Chapter Forty: Be Prepared Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

“What’s going on?” Sorcha asked looking out her window.

All across the city there was darkness. Save for the powerplant which was glowing red.

“Power’s out…” Joseph replied.

“I can fucking see that!” Sorcha shouted “Why!?”

“I don’t know!” I’m on the other side of the city checking on habitation units.

“Ok, ok.” Sorcha said, focusing. “Do you have any lighting?”


“Right. That’s the first thing we need to do.” Sorcha said and tapped her pad and opened communication to all the pads on her team’s network. “This is Sorcha, there appears to be a power outage. I’m going to bring lighting units to all Titan staff so we can see any Humans in the street. Remain where you are, report in and I’ll bring you a lighting unit. All Human staff, please can you ask citizens to return to their homes and report any issues to your area supervisors. Hopefully this will all be resolved soon Sorcha, out.”

She looked out the window at the plume of smoke rising from the power plant. Somehow she didn’t think this would be resolved soon.


“Well done Pri!” Myrell said to herself. She was grinning from ear to ear. “As annoying as you are I think you’ve earned yourself a place in my court!”

Sorcha’s message made her smile. She sounded stressed. She was always stressed. And bossy. And mean. It warmed Myrell’s heart thinking of the confrontation to come. There would be shock. And anger and, hopefully, a fight. She was looking forward to fighting Sorcha. Myrell had watched video footage from the Titan Station incident of Sorcha beating groups of highly trained soldiers into a bloody mess. She was a worthy foe. Well, it made sense.

Myrell quickly tapped off a vague checkin message and hoped her boss wouldn’t care too much about finding her. Being annoying had its benefits.

She set off with her back pack up the hill towards the shuttle. She’d decided against using a light. Even when she got a good distance from the city she couldn’t risk being detected. Besides, Myrell was used to the dark. She much preferred it to the daylight. She’d need to be quick. There was no telling how long it would take for the power to come back on. It could be hours, or it could be days.

“It all starts here.” She said and giggled.


“What’s happening?” Ted asked walking into the base’s headquarters.

“The power is out in the colony.” CMLT McIntosh said, standing over the console a young officer was working at.

“Out? What do you mean out? They have a brand new fusion reactor!” Archon Carey said as he entered behind Ted.

“Sensors…sensors…” The young officer said nervously.

“The sensors picked up an overload. Looks like some numptie let the reactor get wee bitty hot.” Lorna finished the sentence for the officer and gave his shoulder a squeeze.

“Do we offer assistance?” Ryan asked.

Ted paused. “No,” he said, his mind made up. “Orders stand. We don’t reveal ourselves unless it’s abolustely necessary. If they need help they’ll send a distress call. Gama fleet isn’t far.”

“Are you sure? All comms are running through the control centre. If they’re out of power then they won’t be able to send a communication.” Ryan said.

“Not a bad point…” Ted thought. “Ok, I want you to prepare for a recon…”

“Sir.” The young officer interrupted. “I’m detecting a shuttlecraft launching.”


“Yes…one life sign aboard. Looks to be a Titan.” The officer said, his nerves calming a little.

“I didn’t think they had any ships.” Ted’s brow furrowed. “Where’s it headed?”

“Ehhh…I’m unsure…it’s burning out of the atmosphere at high speed though.”

“Bring up the trajectory on the main screen.” Ryan ordered.

A few taps of the console later and the three senior officers were watching the shuttle’s projected course on the screen. As the officer had said, it was on a full burn not only out of the atmosphere but out of Tau Ceti E’s gravity well.

“The periapsis is rising towards Eebee.” Ted noted and folded his arms across his chest.

“Clever.” Ryan said.

“What ya’ thinkin’?” Lorna asked.

“Well, if you want Gama fleet to turn up quickly. Head to the monitoring station on Eebee and give them a call from there.” Ryan explained.

“No’ah bad plan.”

“No…” Ted said. “Not a bad plan at all.” He uncrossed his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. “Ok, stand down. Monitor the city and keep me informed of any developments. If they need help let me know. In the meantime, suspend all flights for the next forty eight hours. We don’t want the Acolytes flashing the Minotaur, do we?”

“Aye sir.” The young officer said as Ted left.

“I’ll go brief the pilots.” Ryan said.

“That’s a shame…” Lorna sighed and placed both her hands on the now very alone young officer’s shoulders. “I like flashing my bare behind to big, horny bull.”


