‘cavalry’, was sitting at the head of the long table in the main dining room, engaged in a riveting game of slates with her boys, while a collection of the older grandchildren were out back making use of their grandfather’s shooting range.

Hugs had been given, drinks were shared, and even a few songs sung. It felt like the Feast of Giving, or Ancestors’ Eve, only the atmosphere was far more upbeat, and for once Grandpa Darren wasn’t fast asleep on his recliner.

There was no other group of people Darren would rather celebrate the passing of the Zeramblin Act with, than the children, and grandchildren he knew would live to see it fully taken into effect. That alone was enough to send Darren to the grave a happy man, it was as though a great weight had been lifted off his chest. No longer did Avalon’s freedom rest in the good graces of the Tarsuss family.

The land their estate sat on was now, officially his and Lysis’. The degrees his children held would be officially recognized, Sophia and Nick would finally be legally recognized partners in their own marriage. Humans all across the empire would begin down a path that would one day lead to equality. True, lasting, equality.

“Come and greet him?” Amelia asked, sitting up. She offered her father a hand, which he of course didn’t take.

“M’kay.” He stood, though not as spry as he one would. “Give your ol’dad a second to make a call hmm?” Darren smiled thinly. There was one more person he wanted to share this day with. One individual who deserved to celebrate this victory as much as any human being.

“Tell Aunt Eyrn I say hi! And tell her Thomas and I want to come visit! Tommy’s dying to see the embassy, and Earth!”

Darren nodded, and returned the hug his daughter quickly gave.

There were so many emotions floating around in the air, it left Darren feeling reflective, and contemplative. Not everyone who deserved to see this day was still around to witness it. Luke and Quendra, Degu, it had taken so long that they had missed it by the turning of a page.

He had toasted many a drink this night to them, and to a host of others.

Darren made his way to his study, even with the door shut though, the celebratory mood poured into the room. He sat down at his large old desk and took a moment to study the framed picture of Isabel Ibanez, Private Reese Jones, himself, and a host of others. He could scarcely remember the details of the picture, just that it was old, and that it seemed to have been taken a lifetime ago. Every time he looked at the picture, he had to chuckle. Eyrn was there too, at least her foot, and part of her ankle.

“Ya never were very photogenic Twat…”

Darren sighed. He turned to his desk top terminal to make his outgoing call, but was interrupted by an incoming transmission first.

“Orion?” Darren furrowed his brow, and accepted the transmission.

“About time somebody picked up. Heavens you’d think I had nothing better to do all evening than sit here and ring you up!” Her voice seemed unchanged, and time had in fact been kind her as well, but she could have spoken Ler, and hid behind the skin of a Shaar, and Darren would still recognize the sour disposition of his old friend Korranntapestrina Anghell Roslen Debora!

“Tapp!” Darren laughed. “Is that…could it be…a…smile?” Darren’s eyes widened to a look of faint surprise. “Hell if today isn’t already a day to remember, humans are free and Tapp gone finally smiled!” Darren chuckled, which eventually caused Tapp to chuckle as well.

“It’s all I can do to keep myself from crying. It’s been twenty five years… did you ever think we’d see this day?” Tapp lips were curled into a tight lipped smile, but it was more than just a professional forced grimace, her whole face radiated with energy, even Tapp it seemed was not immune to the celebratory atmosphere that nearly every human in the empire, and beyond likely felt.

“Heh…” Darren took a moment to reflect, “twenty-five years…seems like it’s been a hell of a lot longer.”

“You’ll send my best to Lysis, and the rest.” Tapp said, not so much asking, as commanding, which of course was her way of things.

“I can go get her; she’ll want to talk to you!” Darren lit up.

Tapp shook her head. “I don’t have long. We’ve got a full house, I could hardly escape for as long as I have, no doubt somebody will come looking for me soon.” Tapp rolled her eyes.

“Sounds like it’ll be quite the party.” Darren chuckled.

“Jorm’s parents are here, as is Loø, Bedra, Kel and the kids. Mikkael will be here shortly, that’ll be the whole clan.” Tapp took a slow deliberate breath.

