Chapter Ten: Committee Hearings – Part 2 Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

“This is a very interesting resume Ms Freeman. Not one, but two degrees.” Danku said thumbing through his pad.

“Thank you.” Sorcha responded calmly and politely with her hands clasped in front of her on the table.

“So you have spent the last four years working for Senator Tarsuss? Managing her project on Avalon?” Representative Kalm asked.

Sorcha squirmed in her chair a little. “Not exactly Representative. I was recruited by the Senator to work for the Avalonian Government. A now formally recognised independent territory within the Empire.”

“Indeed Ms Freeman. And we welcome the Avalonians and the business they bring with them into our Empire. “Danku smiled. “You act as a…consultant for them? Is that right?”

“It is. Yes”

“Could you elaborate for this committee exactly what that means?” the Aspire member asked.

Sorcha smiled. “Certainly. I have been fortunate enough to be born to two gifted parents. I have a quick mind and I’ve picked up a considerable amount of knowledge on a considerable amount of topics. If Avalon has a problem they are having difficulty in solving they come to me and I look at and find the best way to resolve it.”

“Could you elaborate a bit more?”

“Well one example is the current construction system. Their population lives a long time by Human standards and are fertile for a long time. Add on to that the former pets who have settled there and we ended up with a population boom that outpaced their construction capabilities.” Sorcha spoke keeping her pace steady as Innanae had suggested to her.

“I looked at the best available options. Atlantis, the capital city, was designed by its architects to be incredibly efficient, far more so than a Titan city. The buildings are lined with solar panelling to generate electricity. As a side effect it’s also incredibly beautiful, but complex to construct. Having examined the issue I came to the conclusion that the bottleneck was simply down to construction capacity. No matter how many people you employed in the building efforts it takes time to get resources out of the ground, convert them to materials and them put those materials together to form a building.”

“And what was your solution?” The Aspire member asked curiously.

“I worked with the city architects to design a series of modules that interconnected and could be assembled by a Titan or an Avalonian construction crew. We had ground modules which were basically a frame with a road on top, access tunnels, pipes for sewage, water and other amenities. On top of this we installed a building base module that provided a shop front and residential access. We then added residential modules on top. All of these were prefab and constructed using fabrication units from the Tarsuss Corporation and only required minimal fitting out. What’s more the architects designed them to fit with the city’s aesthetic.”

“Do you not consider that cheating?” Kalm asked “Using our technology to bail them out of their own mess?”

Sorcha smiled a Cheshire cat smile. “Not at all Representative. The Avalonian Government is exceptionally efficient and as a result sits on a large surplus of cash. They paid in full for all materials and use of the Tarsuss Corporations fabrication units. The Tarsuss Corporation made a good margin off the transaction. It’s likely that Titan worlds could learn from some of the efficiencies the Avalonians employ.”

“And these prefab units? You propose these are used on the new colony?” Aspire asked.

“I do yes. They’re sturdy, can be produced en-masse and laid out quickly. They provide excellent homes for Human families with all the amenities any Titan could ask for and also provide emergency escape and access in the event of a disaster. They far exceed the safety regulations of both the Avalonian Government and the Imperial Department of Habitation.

“Intelligent, beautiful and with an impressive pedigree.” Kalm spoke loudly.

Sorcha raised a brow slightly. She knew she was attractive, she just wasn’t sure what relevance it had to the committee.

“Granddaughter of Dr Hussell Bass, daughter of Dr Naskia Freeman. You come from an impressive line Ms Freeman.” Kalm smiled.

“And Dr Niall Freeman of course.” Sorcha reminded.

“Indeed! I owe your father and mother a great debt. Their work on jump gate technology helped increase the footfall to my establishments by twenty percent!” Danku spoke exuberantly.

“I was unaware Humans and Titans could breed?” Kalm sounded unconvinced.

“No, they can’t. Not naturally.” Sorcha kept herself controlled. “My father underwent some genetic alterations before I was born to extend his life. It had the added benefit of allowing him and my mother to produce a child. And I’m far from the only one. There are around a dozen hybrid children I believe.”

