Chapter Forty-Nine: Wearing Him Down Titan: Exile by Dann

Darren paced back and forth along the cold plastic floor of his prison cell. Over two human months had gone by, he knew because he made damn sure to keep track of every passing day. The conversion from titan time to earth time was a little difficult for him to keep track of, but he had time. Master Sergeant Darren Lemuel Avery had nothing but time.

Time to think, time to brood, time to exercise and time to debate. The time to debate however seemed to come up less and less as time dredged onward at the pace of a tortoise. It wasn’t that Darren was convinced he was wrong, simply exhausted of circular logic and pleading on deff ears.

Scroof was either to dense or far to clever for Darren to penetrate. Every time they sat down to discuss freedom, independence or liberty Scroof seemed to boomerang Darren’s point straight back at him.

Darren would mention Earth and government and social justice, and Scroof would pick an obvious weakness in the argument and relate it to their current circumstances. It was frustrating just how difficult it was to liberate a man who had no desire in the first place to even be liberated.

“Stockholm syndrome Scroop, that’s what you got.” Darren said, with a dejected sigh.

“What’s a stock home?” Scroof asked as he munched on a red fruit flavored pellet.

“Capture bonding Scroop, it’s when you’ve been wit yer captor s’dang long you start t’like it!” Darren raised his voice, but long gone was his blind rage and sudden outbursts. He had made a mental note to keep calm and reserve his strength for his one on one altercations with Lyroo. Scroof was a convenient distraction and a useful ally if he could win the man over, which seemed less and less likely as time went on.

“I don’t know what that means….” Scroof narrowed his eyes and shoved another fruit flavored pellet in his mouth.

Darren sighed and turned, pacing towards Scroof now. “It means, you only like living this way b’cause you’ve been here s’dang long it’s been psychologically imprinted into yer skull! This cage, that shit yer eating, Lyroo, all of it. You’ve been here s’long you think it’s normal.” Darren said, looking out at the empty room their prison sat in.

“But, I like being with Lyroo. She feeds me and cares for me and is really nice. Did you know there are titan’s who are not so nice? What if I was with one of those? No that would be bad. I just like being with Lyroo, no one forces me to.” Scroof replied with his signature upbeat tone.

Darren sighed and leaned against the wall, he was running out of energy with Scroof.

“Try to understand me. Yer mind…that’s this thing here…” Darren pointed to his own skull.” is leaden you to identify with Lyroo, making ya think she ain’t a threat, making you believe she is right, believe what she tells you is right. The whole damn lot’a ya have been like this s’dang long you just start believing this is right, when ah can tell ya Scroop…it ain’t. Human beings are just like titan’s, we are the same. Just as smart, just as capable’n just as worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!”

“Oh…I don’t think so Darren.” Scroof said with a mouth full of food. “We are different than them. There bigger and stronger and smarter and know how to do much more than we do. We couldn’t survive if they didn’t look after us. Its like you were saying, with that War story you told me. Everyone just started fighting and hurting one another. The titan’s protect us, make us safe and keep us from hurting ourselves and others.” Scroof nodded in approval.

Darren balled his fists, but then relaxed them and sighed. This was not the first time Scroof and Darren had gone at it, it was almost a daily affair. They ate, they slept, they argued and they sat…like mice in a cage waiting for something to happen.

Oh, sometimes they engaged in sporting competition, sometimes they had meaningful conversation(or as close to Scroof could come to meaningful conversation) and even took turns telling one another stories. Darren was aware that keeping one’s sanity was the first step towards surviving as a POW. But the real creeping ivy in the back of his mind was the current topic of conversation. Darren knew that stronger men than him had fallen victim to capture bonding. He could hold out a few weeks, months…maybe a few years even. But time for him passed much quicker, he knew titan’s well, and if there was one thing they had it was patience.

Darren knew he would break before Lyroo, because Lyroo had time on her hands, and a whole system to back her up.

On long sleepless nights Darren thought of Eyrn and their time together in Nevada. The girl had played well the hand that had been given to her, she even started to agree with the terms of her bondage. It was better this way, safer for the people. Humanity was not ready for something this big, other nations would be jealous. He had on multiple occasions had to be the brass and chastise her for requesting simple liberties like going for a walk, meeting new people and going where she pleased. She grew to accept it, even believe it herself.

Would he?

Hadn’t he already? Lyroo, Bedra, Eyrn, what was the difference?

