Chapter Six Tales of Avalon: A City Broken by Openhighhat

“Order up! Four portions of buffalo wings and a spiced rack of ribs.” Strella, Alex’s most recent hire, shouted through the door behind the bar into the kitchen.


“Give me a chance here.” Alex yelled back, wiping sweat from his brow.“ The pans are all overflowing with the dozen orders you’ve already given me.”


“Not my fault boss. You’re the one who bragged to the whole city that your food was ‘outta this world’.” She said with a mock American accent. “You’ve created a monster!”


She glanced out of the door to the long queue of off-duty soldiers at the bar waiting to get their orders in. The ones who had already eaten were busy yelling orders to barmaids for more beer. It looked to be
the beginning of another rowdy night in Rixie’s. Which was pretty much every night. When you have several thousand soldiers with too much pay and not enough enemies they got bored. And when they got bored they drank. And when they drank they got rowdy. And when they rowdy…anything could happen.


“Just keep them calm, the food will be out.” Alex tossed and pan full of frying wings and rushed over to bench and lopped off a dozen marinated ribs from a rack.


“I’ll do my best boss. But if I have my tits grabbed again, be it a man or woman, I’m getting the knobkerrie out.”


Alex rushed back to his stove and splashed some more buffalo sauce into a pan and gave it a toss. “I’d really you rather not beat on my customers.”


“To hades with that, if I have to get the knobkerrie out it’ll be you I’m beating. Far easier to get out the back than to go through that mob of oafs.” She said in a tone that made it difficult for Alex to tell if she was joking or being serious.


He was about to give her a pithy come back but when he looked back she was gone. He doubted she would hear him over the din.


She was right though. He’d created a monster. A monster that was going to kill him. He wasn’t sure if he’d be beaten to death by a mob of hungry soldiers or die in a buffalo-sauce-related explosion, but he
was sure his new bar would end him one way or another.


“Who would have thought beer and chicken wings would be so popular?” He groaned to himself.




“I need these men back on duty. Today!” Lysis said in a tone that implied she didn’t expect to be disagreed with.


Nick sat calmly behind his desk in the new infirmary that had been set up in the rebuilt and extended Atlantian Guard Barracks. “I’m sorry Captain but those men aren’t fit for duty. They’re all feverous, vomiting and can barely stand on their own never mind in a suit of armour. You can have them in a week or so when they’re well.”


“A week!? I don’t have a week!”


“You have three thousand men. Mostly bored and drunk. I have to schedule a nurse every morning to stitch up the queue of soldiers who’ve spent the night drinking and fighting. These men can spend the
week in bed.” He replied calmly.


“I wasn’t asking Doctor. That’s an order.”


“Sorry Lysis. I don’t take orders from you.” Nick replied keeping his cool.


Lysis walked over to his desk with an angry scowl on her face. She leaned over, getting closer and closer, and stared at him.


“If you’re trying to scare me it isn’t going to work. The rest of them may be scared of you but I’m not.” He pushed his chair back. Not out of fear but attempting to break the tension that was building.


“I could have you thrown in the dungeon with the rest of the traitors.” Lysis snapped.


“You could…” Nick said. “But then Trell’s big sister would smash the walls down, sweep your guard aside and stomp through the city looking for me.”


Lysis stopped and stared at him, her eyes still burning. He wasn’t threatening her – that wasn’t his way – but he was right. Nick was untouchable and he knew it. What’s more, she couldn’t throw the only actual doctor in the city in the dungeon. He was needed.


“Look, Lysis…”


“Captain.” She reminded.


“Sorry, Captain. I know you’re angry. I saw what happened at Akrotiri, I saw what that plague did to people and I saw the worst of Trell. But you’re scaring people. You’re going down a road that soon you won’t be able to turn back from. And even with the best of intentions, you could cause more suffering than healing.”


Lysis’ breathing slowed as she listened to the doctor. She respected him. She knew he could be up in Pryvani’s compound, safe and living quite literally in the lap of luxury, but he was here in the city, living among the people of Atlantis, working with them and doing his best to help. But he wasn’t one of them and he wasn’t a soldier.


“With all due respect Doctor, you didn’t see your friends crushed under that woman’s boots, or smashed to bits by the buildings she collapsed. You didn’t see her cult, people who had been our friends and neighbours, tear people limb from limb and drink their blood. You didn’t watch as your home,” she trembled. “The home you swore an oath to give your life to protect, was destroyed by an unstoppable monster as your friends turned on you.”


“No…I didn’t…”


“And now, we have bandits butchering helpless people! Hanging defenceless men, women and children from rafters in a barn! Holding our city for ransom!” She reeled round and punched the nearest thing
within striking distance, a wooden door, which her leather bound fist when straight through. “I swore an oath to protect this city and its people. And by the goddess, I will track down and execute every one of
those sons of whores or die trying.”