Myrell set the shuttle down behind a ridge in front of the array. She had approached low over the horizon from the far side of the planet with the aim of approaching completely undetected. She quickly pulled on her pressure suit, checked the seals and ventured out the airlock with her pack.

It didn’t take long for her to make it over the ridge in the marginally lower gravity with her anti-grav devices on. She almost bounced along. Her mood was bouncing along as well. She was finally doing it. The task she had spent her whole life preparing for. All of the learning, fighting and practicing. All of the siblings she had killed. The ones weaker than her, the ones who didn’t deserve it, the ones who had cried rather than kill when told to kill. They were pathetic. She alone deserved this. And she alone would reap the rewards.

It had all come down to this. Opening the back door to The Empire. And then her family would rush in and sweep across it like a flood. Most of the Imperial Navy was weeks away, preparing for the invasion into The Federation. By the time they could act it would be too late.

It made her heart swell with pride.

A few minutes later she apprached the service door on the side of the main sensor array. The facility itself spread out several kilounits in each direction but the control area wasn’t large. The facility was designed to be completely automated and only visited for necessary maintenance. Which judging from the amount of dirt that had built up around the door, hadn’t been for a long, long time.

Myrell pulled a lead out of her pack and connected it to her pad and the sealed panel on the wall. It took a few minutes to get the correct sequence but the pad chimed the affirmative and the door shuddered, slowly and creakily to life. It opened without a hiss. The facility’s atmosphere was a dead as the planet’s.

That didn’t faze Myrell. She walked inside and she approached a console in on the far side of the room. There were dozens of consoles and displays in the room but they were all off. They likely had been for centuries. This time she connected a cable to her pad and then pulled the side off the console and hunted around for a place to connect it.

“It had to be. Only me…” she spoke as she used pliers to strip a wire.

“The workers can work, the scouts can scout, the soldiers can fight, the nursers can nurse, the mothers can birth, the mantids deal and the thinkers…think.” She said.

“But they can’t think like me…” She smiled as pad chimed, confirming a connection as she wrapped a few wires around each other. “…and they can’t move like me.”

“The scouts can…but they can’t solve problems like me…”She started to tap on her pad trying to get access to the computer core. The cipher was tough. Correction, the ciphers were tough. The cipher had multiple algorithims within it that jumped around making it harder and harder to crack the further in you went.

“They can excel at whatever it is they do…”

The pad beeped to confirm she was in. She hit record.

“But they can do no more. I can do anything I want.” She hummed happily to herself as the recording went. “I am one of a kind. There are no more like me…well a few more like me. But soon there won’t be!”

Happy she had left the program to record for long enough, she inserted it into the computer core and started looping it. She watched…and waited.

She couldn’t wait long. She didn’t have a huge amount of time but she needed to make sure it would pass. She couldn’t see anything repeat within it. She input it into the system, leaving an algorithm to correct for planetary movement. It looked empty, which was what she wanted. She started to back out of the system, closing up as she went.

She’d been in the array for under half an hour but it was now over. She had sealed the door and erased all trace that she had been there. She ran back to the shuttle, taking long, leaping steps of excitement. She practically dived into her chair in the cockpit of the shuttle and fired it up.

To test it was now successfully neutered she powered her engines up to full and iniated a full burn right in front of the array. It was calibrated for long range but it should have spotted that. The answer was a resounding silence.


They hadn’t seen it. It was done. And as long as no one noticed that the array’s sensor output was now looping around on itself the backdoor into the Empire was now wide open.

Now all she had do was wait.


“This will do well…very well.” Loona said walking around the elegant stateroom of the Xifos.

Of course it wasn’t the stateroom of the Xifos. It was a replica, made in miniature and it sat on the wardroom table of the Gyfjon with a good view of Earth floating below and occasionally the glint of sunlight reflecting off one of the ships of Gama Fleet. It had wood panelled adorned with paintings of long dead Imperial officers and of course, the Emperor himself. On the walls also hung and the green and black standard of the Empire and white and blue of Earth. And in the centre of the room was the grand table. Dark, old wood with goldren trim.

“Thank you Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” Captain Gwenn said. “I shall pass your appreciation on to the people in fabrication.”

“Please do.” Loona said as she walked around the room, dragging her fingers along the table’s surface. She knew it was a hologram, but it was very hard to tell. And importantly it would be real to the Humans from Earth.

