Chapter Thirty Nine: Lights Out Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

“They’re coming round…” Pri said to her master.

Myrell smiled, excited for the fun to come and stroked her little pet’s hair.

“Pri…?” Sephonie grumbled as she sat up and looked around. She couldn’t see far. She was on a cold, metal surface with a bright light overhead and blackness beyond. “Who’s there? Why…why are we here…”

She spotted Duas sitting up and rubbing his head.

“Urgh…what happened?” He said.

“The woman…” Sephonie said to him.

There was giggling from somewhere in the darkness above them and an enormous face appeared at the edge of the light.

“I recognise you…you’re…you’re…one of the Titans. Why have done this…what do you want with us?” Sephonie demanded and took a step forward.

Her sharp tone was met with a sharp flick to the side of the torso and she slid across the metal tabletop.

“Sephonie!” Duas shouted and rushed to his friend’s side.

“Here is what you need to know.” Myrell said and smiled a Cheshire cat smile. “Neither of you are going to leave this room. One will die quickly, one won’t. I want to you to tell Pri here how to disable the power plant. Whoever does that, dies quickly. The last of you to cooperate gets to spend as long as possible with me. And I promise you, you won’t enjoy it. I will though.”

“You’re cracked…we won’t help you. And neither will Pri.” Sephonie spat back as she clutched her side.

“And neither will Pri.” Myrell mocked in high pitched voice.

Pri stepped forward into the light. “I will do whatever I’m told.” She raised her voice. “I was raised better than you. Bred better! I am one of the best, most obedient, most loyal, most intelligent pets you can get in The Empire! And you people are trying to ruin it!

“Pri…we’re your friends…” Duas said in disbelief.

“You’re animals. Though we all are. Just some of us are higher up the food chain.” Myrell snapped her teeth. “Now, who’s going to talk first?”

“We’ll tell you nothing!” Sephonie shouted.

Myrell’s answer was swift. Her hand snapped forward like lightning and pinched Sephonie’s foot between a finger and thumb and crushed it into paste.

Sephonie screamed. She screamed with an agony that no one on that world had felt before.

“Stop it! Leave her alone!” Duas shouted and cradled his friend as she crumbled to the floor, screaming. He looked up, disgusted, as the woman sucked his friend’s blood off her thumb. It was clear she was ruthless, and was more than capable of delivering on her threats. He hoped that she was more interested in the information they had than carrying out her threats. “I’ll help you…”

“Oh?” Myrell replied pleased.

“You can have me…and the information. Just let Sephonie go. That’s all I want.” Duas said, his voice trembling.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the Titaness. “That wasn’t the deal on offer. Quick death or painful death? I’ll give her the quick death if you want.”

“NO!” Duas shouted back, though part of his wanted to accept the offer as his friend wept in his arms. “She lives! Or nothing!”

“I could torture you…then you’ll tell me.”

“I’ll tell you nothing!” He said.

“Or…” Myrell said and reached and pinched Sephonie’s other foot and crushed it causing the woman to scream again. “…I torture her!”

Duas held his friend tightly and cried as she screamed and writhed in agony. He wanted to throw up. He had no choice. There was no choice. “Sephonie…I’m sorry…I so, so sorry…”

“Fine! I’ll tell you whatever you want, you monster!” He said.

Myrell rolled her eyes. “Really? Monster? It’s such a cliché.” She reached out and picked up the screaming woman and lifted her out of sight.

There was a sickening squelch and the screaming stopped. Duas felt like he had died as well.

“Well,” Myrell smiled. “Now I’ve done my part, you do yours. How does my friend Pri disable the reactor?”

Duas’ lip trembled and tears rolled down his cheeks. He didn’t want to help this woman. He just wanted to curl up and die.

Myrell sighed and rolled her eyes again. “It’ll be a lot easier to understand you if you’re not screaming. Out with it.”

“The magnetic containment dial…” He stuttered. “…if you slowly turn it clockwise it will expand the containment field. Leave it in the red area and it will melt the reactor walls and it will shut down…permanently. Turn it slowly though and turn off each of the overrides as they light up or the reaction will auto-shutdown.”

“Get that Pri?” Myrell asked.

“Turn the dial slowly. Leave it in the red. Turn off lights.” Pri replied.

“You disgust me, Pri. I thought you were my friend…” Duas said trembling with a mix of fear and anger.

“Welcome to reality.” Pri fired back.

“Oh be nice, Pri.” Myrell said. “He’s lost a friend.”

“Frak you!”

The Titaness shook her head. “Well we best get moving on. But we need to make sure you don’t go anywhere. We don’t want to miss out on any fun later?” She extended her thumb and pressed it down over his shins and he screamed. “There! You won’t be going anywhere!”

Duas writhed in agong. Myrell had broken both his legs, shattering his fibulas and tibias to pieces. He screamed and screamed and begged for mercy. But none came. She just picked up and dumped him in a drawer, causing yet more agony.

