Chapter Forty Nine: A Flaming Sword Which Turned Every Way Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Navarchos Bass paced back and forth across the bridge of the Gyfjon watching the number on the viewscreen countdown. In under a minute the fleet would make a combat entry into the Tau Ceti system. They’d done this before, rehearsed it and his crews knew what they were doing but they’d never done it live before. And they’d never done it into the edge of a dual planet gravity well either.


“Helm, confirm sync with Xifos navigation computer.” Captain Gwenn said.


“Sync confirmed Captain.” The ship’s pilot replied.


“All hands prepare for combat entry into Tau Ceti in ten seconds.” Said Gwenn over the ship’s comm.


Aertimus stopped pacing and stood and watched as the halo of light around the view screen that indicated they were moving faster than light faded and the stars and the darkness of space reappeared.


“By the gods…” a voice said from somewhere on the bridge.


It almost seemed like an understatement. In front of them, clearly visible like a moon in orbit of Tau Ceti E was an enormous six pronged ship.


Navarchos Bass walked to his chair and typed in an access code on the arm console. The viewscreen split into the view of the planet and a tactical readout. Aertimus was pleased to see the alert fighters from the Xifos were already launching and the fleet was moving into a sphere as ordered.


“Lemm, I want full tactical analysis of their fleet and status of their forces on the ground and Tau Ceti colony.” Bass ordered. “Captain Gwenn please open a channel to the Insectoid fleet.”


Gwenn nodded to her comm officer.


“Channel open sir.” He said.


“Insectoid Fleet, this is Navarchos Aertimus Bass commanding Gama fleet. You are in Imperial space in orbit of a world under the protection of The Empire. State your intentions.” He said.


The reply came as a series of clicks and hisses. The crew looked nervously at each other. They’d heard Insectoids on the comm before but this was different. This was aggressive.


“What…what are they saying?” Ridgemont asked Loona from the console beside her.


“Translation?” Bass asked clearly impatient.


“Working sir…” The comm officer said.


“They’re saying that this world is a Human world, not an Imperial world and that Humans have demanded the withdrawal of all Titan ships from their space and we should leave.” Gwenn said translating it from memory.


“Earth does not request Titan ships withdraw from any Human world!” Ridgemont said.


Bass nodded to her. “Insectoid fleet. This world is not an Earth world, it is an Imperial protectorate. What’s more, I have the leader of Earth on this ship who confirms Earth is under the protection of this Empire.”


The tactical readout updated. Several hundred troops deployed on the surface. Substantial damage to the city. Titan and Human life signs. That was something at least.


“You are ordered to recall your forces and leave this system immediately.” Bass demanded.


His request was met like several seconds of silence before the hissing and clicking voice replied.  Aerti turned to Lauryna, he could see her mind working to translate it. The colour drained from her face.


“They’re refusing. They say this world and Earth are to be harvested. They’re demanding we withdraw. If we attempt to intervene they will consider it an act of war.”


Aerti pushed a button on his console and muted the call.


“Madam Deputy Floor Leader, my standing orders are to withdraw, report in and await instructions from Tuaut.” Bass said turning to Loona.


Loona felt her limbs start to shake. It felt like her legs were going to melt away from under her. She didn’t have the authority to declare war. What’s more she knew the history of Sperikos. And that ship was bigger and Gama fleet wasn’t anywhere near its top strength. Ordering to engage might not just kill her and the fleet. It could start an all out war that the Empire might not be able to win.


“Navarchos Bass, if we withdraw and are ordered to engage the hive fleet what would be the fastest time we could be back here?” Loona asked.


“Four hours ma’am.” He replied.


“And what would the likely casualty projections be on the ground?” She asked.


“Judging by the tactical readouts I’m seeing I’d say total…”


Loona’s senses were screaming at her. Two million people were down there. Including members of her own family. People the Empire had sworn to defend. That she’d taken an oath to defend.


“Please Madam Deputy Floor Leader…you can’t abandon us. You heard them. Earth is next!” Elaine Ridgemont’s voice trembled.


She breathed in deeply and collected herself.


“Open a channel.” Loona ordered.


Aertimus pushed a button and nodded.


“Hive ship, this is Deputy Floor Leader Loona Armac representing the Titan Empire. You are in violation of a thousand-year-old treaty. You are in our space, attacking our planet and killing our citizens. We consider this an act of war.”


She didn’t know if they could read the tones of Titan voices but she paused and shored up her courage.


“Withdraw now and this can be resolved through diplomacy. If you do not then we will be forced to, intervene and you will be responsible for starting a war that would be devastating for both our peoples.”


There was a long, long pause before the response of hisses and clicks arrived.


“What are they saying?” Loona asked Gwenn.


“They’re saying…they’re saying that the decision is made. They are taking Tau Ceti and they are taking Earth…they say…they need food.” Gwenn spoke ashen faced.


“Emperor save us…” Loona whispered.


“Orders ma’am?” Navarchos Bass looked to Loona.


The whole bridge looked to Loona. Every officer from every species in the Empire; Titan, Avartle, Ler, Dunnermac and Human. The delegation from Earth, Eyrn Bass, Darren Xanthopolous and Niall all looked to her. Waiting for her to make her descision. Niall didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to. She could see his eyes pleading with her.


“Navarchos Bass, as the most senior member of the Imperial Government present I am ordering you to engage the Insectoid forces until they are driven from Imperial space.” She spoke firmly.


Bass saluted. “Aye ma’am.”


He pushed a button on his chair arm.


“All ships, execute order Epsilon. And may the Emperor be with you.”


