Chapter Thirty Eight: Paper Soldiers Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Myrell watched the newscast with equally growing feelings of excitement and unease.

On one hand she couldn’t help but be enraptured by the escalating chaos she witnessed on her pad. The vast majority of Earth’s major population centres had been crippled by protests numbering in the millions and nearly every capital city had endured days of rioting. Causalities numbered in the low hundreds, for the moment anyway.

She couldn’t help but admire the Secretary-General from Earth. In one breath she called for people to remain calm and then in the next was talking about avenging the barbaric atrocities committed against the Human people. It would definitely make her more popular but would almost certainly lead to more Human deaths. Myrell had to respect that level of ruthless self-interest. Especially since she did it so publically.

Myrell found it all the more amusing that her vehement opposition to the Titans would be the thing that ultimately ensured Secretary-General Ridgemont would end up as a snack for one of her family. As would every other Human being on Earth.

And on the other hand, as much as Myrell loved chaos it caused her a problem. She couldn’t predict how it would unfold. Her window to act could be weeks. Or it could be as short as a few days. She needed to step up a gear. She’d already started creating room to put her plan into action; sabotaging the construction materials had created confusion and had the Titan staff spread out over the city scanning every building. This gave her a little bit of breathing space and focused her boss’ attention elsewhere. She turned off her pad and poked the Human sleeping on her bedside table softy.

“Huh?” Pri asked sitting up groggily.

“Sorry to wake you…” Myrell said as softly and sweetly as she could. “But I think we need to talk…as friends.”

“Uh…is everything alright?” Pri replied unnerved by her owner’s unusual trepidation.

Myrell looked down at her feet. “No…not really. I’m sorry but I have to tell you, I’ve been lying to you. And you deserve the truth.”

“What is it…?” Pri asked.

“I’m not here to volunteer…” Myrell sighed and Pri looked worried. “I’m working for Pryvani Tarsuss.”

“You are? Doing what?”

“I’m here to stop the people who are trying to take her pets away. To make sure that Humans stay as pets. We need to watch over you, to look after you. This project is going to end in disaster. She knows it’ll mean the deaths of all the Humans she has cared for and she hates it. She’s asked me to tell you how happy she is with you helping me.” Myrell explained.

“She did!?”

“She did.” Myrell nodded “But I lied to you Pri. Can you forgive me?” Myrell looked up with her bright pink eyes.

“You’re here to make sure we’re safe. And to make sure I’m safe!” Pri smiled. “Of course I can. You’re my owner and you have always looked out for me.”

“Good!” Myrell grinned. “But…I need your help. And this is where it gets hard Pri. I need you to promise you’ll help me no matter what. That you’ll help Pryvani.”

The little Human woman looked a bit pale and nervous but she swallowed and nodded firmly. “I’ll do whatever it takes to make Pryvani proud.”

Myrell leaned in closer. “Those two Humans you’re friends with at the power plant. They’re part of the group of bad people.”

“They don’t seem bad…”

“Bad people never seem bad Pri. That’s how they get good people to trust them.” Myrell said totally missing the irony.

“Oh…that makes sense.”

“It does, doesn’t it? I need to talk with those two Humans. Alone. They know things I need to find out. I need to find it out without anyone else knowing and I need your help to do it.” The Titan explained.

“Tell me what to do.” Pri said firmly.

“I need you to get them out of the city. To a quiet place I can talk with them. Can you do that?” Myrell asked.

Pri paused to think for a moment then smiled.

“I know!” she said.

“You do!?” Myrell’s eyes lit up.

“Duas has gotten a bit fat and we were talking about trying to get him fit. And Sephonie likes the countryside. I could get them to go for a walk with me!”

“Pri, that’s brilliant. You’re such a clever little girl.” Myrell beamed.

Pri felt warmth run through her at her master’s approval. She hadn’t often felt it with Myrell but when she did she loved it. She was eager for more. “I’ll bring them to the place where you found me and you can talk with them there.”

