Chapter Sixteen: All Change Titan Hybrid by Openhighhat

“Woooooo weeee!”

Streaks of red plasma flew past the cockpit of Acolyte Two as Ted put his ship into a barrel roll and made a sharp downwards course change.

“Would ye mind no doin’ that while am tryin’ tae get a lock on them ya melter!?” CMLT Lorna McIntosh shouted from the gunner’s position.

“What?” Ted asked confused as he chased the plasma bolts that were rushing past his ship.

“She’s asking if you could keep the ship steady while she gets a targeting solution calculated, sir.” CMLT Adeyemi Ibori added from the engineering position.

“Aye! What he said!”

“Oh, right…” Ted slammed on the brakes and ducked under their pursuer and then slammed on the speed as they appeared above the canopy.

“That any better?” He asked.

“Aye tis! Just keep behind them so ah can get this worked out!” Lorna said as she frantically tapped her screens.

“Power levels are nominal. I can give you at least a dozen shots…” Yemi added.

The enemy ship bucked and weaved, dodged and dived and span, threatening to fly off in any direction at a moment’s notice. Ted was used to flying spacecraft but he wasn’t used to flying them in a combat situation in open space. He’d flown combat missions in an atmosphere where missiles were the enemy, not plasma. Aircraft were limited by the atmosphere they flew in and the G-forces that their pilots could cope with.

Spacecraft were not.

Out here the only limits on what your craft could do was how good its thrusters were and the skill of its pilot. And Acolyte two seemed to outperform its opponent in both categories. No matter how hard it tried Ted anticipated each manoeuvre and kept his ship firmly behind with his sights locked on.

“Hold her steady for a few more seconds boss!” CMLT McIntosh said.

Ted focused as best as he could. Acolyte two was like no ship he’d flown before. Its speed, manoeuvrability and power were unparalleled in Human history. With no gravity to contend with he could do virtually what he wanted with it. What’s more the ever efficient Avalonians had designed an entirely new interface for the ship; Gone were the pedals, sticks and buttons. They had been replaced with a neural interface helmet which allowed Ted to control the ship as if it were his own body.

It had taken some getting used to but the difference was stark. Split second reaction times were now just that. Ted could execute turns to track his target as fast as it could make them. That was particularly useful as the plasma cannons on the Acolyte had to limit their fire to avoid blowing the ship’s distribution manifold. This gave time for the gunner to get a perfect lock ensuring every shot made would count.

There was the tell-tale whine as energy surged into Acolyte Two’s grid before two bright flashes either side of the ship followed by another two. A second later the first salvo hit home, illuminating their target in two twin balls of flame. A split second later the second volley hit and the enemy ship exploded in a firestorm and Ted banked, taking his ship safely around the explosion, giving his crew a nice view in the process.

“Screens are clear boss. All baddies destroyed.” McIntosh said.

“Time?” Ted asked.

“Four minutes an’ twelve seconds.” She replied.

“Very nice! I think that’s a new record.” Ted congratulated his crew.

“No thanks to yer flyin’ ya chancin’ streak o’ piss.”

The ship powered down and with a click the three canopy’s opened and the crew of Acolyte two stepped out of the simulator.

“I don’t know what it’s like where you come from…” Ted started.

“Motherwell boss.” McIntosh interrupted.

“Well I don’t know what it’s like in Motherwell CMLT but we try not to refer to our commanding officers as a ‘streak of piss’ in the JTSA.” Ted said as he walked out of the simulation room.

“He’s got a point Lorna. You’d think you would have learned after that dressing down you got from Centurium Helior.” Ibori chuckled.

“Dinnae be so sensitive ladies. I’m just jokin’ with ya’s. It was a good effort all round. We mak’ a fine team.”

“Centurium Helior is a nice woman, and a professional…what did you do?” Ted asked.

Ibori shook his head.

“She near stepped on me! Ah gave her a piece o’ my mind. The great lummox!”