“Forgive Ms Freeman, but you seem a little tall to be half Human.” Kalm smiled pleased with himself. Some in the room chuckled with him.

Sorcha kept her smile. It was far from the first time she’d heard that line. She’d get her own back by not rising to the bait. “I am yes. I’m taller than the average Titan man. A Human/Titan hybrid’s stature is a combination of both parents’ genes. In my case I was carried by a Titan mother so my mitochondrial DNA and appearance are Titan. I am tall because my father is tall for a Human. I know of a young woman who appears Human but has a Titan father.”

“A Titan father? I’d be interested to know how such a process occurred. Or on second thought’s maybe not.” Some in the gallery laughed. “Very interesting Ms Freeman. I stand corrected.” Kalm sounded more curious than smug now. “Can I enquire what affect being half Human has had on you? You look to be a normal Titan young woman to me.”

“Certainly. The most obvious difference is age. I am twenty one years old but physically I am probably around twenty five, give or take. I have a Human digestive tract with an acidic gut and quicker metabolism. I sleep in a shorter cycle. My mind is quick and I pick up information very quickly but I lack the Titan capacity for focused study over long periods of time. I also have a mix of Human and Titan musculature and bones which makes me stronger than an average Titan male.” Sorcha said happily. She was talking about one of her favourite topics. Herself.

The last point raised a few brows.

“Stronger than a Titan male? I do not mean to offend Ms Freeman but you don’t look overly strong.” Kalm said.

“Not at all Representative. You would not be the first person to make that mistake. Human muscles are optimised for gravity three times what we’re used to. To move their bodies against such strong forces their muscles are much stronger. Gee for gee a Human is about three times stronger than a Titan. The trade-off is Human tendons are not as tight or reactive as Titans. I make a terrible Veeball player but I’m great a Lumlar!” Sorcha gave a broad smile and some of the gallery laughed.

“Could we have a demonstration?” Kalm asked.

“I’d rather not Representative.”

Kalm stood and came down from his position behind his desk. “Oh come now. This is all in the name of public understanding. Senator Danku, do you object?”

“Please, no, carry on.” He replied happy that something other than pointless discussion was happening.

“Excellent.” Kalm took a small table from the corner of the room after removing the vase from on top of it and brought it to the centre of the room. “Do you think you are stronger than I am Ms Freeman?”

“I would say I am. Not meaning to brag.” Sorcha said in a way that implied the opposite.

“Careful Sorcha.” Alesia said quietly.

“I served in the Planetary Defense Corps for twenty years. I am in excellent physical condition and continue to keep myself in shape and volunteer in the Civil Defense Corps.” Kalm bragged.

He flipped the table and with some effort bracing his foot, he pulled one of the legs off.

Kalm held the leg up from the media who took a few shots. “This table is made from urlu wood. Urlu trees grow for centuries then die and harden making their wood exceptionally strong. Removing a leg by hand is difficult. I understand if you’d choose not to give it a go.”

Sorcha slowly rose and took off her jacket and walked over to Kalm.

“I’d be more than happy to demonstrate.”

She picked up the table in one hand and with another grasped a leg. It took a second and a grunt but Sorcha quickly managed to remove the table leg.

“That wasn’t difficult Representative.” Sorcha said to a mildly impressed looking Kalm. “Do you think you could snap the table leg in two?”

Kalm briefly looked from side to side. The cameras were on him now. “I doubt it. As I said, urlu wood is very strong. But I will do my best.”

Kalm grasped both ends with his hands. He struggled and wrestled with it, gnashing his teeth and bracing it over his leg but it was no use. The wood would not bend and it would not break.

“See…” he panted. “It can’t be done.”

Sorcha smiled and grasped her own table leg at both ends. Her face strained and her arms shook but after a few seconds the wood gave a mighty crack and snapped. Kalm’s eyes bulged out of their sockets.

“That…your bit must have been weak.” He stammered.