“That is perfect Pri. You are a wonderful little pet.” Myrell leaned in closer still, only a Human arm’s length from Pri and grew serious. “But there’s one more thing.”

“W…what is it?”

“They may not tell me what I need to know. And I may have to make them tell me.”

“You mean hurt them?” Pri asked.

“I do. But these are bad people Pri. And it’s ok to hurt bad people, isn’t it Pri?” Myrell asked.

Pri paused for a second looking down at her feet and then back to her master. “When I was being raised, we were told we were the best, most sought after Humans in all the Empire. Not just because we were the best bred or also the best raised. But because we were the most properly behaved. If we were bad we were punished so we learnt to be good. Some didn’t make it through and were taken away because they wouldn’t behave. They weren’t good enough. It’s the same here.”

Myrell smiled broadly. “You know I think I underestimated you Pri?”

Pri shrugged. “Better to be underestimated than overestimated.”

That brought a chuckle from Myrell. “Yes it is Pri. Yes it is.”


“So that’s where we are…” Loona said to the three Humans sitting on her temporary desk aboard a government transport ship that was hurtling at many times the speed of light from Avalon towards Sol Earth.

“Sooooo…no pressure then?” Nonah said glibly.

Loona smiled. “This isn’t on you three. It’s on me. But I need…”

“…Humans?” Niall said finishing her sentence for her.

“I was going to say credibility.” Loona replied.

“And an American to talk straight to an American!” Darren said.

“Ehhhh…I was more hoping for diplomacy.” Loona said. “Ridgemont doesn’t seem to be the straight talking type.”

Nonah laughed. Perhaps a lot more than she should have. “Really. You thought diplomacy and two of the three names that popped into your head were Niall ‘multiple disciplinary hearings’ Freeman and Darren ‘insulting nicknames for world leaders’ Xanthopolous.

“Ya’ know that hurts Goldilocks!?” Darren said and supped at a hip flask.

“It’s the name recognition as well.” Niall added. “Darren is decorated war veteran on multiple worlds and the face of Avalon, you’re a famous author and I’m one the greatest minds and most recognised faces in the galaxy.”

The three other people around the table raised their eyebrows.

“I won’t lie. You three will get a lot of attention on Earth. If you talk the Empire up it could go a long way to undoing the damage that broadcast did.” Loona sighed.

“Now jus’ you hold on there a minute, Hillary,” Darren said sounding non-plussed. “What makes you think any of us three would be inclined to go on TV and say this Empire of yours is worth forgiving?”

“It’s your Empire too Mr Secretary.” Loona shot back.

Darren shrugged. “It’s been a year since we joined. I ain’t had no one on the phone yet from the Imperial navy offering to build me ISS Avalon and fill it with Avalonian officers. Not about any of our security come to think of it.”

“Yeah, well that’s Qorni.” Loona groaned.

“And I won’t sell Qorni.” Niall said. “I’ll sell you.”

“I’ll sell you.” Nonah added. “I’ll sell the idea of what a lot of people think the Empire is. I’ll sell the people I know and the readers who write me letters. But I can’t sell the Empire that bred me to be sold as, at best, a pet and at worst, a sex toy.”

“And I’m saying you go in there and talk straight with Lady Ridgemont. She’s a hawk. An American hawk. Being something of an American hawk myself, and knowing a lot of ‘em, I’m telling you to go in there and lay the situation out for her straight.” Darren said and his brow knit tight. ”Tell her Earth can’t defend itself. That you will defend it. That you have defended it. But you fucked up and you’re trying to make it right. She needs to look tough. Let her look tough, let her throw a few punches and draw a little blood. But in the end let her know she’s got no choice but to deal with you.”

Loona didn’t look convinced.

“This is a Tol Bot game. You can see all her pieces. She can’t see half of yours. You’re acting like you’re the one on the defensive here.” Darren said.

“I am!” Loona cut over him, her voice strained. “You saw that video! I am on the defensive!”