“She said she had, and I quote ‘more tits than brains’” Ibori clarified once more what the weapons officer actually meant.

“Wow…” Ted said.

“Aye well it’s true!”

“You were loitering in the red zone!” Yemi laughed.

“Only fer a second! An’ if her tits wernae that big she’d ah seen me sooner. They were nice tits though…good tae bounce on.”

“What!?” The men said in unison coming to an abrupt stop in the corridor.

“What? You think yer the only one to wangle yer way into the panties o’ ah pretty Titan lassie you cheeky sod?” She said eying Ted “Well I’ll tell you somethin’ big mawn! You got off easy!” Lorna grinned and winked and continued apace down the corridor and followed her into the briefing room.

“What does that mean?” Ted asked following his gunner into the briefing room.

“Titan women are easy. Ya crawl in, you wriggle aroond a wee bit and work a little magic with the fingers and they’re done. Afterwards ya have a shower and it’s grand. The lads on the oth’r hand are another story…”

“Do we even want to know?” Ted cringed

“I may have a purely scientific interest here…” Yemi pushed Ted back with a hand and motioned for his female colleague to continue.

“Well you boys are easy. Flash a wee bit of boob and a wee shake o’ the hand an’ yer fallin’ asleep faster than me da’ after a bottle o’ Buckie. But those Titan boys are tougher. A Titan gal would probably have nae bother at all but a wee Human gal such as maself has to really put in the effort…”

“No…really! Too much…mmffpphhh…”

Yemi clasped a hand over his captain’s mouth.

“You got to grip tight, with yer arms an yer legs, ya ken? Those things are as thick as a tree trunk, well tha ones a’ve met. Y’ave got to really put yer back into it, work it with yer whole body, arms n’ legs all at the same time. But ya gotta be tender too and rub the right spots n’ that. Ah try to give a bit o’ a tit wank if ah can too.”

“That’s lovely…” Ted said.

“But that’s no the bad part! It’s quite a’ enjoyable challenge to make a wee beastie twice yer height blow! The bad part is when you get tae take a bath in his jizz afterwards. It was an interestin’ experience the first time but then ya got tae clean up. Second you jump in the show’r that stuff starts to clump. Ah spent three hours in the shower the last time and didnae get it all out! I had to cut six inches aff my hair! I love ma hair! An’ no matter how hard ya scrub you still smell like a jock strap for days after n’ people look at ya funny!” Lorna said waving her hands wildly in the air.

“People would look at you funny anyway CMLT.” Darren said walking into the briefing room just picking up on the last line.

“How quickly do you think Earth could replace CMLT McIntosh, Mr Secretary?” Ted asked

“Few weeks I reckon. Thing is though she’s got the fastest targeting time in all the squadron.” Darren replied.

“That’s not the only fastest time ah got.” She said nudging Ted in the side and winking.

“Alright folks, settle down and grab a seat.” Darren said as more Acolyte crews began to filter into the briefing room.

The chatter soon died down and Darren activated a screen and the project’s hooded acolyte insignia appeared.

“I suppose you folks have heard already we got a new record today?” He said.

There was a lot of discussion amongst the crews and Ted nodded to Lorna and Yemi.

“Alright, knock it off.” Darren said and tapped the screen. “We got a few new records today actually. First off, CMLT McIntosh beat her own record, again, for fastest targeting and accuracy. What’s that now, top three slots are yours?”

“Top five!” Lorna responded indignantly. “You Avalonians cud’nae hit the backside of a fat lass with a ridin’ crop if she was tied doon!”

The crews laughed and Darren once more called for quiet.

“I never thought I’d hear myself say this but can we keep the graphic sexual imagery to a minimum CMLT?”

“Nae promises sir.”

“Moving on. Congratulations to Lokagos Demios of Acoltye One for most efficient power management, he managed to get off a dozen shot volley without any strain to the distribution system.”