“Is there anything else my crew can do for you?” Gwenn asked.

“Yes…there is one more thing.” Loona said.


“Earth will be sending a party of five people to join the negotiations. I’d like to have five in our party as well. Perhaps someone from the military?”

Lauryna did her best not to groan out loud. She hated wearing dress uniform almost as much as she hated dealing with diplomats. She’d like to keep both to a minimum as possible.

“I was thinking Commander Ibanez.” The Deputy Floor Leader said.

“Izzy?” Lauryna near choked. “She’s…not exactly what you’d call diplomatic.”

Loona smiled. “Exactly. She’ll cut through the terg dung and not take any back. She knows Earth well and is also a high ranking officer in the Imperial Navy. A Human officer at that.”

“So talking to Earth you will have; a Titan who grew up on Earth, three Humans from Earth and you?” Captain Gwenn asked.

“Excactly. I hope Earth will see itself reflected in the Empire. And hopefully that should put them at ease enough that we can come to agreement.” Loona said.

Lauryna frowned and shifted uncomfortably.

“You don’t look like you’re happy with that Captain?” Loona asked.

“I’m just here to provide the ship, Madam Deputy Floor Leader, not opinions.” Captain Gwenn did her best to maintain a respectful air.

The Deputy Floor Leader raised a brow. “I’d appreciate hearing any suggestions. You know Earth well. You’ve spent a lot of time in this system. Speak plainly. Isn’t that what you military types say?”

Lauryna smiled. “Just promise not to have me fired?”

“I won’t have you fired. Don’t worry Captain.” Loona laughed.

“Well, it seems to me like you’re hiding. You’re bringing in Izzy, Niall Freeman and Darren Avery. These are Humans whose names mean a lot of Earth. They’ve achieved great things, lived long lives and thrived in The Empire.” Lauryna said. “But they’re not the people who were shown on the screens all across Earth. There’ll be two Titans in the room. Only one actually from The Empire originally. It just looks like we’re shirking responsibility. That’s how I’d see it anyway…”

Loona crossed her arms and nodded. “You’re not wrong. But I’ve limited scope to act. I can’t make a formal apology on behalf of the government but I’m going to make a personal one. I also can’t offer much in the way of compensation but we’re going to offer to share medical advancements, nothing hugely special. It may sound ridiculous but the bathing gel that vets used on Humans could do a lot of good on Earth; extend lifespans, keep people younger for longer and reduce sickness. And then there’s my ace in the hole”

“It’s going to have to be quite the play.”

“Centurium ColVanos is on his way from Grelau Station. As the heir to the throne he is going read a formal decree from The Emperor, apologising for what has been done in his name. Qorni will spit that I’m bypassing the legislature but I’m hoping it’ll be enough to make Earth realise we’re serious about being friends.” The Deputy Floor Leader looked quite pleased with herself.

“That might work…that just might work. Though there’s one thing you’re not counting on.” Lauryna said.

“And what’s that?”

Lauryna chuckled to herself. “Have you seen what happens when you put Izzy Ibanez and Darren Avery in a room together?”


Myrell plodded into her room.

She was exhausted. It had been worth it, but between completing her mission, returning to the colony and helping round up wayward Humans she was totally worn out. She couldn’t remember exactly when it was she last rested but it had been more than a Titan day. She had trained herself to keep awake for extended periods but she was at a disadvantage with her shortened natural sleep cycle. She wanted nothing more than to sleep for the full twenty hours she’d been allocated.

That was until she spied a small form on her bedside table.

It was a mucky, exhausted looking Human female with natural platinum hair. Myrell was impressed, it wasn’t often it happened but she really was. Pri had not only carried out her mission but she had managed to escape and return to her room undetected.

“Pri!” Myrell strode across the room and smiled down at her pet. “You did it! Well done!” She could see Pri was covered almost head to toe in mud, likely from the trek home. Her hair was a mess and there was something else there, buried under muck but it was there. Blood. And not a small amount.

“I did…I did do it…it…it was harder than I thought but I got it done.” Pri said.

Myrell picked up the small woman, encompassing her whole body in her hand and started to stroke the platinum hair with her thumb.

“You have made both me and Pryvani very, very happy.” Myrell glowed, forgetting her tiredness. “Tell me what happened.”

“There was a man there…I didn’t expect anyone to be there.” Pri said.

“A man? What did you do?” Myrell enquired.

