Chapter Nine: Committee Hearings Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Senator Danku rang the small bell on his desk and called the Interior Oversight Committee to order. He waited for the minister, her aides and the assembled audience and media in the back to settle. He even spotted the ever pleasant sight of Senator Tarsuss. He wasn’t surprised she was there. The Senator had taken a keen interest in Human affairs. Someone had to.

“Order of business will begin with a briefing by the Minister of the Interior about her department’s proposals to resettle Human nationals on a world more…suited to their needs. Members of this committee have already seen advanced copies of this briefing and are free to ask questions throughout.” The Senator spoke in a tone that some would have described as bored.

Floor Leader Qorni had already spoken with him and outlined to him how she wanted the vote to proceed. And the Senator had been around long enough to know that sometimes it was best to just do as one was told. This hearing was a formality. Though he still had to play along.

“Madam Deputy Floor Leader, when you are ready.”

“You got this boss. There’s no other options. Stress that.” Inna whispered as Loona got up.

Loona strode past the benches at the front of the committee room behind which sat two senators and three representatives. She knew Pryvani had one Senator and one of the Representatives was a junior Aspire member so they weren’t going to go against her. Two were definitely Qorni’s. She didn’t know if Qorni had any more plans up her sleeve. If she burned her here that would be it. Loona would be out of options and she’d have no choice but to bring down the government and hope for the best. The only wild card here was Danku. He did what was best for him and his interests on Vorsha. He likely had very little interest in the outcome of this meeting.

The Deputy Floor Leader touched the wall beside the member’s benches and it shimmer and faded to black. A few more taps of her pad and the familiar sight of a Super Mu class world appeared with blue seas, green land and wispy white clouds.

“Senators, Representatives,” Loona started. “Following a change in funding terms the Department of the Interior was forced to re-evaluate our plans for a series of rehabilitation and education centres across the Empire to help accommodate and support the newly created nationals of this Empire. It was our hope that we could integrate them successfully into the societies and worlds they were familiar with but that is no longer viable.”

Loona paused to collect her thought.

“After much internal discussion and many consultations with experts we have put together the following proposal. We wish to construct a new colony on planet 39∏003 4…”

Loona paused as the mutterings began. It only took a few seconds for them to die down.

“System 39∏003 is located one point eight three light years from Earth…”

“I’m sorry Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” One of the committee members cut across Loona.

Loona was rather surprised to see it was the junior Representative from her own caucus.

“Why does the department propose to settle Humans on a new world? Why not settle them on Avalon? A world with an existing Human population, infrastructure and a recognised Imperial province.” The young representative asked with no sign she had any reservations about cross examining her own boss.

Loona smiled politely. “An excellent question. It was actually one of the first options discussed. After consultation with the Avalonian government it became clear that it isn’t a viable option. Avalon has a population of roughly ten million and even with support from the Imperial Government their society would be altered irrevocably. They are not willing to see this happen and we are not willing to make them.”

“They weren’t willing to help their fellow Humans?” the young representative pushed.

“They are more than willing. The Avalonian Government has agreed to take in five million settlers and provide support for the project on 39∏003 4.”

“Thank you Madam Deputy Floor Leader, please continue.”

Loona nodded and turned back to the screen. “39∏003 4 is a super mu class world with gravity just six percent higher than Earth’s. Its atmosphere is comparable to Earth or Archavia’s and while the world is too extreme for Titan colonisation due to its high gravity, Humans could settle here without issue. Local flora and fauna is g/c-a/t and mostly suitable for Human consumption. The planet is also rich in numerous metal ores and rare elements.”

“And is currently held by the Zangetti Corporation according to recent records?” Senator Danku asked.

“It was yes. Due to the moratorium on strip mining super mu class worlds it hasn’t been of use to them and the Zangetti Corporation has held the title to the world for the last eight hundred years.”

“Was?” Danku furrowed his brow.

“Yes, Senator Tarsuss and a group of donors purchased this world from them as a gift to the Human people.” Loona said.

The committee chair turned from Loona to Senator Tarsuss who was sitting in the gallery quietly watching proceedings. “Senator? Would you mind answering some questions for the committee?”

“Not at all.” Pryvani smiled and walked towards the desk opposite the committee members and sat down opposite Inna. She had been expecting this.

