Chapter Thirty-Five: The Considerate Judgment of Mankind Titan: Contact by D.X. Machina

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

–Dr. Marie Skłodowska-Curie

As the mutters in the crowd turned to shouts, Xú Mùlán looked back toward her friend. She could feel the crowd turning on Eyrn, or at the very least, turning to that part of the mind that suggested thirty-plus-meter-tall creatures were to be avoided. So she did what any friend would do. She stepped back up to the podium.

“My fellow citizens of Earth,” she said, calmly, with just a hint of command, “My friend, Ambassador Bass, will have a few more words to say in a moment, appearing as she truly is. And I will not deny that her size is intimidating. But having spent two and a half weeks getting to know her, and several of the others who will join us shortly, I can tell you that her size is not what defines her. Indeed, would you want our size to define us? For Titans to ignore or fear or dismiss Earth because of our size?”

That brought the crowd up short. Xú did not mention that this was already an issue; now was not the time.

“My fellow humans, let us treat our guests as we would want to be,” Xú said, looking over her shoulder; Eyrn had closed fast, she thought with a chuckle. “It is once again my honor to introduce my friend, Eyrn Bass.”

She looked over at the leaders, pointedly; she was gratified to see her premier stand up, joined quickly by the American and African leaders. The Secretary-General joined them, and soon, the fear was pushed away by applause. Xú exhaled, and gave Eyrn a thumbs-up; the Ambassador replied with watery smile.

“I suppose I won’t need a microphone,” said Eyrn, not even attempting to project her voice. A few laughs came from those who had managed not to panic – including, she saw, the entire crew of the Lem. “I know,” Eyrn said, “that this is probably a bit frightening. I know that because when I was picked up by my people, one of the first things I asked was why everyone was so big.”

35That brought a nervous chuckle, one that became a bit less nervous as Eyrn rolled her eyes at her own foolishness. “I am the same person who addressed you before, just as you are the people who appeared to me in every way to be Titans when I was using that projector. Our size is not us, any more than hair color is, or what city we were born in. We are all sentient creatures. Each of you is as valuable as any Titan, or Dunnermac, or Avartle, or Ler.

“You can probably see why I wasn’t allowed off base. My wandering into town would have scared people. And though I sometimes resented it, and always regretted it, I always understood it. I did not want to scare people. And while I would have done everything I could not to be scary…well, simply being around someone bigger than you can be frightening. I know there is part of you that is scared,” she said, quietly, gently. “That is not offensive, nor is it wrong. It is normal and natural. I hope, in the time ahead with you, to prove to you that you do not need to fear me, and that you do not need to fear us.

“I would like to ask my friends from the Empire to join us,” Eyrn said, calmly. “They are all as tall as I am – well, honestly, most of them are taller. Believe it or not, I’m kind of short,” she said, and the laughs were a bit more fulsome. “I promise,” she said to the crowd with a wink, “they will behave themselves, or they will answer to me.”

Her calm demeanor, leavened with humor, had taken the edge off of blind panic. Now, another primal human instinct had room to work its way into effect, and the curious crowd turned to the sound of a slow, steady rumble, as military officers, Senators, and guards stepped off the Porfirayon.

They were all enormous, and all the Titans were even bigger than Eyrn, but this time the crowd didn’t panic – though there were still some nervous murmurs. Everyone noted the tall, bipedal amphibian, of course, and the giant six-legged lemur, and…and…well, it probably wasn’t really Godzilla, but damned if the giant reptile didn’t look like him. They were walking beside the one man and seven women who looked human…but magnified tremendously. Eyes were drawn in turn to the woman with spectacularly dyed hair, and a dress that bespoke fashion even here on Earth, and to the very tall, serious woman walking beside her, a cascade of braids visible even from here.

Ted waved to Tig as she began to approach, and then realized that was an idiotic thing to do, even before Hala grumbled, “Really?” Still, though it had been less than twenty minutes, he was glad to see her. He was always glad to see her.

They were moving a little laboriously, still adjusting to the imperfect gravitic assist devices all but Eyrn sported. Still, they reached the stage very quickly, and for the most part, tried to project an air of kindly calm, save for one tall, pale, dark-haired young woman who wore a bemused smile.

“These, ladies and gentlemen, are friends,” Eyrn said. “Some of them very good friends. For instance, the man who is trying to look important, standing there in the middle, is the Navarchos in charge of Gama fleet, which covers this territory; he’s also my husband, Aertimus Bass. He’s joined by his adjutant, Lemm Tam; Lauryna Gwenn, the captain of the Starship Gyfjon; Centurium Roshem Starati, the Commander Air Group of Titan Station; and Decurion Davora Jons and Decanus Tigoni Belfsec, who were part of our flight crew. I am honored to be joined by a member of the Imperial Senate, Senator Pryvani Tarsuss. The extremely tall woman standing by Sen. Tarsuss is Imperator Rixie Tam. And as you probably noticed, there are three people here who are not Titans; they represent the Empire’s other member species. The furry woman is Crewmate Plant-Scientist, a botanist and the senior Avartle officer serving on the Gyfjon. Crewmate Grrgmn, the reptilian gentleman to her right, is a Ler, and the Gyfjon’s deputy chief engineer in charge of environmental controls. Last, and certainly not least, is the chief medical officer of the Gyfjon, Dr. Geoff Geen, a Dunnermac. Dr. Geen was the doctor who first saw me when I was picked up, and I am grateful for his kindness and his forgiveness.”

She smiled, and the crowd chuckled; Eyrn was using self-deprecating humor to good effect, and the Titans, far from rampaging through the desert, were smiling at the crowd respectfully. The primal fear of them was ebbing, at least for the moment.

Eyrn paused, just enough to prime the crowd.

“The final person I wanted to introduce is someone I held for last for a reason. She is my niece, and my husband’s niece, Sorcha. Now, Sorcha is the daughter of Aerti’s sister Naskia, but she bears the last name of her father, a man I believe you may have heard of.

“Sorcha’s father is Niall Freeman.”

That brought a gasp from the crowd, and a murmur of disbelief, which was exactly what Eyrn expected.

“Now, I know what you’re probably thinking – it’s surprising that Sorcha’s human father, my brother-in-law, met and married an Archavian woman. Surprising that he took on the challenge of raising a child of the same stature. It was difficult, but one thing is certain, one thing is obvious. While she is truly his daughter, Sorcha cannot be Niall’s biological daughter,” Eryn said. “We’re different species. That must be impossible.”

Eyrn paused again, and smiled. “Sorcha, are you Niall’s biological daughter?”

Sorcha considered her usual snappy complaint about the state of her birth certificate, but demurred; instead, she straightened, and said, “I am, Aunt Eyrn. And proud of it.”