The bridge burst to life. Officers attended their stations and reports and orders rang out. Loona took a step back towards the rear console where the Earth delegation were set up with Eyrn. She suddenly felt rather helpless. It was no longer up to her. She’d done her part. Now it was up to men and women of gama fleet to do theirs.


“Madam Deputy Floor Leader, I want you to know…for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you. I’m sorry for doubting your intentions.” Ridgemont said. “Thank you.”


“You would do the same if you were in my position. And I in yours.” Loona replied. “I can only hope we succeed.”


“We’ll win.” Niall said. “They’ve set themselves up against Aertimus Bass. If there’s any man I’d trust to rescue my daughter, it’s him.”


“Aerti doesn’t know how to lose.” Eyrn added.


“I hope you’re right.” Loona said. “I hope you’re right.”


Ted willed Acolyte One around debris falling from a destroyed fighter; the G forces were punishing, even with onboard compensation, and the fighter shuddered as he used gravitics to fight through the air currents.


“Admiral, our AOA….”


“I know, Yemi, give me all the thrust you can in three…two…one…mark.”


Acolyte One pushed forward hard, and Ted grinned as he felt the wings biting air again. “All right, Three, climb to ten thousand meters AGL, two fighters coming in hot.”


“Acolyte One, this is Acolyte Seven. Power at 50 percent, sir.”


“We’re flying until we run out of power, Johan,” Ted said. “And after that, we’re gliding.”


“Thought so, sir. Wanted to report.”


“Acknolwedged. Yemi, what’s our status?”


“Power down to 59 percent. Our estimated time to Bingo is….”


“Until we’re gliding, Lieutenant. Nice shot, Lorna!”


“Forgot me, did’ya? I’ll just be killing the buggies while you two natter on about power levels. Dinnae mind me…feck!”


Ted blinked. “Isn’t that Irish slang?”


“Ooh, look who’s been studying after class! An’…fook ye dain’? Dozy cunt’s cuttin’ across my firin’ solution!”


Ted looked, and saw what Lorna saw. Titan dropships were inbound, three Turmoils, three Fates. They were reasonably aiming for a hole in the Insectoid fighters, but since that hole was being created by acolyte plasma…well, it wasn’t probably the best approach vector.


“Take the stick, Lorna,” Ted said, bringing up a display. He checked transponders quick, and knowing what he did about Titan protocols, quickly identified the leader. He changed transmission channels, and switching over to Archavian, said, “Svek-Laku-Tagus-Neg-Yohn, Svek-Laku-Tagus-Neg-Yohn, this is Acolyte One, we are friendlies, say again, we are friendlies. You are coming in through our attack axis. Increase your angle of dive by null-carom-twenty, say again, increase your angle of dive by null-carom-twenty, over.”


There was a pause, just long enough that Ted was about to check the signal strength. When the radio crackled to life, he understood.


“Ted Martínez, you’re supposed to be on Avalon. Over.”


“Opito Belfsec! I’m not taking any flak. You’re supposed to be on Titan. Over.”


Tig shook her head. “There had better be a good…hold on one moment. Dropships dropships, this is Dropship-Kesel. Adjust dive angle to zero-zero-six-carom-zero-five-nine, say again, adjust dive angle to zero-zero-six-carom-zero-five-nine. We’re flying through the firing solution of some pigeons. All right, want to tell me what you’re doing on Tau Ceti? Over.”


“I have the stick, Lorna. I’m more concerned about where our son is, to be honest. Over.”


“He’s on Azatlia with my sister. Your turn. Over.”


Ted sighed. “My love, when the Flight Director JTSA orders you to go on an above-top-secret mission, and tell your wife that you’re going to be on Avalon…you do that. Especially if they’ve put you there to keep from drawing the attention of the military your wife works for. Whether you like it or not. Over.”


“Ah. So I’m going to have to yell at Admiral Xú? Over,” Tig said.


“We’ll do it together. And…Dropship-Kesel, you have two bogeys inbound, coming in from two-four-three-carom-two-nine-nine. Hang on.” With that, Ted willed Acolyte One to its maximum speed. “Lorna,” he said, mentally calculating their closing speed, “tell me you can hit both.”


“Och, ye have nae faith in me,” Lorna said. “I’m not lettin’ your missus die.”


“Careful Tig,” Ted muttered. “I’ve got you.”


Tig couldn’t even see the inbound Acolyte; she only knew that her radar was showing something small and fast closing from ahead, while two larger ships closed from behind. She prepared to dive, when from nowhere, a twin beam of light shot out.


“Splash two!” Ted shouted, as the Acolyte buzzed his wife’s dropship. “Debris incoming, Dropship-Kesel. Over.”


“Roger that. Brace for impact,” Tig said, fighting as part of an insectoid fighter bounced off the ship. The dropship quavered, but Tig kept it aloft. It had been designed for much worse. “Gorram, Ted, where did that shot come from? You shouldn’t have that much firepower. I could barely see your ship! Over.”


“Tig, do I even have to say it? Over.”


Tig laughed. “Yeah…I should know how much power you can fit in a small package. And you saved this ship, so that almost makes up for you not telling me you were here. Now, if I buy it, you gorram sure better pull through. I trust Simene, but Cesár needs his father. Over.”


“He needs his mother, Tig,” Ted said. “And I do too. So stay frosty. We’re both making it through this together. Now, as much as I want to talk to you all day…we’ve got jobs. Acolyte One, over.”


“Roger that, Acolyte One. Keep kicking Insectoid carapace. Dropship-Kesel, out.”


“Martinez to all ships! Reinforcements are here!”


They were everwhere. Coming in from all sides. Joran and Centi were both dead as were most of her other staff. There were only two left that were just about clinging to life. And Joseph was barely conscious. And there were still people trying to escape the city. This was it. The last stand. They would hold the Insectoids here for as long as they could. And after that there would be nothing else. The Insectoids would be free to take the planet and all the people left on it.