“Senator, can you confirm if what the Deputy Floor Leader has told us is true?” Senator Danku asked in disbelief.

This did not surprise Pryvani. She’d known Danku for many years. He was a large man with dark skin and a shiny bald head. His greed was almost as expansive as his stature. His company had competed against Darkstar decades ago before Thyllia had moved it to different markets. It had only made him richer, larger and greedier. He wouldn’t know philanthropy if it dropped a planet on his head.

“It is true. A group of us heard that the poor Humans who were abandoned by their former owners needed somewhere to live. We were ashamed to hear the Empire had refused to help them so we had to do something.” Pryvani said leaning heavily on her public persona.

“I disagree with you completely Senator.” Representative Kalm from Green and Black said angrily. “The Empire has been very generous in agreeing to resettle these…individuals.”

“Oh yes, it’s very generous. Especially considering most are happy to stay where they are. If only we could find a way to do that?” Pryvani smiled and locked eye contact with Representative Kalm who rested back into his seat.

“Just who are these generous individuals? And how much did 39∏003 4 cost to purchase?” Danku asked eager to move the discussion on.

“We’ve actually started using the designation Earth gave it; Tau Ceti E. Much easier to say than 39∏003 4 don’t you think?” Pryvani smiled.

“Yes, quite. How much did Tau Ceti E cost?”

“Given Tau Ceti E was essentially useless to Zangetti, Tau Ceti Eb is claimed by the Imperial Military and the system is far from their operational areas they were willing to relinquish the entire system for only one trillion credits.” Pryvani explained calmly.

Danku’s eyes bulged out of his head.

“One trillion credits!?”

“Yes, of which I provided three quarters. My sister, Lady Thyllia Fand has contributed a substantial sum. As did several prominent members of the Royal Family.” Pryvani smiled.

“You had royal support!?” Kalm asked sounding perturbed.

“Indeed. They have personal holdings, you know. And they married others who were wealthy — Empress Rajenlief, the Marquessa of Tannhauser…I think all the in-laws contributed, actually. Don’t worry — no Imperial funds are being used for this.”

The committee chairman paused for a moment, blinking at his pad as he went through the numbers. “Senator Tarsuss…reviewing the data you have submitted it looks like you have sold a large part of the stake in your family’s company to finance this venture. If I may, it does not seem like a very wise decision, even when your admirable charitable aims are taken into account. I would be more than willing to help advise the Senator in matters relating to her finances.”

Pryvani smiled at Senator Danku and blinked her long lashes a few times. “Last I checked Senator Danku, I was still the majority shareholder of Tarsuss Corporation. A company that is now worth three times what it was when I took it over. The money I have spent purchasing this world is not inheritance but money I have earned myself. How I choose to spend my money is not the concern of an Imperial committee. Especially when that committee is headed by a man whose business only still exists because my sister chose to leave behind gambling and blood sports and move on to better pursuits.”

Pryvani clasped her hands on the table and straightened her posture. “We have long touted ourselves as the guardians of the weak and helpless across this part of the galaxy. We mighty Titans who are unmatched by any known civilisation in culture, arts, military, economy and wisdom.” Her tone was soaked in disdain “We think so highly of ourselves. Yet we enslaved the Dunnermac, abused the Ler and the Avartle and held millions of sentient Humans as toys because we refused to acknowledge that we may have made a mistake a thousand years ago.”

She narrowed her eyes, staring down the committee head. “Now we have finally and begrudgingly freed these people we have completely failed them, left to languish on the charity of a few beleaguered people. I am but one person. One person with vast resources. And if it means I have to spend every last credit I have to ensure the suffering of these people is ended and they are finally set on the road to being able to live their lives how they choose then it would be worth it. But I want it noted on the official record that I ashamed of the actions of my government and ashamed to sit here today and call myself a Titan. Now Senator, do you have any more questions for me or would like to offer more of your…advice instead?”

There were several flashes from the press’ pads at the back of the room. They had all expected a quiet committee meeting to discuss a plan that would most likely be binned. This they had not expected. It was going to be front page news within minutes.

Danku looked around to the other committee members half panicked and then back to the usually sweet Ms Tarsuss who was visibly fuming. “Ehhh no Senator…that will be all.” He said nervously. “This committee will take a short break and reconvene in one hour.”

