Chapter Forty-One: An Unsteady Alliance Titan: Exile by Dann

“All I’m saying is it happens to be a much larger burden on the tax-paying citizen than its worth!” A figure on the vid screen spoke with passion to a well-dressed Dunnermac who sat across from him at a desk set before a decorative backdrop.

“The numbers are available; the House committee has made no attempts to hide the cost, Professor Gernhatt.” The Dunnermac host responded calmly.

“Cr35 million a year, and that’s after offsetting the revenue from Titan Station, and ignoring the countless trillions of credits’ worth of natural resources locked within the core of the red zone. Resources we have barred access to thanks to the Terran Protection Act,” the arrogant titan said with disdain in his voice to the Dunnermac before him.

“Surely the preservation of a unique and vulnerable species such as humanity is worth what in the greater scheme of things is a drop in the bucket for the empire?” The host awaited a response with poise.

“If it was simply a matter of credits perhaps, but how many lives have been lost to defend Earth from the thousand-year-old claim to the Sol Terra system made by the Hive? Seven serious skirmishes have been recorded, resulting in three major conflicts. Over 14 ships have been lost and countless Titan, Avartle, Dunnermac and Ler lives lost. I hardly think this is a wise investment,” Professor Gernhatt crossed his arms and turned slightly in disgust.

“You are aware of what would happen if your proposal to abolish the Terran Protection Act were to be passed by the legislature?” the Dunnermac host asked, showing no sign of agreement nor disagreement in his tone.

“I am,” Professor Gernhatt pointed to the desk and pressed a finger to the wood surface to emphasize a point as he spoke. “Sol Terra would be acknowledged as territory of the Hive, the thousand-year cold war would end, and the fleet could withdraw from Hive Space.”

“If the preservation of a unique species is not worth defending, I ask you sir, what is?”

“Tell me, what Exactly does the empire benefit from this arrangement? What makes this worth it? Earth is hardly the only place where these creatures can be found. The Tarsuss Corporation itself owns a human preserve, and that’s not even mentioning the billions of human being pets in and around Imperial space….”

Loona flicked off the vid screen and tossed the remote at the projected screen, which flew through the holographic projection effortlessly. “Oh what a sack of hot air!”

Loona peaked down at the tiny sleeping Nonah, who had fallen asleep while browsing the data stream on the handheld pad she had been given as a gift. Loona’s expression softened and she resisted the urge to scoop her tiny friend up and cuddle her. It was sometimes hard to believe how far Nonah had come in such a short time.

Gently, Loona covered Nonah with the tiny blanket that the little human had been using for warmth while awake. Carefully, Loona snuck off the couch and made her way back into the computer room, where she had been working for most of the day.

Loona flopped down into her chair and allowed herself one ceremonious chair spin before settling before the data terminal screen. There is where she sat, feverishly working through old laws, court cases and civil citations involving humans. She had hoped to uncover something that would be of use, anything that could help stall what was going to happen in exactly twelve hours. But there was so much to look through, and very little of it actually helpful. The longer Loona spent working on it the sicker she felt about the whole ordeal. The system just had nothing written in it that gave human beings the slightest ability to defend themselves. Not only that, but there were so few actual examples of such a thing occurring that finding a base to work from was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

There were so few actual court cases involving humans, and the ones that existed generally had humans being used as evidence rather than the actual subject of the hearing. It was Loona’s hope that finding an actual hearing could convince the regent Judicator that held power over Orion Province to take the occurrence to trial. Public support was so strong in Darren’s favor that Loona was almost sure that a Titan jury would rule against euthanasia.

But in order for public opinion to even matter, she would first have to convince the Judicator not to allow the execution.

“Any luck?” A tiny female voice caught Loona’s attention.

“Oh, Nonah. I thought you were sleeping?” Loona peaked over to Nonah who had made her way from the couch to the computer room, and was standing near Loona’s feet.

“You woke me up when you got off the couch.” Nonah shrugged apathetically. “When you stood I rolled off the pad and fell between the pillows.” Nonah made a scolding motion. “You sit, and stand like a Titan.”

Loona replied with a friendly chuckle, and gently leaned down to offer Nonah a hand up, which she gladly accepted.

“I just can’t find anything that might be helpful. No existing cases, no bylaws…nothing so much as a similar occurrence to force a second look. There are just no notable instances of a human killing a Titan in self-defense, let alone ones that ended in a way we can use to our advantage. Nothing.” Loona set Nonah down and flopped her head down onto her arms in a huff.

“Well, have you tried non-human cases?” Nonah asked with her signature perkeness.