Sorcha dropped the bits and snatched the intact leg from Kalm’s loose grip. After a few more seconds and some flashes from the media’s pads the leg was in two and Sorcha handed it back to the ashen faced Representative.

She smiled and returned to her seat. “If the Representative’s curiosity is now satisfied can we carry on with the matter at hand?”

Danku motioned for Kalm to return to his seat. It had been quite the day already and he was keen that his committee not turn into any more of a circus than it already had. “Please, carry on.”

“Ms Freeman, can you tell this committee why your plan is better than the submission from Mr Jurney?

“I’ve read Mr Jurney’s proposal. It’s a great proposal. It covers all the basics. Food production, settlement construction, exploiting the planet’s resources and position for trade, I really couldn’t fault it. Apart from one fatal flaw.” Sorcha said.

“And that is?”

“He assumes the people we’re settling here are Titans. They are not.”

“But you maintain the settlers of the world are sentient beings. Intelligent and capable of supporting themselves.” The Aspire member pushed.

“They are Representative. The problem is that these are sentient beings who have spent their lives on pet farms or in tanks. They have no survival skills whatsoever. They don’t know how to farm, they don’t know anything about construction and what’s more a lot of them are likely to be traumatised when they are left on a world and told they are free when many expected to be handed to a Titan family to be cared for.” Sorcha explained.

“So you don’t think Humans can look after themselves?” Apsire was surprised.

“I think if you dump two hundred and fifty million refugees on a planet with very little starting supplies and no support and come back a few years later you’ll find ten million refugees living in hovels and the rest dead. It doesn’t matter what species they are.” Sorcha spoke firmly.

“So what makes your plan different? Why would yours work and Mr Jurney’s would not?” Kalm asked.

“It’s simple. I have Alesia Nonahsdottir.” Sorcha gestured to her friend on the table.

“Ahhh yes. Ms Nonahsdottir.” Danku said and thumbed through his pad once more. “Your mother is the writer is she not?”

Alesia stood and walked to the microphone in front of Sorcha. “She is yes.”

Alesia was surprised to see her image appear on screens around the room.

“You submitted a proposal within Ms Freeman’s proposal.” Senator Danku said.

“It was a joint proposal.” Sorcha corrected. “Alesia’s aspect is just as important, if not more so than my own.”

Danku nodded. “Indeed, would you care to explain why you think this aspect of your proposal is so important? It both slows down the colonisation process and uses up half your budget.”

“I know it appears to be an unnecessary expense but as my friend outlined, these are not normal settlers we are talking about. These will traumatised, frightened and inexperienced refugees we’re proposing to settle. The Titan Empire has not seen a refugee crisis in over a thousand years. With due respect, this is not an area you are experienced in. We are.” Alesia said.

“By we you mean Avalon?” Kalm asked.

“Yes I do. I have spent the last Archavian year, or six Earth years, as Avalon’s minister of Education. Before that I was the director of their education program for over twenty Earth years. During that time period Avalon took in and resettled thousands of Humans meant to be pets. We have successfully integrated them into our society. Helped them to discover skills and passions they didn’t know they had. Helped them to become productive members of society.”

“And yet Avalon won’t take them in.” Kalm said.

“Avalon can’t. They are only ten million strong. We’re talking about twenty five times that number. Avalon is willing to assist. Generously. If you look at our proposal Avalon is going to provide fifteen thousand mentors and a further five thousand staff for construction and infrastructure management. The mentors are really key here. Most of those we have lined up grew up in pet farms or have been pets at some point. They will know what these people are going through. With an education program we remove the shock factor and the fear of suddenly finding yourself on a strange world with an uncertain future.” Alesia spoke passionately.

“Would your plan work with Mr Jurney’s?” The Aspire member asked.

Alesia thought for a moment. “It could but it’d take substantial redrafting. Mr Jurney envisions the first wave of settlers as farmers. Putting people to work, assisted by experts can be useful as part of a rehabilitation program but not all people are farmers. Some will take to it, some won’t. We also need to consider construction, infrastructure management, distribution and energy production. All of these areas take advanced skills. We can’t get the refugees to that level that quickly. It will break down at that point unless the Empire is willing to manage it for a decade or so. And it’s my understanding the Empire does not want to do that.”