Wasn’t Eyrn just Lyroo with out the cage? She still provided everything for him, a place to live, food to eat. He was completely dependent and reliant on her, how was he any different than a pet? A well treated pet was still a pet, was it not?

Darren shook the thought from his mind, there was a difference, there had to be. Eyrn saw him as a person, she was just as restrained by the system as he was. But the fact of the matter remained, with out anything to do, with out a way to give purpose to his life Darren was a weight, a useless weight.

(“Two months? I sometimes forget how the passage of time feels differently between our two races.” Pryvani said, looking to Darren between the blades of grass.

“Not too sure if the same can be said for ya’ll, but it goes even slower when yer bored out of yer skull.” Darren exhaled deeply.

“How did you pass the time?” Pryvani asked, raising a brow.

“Like ah said, ate…slept…played ball with Scroop, ran laps round the enclosure. Did what ah could to stay positive. I had’ta. Knew if ah gave in Lyroo would be right there’t pounce on me.

“I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.” Pryvani gasped. “But I mean, your exposure before hand must have given you some bit of an upper hand, no?”

Darren shook his head. “You’d think that, but naw. See, it’s not the same, not at all. Eyrn was like a big kitten, never hardly laid her mitts on anyone. Always spoke softly, even when she got mad. Eyrn had been living her whole life being considerate to those smaller than her. Lyroo…naw she was a different kinda person all together.

Pryvani nodded.

“Truth was Pryvanti, ah was terrified of’er.” Darren sighed.

Pryvani actually looked a bit surprised. Nothing he’d told her so far gave her reason to believe Darren was afraid of Lyroo.

“Don’t look so dang surprised. Each one of you giants are a wild card at first. Don’t matter how many ‘good’ titan’s ya know…just takes one bad one’t fuck things up.” Darren adjusted himself and went on. “So ah know Eyrn, don’t mean ah know Bedra…so ah know Bedra and Eyrn, don’t mean ah know you.” Darren shrugged.

“Sorry, you just don’t strike me as a man who has many fears. I mean you agreed to meet with me alone, that says a lot, no?” Pryvani smiled subtly.

Darren shrugged. “Can’t distrust em all…b’sides you’d be surprised how many folks’ll vouch for you.” Darren chuckled.

Pryvani herself laughed and gave her head a shake.

“It’s a solber’n thought Pryvanli, man like me can have freedom, friends a life one second and nothing the next.” Darren shrugged and sighed. “Each and every one of you titan’s have that power.”

Pryvani thought of her friends, of Alex, Sophia, Lysis, but mostly of Zhan. She had worked hard to give each of them the life they deserved, freedom. But it was true, in the blink of an eye all of that could be taken away from any one of them. She herself even held the power to do that.

“That’s far to much power for anyone to have Darren.” Pryvani spoke softly. She of course even meant herself. )

2 months 2 week (human time)

Darren never struggled when Lyroo picked him up, and she picked him up often…too often. He didn’t run, he didn’t struggle and he seldom swore. It wasn’t that he enjoyed what she was doing, or even tolerated it very well. Darren was aware that Lyroo saw him as a savage, Darren was keen on proving her wrong. So he spoke to her calmly, he was defiant and voiced his protests each and every time, but he was civil.

“Ah don’t like being handled like this.” Darren spoke calmly as Lyroo pinned his arms to his side in her closed fist. He always felt just a little bit grateful that she was fond of humans as being handled like this by someone who wished him harm would be the end of him.

“You’ve not had much time to get used to it, you will though.” Lryoo flashed a look of concern. “Am I hurting you?” Lyroo asked, to be sure she wasn’t holding him to tight.

“That ain’t the point, but no.” Darren tried to free a hand, to attempt to ward off the finger he knew would soon be petting him indignantly on the head. He was unable to do so, and grumbled softly as Lyroo began to stroke him on the head and along the side of his face.

“Your not violent at all, I don’t know why they would ever even consider putting you down.” Lyroo cooed, she smiled sweetly.

Today Lyroo wore a blue short sleeve shirt with short denim jeans and bare feet. Her dress attire around the house as Darren noticed was quite casual. When Lyroo was at work she wore her hair up, long dress pants with sharp button up shirts and jackets. At home she looked like any other normal woman in her 20’s. Long blond hair let down, shorts, sleeveless shirts and even makeup when she had company or went out. She spoke softer, laughed more and seemed much more approachable than the stone cold business look she gave off at work.