“Bye, bye little Human. Please try not to expire before I get back ok? And it doesn’t need saying, but if this doesn’t work you’ll know just how much of a monster this girl can be.” Myrell said and headed towards the door.

“Pri, I was worried about you. But you’ve more than proven yourself. Do this last thing for me and you’ll have friend for life.” Myrell said.

“I promise, I’ll do what needs to be done. I’ll make you and Pryvani proud.” Pri beamed up at her master.

“Oh I’m sure Pryvani would be very proud of you.” She grinned. “Very proud of you indeed.”

Loona sat back in her chair, fingers tented, watching the stars streak past outside the window. She occasionally glanced back at her screen to see if anything had changed. She knew it wouldn’t have changed. If it changed there would be a beep to alert to her. It had been over four hours now and nothing. Waiting for four hours by Titan standards was nothing unusual. Though it was likely quite extreme by Human standards.

She didn’t know how much longer it was, but her screen did eventually beep.

“Madam Ambassador,” A female rather chipper voice with a twang not too dissimilar to Eyrn Bass’ said from the the screen. “I’m very sorry for the delay. Things are somewhat hectic here.”

Loona turned to the screen and smiled her best diplomatic smile. “Not at all Madam Secretary-General.”

Secretary-General Ridgemont looked confused momentarily. “You’re not Ambassador Bass.”

“My name is Loona Armac. I am Deputy Floor Leader of The Titan Empire.” Loona said.

“Well Deputy Floor Leader, I’m sure someone of your position is aware of the rigours of high office.” Ridgemont smiled a warm smile, which Loona easily saw through.

“I am, I often keep people waiting. Luckily we Titans are a patient people.”Loona returned the smile, expecting Ridgemont to see straight through it as well.

“Well I am glad. Had I have known that the Deputy Floor Leader of the Titan Empire was waiting I would not have kept you waiting as long.” Ridgemont said. “What can I do for you?”

“I was hoping to discuss the current…situation with you.” Loona said.

That was when the smiles ended.

“There’s nothing to discuss. Our position is firm. The Empire is to renounce its claim to all territory in the Sol System, including Titan Station. We won’t talk until you Titans at least have the humility to recognise our claims to our own solar system.” Ridgemont said flatly.

“Titan Station is an incredibly important asset to the…”

“Perhaps if it was so important the Floor Leader herself should have contacted me? Or the Emperor maybe? Or is she too busy trying to ensure we all end up back in our cages where we belong?” Ridgemont asked. All diplomatic nicities were now long gone.

Loona adjusted in her chair and relaxed a bit. Now the small talk was out of the way they could get down to business. Loona was much more comfortable working in this manner.

“The Floor Leader is currently preoccupied with the civil war that has broken out within the Empire following the murder of Dr Yamanu Neutha.” Loona replied.

This appeared to catch Ridgemont off guard.

“Civil war?”

“Yes. The Federation Province of The Empire refused to apply the law granting citizenship to Humans. We were putting pressure on them to do so when the murders occurred but after that there was no going back. They have seceded. We intend to do all we have to, to ensure the rights of all Imperial citizens are recognised and those who committed those horrific murders are brought to justice.” Loona spoke seriously.

“I hope strong action will follow those strong words. But it changes nothing. Our position remains the same.”

“Strong actions will follow. I would ask that you meet with me to discuss the current situation to see if with can come to some sort of agreement.” Loona said keeping her tone open.

“Agreement?” Ridgemont scoffed. “You have enslaved and humiliated our people! And you expect to have chat and make it all better. I think you overreach, Madam Deputy Floor Leader.”

“I am on a ship heading to the Sol Earth system as we speak.”

“Turn around. We need less Titans in this system, not more.” Ridgemont shot back.

“Madam Secretary-General,” Loona once more tented her fingers and leaned forward slightly. “I saw that broadcast and it made me feel physically ill…”

“It was your people! Your society! Are you going to tell me any of this was news to you?” Ridgemont glared from the screen.

Loona half smiled and shook her head. “My good friend Dr Niall Freeman pointed out to me before I left that the pet shop advert ran right up until emancipation.”

“Hearing that does not make me feel any better about it.” The UN leader replied sarcastically.

“The reason they ran it was because people were no longer buying Humans. The writing was on the wall. The generation behind mine almost unanimously views Humans as a sentient species and views what we have done to Humans as unconscionable.” Loona said. “You need to look past the provocation of what the broadcast was about and to who broadcast it and why.”

“I do not need to be told what to do by the likes of you. If your people view what they have done as unconscionable then you will withdraw from the Sol System as we have asked. ” Ridgemont almost growled.

Loona resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She was as bad as Qorni.

“And as I have stated, Titan Station is a strategically important…”

“I do not have time for this. Earth has spoken. There will be no negotiation. You will withdraw or Earth will assert its rights over our territory.” She said. “ALL of our territory.”

Loona raised a surprised brow.

“Very well. Since you don’t have time to discuss it with me allow me to lay down my hand. And perhaps take a guess at yours.” Loona said frankly.

Ridgemont did not reply.