Danku rang the bell and the committee members shuffled out.

“Well, that was unexpected.” A shocked Loona said to a still red faced Pryvani Tarsuss.


“As you can see Tau Ceti E is a mostly fertile world. Its surface is predominantly water with substantial ice caps at both poles. The water cycle moves quite quickly on this world and it rains regularly but it also receives and good deal of sunlight making it very good for growing crops. If it weren’t for the gravity we would have colonised it long ago.” Loona was continuing her briefing after the recess.

“Is this to be an Imperial world Madam Deputy Floor Leader?” The Aspire Representative asked.

Loona had been hoping for this question. A lot of people would be as unhappy as she was that it was not. “No Representative it won’t be.”

There were murmurings from the public gallery.

“Floor Leader Qorni would like to let the Humans make up their own minds as to whether they would like to align with Earth or eventually petition to join the Empire. That is one reason we chose this location. The proximity to Earth.” Loona explained.

“So what status will this world hold?” The Aspire Representative pushed.

“The world will be a protectorate of the Empire until such time as it is capable of sustaining itself unaided.”

“Is the space where the Tau Ceti system is located already claimed by the Empire?” Representative Kalm quizzed.

“It is yes.”

“And no one else?” Kalm pushed.

Loona could see where he was going to this. “The Insectoids have long laid claim to this section of the Orion Spur. A claim we have never recognised.”

“Yet a claim that has caused much bitterness and resentment between our peoples!” Kalm spoke forcefully. “And now we will inflame this tension further by building another colony in space they claim not far from their border.”

Kalm was grandstanding. Trying to provoke fear. Loona didn’t really have time for it.

“Tau Ceti is currently in Imperial space. Once colonised Tau Ceti will remain a protectorate of the Empire. The fact it will be populated changes nothing. And should the Insectoids object to this settlement we can discuss it with them in a civilised manner. As we have done for the last thousand years.” It was clear from Loona’s tone she found the question tiresome.

“And are we to ask our brave men and women in the Imperial Fleet…”

Loona did her best not to roll her eyes. She had to remain cordial and reminded herself this was all for show. Kalm was trying to look tough so he could weasel himself into Qorni’s good books in case a cabinet spot opened up. She had to grin and bear it. Though it might just be easier to strangle him to death.


“One abero for the tall lady…” the barmaid said placing a large glass down on the table top with a thud. She then carefully placed a coaster on the table with a human scale glass sitting on top of it. “And one kapavi for the short one.”

“Thank you.” Alesia smiled at the barmaid. Alesia had noticed that her companion was too engrossed to the events that were unfolding on the screen above the bar to even acknowledge the barmaid.

“Kalm is a fucking idiot!” Sorcha grumbled and took a swig of her deep brown coloured drink which seemed to appear as if from nowhere.

“He is. And self-serving at that but I think we should keep that to ourselves.”

“I wish we didn’t have to. Pryvani looked pretty good tearing the chairman to pieces. I think I could do the same.” Sorcha spoke without taking her eyes off the screen.

Alesia sloshed her kapavi round her glass momentarily and took a sip. “I dunno Sorch, verbal pummelling isn’t really your style. You’re more physical pummelling. And while there’s a few people in the House I think it’d be funny to see getting beat up by a girl I don’t think it’d do your chances good for getting approved as governor.”

“That might be a good thing though? Get someone better qualified than me in.” Sorcha sighed and slouched on the table finally taking her eyes off the screen to look at her friend.

Alesia laughed showing no sympathy and took a drink of her kapavi.

“Oh so I’m terrified and you find it funny! Some friend you are!” Sorcha scowled.

“Awk come on! It’s funny…hey!” Alesia shouted as a finger as big as she was pushed her hard enough to make her stumble. “Watch the drink you big oaf!”

“And just why is the fact I’m terrified so funny?” Sorcha felt a just a little bit better as Alesia steadied herself.

“Because you’re Sorcha Freeman. You’ve spent the better part of a Human century telling people why you’re better than them! And now it’s gotten to the point you’re being asked to put your credits where your mouth is and you look like a shaar that’s heard the word ‘vet’!”

“But this is serious Lessy! People’s lives are at risk!” Sorcha took a big sup from her drink to steady her nerves.