“With Earth, sure. But with Ridgemont? She isn’t Earth. She’s one person with a paper army. Go in there, stomp all over it and then at the end offer her a way out.”

The Deputy Floor Leader almost look convinced.

“It’s what The Marionnette would do. It’s what Iron Maiden would do. And you know damn well it’s what Felltree would do.” He said.

“He’s right.” Nonah added. “This isn’t time for a grovelling apology. This is time for my friend to do what she’s best at. Talking sense and taking control of the narrative.”

Niall shrugged. “And do you really want me and Yosemite Sam on TV?”

“Shucks doc! You know how to make a guy feel special.”

Loona stood up and quickly stepped back from the desk, so not to loom.

“Where are you going?” Nonah asked.

“To get an aide to take you back to your quarters. I need to speak to Eyrn.” She said. “And then, Ridgemont.”


The area of Tau Ceti E where the new colony had been sited was not unlike the damp, cool uplands of Northern Europe. Long dead glaciers had carved out deep valleys through even longer dead volcanoes. Where ice had once sat, pine forests and deep green meadows now resided. Ice cold rivers flowed downhill from the snow-capped peaks down onto the great plain eventually forming the great river that flowed through the newly founded city.

Standing in the city it was a rather spectacular view. On top of one of the peaks it was an even more spectacular view. Even half way up the side of one of the smaller, gentler mountains was pretty stunning. Though Duas was finding it hard to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings, his legs felt like they weighed as much as cinder blocks and his lungs burned as they tried to strain every molecule of precious oxygen from the crisp air.

“Can…can we stop for a break?” He wheezed.

The two women walked ahead of him at a steady pace. They probably could have gone a bit faster but then they would have been too far ahead to notice if Duas dropped dead of exhaustion.

“Come on, “Pri encouraged cheerily. “There’s a nice spot up ahead. We can stop for lunch and a rest there.”

“And then go home?” Duas pleaded.

Sephonie turned around and smiled. “No! This is one of the smaller mountains. We can make it to the top and get home before nightfall.”

“Have I ever told you how much I hate climbing?” Duas said between pants.

Sephonie rolled her eyes. “This isn’t climbing you fool. Climbing is straight up. This is walking up a gentle slope.”

“It doesn’t feel that gentle to me!”

“That’s because you spend all of your day sitting in a chair.” Pri said. “A few trips up here will do you good.”

“A few trips up here and I’ll be dead.” He grumbled. “This world has stronger gravity that we’re designed for!”

“Six percent,” Sephonie replied. “You’ll live!”

The group continued on up the gentle hillside at the slow but steady pace of Duas. They followed a dirt trail beside a river that roared downhill through the thick pine forest. Pri led the way, retracing her steps in her mind. She knew she just had to keep following the river.

It didn’t take long for the forest to start thinning out and the ground changed from brown, dead pine needles to lush, green grass. Pri led them into a meadow, with the river running along one side and the forest running along the other. The river ran ahead, gently sloping up between two peaks and out of sight.

“Isn’t this pretty?” Sephonie said.

“I like this spot. I went for a walk not long after I got here and found it.” Pri said.

Duas raised an exchaused brow. “I didn’t think settlers could wander off out of the city without their mentors?”

“We’re not supposed to…” Pri shrugged. “But I wanted to. So I did.”

Duas chuckled and shook his head. “Since it’s so nice here can we stop for a bit?”

“One hour. Food, drink and rest.” Seph said. “Then we head for the top.”

“Deal.” He said removing his pack and dropped unceremoniously to the grass.

Pri and Sephonie sat down with a little more grace and Sephonie started to remove items from her pack and lined them up on the ground.

“What’s that?” Pri asked.

“Lunch.” Seph replied. “Minced, spiced goat flat breads. Some dried fruits and chocolate.”

“Looks good.” Duas said shuffling over.

Sephonie picked up a flat bread, folded it and stuffed it in her mouth. “Well, dig in.”