“Well what good would that do?” Loona asked, not catching on yet.

“Well, there are other Class Two Sentients other than us right?” Nonah asked, approaching Loona. “Maybe you could find something there?”

Loona was still and silent for a while, before shooting up suddenly. “Nonah! You’re a gorram genius!”

Nonah fell back onto her rear, but was briskly scooped up and delivered a full body kiss before being set back down.

“You’re welcome.” Nonah stammered as she stumbled and tried to remain standing, but Loona was already busy at work feverishly searching the data stream.


Bedra took a drink from her soda can and set it down before rubbing her eyes. The veterinarian technician was across the room tending to another patient but was well aware Bedra was still hanging about. The office was closed but Bedra had no intention of leaving unless she was forced.

Tapp lay on the tiny medical table in such a state of disarray she was nearly unrecognizable. The spunky young human was as still and quiet as could be, her breathing was shallow and quickened as her tiny body fought off the infections that were rampaging through it.

There were tubes and cords coming from all visible orifices of her body including a breathing tube, an intraosseous drip, a second drip for steady medication administration, and monitors attached to the tiny human’s limbs to carefully track her vitals. Her skin was a sickly pale with a grayish tint, and her little body was moist from perspiration.

“You should go get something to eat, and and get some rest. Come back in the morning, she’ll still be here.” The vet technician spoke reassuringly and rubbed Bedra’s shoulder.

Bedra looked up slowly and smiled a little. “I’d like to stay. I don’t want her to be alone.” Bedra looked back to Tapp, gently dabbing the corner of a cloth to dry the sweat from the comatose woman’s body.

“She’s a fighter, it’s remarkable given everything she’s been through. The other one that was brought in with her passed away shortly after arrival. Your little girl’s got spirit.” The blond technician rubbed Bedra’s back and leaned in to check the IV hookups.

“Is she going to be okay?” Bedra asked, never taking her eyes off Tapp. This was her fault and Bedra knew it. She had left the three of them alone; they had been abducted because of her own negligence. But there would be time for guilt and remorse later, for now all she could do was watch and wait…and hope.

“It’s too early to be sure, but she seems to be fighting it well. She’s septic, which is normally the cause of death when exposed to insectoid venom. But she has a low concentration of the poison in her system, it hasn’t overwhelmed her organs, so that’s good.” The vet technician changed a few drip sac’s as she spoke, and programed a few instructions into the tiny medical bed Tapp was resting on.

“Thank you for letting me sit with her.” Bedra said softly, with a meek smile.

“You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last.” The technician extended her wrist. “I’m Aenn, nice to meet you.”

Bedra took hold of Aenn’s wrist with her hand and they greeted one another.

“Bedra Tae.”

Aenn adjusted a few tubed before brushing a matted damp lock of platinum white hair from Tapp’s four head. “Amazing little creatures. So much like is, I never understood how people could consider them animals. They’re like our shadows…smaller innocent little shadows of ourselves. everything is so simple and innocent with them, so pure. It takes a real horrible kind of person to ever harm one of these little angels….” Aenn frowned.

Bedra nodded, keeping her eyes on Tapp, afraid if she dared look away…step away even for a second Tapp would somehow slip away.

“She is beautiful. How long have you had her?” Aenn asked as she moved on to the next table, still with in talking distance.

“Only a few months.” Bedra responded, her energy sapped, but she was grateful for someone to talk to.

“Not very long, how did you come across her?” Aenn asked with a chipper tone in her voice.

Bedra paused for a moment, Tapp let out a labored breath before continuing her normal breathing pattern. “I adopted her from the HOS shelter.” Bedra stated simply.

“Oh, that’s nice! There are so many who need good homes there. Good for you.” Aenn smiled sweetly as she tended to a human male who was still groggy from surgery he had undergone.

Bedra stiffed a laugh, as she looked over the embattled pale human before her she couldn’t help but feel venom in Aenn’s words. Good for her? It hadn’t turned out so good for Tapp. She was miserable, abrasive and hated everything about Degu, Eyrn, Darren and herself. Tapp didn’t seem happy or pleased with anything, and now with this to add to the poor human’s trials, Bedra couldn’t help but realize this was all her fault.

“I wish I knew what I could do to make you happy sweetie.” Bedra whispered as she stroked Tapp’s hair “If you get through this, I promise I’ll do better…okay?” Bedra choked back tears, tears which had been free flowing since she had arrived with the sickly Tapp.