The blonde woman shook her head and smiled. “And they weren’t on Avalon?”

Sorcha pouted and shrugged. “This is different. On Avalon I was helping to improve things. There was a whole team of people; a government in place. This new plan…it’s just me in charge. I will literally be responsible for the wellbeing of millions.”

“Yes you’ll be the one formally in charge and running things. Someone has to be. This type of project needs a firm hand. Someone decisive. But you won’t be on your own. I’ll be there with you. I’ll be working day in, day out to look after the mental wellbeing of the same millions. I’m just as likely to be running to you for help when the pressure is on. I’m kind of jealous. Logistics are far easier to manage than frightened refugees.” Alesia said and placed her hand on top of Sorcha’s knuckle.

“That’s just it Lessy. I can put roofs over their heads, food in their mouths and heat in their homes but can I reassure them it’s going to be ok? Can I help ease their fear for the future or the uncertainty of what’s happening to them? I don’t even know what these people have went through. How could I possibly know what they feel?”

Alesia looked at her friend dumbfounded. “Sorcha…”

“I mean you said it Lessy. Three years ago you told me I couldn’t know what it felt to actually be viewed as a pet. I threw a hissy fit about it but you were right. As usual you were right.” Sorcha sighed. “I’ve had my own battles to fight over my Humanity but they’re not the same battles as you, or my Daddy. If I wanted to I could walk away…maybe not emotionally. But physically I could. It took me time to get it, but I’m not the same. I can’t understand. But I want to understand.”

Alesia took a sip from her drink and sat in silence allowing Sorcha some time to carry on if she felt like it. Sorcha did not. Alesia studied the face of her friend. Her friend she’d known since birth. It wasn’t a look she’d seen a lot recently but it was one she remembered well. Sadness.

“Sorcha, I can’t really know either…I had a certificate of ownership with Loona’s name on it up until a few weeks ago. I knew it existed. I’d read it a few times. But it was really meaningless…Loona to me has always been a second mother. The document meant nothing. But to my mother? Your father? They know the meaning. These refugees we hope to care for will understand. I can never understand. You may be a unit taller than them, but you’re just as close to these people as I am.”

“Thanks Lessy…I just wish there was a way I could.” Sorcha softly stroked her friend’s cheek.

“I…I don’t want to understand.” Alesia said quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“I just don’t. The very thought of it terrifies me. To be seen in the way that Loona once saw my mother. To have my identity stripped away and ignored. It makes me feel sick with fear. I don’t think I could do it.” Alesia looked to her friend, pale faced.

“No one will hold that against you Lessy. It’s a personal thing for me. Maybe because I’ve always known it was never a possibility I could ever be treated as a pet. But for you, it could have happened if things went terribly wrong. They didn’t, but I know it was something that scared you growing up.” Sorcha lowered her head as far as she could so she could look her friend in the eye.

“Do you trust me Sorcha?” Alesia asked throwing Sorcha a bit.


“You may regret that answer…”

Sorcha furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand.”

Alesia downed the rest of her drink and Sorcha took it as a cue to do the same. “There may be a way for you to understand. Not totally, but a little. Let me look into it. I can see it upsets you so I’ll do what I can. I make no promises but I need to know that whatever I do, you trust me.”

Sorcha nodded. “I do. Completely. Do what you have to. Now I don’t know about you but I could use another drink!”

“No more! I said we could have one for your nerves!”

“Aww come on! It’s still three hours until we’re due to speak to the committee!” Sorcha pleaded.

“And if you spend all of it in a bar you’ll be drunk by the time you get there.”

“I’m Irish, it’s expected!” Sorcha half joked.

“Northern Irish as your Dad would point out.” Alesia picked up jacket and pulled it on. “And your mother would want me to point out that you’re representing your family. You’re a member of two distinguished families. I can just see the looks on Naskia and Lilitu’s faces if you start slurring.”

“Yeah…Nana wouldn’t be pleased…” Sorcha mused.

“No, she wouldn’t. So I suggest we go find Innanae Lektas and do a quick rundown so we look like we know what we’re doing.” Alesia stepped on to Sorcha’s upturned palm and settled in for the ride.

“We probably should at least appear to know what we’re doing.” Sorcha sighed and stood. “Even if we actually have no clue.”