Myrell breathed lightly as she stared through the thick forest to the Humans sitting in the meadow beyond. She had lain in wait for over twelve hours, patiently sitting in a clearing of the forest she had smashed into being.

She’d trekked the long way round, up the side of the mountain rather than the gentle slope to avoid leaving any foot prints along the road that might alert the wandering Avalonians to her presence. She was wearing black clothes, boots and gloves and had removed the pink colouring from her hair, returning it to its natural almost black, dark brown colour. She had even gone as far as covering her face in mud from the forest floor to ensure no hint of her tan skin could be seen through the trees. Only her bright pink eyes could give her away now.

Myrell had missed this. The thrill of the hunt. Silently observing her prey from a distance. Her senses tingled in anticipation, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She had done this many, many times. Whether it was a darkened street in Tuaut, a bar on Grelau or a lonely pond on Dunnermac, even a few of her siblings growing up. There were few places Myrell hadn’t hunted. But no hunt was as important as this one.

If she failed in a hunt anywhere else at best it meant her prey would get away and at worst it meant she’d have to leave the planet. But if she failed in this hunt, it would mean she wouldn’t be able to open the backdoor for her family to use. It could mean her exposure. And that would mean an end to her family’s plan and potentially ruin.

She had to wait for the perfect moment. And as much as she hated relying on anyone but herself, she needed her little pet to create a distraction to allow her to pounce.


“Do you think there could be fish in the river?” Duas asked. “I like fish. Especially freshwater fish.”

“Shall we take a look?” Pri asked.

Duas shrugged. “If it means getting up I’m not in.”

Sephonie rolled her eyes in her usual fashion. “Come on Pri, let’s take a look. Edible freshwater fish would be a useful discovery.”

The two women walked to the water’s edge. It was flowing quickly, with plenty of surf on the top and difficult to see into. Pri dropped to all fours and Sephonie joined her.

“It’s a bit rough. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to see anything. Maybe later in the year when there’s not so much rain?” Sephonie said.

Pri furrowed her brow and focused on the water. “I…I dunno. I thought I saw something moving down there.”

She bent down further, deliberately putting her rear in the air and drawing the attention of Duas who now found himself considerably more interested in what was going on by the river than he had originally been.

Sephonie bent down further, her long brown hair almost touching the water’s surface. “I don’t see anything…”

There was a loud creak and then a huge crack, like the sound of mighty trees being snapped in two. Sephonie quickly pulled herself back up and turned to locate the noise. Emerging from the forest was an enormous black figure moving at an ungodly speed.

“By the goddess…” she muttered to herself.

She turned to run but thrown to the grass and pinned down.

“Pri! What are doing!?” She screamed as she wrestled with the woman.

Pri said nothing in response. She just kept her knee on top of the prone woman’s stomach and leaned her full weight onto her arms to hold her in position.

It felt like they had been fighting for minutes but it took under ten seconds for Myrell to get up and spring across the forest and pin the Humans beneath her hands. Pri let go of her quarry as she was enclosed in the grip of the black glove.

“Very good work Pri!” Myrell said. “I got the fat one but she would have gotten away if it weren’t for you.”

“Thank you.” Pri smiled, though still shaking with adrenaline from the fight as Myrell set her down. She could hear the squirming and protests of the two Humans.

“Go through their bags. Find any pads or electronics, snap them in two and throw them in the river.” Myrell ordered.

“I will.” Pri said and set about her task.

Myrell transferred her captives to the same hand and held them tightly. She could feel them wriggling and fighting to get free. She gave them a squeeze which told them who was boss and they seemed to take the hint. She removed her pack and took a pad from it.

She opened her hand and the two Humans scurried backwards.

“It’s quite the drop. I’d stay still if I were you.” Myrell said and held the pad up to them.

“Who are you!? Why are you doing this!?” Sephonie barked.

Myrell ignored her and focused instead on the pad’s output. She smiled, pleased with what she saw.

