Chapter Thirty Five: Trying to Break Through Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Joseph had looked everywhere for his boss/friend/sort-of-girlfriend. She wasn’t in her office, she wasn’t in the canteen, she wasn’t in her room (or his for that matter), she wasn’t with Alesia. He’d called her a few times but she hadn’t picked up. It was just dumb luck that he’d called the Avalonian Communications building to check when the Minotaur was due to medivac the wounded Avalonians and to repatriate the dead that they were able to tell him she’d passed by only a few minutes before.

He made his way up the road through the older part of the maiden city, people watching him nervously from the footpaths. No matter how used to it they were it wasn’t nice for anyone to be in that close a proximity to someone who could end your life by accident.

It didn’t take that long to find her once he had a rough idea of her location. He walked up and down between the row of buildings like someone looking for their friend in supermarket aisles.

“There you are!” He said, “I’ve been looking all over for you.” She didn’t seem to be paying him much attention. Instead she was checking the latches were secure on each floor of the building and making notes in her pad. “Looking for the cause are you?”

“I think I know the cause…” she said.

“It wasn’t the latches. I’m sure of it.” Joseph said. “Manka and I put up that building. We don’t miss them. So I went back and did a scan.” He held up his pad for Sorcha.

She read the details of the report on the screen and inhaled sharply, then held up her own pad for Joseph to read.

“I’ve found eleven more just like it. It seems there’s flaws in the molecular structure of the materials used in the fabrication of the residential units. We’ll need to get the residents out of them until we can remove the affected units and rebuild them.” Sorcha said matter-of-factly.

“Damn…” Joseph muttered. “It appears to be mostly newer units, put up in the last two weeks. I wonder how that happened? It’s unusual to get that kind of failure rate.”

“Bad batch maybe? I dunno, we’re bulk ordering the stuff. Usually it’s used by Titans for home furniture, not residential complexes. I’ll need you check our entire stock, send back whatever is faulty. I’ll pass on the data to the Department of Interior to see if there’s any negligence charges due.” Sorcha said.

“You ok?” Joseph asked. He could see she was trying to act like it was a normal day but he could see she was a wreck.

“Yeah I’m fine.” She said and turned back to the building in front of her. She did her best to ignore the faces peering out at her from the inside. She didn’t like intruding on their privacy, but she needed to be there. “I’m putting a pause on construction, except for one crew. You and Joran keep building. Manka and Myrell will rotate as caretakers for the settlers living in the canteen. The rest of us are going to check every building for faults.”

Joseph stepped forward and put his hand on Sorcha’s shoulder but she quickly shrugged it off.

“It’s not your fa…”

“Don’t.” she spoke wearily, cutting across him. “Just don’t…”

“Ok. Will I see you later?” He asked.

“Yeah…I’ll have to stop when it get’s dark. Not safe to walk around in the city.” She said.

“Ok. See you later.” He said.

No sooner had her turned to leave, he felt her arms around him. He pulled her into a hug, her head resting on his chest. “This isn’t your fault…” he said a gently stroked her hair.

“That’s not it Joseph…” She sniffed and let go of him. “My mother just told me the Federation executed Yamanu Neutha and dozens of so called ‘pets’.”

“Fucking barbarians!” Joseph cursed. Sorcha hugged him just a little tighter in response.

“They’ve seceded. It looks like civil war!” She spoke clearly anxious.

Joseph wasn’t anxious. He was livid. Sorcha could see his eyes burning. “We should join up! Odin too! Show them what Titan sized Humans can do to them! Could you imagine what the three of us could do to those Federation bastards!? We’d tear them limb from limb. Literally!”

“We’re better off here.” She said and gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. “We’re helping people. The military knows what they’re doing. If my Uncle Aerti has anything to do with it, the war will be over before you’d even get out of basic anyway.”

“Let’s hope…” he growled.

“Go call your parents.” She said.

“No, I’ll get back to work.” He replied.

She shook her head. “Not angry you won’t be. Go speak to your parents. It’s been a hard day. It’ll help you. Then I’ll see you when the sun goes down in your room ok?”