“That’s the spirit!”

“Besides, from the look on Loona’s face I bet we can hit the Deputy Floor Leader’s private stash this evening!” Sorcha grinned.


  1. IronClaws says:

    I wonder… if Hollywood say found these stories, how would they hollywood-ify them/how would they turn out? Like, would they be good or bad? Action or politics or fetish movie? A man can wonder :3

    • synp says:

      More explosions.

      Seriously though, Hollywood tries to appeal to as large a demographic as possible, so fetish is out. They might combine action with politics, as in some of the Star Trek series (especially DS9) or Babylon 5 or the first Star Wars prequel.

      But Hollywood movies don’t have so many different threads. They’d concentrate on a single thread. Perhaps Darren Avery’s story ending with his reaching Avalon.

          • Nostory says:

            If Physics get adapted, the early sex scenes would be removed. You’d need a big company to perform some sort of MCU level series for this whole thing. Then tales of Avalon is like Agents of Shield.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        Though if HBO got it, we might get something like Game of Thrones, where more nudity and plot threads are allowed.

    • Ghost in the Machine says:

      Hollywood? Hmm lets see.. More action..less sex or actually no sex but will give you the hint of some. Think junior high.. Fetish will be out, so will any reasonable plot lines replaced with wham bam explosions and CGI special effects..The bad guys would be of a certain umm political orientation (Thats how we know they are bad)…The more advanced of these lines would show that they are not really bad but just misguided and need to have the proper ‘education’ to put them on the ‘correct’ path.

      Of course you would have the requisite product placements and lead/tie ins to the gaming world. So with a complete re-write of the plot, change in theme and structure and yeah I can see this being becoming a hollywood movie…..

      • TheSilentOne says:

        erm, with a complete rewrite of the plot it would cease to become *this* though, wouldn’t it? It’d just be your average giant person movie which tbh, we probably have enough of already.

        • Ghost in the Machine says:

          That was my sarcastic comment on the hollywood movie industry and what they would do with the Titan series. In reality most of the movie offerings are just vehicles (advertisements) to sell highly profitable ancillary products such as games, music, toys and the hidden persuaders. (subtle product placements)

  2. Nostory says:

    I’m going to ask a non-Titan related question here, so please don’t bash me for spam. You can ignore it if you don’t feel like answering. Is it better to write the whole story out then release it one chapter by one chapter OR should I write and release it chapter by chapter, ? In both cases the entire plot is known. I’m thinking of changing my style after I’m done with my current story so which would be better? Given my current schedule I think it might be best to do the former so as to avoid long waits but it does mean that I would go a long time without releasing anything.

    • Soatari says:

      The problem with writing and releasing chapter at a time is that you can develop inconsistencies and contradictions. TD proved that a bit with his latest chapter of The One Who Lived, when he forgot that Sarra can’t talk. It’s something I see happen often at gtsworld as well. An author will forget some details, or will try to retcon something in later chapters.

      If you have a solid plan for the story, and are able to resist the urge to make major changes partway through, then chapter at a time can work.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        It depends really. With Physics there was no planning at all. It just flowed and I was pumping out 3000-6000 words a day totally unable to contain it. It got to the point my previous girlfriend was getting rather annoyed as I spent most of our week in Italy together on my phone. If you find yourself in that scenario, let it pour out of you but give yourself a few chapters of space so you can make corrections or edits as needed.

        For general writing I’d suggest:

        – Draw up a plot from start to finish. Break it down into a few arcs and break those into chapters and write down what you roughly want to cover in each.
        – Start writing. Write what comes to you when it comes to you and push out what you have to. If you need to move stuff around then there’s no issue if you’re sitting on a chunk of it.
        – Post when you’re happy to post, and only then. Whether you have 5 or 50 chapters.
        – Golden rule is write your story. Don’t allow suggestions or feedback to alter your story. It just makes it hard to write. We get TONNES of speculation on this site and it can be incredibly hard to ignore it (and sometimes it’s freakily accurate) but just keep writing away.

