Chapter Thirty Four: The Effect of Distant Voices Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

In times of trouble there are two reactions. For virtually every species, on any world in any part of the galaxy the options remain the same. From the mightiest of Ler to the lowliest of tupps, nature has progammed two options. Fight or flight. Stand your ground or run and hide.

Sorcha’s default setting was usually to fight, and fight hard. But not this time. This time was different. This time she ran.

There was no enemy to fight this time, only the fear of her own failure. And so she ran and hid in the only place she could think to the hide. The past.

She lay on her bed, in total darkness with music playing from her pad, like she did when she was growing up. As a teenager Sorcha could often be found in her room, the curtains drawn and the lights off, trying to hide from the world. Hide from her peers who had tormented her or from the inevitable punishment that would be dealt after she lashed out.

She listened to music. Her father’s music. Like her mother she preferred the emotionally driven music of Earth to the technique based music of Titans. Sorcha had grown up with it being played in the house and as she got older started to cling to it like a child clings to a comfort blanket.

Like she did when she was a teenager, she lay on her bed singing. She could sing well. She had inherited her mother’s natural gift and practised with her as a child. As she matured she found her voice was more of a contralto than her mother’s soprano. With her larger frame she could hold stronger notes for longer and project them further. And with her natural tendancy to be quite emotional she often had to be told to keep it down.

“Oh dear dad, can you see me now, I am myself, like you somehow…” she sang along to the music. No one else was around to tell her to keep it down.

This was Sorcha’s go to song to sing when she was upset. It was one of her father’s favourites and it had quickly become one of hers when she became old enough to understand its meaning. She had annoyed Alesia a good many times lying in bed in Tyas Mons singing it into the night when she was homesick or upset by something.

“I’ll ride the wave, where it takes me, I’ll hold the pain…”

Alesia would always come in to her room, make the long climb to the top of the wardrobe and talk to her (as much as to get some sleep as to help her friend).

“Release me…” she sang quietly.

But this time there was no Alesia. It had been weeks since she’d seen her in person and even longer since they’d had a real conversation beyond work.

“Oh dear dad, can you see me now…”

She knew she should call Loona. She had to tell her what had happened here, but the thought of making that call made her feel sick to her stomach.

“I am myself, like you somehow…”

She had always loved that line. She was quite a lot like her father but still very different from him. Like the original singer, Niall did not know his father. He had almost ended up exactly like him. A man who wouldn’t stay around long enough to meet his newborn son. Sorcha was glad he had chosen a different path.

“I’ll wait up in the dark, for you to speak to me…”

Should she call her father? He’d know what to do. He’d know what to say. He always did.

“I’ll open up…release me…” she sang loudly from diaphragm gently shaping the words.

A knot twisted in her stomach. She focused on the music in an effort to ignore it.

“Release me…” she contiuned to sing in perfect harmony with the vocalist.

But she couldn’t ignore the knot. She wasn’t a child anymore, she wasn’t a teenage girl hiding in her bedroom and she wans’t even a homesick young woman anymore.

“Releeeeease meeeeee…” she sang and choked back a sob.

She was a grown woman in charge of world full of lost and vulnerable people. They depended on her, she had a duty, no matter how bad it was going to be to report to her superior and to halt construction until it was safe to proceed.

“Releeeeease meeeeee…” she continued to sing until the song was over.

She sat up, turn on the light and dried her eyes. It was time to stop hiding. It was time to call Loona and to admit she had failed. It was time to report that a building had collapsed and killed four people.

Her finger hovered over the picture of Loona’s face for a few seconds and then fell, instead, to another nearby. The music had made her want to call her father but she knew calling her father was just another way of hiding. She needed to speak to someone who would help her go forward, not backward.

Sorcha waited for a few seconds until the call was answered.

“Tuppy? Are you ok?” her mother asked immediately seeing the sadness in the face of her daughter.

“No…” Sorcha said and choked back more tears. She felt like a small child with a scraped knee running back to their mother. “Mummy, there’s been an accident. People were killed.”

Naskia’s eyes widened. Both in shock at what she was hearing and in worry for her daughter. “That’s…that’s terrible. Is Alesia…is she ok?”

Sorcha nodded and sniffled. “She’s ok…it was a fitout crew from Avalon…four dead…”

“That’s awful, just awful. Are you ok Tuppy?”

“No…” Sorcha sniffed and shook her head. “It’s my fault…I’ve been pushing…rushing to get the city built faster. There were bound to be mistakes…and now those mistakes, MY mistakes, have killed people.”

“Oh Tuppy! It’s not your fault.”

“It is my fault…I pushed! I pushed way beyond where we should have been by now!” Sorcha shouted.

“Why? Why are you pushing?” Naskia asked.

“Because there’s just so many! We’ve a few thousand people living in our canteen! And millions still living in HOS shelters! They need a place to go because The Empire won’t have them!” Sorcha vented getting angrier and angier.

“You can’t take it all on yourself, that’s not your fault.” Her mother reassured.

“But those people…those four people. That’s my fault…that’s on me.” Sorcha sniffed.

“Is it?” Naskia asked.

“Of course it is! I’m in charge! Who elses fault could it be?” Sorcha shouted.