Darren could relate.

“Ah just don’t like being manhandled. I don’t need to get used to it, you just need to not do it.” Darren spoke slowly and as clearly as he could with Lyroo. He didn’t want to give her an inch to work with. She thought him a dumb animal, he had to show her he was anything but.

“Your just so calm and docile, really just a sweetie eh?” Lyroo cooed and began to scratch Darren on the head gently.

“Sorry t’dissapoint?” Darren sighed, it took all he had to keep calm. He wanted to slap her aside the head and tell her to keep her hands to herself!

“Its a shame you had such an unfortunate string of bad luck, and an irresponsible and neglectful owner to boot.” Lyroo moved from the living room to the kitchen where a cast iron tub sat on the table. Darren eyed it suspiciously as Lyroo approached it.

“Whacha gonna do with that?” Darren asked.

“It’s bath time.” Lyroo perked up, holding the hand that held Darren over the silvery bath.

“That don’t look like water’t me…anyhow ah can bathe myself….” Darren was interrupted as Lyroo plunged him into the silvery chemical bath.

“Glub’d’gerr’glubben’gruff!” Darren protested and thrashed about. But Lyroo calmly massaged him with her fingers, gently and slowly even dispite his angry thrashing.

“Shhhh, no need to be afraid hon…its only a sani-bath. it’s good for you! Have you never had a sani-bath?” Lyroo frowned as she worked the life extending restorative elixir into Darren’s hair and skin.

Eventually Darren ceased his protest, as he knew it was useless. But the look on his face was nothing but ire. “Ah can wash ma’dang self.” Darren mumbled.

“Oh, that’s silly Darren. That’s what I’m here for. Now just relax, this can be so much more fun if you just stop fighting me and let it be.” Lyroo cooed gently, her voice like a sticky sweet trap.

“Yer a real piece of work woman!” Darren snapped. He never thought he’d protect a beautiful woman offering to give him a bath. But when his freedom was on the line, it didn’t seem so alluring.

“Hold your breath and close your eyes, m’kay?” Lyroo asked sweetly, her tone was always so elementary and sweet with Darren. When he did lose his temper she just seemed to laugh it off and coddle him all the more! It was extremely exhaustive to not only physically resist somebody so big, but mentally deal with her when she held such a strong upper hand at every turn.

“Urg, will ya just let me do this m’dang self?” Darren waved his arm dismissive, but her long fingers surrounded him at all turns. She embraced him with all ten fingers and she worked in the chemical.

“Darren sweetie, I said close your eyes and hold your breath.” Lyroo repeated firmly, for as tuff as she came across to other titan’s, Lyroo was really a softy with her pets. She didn’t have a very intimidating ‘down to business’ voice when humans were involved. She had nothing on Bedra’s ‘business’ voice.

“And ah said lemme do it m’gatdang self.” Darren mocked her wispy forceful voice.

“I’m not going to ask you again Darren.” Lyroo was trying not to laugh, she adored humans and it showed. For all her flaws, Darren had to admit he found the idea of her being physically abusive almost absurd. Mentally, emotionally perhaps, and incredibly arrogant and dismissive of his basic freedoms. But he didn’t worry about being beaten or struck.

“Or what? You’ll ask me again?” Darren rolled his eyes.

“No, but it won’t be nearly as pleasant with your mouth and eyes open. I hear this stuff taste like aluminum foil.” Lyroo warned with a grin.

“What the hell are you….” Darren was half way through asking when Lyroo submerged him into the shallow bath. She held him there for only a brief few seconds before allowing him to surface. When he did, Darren Avery was red faced and flailing wildly.

“You gat’dang… are you try’n’t…a little bit of warning would be nice gat’danger! ya couldda drown me ya grabby witch!” Darren coughed and sputtered, as jolting as his little dip was, the chemical didn’t sting or burn, but it did taste fowl. It didn’t even seem to agitate his lungs like a sudden breath of water would. It did however invoke a coughing fit.

“I did, three times in fact.” Lyroo bit the inside of her lip to stop herself from smiling.

Darren thrashed around in the silvery bath and smacked the surface, splashing Lyroo who was leaning in close.

“Darren, that was uncalled for!” Lyroo frowned and switched to her serious tone.

“Don’t yew ‘Darren’ me! Ah told you gat’danget ah could do this ma self!” Darren seethed, two months worth of frustration pent up rage and frustration had reached its climax.