“And you should be,” said Eyrn, as the crowd murmured. “Sorcha is the biological daughter of a human and an Archavian. She was the first. She has not been the last. And there will be many more. I wanted to introduce you to her because I wanted you meet her, yes. But more than that, I wanted you to know what I know – that our two species are linked by friendship, and love, and yes, by blood. In short – we are family. And whatever misunderstandings lie ahead, like any good family, we must never forget that. Whatever fears we must overcome, whatever awkward moments we must endure, what holds us together is greater than anything that could split us apart. I thank you all for your hospitality. Long live the Emperor, and may fate shine upon Earth.”

And the crowd erupted in cheers.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, the Titans and Dr. Geen had moved back to one of the hangars the Americans had built, as had the humans who’d come down on the Porfirayon, save for Ted Martínez. The Gyfjon’s main cargo shuttle had landed next to the Porfirayon, and a few crewmates were busy moving some holoboxes into the hangar. More permanent holosuites would be constructed once the embassy complex began construction, but for now, these would do the job. Eyrn had been insistent that they be brought in; very few Earth cities would stand up to an in-person visit from a Titan. This would allow her and the staff she was told she’d eventually get to conduct business in person, and better, at human scale. She had no intention of using her size as leverage. This would work better if the humans saw her as an equal – and if she made sure that was how she saw them.

For the most part, the crew of the Lem was meeting with family members, who had been flown in to greet them. Hala was telling her horrified mother about her successful spacewalk to save the Sally Ride, while Tatenda and Viktor chimed in with their equally-horrified families looking on. Ted did as well, between explaining Hustain to Miguel and telling his parents that no, the giants really weren’t terrifying at all, and in fact, he’d made some very good friends. He decided not to mention Tig by name, nor exactly how good a friend she was. Not because he was embarrassed. Just because he could see his mother was still a bit green from Eyrn’s speech.

Xú had greeted her mother and cousin, and sworn she’d see visit her niece soon. But she’d peeled away after a moment, as the person who asked her for some time was not one she could refuse.

“We are quite proud of you, Shao Xiang. Very proud.”

“Thank you, Premier. Though I believe you’ve accidentally given me a promotion. Indeed, two of them.”

“Nothing accidental about it. Oh, the official notification will be sent to you soon, updated rank insignia and such. As well as the Hero’s Medal, which I hope to be able to present to you personally should you have any time to visit Beijing.”

“I…I do not know what to say.”

“I am surprised, Shao Xiang. You have not given any indication of having to struggle for words.”

Xú smiled, as she saw the twinkle in the Premier’s eye.

“Premier, there is something I need to tell you,” she said, looking around carefully.


“Ambassador Bass has told me she will in good time. I am telling you now for a reason.”

“And what reason is that?” Lǐ said, evenly.

“Because I do not want the shock of it to prevent Earth from listening to her.”

Lǐ nodded, slightly. “We had wondered. Are humans held as slaves?”

“Pets,” Xú said, with a sigh.

Lǐ laughed lightly, and gave the newly-minted Admiral a rueful smile. “Pets. Really?”

“Yes, Premier.”

“Well. I suppose there are worse injustices that our species could endure.”

“They are actively attempting to change this,” Xú said; she wanted to make sure her leader understood this. “It will take time. But Sen. Tarsuss, who you will meet, is leading the group in their government that is tasked with moving things forward, with finding a way to move humans from pets to full citizens.”

Lǐ nodded. “And they’ve guaranteed this will happen?”

“No, Premier,” Xú said. “They have let me know it is still in doubt, though both the senator and Ambassador Bass are optimistic.”

Lǐ smiled at that. “Interesting,” he said. “Strangely…that makes me more hopeful that I would have been had they been claiming it was certain. What do you think?”

“Premier, I have met a number of Titans who are strongly committed to human emancipation. There was a pro-human speech given by the winner of one of their sporting competitions – the equivalent of the World Cup – in which she said she would retire until humans were equal. It was greeted not with derision, but support. There are humans and Titans who are friends, and there are humans and Titans who are lovers. It is not the norm. But there were two married Titan couples here today, and another that has raised a child together. Indeed…one of the officers on the station is now dating a member of my crew. You have seen my report?”

“Yes, Shao Xiang.”

“It was not exaggerated. They were willing to die for my crew, Premier. I believe they have earned some patience.”

“And if they fail to act?” Lǐ asked.

“I said patience, Premier. Not resignation.”

Lǐ smiled. “I am but one leader. But there are others I can speak with, privately. I assume you believe this is a matter better handled at the governmental level, rather than in public?”

“Most certainly, Premier.”

“I agree. If I did not suspect you would want to remain with the JTSA, I would ask you if you were interested in becoming an Ambassador to the Empire. Of course, there is time for that; in the meantime, I have indicated that China will be very disappointed if the Lem launches again without you on it – assuming you wish to be.”

Xú smiled. “Premier, you are too kind.”

“Not at all. You have earned it. You have made our country very proud. And your species proud, as well. Ah, here we are,” he said, gesturing to the third hangar, where the Titans had taken up residence.

Xú stifled a laugh as she saw Premier Lǐ slow, just a bit; indeed, she realized the odd one was her, willing to march boldly into a room full of enormous people without the slightest concern. There were a few other leaders who had made it back here; the Secretary-General was talking with Pryvani, who was charming him easily. Admiral Harwell was talking with Aerti Bass, and occasionally looking at Sorcha Freeman as if to remind himself that she existed. Eyrn, Darren, Alex, and Izzy were talking with a tall woman – well, tall for a human – who Xú recognized as President Martin, and that was where Lǐ headed.

“…now, I’ll give you the complete lowdown later, but that’s the takeaway, Madam President,” Darren said. “There are some serious threats out there. Fortunately, the Titans see it the same way.”

“This is good to know, Mr. Secretary. I look forward to discussing this more. Well…perhaps I don’t look forward to it. But it will be good to have the information,” Robyn Martin said.

“Madam President,” Lǐ said, in English. “I see you’ve wasted no time gaining an audience with the ambassador. And the Avalonian minister of defense.”

“There are times to gladhand, and times to make a beeline for the giants before your security detail can dissuade you. Ambassador? Mr. Secretary? Lǐ Wáng, the Premier of China.”

“An honor,” Lǐ said. “I will warn you, there will be a flood of us trying to take your time, ambassador.”

“I know,” Eyrn said. “Premier Lǐ, I got a good night’s rest. I’m happy to talk to anyone.”

Xú nodded to Lǐ. “Premier, do you require me for anything else?”