        • Nostory says:

          I can do that, thanks for the advice. My style is to think of an idea then flesh it out with a clear start and end in mind, the end takes a lot longer to plan and I’ll be honest in that most of my finished stories were planned as I wrote, just like you did for Physics but with my schedule, that is not feasible. I’m actually a guy who likes to plan things out to great detail before writing and the current approach goes against it. I think I’ll write the whole story out THEN release it bit by bit, for consistency and I can continually review it. Shorter stories can be done on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

      • Nostory says:

        I actually have experienced that in one of my stories, problems that surface when you write a few chapters in a short period then stop for a few months, you need time to start up again and the writing suffers for bit because of it. I don’t want that to ever happen again so thats why I’m considering this shift.

    • JohnnyScribe says:

      There are benefits to both methods, I’d say There are also drawbacks.

      For doing it chapter by chapter: Pros: you get feedback on the direction of the story (in theory anyway) which can be good motivation to continue, also sometimes reviewers make a comment that sparks a lightbulb that either gives you a good idea, or makes you realize that something you had planned out really won’t work the way you think that it will. Cons: if you start a story, there’s a pressure to keep updating in a timely manner. Well, really that’s both pro an con, I guess. Another con is if you post something, there’s really no option to go bak and change something if you find your story is on the wrong path. There were a couple times I meant to do something in a story, forgot about it, and then posted something that made it so I couldn’t do that thing.

      For doing it all at once: Pros- nobody knows it’s being made, so there’s much less pressure to finish. You can take your time, edit, revise, change things midstream if you like. Downside, it’ll be a while before you see any kind of payoff (ie reader response) for your work, plus there’s no feedback so you won’t be able to as easily tell if your story has gone off the rails a bit.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        Normally, I think that doing it all at once is better, because you have full freedom to give it all the editing it can use. However, these stories are an example of another benefit of the chapter by chapter approach: you came up with an overarching plot not at the beginning of Titan, but several chapters in. This way, you don’t have to have a fleshed out story right away – you can write until the way forward becomes apparent.

        • Nostory says:

          I tend to do very long term planning so this may be better. Regardless, I’ll switch styles and see what the reader’s response is all. Thanks!

      • Nostory says:

        I actually can write it all at once, release it since currently I’ve got fellow writers to bounce ideas off of for the stories I’m currently writing and their input has been helpful so far. I’ve broken the timely update time and again. Thanks to everyone for the response, much better than asking in a shoutbox! 🙂

  3. TheKnowing says:

    I’d like to know how Qorni is able to block funding without it looking like overt racism. I would assume the Titan legal choose would have provisions in place to explicitly deny approved assistance based on species. It seems her actions would open the floodgates for lawsuits, especially by the non-titan species. After all, if humans can be so blatantly discriminated against by the government, why not the other non-titans?

    Also, why hasn’t Loonah and company reached out to non-titan species for assistance? I would think they’d empathize with situation and help where they could.

    • Soatari says:

      Yeah, this seem to fly in the face of the Dunnermac Equality Act.

      I feel like the authors just have blinders on a bit when it comes to races that aren’t human, titan, or insectoid. The non-titans were a major force in pushing for human emancipation, I think they’d also have an interest in making sure they are taken care of after the fact. From what we’ve seen of the Dunnermac, they especially would offer aid to humans.

      • TheSilentOne says:

        As far as weight in the legislature goes, I don’t think Non-Titans have all that much. Most seats are held by Titans. As for other assistance, I don’t think that’s been ruled out entirely, has it? Granted, it seems quite clear by now that Sorcha is the Hybrid in question, and that the fate of a whole world rests at least partially in her hands, so it’d make sense the story would be largely about her.

    • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

      Plot holes? Gasp! Have you not been paying attention as the series spirals into boring monotony without reason or enjoyment? There’s a lot of plot holes. 9 chapters in and I’m so done with this story. If Earth saw modern segregation and also all the death theyd flip their shit and go for full separation form the empire but there’s nothing negative in this series. Everyone’s happy and doing okay, if a little tired despite thousands of deaths on their conciseness. There are no consequences, none of the main characters are suffering, none of them are in any trouble, they just seem to succeed at every turn without real opposition. What’s the point in following a story in which everyone is doing so well, and takes no responsibility for the blood on their hands? Any plans to actually introduce some characters that conflict with the entire cast that always loves and supports each other and has no conflict or interest and is so boring?

      • Soatari says:

        You’ve been saying you’re done with this series for months now, yet you continue to hang around and bitch about how the stories aren’t everything that YOU want them to be.