“Don’t look too happy, you’ll give yerself away.” Darren said playfully.

“Yes…well…its always interesting when Jorm’s family is over.” Tapp smiled politely, folding her hands neatly together.

“How’s the little sprat doing anyhow?” Darren asked with a hint of amusement.

“Mikkael is set to take over at the start of the next business week, Tannith Lay will officially retire.” Tapp let out a small sigh. “I’m tired Darren…though I don’t look it…I feel it. Don’t you…ever feel tired…like you’re running on fumes?” Tapp shook her head, Darren was about to speak up in protest, but she didn’t give him the chance. “It was never about recognition you know. I just wanted to do what I loved to do. I didn’t care if it wasn’t my name on the brand, it never bothered me that I had to use a fake name to own my own company, or that everything was I Jorm and Loø’s name. What everyone thought of me, it never meant a thing. I’ve had so much fun the last twenty five years…I’ve been able to do so much good, help so many people. The thought that a bunch of backwards nobodies on the wrong side of history thought I’d be better suited doing back flips in a store window was always meaningless.”

Darren sat, unsure what to say.

“But…Mikkael…for him it will be different…won’t it?” Tapp said, reflectively.

“I suppose it will, though I think Hybrids may have a rough go of it, for a while at least. It ain’t gonna be easy for any of em.” Darren replied, honestly. “But…for Mikkael…he’ll never have to live in an enclosure.”

“Amelia will never have be forced to wear a contraception implant.” Tapp said in step with Darren.

“Mikkael will never have to visit a Veterinarian.”

“Amelia will never be forced to live with a bunch of shirtless cackling smelly monkeys against her will.” Tapp grinned wickedly.

Darren winced, then laughed.

“Neither of them will ever have to know what it is like to be less than human, and for once that phrase actually means something.” Tapp took a long slow breath; she was trying to keep herself composed, but was failing. “Darren, I’m glad I lived to see this…and I doubt…well I’m confident I never would have if I hadn’t met you…so I suppose what I’m trying to say is….”

“Don’t bother, you’ve come through for me more times than I can count. The only one who’s donated more resources and credits to support Avalon than you is Pryvani Tarsuss herself, besides…you know what I always say….”

“Don’t mix whites with colours?” Tapp maintained a serious expression.


“Never tie a love knot in a paratrooper’s chute?” This time, she grinned just a little.

“You can be replaced you know….”

“Ohh…is it… ‘You can be replaced you know!’” Tapp said, mimicking Darren’s voice.

Darren opened his mouth, likely to shout something back at her about how he was trying to be serious, when before he could, Tapp silenced him.

“Family keeps no record of debt.” Tapp smiled.

Darren nodded.

“I have to go. Congratulations Darren. I’m glad you’re still around to share this day with.”

Darren looked to the picture on his desktop then back to the screen. “There are many I wish still were, but it’s not a total loss I guess. Congratulations Princess Tappy, say hello to Sunshine for me eh?”

“I will, take care old friend.”

Darren nodded, and the screen went blank.

The screen lit up with a notification of an incoming transmission once more, before Darren had a chance to make his call. Darren chuckled, though his face straightened up when he noticed who the request was coming from.

“Dieuouvtins Tsla, to what do I owe the honour of this late night call?” Darren leant back in his chair. Though he was long since retired from the game, he did still keep in contact with old friends, players, and officials. Though he was on a first name basis with his old friend Korye Tsla, it was unusual for her to contact him in such an official manner.

“Darren, it’s always a pleasure to speak with you. Do I need any more of a reason to contact you than this occasion suggests?” Dieuouctins Tsla hadn’t even attempted to keep a stoic expression, her smile shone ear to ear. “Congratulations Darren.”

Darren chuckled, though he understood the sentiment, it felt awkward being congratulated on what had been obvious his whole life. Save for one bleak period, there never stood a moment of his life where he doubted he was anything less than a person. This day didn’t belong to him, it belonged to every human throughout The Empire.