“It’s now or never ma’am.” The Jack’s commander said. “Titan reinforcements are inbound. If we can hold just a bit longer we keep them from reaching the forest.


Sorcha’s neck followed the high pitched whine as Human fighter flew overhead and cut down a swathe of Insectoids soldiers in the clearing between the city and the forest.  Sorcha was glad for the air cover. There was no way they could fight in the open. Not without rifles.


But it wasn’t just outside the city the Insectoids were charging. In streets all around her soldiers charged down the roads towards her.


“Do it.” She said.


A series of pops rang out from the rooftops of buildings lining the road out of the city. Charges sailed through the air and impacted the tarmac and exploded, creating a curtain of fire between the defenders and the attacking Insectoid soldiers.


They hissed and screeched as the soldiers found their path blocked. A few tried to push through the wall of napalm but were quickly felled by the sticky fire. The Jacks took the opportunity to reload and open fire again, setting more ablaze.


There was now only one way in. The road back into the city. Sorcha picked up her club and hurried down it, avoiding stepping too close to the sparse groups of Humans still fleeing. She took up position at the head of the defensive line. Any bug that wanted to get to the Humans beyond this point would need to go past her. The Humans still in the city would be on their own. She hoped they had the sense to hide.


She could hear the rattling of dozens of insectoid feet on the city’s roads all around her as they probed for a weak point in the flames.


There were still people running down the road towards her.


“Hide!” she shouted. “It’s not safe!”


Some heeded. Others did not and continued rinning to her. She rocked on her heels, gripping her club ready to swing when the first bug appeared.


Sorcha near jumped out of her skin as a large hand fell on her shoulder.


“Joseph what are you doing!?” she hollered.


He was covered in gauze and blood and looked somewhat unsteady on his feet but he was on his feet. And holding his club.  “Backing you up.” He said. “You’ll need it when they rush you. If any get you, I’ll get them.”


“You shouldn’t be here!” She said. “I can handle this.”


He smiled. “Neither of us can handle this. But I’m not going to let you do it alone.”


She smiled despite herself. “Ok, just keep behind me.”


The first small, bug head poked its way around the side of the building. It didn’t even get a chance to see the Titaness blocking the street before it was pummelled into oblivion with a single blow.


She swung again to the left as another appeared after it. A blur flew past her as Joseph swung to the right as more soldiers appeared.


“Get back!” She roared, baring her teeth and puffing herself up, slowly falling back and taking up the centre ground in the road.


She swung wildly and the bugs kept their distance for moment as more and more of them arrived. There were dozens of eyes watching her. A good few had clear shots at her but chose not to fire. Sorcha shuddered realising they didn’t want to spoil their meal. She wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. She kept swinging her club, bellowing and roaring; the same tactics used by the celtic warriors of old to intimidate their foes.


And it worked. For a minute.


With sheer weight of numbers the surged forward at her. She managed to take out four with one swing but was left open and the soldiers dived on her.


The first sunk in its jaws into her shoulder and she ripped it off and smashed it against the nearest building. Joseph whacked one from her back with his club but it was no use. The third and fourth she swept off with her club and stomped on, shattering their exoskeletons. Even with the Avalonians firing their rifles into the mass of insects it didn’t matter. There were simply too many of them.


The moment she dislodged one another jumped on. She thrashed and roared swinging and swinging and swinging, determined not to go down without a fight. Behind her was every citizen of the colony she’d manage to get to relative safety. She wasn’t about to lie down and let the hive take them. Or let them take Joseph.


She screamed as another bug sunk in its mandibles to her arm. Another jump on her and then another and another until it went black as a soldier climb up to her face, trying to topple her by weighing her down. She tried to swing but she couldn’t see anymore or feel anything other than bugs.


Sorcha had almost given up.




And then she heard a mighty wind roaring.


And the sound of energy cannons firing over and over again.


And the screams of Insects being blown apart by cannon fire.


The urge to survive took hold and she thrashed wildly, swinging and clawing at the bugs still attached to her skin.


“Hold still! Hold still!” A slightly electronic voice said.


She fought against her instincts to struggle but did as she was commanded. Three shots rang out and the last of the bugs on her dropped dead.


“Are you ok?” The armoured Titan trooper asked.


Sorcha breathed a deep sigh of relief. “I am, yes.” she said bent over double and panting. Joseph was behind her, bloodied and on the ground but still conscious. “He needs medical attention.”


The trooper opened his helmet. “We’ll see to that.” He said. “I’m Centurium ColVanos, commanding Gama fleet’s ground forces. Are there many injured?”


“Titans, just Joseph…most of us are dead. I’ve two missing up at the compound. The Humans are making for the hills. I don’t know how many are left inside the city. We’ve lost…we’ve lost a lot.” Sorcha responded.


“Ok, I’ll get medivac down here. We’ll secure this area and head out across the city. But the Insectoids have troops everywhere. You’ll need to stay here for now.” Colvanos said.


“Ok, ok. Please, I know you have to fight but the buildings could be filled with civilians.” Sorcha said.


“ColVanos to all ground forces, be aware buildings occupied by civilians, watch your fire.” He said. “Anything else?”


Sorcha shook her head. “The Avalonian commander is at the bottom of the street. He can give you a better picture of what’s going on.”


Another Titan dropship roared overhead and troops dropped from it’s rear hatch and took up position in the clearing, firing at the bugs.


“Ok, keep your head down. And here.” He handed her his rifle. “Shoot any bug you see.”


Sorcha nodded and sunk down against the side of a building beside Joseph and clutched the rifle.