Naskia remained straight faced. “What caused the accident?”

“We rushed construction. We must have missed something, not secured a floor properly.” Sorcha explained.

“Must have? You don’t actually know?”

“It’s the only think it could have been…” Sorcha protested.

“This isn’t like you Sorcha. I know you’re upset but it’s not what you do.” Naskia said. “You gather your information, you analyse and you come to a conclusion. You don’t make assumptions.”

“I…I haven’t the time. I need to tell Loona we need to pause the project…she’s not going to be happy.” Sorcha sighed.

Naskia winced and looked down and back to the screen. “My advice is, go and find out what caused the accident and file a written report and let her call you.”

Sorcha’s brow furrowed. “Mum…that doesn’t make sense. She’ll want to know.”

“I guarantee if you call her she won’t answer. Something has happened…” Naskia explained.

“Worse than this?” Sorcha started to feel worried.

Naskia sighed. “Yamanu Neutha was killed…he was murdered, with twenty nine other Humans by the Federation. They’ve declared independence.”

“You…you can’t be serious!” Sorcha said.

“I am. The news networks are thronging with it. So when I say you need to get your facts straight and file a written report, I mean it. Loona will likely pause the project anyway. It looks like there’s a war coming…” Naskia spoke, clearly saddened at the prospect.

“Right…right…I’ll do what I can.” Sorcha said. “Thank you Mummy…I knew you’d know what to do.”

Naskia smiled. “I’m always here if you need me. And I’m sorry for you colleagues. I hope you can stop whatever happened from happening again.”

Sorcha smiled half-heartedly. “I do too. Now I better go, we have wounded who need evacuated to Avalon, and from the sounds of it, uncle Aerti is about to get a lot busier.”

“I hope you’re wrong there…” Naskia said looking worried.

“Me too Mum. Love you.” She said with a small smile.

“Love you too Tuppy. And don’t forget. We’re proud of you. Always.” Her mother said.

“Thanks Mum. Talk soon.” She said and ended the call.

Sorcha sat down and pulled her shoes on. Her problems began to feel very small indeed compared to what was going on elsewhere. Yamanu Neutha was dead and the Empire was on the verge of civil war. Now wasn’t the time to be hiding in her bedroom.

Her mother was right. She couldn’t tell Loona there had been an accident until she knew what had caused it. And without knowing the cause she couldn’t stop it from happening again. There was no time to brood. There was work to be done.


“Hey Celine, just calling to let you know I got us a table at Le Petit Francois for eight tonight…” Joe Vici said, not noticing his thick New York accent butchering the French language. He was walking back to his office via Times Square after having a quick bite to eat. His French Canadian girlfriend had insisted he try some traditional French cuisine and he wasn’t one to argue with a beautiful woman. “Though I still don’t think there’s any way it’ll rival good, old fashioned, home-cooked Italian. Anyway, I got a lot on this afternoon so I’ll probably be in work til about seven, wanna meet for a dri…”

Joe stopped talking. For the first time he could recall his GOOL display started to buzz with static and the beautiful face of his girlfriend disappeared and was slowly replaced with a message and a green and black background.

“And now a message from The Titan Empire to the people of Earth.” It read.

Joe had stopped in tracks, both puzzled and curious to the strange intrusion into his privacy. It took him a moment to notice that every person in the now pedestrianised Times Square had stopped where they were and were looking up at one of the huge billboards that adorned the sides of the buildings. They all displayed the same message. Joe deactivated his GOOL and joined the crowd looking up.

“Here at Wardo’s Pets we stock only the best supplies for your pets!” A man in a garish, green striped suit said as he bounced down aisles of fully stacked shelves.

“From tupp wheels to robotic shaar toys! Kiefler stones to human gymnastic sets, we’ve got the lot!” He continued.

“And this week we’ve got everything you could want for a pet Human!” He smiled and up flashed a image of plastic tank. “Half price Human tanks complete with exercise bars! Bedding! And odour eating litter trays! All for only fifty credits!”

Up flashed a clearly visually enhanced image of a not very homey looking plastic box that brought a scowl to the faces of every person watching.

“We all know those little creatures can be feisty! So for just twenty credits get a HOS approved Human training manual covering everything from tricks, discipline and even how to direct interactions of a more private nature!”

That brought cries of disgust from the crowd.

“And for a limited time only we’ll be selling all this, plus a pre-neutered HOS approved pet Human for only two hundred credits! That’s right! Only two hundred…”

There was static and the image changed.

“Gurrell Dammer is a Human breeder from Korafia who says the province’s shaar problem is putting him out of business…” a female voice said as the camera panned across a garden with a large shed in it. A man then walked up and opened the shed and the camera showed a few dozen terrified looking, and exceptionally small naked people.

“I don’t know if they’re feral or belong to people living in the area.” Gurrell explained to the camera. “But they get into the shed no matter how hard I try to keep them out. They don’t even eat them! They just tear them the pieces! A year ago I had four hundred Humans in stock, now I’m down to thirty two. The ones that are left are too traumatised to be sold! At this rate, I’ll struggle to make my bills…”


“Hello to all my lovely viewers! This is Mistress Trell and I have a very special treat for all of you today!” The blonde haired woman reached into her cleavage and extracted a small Human man. Holding him by one ankle, she dangled him in front of the camera lens. “This, boys and girls, is a live human fresh from Earth. That’s right! I’ve managed to get my claws on a special little delicacy.”