He smiled a bit, the universe had just improved a little at hearing that. “Ok,” he kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

And for Sorcha, despite it being one of the worst days she could remember for a long time, it seemed to be just a little better as well.


Eyrn’s discussion with the Undersecretary for Defense Coordination had been less than cordial, not that she was surprised. The Secretary-General wasn’t answering her calls, not yet; Undersecretary Xylander, meanwhile, had been rather direct in calling the video a clear provocation, one that was causing the United Nations to revisit a number of assumptions.

Eyrn could hardly defend the video, of course. It made her physically ill. Worse, it made her feel very much as she had when the true nature of the Empire’s policy on humans had sunk in, many years ago. Not when she’d first arrived – no, she’d been angry, then, but she hadn’t understood it, not really. Not when Darren was nearly killed, and taken from her – as if he ever should have been “hers.” As if it would have been better if she had been made his owner. Perhaps for him, in the short run…but even then, she hadn’t understood what her ownership of him had meant.

No, it was when Yamanu Neutha called her out, a few minutes after meeting her. When he told her about what he’d had to go through. That was when the key finally fit in the lock, and everything made sense. Not that the Empire was horrible to humans – she’d known that.

It was the moment she’d realized, finally, that she was a part of the Empire.

They had fought so hard, for so very long, and she’d allowed herself to feel better about it. To believe that the Zeramblin Act had passed, and all the horror and sickness of their actions was salved. But it wasn’t. It was not the last step, but the first. And just as he had twenty-five years before, it was Yamanu Neutha who had taught her that, this time by dying on his feet, rather than grovelling to his oppressor.

She wished that she could thank him.

She wished that she didn’t have to.

She was alone right now. They had locked down general communications from the Empire in a bid to keep any further videos at bay; that left only her secure line and a line to the military. She’d tried a good two dozen times to reach Loona, and almost as many to reach Minister Berisen; she was debating calling Aisell at this point, to see if maybe Loona’s girlfriend could help reach her…but she stopped herself.

She was an Ambassador, and she was empowered to make decisions in the absence of guidance from Tuaut. This was a crisis, and she needed to move fast. She’d keep trying to reach them, but she couldn’t wait.

She thought about trying the Secretary-General’s office again, but decided instead to talk to someone who would take her calls. It was late, but he was a night owl; she figured it was worth a chance. And a few seconds after placing the call, she was relieved to see that she was right.

“Ambassador Bass, I am sincerely hoping you don’t have a new video to show me.”

“First Minister Marechera, I can’t…that was awful. I can’t possibly….”

“It was not your doing. Obviously. But unless I miss my guess…the Secretary-General doesn’t see it that way.”

“I don’t know. She’s not taking calls.”

Tatenda chuckled. “This is not a surprise. Obviously, you know what a provocation this is.”

“Obviously,” Eyrn replied. “And I want to find a way to de-escalate this. I’m prepared to relocate the attack wing at Titan Station. Between us, I can only do so temporarily; I don’t have unlimited authority and I’m waiting to get clearance from Tuaut for more. But I can make the move temporarily, and I will.”

“In exchange for?” Tatenda asked.

“Nothing. It’s a sign of good will. I’m asking you to communicate this.”

Tatenda nodded. “I will probably work it through a couple contacts I know in the JTSA. Have it get to Ridgemont more as intelligence than a direct communication. She will trust it more that way. It is a good first step, but it will not be enough, you know that as well as I do.”

“I know. But First Minister…I don’t know if Secretary-General Ridgemont is going to listen to me. But I assure you, my priority is to make this right.”

Tatenda smiled. “You, I trust, Dr Bass. Promise me, if I do this, that I will not find that trust misplaced.”

“Dr Marechera,” Eyrn said, “You know as well as anyone; if I have to choose between letting humans suffer and obeying my government…I’ve already made that choice once. It is the choice I will always make. I swear.”

“I know you will,” Tatenda said. “Which is why I will help you as best I can.”