“No tracking devices! Excellent!” She stuffed the pad and the Humans into her pack. She dropped in a small capsule which started to hiss and her two captives passed out. Double checking they were out by poking them, Myrell smiled and zipped it the bag and pulled it over her shoulder.

“Finished Pri?”

“I only found two. I did what you said.” She replied.

“Excellent!” Myrell said.

She picked up the two packs belonging to the Humans and tossed them into the forest where she had been lying. Satisfied all evidence of the wandering Humans was disposed of she bent over the river and washed the mud from her face. Happy she was mostly clean she set her hand down flat for Pri and motioned for her to step on.

“You have been a very good pet, Pri. You’ll be rewarded for this.” Myrell said, actually meaning it too. “But there’s a bit more to do. Will you help me get the information I need?”

“I will. Whatever you need me to do.”

Myrell planted a kiss on Pri’s head and started to walk back to the city. “Your hair Pri? How would you like it to be pink?”


  1. Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

    Loona didn’t look convinced.

    “This is a Tol Bot game. You can see all her pieces. She can’t see half of yours. You’re acting like you’re the one on the defensive here.” Darren said.

    “I am!” Loona cut over him, her voice strained. “You saw that video! I am on the defensive!”

    “With Earth, sure. But with Ridgemont? She isn’t Earth. She’s one person with a paper army. Go in there, stomp all over it and then at the end offer her a way out.”


    There’s an expression round’ these parts, goes like this: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” applies to American football , business, negotiating, romance (maybe) etcetera

  2. Locutus of Boar says:

    Myrell planted a kiss on Pri’s head and started to walk back to the city. “Your hair Pri? How would you like it to be pink?”

    I know how Myrell is going to get into the reactor room.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    “Bad people never seem bad Pri. That’s how they get good people to trust them.” Myrell said totally missing the irony.

    Interesting. I’d understand if Pri missed the irony, but Myrell too? Myrell’s concept of good and bad people must be totally different from the one most titans and humans have.

    “This is a Tol Bot game.”

    I hope Darren didn’t forget that unlike Tol-Bot, real life tends to have more than two sides.

    • Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

      Myrell is not a Titan she’s a bug/titan hybrid thingy and completely nutz too..Suffice to say her values are not Titan values (or maybe they are to a degree hmmmm)

  4. Barrowman says:

    We are all waiting before the multiple massive conflicts begin. You get a feeling that everybody is going to be backstabbed by somebody. Many regrets for underestimating the situation.
    It’s difficult to see where each of the characters stand in all of this.
    I’m interested to see how those talks with Ridgemont will go.
    I’m interested to see what Earth and Avalon have been doing since first contact. There greatest advantage for Avalon and Earth is that the Empire doesn’t care what they build.

  5. Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

    Its a combo game of poker and chess, yet neither side can see all the moves and options. Both Niall and Darren have dual loyalties and that has never ended well for the involved parties, historically speaking…hmmm well it guess it depends on how much stronger the party feels for one side vs the other..


    Myrell is overconfident and that will ultimately be her undoing. From what was revealed in the chapter it appears that she is a serial killer and all serial killers make a fatal mistake (not speaking from personal experience).. However in the process she will wreak a tremendous amount of havoc and destruction. Unfortunately I see Sorcha taking the blame/fall for what will transpire.

    And now…

    for something not completely different since we are on the topic….

    • Kusanagi says:

      ” From what was revealed in the chapter it appears that she is a serial killer and all serial killers make a fatal mistake (not speaking from personal experience)”

      Said the Prisoner without a name.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      She would probably be seen as a serial killer from the Titan’s point if view, if they know about her. However, her species is the insects, and her role is a hunter. Other species are her prey. From her point of view, it’s just all part of the job fending for her family. I’m not exactly sure what the familial structure is among the insects, but it does seem she at least has a family more specific than the hive as a whole. Perhaps that’s a characteristic of her being a hybrid. In any case, while she might falter for sake of the plot, I wouldn’t necessarily expect someone in her position to make some sort of fatal mistake as you say.

      • Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

        Overconfidence and arrogance is usually fatal in terms of strategic planning and goal setting/achieving. She already has made a couple of bad mistakes up to this point. She doesn’t know about the secret base on that planet or the fact that her true identity will be discovered, eventually. ..Nor has she factored in the intensity of Sorcha’s rage and fury once she finds out… Mr T would say;

  6. Kusanagi says:

    Darren’s position is the most interesting, I can’t tell if he’s sincerely helping Loona, helping Ridgemont, or playing his own game. He knows for a fact that Loona can’t see all the pieces, he even lays out how the empire is already screwing Avalon over, then he goads her with Tolbot references which he knows she’s a sucker for.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Darren’s position is the most interesting, I can’t tell if he’s sincerely helping Loona, helping Ridgemont, or playing his own game. He knows for a fact that Loona can’t see all the pieces, he even lays out how the empire is already screwing Avalon over, then he goads her with Tolbot references which he knows she’s a sucker for.

      In the short term this is all about controlling Ridgemont and not letting her get full control of the Acolytes and throw them away or start shooting at the wrong people while making sure Qorni doesn’t do anything more to add to the madness in her end of things. The funny thing is they’re all on the same team but none of them know for sure how much each of the others knows or exactly how much they can trust each other. In that sense Darren is probably underestimating Loona. It was a very good move to bring Nonah along. She may well do more to bridge the communications gap with Earth then Darren or Niall will accomplish. Loona’s absence from Tuant seems to invite Qorni to scheme some new disaster but I bet Lady Tarsuss will show up to manage the situation in the capital.

      In the longer term it’s all about being sure Earth and Avalon survive and the Empire does too, at least as a democratic political entity that can beat back all the wolves at the door but not the same social entity it’s been for the past 12,000 or so Earth years. That’s the Tol Bot scenario they are all playing.

      But before they can win the big game they are going to have to deal with what Myrell is about to start on Tau Ceti E.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Loona can’t see all the pieces

      That’s assuming that the Acolytes remain a secret, which is likely but not absolutely certain.

        • faeriehunter says:

          Actually I meant ‘right now’ as well, but I see now that I worded it too ambiguously.

          What I meant to say was that the possibility exists that Darren leaked information about the Acolytes to Loona (not inconceivable if Darren thinks the Acolytes are making Ridgemont overconfident), or that the Empire’s intelligence apparatus managed to track down the cause of the monetary black holes Eyrn mentioned in chapter ten.

          That having been said, I do think it’s more likely than not that Loona is still unaware of the Acolytes’ existence at this point in time.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            That having been said, I do think it’s more likely than not that Loona is still unaware of the Acolytes’ existence at this point in time.

            Loona has to remain officially unaware of the Acolytes existence and Darren knows she can’t be officially told Earth and an Province of the Empire are using the knowledge product of one of the Empire’s leading scientist to develop a weapon system being designed specifically to defeat Imperial defenses. As for what she needs to know all she has to do as ask that question of Avalon’s resident ex-goddess and she’ll be told enough of what goes on in Atlantis and Tau Ceti and Eyrn and Robyn Martin likely keep her similarly informed of what she needs to know of Earth and the Emperor is back-stopping the whole gang with his own intelligence network that’s close to what Pryvani knows.

            She may not know the details of the Acolytes but she knows what they are intended to do and probably how close to operational they really are right at the moment. She can also suspect Darren has a surprise or two up his sleeve. Unlike wannabe Qorni, Loona is the real deal of a galactic leader and she’s had more than an Earth century & a half to know what all her players bring to the table. What Loona really has to worry about are the unknowable wild cards like Myrell. Even there she knows the colony is a target and potential hostage situation and excuse for Bug intervention so she has some level of contingency plan for the unexpected.