“On this ship I have with me three Human citizens of The Empire. Secretary Darren Xanpotholous, Dr Niall Freeman and a woman who has been my friend longer than you have been alive, Nonah Armac. All three of which are on their way to visit Earth. Each of them is going to go on broadcast after broadcast talking about their experiences of the Empire. Secretary Xanpotholous represents a world which is has joined The Empire happily and freely. Niall Freeman has been married for over an Earth century to Titan woman and has a daughter with her. He’s also one of the Empire’s most respected minds. And one of Earth’s I hear.”

“And then there’s Nonah Armac. Who is a renowned author, not just in The Empire but now on Earth. She is a person who is so close to me that not only did she take my family name, but she brought me into her family. I consider her children to be my own.” Loona smiled. “Have you seen her speak? She speaks very, very well. She’d make a phenomenal politician but she has too much integrity for that. She is an intelligent, articulate and honest woman. And she will be telling the people of Earth why they should not fear The Empire. She will tell Earth why we should be friends.”

“I could have them banned from setting foot on the planet.” Ridgemont snapped.

Loona raised a brow once more. “You think that will work?” she spoke glibly. “Nonah is scheduled to be give a guest lecture at Oxford University on the comparative literature of the three branches of Humanity. Niall has a meeting with the Nobel committee and Darren, well, he’s an American hero. Do you want to explain why he’s been banned from going back to Texas?”

Ridgemont squirmed just a little.

“Allow me to take a guess at your hand…” Loona started.

“You won the vote to repeal the Treaty of Titan Station in the General Assembly by just two votes. The countries who voted no have a larger population than those who voted aye. The vote may well be overturned by the Court of Justice. All the while the people on Earth will be bombared with footage of my friends talking about the Empire being their friends and footage of Titan soldiers DYING to bring those who killed Yamanu Neutha to justice!” Loona’s voice rose just a bit before she calmed down. “So Madam Secretary-General. I may only be holding a mere pair, but it beats your lonely nine of clubs high.”

Ridgemont squirmed a bit more. She had not counted on the Titans being familiar with the politics of Earth, let alone the card games.

“What do you want?” she asked flatly.

“To meet. To negotiate a long term settlement that is beneficial for us all. To work with Earth to make sure that no Human goes through what was shown in that broadcast again.” Loona said. “We have ordered the withdrawal of all combat craft from Titan Station and I understand Navarchos Bass is evacuating all non-essential personnel as well. As far as the public on Earth can see we are following your demand. But it is only temporary. If you talk to us, we can come to an agreement before those craft and people return. If you don’t you will either have to follow up on your threats, or look weak.”

The Secretary-General cupped her chin as she mulled over her options.

“I want an apology.” Ridgemont said. “A formal, public apology for the crimes of your Empire. Before we talk.”

“Not unreasonable. I will ask The Floor Leader to table a bill. I can’t guarantee it will pass and I know it won’t arrive before I do. But I will apologise personally. I hope you understand I cannot do so on behalf of The Empire unless authorised.” Loona explained.

“That will have to do…” Ridgemont grumbled.

Loona smiled, she would have to remember to buy Darren a drink. “I apologise for strong arming you, it’s not normally my way but these are trying times.”

“I have strong armed more than my fair share of politicians, Madam Deputy Floor Leader.” Ridgemont spoke. “I underestimated your level of understanding of Earth.”

“I have taken a keen interest in Earth. It is the home of some of my closest friends. I hope one day to visit myself.” Loona said.

Ridgemont frowned a little. “I hope you understand I cannot have you on the planet until we have resolved all the issues we are facing.”

“I do.” Loona said. “I have requested the ISS Gyfjon meet us in orbit. It has Human crew members, facilities for Humans and has a crew that is used to having Humans aboard. If you are happy to, we could hold the negotiations there.”

“It seems like you would be at an advantage…”

“I am happy to conduct negotiations holographically or face to face.” Loona replied.

Ridgemont nodded. “Holographically will do. I get neck strain.”

“Very well Madam Secretary-General. We will be arrive in under twenty six hours. I look forward to seeing you.” Loona said.

“I wish I could say the same.” Ridgemont replied.

“Honest to a fault.” Loona smiled. “Well, hopefully one day you will.”


Pri stepped into the control room. It was the dead of night and as usual she was wearing her overalls and pulling a mop bucket behind her. She was rather surprised to see a badling, older man sitting in front of the control console where Duas and Sephonie usually sat. She walked over, pulling her bucket behind her.

“Aren’t Duas and Sephonie usually here?” Pri asked unsure as she approached him.

The man shrugged. “They didn’t turn up. So I got called in to pick up the slack. I swear, these kids. They have no idea how to take responsibility for themselves.”

“Yeah…I’m sure…” Pri said and started to mop.

This complicated things. She wasn’t sure how she should proceed from here. She had hoped that the control room would be empty and that she could walk in, do what she had to and walk out. She asked herself what would her master do?


The man dropped to the floor unconscious and Pri’s mop split in two and fell clattering to the floor.