“We would prefer the Humans manage their own affairs as soon as possible.” Kalm said.

“And so would I Representative. But there’s two ways you can do that. You can go in without education and rehabilitation and hope for the best. It will work out. In the end. After the people who don’t settle in have died off and after the anarchy has died down a society will form. But you’re looking at millions of deaths. With education, we take longer yes, The Empire is involved for longer, yes but the outcome is smoother. And in a decade your successors aren’t calling you and the Deputy Floor Leader up to answer for a bloodbath.” Alesia finished.

The people in the gallery murmured and the committee members covered their mics.

“You are quite right Ms Nonahsdottir. But this is not our decision to make. The appointment of planetary governors and the management of protected worlds is the purview of the Minister of the Interior. In this case that is the Deputy Floor Leader. Unless there are any objections we are satisfied that whatever way she chooses to proceed will be in the best interests of the Empire. Danku looked to his fellow committee members to see if any would disagree. None did. “Very well, I think we’re done here. Thank you all for your time. This committee is adjourned.”

Sorcha’s eyes widened and it took all her will not to pluck up her friend and hug her. Alesia let out a large sigh of relief.

“That was brilliant Lessy!” Sorcha said.

“Very well done ladies.” Loona said as she arrived at the desk.

“I think I overdid it with the table…” Sorcha grimaced.

Loona laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Kalm walked right into it. He was trying to show himself as a strong leader, literally. And it backfired massively. This committee hearing was going to be a footnote in a political journal somewhere. Kalm made sure it’ll be second or third page in every news outlet in the core.”

“I don’t think my mum will be too pleased about that.” Sorcha mumbled.

“Your mum will be pleased you didn’t beat that smug prick around the head with his urlu wood.” Alesia grinned.

“She will. You both did very well.” Loona added.

“So…drinks?” Sorcha asked.

Loona rolled her eyes. “You’re your father’s daughter you know that?”


“Well since this is where the real work starts I don’t see why we can’t have a few drinks in my office. Aisell sent me a special bottle of Royal Berry Kapavi…and whis…”

“Whiskey!?” Sorcha shot up and grabbed her coat. “You girls go on without me. I’m going to get my dad!”

Loona set her hand down for Alesia. “Aisell really gave you whiskey?”

Loona nodded gravely. “Their special reserve.”

“This is going to be a rough night…”


“Madam Deputy Floor Leader…Madam Deputy…” A voice appeared through the mirk in Loona’s mind.

She blinked open her eyes to see one of her aide’s hovering over her. It was still pitch black in her office and pitch black outside. Only the light from Selena and the floodlights around the statues in the Imperial Plaza lit the room.

“Ohhhh what could you possibly want at this hour?” Loona groaned.

“Sorry Ma’am but you wanted me to wake you as soon as Ambassador Bass was free.”

The male aide stepped back as Loona sat up on the sofa at the side of her office.

“I did?”

“You did…” The aide said.

“Ohhhh….” Loona rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Right, sorry, I did.”

“I’ll patch her through to your terminal.” The aide said. “Can I get you anything ma’am?”

“Just water” Loona said. “Please.”

Loona walked to her desk and dropped into her chair. She let out another groan as she saw the time. She’d only managed two hours sleep and it was likely she’d only get another two after this call.

“Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” Eyrn said appearing on screen.

“Ambassador,” Loona said. “Thanks for getting back to me.”

“Wow, are you alright? You look…”

“…like I’ve had a Freeman round with a bottle of whiskey” Loona said.

Eyrn winced. “Would you like me to let you get back to sleep?”

“No, no it’s fine. Sorcha drank half the bottle herself and I stuck to the royal berry kapavi, though Lessy drank more than her fair share of that. They just didn’t leave until late. I keep telling myself I’ll have an early night some night. Though it’s been at least a week since I’ve had more than four hours a night. I may be turning half Avartle.” Loona said. “I keep hoping to wake up with an extra set of arms but no luck yet.”