Lokagos Demios took a bow as he received a brief round of applause.

“Alright, and the new simulation time record for all targets destroyed goes to…”

Ted gave his crew members a quick nudge.

“Archon Carey and the crew of Acolyte One with a time of four minutes and eight seconds. That was a damned fine display you folks put on.”

“See me? Multi award winner.” McIntosh said over the din of applause to her ashen looking crewmates. “See you two? Useless!”

“Alright, alright, that’s enough.” Darren called. “And now on to the big news.”

“Following analysis of this week’s simulations and some discussions with the JTSA it’s been decided it’s time to move on to full scale extra-planetary testing. Average simulation time is under five minutes and there’s little more to be gained there.” Darren spoke loudly over some discussion among the crews. “We’ll be rebasing to an undisclosed location on the edge of Imperial territory. If you don’t know the location you don’t need to know. After this briefing you’ll get forty eight hours leave to pack, say goodbye and get yourselves back here.”

Darren waited for the din to die down once more.

“This goes without saying people, but if any mention of this project, its locations or its equipment or personnel are mentioned to anyone outside of this or discussed off base you will find yourselves in very deep water. That includes any officer in both the Avalonian Guard and the JTSA. Is that understood?”

There came a chorus of “Yes sir.”

“Alright, dismissed!”

“Lads, I’m oot’a here! Do uz a favour n’ spend the next two days tryin’ to be less shite, eh?” Lorna said joining the mass of exiting people.

“I suppose you’re off to some orgy are you?” Adeyemi said joining her with Ted behind.

Lorna’s mouth fell open. “I’ll have you know a’m off to an old monastery to spend my time getting in relaxation n’ spiritual enlightenment. How dare you insinuate I’m some kind o’ crazed sex demon!”

“Well if the skin tight, plastic cat suit fits…”

Ted decided that was the best point to leave his crew and stepped out of the crowd and looked around for a specific face. Given that face was also looking for him and wore a rather large grin it didn’t take long to find it.

“Looking to congratulate me are you?” Ryan Carey said.

“I wasn’t planning on it but I suppose congratulations are in order.” Ted said.

“You weren’t far behind.” Ryan started walking along behind the last of the Acolyte crews. “Besides, it’s just a simulation. When we get out in the real things it’ll be totally different. We could both end up last.”

“You’ve got a head start. You’ve flown one already.”

“Low power…orbit only. And on manual interface. Not exactly a head start.” Ryan replied.

“Low power in an acolyte is still one hundred times the power of most fighter craft.” Ted reminded him.

Ryan smiled. “They sure are something aren’t they?”

“Still going to deny knowing where the Avalonian military got their power source?” Ted asked.

Ryan shrugged and held his hands up. “I wish I knew. Near as I can tell there’s only two people outside of the military who knows about this and it’s the Sec-def and a physicist from Earth…”

“She didn’t invent it though…”

“Exactly. She’s done some work on the project but she’s more frustrated than anyone at not knowing how the power core works.” Ryan said.

“I served with Dr Chandrasekhar before, I might talk this over with her before we leave for Tau Ceti.”

“Look Ted…” Ryan stopped and looked around to make sure the corridor was clear. “The Sec-def has been pretty clear on this. We do our parts and we keep what we know to ourselves. I know you’re curious, I’m curious too, this isn’t a spit off Titan level technology and it’s a jump we’ve made in little over a decade. When we’re meant to know we’ll know…”

“Why all the secrecy though?”

Ryan shrugged. “We’re part of the Empire now. If they got word we were building our own craft that could rival the Imperial Fleet’s I doubt they’d be too happy about it. Probably try to stop it. The Sec-def has always been more of a ‘ask for forgiveness but not for permission’ kind of fellow. Likely trying to make sure the project gets that far.”

“You think it’s stolen Titan tech?” Ted asked.