“They’re identical…” Mukta Chandrasekhar mused to herself as she looked at two wave patterns on her screen.

One was the wave pattern from the acolyte reactor. The other was the wave pattern from a computer simulation of a test reactor she had designed based on over a year of hard work, long nights and a lot of frustration. But a month ago it had hit her. The Universe has a way of making seemingly impossible things very, very simple. And this equation was no exception.

It took a second for the musing to turn to realisation and then realisation into elation. It would work. It would take a few years to develop containment systems delicate enough to manage it but she could do it. She could build a reactor that produced the same amount of energy as all the fusion reactors on Earth combined and fit it onto a ship the size of naval destroyer. The JTSA had plans for such craft already but had no idea how to power them. Now…now anything was possible.

And then another realisation hit her. One which removed the smile from her face. There was no way the Avalonians could have developed this reactor. They needed her to develop the weapons for the ship due to their complexity. The reactor she had designed was beyond anything created by human civilisation before. On any world. There was only one Human she could think of who had the knowledge to build one already.

She picked up her pad and made a call to a person she had resisted calling for over a year now.

“Hello?” A confused looking, pale young man said answering the call.

“Hello. I’d like to speak with Dr Niall Freeman please?” Mukta said.

“I’m sorry but Dr Freeman is currently teaching and will be unavailable for the next ten hours. Likely longer given his schedule.” The man replied.

“What’s your name?” Mukta asked.

“Maslan…and you are?”

Mukta smiled warmly. “Maslan, once I terminate this call I would like you to walk up to Dr Freeman straight away and quietly tell him Mukta Chandrasekhar knows. I can guarantee you he will be rather upset if you don’t pass that along to him immediately.”

“I…I don’t think I can interrupt him…”

“Goodbye Maslan.” Mukta said and ended the call abruptly

She had barely counted three minutes before her screen notified her of an incoming transmission.

“Dr Freeman, thank you for returning my call so promptly.” Mukta said smiling.

“You know what Dr Chandrasekhar?” Niall said without saying so much as a hello.

Mukta turned her screen to face the board where she had written her working out and her rather simple equation.

“Shit…” Niall said.

“HA!” Mukta laughed. “I knew it was you! There was no way the Avalonians had the ability to build those reactors!”

The call ended abruptly. A few seconds later Niall’s face reappeared on her screen.

“I don’t talk about this unencrypted.” He said.

“I’m not surprised.” Mukta said “This isn’t Titan technology. I’ve seen their designs. This is nothing like theirs.”

“I figured it out a few months after I got here.” Niall explained. “My wife’s father, Dr Hussel Bass figured it out over a century ago.”

“Over a century ago!? Why are the Titans not using these reactors!? They make what they have now look like the steam engine!” Mukta asked.

“Because one could be so small to them it could be carried in someone’s pocket.” Niall sighed. “And without a failsafe…”

“It could blow a hole in the side of a planet…” Mukta finished.

“Exactly.” Niall said. He looked somewhat relieved that Mukta had figured this out for herself. “He asked me more than a century ago not to reveal my discovery. I didn’t. When Darren asked me about helping on the Acolyte project I only agreed because the animosity towards Humans in some parts of the Empire has become dangerous…and could become a threat to our species long term. Now Zeramblin has passed…I don’t know.”

“I can’t sit on this. I won’t. This is a Human discovery. I did not reverse engineer this equation. This is a logical progression of my own work based on seeing your energy pattern!”

“I understand.” Niall said “Just leave my name out of it.”

“What? You’re the first Human to discover it! This should be ours together!” Mukta couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“No…” Niall shook his head. “The Acolyte Project is legally questionable after Zeramblin. Before that I was Naskia’s responsibility. It could come back on her. This is your discovery. You are choosing to share it. I am not. Just make sure when you do, you know what you’re doing. This could be very dangerous for the Empire.”

Mukta nodded. “I understand. Obviously if Earth wants to use it, then we’ll have to prove it safe. Though even the smallest reactor I could design would be for a small capital ship. It won’t fit in anyone’s pocket.”