She stepped over the man and scanned the console. It was covered in dials, buttons, readouts, switches and all sorts of writing. She suddenly wished she’d paid more attention in the reading classes she’d been sent to.

“Well the dial is round…and it has red band on it.” She looked across the console. There was only one dial matching that description. It was quite low at the minute. She slowly turned it up.

As she reached halfway the lights on the console went from green to amber and a small alarm went off. The alarms made her feel less nervous. Clearly she was doing the right thing. She kept turning the dial slowly and turned off the lights as they appeared.

As the dial approached the red zone the alarms changed from buzzers to klaxons and the lights from amber to red. As the dial arrived in the red zone the lighting in the room dropped to deep red. One last override light appeared and she pushed it and it went out. She could see incoming transmissions to the console and repeated notifications from the computers. She left the dial in the red and decided it was time to leave. She poured the cup of tea on the console over the floor, grabbed her mop pieces and bucket and hurried out of the room.



“I dunno Moze! These things take a minute…” Lessy said from behind the bathroom door.

She was staring at a stick. A white, plastic and otherwise uninteresting stick. Though a stick she had just pee’d on.

“Anything?” He asked.

Lessy sighed, just as impatient as he was to find out but not happy with him rushing her.

“It still doesn’t say, ok?” She said and opened the door.

Moze didn’t come into the bathroom. He just paced back and forth across the living area. She watched him pace. His lack of patience annoyed her, which distracted her from her own lack of patience. She looked back down at the stick.

There was something there now…a line…it looked to be a single, lone line.

Or was it? There was the hint of another, vertical line running up the middle of it.

“Moze…I think…I think it’s positive.” She said.

He rushed over. “You think?”

“Here, take a look!” she said and fumbled the test into his hand.

He held it under the ceiling light and focused, trying to see the line had come up positive.

“I think…I think it’s a plus…” He said.

And then the lights went out.


  1. AlphaRed says:

    “He screamed and screamed and begged for mercy. But none came. She just picked up and dumped him in a drawer, causing yet more agony.”

    It’s scenes like this that get me. It’s horrific but in a way that keeps you reading. What is probably even worse, is that might just be her room in the Titan compound. That means there are Titans around Who conceivably would help him, but can’t hear him. Great stuf but oh so jarring.

    Loona’s growth as a character is amazing. Long time since she was a twenty something student.

  2. Barrowman says:

    That is realistic. But I expect that in those decades that a lot of Earthlings have gathered an enormous amount of information of all the other species and their territory, the general locations of all their important planets.
    In “The Debate” chapter one, 2157.
    [i]The cabinet meeting was nearing adjournment when Pane Segdi’s pad chirruped. She looked down, and her eyes widened.
    It wasn’t that she hadn’t known this was coming. They all had. Still, not even four months had passed since First Contact, and at that point, they’d been told it would be a year. Humans have created a practical warp drive on their own. The ship’s design, construction, and crew was all human[/i]
    With the Titans on Earth, humans on Titan station, the constant travel between Earth and Avalon in an warp 5 ship they purchased from the Empire and mixed relationships between Titans and humans. That equals an enormous amount of information.
    Earth’s technical advancement was already a lot faster than Titans anticipated. With Avalon and some Titans mixed in, it would be even faster.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Earth has undoubtedly gathered a lot of scientific information and accelerated its technological development. But Earth was so far behind the Empire that it still hasn’t caught up in most areas. It’d help if Earth and the Empire cooperated with each other more, but relations between them aren’t friendly enough yet.

      By the way, the building of the warp drive was almost certainly not accelerated by the use of information from the Empire. After Earth’s leaders found out about the Empire’s sentience classifications, they decided that Earth needed to build a warp ship as fast as possible, unaided, since that’d be the ultimate proof by the Empire’s own standards that humans are just as sentient as titans. Therefore the warp drive project was given additional funding. It was because of the extra funding that the warp ship was completed faster than originally expected.

      • Barrowman says:

        The point I wanted to make about the Earth warp drive, that Earth by itself did that more than 16 Earth years ago, 2157, 3 times sooner than Titans expected. First contact was made in 2155. “The Debate” ended in 2173, and Hybrid started. We are now in 2174 or 2175? Earth had a lot of contact with Avalon who possess a warp 5 ship, Zeno’s Paradox(Hybrid chapter 13).
        They are far behind, but not as far behind as the Titans or other major powers think. In 16 to 20 years they must have come up what very creative defensive weapons to deal with invasion or a war within the Solar System.
        That human warp 5 ship, that Avalon possess. Earth and Avalon could have find out a way the built more of these and armed them with weapons. With the new power source that drives the Acolytes, they could have built small warships of their own.
        Enough to win a fight against the weaker ships of the Titan Empire or Insectoids who think they can defeat Earth’s army in 1 hour.
        Niall and Darren probably already suspected those possible conflicts. I can’t see Darren betting everything on 12 acolyte fighters. They must have more warships in that Tau Ceti E factory. People working 24/7 all those years to make the best possible weapons.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    Wait, did Ridgemont just try to use the “let them stew a little” tactic? On a titan? Pro tip: their physiology makes titans far better at being patient than humans are. Don’t try to make them lose patience unless you have all the time in the world.