“I don’t know.” Ryan started back down the corridor. “And I don’t overly care. All I know is I’ve never sat behind the controls of a better ship in my life. Let the Sec-def worry about where it came from. Now how about instead of getting all wrapped up in this you come join my family for a few drinks at the restaurant?”

“Sounds like more fun than spending the next two days on base.”

“Good!” Ryan slapped his friend’s back. “I hate making that drive home alone.”


“Home sweet home?” Sorcha said glibly as she surveyed her room for the next few years.

It was rather drab to say the least. Bare metal panelled walls, a bevelled metal floor and a single dull ceiling light with no window. There wasn’t any running water or bathroom. The compound had shared bathrooms and a shared canteen. In the corner sat a single, rather utilitarian bed with a table beside it and a set of drawers against the other wall.

She pulled her case into the room and set it beside the drawers and then set her hand on the bedside table and Alesia stepped off.

“I know I said our apartment back on Avalon was way too much…but this is the opposite…” Sorcha grumbled.

“Well it was either this or go with one less extra member of staff.” Alesia said as Sorcha moved across the room and started to unpack her suitcase.

“I suppose.” Sorcha replied. “They better be worth it.”

Alesia stood quietly with her case on the bedside table as Sorcha continued to unpack. A few minutes later and bottoms packed in one drawer and tops in another the dark haired woman turned back to her friend.

“Sorry Lessy, I didn’t even think. Where do you want to set up?” She asked.

Alesia bit her lip nervously and looked up at her friend. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to live together Sorcha.”

“What do you mean? I thought this way would allow us to coordinate better?” Sorcha knelt down in front of her friend.

“We can still coordinate via video link and messages. But after what happened in the holosuite…I think you need some time…not with me.”

“I…I don’t follow.”

Alesia studied her feet, sighed and looked up. “I’m part of the problem. You’ve become tied up in the Human aspect of your identity. I’m part of that. You identified with your father and then we, quite literally, latched on to each other and have been inseparable ever since. I’ve encouraged you to identify as only Human. I’ve enabled you. I knew giving you that programme could have been dangerous but I went against my better judgement and did it anyway. “

“But that helped Lessy! Maybe not how you intended but it did! I get it now. I can’t understand. Not ever. I’m not totally Human. I’m split. Titan and Human and I need to speak to my Titan side for bit.” Sorcha said leaning forward.

“Good.” Alesia replied. “I’m glad you’re making progress. But I think we need to draw a solid line for a bit. You need to spend time with Titans here. Go on a journey and discover the other half of yourself. But I can’t go with you. You have to do it without me.”

Sorcha took a deep breath. She could feel her eyes welling a little but she understood what her friend was saying. Something had changed between them since that day in the holosuite.

“Ok, I understand.” Sorcha said. “I…I just hope I haven’t damaged our friendship…”

Alesia pursed her lips and studied her friends face. “I won’t lie Sorcha, I’ve been uneasy since that day. We both were incredibly stupid. I think some time apart will be good for us, but I don’t think it’s the end. Just a new chapter.”

“Ok,” Sorcha nodded. “Where will you go?”

“I’ll stay in the compound for now, if you don’t mind of course?”

“No of course not.”

“I’ll move in as soon as there’s an apartment free somewhere. I’ll add my name to the mentoring program.” Alesia said.

“Ok, we should have the first buildings up in a day or two.” Sorcha said. “Anything I can get you in the meantime?”

“Could you ask Myrell or Manka if they’d mind me staying with them for a few days?”

“I’ll…I’ll go speak with Myrell.”

“She’d probably be the better choice. Though I’m worried her energy may kill me.” Alesia said trying to lighten the mood.

Sorcha stood and walked to the door. “If she hurts a hair on your head, I swear I’ll kill her.”

“Easy on Sorch.” Alesia laughed.

“I know, you know me.” Sorcha said. “I’m protective. Guess it’s the Titan in me.” She opened the door and walked down the corridor to the canteen, locking the door behind her. She took in deep breaths and slowly exhaled as her lip trembled but it did no good.