“I took my mop…and I…I…hit him on the back of the head.” Pri said. “He went over and then I…I did it…I made the lights go out. Did I do good?”

“You did good Pri, really, really good.” She said and continued to stroke her hair. Myrell was so very proud. Pri had come along better than she could have ever, ever hoped. She wondered if this was what it was like to have offspring. But something was bothering her.

“Did the man see you?” Myrell asked.

“He saw me when I came in.” she replied. “I asked him where Sephonie and Duas were to cover.”

This caused Myrell a problem.

“Is…is that bad?” Pri asked sensing her master’s unease.

Myrell smiled and continued to stroke the small woman’s hair. “No, Pri, no it isn’t, I’m very happy. You look tired, do you want to rest?”

“I do…I’m so tired…” Pri said now the adrenaline was wearing off and she was surrounded by the warmth of her master’s hand.

“There, there little Pri. Go to sleep…” Myrell said and softly stroked her hair. “Go to sleep…”

A minute or two later, Pri was asleep in her hand, Myrell still stroking her hair. Myrell didn’t want do this, but she couldn’t take the risk. She pressed down with her thumb over Pri’s tiny head, quickly and sharply. Pri didn’t feel a thing.

To ensure complete destruction of the power plant’s attacker Myrell popped the body into mouth and swallowed. Her stomach would do the rest.

Saddened by the death of someone she had grown rather fond of Myrell decided it would be best to cheer herself up with a bit of fun. She opened the bedside table where she had stashed her captive.

Myrell frowned, yet more bad luck. Her captive had expired as well. That was the problem with Humans. They were so small, apply too much pressure and you rupture arteries when you just mean to break legs. There was no fun to be had here. She would need to wait for her family to arrive before she could have any more entertainment.

“Oh well…” she said and disposed of Duas in the same way as Pri. “Waste not want not.”

“And now to bed, so I’m fresh for when my family arrive.” She said to herself and slinked under the covers.


Author’s note: I’m in a bit of a rush this evening so I’ve not proofed too much. I’ll correct any mistakes later.


  1. Rapscallion says:

    With only 8ish chapters left and the climax approaching, there’s only so much story left. Time to predict the ending, which I think is sort of obvious.

    Bugs will invade near Tau Ceti and Earth simultaneously. The human acolytes will fight and several die in an effort to fend off the bug attack, but as they are being overwhelmed Ted after a tearful goodbye to Tig and his son, will detonate his ship’s reactor near the Insectoid hive ship, destroying it, much of the fleet, and sending the remaining bugs into confusion and retreat.

    Meanwhile on Earth, the conference won’t get far because of the surprise attack. The insectoids will battle with Gama fleet in the space above Earth and suffer significant casualties. However, they will prevail. Possibly when a certain former Tol-Bot player takes command.

    This combined sacrifice of the Empire’s citizens to defend Earth and the Acolytes to defend the backdoor to the Empire, and thereby saving several Titan worlds and possibly the Empire itself, will evaporate the anger and hatred towards the Empire on Earth and the discrimination of many of the conservatives in the Empire, as they have at least grudging admiration and gratitude for the humans now, and lead to greater desire for cooperation and a brighter future. Which is the theme the series will end on.

    Also, spoilers, Myrell will die. Although she may take Joseph with her.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      An interesting read.

      Small update. I’ve written up to 50 chapters now and there will likely be a good few more.

      And then epilogues. I’ve a baby due in April so ideally I’d like to be finished by then!

    • sketch says:

      Pretty good prediction I would think, though I’m banking on Ryan taking Ted’s spot at the last minute, combination of bro nobly looking out for the family man/been living on borrowed time since escaping a sharr as a child kind of trope.

      I also think Myrell’s death will be an underwhelming death, where she’s gets knocked off before she can have a final fight with Sorcha. Like the humans and Titans take shelter on T Cet while the bugs attack. At the last moment Myrell starts to confront them with her treachery only to be killed by a stray shot exploding a building near her.

  2. NightEye says:

    I would have thought the bathing gel had been made available on Earth a while ago. Especially since, apparently, Tribe Maris Farms is allowed to export their alcohols to Earth. The gel might be more important, no ?
    See the Othello Zonela entry in the wikia.

    • Duck! says:


      The gel would be a nice carrot for the empire to offer Earth. Would be used in many therapeutic industries. You know a show of good will..