    Ridgemont’s moving of the goalposts was also hilarious. “The ambassador is just a diplomat, I want to talk to their government directly.” “Understood. I’m the Deputy Floor Leader.” “Pff, maybe if you were the Floor Leader herself, or the Emperor…”

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      “Pff, maybe if you were the Floor Leader herself, or the Emperor…”

      Loona can probably deliver an Imperial apology at the right moment and win the game, if domestic politics is really what’s driving Ridgemont. If she’s in league with the Empire’s enemies and really trying to clear the Titan presence without a shooting war with Earth in the middle I think the countdown clock is ticking.

  4. Storysmith says:

    Everyone. Do you remember that program that scorcha used when she was having issues to “help” her experience what it was like to be human? The one where her daddy had to pull her out of? Well I wanna vote on the ending of the story. All that say OpenHighHat should make it Myrell ends up in there at the end of the story….say aye.

    • Barrowman says:

      The best punishment for all psychopaths and some other Titans is to put them in there and that the giant version of themselves torture them with no end in sight. To have to look at yourself, knowing exactly what your giant self will do to you.
      But I trust the writers. For most enemies in the Titan series it didn’t end well. They were humiliated and everything was taken away from them and the lucky ones like Trell eventually got a painfull death.

    • Fade Away and Radiate.... says:

      Naw..I think she should have a date with Madam Guillotine …. Titan size with all the pomp and circumstances too..It could be an afternoon’s entertainment … fun for the entire family…yeah!

  5. Locutus of Boar says:

    First Loona and Ridgemont was well done and about as expected. Ridgemont acted rattled but whatever she is holding she didn’t play it so it looks like an easy win for Loona but that’s illusion and Loona should know she caved in too easily and while they are talking she still doesn’t know Ridgemont’s game.

    Secondly, obviously Duas is an amateur at being terrorized but Myrell should have known better than to kill her leverage because he might not have caved in under shock. Sephonie is likely still alive if not very well.

    When Myrell asked Pri about the pink hair I was expecting her to use the holosuite to trade places with Pri and cripple the reactor herself. It would have been a bit more credible sabotage but that scene does a lot to warrant Pri getting her just die later on.

    • Barrowman says:

      Myrell is not a smart person like Syon Fand or Solis. She is a Trell type. That impatient behaviour and addiction will be her downfall.
      I look foward to that meeting between Ridgemont, Loona, Nonah, Niall and Darren.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Myrell is not a smart person like Syon Fand or Solis. She is a Trell type.

        Uh-huh. And then there is the obvious similarity in the names meant to drive home the point. Makes one wonder where the insectoid geneticist got their Titan DNA for the hybrid? Maybe Brinn has a niece.

          • Barrowman says:

            We don’t know what she is. But she is obsessed about being the smartest of the family.
            Maybe indeed Brinn’s niece or Trell DNA? Myrell lookes like something that works for Syon Fand.
            Hybrid or not, she is stronger than the average Titan.
            But her planning is weird. She needed a human to do her work. Using Pri was not planned. She could have trained a human beforehand.

  6. Rapscallion says:

    Does the Gyfjon have human personnel? Or is that another fuding of the truth Loona did several times in her conversation? Isn’t it just Izzy? And do “human facilities” mean Izzy’s personal facilities? Darren said last chapter Avalon had 0 contact or cooperation with the Titan military.

    • NightEye says:

      Speaking of Loona fudging the truth :

      “I underestimated your level of understanding of Earth.”
      “I have taken a keen interest in Earth.”

      Huh… no. A few chapters ago, Eyrn had to tell Loona who was the current Secretary-General of the UN, in other words, the leader of Earth or at least tell her what Ridgemont was like because she pretty much had NOT taken any interest in Earth in quite a while. She admitted so herself.
      And her angle against Ridgemont was imagined by Darren, who knew how Ridgemont was likely to think. Loona didn’t have a clue.

  7. OpenHighHat says:

    Before you totally write off Pri, remember she has been with Myrell for over a year. And had 18 years of indoctrination. That’d mess up even the sturdiest of minds.

    • Rapscallion says:

      While one can pity her for her upbringing, she’s crossed an uncrossable line and now will hopefully suffer the consequences.

  8. sketch says:

    I had felt bad for Pri at first, but can’t have sympathy for someone who could watch Myrell work, on people who befriended her, without flinching.

    Negotiations are going well at least, thanks to Darren. Of course his lack of trust in Titans may come back to bite Loona’s efforts in the butt now that T Cet is going hot. Revelation of the Alcolytes is not too far off.

    I noticed though she focused more on what Nonah would say. And the way she builds up her friend: Loona smiled. “Have you seen her speak? She speaks very, very well. She’d make a phenomenal politician but she has too much integrity for that. She is an intelligent, articulate and honest woman. And she will be telling the people of Earth why they should not fear The Empire. She will tell Earth why we should be friends.”