She slid down the wall and sobbed as quietly as she could.

(Author’s note – there MAY not be an update on Thursday as it’s Fallout 4 release week. Will see what I can do!)


  1. Nostory says:

    Lessy moving in with Myrrell? I forsee the psycho-Titan torturing her to the point of her near death, Sorcha enraged and breaking the psycho in two.

  2. ants says:

    My problem with mcintosh is “ya ken” is a East Coast term and she’s from central Scotland,plus it’s hen not lassie

    • OpenHighHat says:

      You are totally right! The misplaced ken was a ruse to draw out any Scottish readers. Where are you from my friend?

      Though lassie was my mistake. I have been thoroughly admonished by my wife for getting it wrong. It’s been too long since I’ve been over.

  3. Soatari says:

    You created a character so ridiculously stereotypically Scottish that my first reaction is just a massive dislike of her. Bravo!

  4. Rapscallion says:

    I can just imagine inside the war bunker back when they were planning to construct the Acolytes. Room dark, low green and blue lights from panels and displays, shadow on the faces of top one or two respective civilian and military leaders of Avalon and Earth, beeping of information consoles low in the background.

    Earth Supreme Admiral: “Alright, so we are going to build some of the most advanced military equipment in known existence, light years ahead of anything either of our worlds have built, with dangerous anti-matter technology and right under the noses of the Titans. Security is paramount, any leak could lead to confiscation of the ships and a potential diplomatic or even military crisis. Lives could be lost. Did I miss anything?”

    Avalonian Prime Minister: “No, you are correct. The need for secrecy is absolute. I am fearful enough of what the Titans could do, but if the Insectoids or even the Drazari found out…the consequences could endanger the lives of every free human in the galaxy.”

    Defense Secretary Darren: “I concur. I can swear to my discretion and loyalty, I’ve been dealing in keeping clandestine projects a secret for 150 years, since I was on Earth. Here is a list of people I know we can absolutely trust with the existence of these machines.”

    UN President: “Are you sure? The circle must be kept small.”

    Defense Secretary Darren: “Gat’dang it, we havta have pilots for these damned things. How else are we gonna…”

    Avalonian Prime Minister: “Enough Mr. Secretary, I’m sure the President is only concerned as are we all. Please provide your short list.”

    Defense Secretary Darren: “Yes mam. Sorry ’bout the language. My first suggestions from Avalon are Lorna McIntosh and Ryan Carey. From Earth I was hopin’ to get that new Admiral of yours, Ted Martinez. Seems a great pilot.”

    *Silence in the room…*

    Earth Supreme Admiral: “Is that it?”

    Defense Secretary Darren: “It’s a short list sir, more will come later.”

    UN President: “I guess my concern, out the gate, would be that the one you suggested from us…Admiral Martinez…well don’t you think he’s sort of a security risk? He lives on a joint Human/Titan station, is married to a Titan citizen, and has a Titan child, who is also a Titan citizen. Also that Titan wife he is married to is an officer in the Imperial Fleet.”

    Darren: “So? Man’s a fine pilot. Why would any of that other stuff matter?”

    Supreme Earth Admiral: “Seems like it might…”

    Avalonian Prime Minister: “Yeah…and I’ve got to say the other two Avalonian options don’t…excite me from the same standpoint.”

    Darren: “WHAT?!?” Ryan Carey is the finest simulation and actual pilot we currently have! His parents are pillars of the community!

    Avalonian Prime Minister: “Yes, you see, the family is a bit of a problem here too…Ryan Carey is the son of a Titan citizen, formerly a Imperator, who earlier in life likely conducted clandestine missions completed for the Titan Empire over her storied career. His father is a human living with that same Titan for 24…sorry Titan number…140 ish years. Obviously they have love and loyalty to each other, and strong ties to the Titan government and to Miss Pryvani…who also has strong ties with the Titan government.”