“I saw what you did. Putting yourself between those bugs and the civilians. It was one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen.” ColVanos said.


Sorcha shook her head. “I was the last one. The others did the same.” Tears tumbled down her cheeks. “Most didn’t make it.”


Laser fire shot over head and the Centurium ducked down. “Well let’s make sure you two make it out of here. Someone has to tell the Empire what happened here today.”


“Thanks your highness…” Sorcha sniffed and nodded and Colvanos gave her a small smile.


“There are no royals here. Only brave men and women doing what they can. Medics will be with you shortly” He said and made his way toward the Avalonian command post.


Sorcha breathed in and out, deeply, trying to steady her hands. She was beyond relieved she was no longer alone or in charge. There was hope now for the people trapped here. After a long minute of silence she turned to Joseph. He looked like he was about ready to doze off.


“If my grandmother hears about this I’ll never live it down.” Sorcha said.


“Why…why’s that?”


“I’m a republican. She’s a traditional royalist.” Sorcha said.


Joseph winced. Both from his own pain and some sympathy. “Well he did just save both our asses.”


“He did…” Sorcha said. “Just my grandmother is insufferable when she’s proven right.”


“Is that where you get it from?” asked Joseph.






Author’s note: Thanks to D.X for his contribution.  And you will be glad to hear I still have kept a 6 chapter buffer.


  1. smoki1020 says:

    “Please Madam Deputy Floor Leader…you can’t abandon us. You heard them. Earth is next!” Elaine Ridgemont’s voice trembled.

    that hurt isn’t it Elaine? lol

  2. Mynameisjacob says:

    Lol I just did the math,

    If a titan tries to shout at you 20 units away (roughly 120ft human equivalent) it would take over 2 seconds for you to hear what that titan was saying haha.

    When they talk to each other at a moderate distance they have to wait for their sound to reach the person they’re talking to… physics mawfucka.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      That’s assuming the air pressure is the same as it is on earth. I think Archavia has roughly twice the air pressure that you get at sea level on earth.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        I thought Archavia had lower surface pressure offset by higher O2 concentrations. Seem to remember reading somewhere if Earth has the same level of oxygen as Archavia everything would be on fire. That would make the speed of sound even slower.

          • sketch says:

            Well good thing they have such long lives and days to hold such conversations then.

            I know the speed of human reaction is well noted in universe, but seriously Titan conversations must seem like those of the Ents to humans.

          • TheSilentOne says:

            Speed of sound in a gas doesn’t depend on density, only temperature and composition. I’ve calculated the constant part of Archavian air based on the composition the wiki has to be 19.949, compared to Earth’s 20.05, and so the speed of sound varies proportionately. That means sound travels at roughly 1120 ft/s (8.12 Titan units/s) So yep, I agree that it’d take about 2.5 seconds at 20units away. Granted, at a more comfortable speaking distance of about 1 unit, the time is only 123ms, still fast enough to not really cause any problems.

            Incidently, the speed of light is more of an issue than the speed of sound. Consider our current level of computing technology. Let’s consider a rather optimistic speed of 6GHz. The same device scaled to a Titan size would run at a mere 250MHz. We can come up with a few options for what this means. Either:
            1. Titan devices run comparatively slower.
            2. They’ve managed to make their computing circuitry proportionately 1/24 the size compared to a similar device for us.
            3. Technical advancements. They are supposedly ahead of us, tho Earth is catching up fast in story.
            4. Magical handwaving regarding the speed of light/electrons across a substance. (Planet to planet communications I would think would fall under this as well).

            I know most of this is usually explained away by “sufficiently advanced alien society”, but matters of scale really do present issues when considering universal constants like light.

          • Ancient Relic says:

            With regard to computers, they could compensate for that with other technologies, like quantum computing.

  3. Mynameisjacob says:

    So how much more of this story do we have to go? First found out about these novels maybe 3 months ago and was wondering about how far you guys are actually planning to take these stories?, they’re really good and we’ll written…

    Also, what is this I’ve read about Naskia or Nonah’s favorite game? I think I remember seeing it somewhere but don’t really remember where.

    • Barrowman says:

      It is on giantess city website.
      Physics was one of the most important and the first novel I have read, before Titan. It was totally enjoyable. 2 people who made eachother stronger and so much was achieved in that novel. Naskia was very likeable.
      All novels are well written and exciting and bit by bit you get to know how this universe works.
      The script is excellent and would work well as an anime series.
      Pryvani is the best character of the series so far. By far the most attractive woman.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        The first time I read the original Titan, just the first few chapters, I didn’t like it and ignored it. About half a year later, in August 2013, there was a lull in Carrie’s Science Project and I wanted something good to read, so I read Naskia and Eyrn do Vegas, which had Dann’s name on it. That was fine, so I read the first five chapters of Exile, and then I had a Titan/Physics bender where I got all caught up with the series as it existed then. At the time, I thought Physics was a great story. Then one story after another topped it. At this point, not bring this series to its full potential, with the help of professional developmental and copy editors, and not publishing it, would be like burning the Aeneid. Virgil may not have wanted us to see his story, but we have, and we’re better for it.

        As for characters, there are a lot of lovable characters here. Pryvani is very multifaceted, Aisell has moments of sheer badassery, Lezah is caring in the way Dann excels at, Darren is very charming in his own way, and it goes on and on…

        I’d say that the characters are one of the strongest points of the series, another being the rich worldbuilding. It’s like what the Stargate franchise became, with a wide world and lots of backstory.

        I think this as potential as a Game of Thrones style series in CGI. Switching between human and Titan perspectives would be a sight to behold.

        • Dann says:

          @Ancient Relic

          D’awww…you remember CSP?