    I’m sorry, but I can’t help but recall this bit by Chris Rock:
    “Whenever Colin Powell is on the news, white people give him the same compliments: ‘How do you feel about Colin Powell?’, ‘He speaks so well! He’s so well spoken. I mean he really speaks so well!’ Like that’s a compliment. ‘He speaks so well’ is not a compliment, okay? ‘He speaks so well’ is some shit you say about retarded people that can talk. What do you mean he speaks so well? He’s a fucking educated man! How the fuck did you expect him to sound, you dirty motherfucker? ‘He speaks so well.’ What are you talking about? What voice were you expecting to come out of his mouth? ‘Imma drop me a bomb today’, ‘I be Pwez o dent!’.”

    Pretty clear at this point Loona is barrowing her friend’s credibility and integrity since the Titans have none where it comes to humans. (I see shades of Colin Powell going before the UN before the Iraq war.)

    Ridgemont is right, in our own system that extends over an Earth lightyear, humans are granted territory with a radius of only a couple light hours. Hopefully Loona knows she really needs to build trust now. It would be uncharacteristically short sighted of her species to wait on that because humans can’t do anything about it right now.

    • Arbon says:

      The only real advantage humans would get from legal claim to their star system is the ability to place facilities, to fly freely, and to mine for resources. Resources they desperately need to mine if they want to build star-fleet material without tearing apart their home planet. There’s nothing that says Titans have to leave their existing base, or the area in general, for humans to use and monetize the resources right next to them. Or … is there?

      Okay there’s no real practical reason, but the political reason might be the Titans claiming everything past what was once the exclusion zone and thus making it illegal for humans to operate openly or freely within said territory. It’s reasonable to expect humans would want their own bases, military, mining, or civilian, on said territories if they’re capable of expanding to them. And the empire shutting down said expansion would be ridiculously hostile on top of everything else that’s happened.

      But nothing stopped each ships from reaching Avalon. The Titans and other races were actively assisting, or at least holding back with a desire to assist. I don’t think this claim of ownership is actively preventing human expansion, or at the very least humans haven’t tried to expand enough to the point where territorial claims would be a problem.

  9. Kusanagi says:

    Well any pity I had for Pri is entirely gone, it was one thing when I could think she was just ignorant of what would happen, but she didn’t even flinch with what Myrell did. In fact I’m starting to think Pri enjoys it.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I think that instead of Pri enjoying what Myrell did, she was happy that her job of cleaning and playing the friend to a couple of lesser humans was finally finished.

    • Soatari says:

      Holding out more would just be ignorant and obstinate. A good politician knows when to give and when to take. Standing her ground here would have been a mistake.

    • Rapscallion says:

      What’s absolutely bizarre is that she didn’t know about the Federation secession. It’s been several human days since it began, how does the most senior political figure on Earth not have a hint of intelligence from such a public and disruptive event as the Federation’s secession? After all these years (Like what, 25 Earth years now?) and Earth doesn’t have some sort of intel sharing scheme with Avalon or spies of its own in the Empire? There’s literally no way.

      I always assumed, like with the hearing for the new colony world, that the government was somehow censoring this very public info from the general populace to avoid the very thing we see now. It was the only possible explanation, but even that strained belief very seriously what with personnel on Titan station, a Titan embassy, and Earth ambassador, and trade with the Empire ongoing. In addition, many people in the know, like Ridgemont herself, stood to gain with such revelations so covering them up was against their own views and interests.

      I’ve never really bought into it, but I just try to look the other way, but putting Ridgemont, who was being portrayed as a smart if possibly dangerous person, into a weaker position of not knowing about another very public event in the Titan Empire is yet again a very bothersome plot convenience designed so our heroes get an easy win that makes the “bad guy/girl” look foolish or outplayed when they wouldn’t normally.

      • Arbon says:

        The same reason most Titans never realized humans had nuclear capacity and were making short trips through space? They don’t have a shared internet and for whatever reason people are still actively hiding things. There is no open communication between both parties. And apparently, very few people from earth are bothering to meet with anyone from the Empire. Neither Titan worlds, nor the worlds of the actually interesting aliens who are more than just giant humans.

        • Rapscallion says:

          @ Arbon

          What about spies or leaks from humans on Titan station, Avalon, or anywhere else in the Empire that does?

          • Arbon says:

            While the fact none exist after all this time is still a ridiculous breach of logic past the age of information, there does rise the rather pertinent question of how you’d get spies between two races who aren’t communicating. If little to no humans are going to any of the titan worlds and no one is hooking into any of the Titan media, nor combing through the backlog of all recorded media any the Titans have ever cataloged (same for the other races) while at the same time there are barely any Titans coming to earth, and fewer still who could be trusted to house Earth loyalties over Empire loyalties, who, exactly, would be doing the spying?