“Not at the moment, Shao Xiang. Thank you,” he said, with a slight bow. Xú came to full attention, and saluted, and he returned it with a tap on the forehead and a grin.

Xú started to head back out, when she almost ran into Ted Martínez, who was a bit winded after a sprint. “Just wanted to get here – before the Porfirayon went back up,” he said.

Tig smiled at him from across the hangar, and he jogged over to her. She knelt, and picked him up carefully, with a sad smile on her face. “I suppose this is goodbye for a bit, isn’t it,” she said.

“Yeah. Well, you’ll be doing loops for a few days, so any time I’m here I’ll see you. But I don’t know when the next time we’ll get to tour will be.”

Tig brought him up to her lips and gave him a very soft kiss, one that was as much a promise as anything else. “I’m going to stay stationed on Titan for the foreseeable future, Colonel. Try to get posted there.”

“I’m going to work on it,” Ted said. “I’d kind of like to be posted there indefinitely.”

Tig kissed him one more time, for luck. “Decanus?” Starati said. “We’re heading back.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she said. “If nothing else…you call me. Regularly. It’s not being together, but…well…we can find some things to talk about, I bet.”

Ted lit up at that. “Decanus, I can’t wait,” he said. She gave him one more kiss, and set him gently on the ground, before rising, and following her commanding officer.

Shang Xiao, anything I can do for you?” Ted asked, as he watched Tigoni leave.

“Yes, Ted. If nothing else, you can join my crew when we return to Saturn – the trip shouldn’t take two years this time.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ted replied. “Thank you.”

* * *

As the sun began to set over the Nevada desert, the world leaders departed; there would be many more meetings, but it didn’t seem reasonable to stuff them all into the first day. It was time to give their guests a chance to start putting things together here, some space to refamiliarize themselves with their once and future residence.

“There’s so much sand. I’ve never seen so much sand. Is that all there is here – sand?” Lysis asked as she balanced off Darren’s shoulder, dumping a load of sand from her boots.

Avalon had no deserts, only rich fertile soil, and occasionally very occasionally grainy soup-like mud. As a relatively newly-terraformed world, it did not have as much soil diversity as Earth. And to Lysis, Archavian sand was like walking through a gravel pit. This was a new experience.

“It looked a great deal more blue from above you know.” Her attitude was uplifting and cheerful still, although just a teeny bit bothered. “At least it’s not as hot as Darren claimed.”

“Come back when it isn’t January. And don’t worry, Area 51 is about as sandy as it gets,” Izzy said, as she exited the large bunker; she was wearing a short-sleeved camouflage shirt with brown khaki pants, and a standard-issue hat of the same desert camo fashion. “Can’t believe they kept those in there! Hot damn, I still fit!” For her age, Izzy still looked remarkably fit. Her skin, while showing signs of wear and tear, was hardly as wrinkled and saggy as it likely should have been. Her hair had lost all bit the smallest hint of its color, but maintained the same bouncy curls it always had sported, and she still walked with a matching spring in her step.

“Wait up! You’re walking too fast!” a voice followed after, as Captain Gwenn hurried out of the bunker. In her projected state she was a fair bit shorter than Izzy. “This stuff is hard to walk in!” Lauryna groaned as she forced her way through the sandy path.

“I know, right?” Lysis called.

“Try to keep up, shorty!” Izzy grinned as she nearly skipped over to Darren and Lysis.

“I do remember far less sand. What happened to the…you know….pavement?” Izzy asked narrowing her eyes.

“140 years of neglect, I reckon.” Darren’s accent had faded over the years, but there was something about the smell, the feel, and the taste of his native soil that brought it out, thick and strong as it ever had been.  Lysis and the others had not seen him so full of life in years. It was as if a fire had been lit under him. He was smiling a fair bit more than usual. He was almost, pleasant to be around. Almost.

“Where are the others?” Captain Gwenn asked. Her hologram was dressed in her red duty uniform, and her hair was tied back into a neat bun.

“Titans are the same place you are – holoboxes in the hangar,” Darren said with a grin. “Alex took Trix to the strip, Beanpole and Bright Eyes are back up on the Gyfjon, Pryvani and Zhan are getting a tour of Europe courtesy President Xylander, and the good Dr. Geen’s swimmin’ around somewhere I imagine.” Darren took a long drag from his cigar and exhaled.

“Lots of new ocean for him to explore…I hope he doesn’t get lost,” Captain Gwenn laughed as she leaned on Izzy’s shoulder.

“Apparently there’s a few underwater habitations he wanted to check out…heh…cities under ocean…never thought I’d live to see the day, Iz,” Darren chuckled.

“Really…that is what shocks you? That is the surprise that makes you go ‘heh’?” Izzy grinned as she bumped into Darren purposefully.

Eyrn stepped out of the hangar last, directly behind Aertimus; they were both, like Captain Gwenn, in their holographic forms. Aerti and Eyrn walked much slower as they approached the group.

“I can’t believe you lived there for 25 years. It seems so…small.” Aerti held his wife’s hand as they walked.

“It doesn’t look nearly so small from this angle, Aerti,” Eyrn sighed wistfully. “And it felt like a lot longer than 25 years…it felt like so much longer.”

“It must have been difficult….” Aerti pulled Eyrn close as they walked.

“The hardest part, I think was just how fast everyone seemed to move around me. They came, they went…they lived their lives and they died…and I just seemed to crawl by. I wasn’t aware of why at the time…but I always knew I was different. A day just felt so short…everything felt rushed. But I mean, it was hard to lose so many people, every time I grew close to someone I blinked my eyes and they were gone,” Eyrn didn’t sound upset or bothered, but she wasn’t smiling either.

Aerti didn’t speak, he simply listened, and gave Eyrn’s shoulders a gentle squeeze once she was finished. She smiled up to him and leaned in as they walked. “It wasn’t so bad here hon, really. This was home…as strange as it may have been, it was home.”

Aerti smiled. “Looks like it. And the mask was adorable, by the way.”

Eyrn shook her head. Her husband was teasing her; she appreciated it. She needed a laugh.

“You’re not going to let me live that down, are you?”

“Nope. But why did it have a tef on it?”

“Not a tef. An M. In the English alphabet, what looks like a tef sounds like a mu.”

“Ah, sure. Teddy bear, I don’t know if the mask would have hidden your identity much.”

“Doubt it. But dare to dream.”

Aerti sighed. “All this…it just seems so out of place now. It doesn’t make sense, you being here – and not just because we’re looking at it from human scale. I have a hard time picturing you wandering about this place, getting in everyone’s way…getting on Darren’s nerves…bugging the soldiers…you know?” Aerti chuckled.