          Here, just for that, a short snippet I wrote the other day and only let JS, DX and OHH see.


          Dan paced back and forth hurriedly, while keeping an eye on the doorway in the far distance. Had he a phone or even a watch, rest assured he would be checking it obsessively. Elise was always late, never early, seldom on time, always late. Of course it was never too late, just enough to get his blood nice and hot.

          Daniel stopped in his tracks as he heard what he thought could have been Elise! Though seconds later a signature deep throated laugh informed him that it was only Bianca.

          “Goddamn, again? Like bloody rabbits those two!” Grumbled Dan as he paced his way over to his side of the bed, and flopped down on the spacious pillow, or at least the small corner of pillowcase he could reach with out scaling the enormous soft structure.

          “Just once I’d love to be the one to make her wait, oh that would be fun! I bet she wouldn’t like it, she’d bitch and groan and throw her hands onto her hips and crow out in her driest voice….”

          “Dan, do you have any idea how long I’ve been fucking waiting!?” Elise appeared, standing between the doorway, hands at her hips, she spoke in her driest voice, yet carried with her a malicious grin.

          “Goddamnit!” Dan leapt, clutching his chest with his arm, eyes wide. “How long…don’t friggen do that! The hell you trying to do? Kill me?”

          Elise shrugged. “Think I couldn’t?” Asked Elise, as she slithered into the room, her left hand concealing something behind her back.

          “Just my luck you’d find a way to make me wait on that too…either that or I’d starve, that’s it isn’t it? You’re trying to starve me to death!” Dan rolled his eyes and forced himself to stand, as the sly footfalls of his beloved made their way to him, her shadow quickly blotting out the light from the hallway.

          “I had to sneak past the horny Jackrabbit’s for this you know, you think maybe you can be a little grateful?” Elise scowled, then threw herself onto the bed, bounced to a laying position and shimmied up the mattress to where Dan was now struggling to fight off motion sickness.

          Elise suppressed a giggle and eyes her miniature man like a cat watching a mouse. “There playing twister again.” Elise said, matter of factly, as she dropped a handful of food items she had foraged from the kitchen, in front of Dan.

          “One of Paul’s favorite games.” Dan eyed the dragons horde of food as it piled before him. His eyes immediately fell on a circular, red disk shaped delight, his mouth began to water.

          “There all his favorite.” Elise made a crazed expression with her eyes for a brief moment, before fingering through her pile and pulling out a small wrapped mini Mars bar.

          Dan watched his girlfriend easily unwrap the freezer sized chocolate bar, and easily pop it whole between her thick crimson lips. He watched her chew it, then followed the tiny Bulge as it made its way down her throat with a soft gulp. Her eyes refocused on him, the same clever, curious and mischievous hungry eyes she always had when the gears in her head were moving.

          “I didn’t get the position.” Elise said, her eyes narrowing for a half second as she relived the moment of disappointment, then in typical Elise fashion she brushed it off, as if she couldn’t possibly be bothered in thinking about it for another moment.

          “Do you know who did?” Dan asked, he took particular interest in anything Elise had to say that involved the world outside of Bianca’s condo. His entire world was these walls, anything from outside was welcomed change.

          “No!” Elise barked defensively, and popped a grape in her mouth, chewing it aggressively.

          Dan sighed and pushed himself up, then crawled towards the pile, his attention on the tightly wrapped babybel cheese.

          “Ann Marie’s back, we’re gonna hang Friday, Seb’s gonna be there.” Elise stated, as if that was all that was necessary to imply Dan was now obligated to attend.

          “You and Annie have really hit it off eh? She used to bother you, why the change of heart?” Dan had his suspicions of course.

          Elise shrugged, and sifted through the pile once more.

          “You don’t have to hang out with her, just because she also has a shrunken friend…I mean….”

          Elise eyes snapped to Dan, and burned through him like a knife through butter. “I didn’t say you had to come?!”

          “You implied it.” Dan said, passivly.

          “Ok, done come? I’m still going.” Elise insisted.

          “What if I want to?” Dan argued.

          “What? You don’t like Seb? Just hang with Paul and Bianca then.” Elise said, trying to sound dismissive.

          “Holy crap I never said anything…I’ll come, calm the fuck down.” Dan took a breath, then ran his hand along the clear cellophane wrapper covering his cheese.

          “Fine, what ever.” Elise watched Dan, well aware of what he wanted, though she showed no sign of volunteering assistance.

          “How’s Carrie? You see her today?” Dan asked, as Elise mindlessly munched on various things from her shrinking collection of goodies.

          “Fucked with Nicks computer, tried to use it to talk to aliens or something…I dunknow. He’s pissed, Lexie’s stressed, and apparently there going on vacation.”

          “Where haven’t they been banned?” Dan asked, leaning against the cheese round.

          “They might give Bermuda a go this year.” Elise said, abruptly turning onto her back and peeling off her black kneehigh socks

          Dan grumbled as he watched Elise pull out her phone and begin messing around with it, she was doing this on purpose, for every thoughtful thing she did, there seemed to be two malicious waiting.

          “I heard that.” Elise said with a sweetness in her voice.

          “I didn’t say anything.” Dan replied aggressively.

          “Exactly.” Elise hummed.

          Dan sighed and ran a hand over his tired face. “Really…fucking really?” Dan huffed. “This again?”

          Elise didn’t reply, but what she did do sent the message to Dan, that she could wait all night. She swipped her screen to the side and opened ‘Angry Birds’, and began to play.

          Dan sent Elise a silent but furious look, and made a number of sour, angry faces and gestures at her, he even kicked at her general direction, though he didn’t make contact with the resting giantess.

          It took about ten minutes of failed attempts to break the thick plastic wrapper, before Dan spoke up in a worn voice. “Elise?”