“They could come in handy.” Eyrn chuckled. “Though I’m not sure they’d suit you.” Her expression hardened a little. “I suspect this wasn’t just a friendly catch up?”

“I’m afraid not. I wanted to check what impact the recent publicity over our resettling of Human nationals on a colony world has had on Earth’s opinion of The Empire? We hoped it wouldn’t be a story here but Pryvani’s bashing of Danku and Kalm’s grandstanding put paid to that.” Loona asked.

“None really.” Eyrn replied. “Earth’s media haven’t covered it.”

“No coverage at all?” Loona said and took a sip from the glass of water her aide deposited beside her.

“A few crank sites here and there but nothing that’s gotten any traction. Zeramblin passing took the heat out of the situation. The Humans on Earth are more concerned about the Humans on Earth than the Humans in the Empire.” Eyrn said.

“Sounds just like voters here.” Loona rolled her eyes.

“Exactly.”Eyrn said with a thin lipped smile. “The media here is filled with concerns over Japan potentially leaving Korea for ASEAN or the global protein shortage. The Dunnermac Science Council have staff here helping to develop kelp farms as a food source so if anything The Empire looks like the good guys at the minute.

“Well that’s something at least.” Loona sighed relieved. “What’s your thoughts on approaching world leaders for help? We’re stretching Avalon, would Earth step in?”

The ambassador grimaced and made an uncertain hissing sound.

“Unless you really have to I wouldn’t approach them about it.” Eyrn said. “Are you familiar with the current Secretary-General?”

“I’m not I’m afraid. I try to keep up with Earth politics but there’s so many names that change so very quickly.” Loona felt slightly embarrassed for being out of the loop. When she was a Representative she was on top of all Earth developments but it was much harder as Deputy Floor Leader or Minority Leader.

“Elaine Ridgemont. She’s basically a more militaristic Forna Qorni.” Eyrn said.

“Oh joy…”

“Tell me about it.” Eyrn smiled ruefully. “She got elected on an anti-Empire platform. She spends a lot of time giving speeches on how Earth has to look out for itself and can’t trust the Empire. She’s ploughed money and resources into militarising the JTSA. We’ve been keeping tabs on their research. Nothing dangerous yet; low level laser weapons but there’s monetary black holes. She’s definitely up to something. And I don’t think you want to give her more ammunition to take back to her electorate.”

“And I thought Qorni was a nightmare to work with. She must be barrel of laughs.” Loona said.

“Eh, I mostly work with Tatenda Marechera. Ridgemont tries not to have anything to do with us. It’d ruin her image.”

“Gods, Qorni and her would get on like a couple of well-fed shaars.” Loona rolled her eyes again. “Ok, what would you recommend? How do we play this?”

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. Make sure the colony is a success. Provided you’re returned as either Deputy Floor Leader or Floor Leader you’ll likely outlast Ridgemont. In four years’ time when the colony is self-sufficient and functioning well you can formally introduce it to Earth which should provide The Empire with a reputation boost.” Eyrn said.

“Hmmm, don’t ruin the colony and make sure I’m not booted out of office.” Loona said amused. “Not exactly a small order.”

Eyrn laughed. “Oh I’m so glad Pryvani Tarsuss never managed to convince me to run for office.”

“That was a definite mistake on my part.” Loona grumbled.

“Cheer up Madam Deputy Floor Leader. You freed hundreds of millions of people. There’ll be a statue of you out in the Imperial Plaza one day.” Eyrn said.

Loona shook her head and groaned again. “I’d be happy if they just let me sleep for a full twenty eight hours.”

Eyrn laughed. “Ok Loona, I’ll let you get back to your bed.”

“Sofa…” Loona corrected.

“Well sofa then.” Eyrn smiled. “Let me worry about Earth. You can worry about…everything else.”

“Thanks Eyrn. Say hi to Aertimus for me.” Loona said.

“Will do. Sleep well Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” Eyrn said and closed the call.