“I kept busy.” Eyrn responded coyly.

“Doing just that…gett’n on my nerves….” Darren added once they were in range.

“And bugging the soldiers!” Izzy grumbled.

“You all loved me!” Eyrn stuck her tongue out as the two of them stopped to join the group.

“I want to go check out the facilities…you know…before you all tear it down to make room for whatever you’re building!” Izzy said, making her way back towards the base’s main facilities.

“Guns and ships…is that all you ever think about, Iz?” Lauryna laughed as she gave chase.

“Naw, you’re on the list, Red. Somewhere,” Izzy teased.

“So this is where they’re going to build the embassy?” Lysis asked, looking towards Aertimus.

“Looks like it. This whole area is a restricted zone – has been since my wife lived here – so they figured it was as good a place as any.” Aerti looked around the barren expanse, pensive.

“Kind of desolate and…you know…blah, isn’t it?” Lysis tried not to look too disgruntled, but her face was telling.

“Well, they weren’t going to give us their best property, and really, this is easy to fix. A few grav inhibitors, and acclimatization is simple enough. The area is plenty big enough for an embassy, without interfering too much with existing infrastructure. “

Lysis and Aertimus continued to discuss logistics as they followed after Lauryna and Izzy, leaving Darren and Eyrn pulling up the rear, in no hurry to catch up to the rest.

“Hard to believe we’re back, huh? I mean here…of all places,” Eyrn said.

“You’re telling me.” Darren sighed.

“Doesn’t seem real…any of this I mean. It’s like a dream. I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up…and  I get sad because so much good has happened. So much bad has too…but the good outweighs it. I don’t want it to be a dream…you know?” Eyrn fumbled over her words. She had none of the eloquence she’d showed just seven hours before.

“It better damn well be real…after all we’ve been through…if this is just sum dream’a yer’s Immna be downright pissed,” Darren grinned.

Eyrn giggled.

“Never thought when I took that ‘temporary’ position here as caretaker that all this’d follow. Funny…almost turned that post down,” Darren chuckled.

“I’m glad you didn’t.” Eyrn smiled. “You were a lousy caretaker you know.” She grinned.

“Hey! I think I did….”

“You were always more of a brother. A loud, cranky big brother.” Eyrn cut him off, hugging his side tightly.

Darren fumbled for words, but just sighed and rubbed the back of her head and hugged her back. “Heh, big brother….” was all he could think to say.

“You didn’t have to stay with me. You could have come back when Aerti gave you the choice, and you chose to stay. Darren…everyone before you save my parents would have left me. You’ve no idea how frightened I was. You didn’t have to give everything up for me. You really didn’t,” Eyrn whispered.

“Heh,” Darren sighed. “There was never a choice kid, it was always the only option. You were one of us. And you leave no man behind.”

“Darren?” Eyrn said, after a few moments.


“Will you do me a favor?” Eyrn asked sweetly.

“Don’t I always?”

“Take me to the strip. Take me to Vegas….I always wanted to leave this place…you know…without sneaking out. Can we go? Will you take me?” She looked up, her eyes wide, eager like a child.

Darren gave his head a shake and mussed Eyrn’s hair. “Hell why not! It’s been long enough! I think you deserve a bit of a sabbatical!”

There was silence between them as they walked.

“Gonna go like this, or….” Darren began.

“I think so. Oh jeez, can you imagine the shock and awe if I went big?” She laughed.

“Now that’d be an adventure!” Darren said, laughing.


  1. Locutus of Boar says:

    They were moving a little laboriously, still adjusting to the imperfect gravitic assist devices all but Eyrn sported.

    I was curious as to whether or not Sorcha would require the gravity compensators. If they were optional in her case I would have suspected she would have made a point of not wearing them.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Back at chapter sixteen OpenHighHat mentioned the following in a comment:
      “Sorcha’s strength comes from a slightly higher bone density and musculature that’s more similar to human. She’s suited for 0.45g rather than 0.3g.”

    • TheSilentOne says:

      She still has the technology basically grafted into her spine. She also spent 20T+ years adjusting to Earth’s gravity. Generally, the bracelets she wears compensate for this, but I suspect if she had those with her at all on Earth, they would be deactivated.

  2. Kusanagi says:

    Lost in all the debate

    and…and…well, it probably wasn’t really Godzilla, but damned if the giant reptile didn’t look like him.

    This made me laugh hard, though I can kind of see them digging it.

    “Fear the rubber Ler insectoid like flying creature!”

    • Dann says:

      Ha! I’m glad you caught that! I can’t tell you how many times I myself sneak in something like this and hope people notice, only to have nobody ever mention it. I’m sure this made D.X smile!

  3. Nitestarr says:

    For now:

    “Lǐ laughed lightly, and gave the newly-minted Admiral a rueful smile. “Pets. Really?”

    “Yes, Premier.”

    “Well. I suppose there are worse injustices that our species could endure.”


    How about commodities, things, objects thats ok with the Premier? Forgot to mention those overseers tasting parties 🙂 Yum

    Newly minted admiral? For what? Not calling Solis a doody head while waiting to get slaughtered? ….Oh didn’t detonate that bomb that was partially constructed…uhhhh sure

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Or for not pulling the trigger when she had the chance to do so. Heck, though ought to be a requirement for flag rank in any military. 😉

        • Nitestarr says:

          I could see that point, wouldn’t help the situation and cause big problems down the road..For admiral I think you have to do something militarily to earn that… are think of a diplomatic admiral – didn’t know those existed

    • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

      It’s the least believable reaction yet in a continuing line of unbelievable reactions that are bothering me so much. That revelation, beyond indignation, should cause fear at the enormity of the struggle ahead, the litany of problems that that entails from legal rights, human control over their planet (just a planet full of property to the empire, which makes the establishment of an embassy and sharing titan station also incredibly unlikely at least this fast), trade, economic, repatriation, realizing your place as the alpha species is over, possible occupation, new enemies like insectoida, and these are his problems not pet humans on archavia and the response is rueful smile and it could be worse? What?

      • NightEye says:

        What to add to that ? You’ve said what had to be said on that front.

        So other things :

        1) Xù just told the Premier about Humans in the Empire ? Really ? So Earth leaders didn’t know before they made the welcome ceremony ? Which they attended ? What ?
        They just knew “something” was up without any more detail ? Seriously ?
        So they’re in the dark about Titans, all they know is First Contact was a near catastrophe, that there are Humans in the Empire but they’re not citizens. And despite all that, they choose to make a public welcoming ceremony ? Broadcasted worldwide ?
        W.T.F ?