Nick nodded slowly as he watched Lysis staring at him, her torso raising up and down. This was not the look of a healthy woman. She’d likely broken some bones in her hand when she’d punched the door but
that was the least of her problems. She was racked with guilt and likely traumatised by the things she had seen and the things she had done.


“Okay, Captain. I’ll get your men back to you as soon as I can. Go see Adara on your way out. She’ll take a look at that hand.” Nick said placidly as he sat behind his desk.


Lysis composed herself, nodded to the doctor then turned and left.


Nick breathed out a long sigh of worry. “This is out of my league. I need Brinn…”




“Well, well, well look who it is, the skiver’s back from his rest.” Jan mocked as her absent colleague approached the guard post at the main gate.


“Leave it out will ya? Just because the Doc’s released me doesn’t mean I don’t feel well enough to spend twelve hour standing at a gate with you, ass-face.” Yacob groaned taking up position at the right hand
side of the gate.


“What was wrong with you anyway?” Jan smiled “Sticking your knob into unclean girls again?”


Yacob shrugged and turned to face the rather diminutive female guard. “Only your sister.”


Jan shook her head. “I did tell that girl to steer well clear of you reprobates. That’ll learn you both.”


“Was laid out for near a week. Must be a hundred soldiers down with whatever it was. Doubt your sister got round all of them. ‘specially the girls.” Yacob said.


“She never was that bright my sis.” Jan joked.


“Must run in the family then.” Yacob added.


There was an uncomfortable silence between the pair as they stood on duty. The street was mostly quiet. Some people were pulling carts loaded with food donated by Zara to the market but other than that the street was empty.


“So who did they have covering for me?” Yacob asked.


“Kaz Melna.”


“Not sure if I know her…” Yacob replied.


“Nice girl. Same age as me, she grew up in the house opposite.” Jan shifted uncomfortably and passed her long spear to her other hand.


“Where’s she today? Someone tell her I was coming back?”


Jan shrugged. “Must’a done. I was surprised to see you turn up…”


“Hold up, what’s going on…” Yacob motioned his head to large group of carts behind pulled by oxen towards the gate. People were coming out of the side streets, some carrying young children, some pulling carts and some Yacob recognised.


He took a few steps to the centre of the gate and Jan did likewise. The pair adopted a combat stance and pointed their spears towards the approaching crowd.


“There must be hundreds…” Jan said.


“A thousand I reckon…” Yacob replied.


They watched nervously as the crowd drew closer. Yacob recognised a few faces in the crowd. They were soldiers from his unit. Dressed as civilians but still clearly armed. One stepped forward as the crowd got close to the gate.


“Bern! What are you doing!?” Yacob shouted at his friend.


“Open the gate. We’re leaving.” Bern spoke.


“Can‘t do that Bern.” Yacob said. “No one in or out. Captain’s orders.”


The crowd roared and a few more now ex-soldiers stepped forward.


“We don’t want to fight Yacob. We just want to leave, peacefully…” Bern said nervously.


Yacob gripped his spear tightly. “I’m warning you Bern, go back now and…”




Yacob didn’t see the blow coming. It hit him square in the nose, breaking it and knocking him to the ground.


“We don’t have time for this!” Jan shouted. She turned and whistled to the gatehouse above. “Kaz! Open the gate! We’re out of here!”


The gate shuddered to life and the crowd pushed forward. Bern and Jan pulled the barely conscious Yacob out of the road and propped him up against the wall.


“Traitors…” he groaned.


“Sorry Yacob. This city is going to hades. Since the goddess said she wasn’t a goddess…you’ve seen how bad it’s gotten. Come with us?” Bern asked.




Bern got up. “Suit yourself. You’re a good man Yacob. Take care of yourself.”


Bern and Jan turned and joined the mass of people rushing through the gate and Yacob faded from consciousness.




“You must have known!” Lysis pointed an accusing finger at Mardell.


“I can assure you Captain I did not. Had I known about this exodus I would have joined them, knowing full well your first reaction would be to come for me.” Mardell stood at the head of the Guild leader’s


“Your own brother was among those who left!” Lysis paced the floor of the hall. “You can’t expect me to believe you.”


“And my own brother left with his wife and children without telling me. Presumably because he feared I would try to stop him.” Mardell slumped in his chair. He seemed genuinely devastated. “Half my guild
have left. Along with masons, butchers, artists, armourers and many more. The fact that nearly two thousand people felt so desperate that they walked into the wilderness should concern you more.”


“The fate of traitors does not concern me.” Lysis responded coolly.


Mardell sighed wearily. He was close to giving up. “You misunderstand me. The fact that they would rather risk the dangers beyond the city walls than remain under your rule is rather damning.”


Lysis stopped. She had been focusing on the losses, not the motives.


“I rule no one. I am the Captain of the city guard.” She replied.


