Chapter Fourteen: Recruitment Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Manka Shirrel sat watching the door of the waiting room patiently. Occasionally her gaze was drawn to the rather fidgety young woman with pink hair and fairly stoic looking young man who also sat in the waiting room. Manka had passed the aptitude tests and the safety exam easily. Now all that was left was the interview. She wasn’t too nervous. Sure it was good pay, with room and board as well but it meant a year living on a backwater hole. She hoped afterwards she could walk away with a year’s pay and be able to open her own store somewhere. She hadn’t done too much with her life so far and that bugged her quite a bit. This was her chance to correct that.

The door opened and a dark haired woman, slightly taller than Manka stepped out.

“Manka Shirrel?” She asked.

“That’s me. Ms Freeman I presume?” Manka extended her hand and the woman squeezed it. Manka was pleased. It was a firm, strong shake. Too many people gave limp shakes, especially women afraid of appearing too manly.

“I am. Take a seat please.” Sorcha said gesturing to a single chair in front of a desk.

Manka sat as directed. She was rather in awe of the rather ornate room. Finely painted red walls with gold trim, dark book cabinets and paintings of Imperial Landmarks on the wall.

Her attention was quickly drawn to a small cough that came from the top of the desk.

“Frak…” Manka thought as she spotted the rather irritated looking human woman on the desk.

“Sorry, I wasn’t deliberately ignoring you, I got distracted by the room.” Manka grimaced.

“Is this your first time in the Department of the Interior?” Sorcha asked taking her seat behind the desk.

Manka was more than happy to take the out she’d been offered. “It is. Quite the office you’ve got here.”

“It’s quite beautiful but sadly we’ve only got it for a few days while we carry out interviews.” Alesia said, eager to move on. “Shall we begin?”

“Certainly.” Manka did her best to smile and hopefully undo some of the damage she’d caused by ignoring an interviewer. She’d never been interviewed by a human before. It was rather disconcerting, though something she suspected she’d need to get used to.

“So Manka it says you’ve spent the last five years working for Prenn Ranches, what made you apply for this role?” Alesia asked.

Manka grumbled inwardly. She briefly toyed with the idea of lying but it was clear the human woman was sharp and would likely spot any fibs quickly.


Sorcha and Alesia paused waiting for more that didn’t seem to be coming.

“That it?” Sorcha asked.

Manka shrugged. “I got laid off when the Zeramblin Act went through. I need to eat. This job gives me a chance to save up a good amount of money and then strike out on my own.”

“That’s not really an incentive to hire you.” Alesia said sounded fairly irritated.

Manka refrained from an eye roll. But the small woman was right. “Well I’ve five years’ experience working with humans. I’m guessing I won’t be doing any teaching or that so you want me to help manage the people and the infrastructure. That’s what I’ve been doing for most of my working life. Making sure Humans are fed, warm and safe and occasionally breaking up fights.”

“Breaking up fights?” Sorcha asked.

“You put a few hundred Humans in a shed and there’ll always be fights. Best spot near the heater, taking someone else’s food, females or just bullying. Firm but no violence was my approach.”

“And how would you deal with disorder on the colony?” Sorcha pressed on.

Manka shrugged. “Probably the same. I didn’t get physically involved unless I had to. If we had a repeat problems I’d look into it and try to sort it out. Easier to let them tell you what’s up than stamping your foot and demanding peace.”

“So you never physically hurt a human? Even for punishment?” Alesia asked trying to make the question sound innocent.

Manka’s face turned rather grave. “No not once. That’d be totally unfair. I know people who did and I always gave them a piece of my mind. I even got one girl fired who sent a human to the vet. She just thought I’d be quiet. I don’t care what species you are, if you hurt another creature you’re scum.”

Manka suppressed a grin as her interviewers nodded in approval.

“Last question…” Alesia said “do you think Humans are animals or people?”


Sorcha and Alesia both looked at the red headed woman not quite sure what to make of her. Manka decided to clarify her answer before they inevitably took against her.