        2) Eyrn’s body is gonna stay in the holosuite in Area 51, yet, somehow, her human-sized avatar is gonna go to the Strip ?
        Area 51 is over 100 miles away from Las Vegas !
        What is this new holo tech ? How come we’ve never heard of it if it’s so powerful ?
        Talk about a deus ex machina…

        • TheSilentOne says:

          It’s a portable hard light projector that can be worn on the thing it’s projecting. Really, this is NOT the first time we’ve seen hard light projectors, nor faster than light communication methods. 100 miles is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

          I will admit that a hard light projection in the first place is kind of unbelievable, but that’s totally irrelvant, and is already well established. As for being able to attach it to yourself…let’s just assume it has some sort of universal positioning system that can orient its projection irrespective of where it’s positioned/pointing. (To be fair, while I can’t think of any products offhand, it should be well within our current technology to provide image stabilization on a normal light projector)

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            If one can accept the idea that the Gyfjon is has tractor beam and deflector technology then its a short jump to the fine tuning necessary to apply the same tech to overlay a soft light holographic projection and simulate solid objects.

          • NightEye says:

            This is the first time (I think) that we wireless holo technology.

            Everywhere else, there are holoprojectors wired in : Niall’s house, the Tol-Bot Arena, Titan station, etc.
            Think of Myona and Shaar putting cables everywhere (in several different stories).

            Because if boundless wireless holo was always available, why the hell didn’t every (rich) human used it before ?
            They could have gone anywhere on Archavia looking Titan-sized.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          The Tarsuss compound is about 25 miles from Atlantis and that remote holo tech is 20T years old so the distance from Area 51 to Vegas probably isn’t as issue.

          • NightEye says:

            I’ve always assumed that wires ran from the compound to Atlantis (along the train line).
            Because I’m pretty sure Avalon is fitted with holoprojectors all around the city (like in Alex’s bar).

          • TheSilentOne says:

            Disclaimer: lots of speculation follows
            “Because if boundless wireless holo was always available, why the hell didn’t every (rich) human used it before ?”

            The technology may very well be too expensive for most Titans, let alone humans (who aside from a select few really don’t have any money at all). Pryvani seems to be a bigger sponser of this, as she is anywhere hard light tech seems to be involved. I would have to look at the timeline again (it’s very confusing) but I think the initial installation in Alex’s bar was way before the train line there. It’s possible Shaar was wiring things up internally, or to some local generator near the bar, but quite unlikely that it went to the mountain then. Speaking of power, I’m guessing for a portable/self worn device that would be the biggest issue, but I’m sure Titans have much more efficient devices than we do.

            Another issue I see is that as far as I know, it’s *never* been used for Titan projections. (Aside from Niall’s initial use in a static environment.) If someone has a counter-example to this, I’d like to know.

        • faeriehunter says:

          Regarding new holo tech, I don’t think the wireless part is what’s new, but rather the portable part.

          • TheSilentOne says:

            I’ll agree on that. Portable things though obviously aren’t new to the Titans, and Niall has had 20 years to work on the tech, so assuming it’s just one of those improvements that happened between timeline point A in one story and point B in another doesn’t seem that far of a stretch.

          • TheSilentOne says:

            Ack, forgot to close the italics tag. We *really* need better forum software on here.

        • Johnny Scribe says:

          Okay… in Titan, chapter twelve Pryvani and her mother have a holographic conversation while Pryvani is on a moving ship and her mother is on Grelau.

          There. There is your precedent.

          More to the point, there are still two novels being written that take place “in the past” of Contact, just because something hasn’t yet been mentioned or established doesn’t mean it won’t be *HINT FUCKING HINT*

          *drops mic*

          • NightEye says:

            Well that’s precedent for wireless, not for portability. 😉

            I’m sorry to insist on this but it’s such a big game changer and it’s introduced like it’s nothing.
            I know, timeline and all that.

          • soatari says:

            There should have been a vignette or something introducing it. A “eureka!” moment from Myona and Sharr or something. Just a small short story establishing it as a concept before just dropping it in like that.

          • Johnny Scribe says:

            “There should have been a vignette or something introducing it. A “eureka!” moment from Myona and Sharr or something. Just a small short story establishing it as a concept before just dropping it in like that.”

            Well, first off, DX posts faster than I do, mostly because his story is already fully written. Secondly, as I’ve been heavily hinting at and am now outright saying, there *will be* an explanation for how this technology came about. This is hardly the first time concepts have been dropped into a “future” story and were then introduced and explained in an earlier one. Hell, characters have been introduced this way.

          • Ancient Relic says:

            This is why I don’t share all of my thoughts. I’m waiting until everything has been uploaded (end of Hybrid at least). Then I’ll be a lot more talkative.

        • synp says:

          1) That makes perfect sense. As long as the crew of the Lem was among the titans, the hard conversations could not take place. You had to assume that the Titans were listening and that the crew might be under some form of coercion. For the Earth leaders the choice was simple: play nice with the alien ambassador despite something suspicious, or reject her and risk pissing them off. I think that’s a simple choice.

          2) Everything’s wireless now:

        • faeriehunter says:

          Regarding 1), the world leaders do have some knowledge of the Empire, namely everything that was communicated via ansible signal. And unsurprisingly the leaders noticed that while Mùlán, her crew and the titans mentioned that there are other humans out there, including another world populated by humans, they were avoiding going into detail on that subject. (As far as I can tell, nobody told the world leaders “they’re not citizens”, the world leaders merely inferred it from what Mùlán and the others left unsaid.) It’s reasonable though to conclude that Mùlán & co were avoiding the subject because they feel that it needs to be discussed in person rather than through a radio signal.

          As for a public welcoming ceremony, the general public already knew that the Saturn expedition encountered something important. Almost as soon as the expedition arrived all word from Mùlán and her crew ceased, the world leaders dropped everything they were doing for an emergency meeting that lasted a long time (and left them looking seriously stressed), and presumably various militaries went to high alert. Keeping the alien presence secret much longer would have been all but impossible. So instead the existence of the aliens was revealed and a public welcoming ceremony organized so that the alien representatives could tell the peoples of Earth that they come in peace and wish to establish a friendly relationship.

    • synp says:

      Why admiral? Right place at the right time, mostly. She came back having made first contact for the first time, and brought home an alien ambassador. Do that, and you too will get flag rank, or a knighthood, or the congressional medal of honor. Even if you’re in cryosleep the whole time.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            “Nothing accidental about it. Oh, the official notification will be sent to you soon, updated rank insignia and such. As well as the Hero’s Medal, which I hope to be able to present to you personally should you have any time to visit Beijing.”

            The Hero’s Medal is the Chinese equivalent of the Medal of Honor.