However, he understood what Korye was trying to say, and he smiled in return. “Thank you Madam Dieuouctins, it’s been a battle long fought, but we finally did it.”

Korye’s face scrunched for a moment, then she shook her head quickly. “No, not that…well obviously that too, but I was referring to…I mean…Darren…have you not received it yet?” A worried look overcame Dieuouctins Tsla. “I had sent it priority one, it should have arrived by now.”

Darren returned Tsla’s look, with his own look of confusion. “Not sure what yer talking about Madam Dieu….”

Korye shook her head quickly and ran her hand down her face. “For the love of Gokma, stop calling me Madam Dieuouctins Darren…you know how old that makes me feel!” Korye laughed, then composed herself. “I had sent you a package, priority one, confidential.” There was an underlining suggestiveness in her voice, as if she was trying to say something, without actually saying it.

Darren took a moment to look around his cluttered desk, he was sure he wouldn’t suddenly find the thing he hadn’t been aware he was looking for, but the gesture felt right. “Hmm, hasn’t come yet. Though I’ve been busy, it’s likely Lysis left it on my ‘to-do’ pile. Was it important?”

Korye’s look of plain frustration and dumbfoundedness was almost enough to send Darren into a laughing fit.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Korye sighed and shook her head, “Well that’s alright, I had wanted to break the news to you myself anyhow, I just thought you’d appreciate holding it in your hand when I told you but…with the passing of the Zeramblin Act, AMBO and the league officials have decided to give you what is long due, your official players registration card. Now you know it’s never been an issue, as far as the league and its sponsors have ever been concerned you are now, and always have been a player…but…well…now it’s on paper…uncontested…and….Darren…are you still there?”

Darren was in fact still there, though only on body. His mind had wandered the second Korye announced what had been sent to him in the mail. His players ID, his own player ID. He had long since retired, he was a three time Grand Tribute champion. All of his accomplishments were his own, he knew that, the league knew that, the universe knew that…but now it was official.

“Furthermore, we’ve decided to go back and change the ledgers to show that it is in fact the Marionette who won the 03,05 and 06 Tribute as well as….”

Darren shook his head. “Naw…leave it as Puppet Master…just feels right.” Darren smiled wistfully. “She was always there for me, she deserves it as much as I do.”

Korye nodded. “I understand.”

There was a peaceful silence between the two for a moment, as Darren allowed this to sink in, it was perhaps the second best piece of news he had received all day.

“I’ve one more thing to ask of you Darren, and please feel free to take some time on it, but as you know I’ve been appointed Dieuouctins, and with left a vacancy in my wake. The inner circle has discussed it, and the decision was unanimous, the person they want for Grand Diatati…the PERSON we want…is you.”

Darren blinked, and narrowed his eyes, leaning close to the screen. “Say what….”

“Darren, would you care to take up the mantle of Grand Diatati of the Archavian Tol-Bot Federation?”

“Take some time on that, you don’t have to answer me right away.” Korye insisted, with amusement in her voice.

Darren nodded, he was floored, speechless in fact, which was not something very many people could pride themselves in accomplishing.

“Take care Darren, I’ll talk to you later.” Korye waved.

Darren nodded and the screen went blank.

Without giving his terminal the chance to interrupt his intentions any longer, Darren quickly selected the contact he had wished to contact from the get go, and waited as the long range communication was sent. He waited, and waited…and was about to cancel the request, when a familiar face answered.

“Hello?” Her face was blurry at first, suggesting she was speaking on her mobile communications pad, but the voice was clear, and after a while the image stabilized. “Oh, Darren!” Eyrn Bass’ face went from formal and composed, to absolutely joyous.

“Evening Twat, how are you?” Darren at this point had received about his absolute limit in the area of good news and surprise information. Darren Xanthopolous was a stoic, dignified man most of the time, around most people. But today had tested that, and he was losing.

“I’m absolutely wonderful! Mom and Dad Bass are down with the kids! Polly, Cleo, Marcy and Zeb are all here! Dad got in trouble for card counting playing Blackjack in Vegas, and Poly is off showing Mom the strip. Only one missing is Aerti, but he sends his best. How are you and the kids!? The party still going?”