          “Yessumm?” Elise set her phone down and crained her neck back until she was looking at Dan upside-down.

          “Will you open my babybel for me?” Dan asked, though not at all happy to do so.

          “I would be delighted!” Elise bounced about until she was on her stomach once more, and gingerly plucked up the small mini cheese bel between her fingers, and dug a long, black painted nail into the plastic, pulling it off easily. Then, just as easily as the first task was completed, she peeled off the wax skin, and set the wrapper and skin bel down on the bed.

          “Thanks.” Dan half smiled, though she was a jerk at times, she could also be sweet and nurturing when she had to bed.

          “Anytime.” Elise grinned, then popped the mouthful of cheese into her mouth, and chewed.

          “Really?!” Then again, for every sweet thing she did….

          • Greaterthan3 says:

            What ever happened to the sequel with Lexi growing ? I miss these stories dann, I’d love some vigenettes with Titan characters or new Titan characters that are cute like this.. And maybe a bit sexy :p. that was a pleasure to read thanks!

          • Rapscallion says:

            CSP was great Dann! You have a great style of writing. I haven’t seen CSP 2 in a while but I remember really liking it. Hell I even almost felt sorry for Joy lol. Elise and Lexie were awesome. Good stuff, hope to see it again!

        • OpenHighHat says:

          Actually it was me who wrote Naskia and Eyrn do Vegas. It was supposed to be the two of us but I ran through it in a few days. I had been dumped so I had time on my hands.

          I think it’s still over at city.

        • Barrowman says:

          I had the same thing(but I was introduced with an annoying poser story). I knew of Titan before Physics, but I didn’t trust it. Too many GTS writers have tricked me into believing they understand what good GTS stories are. I began to accidentally read Physics. I liked it after first chapters, but I didn’t trust the writer. I was waiting when the writer would let Naskia turn on Niall and really mentally torture him and than kill him. What I got was a total surprise. A very good read. I have read that book dozen of times and the others multiple times as well.
          ”Guess who’s coming for dinner’ was one if the most funny short stories. That picture of the family with an annoyed looking Xene and than imagine a whining cat sound that Eric Cartman would make, comedy gold. 😉
          Those akward moments and conversations are the best in this series. I like those titans like Xene, Manka, etc who don’t fully know what too make out of humans or how to treat them. It must drive Xene mad that accept for size and physical strenght, no titan can match the standards set by Ammer. Hope to see more awkward moments for Xene and family.
          It’s the little details too. Pryvani swimming with whales, Rixie enjoying watching Murder She Wrote with Alex, ect.
          Fully agree with you. The characters are the strongest points of the series.
          Agree with your CGI idea. If this script is brought to life with beautifil visions and emotions it would be the best series ever.
          I’m not a fan of the 24x times bigger ratio. 12x would work a lot beter. The facial expressions of the tiny has to be seen very clearly. At that size I find the relationships more realistic and the chance of Titans living in a mixed human-titan city more possible.

          This is an example how exciting the visuals can be.
          Look at these amazing fight scenes and funny scenes and amazing POV. Good series too, got it in English dub.

        • Barrowman says:

          I had the same thing(but I was introduced with an annoying poser story). I knew of Titan before Physics, but I didn’t trust it. Too many GTS writers have tricked me into believing they understand what good GTS stories are. I began to accidentally read Physics. I liked it after first chapters, but I didn’t trust it yet. I was waiting when the writer would let Naskia turn on Niall and really mentally torture him and than kill him. What I got was a total surprise. A very good read. I have read that book dozen of times and the others multiple times as well.
          ”Guess who’s coming for dinner’ was one if the most funny short stories. That picture of the family with an annoyed looking Xene and than imagine a whining cat sound that Eric Cartman would make, comedy gold. 😉
          Those akward moments and conversations are the best in this series. I like those titans like Xene, Manka, etc who don’t fully know what too make out of humans or how to treat them. It must drive Xene mad that accept for size and physical strenght, no titan can match the standards set by Ammer. Hope to see more awkward moments for Xene and family.
          It’s the little details too. Pryvani swimming with whales, Rixie enjoying watching Murder She Wrote with Alex, ect.
          Fully agree with you. The characters are the strongest points of the series.
          Agree with your CGI idea. If this script is brought to life with beautiful visuals and emotions it would be the best series ever.
          I’m not a fan of the 24x times bigger ratio. 12x would work a lot beter. The facial expressions of the tiny has to be seen very clearly. At that size I find the relationships more realistic and the chance of Titans living in a mixed human-titan city more possible.
          You should check out The Seven Deadly Sins. Best giantess interaction and POV throughout the whole series.

  4. Realms82 says:


    Bro I got to say I have read a lot of books, my DAMN man I am glued to this book and literally…look for you updates like a kid waiting on Christmas! lol…and Thank you for that.

    • Kusanagi says:

      I just want to comment to heap on praise, this story has hit addiction levels with me. Thursday can’t come soon enough, and knowing we at least have a couple more weeks of uninterrupted story is amazing!

      Exile has been my favorite for awhile but if this might be on pace to beat it. Looking forward to every update.

      • Barrowman says:

        Exile was very good. So much happened in there. More main characters in there than Titan, Physics, Arena, Pandemic. You saw a much darker side of the Empire. That behaviour of the titan hospital staff and that imperator. This annoying and stupid behaviour I’m all too familiar with in my own extreme bureaucratic country.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        You’re not the only one. I feel happy every Monday and Thursday morning when I realize that it’s Hybrid Day.

        As for favourites, Hybrid is now moving into a tie with Exile for me.

        • OpenHighHat says:

          I’m glad you’re enjoying.