“I will, I don’t know how but I will okay?” Bedra sighed. “I thought if I could give you a good home you would be happy. Seeing you in that shelter, so miserable and unhappy, I thought I had something better to offer. Guess I just made it worse.” Bedra looked away for a moment. “But I won’t abandon you, I won’t. So please, just pull through okay?” Bedra let her head rest on her arms and watched Tapp silently as Aenn worked around her. It was going to be a very long night.


Lyroo sat at her desk, bleary-eyed and sore from hours in the same position. She had migrated to her remote terminal in the comfort of her own home, but had refused to call it a night long after she rightfully should hav.

Her arms stretched out to the side and she yawned, giving her head a shake quickly to shake the sleepy feeling. The mug containing her hot beverage was empty and she lacked the energy or the motivation to stand and fetch another.

“You should sleep, that will make you feel better it always makes me feel better.” Lyroo’s faithful pet and companion Scroof stood against the clear plastic of his terrarium and watched his mistress with hopeful and eager eyes.

Lyroo exhaled dramatically and gave Scroof a worn and exasperated expression. Slowly and heavily she leaned over and un-latched the door. “I should very much like to sweetie, but I have some very important things I need to do and time is very important.” Lyroo stuck her hand in the spacious holding tank and waited patiently for Scroof to climb aboard.

He greeted her hand with a loving nudge and climbed aboard eagerly and with exuberance.

Lyroo slowly closed her fingers around Scroof and pulled him out, bringing him to her cheek for a gentle snuggle. “I just don’t know what to do Scroof.” Lyroo nuzzled her nose against the friendly human, and gave him a quick kiss before depositing him on her shoulder.

“Sleep! It always makes me feel better ma’am!” Scroof offered up eagerly as he nestled against his master’s neck.

“Everything is so simple for you, eh? I wish it was that easy.” Lyroo sideways glanced to her pet and sighed wistfully. “And please don’t call me that, it makes me feel old!”

“Sorry Ms Lyroo.” Scroof lazily apologized as he sprawled out on the spacious shoulder, Lyroo’s silky blond hair draped over his naked body.

Lyroo looked back to the terminal screen, her eyes searching for something to focus on. “I want to help this human Scroof…like I help you, you know? But I just don’t know if I can. This has grown out of control; it’s so much bigger than me now…the whole core is talking about this. How so I make everyone happy?” Lyroo spoke more to herself than to Scroof.

“You’re super smart! You will do the right thing because you’re always right!” Scroof dutifully defended his mistress’ honor as he yawned and closed his eyes.

“We have one angry mob calling for his head…and they just might get it.” Lyroo cringed. “Then we have another angry mob asking for mercy…and a third angry mob dancing naked outside the Judicator’s office!” Lyroo gripped her head and sighed.

“The masters should wear clothes…they look silly naked.” Scroof giggled.

“The only one who will shut up long enough to be any use at all, of all people…Loona Armac.” Lyroo rolled her eyes. “She is rather clever, I think her heart is in the right place but she’s got messed up priorities.” Lyroo sighed.

“I don’t like her. She’s mean.” Scroof snapped.

Lyroo grinned questioningly at her pet and scoffed. “Oh, well I wouldn’t say she’s mean, just misguided is all.” Lyroo chuckled.

“She wants to take us away from the masters and make us live on our own and get eaten by shaar and kipp’s, and she makes you feel bad and makes her humans do things for her that are hard and that we shouldn’t have to do!” Scroof boldly proclaimed as he re adjusted himself.

Lyroo chuckled deeply and sat back, crossing her arms. “Is that what she wants?” Lyroo narrowed her eyes and spoke with a condescending and amused tone. “Well I think you might have some of your facts mixed up sweetie, Loona is just misinformed is all, she has dangerous and ideological views.” Lyroo scooped Scroof up and brought him before her face. After kissing him she began to gently stroke him on the head as she sat back in her chair.

“I don’t understand that word…idealogkal….” Scroof tilted his head to the side.

“It means she has good intentions, too good perhaps…she can’t see the harm in her ideas.” Lyroo gently poked Scroof in the belly and began to tickle him with her fingers.

Scroof giggled and attempted to fend Lyroo off to no avail. After submitting to her playful tickle assault he pulled himself out from under her fingers and sat up in her palm.

“Ms Lyroo?” Scroof asked trying to be serious now. “Why are they dangerous?” Scroof looked up to Lyroo, his bright brown eyes innocent and hungry for answers.

Lyroo took a moment to ponder an answer, as she held her palm before her face she eyed her beloved pet with tender love and affection. He was so important to her he was more than a pet, Scroof was a member of her family.