The crowd gasped, horrified where this seemed to be going.

She raised the man to her ear, as if listening to him speak- of course, all she could hear now were indecipherable groans, the only vocalizations he was capable of making anymore.

“Hear that folks? The little guy says his name is Charlie.” She grinned at the camera again.

“What’s that Charlie? You say you want me to give you a kiss?” Vamping for the camera, she pressed her puckered lips against Charlie’s torso, the tip of her tongue slithering out to taste him.

“Mmmm.” She moaned. “Oh Charlie, you do taste good.” Trell’s tongue shot out and licked him from head to toe. She then grasped him by the ankles and raised him above her open mouth. Charlie struggled futilely to escape.

Trell grinned at his efforts. “Gee, you’d think he didn’t want to go in my mouth.” She licked at his face teasingly. “But we all know better, don’t we? What human could possibly resist Mistress Trell’s beautiful maw?” She lowered him into her mouth and clamped her lips around his thighs. With a primal growl that reverberated through his entire body, she pulled him back out through her lips, releasing his head with a slurp.

She licked her lips and giggled girlishly. Winking at the camera, she set Charlie down on the surface of the desk and, without giving him any time to recover, she pinned him to the desktop with her tongue and began feverishly attacking him with it. Slurping and licking at him and raining saliva down on the hapless human.

When Trell felt her viewers had seen enough of that, she sucked Charlie up into her mouth and sealed her lips behind him. She began to batter away at Charlie with her tongue, wrestling him with it and sliding him alone her jawline and into her cheeks. Every so often she would let loose with a low moan for the benefit of her viewers, and at other times she would lean towards the camera and open her mouth just enough for the camera to get a peek inside her cavernous maw.

When she felt the recording had gone on long enough, she used her tongue to line the battered body of Charlie up with the opening of her throat.

Opening her jaws so the camera could watch the entire ordeal, she allowed one last look at the doomed human, and then with an audible gulp, sent the little morsel feet first down her throat.

The Humans watching on Earth shouted out in horror.

She closed her eyes and moaned, leaning back in her chair with one hand on her stomach. She licked her lips slowly and moaned again. She allowed a tiny burp to escape her lips for the purpose of showmanship and then, making eye contact with the camera, a slow satisfied smile spread across her face.


A woman appeared on screen, she was older looking with artificially blonde hair. Below her was her name and title. ‘Forna Qorni, Floor Leader’.

“Humans are not our equals, the will never be our equals. This legislation is pure terg dung and as soon as I can I be will rolling it back. Mark my words, in a year Humans will be out the legislature and back in their terrariums!”


Another picture crackled into view. This time it was a man. Older, naked but this face was familiar. Dr Yamanu Neutha, despite being born in the Empire was a familiar face to those on Earth. He was both a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and regularly appeared (long distance of course but occasionally in person) on debates around humanity’s future in the Universe and how it should deal with the advanced and expansive Empire that surrounded it.

But this wasn’t a friendly interview. It was clear from the lack of clothes, the look on his face and the tone in the voice of the person behind the camera.

“Look at them! Look what’s happening because of you! Because you can’t be happy with the way things are, naturally! You’ve upset the balance, and humans are dying because of it!” the arrogant female voice said.

The camera showed a box of thirty people of varying ages, naked and terrified looking. The people watching all across Earth felt sick to their stomachs, but were unable to tear their eyes away. Even if they wanted to where could they look? It was on every screen across the planet.

In the Titan Embassy in Neveda Eyrn Bass leapt over her desk and out into her secretary’s office. “Get me the Deputy Floor Leader! Now!” she ordered. “Tell her aides, whatever she is doing, this is more important!”

“You are allowed you beliefs, doctor, and I am allowed mine. I don’t want these people to die. And I’m willing to do what must be done to preserve their lives.” Yamanu said clearly disgusted with the woman.

“Are you? Are you really?” the woman spoke again.

“Yes I am.” Yamani replied resolutely.

In Times Square it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The people watching knew this man. What had come before was sickening but this was someone respected across the whole planet.

An enormous hand appeared from behind the camera causing many in the crowd to gasp. They knew the Titans were big but it wasn’t a tangible “knew” until they were reminded of it. It opened the box and removed a young woman, no bigger than the hand’s middle finger. The hand then disappeared off screen.

“You’re making the right decision.” Yamanu said clearly relieved.

“Oh, yes I am.” The woman said and then quickly snatched up Yamanu and dropped him in the tank with the naked, terrified people. The enormous woman then sealed the tank shut.

In the crowd, people started to feel more and more uneasy. There are voices screaming off screen. Muffled, Human voices. Why were they screaming so much? What was happening?

“There. You’ve done what you could. You’ve saved one of them. I’m euthanizing thirty humans today. But only twenty nine will be from this shelter. It can be less, if you’re willing to trade more for your friends.” The Titan woman spoke. Her chilling words sent the crowd into uproar as the full extent of what was unfolding on the screens became clear.