      • Genguidanos says:

        Is this the same earth that tolerates segregation and death within its own boarders or are we talking about some different earth here?

      • faeriehunter says:

        Uh, is it just me or are you just repeating your opinions over and over without even checking if they make sense at the moment?

        – Earth will go for full separation from the Empire? So because Earth is angry at seeing humans suffer in the Empire, it’ll turn its back to the Empire (and thus also to those very same suffering humans)? Besides, between the insectoids and the technology gap Earth simply can’t afford to go for full separation.

        – Everyone is happy? They succeed at every turn? When last I looked, Pryvani was angry, Loona was losing sleep, Sorcha was drinking to cope with the stress, etcetera. Sure, everybody was happy when the Zeramblin Act passed. But Qorni’s subsequent funding bill was quick to shatter that feeling. As for succeeding, Tau Ceti E has yet to succeed, and the need for a separate world is a failure of its own.

        – You also seem to have a problem with the cast always supporting one another. I’m not sure why. These people have been friends for about one and half century now, and they’re united by a common goal: the full emancipation of humanity. My best guess is that you think that the cast breaking into opposing groups would make for exciting reading. I suppose it could, but it just wouldn’t be in character. And having your cast act out of character for no reason other than “it makes for exciting reading” is not good writing.

        Note that I do think that this story is slow to build. We’re nine chapters in and there’s been little action so far. But I have no idea how many chapters this story will eventually have, and only a vague idea of what is going to happen next. I’m fine with an extended buildup if the payoff is good.

        Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Unless I miss my guess the funding block does look like overt racism to a lot of people. After all, the Titan Party supported this funding, something they hadn’t done in thirty-five years because they were always getting shut out of the government. Unfortunately there are also a lot of people who think that their government shouldn’t waste billions of their tax credits on charity to a lesser species; if humans really are people then they can fend for themselves. Truth is, right now the Empire is divided almost completely in half. The government is only functioning because it’s a coalition of opposing caucuses. (Which looks like it could get paralyzed in a crisis for lack of being able to agree on anything decisive.) Nobody thinks it’ll last, but neither side wants to risk elections because at this moment that’d basically be a spin on the wheel of fortune.

      As for the other species, politically their influence is limited. Remember that that’s why they’re always acting as a bloc in the first place. As for privately, they will be divided on the issue too. Being a minority does not stop prejudice against other minorities. If I had to guess I’d say that while the dunnermacs would likely be sympathetic more often than not due to their own history, this is getting offset by the ler who seem to generally see humans as amusing but pathetic because humans lack physical might.

      Incidentally, if I understand the thinking of the ler correctly, then they place a high value on battle prowess, as well as honor. The reason that ler tend to think of humans as pathetic is because their lack of physical might makes humans look like they’d be worthless in battle. Should the Acolytes come to fight insectoids alongside the Empire’s military and significantly contribute, then I expect that ler respect for humans will rise immensely.

  4. Soatari says:

    So… does gifting Avalon to Atlantis change Pryvanni’s status as a senator? I was under the impression that the reason she was a senator was because of that world.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Members of the Senate are divided into two classes. Most — 727 at present — are hereditary senators. Hereditary seats are initially created by the Emperor, and are passed by will of the officeholder to their successor, either prior to or upon their death. The seats, once created, exist until their charter is revoked by a vote of both houses of the legislature and the assent of the Emperor — an action which has only been taken once in the past two thousand years.

      Essentially Pryvani is Senator for life and passes the seat to her successor when she chooses to retire or dies. It doesn’t seem to be tied to any particular level of wealth or ownership. She is or rather was one of the few people in the empire who owned a compete world so most Senators likely do not possess entire worlds.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        She is or rather was one of the few people in the empire who owned a compete world so most Senators likely do not possess entire worlds. I always assumed that Pryvani just owns a world because she’s that rich, and that she’s unique (or close to it) in owning a world.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          The Tarsuss family owns the whole solar system (appropriately named the Tarsuss System) and has exclusive mining rights on all planets there in. As for Avalon (which is just a moon don’t forget), I couldn’t find anywhere that said specifically why Pryvani had owned it personally, instead of just indirectly through the corporation like the rest of the system. My only guess is that since it was the most habitable planetary body, it has just always been in the family as their private homestead.