“Well Scroof, they are dangerous because they put humans in danger.” Lyroo sighed as she gently stroked the tiny man’s cheek. It could so easily have been him…and truthfully Lyroo Prenn hoped if anyone ever did try to harm her precious dear, that he would choke them dead too!

“Why would she want to do that? Did we do something wrong?” Scroof asked with a frown.

“No hon, you didn’t.” Lyroo smiled. “Her and her friends think humans should not be protected and cared for as much as we think you should be. They want you to be free to do what you like, even though Archavia is a very big and dangerous place. Her and her friends want us to expose you all to things that are big and frightening.” Lyroo sighed. She knew there was more to it than that, but she didn’t want to confuse Scroof.

“She wants us to be like the masters?” Scroof asked in wonder.

“Yes, that’s right.” Lyroo nodded.

“But we are different, how can we be like the masters when we are different from the masters?” Scroof scrunched his brow in thought.

“I don’t know sweetie…I….”Lyroo was cut off abruptly by the familiar chime of an incoming transition.

Lyroo quickly set Scroof into his enclosure and patted him on the head before closing the door and locking it, she was sure to send him a quick blow kiss and a wink before turning to face the screen with regained composure. “Answer.”

Lyroo was greeted to the rather excited face of Loona Armac.

“Lyroo! I’ve got it!” Loona blurted out in a voice quite packed with jubilation.

“What have you got?” Lyroo tried to control her expression, it was mildly aggravating that Loona had indeed made herself as useful as she was, but the cause was good and Lyroo wasn’t one to kick a gift cherquine in the face.

“What do you think!?” Loona impatiently snipped and leaned closer to the screen. “Our golden ticket!”

“Well, out with it then!?” Lyroo chuckled, but only a little.

“We were looking in the wrong area! Look I’m sending you an attachment with the details…give it a look over.” Loona appeared to swipe her hand across her end of the projection, as she did a data stream began to download a file onto Lyroo’s inbox.

“I’m getting it now.” Lyroo leaned in close to her screen, swiping the image of Loona Armac to the side where her face now sat in a small corner of the screen while Lyroo read over the file.

Lyroo was quiet for a good 5 minutes; finally she sat back and blinked a few times in bewilderment. “Loona…that’s just…brilliant.” Lyroo rubbed the bridge of her nose and took a moment to clear her eyes before looking back to the screen. “But this will take time, time I don’t think we have.” Lyroo’s excitement faded a little.

“This is where you come in! The Rutger Animal Control center is not up to date on all of its annual inspections is it?” Loona narrowed her eyes slyly and taped the side of her nose secretly.

“I…I don’t know. I think so but….” Lyroo gave her head a confused half shake, but was cut off abruptly by Loona.

“No, they’re not! You missed something, anything…find something! The law is very clear, all administrative functions are shut down during official government and HOS inspections, this means facility equipment, staff, everything!” Loona grinned winningly and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Clever.” Lyroo laughed and nodded, clapping her hands together excitedly. “Loona you’re a gorram genius!” Lyroo took another look at the document on her video screen. “I assume you are going to dissect this preceding to find something that will be of use to us?” Lyroo asked cautiously.

“Already on it, trust me I’ll find something! Anyhow we don’t need to win Judicator Resiar over, he’s a card carrying Tradition, but if we can get him to squirm under the pressure….” Loona’s eyes went wide as she expected Lyroo to catch on any second.

“He just might defer the case to Magistrate Krisiani!” Lyroo nearly leapt forward, the Magistrate over Orion province was a staunch Forward supporter, Darren stood a much better chance with Magistrate Krisiani than Judicator Resiar. “Loona you’re a gorram….”

“Genius…I know!” Loona grinned winningly.

“Thank you…really…I don’t know if I can thank you enough for….”

“If you want to thank anyone Lyroo, thank Nonah, most of this was her idea.” Loona grinned ear to ear, her voice dripping with poetic irony.

“I’m sure,” Lyroo rolled her eyes and looked away from the screen in a huff.

“Anyway, I have to go. If you do your part I should have enough time for mine! Just stall that execution!” Loona spoke, with dire resolve.

“I’ll do my best!” Lyroo nodded and hung up her connection.

Scroof watched silently as Lyroo sat back in her chair, stared longingly at the screen before her, than sprang up and bolted out of the room without so much as a wave goodbye. With sorrow and pain in his eyes the tiny human pressed his nose up against the plastic enclosure as the lights were turned out, leaving him alone, wrapped in darkness.

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