“Good.” Niall said. “Congratulations Dr Chandrasekhar. You’re about to become the most famous Human alive.”

“If you ever change your mind…

“I won’t. And the next time we speak I shall congratulate you publicly on your discovery.” Niall said. “Now if you’d excuse me. I have an intern entertaining a second year class who are probably eating him alive.”

Mukta chuckled. “I understand that. Thank you Niall…I couldn’t have done this, any of this, without the work you did back in the early twenty first century.

“Think nothing of it Mukta. Now go get yourself to Earth.” He said and ended the call.

Mukta stared at the board, Niall’s warning ringing in her ears. He was right. These reactors could easily become bombs. Bombs of unimaginable power. They would need protections and failsafes so they could never be used that way, but this was too big to be hidden. This would propel Humanity into the forefront of the galactic community. It had to be shared, and she had no time to lose.


Dr Eyrn Bass sat at her desk just waiting. She didn’t know who would make the call. She didn’t know when it would come but it would come quickly. She’d sent a dozen emergency messages to both the Deputy Floor Leader’s office and the Department of State and so far had got nothing but silence back. She hated this feeling. She’d been back on Earth for more than three years. It was starting to feel like home. But now, once again, she felt like an outsider. Like she did when she was a kid growing up.

Earth could never be her home. She was not a human.

Her screen beeped and she answered it instantly. “Call for you ma’am. It’s the Secretary-General…”

“Put her through.” Eyrn said bluntly. She waited for what seemed like an interminable length of time until Elaine Ridgemont’s face on screen. “Madam Secretary-General thank you for getting back to me. As I told Undersecretary Xylander, I am just as horrified and disgusted as…”

“Ambassador Bass,” Ridgemont spoke firmly over Eyrn. “Undersecretary Xylander has already relayed your platitudes. You can save them.”

“Of course, Madam Secretary-General. However, I do hope we can meet….”

“After that? I don’t think so. Ambassador, your welcome on this world is hereby rescinded. We are expelling all embassy personnel. You are to leave this planet immediately and pull back to Titan Station. Your people are to immediately make preparations to leave Titan Station should the General Assembly choose to abrogate the Treaty of Titan Station. All Titan military craft are hereby ordered to leave this system. Is that understood?”

Eyrn sat up straight and tented her fingers, holding Ridgemont’s gaze. She’d known this was coming. “Of course Madam Secretary-General. I have already ordered the evacuation of the embassy and Navarchos Bass has informed me the Xifos will be arriving in under twenty hours to rebase all combat craft from Titan Station.”

Ridgemont’s face briefly flashed with uncertainty. Clearly she had expected Eyrn to put up more of a fight. More than that…well, she had received word that this was happening from the JTSA, but she was a bit surprised that this was the olive branch it appeared to be.

She reminded herself to stick to her guns, though. They were awfully large; the olive branch they gave her would have to be a lot bigger because of it.

As for Eyrn, she desperately wanted to fight, to demand concessions in return, but that wasn’t the way to go. This issue needed time and space to heal. Humanity needed to know Titans weren’t a threat to them. Battling would give precisely the wrong message.

“Good. We will be in touch.” The Secretary-General spoke.

“Madam Secretary-General, if I may…”

“You may not.” Ridgemont said and closed the call.

Eyrn felt just a small amount of relief that was over. That was reasonably painless compared to how it could have gone. She lifted her packed suitcase from the corner of the room and took one last look at her office before heading out.

“Time to go…” she whispered, hoping against hope that this wasn’t the last time she’d set foot on this world.


  1. Silver says:

    “It was the moment she’d realized, finally, that she was a part of the Empire”.

    can you explain this thing about Eyrn plz?

    • D.X. Machina says:

      Eyrn grew up on Earth, and even after coming to the Empire, she viewed herself as Terran. Her sympathies were entirely with humans, and she saw herself as one of them.