      *Seeing if any is available on Amazon*

    • Rapscallion says:

      Ted talked to his brother in Debate about getting life extension like it was an available thing. Yes the gel should have been available by now, no reason it shouldn’t be, although again if life extension is attainable to a few Terrans it can’t be long before its available to all. Also, wouldn’t that be really bothersome? Some elites, high ranking officers, and their immediate families got this genetic change that allows them to live 6 human life spans and they haven’t shared that knowledge with their fellow humans?

      That entry made me laugh though! First thing Titans and Archavian humans export is cheap food and alcohol, both already in abundance down here, and not say, gel that lets you live twice as long. I need to live twice as long to consume twice as much of those two dammit!

      • sketch says:

        Life extension is only 3 human life spans, 2 by the current medical advances on this Earth. Think about it, even with an in home vet on Maris farm, Alex’s sister on Earth has lived longer than Luke did at this point. The gel might not even add much to the life span equation. I don’t think these things are additive, at some point the human body just gives up the ghost.

  3. Genguidanos says:

    Well I’m going to feel genuinely sorry for Pri even if nobody else is. While I can’t completely excuse her for her crimes, I can’t blame her completely for them either. She could have been so much more but she never got the chance. We never even got to know her name.

  4. Barrowman says:

    It’s time for massive conflicts in multiple regions.
    It’s good that they remain secret. In the long run, they are one the most important groups of mankind. That secret base/factory needs to keep producing new high end weaponry.

  5. Duck! says:

    My kingdom for a can of raid….

    Man, those multi-legged critters are some ornery bastards eh? Oh well…

    Welp this is definitely not going to look good on Sorcha’s resume, I could tell you that…. ..

  6. Locutus of Boar says:

    “I am one of a kind. There are no more like me…well a few more like me. But soon there won’t be!”

    Suicide attackers or does Myrell have her own plan?

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          I’m increasingly convinced that she’s a titan-human hybrid experiment by the insectoids.

          But as she noted maybe different too. The Bugs might be about to unleash an invasion force of Human-Titan hybrids trained to suicide attack titans, Of course they might not need to invade with the rest of the Bugs as they could already be in place.

          • Rapscallion says:

            I meant she was talking about the other Hybrids that we know, like Sorcha. Seems she killed off the rest of her own in a fight for the fittest.

  7. Locutus of Boar says:

    Myrell had watched video footage from the Titan Station incident Hmmm. Wonder who that came from?

    OK, that’s a good way to get the Accolytes to take themselves out of the loop but it’s just hard to buy that Ted or Ryan don’t take a bird up and keep CAP on the city till the Titans show up. You’ve got thousands of semi and untrained humans on an alien world with no power or protection and no way to detect the Accolytes either.

    When Myrell was testing the detectors on Eeebee the bizarre flight behavior should have set off alarms at the base.

    Finally, if the alarm system security was that poor what took the Bugs so long to try this? They hardly needed Myrell.

    • sketch says:

      That’s kind of the plot hole, they were able to get a shuttle into the system at all without raising any alarms. They might still need a Myrell to hack the computer, but the colony just made it more difficult. More so, if they had done things right and stationed a ship there. Why not just float on into one of the other unoccupied boarder systems? If anything, the Minotaur might accidentally stumble upon the invasion, since they have no way to detect the patrol’s arrival.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        I think I went over way back when the shuttle turned up that the shuttle came in under no power until the very last minute as to avoid being detected. I wrote a scene as well a long way back for JS of Trell doing something similar on Avalon.

        As for Myrell’s mission. Go back and read why she was chosen. And individual bug isn’t overly intelligent. That far from the hive they are isolated. So they can’t. They need a free thinker capable of getting there.

        Also I take your point on the CAP. I seriously considered having a flyover but I figured orders stand. They’d report in and wait for instructions.

        • sketch says:

          The Myrell part I understand. It’s the fact that they could have bypassed the colony all together. Even without power, the bug pilot survived long enough to bury itself. Maybe Myrell might need more life support, but why not put her in cryo and have the pilot wake her? I guess I can see traffic around the system masking the approach, still seems like the monitoring system has a huge blind spot.

          • faeriehunter says:

            That pilot would have needed supplies like food and water sufficient for months on end, as well as a way to monitor developments in the Empire in order to ensure that the sensor array gets sabotaged at the right time. It was probably decided that Myrell infiltrating the colony had less chance of discovery.