          I was a bit concerned initially as it got very heavy going in the middle. I much prefer writing two characters together so doing a massive plot with a huge cast that wrapped all the stories into one has been a little daunting.

  5. faeriehunter says:

    The die is cast.


    While I’d figured that Loona would decide to order Gama fleet to engage the Hive ship, I can only imagine what an agonizing decision that must have been. Because while leaving the humans on Tau Ceti to die would be utterly ruthless, it wasn’t just a matter of rules and technicalities. To all appearances Gama fleet is significantly outgunned. By engaging now instead of waiting for reinforcements Loona is more likely than not sacrificing the lives of everybody in the fleet. Moreover, she doesn’t know if it’s more effective to have Gama fleet attack first to soften the Hive ship up for the other fleets, or if it’s more effective to gather all the fleets together for a single attack at maximum power. Loona made her decision knowing that the Empire’s very existence could depend on it.

    • Dann says:

      Did I just read this right..d…did somebody actually…try to EMPATHIZE with Loona…rather than try to tear her a new one?*headplosion*


      • Soatari says:

        I honestly don’t see where all the hate is coming from. Readers are blaming her for everything, but very little of this is her doing. All of it can be blamed on Quorni. Every “poor” decision Loona has made has been forced by Quorni’s politicking.

    • Barrowman says:

      The mission is to rescue and evacuate the people on Tau Ceti and leave to form one massive fleet to defend The Solar System.
      2 Titan sized people and 2 million small human survivors easely fit in one of those ships. Tau Ceti has fallen for now.

  6. Bugs Not Drugs... says:

    Something interesting;

    “They’re saying that this world is a Human world, not an Imperial world and that Humans have demanded the withdrawal of all Titan ships from their space and we should leave.” Gwenn said translating it from memory.”


    Lets say from this logic, any gathering of humans on any world could be considered by them to be a ‘human world’ Then by extension that would give the bugs reason to attack any Titan world where humans exist..Perhaps munch on a couple of the biggies in the process..Humans wouldn’t provide much of a meal anyways. I mean a whole Titan city could probably feed a small hive (for a few weeks at least)

  7. Bugs Not Drugs... says:

    Aerti pushed a button on his console and muted the call.

    “Madam Deputy Floor Leader, my standing orders are to withdraw, report in and await instructions from Tuaut.” Bass said turning to Loona.


    Wonder if she said no, what would have happened?

    btw Standing orders are stupid as are the rest of La Titanos ROE..An invasion sized bug force is currently operating inside imperial territory, don’t think they are out on an ice cream run. If Loona decided to defer to the floor leader the bugs wold have seen this as a sign of weakness and continued the assault further in on the empire. Aorta should have used his noggin and attacked immediately – no downside to it, big ass downside for waiting or just going away and dithering (And discussing and talking and thinking..real important stuff like that)

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Wonder if she said no, what would have happened?

      This is why they pay Aerti the big bucks, the really big bucks.

      Navarchos Bass would look around the bridge and ask “All present who’ve watched the Tol-Bot final with Ms. Armac and are willing to testify to her mental state please raise your hand. OK that will do. Security please escort the Deputy Floor Leader to sick bay for psychiatric evaluation.” Turning to his wife he would say: OK “Wild Girl” as senior government office present, same question…

      • Barrowman says:

        Indeed. 😉 🙂 She would never say no. That is just not possible unless she is sick. She will loose all her friends and betray everything she worked for.
        “Tig laughed. “Yeah…I should know how much power you can fit in a small package.”

        Sorcha, Joseph and the titans who died have done well. I like Sorcha, she has her own code and set of rules and isn’t totally brainwashed yet by government propaganda. Her actions ands jobs in life are totally pro human. She is a true protecter in body and soul and not like most pretentious titans who claim to be protecters. She is a human in titan form. That dislike for the titan system and most titans in general must always be a part of her.

  8. Kusanagi says:

    Even though it was hinted at in previous chapters Tig’s appearance took me completely off guard and it was awesome! As was Sorcha’s last stand and the prince saving the fucking day. Really needed this one after the last few chapters.

    On another note where’s Darren? Cat’s definitely out of the bag now, though for some reason I’m imagining him just whistling innocently in the background.

  9. sketch says:

    Finally a chapter ending on a more optimistic note. Last 4 or 5 chapters from two stories have been killing my hope any would make it out of this alive.

    Very amusing reunion for Ted and Tig. Ridgemont and Loona have come to an understanding. Someone just needs to tell Bass about the Alcolytes and just maybe he can pull a rabbit out of a hat.

  10. Arbon says:

    “We’ll win.” Niall said.

    I suddenly want to see him developing some new trick or device off the top of his head that turns the tide of war. He’s done it at least once before when his life depended on it, and while he’s undoubtedly rusty I hope he hasn’t lost his keen intellect. Also Excellent to see Ridgmount isn’t an idiot here.

  11. NightEye says:

    “They’re saying…they’re saying that the decision is made. They are taking Tau Ceti and they are taking Earth…they say…they need food.” Gwenn spoke ashen faced.

    I’m starting to question the premise.
    Namely that Insectoids need humans as food, or even any food source outside of their worlds.
    Why ? How did they do it before invading ? How did they survive before they figured out space travel ? By eating each other ? By controlling their population growth ? And if they can do that, why not do it again ?
    Relying on a *possible* food source that needs to be taken through war is incredibly risky. Is there something we don’t know about the Hive that forces them to reproduce non-stop ?