“But so are Titans. We tend to forget that and pretend we’re better but we’re not. I don’t care what species you are, if you treat me right, I’ll treat you right. You can be Titan, Human or shaar. I don’t care.”

Sorcha nodded and Alesia took some notes.

“OK I think we’ve got all we need.” Sorcha stood and shook Manka’s hand. “We’ll get back to you within two days.”

“Thanks.” Manka replied and nodded to Alesia.

The two friends waited for the door to close firmly behind their interviewee before speaking.

“So what do you make of her?” Alesia asked.

“Pretty arrogant I thought. Competent but arrogant.”

Alesia smiled. “You just described yourself!”

Sorcha shrugged “Do we really need two of me?”

“Probably not, but she scores really well and if she’s as uncompromising as she says about cruelty then it’d be good to have her around.”

“OK…shall we put her on the maybe pile? There’s only a few more to go. Just in case?” Sorcha said.

Before the conversation could continue the screen on the desk beeped and Sorcha tapped to answer.

“Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” Sorcha said.

Loona cocked her head to the side and rolled her eyes just a little. “Loona is much shorter you know?”

“Yes, but we are using your offices.” Alesia replied.

Loona sighed in a way that suggested sarcasm rather than boredom. “How are the interviews going?”

“Pretty well. We have a few definite people and a couple of potentials. We should be finished in another day or two and hopefully ready to ship out the week after next.” Sorcha said.

“Excellent news.” Loona smiled. “And I’ve a bit more for you. Two pieces actually.”


“Vorsha and Azatlia have set aside funding in their own local budgets for housing and educating the Humans in their province. That’s one less group you have to worry about.” Loona explained.

“Yay!” Alesia said and applauded a little. “Good on them!”

Sorcha tapped at her pad. “Around two hundred and fifty thousand. That’s a good reduction.”

“It is. More importantly it’s two hundred thousand of people who will immediately get the help they need.” Alesia added.

“You’re right. That is important. You said you had a second piece of news. Just as good I hope?” Sorcha turned back to the monitor.

“Not as good I’m afraid, but still good. Qorni has signed off on Tau Ceti getting official Imperial Protection. Gama Fleet will be charged with protecting it.”

Sorcha’s eyes lit up. “Great! It’ll be good to work with uncle Aerti! And we could use his troops to help with construction. They’ll probably be bored sitting around with no Titan city to keep them busy.”

Loona winced a little and Sorcha’s face dropped.


“That’s the sort of good part. You get official protection but no actual troops…”

“What do you mean!? How can we be protected with no actual troops!? What of the Insectoids come knocking!? Or some raiders!?” Sorcha was livid.

Loona held up her hand hoping to stem the tirade a little. “That doesn’t mean no protection.”

“So what do we get?” Alesia asked.

“There’s a long range monitoring station on Tau Ceti’s twin. It monitors Insectoid space. If they send an attack we’ll see it coming well in advance. So settle ok?”

“Only my Dad gets to tell me to settle…” Sorcha sulked.

“Well I’m your boss and one of your Dad’s best friends so if I tell you to settle what do you do?” Loona joked.


Loona smiled. “Good! Now I’ll let you get back to it.”

“Thanks aunt Loona.” Alesia said.

“That’s better! Bye!”

“Cheerio.” Sorcha said and closed the transmission. “Ok, ready for the next one?”

“Just two more then lunch?”


Alesia watched Sorcha stride across the room and open the enormous portal of a door. Alesia had grown up in this world and was used to these scenes but living on Avalon and spending time on Earth made her double take every now and again.

“Myrell Lineki.” Sorcha called.

Alesia listened intently as she heard a series of high pitched squeaking noises coming from the other side of the door. Sorcha turned and walked back towards the desk, her eyes wide with bemusement. Following her was particularly short, almost tan woman with bright pink hair and eyes to match. She almost seemed to skip along behind Sorcha. That was until she spotted Alesia.

Myrell stopped, her pink eyes widening as they focused on her. It made Alesia feel uncomfortable for just a second before the woman smiled and rushed over to the desk and extended a finger.

“Are…are you Alesia Nonahsdottir?” she asked.