    • Kusanagi says:

      Considering the Premier was starting from the mindset of humans being slaves or worse, I could see how finding they’re pets darkly amusing.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Actually humans in the empire are a step below slaves. Slavery as awful as that institution is – at least recognized in some respect the person – with limited rights…. Humans now are just things, objects stated many times by many people (Titans)..

      Even in this limited cross view of the empire the world leaders should be at least wary and apprehensive…Not like “whoa! everything here is cool these nice giants people like us, lets party!!”

      • Kusanagi says:

        Depends on which slavery, and what time period you’re talking about. Humans in the Empire have more physical protections than Chattel slaves did.

      • soatari says:

        It’s not a linear comparison. It’s two different things.

        For instance, unlike slaves, pets generally tend to be loved and well cared for. I bet if you did an impartial survey of all the human pets in the empire, you’d probably get an overwhelming majority response that they are happy and feel they are well cared for (putting aside that they don’t know what they are missing, because this survey is impartial).

        • Nitestarr says:

          Up until the time they are abandoned, unceremoniously deposited into the local HOS shelter, secreted away to an illegal human tasting party or just thrown out into the (archavian) wild – you know for kicks….

        • Nitestarr says:

          Hmm what do you think would be the Tribe’s response to such a survey?

          I didn’t compare them to slaves, I said they were a step below them. Objects and things like dolls or toy trucks.. You know people at times get tired or bored of their toys….

          Thats why I said that once humanity (on Earth) get a full picture of what is really happening in the empire…

  4. sketch says:

    Look, I know it’s uncomfortable, but word needs to get out about the status of humans in the empire. They’re just setting up the betrayal to hit all the harder and undo the good will they are building now.

    They are establishing an embassy on Earth, not Titan or even the moon. People are going to want to know more about these aliens, and especially about the humans they introduced living out there. People are going to know something is up when they start having to dance around answering questions. Not to mention it makes it difficult for humans seeking refuge on Earth rather than waiting for the government to make them people, because they risk exposing the secret.

      • sketch says:

        That’s for the leaders, which is surprising in its own right. I mean the general public.

        There’s going to be blow back either way. Until it becomes known, this hurts and delays human emancipation. The committee can’t consider all solutions without an open Earth providing options. And until the public on Earth knows, they can’t build refugee centers, screen host families, train aid workers ect.

        Break it as easy as you can, maybe have a Dunnermac relay it, but it needs to get out sooner than later.

        • faeriehunter says:

          I agree that the truth shouldn’t remain hidden from the public for long, but it’s prudent to let the world leaders know first and give them a little time, so they can absorb the full complexity of the situation, decide how to deal with it, and prepare for the general public’s reaction to the eventual reveal.

  5. Kusanagi says:

    I agree and disagree with people saying this is a let down. More so that Act 1 and 2 were amazing and intense but act 3 has felt more like an Epilogue. While it’s had fantastic moments, I stand by Aisell’s speech being quite possibly my favorite scene ever, there hasn’t been the conflict or urgency that drove the story before hand.

    That said I disagree with those saying the actions of humans is unbelievable. Blustering rage against individuals that are actually working with you, that actually have little reason to do so outside genuine interest in equality, is not only pointless it’s insane. Also since the story isn’t done, and the wiki has added human profiles to those in power who are more hawkish (see Esmee’s profile), I doubt everyone is going to be emphasizing patience.

    • synp says:

      “Blustering rage against individuals that are actually working with you, that actually have little reason to do so outside genuine interest in equality, is not only pointless it’s insane”

      And how is that either unbelievable or atypical of humans?

      • Kusanagi says:

        I didn’t say it’s unbelievable, I question why some seem to think that outward rage is the only believable outcome.

          • Kusanagi says:

            Well first, imo I feel it’s clear Xu and the premeir are discontent. Xu’s made it clear the deal isn’t ideal, and has a timelimit, but for now is the best available.

            Perhaps she could use a private scene of venting, but beyond that, especially given what the Lem has been through, I don’t see her actions as unbelievable. I feel this goes for the rest of the crew as well, first contact and feelings of elation at survival mixed with promises of hope and equality, I can buy reality hasn’t hit home for them yet or they’re willing to be optimistic.

            At the moment no one, save the Premeir, has close to the full story. So imo I don’t see a reason to dismiss reactions as unbelievable.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Blustering rage? How about common sense doubt? Don’t worry about rage, there will be plenty of it, if the learned powers that be withhold or bullshit the public about the nature of the empire and then word gets out.. The people will react – normally – with anger. I could even see a nightmare scenario with a group of enraged humans storming the newly christened Titan embassy…The news gets back to Archavia and the Solis party will justify any aggressive action towards earth and agitate for a clamp down. …

      Thats all due to the patronizing attitude on the part of the Titans AND Humans towards their respective populations….

      • Dann says:

        mmmmm…nope…sorry…just don’t see it.

        See, what we are is self centered. Why is earth not so upset, and why don’t I think most of us really would be? Because for the time being, we(“We” will henceforth refer to earth humans) are safe.

        A superior race of gigantic aliens has just appeared, and the first thing they did was NOT blow up the white house and turn us into mind control zombies…AWESOME!

        Since when did we actually show much concern for people on our OWN planet suffering? Sure, GROUPS of humans sometimes act, generally to make themselves feel better, other times sure it could be out of a true genuine sense of compassion. But for the most part, world governments are center focused, and generally through out human history, we have a tendency to protect what is ours, before we reach out to help those outside our circle.

        Some humans 1,000,000 light years away are suffering? Well gee that’s too bad…but were ok you say? They come bringing gifts and technology and they want to build an embassy and make friends…oook…but they DON’T want to kill us dead and take our land? AWESOME!

        Sure, people are gonna be pissed…and afraid…some will likely scream end times, there will be a media circus no doubt, every news station, internet forum, church, and private interest group will be talking. This will be the conversation at EVERY dinner table, at every bar, pub and restaurant.

        There will be people screaming grass roots purity, don’t trust them damn aliens!

        There will be wacko’s who want to worship them as gods.

        Skeptics who think its all a staged ploy.

        Angry minded folk who might want to…oh say protest and picket an alien embassy.

        Governments will be scrambling to gain the favour of this new powerful presence. To hell with those other countries, come be friends with us, trade with us!

        There will be a shit storm like you can only imagine once ACTUAL intelligent life is discovered, and to boot…is bigger, stronger, and older then us.

        Imagine every scenario you can imagine that might happen if we discovered alien life…and somewhere on earth something to that effect is likely gonna go down.

        But all D.X showed us was one battle worn crew, and a few confused dignitaries, most of which don’t even have a sliver of the truth as to what is REALLY happening.