“You are delusional Captain. You have an army and a woman with more strength than all your troops combined. You rule this city…”


“I swore to protect this city. No more.” Lysis interrupted.


“That may be so, but you are its de facto ruler, whether you admit it or not. And right now you are failing to rule and failing to protect. If people feel so hopeless that they’ll walk into bandit lands then
something is seriously wrong.” Mardell pleaded.


Lysis sighed and sat down at the grand table. “In what ways am I failing to protect the people of this city?”


Mardell was tempted to launch into a sarcastic attack on the Captain’s obliviousness but he knew chances to appeal to Lysis were rare. “You could control your soldiers for a start. They are bored and their pockets are full of Titan coin. They drink their wages and then roam the streets harassing decent citizens. Your soldiers should make people feel safe, they do the opposite.”


Mardell waited for the angry reply but it did not come. “I will confine off duty soldiers to barracks.”


“The people would appreciate that.” The Guild leader responded quite happily.


“Is there more?”


“Yes,” he nodded “with all the Titan coin that has flooded into the city many have seen their livelihoods eroded, their life savings become meaningless as inflation pushes luxury goods prices through the roof…”


“I must pay my soldiers Mardell…”


“I understand that Captain. Though I must warn you that a great many feel that their lives in this city have been destroyed as a result of this. Those who previously made their living feeding this city now
find themselves living on handouts as your Titan friend now feeds every person for free.” Mardell’s tone grew noticeably more annoyed.


Lysis pushed her chair back and stood up. “When this crisis is over, when we have our fields back and trade routes reopened we will look at it then. But I will not let people starve to death as food prices


“Captain, can we not talk about this?” Mardell was frustrated.


“Talk to Zara. She feeds the city.” Lysis turned and walked away. “Good day to you Mardell.”


“This won’t be the end of this Lysis. Mark my words.”




“Eugh…seriously?” Zara grumbled wearily sitting up in bed and picking up her singing pad. She pressed the answer button after noting the name of who was calling her at such an odd hour. “C’mon Brinn, it’s
the middle of the night here!”


“Oh…sorry.” Brinn smiled. “I forgot. How are you doing?”


Zara’s brow furrowed, annoyed that Brinn had carried on regardless. “As much as I love to see you can this not wait until tomorrow?”


Brinn’s smile faded a little. “I got a call from Nick earlier. Some of the things he said were…concerning…”


Zara woke up a bit. “Oh…what did he say?”


“The short version, since you’re a bit sleepy. He says you’re propping up a dictator.”


Zara was now wide awake. “What!? No! Of course not! I’m feeding the city as there’s a food shortage.”


“So who’s this Lysis character?” Brinn asked.


Zara paused a little. “She’s a good person. The leader of city watch. There’s been killings and Lysis is trying to rebuild their army to stop the killings.”


Brinn nodded. “Uh huh…”


“She’s a good person Brinn. Not a dictator.”


“So she hasn’t thrown anyone into dungeons?” Brinn pushed.


There was a much longer pause this time.


“Zara…” Brinn pushed harder.


“Well yes, but only people who deserve it!” Zara shot back.


“People who wouldn’t join the watch or do what she wanted?” Brinn said following the line of information Nick had given her.


“I don’t know…I just feed them.” Zara shrugged.


“And pay for her soldiers?”


Zara looked down. “Well…yes…I do.”


Brinn smiled sympathetically.


“Zara, Nick told me what has happened there, what he’s seen. The things Lysis has seen. She sounds sick. She’s been through a lot of traumatic events. She needs help, medical help. Not someone enabling


“You’re not here, Brinn. She’s doing her best!” Zara fired back.


“I know…I know…look it’s late so I’ll let you get back to bed. Just please have a think, a long, deep think and ask yourself if this a person you think should be in charge? A person who you should be supporting. I trust you, whatever you decide will be best.” Brinn said doing her best to sound supportive.


“Okay…okay. I will.” Zara said.


“I miss you…hopefully I’ll be back soon.”



  1. Nitestarr says:

    Hmmm a realistic look at unintended consequences. I’m actually referring back to Pryvani when she renounced her divinity. I understand why but my point back then (and now) is that she didn’t think this through and now we have this..

    The good news is that this is fixable. Atlantis needs to have a civilian head of government with a strong military and effective police force. The military and police answer to the government. Lysis is doing all three and she is barely capable of one. The bandits are a bit extreme but it shows how desperate people are becoming that they are willing to head out into the wilderness and risk them.

    If I were Lysis I would see if I could at first negotiate with the bandits…yeah easier said than done, right? However it would be better to at least hear them out and find out what their grievances and demands are. If they don’t listen or are very unreasonable (I guess that would depend on your POV). Then she could plan out a military strategy. But if they do listen or willing to compromise then military action could be avoided…


    What Pryvani has to do at this point is…..nation-build. She has no choice. The dominoes are in motion….The alternative is what we have here or even worse..