“I am…” Alesia said waiting to hear how much this young woman enjoyed her mother’s books. She took the digit she was offered and shook it firmly.

“It’s amazing to meet you!” Myrell near squealed. “Your work on Human rehabilitation is inspiring! I can’t even begin to tell you how many people you’ve helped!”

Alesia had to almost pinch herself. She’d met Humans from Aenur who appreciated her work. But never a random Titan. “I’m sorry…I thought you worked in a pet shop? You’ve read my work?”

“And applied it! I may have worked in a pet shop but we were ethical! Every person, Human person that is, who came in my care got lessons based on your programme.” Myrell said sitting down.

“But they were still pets?” Sorcha asked.

“Yes…no…sort of…” the excitable young woman replied. “It was a pet shop but the owner was a nice old man. He let me do what I wanted. I knew the Humans he bought weren’t stupid so I taught them and helped them to grow as people. People would come in wanting to buy them but I’d only let them if they were nice and agreed to treat them equally.” Myrell said.

“Really? Did that not put people off?” Alesia asked.

Myrell nodded and smiled. “Some people. But not all. Some were happier to have a smart companion rather than a dumb pet. And the Humans were much happier too. I stayed in touch with a lot of them just to make sure they were ok. One woman is even talking about marrying the girl Human she bought.”

“Wow! That’s so nice to hear.” Alesia smiled.

“So is that why you’re applying?” Sorcha asked glancing at the woman’s CV on her pad.

Myrell shifted in her chair and reinforced her smile as it seemed to fade momentarily. “Yeah…I know the job description isn’t working directly with Humans and more helping to look after their physical needs but I really think I could help. I may be a little Titan but I can help with construction if needed but I’d really like to help people directly.”

“Our budget is pretty limited. If we took you on we’d need you to focus on the main job; construction, resource management and security.” Sorcha said bluntly.

“Though that doesn’t mean you couldn’t help in your spare time.” Lessy chipped in.

“I’d really like that!”

Alesia turned to Sorcha and gave her a nod. Sorcha for her part kept her face stoic. She could tell her friend was angling to sign Myrell up but Sorcha wasn’t as keen. Sure, she was enthusiastic and experienced but she was a little over the top for Sorcha’s tastes. She was worried that Myrell might accidently step on someone while dancing through the Human settlement. What’s more, there was something off-putting about this girl, something Sorcha couldn’t quite put her finger on.

“Ok, well I’ve a few more questions I would like answer to first.” Sorcha said.


“Why are you leaving your current job? I assume you were keeping Humans right up until the Zeramblin Act passed?” Sorcha asked.

“There are no more Humans in the shop. We actually stopped getting new stock in a few months ago. The owner is pretty old and he decided to retire. I homed the last of our Humans about a month back. So I’m out of a job and ready to go if you’ll have me!” Myrell replied ever chirpy.

“And how long are you wanting to sign up for? This isn’t something you can walk away from if you get bored.” Sorcha said.

“However long it takes! This is something close to my heart. These are poor people who have been through a lot. They need people to help them get on their feet.” Myrell said quite seriously but still chirpy enough it grated on Sorcha. “And being honest, I love the feeling it gives to help these adorable little people start lives they didn’t think they’d have.”

Alesia released a coo without realising.

Sorcha tapped on her pad and looked back to the pink haired woman opposite. “Ok, last question. Why should we hire a Federationer?”

Myrell scowled and then quickly shook it off. “Really? I don’t like to be judged by my heritage. No more than I imagine you do.”

“She’s got you there Sorch.” Alesia said to her friend. Sorcha for her part looked like she had just been slapped in the face.

“I can understand you’re worried. Federationers have a bad reputation. I was born there but I didn’t grow up there. I’m no more a Federationer than you are.” Myrell explained calmly.

“Ok…ok. Sorry I asked.” Sorcha said meekly. “We’ll get back to you.”

“Thank you so much for coming, and either way, it was lovely meeting you.” Alesia said.

“It made me very happy to meet you both as well. What you’re doing…it’s just amazing.” Myrell said and got up to leave. She stopped as she was half way to the door.