“Darren, I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that.”Lyroo scolded.

“Ah don’t give a damn!” Darren stated, looking up to Lyroo boldly. Before Lyroo could go on however Darren continued. “Ah am a man! Ah was born Darren Lemuel Avery in Austin Texas! Ma mother’s name is Elaina Valdez Avery, ma daddy’s Richard Glenn Avery! Ah am an officer in good standing in the United States Armed forces! Ah have fought in two wars, seen more men die’n you have brain cells in that thick gat’dang head of yers! Ah have a college education, ah’m not slow, stupid, savage or ignorant! Ah am Darren senior non commissioned officer for the 4th Military Intelligence Support Group, 8th Battalion, Black-2 Company, 1st Squad! Ah am 31 gat’dang years old, ah can cut mah own food, wipe mah own chin and wash m’dang self! Ah am not yer dang tea cup poodle!” Darren seethed, looking up proudly at his captor in all his naked glory.

Lyroo snapped her tongue against her cheek and crossed her arms and send Darren an impatient and tired look. There was a long silence between the two of them before Lyroo clicked her tongue and stated dryly. “Ya done?”

Darren was breathing like a bull, he wanted to slap himself for letting her get to him like that. He had blown up just like she wanted him to, played right into her hand just like Lyroo knew he would.

“Fuck you.” Darren grumbled, since he was already wet he may as well be soaked.

“Tisk tisk…I had hoped we were past all of this needless aggression Darren.” Lyroo reached in fearlessly and reached for Darren.

Darren swatted at Lyroo’s encroaching fingers,a futile effort that didn’t so much as slow her down. She gripped him gently and with out apparent ire or frustration. She scooped him up, allowed him to drip dry before transferring him to a dry hand towel and patting him off. From there Lyroo scooped him up and brought him to her chest, gently stroking his back and making soft white noises.

“Shhhh, Darren all this screaming and yelling is not necessary. You need to calm down sweetie….”

“How can you be s’gatdang stupid?” Darren protested, pushing against her ample bosom as she flattened him to her chest in what he figured was an attempt to calm him down. She effortlessly nestled him to her chest and continued stroking his back.

Darren felt enraged all the more, which only made him feel all the more frustrated and helpless. No matter how angry he got she didn’t flinch, no matter how volatile he became she seemed in control. He could scream at her, insult her, argue with her and it all bounced right off her.

He couldn’t negotiate with her, he couldn’t argue with her, he couldn’t reason with her, no matter his tactics it all just bounced off the same unwavering concerned calm shell. It was discouraging, rage inducing…and discouraging.

“I think we’ve had enough for today hmm? I think you could use some down time eh? How about a nice long nap hmmm?” Lyroo cooed in her sweet and condescending tone.

Darren was too exhausted to protest further, he couldn’t fathom how it had come to this. It was as if Lyroo had a wall up preventing her from actually hearing anything smart he said. He wondered if her cultural filter only let baby talk and senseless babbling through.

Lyroo cradled Darren in her palm as she carried him back to his enclosure, his clear prison, a place he was starting to loath more and more with each passing day.

Scroof was waiting eagerly for Lyroo to come, and waited patiently as Lyroo set Darren down and then scooped him up gently.

“Your turn Scroofie.” Lyroo smiled and kissed Scroof atop hs head.

“Yay!” Scroof exclaimed and nestled into her kiss.

“Wanna go out for a bit after?” Lyroo asked in a leading coercing tone.

“I do!” Scroof proclaimed. “Darren too!?” Scroof asked.

“No, just us. Darren needs some quiet time.” Lyroo explained simply.

“Yay, just us!” Scroof looked back to Darren then nestled into Lyroo’s grip.

Darren watched Lyroo lumber out of sight. His teeth clenched and in a moment of uncontrolled aggression Darren slammed himself up against the side of the plastic enclosure and pounded his fists into the wall.

“Lyroo! Lyroo, you can’t do this! You hear me Lyroo!? This ain’t right! It ain’t fucking right!” Darren shouted madly. “Lyroo! You can hear me, ah know it! Lyroo….Lyroo! I ain’t yer gat’damn pet!” Darren continued to holler and shout even when the light went out and the door closed leaving him in total darkness. He shouted until his voice grew horse, well into the night.

Alone, isolated and confined.


    • Dann says:

      Because once upon a time I thought it was a good idea to phonetically write out his southern drawl… I was terribly mistaken

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