    Darren: “I say he’s trustworthy! And what’s your objection to Lorna McIntosh? She’s an accomplished gunner with no ties to Titans whatsoever!”

    Avalonian Prime Minister: “Simply put, its well known she sleeps around with…bigger partners. We didn’t hardly even need an intelligence service to learn that one. And those partners are exclusively citizens of the Titan Empire. Are you seeing why we are uncomfortable with your people’s abilities to keep secrets. Secrets that if revealed could literally lead to the destruction of our worlds ?”

    Darren: ” I say you’re just bein’ a bigget”.

    UN President: “To hell with it, just recruit them.”

      • OpenHighHat says:

        Also I did say she was from Motherwell. People from there are handy with a pool cue. And I don’t mean they can pot balls with ease.

        • Soatari says:

          The problem, as I see it, is I have no idea where that is. I imagine other readers might have the same issue. I assumed Scotland from the accent and the ridiculously boorish behavior.

          • TheSilentOne says:

            It is a town in Scotland. See, we have this cool thing called a search engine (many actually), isn’t it great =P As far as dating/having sex, it *sounded* like Titans from the conversation, but maybe I totally misread that scene. Or maybe I didn’t, I’m all the more confused now.

          • Soatari says:

            If I have to stop reading in order to go look something up, then honestly that’s on the writer, not me (no offense OHH).

            I mean why would Ted, a man born and raised in New Mexico, know where the town of Motherwell (a town with a population of only 30,000) is? I get that he’s probably more worldly than the average person, but Motherwell is still pretty small.

            Add the line “Is that in Scotland?”, and boom. All things are clear for the reader.

            Plus that would give the opportunity to write another snappy line from Lorna to follow up to that.

        • Genguidanos says:

          Everywhere I went it felt like they were watching me; fish-white flesh puckered by the Highland breeze; tight eyes peering out for fresh meat; screechy, booze-soaked voices hollering out for a taxi to take ’em halfway up the road to the next all-night watering hole. A shatter of glass; a round of applause; a sixteen-year-old mother of three vomiting in an open sewer, bairns looking on, chewing on potato cakes. I ain’t never going back… not never.

        • Rapscallion says:


          A) I don’t know where Motherwell is, until I read the comments, and did not assume it was Earth, which in a story like this with a lot of made up places seems fine.

          B) CMLT, not sure what that is. Not a rank or country I am aware of that currently exists. What’s more, she is flying in the ship with another person with a CMLT rank, whose name is CLEARLY Greekish/Avalonian. They seem to know each other well and worked together before. The logical assumption is they are from the same military, and therefore world.

          C) Ted comments that her lack of respect for a superior officer is completely different from what you’d expect from a member of the JTSA. That’s basically the equivalent of Earth entire space exploration and military forces. If she’s not part of that, then the likelihood would be Avalonian.

          D) They reference her being chewed out by Centurium Helior, who from reading it is clearly a Titan or Hybrid and would only be training people to fly spacecraft in Avalon as far as I can determine.

          E) Darren obviously knows her well enough to comment on her lack of discretion. Indicates they’ve been working together a while even though this project is still relatively young.

          So yeah, thought she must be Avalonian with some sort of Scottish derived accent (a subset population amongst Avalonians or perhaps one of the other countries on Avalon) because everything else pointed that way.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          I only know what Motherwell is because I’ve been to Scotland (briefly). I didn’t even know about when I was down south in England.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            Point taken folks. I was hoping it would be apparent from the accent I gave her but sometimes that stuff doesn’t translate. I shall edit later to point to Scotland definitively.

          • Ponczek says:

            TBH i definately didnt recognised the accent (which may be simply due the fact i never heard it – for me biggest hint on her nationality was the name).
            But shes already one of my favorite comic reliefs in series… Also nice scene at ending, i Wonder how Alesia is going to survive with her fangirl…

    • Soatari says:

      Admiral Ted Martinez a long and very distinguished career.