“Ms Freeman?” she said.


“I know I can be…intense. And that puts people off sometimes. But I promise, I’m not like this all the time. I work hard and I know how to make Humans comfortable with me.” Myrell said.

“I’m sure.” Sorcha said warming a little. “We’ll discuss it and get back to you soon.”

“Thank you!” Myrell said and disappeared out the door.

Sorcha waited for the door to close once more before speaking. “I suppose I don’t need to ask your opinion?”

“No! We’re hiring her!” Alesia said nearly bouncing. “I’ll hire her with my own money if I have to!”

Sorcha waved a hand. “No, no that’s fine we’ll hire her. Though as long as we can hire Manka to balance. If I’m getting stuck on a planet with that much excitement I at least want someone I can talk to!”


“Right, last one…oh you have GOT to be kidding me!” Sorcha near shouted.


“Someone is taking the piss here.” Sorcha said and held up the pad with the name of the next applicant.

“Verbal Kint…I don’t get it.” Alesia said.

“The Usual Suspects! The guy who spends the entire movie playing the innocent fool and turns out to be the bad guy all along!” Sorcha said. “It was in my dad’s movie collection.”

Alesia shrugged. “Don’t remember.”

Sorcha got up and walked to the waiting room and reminded herself that it’d be a bad idea to tear the head off the person who was applying under a false name.

“Hey Sorcha.” The man said waiting for her.

“Joseph!? What are you doing here!?” She asked forgetting that she was angry.

“Same as you I expect.”

“What…how…why did you apply with a false name?” Sorcha asked when she finally collected herself.

Joseph grinned. “Good name wasn’t it?

“Good name!?” Sorcha yelled “I was ready to smash your head in.”

Joseph’s grin didn’t fade. He simply took a step forward. “You can try. But I’m one of the few people in the Empire who you can’t floor with one punch. And don’t think for a second because you’re a girl I won’t twist your arm out of its socket until you apologise.”

Sorcha fumed, silently flexing her trembling fists, unable to break the gaze of her fellow hybrid.

“I’m just going to go in and take a seat…” Joseph took a step past her. “Join me in a minute?”

Sorcha thought it best to take a minute to cool herself off. When she returned to her office she found Joseph in the interview seat chatting away to Alesia.

“Sorcha! Look who it is!” Alesia smiled.

“Yeah…I saw.”

“Oh don’t be like that!” Alesia chided.

“Yeah Sorcha. Don’t be like that.” Joseph repeated.

“Nyam neh nyam nyah yah.” Sorcha mocked their tone not looking anywhere near as clever as she thought she did. She marched over to the desk and dropped into the chair behind it. “So why are you here Joseph?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I want a job.” He replied.


“The same as you. Humans are my people and I want to help.” He said.

“Then why apply under a fake and highly suspicious sounding name!?” Sorcha shot back.

Joseph shrugged. “I knew you’d be this way. Ever since you turned up on Avalon you’ve had this ’I’m better than you’ thing. All because we grew up in a place that accepted us and you didn’t you’ve acted like we’re not good enough. So I figured I’d apply under a fake name and ace all the tests before you dismiss me out of hand. And I did ace all the tests.”

“He did ace all the tests…” Alesia said examining his scores.

“I do not do that!” Sorcha said focusing on only one of Joseph’s points.

Joseph raised a brow. “You do.”

“Do not!”

“Hells, you dumped Ryan the second Odin came along and then when he didn’t want to listen to you give off about how terrible Titans were you shunned him and the rest of us. And that’s fine Sorcha, but here’s the thing. You don’t have a monopoly on being a child of two worlds. Some of the rest of us have a stake in this and want to do all they can to make sure it works.” Joseph said keeping himself calm.

Sorcha sighed. “You’re right…I’m sorry.”

Joseph looked puzzled. “What was that?”

“I said I’m sorry, ok!?”

“Yeah sure…” He nodded. “I’m just not used to you…ya know…”

“Being reasonable?” Alesia butted in.

“Exactly.” Joseph said.