Yamanu stood and looked off camera and held a hand up before looking back towards it. “You still have a choice.” He said.

“I’ve made my choice. Now, you can make yours. I’ll trade you for her, trade you back. ’Doctor’ Yamanu Neutha. I’m willing to bet you’ll gladly trade the life of some human pet for your own. You know and I know that the life of a pet isn’t worth the life of a person, and you know and I know that you sure think you’re a person. But humans aren’t, and you know that. You know that her life doesn’t mean as much as a person’s, right?” The woman spoke.

The crowd on Earth continued to shout at the screen, ignoring the fact that the Woman couldn’t hear her. They were getting angrier and angrier. Yamanu Neutha looked terrified on screen. He closed his eyes for a moment, composed himself, readied himself for what was to come.

“A long time ago, on Earth, a human once wrote, ‘It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done before. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.” He said far calmer than anyone in that situation had any right to be. He looked off out of the box, smiled and then looked back up to the Titaness. “Humans are not pets, and all of our lives are precious. If you are intent on murdering thirty humans, then it is my honour to save one by taking her place.”

He looked off screen. “I have made my choice to save a life. You have made your choice whether to take ours.”

“I have.” The woman said.

Two huge hands then lifted the box and removed it from view. The crowd were unable to tear their eyes from the screen as they waited to see what would happen. A few seconds later the camera panned round to large device, sealing itself shut and then a red light came on.

“A person. Right. This is what you get, you little vermin. The other humans in that box died because you didn’t know your place. I hope they tear you to bits before the gas kicks in. Now, let me see, how do I upload…” The voice said and abruptly stopped. As it stopped the screens went blank and a moment later everything returned to normal.

Or normal on the screen anyway.

In cities, towns and villages all over Earth people shouted abuse, screamed, cried, vomited and expressed all forms of rage imaginable. Thirty people had been gassed in front of their eyes. That kind of cold, systemic destruction of Human life hadn’t happened on Earth in almost two centuries. And then to have it broadcast so blazenly for all of Humanity to see…

It was a message to Earth from the Empire. ‘Know your place’. The people of Earth spilled into the streets and marched and shouted and called for out for justice. They had a message of their own to send back to The Empire. One that would not be ignored.


Author’s note: Credit to Pearl Jam for the song lyrics. Song can be listened to here:


  1. Silver says:

    perhaps i’m stupid but… i don’t understand how the message can hurt the humans, they already know how the Empire saw their species after all

    • OpenHighHat says:

      It’s one thing to hear something in the abstract and another to see it devouring someone like you on screen.

      Also The Empire were saying that Earth Humans and Empire Humans were different and set right as such. This put a bomb in the middle of all of that.

      It also showed that even though The Empire was making warm overtures to Earth, not everyone agreed with their own Empire.

      Consider the effect one preacher in Florida burning a Koran has in the Muslim world.

  2. A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:



    *Molly Hatchet playing in the background*

    This whole video thingy was by design. The end goal of such is to separate Earth from the empire….. Whats curious to me is why the people of Earth are going completely apeshit now? Its not that this information is news…Well with the exception of Dr Neutha’s demise… And it could be argued that whatever sins Los Titanos are committing have been committed by the Earthers before – to each other..Unless the lurid details of such has been omitted by Eyrn and Co. which I suspect it has

    Speaking of which I’m not sure that this can be pappered (erd) over by your standard diplomatic/politic double speak. I see this as a potential career killer. Shame as it could have been avoided by a little truthful diplomacy…That is if she has a career left when this is done.

    Whats also curious to me is why has not more humans from Earth traveled into the empire? I would think that a good percentage of the population would be uhhhh…curious about the Titans…That would fill in a lot of holes. Hell, just listening to the commercials on Titan TV would give a good insight on their society

    One udder point… Only 12 Acolytes? why not 1200? 12 ain’t gonna do much…Unless this is still in Beta test

    A nutter point……There are a fair % of titans who sympathise with the Federations POV, while they may disagree with the tactics but in agreement about with the viewpoint..

    I would hate to see after all the shouting and yelling and shooting (and bombing) is done and over that everything reverts to kumbaya mode..You know one that parallels a political POV on earth (now) that is divorced from reality

  3. OpenHighHat says:

    I will say, I was quite concerned when I formatted this chapter that the Sorcha part I rather enjoyed writing would get lost in the fuss over the ‘Faces of Death’ section. I was not wrong.

    I hope you’ll give the song a listen. It is fantastically good.

    • Naoru says:

      I dont know what you are talking about. I really enjoyed that part, and I can understand Sorcha, even if its not the right time to sulk. Not only she has too much pressure on her, but she is also so used to being the smartest, strongest, to always win, that she doesnt know how to handle failure which actually is common ocurence in people that are not used to losing. That’s why its actually healthy to let kids fail from time to time, because they wont always win and they have to be prepared for it.
      I always enjoy the sorcha bits maybe because for a lot of reasons I strongly feel for her. Working on one’s issues is no easy task.
      But yeah, it wasn’t lost in space, you can relax about it 😉

      • AlphaRed says:

        No no, OHH, it was good. I agree with Naoru. I especially liked how Naskia was able to advise her daughter. Kind of also hits home how alien the Titans still are. They have this massive project being run by essentially youth volunteers, all less than 30 years old – bc let’s face it the titans are running this. Despite the time differences Sorcha and all the others are young and need mature guidance from time to time. Although it seems titans do elevate their young early. Rixie was able to retire from military service at 26 after active service since she was 14 I think. Point being this showed something important….and I can guess it wasn’t an accident.