          According to the page on Avalon though, she was the only one to have owned a world on her own. I guess either a planet or moon is what’s meant by world here. Now, since she has gifted it to the Humans, I guess that brings the count of worlds owned by a single person down to 0.

          • faeriehunter says:

            I did some searching, and it looks like not even Pryvani herself knows why the Tarsuss family bought private ownership of Avalon. From Titan: Exile chapter 61:

            “You have your own friggen solar system?” Darren asked with a raised brow.

            Pryvani shrugged. “I just own the moon. It’s been in the family for generations; family lore says it was purchased first by Simtana Tarsuss himself, but that’s as much legend as anything. As for the system, we hold its mining rights…it’s really where we built our fortune.”

            So it could be that Avalon was bought because it’d make a good preserve for humans, but it’s also quite possible that Avalon was just bought because it was the most habitable world of the system the Tarsusses were mining, and that later Simtana or another Tarsuss decided that it’d be darling to have free-ranging humans around the compound.

  5. Genguidanos says:

    I am alway worried about settling people on a planet with “ceti” in the name …

    Sorcha: Floor Leader? Floor Leader! Floor Leader … Never told you how ‘Floor Leader’ Qorni sent two hundred and fifty million of us into exile in this barren sandheap with only the contents of these cargo bays to sustain us?

    Kalm: You lie! On Tau Ceti E there was life! A fair chance…

    Sorcha: THIS IS TAU CETI E!!!

  6. Ghost in the Machine says:


    “Pryvani smiled at Senator Danku and blinked her long lashes a few times. “Last I checked Senator Danku, I was still the majority shareholder of Tarsuss Corporation. A company that is now worth three times what it was when I took it over. The money I have spent purchasing this world is not inheritance but money I have earned myself. How I choose to spend my money is not the concern of an Imperial committee. Especially when that committee is headed by a man whose business only still exists because my sister chose to leave behind gambling and blood sports and move on to better pursuits.”


    My slight re-edit;

    “Its my money and what I do with it is none of your fucking business!” *said with a North Jersey accent*

  7. sketch says:

    So I have to ask, if Tau Ceti E isn’t going to be an imperial world, what’s stopping them from getting help from Earth, and taking some of the personnel burden off Avalon? Earth could provide anything from aid workers to security and peace keepers. Even if the UN isn’t interested, some of the member nations might be. Or even on a personal level, something like a Peace Corps organization could be formed to recruit volunteers. “See the stars” could be their slogan or something.

    So if I follow Alesia line of thinking, we may get to see some reverse role holographic antics, pet edition, in the future? Sounds like the stuff of unintentionally bruised friendships.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I suspect that the opportunity for the colony to get help from Earth (and Avalon) was the primary reason that Pryvani and her fellow contributors bought Tau Ceti E instead of any other world.

    • Ghost in the Machine says:

      Since Earth has 11B + population I would think they would eye the planet for some of their own excess population. Assuming an average Super Mu planet could comfortably sustain 6 – 8 billion individuals, 250 M would not be a big deal..

      I’m surprised Avalon agreed to take in 50% of an increase in population.. That is a huge increase that would strain resources

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        It’s in Avalon’s own best interest to take as many humans as can be accommodated because that increases Avalon’s own representation in the legislature.

        I doubt the Insectoids will do anything immediately to protest Tau Ceti E occupation. As they see it the empire just financed delivery of 250 million MREs ready for use whenever the Hive decides to attack.

  8. Ancient Relic says:

    “g/c-a/t” Is that guanine/cytosine-adenine/thymine?

    How I choose to spend my money is not the concern of an Imperial committee. Especially when that committee is headed by a man whose business only still exists because my sister chose to leave behind gambling and blood sports and move on to better pursuits.” Burn!

    • TheSilentOne says:

      That would be my assumption as well. However, I’m not sure why the structure of DNA affects compatibility with whether or not the plants and animals there are fit for Human consumption. I would think whether various proteins and sugars were present would be more significant. In the end though, I probably shouldn’t dwell much on a single word of flavor text. I mean, it’s not inaccurate, just not sure how it’s relevant. (And on further thought, it’s doubtful that it is relevant considering her target audience, but oh well.)

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