        I’m not saying don’t speculate, I love reading these comments. The fact that D.X has evoked such a STRONG reaction means he has gotten to most of you, he made you feel something…that is the greatest compliment of all.

        But, in the end…if you don’t like where things are headed and you just need out…well…we do offer a full money back guarantee 😉

        • Kusanagi says:

          While I won’t be as aggressive as TD that’s kind of the elephant in the room isn’t it?

          So long as Earth is allowed to do its own thing, and right now they won’t have the tech to feel oppressed for perhaps another couple decades, how big is the reaction really going to be? It’s cynical as all hell, but nothing is as realistic as not caring about people who are far away.

        • Nitestarr says:

          Ok I’ll take mine in gold Krugerrand or beer ….. whichever is more convenient … 🙂

          Problem with my opinion? Hmmmmnmmnmnnn

        • Nitestarr says:

          So the argument is; We are bad now (well some of us.. as for yours truly I’m so bad… I’m nationwide) we have no right to complain about poor treatment from others, because its only right, or its karma or perhaps we deserve it, or whatever..

          ok sure…


          “Some humans 1,000,000 light years away are suffering? Well gee that’s too bad…but were ok you say?”

          Define ok

          As for the rage on the people’s behalf; thats a guess on my part.. who knows how they will really react.. Not sure they will be dancing in the street and be happy about it

          RE: The bad reference:

          • Kusanagi says:

            No the argument is people see bad things happen, some take up arms, some maybe spread the word via social media get some likes and do nothing else, others frown shrug and move on.

            It’s not that they don’t have a right to complain, they have it and don’t use it because it doesn’t effect them directly. Will that happen here *shrug* no clue. Just a possibility.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          Once again The Puppetmaster put on the show while the Marionette maneuvered…

          “…now, I’ll give you the complete lowdown later, but that’s the takeaway, Madam President,” Darren said. “There are some serious threats out there. Fortunately, the Titans see it the same way.”

          The public reaction is coming alright but the Chinese Premier and the American President and the other leaders will play that into another mostly perceived threat like the 1950’s “missile gap”. Instead of going to the moon this time it’ll be about closing the tech gap with the empire. That burst in human advancement in turn will shake the titans out of their state of complacency which has been the goal of Senator Tarsuss and likely a few others including I suspect the emperor.

          In the long run both will be better prepared to deal with the common threats.

        • NightEye says:

          Dann, you’re missing the obvious.

          People don’t go crazy over the suffering of others because they know it can’t happen to them.
          ISIS slaughtering people ? Migrants drowning in the sea ? Starvation somewhere ?
          Well, that’s sad but we can afford not to care that much because we know it won’t happen to us.

          Here in Contact, the fate of the pet humans absolutely can happen to anyone and everyone on Earth !
          The Empire is ludicrously more powerful and advanced than Humanity and legally considers all humans as animals and property. They could enslave all of Earth on a whim. That’s a fact.
          It absolutely could happen. And that’s why people should freak out when they learn the truth.

          I don’t care how nice the lady ambassador may seem, people would fear and distrust Titans.

          • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

            “Greetings earthlings, while I’d never do this, I could literally scoop you all up now take you to my ship and take you home with no legal consequences. You are property of a far off Emperor after all. One of your brave explorers was tortured, raped, and nearly killed by two of our citizens, and has a surprisingly quick recovery time, and they will face no charges but a stern warning. We can occupy or alter this planet in any way we choose on a whim in a legislature you have no representation in.”

            That’s fairly worrisome to me and I didn’t mention far off humans.

          • Kusanagi says:

            That’s probably the best argument I’ve heard for people freaking out, but also the best argument for keeping things secret from the general public until relations are better cemented.

          • faeriehunter says:

            No doubt quite a few people will react to the truth with freak out, fear and distrust. But I expect that for most, that reaction is only temporary. The Empire could theoretically enslave all of Earth, sure. But they stopped taking humans from Earth thousands of years ago and don’t have a good reason to start again. The truth is that doomscenarios are so ubiquitous that most people don’t let them influence their lives all that much. Even more so if there is little or nothing that the man on the street can do about it. Do you have a fallout shelter for when World War III starts? Or even a food stockpile in case some disaster causes a temporary breakdown of society?

          • faeriehunter says:

            Oh, speaking of doomscenarios, when the truth comes out humanity will also learn about the insectoids and how it’s only thanks to the Empire’s presence and efforts that humanity wasn’t harvested long ago.

          • Nitestarr says:


            You are talking logic, Nighteye is referencing an emotional response from people, which from my perspective is reasonable. Its the fact that they COULD do this would freak people out and that they have billions of enslaved humans right now in their possession won’t help their case.. People often act on emotion not logic

        • NightEye says:

          @Kusanagi : in which case, why is the ceremony public ? How can anyone expect to keep a lid on this when all of Earth knows there are aliens on Earth ?
          The truth will get out and when it does…

          • Kusanagi says:

            Hey I questioned why it was Public last chapter, and why they didn’t meet with world leaders first. So don’t look at me :p.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            On a totally different topic, did you ever translate any of our work into French? My fiancée is doing a masters in translation and is interested in seeing different translations.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            I was indeed Monsieur Nighteye. My soon to be wife speaks fluent French, German and Italian. I think she lived near Leon for a year. She would like to discuss translation if you are willing?

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          You mean scooped up and carted off just like Eyrn? 🙂

          Humans being intelligent creatures will probably be far less concerned about the lack of representation in the imperial legislature than they are in fear of taxation by that same body.

        • Nitestarr says:

          I missed this part;

          “They come bringing gifts and technology and they want to build an embassy and make friends…oook…but they DON’T want to kill us dead and take our land? AWESOME!”


          Ummm what gifts have they brought? I must have missed that part in Contact…. As for the second part….ahh the associated collective guilt of all humanity for crimes committed by our fellow humans in the distant past, (assuming global kumbaya has taken hold and no current crimes have been committed that must be addressed) the implication is that this is divinely rendered justice that we should not complain since we have richly deserve it and that generational atonement has not been completed..

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            Τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό και την προστασία από την κυψέλη

      • Kusanagi says:

        I was mostly referring to the crew of the Lem rather than the general public.

        When the general public finds out, well even the best case scenario is completely justified xenophobia for years on the low end, centuries on the other end.

  6. Angel Agent says:

    I will have to kind of have to agree with the comment below me. While there was some titans that were out to stop contact with the humans to not happened for the most part there was little anger from the human side of things. You just made contact with a giant alien race that sees for most part your kind as animals and keep you as pets you can at lest show some outrage at them.