    • AlphaRed says:

      No no, it was good. I especially liked how Naskia was able to advise her daughter. Kind of also hits home how alien the Titans still are. They have this massive project being run by essentially youth volunteers, all less than 30 years old – bc let’s face it the titans are running this. Despite the time differences Sorcha and all the others are young and need mature guidance from time to time. Although it seems titans do elevate their young early. Rixie was able to retire from military service at 26 after active service since she was 14 I think. Point being this showed something important….and I can guess it wasn’t an accident.

  4. A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

    Sorcha is acting like a immature and petulant child. She had better grow up quick. She now has a position of authority and responsibility. Yes it is her responsibility to oversee the new colony and to take the hits as they come…And they will, can’t be helped given the nature of the project. Unfortunate that people died but that was not her direct fault….Naskia’s advice was spot on..

    The problem with a lot of leaders (here in the Titanverse and in the real world – whatever that is..) is that they want everybody to love them or to think highly of them. This view is not only ineffective but counter-productive.


    Will post a coupla comments or two on the not-so-subtle media manipulation by the empire agents of anarchy ……l8tr (alligator)

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      The problem with a lot of leaders (here in the Titanverse and in the real world – whatever that is..) is that they want everybody to love them or to think highly of them.

      The problem with Sorcha is that circumstance forces her into a leadership roles when it is obvious she’s by nature an advisor, not a leader. Maybe the authors will have her succeed against her nature as a leader but it just won’t quite ring true.

      • A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

        But she did accept the role as a leader. She now has to act like one. She was not ‘forced’ to take the position

  5. Genguidanos says:

    This was up under a different name for a while. When I came back and saw the new titles, I mistakenly thought It was a new chapter. Which was unfortunate because after the day I had, I could have used a double hit of Titan to take the edge off. Oh well, the new title is much better now.

  6. Barrowman says:

    This could have been done by almost any party. You can look at this in so many ways. Even Niall could have done this. He could be the most dangerous person in this galaxy. Who knows what kind of technology he has been given Earth and Avalon the past few Titan years.

  7. Arbon says:

    Now here’s something interesting I’ve only just considered, the giant bat-things. The ones who Solis tried to ally with, who recognized that earth and humans as a whole could be a threat if left unchecked (or if handled the wrong way) who aren’t exactly on friendly terms with the empire. Easier to negotiate with than the bugs seeing as they want more than just flesh to devour, and have a more comprehensible social response.

    They could be the allies in question that the federation is counting on instead of the insectoids.

  8. Bjohnson says:

    I really hope that Earth has more than just the acolyte ships… Possibly a hidden fleet spread across Mercury, Venus, Mars and maybe Jupiter. I feel Earth may have advanced more than the rest of the universe knows about possibly government tech is near Titan/insectoid level.

  9. Angel Agent says:

    Its just a thought I been having but I know the rules as no size changing but I was thinking if there was to be. The humans would have got access to the information to how they started to give longer lives to humans but also how they failed to grow humans to titan size.

    Humans being as crazy as they are try and see if they can grow a human to titan size and with how fast humans learn I see them making it work and start growing humans to titan size and be starting a military operation called project Olympus and the resize humans be class name Olympians because of the whole titans vs the Olympians.

    Should of had size changing because I think that was a good idea I had.

    • Arbon says:

      Why bother growing via biological manipulation? They have access to titan prosthetics, meaning workings mechanical limbs designed to operate as arms or feet at that size scale, just build a mech. They have access to nano-tech, which while no one has been using it for anything ever since the last disaster where it went rouge and tried to infect the whole world, you don’t need to change sizes to unleash a grey goo scenario. They have the holographic emitters with viable hard-light tech. That is strait-up green lantern core style of tech that even titans have managed to weaponize to some degree.

      More to the point, this is a SPACE FARING RACE! Where larger size means less room for guns, more extensive and more vulnerable life support, more expensive supplies, less room for energy, less room for the propulsion. If you want to fight in space, you want to be as small as freakin possible, if you could uplift ants to human level intelligence and send up model spacecraft with ant pilots, you can bet a cost savvy NASA would do so.

      All of this is brought to yet more ridiculous extremes when the power source to those acolytes is brought up, and the fact neither Titan nor insectoid shielding can block a physical ship from just flying right past. How hard will it be to hit a tiny ship if said ship is small enough to burn a way into your hull … and then fly into said hole, proceeding to burn more from inside your ship.

      The only advantage humans need but don’t have is cash. Resources, metal, mining operations, time, they don’t have a fleet and they only have, at best, two planets from which to draw resources to build military defenses. If things get to a ground war and its suddenly armed humans going toe to toe against armed titans, again making yourself a bigger target isn’t even slightly helpful. Get yourself a bigger gun, and train all of the ground soldiers to carry and aim something that can down a Titan in one or two shots.