          • Rapscallion says:

            Locutus, there has been 0 evidence that she knows. In fact, there is 0 evidence anyone knows outside of the pilots flying the ships, some high ranking scientists on Avalon and Earth, and top leaders of those 2. Niall hasn’t even told Naskia or Sorcha. Ted is an admiral in the JTSA and didn’t know until he arrived at the base. Eyrn told Loona she didn’t know where the black holes of money were going, and that seemed sincere. Finally, we’ve no idea if Pryvani knows, but they appear to be keeping her out of the loop. Yes she has spies, mainly in the empire not on Avalon as that would be a huge betrayal, and if she does very few on Avalon have any idea about the ships. Darren even said I think they were keeping it secret from her. Loona represents the government and Darren is not keen on that government learning about those ships.

            Basically I’m saying you’re wrong.

  7. Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

    Wait, so 2 of the main people in the Acolyte project are arguing Loona take a stronger stand because Ridgemont knows she can’t defend Earth without Titan aid. Its a strong card Ridgemont has up her sleeve so I’m surprised they want to push her to use it.

    • Soatari says:

      The Acolyte project is not enough to defend Earth. Not by a long shot. It can help defend it from maybe a couple of ships, but if a hive or a fleet shows up, Earth is screwed. Ridgemont needs to be made well aware of this. If Acolyte is what she’s leaning on, she’s being way overconfident. If Earth had about ten or more years to develop and mass produce things beyond just the fighters, then yeah I’d say Earth would be fine, but they don’t have nearly enough to defend themselves now.

      • NightEye says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if Ridgemont had Acolytes built on Earth too, without Avalon’s knowledge. Remember, Earth only “needs” Avalon because they provide the power source for the Acolytes, everything else is Earth made.
        What’s to say someone on Earth hasn’t already figured out a couple years ago what Chandrasekhar just figured out ? There could be a small fleet of Acolytes waiting on Earth.

        But if that’s not the case, Darren could be making a play here : after all, the Acolytes are under his direct control : if he wants to screw Ridgemont out of these ships, he could.

        • faeriehunter says:

          Additional Acolytes would be well and good, but there would have to be a lot of them before they could equal a whole Empire or insectoid fleet. Earth is just one planet with a few small colonies; it doesn’t have the resources to outproduce galactic superpowers like that even if Earth didn’t have to keep it all below the Empire’s radar. And remember that Acolytes are not without their weaknesses; against a shielded ship they have to get dangerously close to do any real damage, and the Acolytes’ small size combined with their lack of shields, as well as armor that must be hopelessly primitive by Empire/insectoid standards, means that even a single hit will destroy one.

          Not to mention that the Empire has assets beyond just ships, such as the Tau Ceti Eb monitoring array. Does Earth have anything to detect ships with, say, a quantum cloak? Can’t hit what you can’t see. Not in the vastness of space anyway.

          • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

            Always could overload the reactor and detonate one next to a hive mothership. The reactor has the ability to crack a full sized planet apart according to Niall. Probably is a suicide mission though….*looks at Ted*

          • Rapscallion says:

            There’s also the fact that Darren literally says Loona can see all of Ridgemont’s pieces. But he knows Loona can’t because she doesn’t know about the Acolytes.

  8. sketch says:

    Loona is Hilary? Coming from Darren I’m not quite sure how that should be taken. I am a bit concerned, given his background knowledge, that Darren is selling out Ridgemont. From a pragmatic sense, Earth is moving towards being able to defend themselves, but they aren’t there yet. So it makes sense to want to keep cozy with the Empire for now.

    On the other hand, the empire is relying more and more on fear to control Earth, and to paraphrase Superman Red Son, to keep them in a protective glass case. I had the same unease when Eyrn tried to intimidate the reporter in Debate. This is going to ultimately backfire because in addition to the criticisms given here, and for all their good intentions, the empire sucks at protecting humans. We’ve seen this on Avalon, with emancipation, and we will see this failure again with the coming war. I’m certain of it.

  9. smoki1020 says:

    OHH, you write well psychopaths! I feel for Pri… jail or death is her future.

    Since when our lovely humans trio Darren, Niall Nonah got Donald Trump fever lol. You sell Qorni guys !

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