            Remotely? Send a drone in to try and hack some terminal somewhere? Pay someone to hook up an expensive live feed from Titan communications to earth and encode it in such a way that the titans don’t realize a message is being sent from there end? How fast can such data travel even if spy networks did exist?

            I suspect earth humans are simply too insulated from the universe at large, not having integrated enough into the surrounding cultures. Especially if data transmission has any delay to it, requiring ships to be sent back and forth for any data to travel, essentially putting everyone in the same information dynamics as what you’d see in the 1600s with people traveling by boat.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            The way I look at it they both isolate each other.

            Qorni doesn’t give a single solitary shit about Earth. So she doesn’t go to lengths to entertain the ambassador.

            At the same time Ridgemont looks to Earth and its own problems. Yes it is starting to venture out into space but it is an overpopulated rock struggling with a multitude of issues. And when it comes to dealing with Titans, would you want to listen to the opinions of a neighbour who considers you a primitive backwater? Better to craft your own message and let the world fall in behind you than accept reality.

          • Fade Away and Radiate.... says:

            “While the fact none exist after all this time is still a ridiculous breach of logic past the age of information, there does rise the rather pertinent question of how you’d get spies between two races who aren’t communicating.”


            Its not just ridiculous, its criminally negligent. And don’t give me the pap nanny state answer of “we have to protect you for your own good, as we really know whats best for you, just STFU” The anger of Earth population should not just be aimed at the Titans but at Earth’s leaders too. However what also strains logic is the general lack of desire on the part of the Terrans to know more about these bizarre giant aliens who look EXACTLY like us. I don;t see that happening in reel life. Shit man the NY Times (well not them) POST, Wall Street Journal, IHT, US Weekly, Buzz Feed? etc would set up foreign branches on Archavia, Aztilia, Grelau.. soon after first contact..

          • Fade Away and Radiate.... says:

            @ OHH

            “The way I look at it they both isolate each other.”

            Uhh, what?? I thought Los Titanos are regularly obsessed with their diminutive genetic cousins..They passed that conservation act, right? The sole purpose of that is to let Earth develop without outside interference. Why would they not want to know what is happening? See their handiwork..

            The Vulcans would not approve….

          • Fade Away and Radiate.... says:

            “And when it comes to dealing with Titans, would you want to listen to the opinions of a neighbour who considers you a primitive backwater? Better to craft your own message and let the world fall in behind you than accept reality.”


            Seriously? Willfully ignore a power that has godlike abilities and who could end your existence in a virtual heartbeat? ……suffice to say that I don’t find that view to be realistic..

          • OpenHighHat says:

            And as we all know a politician would never operate based on their own agenda rather than what is best for their constituents.

          • faeriehunter says:

            @Fade Away and Radiate….

            Regarding “they both isolate each other”, titans aren’t as boundlessly curious as humans are. After the Terran Conservation Act only a handful of military-approved scientific studies ever got to see anything about Earth, and what little knowledge was gathered didn’t spread. The Act may as well have been called the Earth Isolation Act. The situation has changed and contact with Earth is now possible, but the titans are slow to adjust to that fact. As usual. And the Empire’s current Floor Leader not giving a shit about Earth doesn’t help.

            Regarding the willful ignoring of a superpower, “better … than accept reality” pretty much says outright that Ridgemont is refusing to accept the reality of Earth’s position in the galaxy. That may be a stupid thing to do but it’s sadly not unrealistic. There have been plenty of leaders who deluded themselves about one thing or another.

          • Rapscallion says:

            @ Faerie and @ OHH

            Faerie, I’d agree with your second contention more if we had not seen Ridgemont admit in private that she has no intention of abrogating the treaty unless the Titans give Earth nothing. Basically, from what we’ve seen of her character so far she is a Earth…nationalist? Patriot? Something like that. But also she has been shown to be a smart player who recognizes the threats out there and knows Earth isn’t quite ready to stand on its own.

            I’d liken her to the leaders of Taiwan over the years, especially the most recent. If she isn’t intelligent, and is willfully ignorant of the way the universe is then we have not seen that. So to have her one moment nationalistic yet intelligent, then next moment short-sighted and willfully ignorant would make no sense from a character and story perspective. It’s clear from her conversation after he speech she understands Earth’s place at the time, and while she may be a bit too brazen or think that Earth won’t need Titans a few human years down the road, an immediate expulsion of Titan protection is clearly not what she was thinking 2 chapters ago. She also knows she has razor thin support on such an action from Earth’s leaders.

            OHH, understood that the two isolate each other, but for Titans is a passive isolation that results from an uncaring, superiority attitude and isn’t born out of fear or hostility. That means that Earth can do what it wants as long as it doesn’t bother the Empire. Meanwhile on Earth Ridgemont may be dismissive of Titans but she isn’t an idiot, nor would the many governments and militaries remaining be either. They would have a keen interest in securing Titan tech and goods and assessing potential threats, regardless of what Ridgemont thinks. I cannot fathom a world that isn’t falling apart, which Earth is not, not having serious clandestine and official interactions with Titans over the course of such a long time. I guess I really don’t understand the argument you are making for this ignorance towards the Titans.