    • Arbon says:

      To be fair, earth has more than just humans to feed on. Every other animal, every other plant, giant redwood trees, fast growing algae, whales and such, to say nothing of the actual crops humans produce and keep in massed reserves. That said it still isn’t anywhere near sustainable unless you have someone actively planting, tilling, and cultivating said crops for a constant stream of resources. Note the bugs have tried to buy humans and get them to breed, so they probably hope that the humans of earth will be a constant breeding colony rather than all commit mass suicide.

    • Rapscallion says:

      Nighteye. Wasn’t the statement in the other chapter that they needed the populations to aid in a general invasion of the Empire? Sort of like a army on the move in enemy territory raiding their supply depots to sustain them? It doesn’t make much sense at the beginning of an invasion but maybe it helps long term build up their “stores”? If they are literally starving it doesn’t work though I agree.

    • Greaterthan3 says:

      I doubt humans are their only food source. But the way the message was relayed to the crew makes it sound like the hive is either running out of resources, or growing too much to sustain themselves with what they have currently.

      It sounds like if they lose here their race may be dying out.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Namely that Insectoids need humans as food, or even any food source outside of their worlds.

      Think of the Insectoids as a plague of Locusts. There is always a few around but they don’t start hatching in large numbers till there’s a surplus of food. As noted earlier, most of the bugs are in stasis. They’ve probably been hatching and placing warrior and gathers into stasis steadily for 50 years. Now they’ve begun to wake them up and they will eat whatever’s at hand up to in including each other.

      For all their power and numbers in warships and fighters, they have to start taking food. Their weak spot is going to be the numbers of drop ships they deploy to secure that food and get it back to the mothership. Keep knocking down the dropships and they can’t feed and they can’t win and might well end up like Iron Maiden’s suicide run.

      The interesting question is the Hive Ship still in sync with Hive Prime? They had to divide their decision making to make the Hive ship more responsive and it just took the Hive into a war that might spell it’s doom.

      • Greaterthan3 says:

        It’s my understanding that a majority of the insectoid race is participating in this assault? I could be wrong but this seems somewhat desperate on their part. The hive doesn’t just do stuff because it feels like it. They clearly need earth and the tcet as a food source.

        • D.X. Machina says:

          Not nearly. About 500m warriors are in the hive ship. The Hive has a population in the 50-100 billion range.

          • Greaterthan3 says:

            Also I don’t quite understand why the Titans were so placid in letting the insectoid be… They’re practically a biological skynet. Nothing good will come of their race continuing, they lack all forms of empathy, like a race of sociopaths

          • Greaterthan3 says:

            And based on those numbers unless that hive ship is acting alone, it would imply that the hive plan on taking humanity with goals of breeding for livestock.

          • faeriehunter says:

            The Hive has a population in the 50-100 billion range.

            Um, the epilogue of The Debate mentions “a quarter of a trillion Insectoids” and implies that that is The Hive’s total population.

        • Barrowman says:

          “Also I don’t quite understand why the Titans were so placid in letting the insectoid be… They’re practically a biological skynet. Nothing good will come of their race continuing, they lack all forms of empathy, like a race of sociopaths”

          That’s why it is reasonable the assume that when the Insectoids don’t take Earth, humans will destroy the entire Insectoid species in a few years. Unless someone puts a stop to the super quick development speed of human technology and the massive weapons built up on every colony.
          Earth humans have every incentive for it. Those insectoid worlds can be claimed by Earth. Those acolytes don’t use much materials and 200.000 improved versions of those things can do the job. Even 2.000 could be enough.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Regarding insectoids need for food, my guess is that the speaker was referring to only the insectoids aboard the Hive ship, and that it’s mostly about having to continue on the path they chose.
      In the Feast of the Overseer part of Titan: Exile, the Overseer called what titans eat filth. I get the sense that insectoids strongly prefer living prey, making it difficult for them to stock enough food for long trips. So I think that instead of stocking enough for everybody, they count on the corpses of those who die in conflict (both themselves and their enemies) to feed the rest, along with stripping bare fertile worlds en route. As a consequence, if the insectoids were to comply with Aertimus’s order to withdraw, many of the insectoids on the Hive ship would starve to death; there’d be more soldiers than expected, no enemy or insectoid corpses to feed them with, and only already-stripped worlds on the way back.

      An alternate possibility is that the speaker was talking in a greater sense, that The Hive has been increasing in numbers so much that they’re running out of suitable worlds to colonize in their own space, so unless they take Empire worlds they soon won’t be able to produce enough food to feed them all anymore.

      And finally, the speaker is trying to justify an invasion. While I doubt it, it’s possibe that the speaker was exaggerating or outright lying about the insectoids’ need in an effort to convince the titans to not interfere.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        “Why do we assume they’ll go to Earth next?” asked Jontu Cethje.

        “That’s easy,” Fasobi said. “They can’t carry resources to sustain 500 million Insectoids. At most, only one percent of them are up and about, most will be in stasis; they’ll need to feed their troops as they put them in the field, and Earth has food.”

        “Food?” Qorni asked.

        “Humans, Madam Floor Leader,” said the representative there on behalf of the non-Titan caucuses. “They will eat the entire population of Earth. That’s their food source for their attack on the Empire.”

        The Hive Ship is basically a combination hangar and freezer locker. That’s another vulnerability. As H.A.L.9000 knew when he cut power to the crew of the Discovery. The Bugs do intend to keep on attacking the Empire but they need Earth as the jump start to the feed cycle that’s intended to shift over to Titans as they attack further into the Empire.

        Without the Humans they can’t hit the first Titan target, likely Azatlia. They’ll have to hit one system at a time, strip it and move on. Same logic an the aliens in Independence Day.

        The political argument on the horizon over Loon’s choice will be whether Tau Ceti and Earth were worth war with the Insectoids. The practical answer is without Earth the Bugs can’t invade the Empire.

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