      What Yamanu taught her was that she wasn’t. She was still Titan, and the sins of the Empire were not sins of others. Even if she had no role in creating them, she had an obligation to work to dismantle them. Otherwise, she was just another Titan who accepted the system.

      That spurred Eyrn to take her role seriously. To work hard so she could protect Darren and Yamanu and Izzy and all the other humans. And to do so knowing she was a part of the Empire, and do she had to do what she could to make it an Empire she was proud of.

  2. smoki1020 says:

    Fall of Eyrn’s character is amazing. she was ok with hidding the truth about throwing free humans to a desert planet AFTER hidding the former status of humans. She isn’t a good politician and she should’ve know that this wasn’t going end well.

    With an explosive technology with her hands, Mukta must be careful about giving to Ridgemont who can be very dangerous having that and being short tampered/viewer.

    • Rapscallion says:

      She has messed up repeatedly since becoming ambassador. She’s shown poor judgment in repeatedly lying to humanity as a whole and its leaders at basically every stage and on every major issue since contact. It’s almost as if she had no qualifications for the job and was appointed for no other reason than she used to live on Earth…

      Still her moral compass seems to have gone awry while working for the Titan Empire. She has stated repeatedly that she feels Earth is her home and that human are her fellow people, and yet she lies and treats them like children who aren’t capable of handling the truth. I understand that as ambassador she has to represent Titan interests, which are few on Earth, but she never seems to get pressure from the Empire to keep silent on issues or lie, yet she still does. In fact, she is often the person advocating the deception. It would make sense if someone like Qorni or Zeramblin had ordered her to do stuff like this and she pushed back but accepted it as her official role, leaking when and where she can. Instead she is the one who thinks the deceptions are necessary. It’s very out of character for her.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Eyrn’s actions as ambassador make sense only when you look at the situation as she does, where the humans she is most concerned with are those at greatest risk: the 250 million living on Empire worlds.

        Her primary concern with terrestrial humans is to help keep the peace as best she can and not let Earth politics do anything to substantially worsen the conditions of humans in the Empire.

        Her secondary concern is not to give the current Floor Leader any cause to replace her with another Titan who even if they like humans doesn’t begin to understand human politics. Now realistically the Emperor has her back on that issue but she still doesn’t want to put him in the position of overruling the elected leader of the Imperial Legislature.

  3. Barrowman says:

    If those acolytes have unlimited energy, than they’re like those air/spacecrafts you play with in arcade games. A spacecraft where you shoot unlimited ammo and destroy enormous amounts of enemies and the boss at the end of each level with just a single plane in mere minutes if you’re good at it.
    And they’re small and agile.

    • Arbon says:

      … oh god, and quite suddenly the invasion of earth, Avalon, or coldwetsuicideplace becomes a literal game of space invaders.

      • Barrowman says:

        More like ’19XX: the war against destiny’ , etc. before you get killed once, you already destroyed at least 200 enemies.

  4. Mynameisjacob says:

    Speaking of which, who is releasing this stuff to the humans? This happened before during that anthology series where that guy got an email spilling the beans on humans being pets, is it someone we know? I have a theory it might be Darren Avery.

    Any way speaking of anthologies the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy Muh Fuckin BOBA FETT is getting his own movie in 2020, for real if I was in this story I’m getting a portable hardlight projected and I am becoming Boba Fett

  5. A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

    Hmmm…we have

    “I’ve found eleven more just like it. It seems there’s flaws in the molecular structure of the materials used in the fabrication of the residential units. We’ll need to get the residents out of them until we can remove the affected units and rebuild them.” Sorcha said matter-of-factly.

    “Damn…” Joseph muttered. “It appears to be mostly newer units, put up in the last two weeks. I wonder how that happened? It’s unusual to get that kind of failure rate.”