  2. Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

    I’ve hit this point of complete frustration with Zara. Idk maybe it’s the writing, but does she give a mere 2 sentence defense of Lysis b4 going like “er this may be wrong”. It’s as if she hadn’t used a moment of the weeks she’s been doing this to actually think about it until Brinn, a med student light years away lightly pushes her on it. Speaking of light years away why doesn’t nick tell pryvani? Or Taron who’s there? Isn’t this exactly against what both pryvani wanted and Taron as well ? Do either of them have a couple hours to spare to sit down the psychology major and tell her to stop being so meddlesome or perhaps a basic lesson on history/policy/economics?

    I mean she either doesn’t care enough to think about the problems she is either creating or abetting, which I doubt, or she’s just too naive/stupid to think of them as problems she’s helping to cause. Is this like a lesson on how a 26 yr old psyche major shouldn’t run a community of hundreds of thousands? That lesson was easy lol. And to make this all worase, after her half hearted almost lackadasical defense Brinn says she trusts her to do what’s best? WHAT?!?! She’s clearly been messing up constantly and now we trust her to get it right? Plz call pryvani omg. Unless author is trying to wrap this up then she will make things even worse, as Sophia claims things got really bad because of her intervention, and things are bad but not really bad yet, so is she about to make another big mistake? Someone put a ballista through her knee so she doesn’t cause anymore harm for a while jeez

  3. NightEye says:

    Finally, Lysis being called a dictator ! She clearly lost it and it shows.

    The exodus of the thousand people was something I expected but I thought the Guild leaders (and Mardell for sure) would be among them. Still, as Mardell said, if they prefer risking their lives in bandit lands rather that stay under Lysis’ rule, is there anything to add ?

    I like how Nick kept his cool in front of Lysis, he’s growing (a pair 😛 ) finally.

    Not sure what Alex’s plan is : he’s killing himself at work for worthless money ? Maybe he hopes people will still come to his tavern when the economy has recovered ? But that could take a year or more !

    • Soatari says:

      Alex is burying himself in work to escape his other stresses. This is just a distraction so he doesn’t think about what’s really tearing him up.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Its not worthless. It still has exchange value (trade). The quality of that value goes down with the influx of more currency…What more interesting to me is the growing hatred of anything Titan. Thats is going to pose another challenge to Pryvani and co.

  4. Soatari says:

    Mardell has good intentions, but he continues to focus on the wrong things currently. Those concerns are important, but you need stability and a steady income of goods from the surrounding farmlands, something the city is lacking at the moment.

    • TheKnowing says:

      Actually, he’s focusing on exactly the right things. A wrecked economy is bad for everyone; hyper inflation will cause all avenues of commerce to collapse. See Zimbabwe.
      A city guard that threatens is own people instead clearing out the outside that’s is the very definition of instability. They’re keeping the population controlled through fear and that never end well. Those that don’t flee will eventually riot, seek revolution, and eventual retribution.

      Instead of giving people food, they need to fix the farms. All of the titan money needs to be paid back to stabilize the economy. The guards need to mobilize a force to clean the bandits outside the gate and set up patrols.

      • Soatari says:

        Those are points he touched on, but he just couldn’t help himself when he once again brought the conversation’s focus back to his guild members being unable to compete with free food. It’s either Zara brings in free food, or half the city starves to death. Until they take back the farmlands, those are pretty much the only options.

        • NightEye says:

          Except now, thanks to Zara’s help, bakers, butchers, etc have left Atlantis by the dozens because 1) they don’t have a job anymore thanks to Zara’s free food and 2) since they don’t have jobs, why stay under the failing and brutal rule of dictator Lysis ?

          So now, even if Lysis manages to beat the bandits (and that’s a very big if), the very people who will be needed to restart the economy have fled the city and have been branded traitors.

          Mardell’s point is very important, even if it has ulterior motives. More than ever I’m on team Guilds vs Lysis.

        • TheKnowing says:

          His guild members represent the cornerstone of commerce and fair trade. Farmers, millers, bakers, butchers, cheeses makers, etc, etc are out of work. The people they would employ are out of work. It’s the perfect storm for violent revolution: lots of easy money for half of society, the other half is destitute, and a militaristic dictator that’s keeping control through fear. Her intentions are good, but as the saying goes, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions. “

          • Nitestarr says:

            Hmm lets see…. Easy money, food for free, population not really doing anything and an outside military threat so that the excuse exist for the current dictator stays in power… Wonder where I heard this before?

  5. Kusanagi says:

    Ah I like this one, finally having Lysis and Zara called out for the rising dictatorship. Lysis has really lost it, and Zara’s enabling is creating a refugee crisis. Hopefully Lysis will see reason before this turns into a full scale civil war.

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