      No idea what fighting the insectoids on land would be like, but then neither does earth at this point. Too many people keeping too many secrets.

      • NightEye says:

        I just thought of your post while reading Old Man’s War, a scifi novel. At some point in the story, the human soldiers are sent to take a planet from the Covandu, an alien race that’s remarkably similar to us : “bipedal, mammalian, extraordinarily gifted in artistic matters, particularly poetry and drama, fast breeding and unusually aggressive when it came to the universe and their place in it. […] The tallest of whom is no more than one inch tall.”

        The fight scene, appening on the ground, is a massacre of course, with the humans stepping on Covandus for hours and smashing their “skyscrapers” with their bare hands but the story points out that in space, the Covandu’s size is a tremendous advantage and that they have won many space battles against gigantic (to them) human spaceships.

        Indeed, you’re right, in the Titanverse, all humans lack are ressources and time. But they do lack it.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      If there were size changing, it’d be just like every other GT/GTS story out there. That’s one thing (though certainly not the only thing) that sets this series apart from other stories.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      Rule number One of Titan:

      No size changing.

      Holograms are a short term cheat of this rule. Does no one remember the uproar after epilogue one of Physics when I implied Niall might end up Titan sized?

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Holograms are a short term cheat of this rule.

        In this case that is quite literally the elephant’s nose under the tent. In a universe where you have Darren as tactician, Niall as theoretician, Myona as experimentalist, and Pryvani as the banker, the rest of that particular elephant is bound to follow if you let the story run long enough. 😉

        I am of course curious to see how you wrap it up but far from being a short term cheat, holographics extended the way Myona was obviously speculating could be a more effective and satisfying way to integrate physically diverse cultures, and not just Human-Titan size problem, than it would be to tackle the biological transformation head on.

        • Arbon says:

          Scale the size down, have gloves with a small holographic emitter in the palm, get the range up to at least two feet to be useful for something or at minimum thirty feet to allow the wielder to compete with titan physical power. Have a similarly tiny computer somewhere either inside the gloves or strapped to a backpack depending on how small you can get it (same with power supply) and then coded to create a number of preset hard light projections in response to verbal commands or hand motion gestures.

          Suddenly humans can get through doors on their own by projecting a giant holographic hand that floats up to press the button. Among other things depending on how creative you can get.

          If the size of the tech is an issue and it can’t be miniaturized down for human use, then strap it to the back of a car and call it a day. The fact so many humans (for some reason) still need to be carried around from place to place rather than hop onto their own personal hoverboard or transportation drone is just …. weird.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            How about something a little simpler…

            “So what’s to stop a hologram from holding its own projector?” – Sharr

            Or what says the projection has to look like a Titan sized human all the time?

            Take a Freeman-Bass reactor in combo with a hard light projector that projects around itself an Earth sized sheepdog programmed to follow and obey its human master. When Titan size is needed it is commanded to reproject in its master’s image and picks up the human who rides in comfort inside the projection controlling the projection mech-like.

            Essentially little or no accommodation is needed for the human who can function the whole day, or as long as the human could stay awake in a Titan environment.

  10. faeriehunter says:

    After reading this chapter I kept thinking “wow, that’s some truly epic flamebait”. If anything is going to provoke Earth into doing something rash (and probably ill-advised) it’s going to be this.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        The folks manipulating Earth are doing so for only one reason, to get Titan Station shut down. That benefits the Bugs so they are involved.

        Question is who will front for them with Earth? It has to be a human or someone who passes for human.

        Some humans raised and educated by someone for this purpose? It occurs to me as well Myrell might not be the only Insectoid hybrid.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            There is that tease in the wiki about the K’Gapti’s specialty: “Information from Drazari sources suggests they are experts in manipulating genetics, and that their starships are at least partly biomechanical.” 🙂

  11. NightEye says:

    HOS approved Human training manual covering everything from tricks, discipline and even how to direct interactions of a more private nature.

    I’d really like to know more about the HOS methods especially back in the day. Tapp was threatened with a new “discipline” regimen when she was at the shelter. If I remember correctly, Lyroo was waiting for the Legislature to approve it – the subtext being that some thought it too extreme. Probably akin to torture.

    This being said, I’m surprised a HOS approved book would contain sexual training tips : I was under the impression Lyroo was very much opposed to it, if for no other reason because it’s dangerous to the human.

    • faeriehunter says:

      It’s possible that that part came from pre-Lyroo HOS. The Trell part shows that whoever is responsible for the videostream had no problem using recordings that were made decades ago. (And use them alongside more recent recordings so that the viewer is led to believe that they’re all from recent times.)

    • TheSilentOne says:

      I assumed that bit was more just things like how to relieve themselves discreetly. As far as I know, most humans were discuraged from having sex, especially with Titans. A small number might be bred for that, but it’s doubtful this ad would be targetting those owners.