    I wonder if that is intentional? Sabotage perhaps…


    Eyrn is stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place. Yes some of it is her doing by not fully disclosing humanity’s status to the Terrans but most of it is not. She is doing her best representing the Titan Empire and being friends with humanity..This video download/cyber attack was beyond her control. I feel for her

    Now as for the video itself one can easily see was it is designed to do. I hope the intelligence services of the aggregate earth governments has enough common sense to fully analyze the video and discern its purpose…(actually the effect is similar to an ISIS video release showing gruesome executions)…..Speaking of which why hasn’t said services not employed its activities in the empire? I would think that would be the first order of business once first contact has been established.. To willfully not know who your new found friends(?) are after the first howdie-do is beyond foolish…

    Ridgemont is also acting foolishly. Yes the video is enraging but a leader has to know when to act and what to do at the right time. I would hope her advisers would have said intelligence services give the proper analysis so as not to make a foolhardy error which I think she has made

  6. sketch says:

    I hope Earth military has already been reverse engineering, scaling up the reactors and engines from the Acolytes. Earth is going to need a Macross super carrier now not two years from now.

    I feel really bad for Eyrn. Maybe Earth can’t be her home, yet it still kind of is. It’s ironic that Yamanu was the one to make her give Titans another shot when she hated the species the most, and yet his public murder has all but destroyed trust of all Titans on Earth. And at a time when humans and Titans who aren’t like the blockers need to work together before the invasion comes.

  7. Arbon says:

    Eh, they can already unleash a grey goo scenario. That alone is a galactic-wide threat which would easily surpass any danger the insecticide hive poses if utilized to it’s full extent. Planetbusters don’t really compare, the mass energy from these reactors just means finnesse and creativity are suddenly possible in planetary defences.

    Wonder how much power it would take to put a force field around the planet. And how much more it would take to set up a planet-wide hard-light projection of sawblades or plasma fire into the atmosphere. To say nothing of the existing tech that’s nothing more than a well designed ship with a low profile.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      They do have the nanobots, but as seen in Contact they’re very reluctant to use them. It would take a really bad situation, or a really bad person, to actually use them.

    • Greaterthan3 says:

      Obviously, the new reactors are a thing… But I doubt the deployment will be anywhere near fast enough to provide adequate defences against bugs.

      • Arbon says:

        Do remember that earth military leadership already knew about the reactors and were helping to produce acholyte ships for the protection of earth and Avalon … more specifically against Titan craft. Its just top military secret with only the leaders involved and the pilots used to test the darned things knowing about the full capacity, with a number of said pilots coming from earth last I checked.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Mukta’s discovery of the equation might just be a red herring for the readers to lead us astray while she debates and ultimately rejects turning her findings into an Earth weapon.

        Darren’s people have had access to the reactors for some time and may have already reverse-engineered the reactors on Avalon and shared that with the folks on Earth who could build more reactors. They might not have all the theory down but they may still have been able to replicate the reactors they had in their possession.

        Also, there’s this interesting thread running in Soveriegn with Myona, Sharr, and the holographics. Running that thread forward 25T years and they would have a need for a Freeman-Bass-Chandrasekhar type reactor long ago and what Bass and Freeman figured out it stands to reason Pryvani might have passed along to Myona without their knowledge.

        • Barrowman says:

          All the main characters of the novells form a very formidable team. They got the best people in every field. Pryvani brought the best people under her wing over the course of all those Titan decades. That mixed group of Titans, Humans, Hybrids is the most powerfull in the known Galaxy.

        • A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

          Mukta’s discovery of the equation might just be a red herring for the readers to lead us astray while she debates and ultimately rejects turning her findings into an Earth weapon.



          The Niall analogy doesn’t apply. Titanos weren’t under an existential threat like earth is now…Anything that can help will be used

          Speaking of Niall he might be in some hot water if any of this should come to pass. La Titanitimes will put 1 + 1+ 1 together and finGure it out

          • synp says:

            Figuring out and proving are two different things. Good think he has a brother-in-law who’s a lawyer.

  8. Kusanagi says:

    And it appears the incitement worked like a charm. Probably never been a better time to strike.

    Of course I can only imagine the horror the Solis group would feel if they knew what Mukta knows. If the knowledge survives the insanity to come, humanity may not need Titan protection ever again.