Loona finished the rest of her water and decided to quickly glance at her mail before going back to bed.

“There’s no such thing as a quick glance…” she said to herself as she finished responding two hours later.


  1. smoki1020 says:

    surprised that Earth Media are so “I don’t care” wise about events in titan empire specially for recently free humans.

    • Rapscallion says:

      I hear about Syrian refugees, malaria in Africa, elections all over the world, and terrorism in Israel none of which directly affect me every day, yet Earth doesn’t even spend a news cycle on lawful segregation and creation of 250 million refugees which may have huge ramifications for it in the near future? Unlikely.

      • Soatari says:

        This is an entirely different level of “doesn’t affect me”. This is people, who have been separated from Earth for thousands of years, who up until a few decades ago nobody on Earth even knew existed, located in an entirely different part of the galaxy.

        Besides, the pace at which humans, and specifically Earth news moves, this is already all old news.

        • Arbon says:

          There’s also the issue of just how many human reporters even have access to cover this news. How much of Titan media is available for viewing on earth? How expensive is it to carry the data over? How many earth reporters will afford to fly off into space and see the Titan empire directly, and to an extent how many titans are there gathering up news from around the empire and delivering it to earth via the embassy? And that’s assuming there are people who ask for it.

          You’d think there would be people trying to datamine EVERYTHING they can find about the entirety of Titan culture and history just from the fact it’s an alien, and thus curiosity, and so you’d have acedemics trying to gather an entirely new field of academia. Likewise with titan tech sources and combat tactics, which Tol-bot would be an excellent case study for everything Titans know on how to wage war and handle space defense. But the Era of overwhelming curiosity would have been at point of contact, not ten or twenty years later when its already gotten boring.

          Especially when Titans aren’t even different enough to count as a curiosity. Alien fanatics would be downright disappointed that Titans look like humans, act like humans, think like humans, talk like humans, have near identical biology to humans, they aren’t alien at all and there’s nothing more interesting to learn about than what you’d find just by looking at some other country. Its a slightly different culture, nothing exciting, nothing interesting. So the people who are curious of alien cultures and just want to learn everything there is would focus their studies on the actual aliens, the arvartle, the Ler, the Dunmeric, the things that aren’t the equivalent of rubber forehead aliens.

          I can buy the idea there isn’t much coverage of the events within the Empire so long as they don’t have a galaxy-wide internet.

          • Ancient Relic says:

            How expensive is it to carry the data over? Are their communication protocols even compatible? Today on Earth we need to make different versions of a movie for NTSC, PAL and SECAM.

            You’d think there would be people trying to datamine EVERYTHING they can find about the entirety of Titan culture and history just from the fact it’s an alien, and thus curiosity, and so you’d have acedemics trying to gather an entirely new field of academia. I’d call it unrealistic if the humanities and social sciences weren’t trying to extend themselves beyond humans.

  2. Ghost in the Machine/Dust in The Wind..... says:

    So Kalm is a putz……..ooookay

    That was really odd and dumb..Head scratching even…. but whatever…

    Alesia has her s**t together, I liked her response to the representative..

    So now we have Eyrn ratting out Earth military secrets to La Titanos… some ambassador she is 🙂

    Ahhh ze plot thickens like a 2 day old soup…. *pass the bread….. ya gotta have bread with soup*

    • OpenHighHat says:

      Half of the role of an embassy is to run surveillance.

      As for bread I suggest wheaten bread. An Irish favourite.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Eyrn’s nobody’s fool. She’s not looking to officially uncover what she suspects Team Avalon is doing, only being sure her own husband doesn’t get blind sided by them as at Contact. If Darren gets too careless, now that he’s an imperial citizen, Aerti would probably take considerable pleasure in press-ganging him and the whole lot into the fleet. Eyrn would be worried about the other players in the game are doing on Earth and that’s doubtless where the serious spying is focused.

        • Ghost in the Machine/Dust in The Wind..... says:

          Interesting assumptions…

          What makes you think Darren is telling Pryvani anything? Niall is not telling his wife anything about this and collaborating with Darren.. Eyrn like any other Titan is under estimating humans, you would think otherwise since she grew up among them..