  12. Ponczek says:

    Ok. Now the Empire can worry, because there is no chance things wont get better by enraging whole planet with fast technological progress. I guess its just matter of hours that angry mob will come to Titan Empire embassy… As well as to some higher-ups who might have any connections to Empire. Now the ones like Rigdemont won’t have to press with argument that they are against the giants, people will gladly take their side. I just Wonder if Eyrn will spill the info about new colony though – Earth, Tau Ceti, and Ruins of Sperikos might be the frontline of whatever Hive is preparing.
    Actually one could quote one of first chapters of Debate “Miracle it’s stayed quiet this long” – i suppose McClure wrote about facts, but not such extremes… Especially that Trell record… Wow, i mean one had to dig pretty much… Unless it would be buggies, or some of their allies – given they want to literally devour Earth they wouldnt mind to wreck some havoc, and they have intel, and i bet hacking “primitive” Earth systems wouldnt be that much of problem for them.
    Also i got feeling that the building collapse has something to do with Myrell. (Aaaand here we go back to buggies.)

  13. Kusanagi says:

    I’m guessing this is from someone in the Empire, apparently hacking into every Gool on Earth is no small feat technologically, so they needed plenty of resources.

    Perhaps Solis’ allies? His goal was to start a war before Earth advanced enough to stand a chance. Maybe this is a continuation of that.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Why bother with Earth? While Solis’ buddies do see Earth as a long term threat there is no reason they would think that whatever Earth opinion it could have much influence on the course of events. If you are simply spreading terror you don’t show Yamma’s last stand.

      Somebody outside the empire is about to follow up this public show with a VERY public offer of “mutual friendship” and a treaty against the Empire. The terms of that treaty will doubtless involve Earth demanding the empire abandon Titan Station in addition to pulling off Earth and out of Sol System. Why fight your next meal when it will voluntarily walk into the trap. That of course opens the door for an assault on the rest of the neighborhood.

      That’s why we’ve been seeing all the new Earth politicos showing up in the Wiki this week. Another great debate comes, wonder how many of them know about the little project.

  14. Rapscallion says:

    Dang that was chilling. Goosebumps all over.

    Gotta wonder who came up with that stream of videos at the end. It’s the perfect motivator. The only reason I doubt the Feds is because they don’t consider humans or Earth as having any ability to shape the coming conflict. Unless one of them is smarter than the leaders we’ve seen.

    Thought of the scene in Hunger Games with the riot, then thought this might be better!

    “Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war;
    That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
    With carrion men, groaning for burial.”

  15. Soatari says:

    This cyber attack wasn’t Titan made. I’m willing to bet this was done by humans, on Earth, trying to rile up the masses to get support for their xenophobic agenda.

    • Arbon says:

      Given the severity of what’s happened, had happened for so long, and how everyone seems content to try and hide this for some reason, I’d say the display was both a good thing … and inevitable. Secrets never stay secret for long, especially not in the age of information where the entire species has a hive-mind superinteligence.

    • Rapscallion says:

      If it is their timing is impeccable and we haven’t heard a thing about them throughout Hybrid, Contact, and the Debate. Seems unlikely they’d be introduced this late in the game.

      • Soatari says:

        The video of Yama’s death posed a great opportunity for them. The man was globally known. It’s the final shocking topping to this sadistic cake they’ve made.

    • Kusanagi says:

      We never did find out who leaked the truth about humans in the Empire in The Debate did we? Perhaps the same person or group.

    • NightEye says:

      The gibberish in between videos reminds me more of Insectoid “talk”. But anyway, the timing is too “perfect” for it to be anything but a part of the Hive / Federation plan. Doubtful Humans are participating in that (but we’ll see).

      In the Titan Embassy in Neveda Eyrn Bass leapt over her desk and out into her secretary’s office. “Get me the Deputy Floor Leader! Now!” she ordered. “Tell her aides, whatever she is doing, this is more important!”

      Can’t say I feel for Eyrn. Her secrets are finally blowing up in her face. I’d say serves you right if the consequences weren’t gonna be so catastrophic.

    • faeriehunter says:

      My money is on the Ziah Solis group being responsible for this videostream. Quoting The Debate chapter three:

      Cesil smiled. “And our allies? The Titan ones?”

      “They will provide us some media support, when the time comes, and possibly some military support as well…though we saw how well that worked before.”

        • Rapscallion says:

          Seems very possible. One of the more interesting things that may be going on in the background is that all the enemies of the current version of the Titan Empire are really also enemies of each other just working together for the moment.

          Solis’ group wants expanded, more militarized society to defend the Empire against impending threats. His lot surely don’t want the bugs to win or to lose territory to secession except as justification for their goals.

          Federation wants independence and resurgence of old ideals, also don’t want the bugs to win outright or they’d be next, also don’t want to be reconquered by extreme nationalists like Solis group.

          Earth extremists, if there are any, want to push the Empire out of the area and protect against possible violations of sovereignty, like they used to. Also could be to teach them a lesson, vengeance. But they don’t want the bugs to consume Earth and the Federation is the very image of what they would hate. Because they aren’t ready for a war is why I think the signal couldn’t be them, but who knows.

      • sketch says:

        Double the distraction. Federation declares independence. Anti-Titan sentiment reaches all time high on Earth, and the empire pulls some of their presence there to relieve tension. Insectoids strike while attention and presence on the border is at its lowest.