Darren nodded, and ran his arm gruffly over his eyes. “They’re all here, can’t keep track of ‘em all. Amelia brought her Tommy over, apparently they’re getting kind of serious. The lad’s planning on asking for her hand, don’t quite have the guts to come out’n ask me yet…but he’s trying…but ya didn’t hear that from me.” Darren grinned.

Eyrn gushed and let out a sound that could only be described as a squee. Though she was a fair bit more composed and dignified than she once was, the Eyrn he remembered from Area 51 still showed her face from time to time.

“Poly’s decided she wants to take a year off, her grandmother isn’t pleased at all…and the poor girl’s likely getting an ear full as we speak.” Eyrn rolled her eyes.

“The Kid gets her wander lust from you eh?” Darren chuckled.

Eyrn shrugged and scrunched her lips to the side. “Not much I can do. She’s a good kid, just has to find her way.”

“They wanna make me Grand Daitati eh…Tsla called just now.” Darren said off handily, as if it was simply another piece of news.

“What!? That’s amazing! Darren way to go! Wow, this day just keeps getting better!” Eyrn exclaimed, nearly breaking Darren’s ear drums in the process.

Darren grimaced and covered an ear. “I haven’t said yes yet…thinking about it.”

“Darren Avery Xanthopolous! There is nothing to think about, you call her back and say yes!” Eyrn commanded.

“Calm yer jets Twat…it ain’t that easy. Things ‘round here are about to get a lot more complicated. Now we got the passing of the Zeramblin Act…and with amalgamation and such…ain’t too long ago we were a rich girl’s play farm an’ now we’re an autonomous province of the great Titan Empire…that takes work.”

Eyrn looked as if she was about to mope, she was all too familiar with what was happening, and how much work it was. “Being an adult is no fun sometimes…things felt easier before.” Eyrn signed.

“I didn’t say I was gonna turn her down…just gotta think on it.”

“See what Lysis has to say?”


Eyrn smiled. “The real fun is about to begin, eh?” Eyrn said, taking a deep breath, as if getting ready to dive into deep water.

“Don’t I know it? But today…for today…we can celebrate.” Darren insisted.

“Right! Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but whatever it is, we’ll get’er done!” Eyrn grinned.

“Like we always do kid!”

Eyrn rolled her eyes. “I’m well over a few thousand years your senior, and the right honourable ambassador to the planet Earth! When are you going to stop calling me Kid?”

Darren thought about it for a while. “Hmmm, I suppose you’re right Twat!”

“I know what that means you know…Alex told me…I’m not sure I like the idea of my daughter finding out her uncle calls me….”

“G’night Eyrn…go entertain yer family. I’ll be in touch.”

Eyrn smiled softly. “Take care little brother…don’t drink too much.”

Darren laughed. “I’m form Texas…ain’t a thing as too much!”

Eyrn rolled her eyes. “Christ…if that’s not a load of bull!”

With that, Darren hung-up.


“So is your homework done?” Yamanu asked.

The teen girl sitting at the table sighed heavily.

“I’m going to take that as a no, then,” Yamma said, shaking his head. “Mal, what have I told you?”

“Education is key,” Malala Neutha said, rolling her eyes.

“Education is key, exactly,” Yamanu said. “Mal, you’re lucky, you have the opportunity to go to school. I didn’t. If not for your mother….”

“…you never would’ve learned to read or write or think or anything. I know, okay?”

“Malala Quendra Neutha, that is not the way you talk to your father!” Gae barked, glaring at her youngest child.

“Well, how should I talk to dad? It’s not like he’s ever here,” Mal shot back. “I don’t get any practice.”

“That’s totally unfair, Mal,” her older brother retorted. “You and I both know how important human rights are. It’s not like he’s Mr. Sneval, and is off with his third wife drinking on Navyenev.”

“Go ahead, kiss behind, I’m sorry, but does he even know who my current boyfriend is? Or what sport I play? Or who my best friend is?”