“I’m trying to change ok. I’ve been a bit of a pain…”

“A lot of a pain…” Alesia corrected.

“For a lot of people. So tell me Joseph, why should we hire you?”

The hybrid man grinned and got comfortable in his chair. “How about because I’m half Human? And that I’ve worked with construction crews on Avalon before. I’m familiar with all the construction processes you’ll be employing on the colony. Did I say I was half Human already? I’m also half Titan and can carry a ship load more than any of the Titans you’ve hired. I’ve got Human siblings and I’m used to being around Humans and helping them out and won’t see them differently. I did say I was half Human right?”

“You did…” Sorcha rolled her eyes.

“I think you’ve got the job.” Alesia said.

“Excellent! I promise, I won’t be a pain in your neck.” Joseph said.

“Good. Goodbye Joseph!” Sorcha started to pack up her bag and turned to Alesia. “Now time to eat! This will probably our last chance to eat in a good restaurant for a long while.” Sorcha laid her hand flat for her friend.

“For you maybe.” Alesia stepped on. “I hear there’s a Human scale Rixie’s opening on the colony!”

Sorcha gasped. “What!? No fair!”

“Where are we eating?” Joseph got up and followed them out of the office and into the elevator.

“I don’t remember inviting you…” Sorcha said.

“Did you dump Ryan or did he dump you? I can’t remember…” Joseph replied with a mischievous tone.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to be a pain!?”


  1. smoki1020 says:

    This Myrell is very suspect ,, she’s too nice to be good. Manka is ok she’s pratical but i’m fan of Joseph, + he can tease Sorcha very well!

  2. Barrowman says:

    I wouldn’t let this decision up to Alesia and Sorcha. Let a trusted person who recognize sociopaths and psychopaths from a mile away do the job. Put a chip in every Titan/Hybrid. Leave nothing to chance.

    • Soatari says:

      They need to look into them. Do some background checking and don’t just trust what their resume says. Like with Myrell, do some checking. Ask to speak to some of the humans she taught.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        First one has to ask why are the insectoids trying to penetrate the security of the colony other than to destroy it from within.

        Second, if destruction is the goal and the insectoids are trying to avoid a direct military intervention then they also probably do not want to use a traceable agent like a titan-insectoid hybrid. An agent that would be under suspicion from the get-go.

        Third, if the insectoids can create a hybrid that can pass as one of a handful of titans on Tau Ceti E then they can likely also create a hybrid that can pass as one of 250 million humans that will not be under suspicion.

        If destruction is not the goal and the real objective is to seize control of the space around Tau Ceti E then I’d be looking for a titan-insectoid hybrid at the base on Tau Ceti Eb and hidden in Gama fleet or on Titan Station.

        • OpenHighHat says:

          I will openly admit I had a line in about background checks which I appear to have lost.

          My bad and good spot.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    So the Imperial Protection for Tau Ceti comes down to a promise to come to its aid in the event of an attack (which I’d imagine to be true for most any place within the Empire that has Class One sentients), and a monitoring station for Insectoid Space which was already there. Absent: anything to stop raiders. This is good news?

    It’ll be nice to see more of Joseph. He certainly knows how to stand up to Sorcha. I get the impression that he’ll be able to provide Sorcha with some much needed tough love.

  4. Ghostsssssssssss says:

    Joseph should have said; “Walter White”

    Manka………My spidey senses are going off on her.. … too slick, too smooth and overconfident..(and she could be a psycho) Just because you like someone is not a basis for a hire..They need to go deeper into her background..This not a regular job

    Also; No direct troops? Hmmm Monitors can be easily compromise.. Leading to a potential catastrophe. The girls are quite naive in this regard..I smell a rat (or the Titan equivalent) Corny has something up her sleeve

    • Ghostsssssssssss says:

      Ok after re-reading, re-reading and re-re-reading…(well not that much) The hidden psycho could be either girl or neither. They could be a red herring or a head fake to take attention away from the real agent(s).

      In any event anyone the girls hire should be scrubbed and examined closely. It seems to me that both Alesia and Sorcha can be easily manipulated into what the psycho wants them to believe.