        Actually, maybe triple that. Nas has a point about the collapse. It could have been sabotage. Someone on T-Cet could use their own distraction, and Sorcha has pretty much locked herself in her room for the moment. Who’s in charge right now?

      • A Name? We Don't Need No Stinkin Names....... says:

        You know Syon Fand is still around and has allies. She could have played a part in this…Bet ya she is itching for revenge…

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      It was made to look like a New Empire operation. Maybe as a decoy, maybe as a message or maybe as typical Fed arrogance

      For the first time he could recall his GOOL display started to buzz with static and the beautiful face of his girlfriend disappeared and was slowly replaced with a message and a green and black background.

      It was made by someone with access to the Empire’s ability to penetrate Earth comm systems, most likely someone with connections in the Fleet and connections to the deposed CinC.

      It was made by someone with access to Dr Praxa’s video which was obviously now a planned event. Praxa is unlikely to be the planner but was a willing participant.

      All that suggests it wasn’t anIt wasn’t made strictly as an act of terror or there would have been an effort to edit the Praxa recording. That strongly points to the objective being to get the UN demanding an Enpire withdrawl from Titan Station and that points strongly to the Bugs being in on the deal.

      It was made by someone who had access to Trell’s old video library. That potentially could have been anybody but the more widespread that video would have been on the Empire net the less likely it would be unknown on Earth 150E years later. It was probably brought back by someone who remembered the original recording and had physical access to a copy. The other clips sound like what could have been picked up at any point off Federation broadcasts.

      This last may be the planner’s mistake because when Privani sees the broadcast she will recognize Trell and quickly figure out from her monologue the broadcast had to come from Titan Station during the visit to recover the whales. That may allow tracking the comm logs to see where Trell’s broadcast went that day.

      The Qorni quote is interesting. It does not show up anywhere in the Titanverse currently, at least as it’s worded here. We might get thet clue a little later.

      It all suggests a broad cabal involving someone controls Praxa but may be only pretending to be part of the New Empire, acting to start a chain of events meant to eject the Empire from Sol System and eliminate the primary defense base without firing a shot which directly benefits the Bugs or whoever shows up in Earth orbit claiming to be Earth’s friend and defend Earth against the Empire. It suggests they have working alliances with the old friends of Lady Fand and Solis giving them access to videos and comm links to pull it off. Using the Praxa video unedited suggest it was a rush job or the perpetrator doesn’t fully comprehend human responses.

      • faeriehunter says:

        Green and black aren’t just used by the Federation. They are the main colors of the Empire’s flag, and are therefore widely used throughout the Empire, from military dress uniforms having those colors to a political party named Green and Black. Pryvani even dyed her hair green and black on a few occasions when she wanted to emphasize her loyalty to the Empire.

        As for Praxa’s actions, I don’t see how they could have been a planned event of any sort; it was a spur-of-the-moment decision even for Shatad Praxa herself. My guess is that while most of the Earth broadcast was pre-planned, Praxa’s video was added at the last minute because it was better material than anything the broadcasters already had.

        I also don’t think that the part with Trell will be very useful for tracking purposes after all these years. I imagine that those kinds of recordings circulate underground, on servers and computers owned by depraved individuals, much like child pornography in real life.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          Given the state of the Empire, I doubt any of these clips were particularly hard to come by. For the sake of not overcomplicating the plot, they include events we’ve already seen, but I’m sure there would be no shortage of anti-human clips floating around the Titan internet. I find it hard to believe that any of the clipse really had prior planning involved in the context of this incident. As for somehow interrupting every communications device on Earth (a feat that still stretches my suspension of disbelief) there probably aren’t that many that could pull that off. Either that or Earth’s infrastructure has gotten extremely more standardized, something that could theoretically happen IRL, and I guess has in story, but given Human nature for competition, still seems odd.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            I expect both the Earth internet and the Imperial net circa 2127 MA have the equivalent of an “Emergency Broacast System” which could be no more sophisticated the to override a name servers and essentially force all net access to the same address. There are probably protections against the net being hijacked this way and of course the military will have back door access around the protections which is why I suspect some old friend of Solis was part of this plan. Not impossible the Bugs had that capability too but less likely. In either case the question is could anyone pull this off without help from someone on Earth.

          • Barrowman says:

            Indeed. I find that feat also unbelievable. That Titans or Insectoids or other non-Human species are behind it, seems weird. Nobody sees Earth as a threat, so making them agressive or not just doesn’t make sense. This would have to be a party that actually cares what Earthlings thinks and/or that it can make a difference. Only the Titans who love humans or humans somewhere would be interested in this and would definitly not abandon Earth and the solar system. This film just warned the Titans who actually care about Earth to give it more attention and that there is something suspicious going on. The opposite effect of what the Insectoids want, more eyes and vigilance on Sol Earth by human lovers.
            It’s a longshot, but someone like Niall and some of his allies could pull this off. This seems more like a warning to Earth that they better have all their new advanced weapons and traps in place because the time for alien attacks/invasion is almost upon them. Like a call the mobilize the entire planet.
            Pryvani also has very dangerous technology and shall no doubt be a very important player in this massive conflict.
            But there are so many options how the story will progress.

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