    When they showed they can be the bigger race by kind of forgiving the titans is good but just the over all reaction of the people is like peace and love type of thing to me all, happy showing them around with no little care that this is a race that keeps you as pets. Be angry, be outrage, be upset with them. Just something.

    Contact didn’t really go down as I thought it would, it had its moments but for the most part it was sub-par, giving that it may not be over just yet or it is, to me there was things that happened that seemed a bit kombaya to me.

    On a side note, the Porfirayon in the picture reminds me of a creepy old motorhome.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      “You just made contact with a giant alien race that sees for most part your kind as animals and keep you as pets you can at lest show some outrage at them.” And this is exactly why, while we as the audience know this information, most members of Earth do not. As far as the story goes, you’re welcome to stop reading it at any time. Not every story needs vore, trampling, mistreatmeant, or what have you that’s normally associated with a giant(ess) story.

      As an aside, and not necessarily related to what this is a reply to: I *really* don’t get all the negativity on this story. Sure, our current state of humanity might react differently to the events that are taking place here, but this story is:
      1) Science Fiction
      2) Set in an universe similar to (but in all likelyhood distinct from) ours which undeniably includes Titans and other living organisms absent (probably) from our own.
      3) At the current time ~150 years ahead of our timeline.
      Due to this I find it rather incredulous that people are complaining events of this story are somehow way less believable than any other event that has taken place in the Titan Universe. I get that people like conflict, and that it’s pretty much an expected element in any work of fiction (and to be fair, pretty much any news) but it doesn’t necessarily make the story better. I’ll admit that perhaps I’m in the “there’s not much that could ruin the series” group of people, but it still seems strange to me.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        You also know there’s another book to come? Hybrid existed in plan before DX turned up with Contact. He had to leave me something to do.

      • Kusanagi says:

        Thank you said it far better than myself.

        Also with the public completely unaware and only one world leader in the know it is still far too early to say there will be no conflict especially with an entire novel following this.

      • Nitestarr says:

        I understand the point about being science fiction. If it was sold as just pure sci-fi then I would be ok with it. But it was marketed as ‘realistic’ sci-fi with DX even bragging that “he will defend his view of the future” (I’m paraphrasing). Then I expect something different. Like realistic…..?

        150 years into the future is not enough time for humanity to change into what is being portrayed IMO. Perhaps I’m being pessimistic. If there is more to Contact then I’d give it a gander…(or Gandolf)

        • soatari says:

          You’re just being pessimistic. 150 years is actually quite a long time. That’s anywhere from five to seven generations. Compare current, modern viewpoints to those just two generations ago, see how much matches up.

          • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

            They had 2 major wars during that period including a war that happened in the current generations lifetimes, that they served in.

          • soatari says:

            The Short War was a civil war, and it was a hair’s breadth away from destroying the world. That’s a hell of a wake-up call.

          • Ad Augusta per Angusta says:

            There was ww3 and the short war was not a civil war it was between us Aussies Singapore Korea and Japan vs china and allies. There was a Chinese civil war as well, water conflicts, a European war of some kind all in the lifetimes of the leaders and main human cast . Enlightened is not the word that matches this

          • Nitestarr says:

            I can go with modern history..say about 115 years worth..We have had

            Spanish-American War, Sino-Russia War, Boxer Rebellion….WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnamese wars, Cold War, local regionalized wars…etc.

            Not to mention the outright slaughters; (not in any chronological order)

            – Stalin purges

            – Intentional starvation of 20 million Ukrainians

            – Pol Pot in Cambodia – this slaughter rivals the holocaust in % killed

            – The holocaust – 11 million murdered

            – Armenian slaughters

            – The Cultural revolution in China during the 1960s – talk about gruesome

            – The Chinese purges I’m thinking Tibet mostly

            et al…Thats a lot of people murdered.. probably 600- 700 million or perhaps more..

            Not to mention what is going on today in the mid-east which is in a state of war as I write this..So suffice to say I’m not too optimistic. From the age of enlightenment humans have not been too enlightened. In fact they have become progressively worse. Maybe things will change in this period of time. The trend is not in this favor…

          • Kusanagi says:

            @Nitestar you could also make the case that war between major powers is at historic lows. Western Europe may be undergoing the longest stretch of peace in centuries. Conflict still very much exists, but global conflict when compared to the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries is on the decline.

  7. riczar says:

    Everything seems to be going so smoothly. I wonder how long before the insectoids get stirred up over these developments? I suppose this would be a good place to close this story. Perhaps the saga could continue in other stories?

  8. Genguidanos says:

    We’ve been so long with humans in a world of giants. It’s going to be a nice change of pace to follow giants in a world of humans for a while.

    • Nostory says:

      Now I wonder what Hybrid will have, kind of thought it would involve some Titans on Earth but they seem to be going back.

  9. Peggy says:

    So, will Eyrn and Darren get to the strip in time to see Alex and Rixie tie the knot? Only the shadow knows, for sure…

    We have fantasized these conversations so many time, it was good to actually read the published version; thank you! Terran Humans will have to experience their reactions to the new culture and empire civilization. It will be fascinating to watch the assimilation of the various human societies throughout all civilization… This is fun!

  10. greaterthan3 says:

    Crist titans are big. I mean I knew number-wise but seeing it like that really lays it down. And Eryn is a small titan!

    So is this the end of the story? Or do we have a few more to go? It seems kinda wrapped up at this point.

    Im also kinda hoping hybrid( or some story after) is set far in the future after numans are viewed as equals by titans, and about how titans and humans interact on their non native planets

    • faeriehunter says:

      “Crist titans are big.” In all likelihood most if not all of the people in the crowd were thinking things of that nature. I’ve found that numbers, even pictures, usually fail to convey just how big some things are.

      • Johnny Scribe says:

        it didn’t hit home for me until I was standing next to a forty foot tower and realized it was only as tall as Rixie’s *boots*

  11. soatari says:

    I detect an incoming shitstorm of comments once again complaining about the general public being kept in the dark about human status in the empire. The only thing letting the whole world know about it will accomplish is hindering relations and the diplomatic process. Them complaining to the Ambassador and her staff will be simply preaching to the choir.

  12. nergal says:

    XD I like the little nod to Naskia and Eryn’s big adventure story. X3 Another excellent chapter. =D Though…I still wanna know how Lyroo is taking all of this! XD

    • Naoru says:

      This may kill her you know. And I so wanna see it. She frustrates me to no end, I hope maybe all of this finally makes it through that thick skull of hers

      • soatari says:

        I think she’ll persist in her ways just long enough to villainize herself in the public eye (right now she’s just a villain to the main characters and the readers). After that she’ll come to see that Darren was right when he warned her about being on the wrong side of history.

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