      *wonders if S Fand is working behind the scenes to gum up the works for her daughter*

  5. Rapscallion says:

    Girl is definitely the psycho, the only wrinkle now is whether Joseph is the evil eyed person from the poster. Remember he has violet eyes just like the poster, and his use of Usual Suspects reference (which I assume is to actually point out the girl but…) would be an incredible double fakeout. A sort of “It was me all along, I told you in the beginning but you didn’t notice!” I may be grasping at straws but I can’t fathom it will be as cut and dry as psycho agent girl was the psycho agent the whole time.

    Also when talking about such a delicate operation where millions of lives are at stake and Titans have attacked Avalon before, surely they will run background checks on these people’s resumes? I mean we all know there’s no old retired man and his pet shop. Guess she could fake it with their resources but still seems like there’s not a good way of checking up on these stories to make sure there’s no Trellish people.

  6. sketch says:

    So, are one of these our insectoid hybrids, or are we getting red herring-ed like using a fake name of a movie’s bad guy?

    Also, Sorcha’s sort of working her way through the male members of the cookie badit 4 isn’t she. Maybe Joseph can melt the ice queen’s heart? She already doesn’t get along with most titans, it’s sort of troubling she not good friends with the other hybrids.

        • Nostory says:

          Oh ok, well the girl is clearly troubled. From hating her Titan half, posing as a human to date Ryan(who seems to attract all sorts of Titans right now) , I wonder what else will be uncovered as we move along.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      The woman looked at Snyusia, then down at the satchel. There was something just slightly off-putting about this her mannerisms. Nothing Salaha could have put a finger on, exactly – she blinked too much sometimes, or perhaps not enough. Tilted her head at an angle that just seemed slightly off. As if her entire manner was constructed, a constant act to appear normal. – Debate

      Following her was particularly short, almost tan woman with bright pink hair and eyes to match. She almost seemed to skip along behind Sorcha. That was until she spotted Alesia. Myrell stopped, her pink eyes widening as they focused on her. It made Alesia feel uncomfortable for just a second before the woman smiled and rushed over to the desk and extended a finger.

      We were meant to connect the two but whether as a clue or a red herring remains to be seen.

      • Nostory says:

        The psycho hybrid will be along soon, maybe she’ll even use the new fighters designed by Avalon and Earth against the Empire itself? Either control them from a distance or incite rebellion on Tau Ceti?

        • faeriehunter says:

          Psycho hybrid? What makes you think that the Overseer and the serial killer are one and the same? I find it more likely that they are two different people, one a hybrid and the other just a titan. In particular, the phrase “curves like Selena (sic) does as it wanes” which the serial killer used seems out of character for someone of insectoid origin.

          I also find it highly unlikely that either the Overseer or the serial killer will be able to use the Acolytes. They certainly won’t fit inside one, and I doubt that humanity equipped the Acolytes with remote control.

          By the way, I noticed that the serial killer and Myrell both have pink eyes. Could be a clue, could be a coincidence.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            It’s not the Acolites themselves at risk but the Freeman-Bass reactor technology that is the game changer. The humans have it but will struggle to deploy it wide scale and for now its an offensive weapon only. The titans are watching the humans and know something is up. When the titans gain it sooner or later the insectoids will steal it from the titans.

            For now it remains an offensive technology that could lead to a MAD type standoff if everyone has it. Eventually one of the players will adapt it to defense though and that’s when the shooting starts in earnest.

            I tend to agree that the hybrid is not psychotic, just cold blooded as would befit an insectoid hybrid who employees a few psychotic titans.

  7. Angel Agent says:

    Am sure Myrell is the psycho killer she didn’t feel right to me and then the whole reference to the Usual Suspects just adds to it. Its good to see that Joseph will be joining them as well, he seems to have a fun personality to him and it will be good to have another hybrid there when things start to go down.

  8. Kusanagi says:

    I immediately suspected Myrell of being the psycho or the insectoid, and then you reference the Usual Suspects…now I don’t know what to think.

    Glad Joseph finally is getting some screen time though.

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