          • faeriehunter says:


            Ridgemont stated she lacked the support to actually void the treaty. Whether or not she’d void the treaty if she could was left unclear. However, Ridgemont did confirm that she intended to drive the titans out of Earth’s solar system, and she was also thinking about denying the titans access to Titan Station if they didn’t cooperate enough, even though Titan Station is central to the Empire’s defense of the region. She also didn’t know that the Federation had seceded, and didn’t even recognize the Empire’s Deputy Floor Leader. Ridgemont may be smart, but I don’t think she’s really accepted that Earth isn’t quite ready to stand on its own.

          • Fade Away and Radiate.... says:

            @ Hunter of Faeries (HoF)

            “Regarding the willful ignoring of a superpower, “better … than accept reality” pretty much says outright that Ridgemont is refusing to accept the reality of Earth’s position in the galaxy. That may be a stupid thing to do but it’s sadly not unrealistic. There have been plenty of leaders who deluded themselves about one thing or another.”


            Its not just ignoring a superpower. Its the entire friggin’ galaxy which doesn’t make any sense to me. Humans still explore, have that drive even in times of turmoil..Heck, during most of the cold war half of the US was at odds with the other half and they still sent probes into space and landed men on the moon, out up a space station, sent out planetary probes….

            To not know or want to know is not credible – to me. Ridgemont may (probably) have an agenda as all politicians do, but in order to operate successfully they also must have the most accurate up to date information possible.

            And I’m not sure she is ‘refusing to accept reality of the situation’ It may very well be that she does and is playing Armac to gain leverage in future negotiations…or she might be playing up to her constituents..Or maybe both

      • NightEye says:

        Sometimes Earth is completly blocked off from any outside news, sometimes, data of all kinds travels freely, whichever fits the plot at that particular moment.

        The general tone is that nothing gets throught to Earth without the Empire’s permission, but you’re right, with the officers from Earth and Avalon on Titan station, that’s not very credible. Hell, a couple chapters ago, Alex’s sister did not flinch when she saw a giant hand in the video because she video calls Alex and Rixie so often. And they talk about the weather ? And nothing ever leaks ? Please…

        • NightEye says:

          I know the wiki is not canon if it contradicts the stories but here, it doesn’t, not explicitly : in the entry for the current leader of the Tribe’s business operation, Othello Zonela, one can read :

          The gamble paid off, in part thanks to a fortuitous mention of royal berries in Earth media, and the availabilty of royal berry juices and schapps on Titan Station and at the Rixie’s in the Titan Embassy on Earth.

          In 2165 AD (2171 MA), Othello’s vision came to fruition, as Earth authorized Tribe Maris products as one of the first legal food imports from the Empire. While Earth is still a small part of their market, it represents a significant growth opportunity.

          So you even have trade of products between Earth and the Empire. And no news leaks ? With business people talking ?

      • faeriehunter says:

        It’s mentioned in chapter 35 that after the ‘know your place’ video, general communications from the Empire were locked down in a bid to keep further videos at bay. Therefore I can understand the public not knowing about the Federation’s secession.

        Elaine Ridgemont herself however has no such excuse. Now, she’s always been portrayed as an isolationist, so I can see her wanting to have as little to do with the Empire as possible. But the ignorance Ridgemont is displaying in this chapter (both about the Federation and titans in general) has lowered my opinion of her even further. It doesn’t matter how unlikeable the superpowers are, any world leader worthy of the name must acknowledge that they exist and strive to know as much about them as possible. Otherwise you’re just burying your head in the sand.

          • faeriehunter says:

            I can’t talk for the writers, but here are some of my thoughts:

            In my opinion the general lack of contact between Earth and the Empire was largely caused by their governments agreeing to keep the status of humans in the Empire a secret for as long as possible. Eyrn and the others were undoubtedly hoping that humans would have been reclassified before the the secret was revealed, because it’s far easier to say “we used to enslave you but realized our mistake” than “we still keep you as slaves because we don’t like changing our ways”. But keeping the secret would have required keeping a tight rein on communications. As a result, Earth and the Empire haven’t had much of a chance to get to know each other, so the current relationship between Earth and the Empire is much poorer than it could have been.

            Frankly I think that Eyrn was a little naïve. She had probably convinced herself that keeping the secret was the best route to take because she figured that after humanity’s official reclassification the battle for emancipation would be near its end. This way Earth’s populace would be spared most of the nastiness. It’s not until chapter 35 that Eyrn realizes that reclassification is far from the last step on the road to emancipation. And I think that Eyrn will soon realize that her attempt to protect the humans of Earth from the Empire’s more flawed characteristics ended up backfiring. The Empire was too slow to change to prevent Earth from being confronted with the truth, and the resulting hostility was all too easily exploited by Earth’s enemies.

    • smoki1020 says:

      However, she knows if loona’s little friends go to tv , this wil impact her negatively , and ICJ’s threath behind she can’t play tough.

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