            As for a blind spot, the sensor array is calibrated for long range. At the planet-to-moon range you apparently won’t be detected unless you do a full burn. That’s definitely a weakness, but so is relying on a single automated sensor array (that hasn’t had maintenance for ages) in the first place. The Empire has gone for so long with only a few skirmishes and probe attacks that it’s woefully unprepared for a real conflict.

          • NightEye says:

            Both good points but that begs the question : what if Myrell hadn’t been hired for the colony ? What would have been the backup plan ?

  8. faeriehunter says:

    I had been thinking that Pri probably wasn’t going to survive to the end of this story, but I didn’t expect her to meet her end this quickly! She was hardly sympathetic, but I still felt a little bad for her.

    And Antero ColVanos joins the party! Well, he should be just in time for the fireworks.

  9. smoki1020 says:

    Sad for Pri well Karma sucks!

    Still surprised Neitheir Sorcha or Joseph smell the sabotage.New let’s see how they face the bad guys.

  10. sketch says:

    I could smack my forehead, so much for the Acolytes intervening. The lack of trust between Titans and humans will be the Empire’s downfall.

    So endth the tale of Pri. I well shed one tear for her, but also point out Myrell showed her alot more care than she showed the other humans. Myrell did.

  11. Kusanagi says:

    Wow was not expecting such a quick ending for Pri. Lightning bolt Karma.

    Sort of surprised she’s eager to fight, not kill but fight, Sorcha. Thought she’d be more likely to slit her throat and be done with it. Guess it’s a worthy hunt mentality.

  12. NightEye says:

    Well, there’s for Pri’s reward. Or payback story for that matter. It’s logical it ends this way though.

    So, Gama Fleet is orbiting Earth right now ? That’s good. I thought it was already gone to prep for the civil war. If – when – the Hive strikes Earth, better to have them there. But wouldn’t the Hive wait for the fleet to leave ?
    Also having the prince there as well as Loona rises the stakes quite a bit.

    • faeriehunter says:

      That bit about Gama Fleet is confusing me, actually. Loona is trying to calm Earth’s humans down, show them that the titans aren’t their enemies. Having Gama Fleet orbit Earth would be a show of force that Earth will interpret as an attempt to intimidate. Even if it’s just an escort for the Gyfjon, it doesn’t seem like a good idea.

      • Rapscallion says:

        Yeah holy crap! We are outraged at the Titans for the way they treat us and our brethren and we fear they may rescind their protection and come for us. Oh there’s a whole fleet of them in orbit after we got mad at them in public…I feel safe and calm?

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          Our authors are arranging one and perhaps several Pearl Harbor events. It is entirely possible the Bug plan begins with a surprise attack on Titan station launched through the window opened by Myrell. That could mean they are both radio silent and not scanning and partially blind and may miss that Gama Fleet is not in its normal hangouts around Titan.

          The comparison being to the actual Pearl Harbor where even though the IJN knew the primary targets were missing their plan’s timetable was so complex it couldn’t be altered, ultimately with fatal consequences.

          All this looks bad for the skeleton crew at Titan and the Crown Prince who seems to be heading into disaster. I figure Antero is either being set up to be a hero who arrives in time to save the crew at Titan, then evades the bugs to rendezvous with Gama and the Accolytes and hit the Bugs from behind…or…he dies gallantly thus clearing the path for the next Emperor of Archavia and all it’s possessions. That’s right. All hail his Imperial Majesty: Pierce I! The ultimate punch line of the Titanverse.

          • Ancient Relic says:

            All hail his Imperial Majesty: Pierce I! The ruler of this part of the galaxy is a Canadian. The thought made me laugh.

          • Duck! says:

            I will toast his coronation with a case of Molsen,…. labatte blue?……uhhhh……Canada Dry!

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I can see this backfiring when Earth sees it as a show of force, and then backfiring right back around when the Insectoids invade.

  13. TheSilentOne says:

    Read the chapter pretty quickly, but no errors jumped out at me. (Maybe you need to be in a bit of a rush more often, lol). Didn’t know what a wardroom was, so had to look that up. Thought at first it might have been a typo for war room.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Actually there are a few errors here and there. I wasn’t surprised to read that OpenHighHat hadn’t had the time to do the usual amount of proofreading.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        NO! I thought it was perfect dammit. I’m having to do it all by eye now as word’s ability to proof fails after 120,000 words. Glad to hear my work is usually flawless.

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