    • NightEye says:

      Except protection from Titans. Besides, there is no way – technically I mean – that the equation can be made public or at least widely used on Earth without the Empire learning about it. At which point, they’ll be able to use it themselves and much faster than Earth.

      Removing the attack wing is a mistake even without knowing what we know about the Hive’s plans. It’s not very credible to be honest. I am drawing a Taiwan / China parallel (or South Korea / North Korea) : they would never call off US protection, no matter how badly pissed off they are, it’s a matter of survival. If Earth leaders don’t get that, then they’re morons and that includes Marechera.

      Booting the ambassador however is logical and more than deserved since, once again, Eyrn has hidden crucial information from Earth, not only from the public but from leaders as well this time. That’s blatant dishonesty at best. She hasn’t learned her lesson, she is treating humans like children.
      In real life, no ambassador could survive that. I hope Eyrn isn’t reinstated after all is said and done, that would be ridiculous.

      • Genguidanos says:

        Two things.

        Earth hasn’t rescinded Titan protection, they have just kicked the Titans out of their system. They consider the system to be their territory, their sovereign state, and as such do not want a foreign military operating freely within it at this time when there is no active threat.

        Second, Eyrn is mearly a representative of her government. She is not at liberty to divulge any information to earth’s people or leadership without the approval of her government. You can argue wehther or not that was the “moral” thing to do, but from a legal standpoint Eyrn herself as done nothing wrong. It was the Titan governments decision on what information to share with earth, not Eyrns.

        Further more, if Eyrn had divulged information to earth without her governments approval, Eyrn could then very well be tried for treason. In which case I would agree with you that no, she probably shouldn’t be reinstated…

        • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

          Eyrn recommended keeping the truth from humans. She recommended it again after the act passed and segregation was instituted. She has threatened humans seeking the truth. She has lied several times to humanity. Eyrn is the most fallen character in the series. She used to consider herself an Earthling, now she can’t fathom she’ll ever be considered such despite her fervent belief when she was younger, so what about possible future titans born on Earth? She has consistently treated humans like children or put Titan government before humans and their safety. Old Eyrn never would have done that. Old Eyrn had a soul. The new one has so consistently violated her own beliefs that she isn’t relatable anymore. Was my favorite character and now shes an agent of Archavia, how’d that happen?

          • Genguidanos says:

            I belive Eyrn became an agent of Archavia the moment she got a job as an agent of Archavia.

          • A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

            Good points. Part of being an ambassador is about deception and bullshit. Ultimately her loyalty is to the empire – not to earth or even humanity. Its a stunning change of view for her. If she wanted to keep her earlier beliefs and morals she would not have taking the position in the first place.

        • A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

          Thats actually 3 🙂

          Treason charges would be instituted against a person who was actively trying to overthrow his/her own government. Don’t think was the case. Also how would information regarding humans in the empire disseminated to earth would be considered harm to the empire?

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Eyrn caved easier than Ridgemont expected but she gave her exactly what she needed to maintain control of the Security Council. The real question is she fool enough to not see Earth is wide open without the Fleet? I doubt it. Let’s just hope Ridgemont isn’t dealing with somebody else she’s going to invite to fill the void.

        The fighter wing basing on Xifos functionally indifferent from being on Titan as long as Xifos remains nearby. The base personnel leaving is another matter.

        The only people who know the equation as far as we now know are Dr. Bass, both Freemans and Dr Chandrasekhar.. Niall trying to play the innocent was funny but the first time the acolytes are unleashed publically his father in law is going to puzzle it out. If anybody else has figured it out I’d suspect it’s the lady with the best intelligence in the Galaxy.

        Given the current state of affairs it might not be a bad idea for the acolytes to make an appearance. All sides in the coming war might think twice if there is a possibility they might be facing an enemy with planet-busting technology.

        • Arbon says:

          As far as I can tell earth already had planet-busting tech before they ever encountered titans for … what was essentially 3rd contact. Its not very well developed and no one on earth wanted to use it when they only had the one planet to loose.

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