      Ryan Carey’s career is even longer than that. He’s been serving in the Avalonian guard since his voice was still cracking (worked the relay station during that vignette about a homesick Thyllia). He’s spent more than an average human lifespan serving Avalon.

      They are both career military, so they are both very well versed in security clearances.

      • Rapscallion says:

        People who leak secrets often have long and distinguished careers. That’s how they get into a position to leak government or military secrets in the first place. Alger Hiss wasn’t an intern, Benedict Arnold wasn’t a lieutenant, the Rosenberg’s weren’t janitors.

        Regardless, any military security clearance screening takes into account “What will this guy choose when a gun is to his head? His family/conscience or his country?” It is not surprising many choose the former, because its real, its near and dear, its not an abstract or a large conglomeration of people and institutions. If Ted believes it’s not right to keep this secret or if his wife is threatened with loss of her career or imprisonment or his child’s life threatened then he is significantly more likely than a person completely within the Earth or Avalonian militaries with no Titan ties to be able to be pressured and to succumb to that pressure. Choosing him would have to be on the basis that he’s so good we literally cannot replace him. He’s a huge risk.

        The same also applies to Ryan, although I agree he is less susceptible. Nor is Rixie realistically a security risk herself. Almost no belief in my mind she’d keep it a secret. Doesn’t change that he associates and has been intimate with several Titan citizens, (who if we believe in Ted’s duty to his country also supposedly share a duty to theirs, which is the Empire) who work directly for the Empire or are closely associated with its upper tiers. Should he accidently let the program slip to any one of them, feel guilty about keeping such a secret, or one of them is threatened and in danger then he is again much more likely than others to let the secret out.

        Remember Niall doesn’t want to lie to Naskia and feels guilty about it. He, because of his relationships and removal from Avalon, is more likely to let the secret slip. Darren faces significantly less pressure because he lives and works on Avalon, married to Avalonian, Avalonian kids. Would Naskia keep the secret? Probably, but the entire point of keeping secrets is to let as few people know as possible, and to make sure those few that know can be trusted. Any rational organization will note that yes Ted may be a great choice from a performance perspective, but may literally be the worst from a security risk perspective because of all the potential pressure points.

  5. We Are Not Sure Anymore..... says:

    Note To Self… Date more Scottish girls..

    (First date; flowers, candy, bottle of Jacks)

    Unless they are just a tease………

    Sooooooo the question is…. which psycho is gonna be the bunkmate of Alesia? <ya'll could see this train a-comin a mile off, right?)

  6. Kusanagi says:

    I’m not sure if I want to hug Lorna, or wash her mouth out with soap, maybe both. She makes Darren look like the pinnacle of civility, that takes talent.

    Lessy an Sorcha getting some time apart is good, but Lessy bedding with a potential psycho is not. Hopefully the threat of Sorcha rage will keep everyone well behaved.

    • We Are Not Sure Anymore..... says:

      Uno: Darren is a Texan, he is behaved.. (a basic Canadian misunderstanding)

      Dos: Psychos don’t care about that, they are wired differently…She might even look forward to the subsequent Sorcha beat down….

  7. sketch says:

    I’m surprised Ryan and Ted didn’t suggest Niall. Pretty sure they’ve both met him and are at least aware that he teaches in this field in a Titan university.

    Also I have to say I love Ted’s gunner already. She just seems to have the right color personality for a space opera.

    I hope Myrell doesn’t turn out to be the sleeper agent, because the only thing that would protect Alesia is how quickly she would be missed if anything happens to her.

    And that last part with Sorcha… Alesia is literally her last friend in the universe. I don’t blame her for breaking down like that.

    • smoki1020 says:

      I don’t know how Lessy like Myrell. that girl is just too overexcited.

      Lessy putting some distance with Sorcha is quiet normal after holosuite horror show.

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