“In reverse order: Gareth, Veeball, and Gareth, again,” Yamanu said. “You do realize that talk to your mom every night, and when she isn’t here, we talk to Leza and Eyazon? You do recall that I try to call you every day, even those days you’re too busy to take it? And you do remember that despite my being at a rather significant size disadvantage, I am your gorram father, and you will not treat me like I am not here?”

Malala looked down at her father, then looked down at her plate. “I…I know, Dad. I’m sorry,” she said, finally.

“Mal…I understand,” Yamanu said. “It has been a lot of work, getting to where we are. I’ve been a person – a real, official person – for less than a week. I know it’s easier for you, but….”

“No, I know. I mean, I won’t have to pretend I’m not a hybrid,” Mal sighed. “Not that people haven’t figured it out.”

“I know they have, Mal. I know,” Yamanu said, getting up from his dinner setting on the table and walking toward his daughter. “There are many days I wish I was a Titan. Not because it would be easier on me, or that I particularly want to be. But it would be easier on you.”

Mal smiled, just a little. “I don’t wish that,” she said, softly. “I just…I know, I’m 14 now, so I’m effectively 16, and I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t miss you so much. But you’ve been gone so often. And I know, you call, but….”

“It isn’t the same,” Yamanu said, sighing. “No, button, it isn’t.”

Mal set her fork down, and looked at her father. “Do you think…now that you’ve got equality…do you think you can be home more?”

“I certainly hope so. There will be fights, I’m sure. But I’m hoping we can wind it down. At least until you get into college. Well…if you get into college,” he said with a grin.

“I know, I know,” Malala laughed. “I just hate history. Mr. Fala is such a twag. He’s so dismissive of everyone who isn’t a Titan. I don’t expect him to spend a lot of time on humans, but we’re on the post-Magilna Empire now, he should be giving more time to talk about the Dunnermac and Avartle and Ler.”

“Have you said anything?” Yamanu asked.

“No…I don’t want to make trouble. And don’t give me that look, mom.”

“I just am wondering whose daughter you are. You’re obviously your father’s, but you might not be mine,” Gae said, with a grin.

“I know, I should say something. But I don’t want to risk my grade.”

“Grades come and go,” Yamanu said. “I’ll never be upset with you for sticking up for what’s right. If you want a suggestion from me, I’d say you should study harder. Know your stuff. And when he glosses over the Avartle tech boom, throw it right in his face. Beat him by knowing more than he does.”

Mal smiled. “That’s not a bad idea,” she said. “All right, I will. And I’ll let you skip the speech where you tell me I’m named after a woman who got shot because she wanted to learn.”

“I am glad you listen to my stories,” Yamanu said, with a laugh.

Malala scooted her chair back. “All right, I’ll go study. And dad…mom…Even you, Martin…I do love you.”

“Button, we know,” Gae said. “Martin, can you help clear?”

“It’s hardly fair, I have to do her work because she didn’t do her homework.” He paused for a beat, and added, “As Dr. King said, ‘If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry.’”

“He’s listening too,” Gae said, with a grin. “We might just teach them something yet.”


  1. sketch says:

    Seems every family has a daughter who’s a handful. Well except Tapp. Still not quite clear on what her family/marital status is. Are the rest of them single still?

    I bet Darren would jump at the job position in another time and place. That time in place being where there isn’t a secret fleet of ships to manage.

    Did not Eyrn already know what twat meant? She certainly knew while getting drunk during the tournament. Did she and Alex meet before then, perhaps with introductions through Izzy?

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      To be fair, Joseph, Ryan and Odin have all proven to be a handful as well. (literally, in Ryan’s case. :P)

  2. Genguidanos says:

    We need another “Background Chatter”. There are so many characters, major and minor, who have affected by this that it’s going to be almost impossible to include all their reactions in a single story.

  3. Kusanagi says:

    I get the feeling we should enjoy these moments while we can. Good to see Princess Tapp again, this whole chapter felt like an Exile reunion.

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