          Press ganging humans…Yeah I can definitely see that helping human/titan relations..yup will work like a charm. Certainly will calm feelings on Earth too…

          Oh and the assumption that the mighty Titans can see and hear everything too, via surveillance? There is evidence to the contrary on that..

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            1. Darren tells Mama Warbucks about as much as the Emperor does or Niall does and all of them can be 90% sure she already knows anything they don’t tell her.

            2. Niall doesn’t have to tell Nas because she already worries he and Sorcha are both doing even more dangerous stuff than they actually are up to.

            3. If you want a reference on Narvarchos Bass’ heavy handed recruiting abilities contact the Honorable and Frequently Unretired Magister-Imperator Rixie Tam, OTE.


          • Ghost in the Machine/Dust in The Wind..... says:

            How come they were surprised when the Lem made contact with Titan station? Where was their vaunted intelligence then? They didn’t know about the crude fusion bomb ability of said craft either..Pryvani does NOT know everything her people does.. You are giving her waaaay to much credit here. She is not a super-Titan. Her intelligence is aimed at imperial politics and industrial espionage, mostly.

            Uhh ….hmm Bass forcing newly minted citizens into military servitude, just because he ‘suspects’ they may be up to no good? Well maybe due process and habeas corpus doesn’t exist in the empire, so that could happen…But don;t you think that would be an uhhh unwise thing to do?

            btw Rixie Tam is a full-fledge citizen of the empire and a member of the military. By being a member she has waived certain rights. Humans are not in that catagory, even if if they were just made citizens.

  3. sketch says:

    Is it just me, or was Kalm’s sudden interest in Sorcha and Interrupting the colony proposal to challenge her a strength contest incredibly cringe worthy? Here’s hoping he doesn’t become infatuated now.

  4. Soatari says:

    That intense military funding, added to what I’m pretty sure was in that package that Ted delivered, could mean some nasty things, especially if Ridgemont continues to be that aggressively anti-Titan. Hopefully Solis’s doomsaying doesn’t actually come to pass.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      Hopefully Solis’s doomsaying doesn’t actually come to pass. Problems and conflicts fuel stories, so that could become an important plot arc down the road.

      • Soatari says:

        Strong military? Maybe. Xenophobia? That’ll move them past “taken seriously” to “taken seriously as a threat to the empire”.

  5. Locutus of Boar says:

    We’ve been keeping tabs on their research. Nothing dangerous yet; low level laser weapons but there’s monetary black holes. She’s definitely up to something.

    Well we know what Eryn & Loona don’t know. Odds are if Eryn only suspects the truth then so does Areti and the military. Sorcha’s little demonstration might be a novelty item in the empire but I suspect it got the attention of the Hive’s agents.

    • sketch says:

      Darren and Niall may end up screwing over there allies when the secret project is uncovered. They are all too close for anyone to believe they had no idea.

      And Sorcha’s demonstration will get more than the attention of the hive. This is a concrete example that claims of hybrids are more than just words. Everyone from mixed couples who didn’t know they could breed to bigots who have something else to fear will take notice.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I wouldn’t put it past the Federation to outlaw miscegenation, and they’re enough of a Confederation analogy that they’d probably use that exact word for hybrids.

  6. Kusanagi says:

    Was wondering when Earth would be mentioned and it’s just as bad as I thought. Still given their cooperation I wonder if Avalon could put pressure on them to act.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Earth is going to have an impact on the 250 million humans but not until after initial settlement. Once Tau Ceti E or “Vulcan” is up and running and the coming showdown with the Hive won and more importantly after Vulcan it is integrated as a political entity into the empire there will be another mass migration by opportunity seekers…coming from Earth. The same process that Sorcha and Lessy will put in place will allow millions more to move from Earth first to Vulcan and then to other super-Mu planets. Qorni might well have protected her own seat but she also might well have sped the long term shift toward a permanent non-Titan majority government and further paved the way for political unification with Earth.

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